mindful monkz 🤝 postmint - mint + campaign details

Recorded: June 23, 2023 Duration: 0:49:31



that he gets you on as a co-host.
Oh, hey, how's it going sir? How's your morning going pretty good man pretty good things are firing I freakin had a late night last night my brain was just Going crazy racing dodge just stoked and everything so I'm running kind of on low fuel, but I'm stoked. I love to hear it
I saw that you guys are making some progress on the mint and congratulations on launching the project. It's exciting. I love to see the early traction. Obviously, we're here today to talk about the Postman campaign.
just what the monks are all about and very, very excited for this partnership and to help elevate your project with Postman, increase the awareness, the engagement and the growth of the community and also just help activate your early community and set the
those folks. You know, right out the gate, let's just like hit a heavy hit it one. Like I saw somebody was already scamming the project and so it was like copying the art and doing like a free man. What's going on there? Yeah, I don't know, dude. Someone in our
in our Twitter chat was like, "Yo, these people are impersonating us already." Well, at first I was kind of like, "Oh, that's kind of shitty." But then I was like, "Wait, that's kind of a good sign." People are seeing this art and they're trying to already flip it as their own. That's kind of a good sign. So I think it was bullish overall. Yeah, I was
I was a bit surprised to see it. I haven't seen something like that out of the gate in a while. By the way, this is Chainlink Bull live from the Twitter account of Postman, the co-founder of Postman. I also, yeah, I met Jay a while ago, the founder of Michael
going to go on the backstory. But we can give it five, man. Not problem. I've shared this space with a few folks. Let me let me share it with a few more, man. Tell me more, are you just working on this these days?
anything else going on. I know you're obviously a photographer and you know you have a clothing company. Is the clothing company still happening? Yeah for sure so the clothing company is still kind of like my passion project. It doesn't really pay the bills yet but it's just something that I love to work on and but the monk's project is kind of overtaken
in that just because it's like an extension of that brand. But my day to day just to pay the bills, I still do photo and video work for brands. So that's kind of what I do to get by, but Web3 is kind of my dream is to be full-time Web3. So it feels like it could become a reality any time now.
Yeah, man, it's been cool, but that's kind of all my focus has been on the monks for the past probably two months And then here and there I'll do like a brand shoot just to kind of pay the bills. So it's been cool, man. It's been awesome Yeah, I love to see it. I love you know that you're just going all in on the project
And you know, you've had some success in the NFT space for sure. You know, not to go too deep on the project yet, just talk about the photography. I remember how you did a palm tree collection. I was one of the oldest or earliest
collectors of like Will, the founder of Weather Report, his palm tree collection and I remember seeing yours pop up and yeah man I like the art and I've always been a fan so what I would I met you you know at the Weather Report party it was
to link there. So yeah, no, that was super cool, dude, because I'd never really met someone in person in the space who like knew who I was or was like, oh, dude, that was you who launched that. And it was just a super cool experience. But yeah, kind of a little back story and how I got into F.C.'s actually started with photography because
I've been a photographer for almost eight years now. And I had always been into crypto. Back in 2017, I bought Ethereum and Bitcoin and sold it during the pump and never looked at it again. But I was always really interested in the space. And so then, 20-21 came along about two years ago.
And I saw all my well not all but a few of my photographer friends were putting up collections as NFC's and I was like what the hell is an NFT dude and Went down the rabbit hole and just became obsessed with it Launched a couple of my own photography collections and those sold out both of them. This is during the bull run
And so I was like, just so stoked on the space. And some of my collectors were like really cool thought leaders in the space. So I kind of got into really cool circles right away. And that segwayed into obviously trading bigger NFT projects and becoming a trader and just, you know, going down the rabbit hole and getting fully entrenched in the space.
