Mina’s Multi-Year Roadmap – Future of ZK Programmability

Recorded: April 7, 2023 Duration: 1:02:48



Hey everyone, this is Madeline from Mina Foundation. We'll be getting started in just a few minutes, but we're going to give people a moment to jump into the space and then our lovely Tosh will kick it off.
Hello everyone, thank you so much for joining us today for a deep dive into Mina's multi-erode map. My name is Tash and I'm Director of Communications at Mina Foundation and I'm very excited to be joined by you all and also Evan and Dor will be sharing more about the long-term vision for Mina
the ecosystem and all that good stuff. So for anyone who doesn't know, Evan Shapiro is the co-founder of Miner Protocol and the CEO of Miner Foundation and Doug Arbash is Miner Foundation's head of ecosystem. Hopefully you're both on the spaces right now, how are you both doing?
Good things, yeah. You're very excited and a good morning or good any other time of day for all you listeners. That's awesome. I think there's quite a lot of people here on the spaces. I
I think there'll be a lot of time zones here. But yesterday it was an amazing milestone for me and a protocol. The new multi-erode map was launched and I must say the anticipation and the atmosphere has been absolutely absolutely electric. There's been so
much excitement for what's to come. If you're tuning in, if you're listening live and you have any questions, by the way, please do reply. In this space, we'll be answering questions towards the end and if you want to come on stage, we'll be having opportunities for you to ask questions
directly. But today we'll be speaking all things multi-year road map. So let's start off at the beginning. Evan, can you kick us off then by telling us what prompted the creation of this road map and how it came about?
Yeah, I mean, let's see. So I think for a while there are a lot of ideas floating around the ecosystem for like all the possibilities for Mina and we realize that well each person with different ideas realize that
They weren't really anywhere that anyone could discover it. And they also weren't saying to cross all the different people with the ideas. So this was like an attempt to put that all together. Both to like have a place for all the awesome ideas to live, but also as a place to like communicate out.
what I think is like a very exciting and ambitious plan for what a layer one could look like that. I think is both like very technically interesting. It's very like impactful in terms of the feature of delivers. It I think also like kind of puts
forward vision for like what it looks like to build, you know, and the ultimate in my mind, L1. So it was excitement at putting that together and having
that artifact out there. That's awesome and if anyone's listening here hasn't checked out the roadmap yet you can see a link to it above in the space here and clearly a lot of thought and effort has gone into this. Dore, how does this type of roadmap set me apart?
Yeah, think this
I think the main thing is there is a
long-term intention behind it. And that intention is that we think being part of the Miner community, being part of our ecosystem, it's not a spectator's sport.
It's a full contact sport where we all collaborate together, work together, make decisions together and realize our vision of a network that's truly powered by participants.

FAQ on Mina’s Multi-Year Roadmap – Future of ZK Programmability | Twitter Space Recording

Who is Madeline?
Madeline is from Mina Foundation.
Who is Tash?
Tash is the Director of Communications at Mina Foundation.
Who are Evan and Dor?
Evan is the co-founder of Miner Protocol and CEO of Mina Foundation, while Dor is the Head of Ecosystem at Mina Foundation.
What was launched recently?
The new multi-year roadmap was launched recently.
What was the inspiration behind the roadmap?
The inspiration behind the roadmap was to have a place for all the ideas for Mina to live and to communicate an ambitious plan for what a layer one could look like.
Where can one find the roadmap?
The link to the roadmap is available above in the podcast space.
What is the purpose of the roadmap?
The purpose of the roadmap is to communicate a long-term vision for Mina and its ecosystem.
What is the ultimate goal of Mina?
The ultimate goal of Mina is to build an L1 network that is technically interesting, impactful in terms of the features it delivers and provides a vision for what it looks like to build an L1.
What sets Mina apart?
The long-term intention behind Mina's roadmap sets it apart, as it encourages collaboration and working together to realize a vision of a network powered by participants.
Is there an opportunity to ask questions during the podcast?
Yes, there will be opportunities to ask questions directly during the podcast.