So that's kind of how I got my start was through art and photography and it's kind of evolved over over the course of two years so Yeah Just just curious, you know mindful society, you know, you have this clothing company Do was that was that you know predating the NFT
You know selling or were you just doing that afterwards? What where did that come into play? Yeah, so mindful society which is basically it's it's what my clothing brand so I launched that in 2020 so it was about a year before I discovered NFTs and We launched that brand
And on Kickstarter, which is a crowdfunding platform. And essentially what the brand is is affirmation based apparel. So every sale we donate to mental health charities across the world. And basically our hoodies and clothing basically just has like positive messages and we're trying to create a cool community around that.
And so we've shipped orders to all 50 states through that brand and then I became obsessed with NFCs and just went full bore and 10 fcs and that's when I had the idea of like Why don't we extend the same vision and values into an NFC project just because the power of community is so large here And I kind of saw saw a need
for a more positive community and that's kind of the goal is like I want this project to be the most positive community on the blockchain. When you see the monks you know that they're vibing over there, that's kind of the dream. So that's where that started and yeah so this project is basically an extension of that brand that I founded a year before.
for discovering NFTs. That's great because it's like you start mindful society, positivity based clothing brand, you sort of segue into the NFTs space selling, you know, like nature NFTs, you have the palm tree collection, you know,
you have the Bali collection a lot of just nature focused stuff and now you're sort of you know make it full circle you're you're sort of coming back to the roots with the monks and yeah I mean yeah it sounds sounds like a great direction and you know like something really needed for for the space
Yeah, especially with a lot of NFT projects are kind of about like tearing other NFT projects down and you know, it's a much more adversarial at its it's really cool mate. So yeah, what about the the art direction of the
months. What inspired it? I see you are writing on the project that it's like hand drawn rather. Who is the artist and what's the story there? Yeah, so first off going off the last point of affirmation based apparel, if you look at some of the traits, we have affirmation
So some of them like the shirts say grateful and all we have is now and just subtle kind of reminders for mindfulness. And so that's actually translated from the brand and some of the shirt designs are actually the same physical shirt designs on the traits. But yeah, so I found a really cool artist out of Indonesia. His name is
him and he specializes in really dope spiritual one-of-one work and so I hit him up probably a year and a half ago. I mean it's been in the works for a long time and I said hey man have you ever worked on a P.F.P. collection? I love your work and he's like no I haven't so we automatically just
got on a call and he was down to do it. And I just really wanted a unique art. I didn't want to go on Fiverr and just hire someone who, you know, could do it really quick and spin it up. I wanted someone to take their time on it and really like dial it. So kind of what happened was I had all these trade ideas in my mind, but obviously I'm not a
talented digital artists. So I kind of wrote down every single trait in a Google Excel sheet. I think I wrote down maybe 180 traits and then attached like inspiration or examples in that sheet, sent it over to him and he just went one by one through each trait.
And he would send me each straight and we'd go back and forth and back and forth until we kind of perfected it. And I really wanted like, "Art that pops, art that had really good colors." And just to vibe that when you go to the collection, it just feels like it has energy, good energy. And so that's kind of the origin of the art and how that started.
Yeah, that's a really great story. Yeah, I'm just curious. Is he in the NFT space at all? Or you sort of onboarded him? Yeah, so he was in the NFT space.
he's selling one of once on like foundation stuff like that and that's still what he does and he's worked with a couple of their projects so he he's a freelancer so his his like main gig is doing freelance work for brands and he designs a lot of clothing and stuff like that
He's involved as a full-time artist, but he does have a monk and he's really into it, so he's the homie for sure.
Yeah awesome and did you meet him like through the NFT art space or like following him on Instagram? How do you initially link up? Yes, I actually found him on Instagram and then went over to his Twitter and noticed that he was selling one of ones So yeah, that's kind of where I found him was on Instagram and it was already a project
that he was kind of familiar with the Web 3 space already. Yeah awesome. So I'm just curious, segling a bit to like the community today. Who are the folks that have like gravitated towards the project? I'm sure you have a couple dozen at least.
you know, folks who have minted and sort of joined the discord and the telegram and yeah who are the folks who are a part of it today? Yeah man, it's been really really positive to be honest because honestly when we didn't mint out right away and it's kind of been a slow cook but I like to say it's not a height mint it's a movement
And at first, you know, it was like, oh shit, what's going to happen with this? And then I just kept going, kept going, kept going. And it seems like instead of doing a height mint, we've attracted the right people. Like we're attracting the people who want to be here, who genuinely, like took the time to look at the art, to look at the vision and the message of the project.
So it's been really positive, man. We haven't had one person who's like, you know, talk shit or fudded or whatever you want to say. Like it's been super, super positive even though it has been like a slow cooker mint. And I'd say we're just attracting people who are kind of into the, into the same vibe and message of just
a really positive community, a place where people can talk about their mental health and yeah it's just kind of a safe space and it seems like we're attracting people who are who are just really wholesome, genuine people so it's been really cool dude. Yeah that's great to hear. I think that sort of seems like the
case like with the lower costments, you know, it's like super accessible. Anybody who wants to be there can be there and yeah, it's not necessarily a gatekeeping. Anybody who wants to be in any one of these communities, right out the gate.
Yeah, man, it's great to see you on honestly some of the best projects I've seen the space I've been a part of in the space You know had these sort of slower mince and you know all in divine timing so yeah, it's great to see what what's the you know, what's the the state of the mint?
today. I mean, is it like, you know, a thousand minted 500, you know, how many holders and how many minted so far? Yeah, so currently, I woke up this morning and we had like 30 mints overnight. So we're currently we're sitting at three or 730 mints total. We've got a hundred
180 unique holders and just yesterday we had almost 100 new mentors so it's been slow and steady growth but yesterday was Honestly our biggest day since the launch so people are starting to find this man and the thing is I'm a one-man team so I didn't have any like pre-mortem to do a bunch of influence or pushes and
or anything like that so this has been completely organic and like like I said people are finding us and getting attracted to the to the project in the right way so yeah man it's been a slow bit steady race but uh yeah every day it's growing bigger and bigger and people are really stoked on it so um it's been cool yeah I saw that you guys are like
running like a one-eat bounty if if if a particular NFT is minted. Can you talk a little bit more about that? Yeah, dude, honestly, I just put that out there because I want I want to rock that as my PFP forever. But basically that's the the gold master monk. So that's a one-of-one.
one. It's the only token that has all gold traits. And yeah, I just thought anyone who minced that, I'll offer them one e if they don't want to sell it, that's fine. But basically I just want to make that my PSP forever. And so that's kind of why I put that bounty out there. Oh, give me a shot. I didn't realize it's good as you actually
want to buy it off them and not just like they mint it then they get an e. So it's good to get the clarification there. Maybe I should clarify that on the tweet. They know apologies. I don't want to I don't want to fudge but you know now if I go and mint it
Man, I'm not selling man.
I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man. I'm just joking man.#
with the project like, you know, is there going to be some sort of like IRL meditation or, you know, like, you know, wellness retreat or, you know, you know, any other like things for the community to look forward to utility wise.
Yeah, for sure. So I'm a dreamer man. I have big dreams and big goals with this And so the first we're gonna start small, you know, I want to make physical and digital products that just help people be happier humans man And so the first thing I want to build is actually a chrome extension or browser extension
called "MonkTab" and essentially what it does is when you're on your browser it replaces your new tab window. So instead of just having a blank new tab window when you're browsing the web you'll have a dashboard where you can set your intention for the day, there'll be a gratitude journal, a priority list,
a daily quote and then NFT analytics for the day. So it's essentially just a dashboard where our holders can hang out and I'm going to turn that into basically a revenue generating product as well because I don't know if you've heard of any companies but there's a
company called Momentum Dash and their only product is a productivity Google Chrome extension. That's it. So I'm essentially creating a Web 3 version of that but they're a million dollar company. They have 20 employees and they have one product and that's a browser extension. So I see this as an example.
to not only give holders utility and a place to work on their mindfulness and productivity, but something that can generate revenue for the business as well. That's kind of the first piece of utility I want to build, and then I want to obviously token gate the apparel store.
and offer discounts for holders and merch and stuff like that. And then later down the road, you know, if we were to succeed and do the things the right way, I would really want to do some in-real life activations. And like you said, I want to do some wellness retreats and bring in professionals. And yeah, just have a
really good time with people in real life and even do like home builds down in Baja or something like that like host and fund a home build. I just did one of those two weeks ago with another organization down in Baja Mexico and it was absolutely life changing so if I could do things like that with my holders in real life and just
You know give back to humanitarian work stuff like that so that's kind of like the long-term road map in vision so yeah man that's basically it. Yeah that's great to hear that you have plans you know with what you want to do with the money that is
But the mint proceeds. I know it's not like it's not like there's no promises in these NFT projects and you know people are buying it for the art and to hear that you know you have you know some plans around you know delivering you know value for the you know the community and
and really working with resources at your fingertips. That's great, man. It's not like you're running away with the money to go to Baja yourself and build a home. That's great to hear, man. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
- Yeah, no, I wanna do actual shit that is impactful. So that's kind of the goal. And like you said, there's no promises, but I'm gonna try my best. That's what I have in my mind and that's my vision for it. And if we can achieve those things, amazing. But I'm gonna be here and I'm gonna grind it out. So yeah, man, I'm really stoked for word-tetting.#
Yeah, I love that. It makes me want to mint one. At least for the gratitude journal, I know a lot of people who gratitude journal, not on a Google Chrome extension necessarily, but that seems like a logical place to have.
have one. And yeah, I just never heard of that before. And yeah, but obviously these optimization apps are, I mean, a lot of things are just moving to Chrome extensions. I mean, my Chrome extension list is like 20 something strong now. So I'm adding one every, every,
You know every while and especially around NFT analytics, you know social media analytics. I know at postman we're looking at building our own chrome extension eventually for submitting tweets and you know just you know increasing usability for our app through a chrome extension. So yeah that seems like a great
market to be building in and yeah that's awesome to hear that you guys were thinking along those lines. Yeah man, I appreciate it. Is there a way to pin tweets to the top? I'm not sure how to do that but I probably... Yeah I think I made you a co-host so you should be able to pin tweets to the top.
I'm not sure a button to click but yeah, there's basically a tweet that I put out that has a whole preview of what the dashboard will look like so I've already built out kind of like the visual of it Oh Damn, yeah, let me let's see if we can get that up there You know I actually don't know how to do that. Oh, okay
I'm actually rocking like an older version of Twitter on my third. Maybe that's why. I know probably it's all good. That's the chase laughing in the audience. Yeah, and for some reason it's not giving me the option now. He's a big community guy. He knows how to do it. Yeah, we have
We have some good friends in the audience. I see Chase's from MDMA and they're a marketing agency in the space and a few others. Yeah, I also see friends automated in the space. I noticed you guys have a really nice sales bot built out right away.
Yeah, that's a great growth marketing tool just to like, you know, you know, it's advocacy that the project has momentum. And yeah, just to briefly segue back into the actual, you know, mint itself and in the mums, you know, I saw that summer already selling on on the open market and you know, you guys are
for like an instantaneous, you know, like reveal. And so, you know, folks know that they've like gotten, you know, a rare one out the gate, you know, I mean, there's no waiting time. How do you think that's influenced things so far? Yeah, um, that was kind of a big decision that I made is because, like I said, we didn't have a lot of
of pre-ment hype, we didn't have a lot of pre-ment marketing to get the word out. So we didn't really have much exposure. But I knew that once people saw the art, it would start to kind of snowball and people would start to take notice. And that's a reason why I did Instant Reveal. Because I thought, hey, if we get, you know, a few minutes on the first day and people start
sharing it, then that'll get a lot more notice than just a placeholder image where people are like, "Okay, what's the art look like?" So that was kind of the idea there is I wanted the art to be out there right away. I wanted it to be shared right away. And I wasn't interested in a bunch of hype up to a review
just trying to get secondary volume. I really wanted to share the art that we had been building for six months. So that's kind of the reasoning there. And I think it's cool, man. I think it's cool that people can see what they got right away and they can keep minting until they hit it rare. And it just creates kind of cooler game theory, in my opinion. But
Yeah, that's kind of the thinking behind that. Yeah, awesome. Maybe this is a good time to sort of dive into, you know, a few more details around, you know, the collaboration with Postman and, you know, launching a campaign on Postman. So, you know, the campaign isn't launched yet. It's, you know, coming later today and, you know,
Maybe it won't go live really for a day or so But curious about you know, you know how much are you rewarding the community and also I know you had intentions to do a token gate around the campaign so you know only folks or holders of your NFT can participate
with the potential to earn from promoting the project in the community. How much are you guys going to be rewarding again? I think for the first campaign we had agreed on doing a $400 budget, but dude I'm really stoked on this man. When you hit me up about this I thought it was genius.
and I was so stoked because it's such a new new company and not many projects has utilized it yet. But yeah, it's essentially ascentsivizing people to tweet like they already would about the project, which is really, really cool. So yeah, man, I'm stoked for that. But you can go deeper into like the technical side of it and all
that. Yeah, I think we're going to start with $400 as the total campaign pool for this one. Okay, awesome. Yeah, I think as you, I think the intention is to, you know, have a token or gate around the campaign. So yeah, if anybody listening, if you're looking to join the campaign, that would mean that you
need to be a holder of a mindful monk in order to access the campaign. And so, you know, that's a, that's a feat of the postman platform is, you know, you can shoot these different sort of gates and, you know, it allows folks who are already a part of your community who have skin in the game to automatically access
the campaign. And otherwise, generally, you have to have the campaign creator manually accept individuals. And this is how we're limiting airdrop farmers and folks who aren't really part of the campaign farming the subsidies for social
engagement and content creation around the campaign. Super, super stoked that you guys are utilizing that gate. Even if the campaign is live on our bitch drum, you'll be able to have the token on Ethereum and Mainnet. If you're using the same address,
they get you know works just fine so yeah it's it's a seamless system and yeah man it's we've had a ton of success with it previously the L toads and different NFT project they were running L toad gated campaigns and you know they ran one with like 500 link and you
You got to have seven L-toads to be able to access that campaign and man they got like dozens. They must have got like 50 or 60. I'm not sure the number but folks who joined that campaign who were buying the NFTs so that they could be a part of that campaign.
Yeah, that's great to see. Yeah, I'm not going to promote your project by any means. Just because I don't want to say, or any project, really, buy this. But it's great to see folks who are just getting themselves with skin in the game.
in order to access the opportunity and it adds on alignment that is really not present in the other request apps today if you're familiar with it. Yeah, dude for sure and I saw El Toge they were kind of in a similar boat as us like their mint was ongoing while they launched that campaign and
it really propelled some of their growth. Do you mind giving just kind of like a very high level overview of what postman actually is and kind of what, you know, the participants do in order to get rewarded? I would love to kind of have like a overview for the people in the audience. Yeah, so postman is essentially a platform that
that facilitates programmatic incentives for user generated content. And so, you know, like the quick and dirty of that is it's automating ambassador programs. And so ambassador programs today in Web 3 and beyond, you know, it's really around, you know, providing
incentives for folks who are your customers, your community members to do word of mouth marketing around your brand. A lot of ambassador programs give people merch, they give people the products that they're talking about.
out that they're facilitating marketing for in a very organic fashion. But we at Postman believe that in Web 3, the incentive should be a token because we're in the blockchain space, we're in the Web 3 space. It doesn't really make sense to give folks
like non-monetary rewards because this space is about value transfer. So a lot of other quest apps, they might pay you a badge or a database point. But since we're in Web 3 and we really want to sort
of state true to that tenant, we want people to get rewarded in on-chain attestations and especially on-chain attestations that are going to be a source of sustenance and allow them to prosper. So what it amounts to is a next
generation like gig economy opportunities. So, you know, as a content creator in the space, you know, you're able to access these opportunities and earn from, you know, promoting the communities and brands that you love. And yeah, you're already a part of.
It's really about activating the community and that's why we build the project. In the bear market, one of the first things to fall out is the community really. The price goes down and the vibes go down. All of a sudden, it only takes a few
you know bad apples in a community, you know, a very vocal minority to drag down a lot of the vibes of a lot of people who don't really even care about the price. Like they're in it for being a part of an online tribe, really, when it comes to NFT or
DeFi or really any web 3 community, it's like, yeah, people are there to make money, but people are also there for the vibes and the vibes are often hindered when the content doesn't flow. So yeah, we're super excited to bring this product to market and we've shipped it in the bear and sort of like
you know seeing how uh... you know there's sort of like flashes of bull market that pop up over you know the last months and and what not and uh... it's it's very exciting to sort of like you know imagine how this platform is going to grow into the next bowl uh... if and when it comes and uh...
Yeah, it's exciting because already at least with the L-toads, they were able to mint out with the aid of a few different postman campaigns and they're facilitating growth marketing for like chain link projects and I would love to see postman
help enable the mindful monks because you guys are promoting positivity and mental health awareness and awareness of tools around promoting those things.
Yeah, you guys are a great same. How was your stoked when you
Yeah, well, I just thought the genius, the idea was genius, man. I was like, wait, our community's already tweeting this things, but they can get paid for it now. Like it was just, it clicked right away. So yeah, man, I'm stoked to see where it leads. Yeah, and it also provides a way to like direct some of the mint proceeds back.
to the community who are actually growing the project. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah, because it's not a one-man team. The only reason we had 100 minutes yesterday is because the 180 holders were just going crazy on Twitter. There's no way I could have done it alone. And so this will just amplify it even more.
Yeah, awesome. I mean, those folks, they're not your employee, but they are a part of the team. I think projects, moving towards a model that they're actually seeing the community
Like as part of the team is like that that's really key moving forward and sort of like you know building alongside them and like with them Because they're like enabling like the whole thing to flow like it actually like is all about community at the end of the day and I think a lot of folks
sort of like got detached from that or like they didn't, you know, they lost the script on that. Like that, you know, it is actually a community based, you know, ecosystem, you know, whether you're in, you know, NFT or DeFi or, you know, anywhere within Web 3.
Yeah, I completely agree. I think it's the only industry that exists where your holders become so incentivized that they basically become team members like you were saying. And so it's just, yeah, it's just amazing, man. And that's the reason that I segue it from just, you know, having that apparel brand in
But I say this all the time, but I don't think community members in Web 3 realize this, but they are like the affiliate marketers of the projects that they support. And really the balance in the
relationship, it was like, you know, very like the value-stracting side on like the projects that were there not like, you know, allowing the community to engage in the value creation a lot of the time, unless like the community members, you know, buy a bag and chill and dump, right? That's like the only model to sort
So yeah, with Post-Mint, we're providing projects like the monks to enable the community to sort of earn alongside the project and actually engage with the project and throughout its cycle.
Obviously, there's no guarantees around the opportunity, but it's a work based opportunity. Folks are only getting paid for the growth they provide, and nothing is guaranteed. Buying a monk and joining the campaign,
It's not necessarily going to make you anything, but there is an opportunity there. It's a competition. It's like I say, it's like the World Series of Poker for community content creators. So yeah, excited to enable you guys.
Dude, for sure. And with that $400 campaign budget, can you kind of explain how that's like divvied up between the top performers or how that actually works on the back end of the campaign?
Yeah, so I think you guys have opted for a USDC campaign and yeah, it's going to be either top heavy or you know custom and so that's going to ensure you know basically the top 10 or so are going to you know earn you know tens of dollars at the minimum and you know
maybe the first place they're going to earn 200 to $100. I think that having a disparity between the top earner and folks at the lower end, it allows for great
and basically different types of content creators or folks who are engaging can earn different amounts. I think these custom campaigns that we've been doing have been going really well and sort of at the bottom end.
bit of a flatter payout and at the top it's like more exponential. So back to the poker analogy, these poker tournaments, you have to score at the very top to make the money. I think with Postman it's no different. We really want the
to compete in order to drive the highest amount of awareness, engagement, conversion. And at the end of the day, it's about driving high-value conversion to the project. And so getting paid
on postman means that you're actually driving on or off-chain conversion and in this case with the project, in its mint stage, the idea is that this content that's being created and distributed is actually going to be potentially
contributing towards this project minting out and earning revenue in that mint. What we saw previously with the LTOs, they were doing a few thousand dollars of ad spend.
You know, the revenue is on the order of six figures from that. So it's exciting to see how, you know, actually paying the community, you know, a small amount can actually drive, you know, like many multiples, you know,
of the management. I mean, it's not guaranteed, not necessarily. But I'm excited to see how this one evolves and every single one of these campaigns is sort of like an experiment because no two communities are the same.
And past performance isn't indicative of future results either, but at the end of the day it's exciting to see how communities evolve and become activated with these incentives. And I think NFC projects in particular like the monks, they actually, I think, will end up doing the best from
These sort of activation tools because folks want to show off their monk. Especially with the instantaneous reveal that you guys have. You want to just tweet about your monk. You mint it. You join the campaign because it's token gated.
tweet about your monk with a photo of your monk containing the correct tags of the campaign and then you submit that tweet on postman and you're good. That's a no-brainer and anybody who's doing that has a chance to get a couple bucks
back that they spent on the monk itself. So yeah, I mean, it feels like a no-brainer to me. I think, you know, even if I wasn't even competing to win the top prize, you know, I mean, there's a lot of incentive just to just to send it, you know, what, why not? There's really nothing to lose.
Yeah, absolutely man, and I just think it's it's so natural like you said like you know You meant a monk and then you have one extra step between the thing that you would already do which is tweet about the project that you just invested in right? So I think it makes total sense and I love that it's experimental man I love that you guys haven't had a lot of clients
some campaigns yet because I'm just down to try new things and I'm always trying to you know throw things at the wall and see what happens and I think that's the way to succeed is to just try shit over and over again and I don't mean to take the words out of Frank D. God's mouth but you know try shit learn shit and do it again so
So, yeah, man, I'm stoked for this. And I'm kind of curious how the leaderboard is actually curated. Is it based on impressions? Is it based on engagement? Just so, you know, the people who might want to sign up for this kind of have an idea of how to rank on that leaderboard. Yeah, that's a great question. I think, you know,
The number one thing around investment is trying to guard against people really like batting their campaigns or the participants batting their participation metrics. Along those lines, we're sort of focused on views and impressions over likes.
and retreads. So, like, you know, likes and retreads are factored into our scoring algorithm. And also, we have manual ratings that can be done on the platform itself. So, all those are playing more of a minor role. And what we're really focused on at the end of the day are like the view, the view metrics.
the impression metrics. Yeah, just that's what the people pay the big bucks for. And sort of like the other things are more like vanity base, which still accounts for something. But yeah, we don't update the leaderboard until the scoring is complete.
So the epoch, the length of the campaign is seven days. And so at the end of seven days, we do some pruning of the campaign to make sure folks who aren't having a relevant post or are not containing the correct tags. Those sort of things aren't going to get scored.
end of seven days, the scoring occurs automatically and folks will see their spot on the leaderboard and they'll be able to claim their rewards if they earned any relative to their place in the leaderboard. So I think we don't necessarily have the leaderboard position rewards fleshed out for every
your guys' campaign yet. We're still hammering those details out to make it accessible and increase the opportunity for more participants. But yeah, folks will be able to claim USDC right when the campaign is done.
were very proud of that. And sort of like that, I just got off the call last night, like three in the morning with the partner that was telling me how they were, were, were, were, they had ran an ambassador program where they were paying people out manually.
they literally have like 300 people to pay out and and they're he's saying like oh yeah well it's gonna take us like like a couple like another week like you know it was killing him so yeah it's just yeah it's great that we're able to do this in automated fashion and yeah it's really
like a 10X on, you know, like running this sort of thing manually yourself. And even if you have a growth marketing background, it's like, yeah, this is just, this is a no-brainer. And it also like folks love the leaderboard and, you know, having your campaign on a platform where other people are, you know, participating in
other campaigns, you get sort of like crossover, like I know some folks from like the L toad community for instance, like they're gonna likely come into the campaign and participate and who knows they might, you know, mint a few and yeah just anybody we've already part
over the shapeshift and a few other companies recently, like ASAP bought, so some DeFi stuff. A lot of eyes are on the platform and people will see the monks on there and perhaps get interested in joining the community, which at that end of the day, we
want to foster a strong post-mute community and welcoming the monks to the post-mute community, to the post-mute platform, and where we're excited to have those folks in your community bring the positive vibes to our community and potentially to other campaigns that they see on there and join.
beautiful man. Hell yeah dude thanks for you know clarifying all that stuff but yeah man I'm absolutely stoked for this I'm excited to see where it leads and I just hope that we can be another great case study for you guys honestly so yeah that's that's the idea man I mean I'm I'm heavily invested in
success of the monks. I mean, yeah, since meeting a man, and I remember, you know, when you initially like launched the monks brand, even it was like a while back. And I think I think I think we were messaging about postman like right away.
And so, you know, just seeing the project come to fruition and, you know, today we're like, you know, you guys are a couple days into mint and, you know, we got, we have the collab going and the campaign is, you know, forthcoming. It's about to go live in a day or so. Like, it's as great to see the evolution of things.
and yeah man yeah stay grinding man I love the work ethic J and yeah man it's it's a journey that I'm happy to be here on with you dude same here man it's it's so cool how for full circle it's been I mean I saw you in L.A. just you're just a random dude in line
with me man we just vibe right away we're from the same city and it's yeah man it's I think I messaged you over a year and a half ago about this project and so here we are man so yeah I didn't even realize it was that long ago that you started working on it so yeah I mean we must have just like started
going on postman, you know, and Phil and I, my co-founder, we linked up like last, last March. So yeah, it must have been right when we were sort of like, you know, getting the MVP together and like super, super early stage in the project. And you know,
I was like facilitating some like some selling like pre-product selling so you know try to get some partners in and yeah man I mean everything in divine timing and so yeah great to see you know our platform go live you know recently you know Garner some really successes some really wins and then
Yeah, you guys are obviously just getting going so yeah, it's just perfect perfect timing man. So yeah thrilled I totally agree dude same here. Yeah, so for everybody listening in the audience Exact details around the campaign or forced company
the next 48 hours the campaign will begin and you know make sure to watch out for posts on the postman account on on the monks account around those details. If you're interested in joining the postman platform today we're live x dot postman xyz.
We have a campaign live right now around our ref link product that we built in the Chamberlain Cacathon. We're giving away 100 link with that campaign and you can join today. There's still you know a day or so left in that campaign. So make sure of your interested in participating there.
to join and earn your share of the link if you make it to the top of the leaderboard. So yeah, happy to have you guys on the platform students. So yeah, look forward to it, Jay. Thank you so much for coming on today. Any final thoughts?
I think we covered a lot, man. I think we had a good overview of our project, what you guys are building, what the campaign will entail. So I'm just hype, man. I'm hype to try new things and thank you everyone for listening. Every single thing counts, man. I'm stoked to have a small community base that is growing every day.
that's super passionate about this project so shout out to you guys shout out for all the love so far yeah man I'm hyped bro this is gonna be fun awesome man cheers enjoy the weekend thank you everybody for tuning in awesome appreciate you all sweet have a good one guys