Mischievous Mustache or Muskrat come with your topic ✈️💨💻♒️

Recorded: March 23, 2024 Duration: 2:48:34



It's fake robo. B-Bans.
Is that Mary Poppins on the line is this?
No, and I've got a jibberly dad to talk with you about.
Jim Jiminy, Jim Jiminy, Jim Jim,
Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim
topics. It's not how you spell it. It's not how you spell Mustache. It's not how you
spell Mustache. It looks strange to me. Well, why don't you Google it? Because it didn't
have the squiggly lines underneath with the red dots, letting me know that I spelled it
wrong. Because every time my red dots appear, I click on it and I'm like, how do I spell
this shit right? Can I make a confession though? Can I make a confession about that? So I used
to pull up like some teaching photos on Facebook for the family. And that, you know, when I
was over in Thailand at the classroom and stuff, like, proud of me lessons. And then one day
we were doing this like, whole thing, right? And I had all of this writing on the board
and like, I took these photos with the kids at the front. And I'd misspelled Mustache
and me brother like all over Facebook. He's like, aren't you supposed to be in English
30? I was fucking mortified. I was absolutely horrified.
Why? People make mistakes. Who gives a fuck?
It's okay.
And this was yesterday. See, B-Bands, I'm going to be very honest. Spelling was always an
exceedingly like, massive, like weak point for me growing up, you know, I really struggled
with spelling.
Robl, I forgot to ask you when I've been asked you, how are you feeling? I saw a pic. You
said you were feeling so good. How are you feeling now? Better?
Can I, can I tell you something? I'm feeling better. I bought someone last night. This is
why I went to bed early, man. I've got a twinging like me, bloody tooth and fucking left side.
I was like, Oh, I'm not doing this. I'm not doing it. I'm just going to go to sleep
and sleep it off. I took some tablets and walk up feeling a bit better, but I actually
feel top of the world, B-Bands, top of the world again. I don't know why I'm just feeling
Robl, can you hear me? Oh my God. I think I lost you. Oh no. I can't, I can't hear you.
Do I need to like do something? How do I help myself? Yo, I can't hear nobody. Oh no, I
hear somebody now. Oh my gosh. Is that red eye? Yeah. What's up somebody? How's it going?
It's going good. Did you kick Robo off the record? No, I'm sharing with him.
I'm, I'm his co-host. I only, I've just been really busy with like IRL shit. So hold on.
Take your request away and I'm going to invite you for co-host Barry, the band manager. Any
Um, tank is here. Very nice. I know. I'm invited to reconvening the minds late at night. It's
probably early morning for him. He's fine. I was like, this is, I've been sick with the
flu for fucking like two and a half days, guys. It's been really rough. A few days.
This is the best day I've had. And you know what I did? I decided to make myself pineapple
mango, um, margaritas with tequila and just, you know, enjoy this. My first day of feeling
So yeah, it sounds pretty good. Is it the flu or is it, uh, I think I had the flu or like
pollen and stuff because I'm noticing the first bits like batches of pollen being dumped.
No, I got a fever. Gotcha. So if I didn't have the fever, I would have thought, yeah,
it's just allergies like fucking me up because I get really bad allergies, but no, I got
a fever and then I found out my client's daughter. She, she was around and she
has the flu now. So we're sick at the same time, something, and she gave me the cooties,
You got to be, you're going to be getting that, uh, those hot toddies down. You're when you
like that, right? Good old hot toddy. So you're right. Oh my gosh. Like in my home,
it's so nice. I got an amazing couch. You know, a hot toddy. What is that? Oh my gosh.
You never had a toddy. I can't tell what you never had a toddy before. Like,
like have a toddy, which is like you make your own little mixed drink at home. You never did that.
Never heard of that. What do you, okay, I'm sorry. Maybe you're super young
than the rest of us. But like, what, like, what do you call like a little drink you make
at home for yourself or just a little drink you make at home? Uh, like a mixed drink.
Yes. An alcoholic beverage, my friend. I just say I'm making myself a drink.
Yeah. We like to fancy it up and say we're having a little toddy. I don't call it a hot toddy either.
I just call it, I'm making a drink. No, I call it toddy. I come home and I'm like,
I think I need a little toddy. A little hot toddy. I'm going to make the hottiest of
toddies right now. I mean, can we, can we, can we get the basics? Can we get the basics?
What's a hot toddy? Essentially a hot toddy, right? Is like a hot drink that is
key ingredients would be, uh, honey, lemon, drink. Honey, lemon, and whiskey are the three key
essential ingredients to a hot toddy. I personally, uh, really enjoy mine with the Lipton's yellow tea.
So some people just have it like with hot water. I prefer, uh, my grandmother used to make it weird.
My grandmother used to make it with hot lemon water. They would blow your fucking socks off.
Basically you, you've got the sniffles, you've got a flu eight years old. I'm not going to
school grandma. She's like, you're fucking off, get a hot toddy down your bank and off to school.
You go. That's a crack. No, I mean, as a kid, because you're just drunk going to school.
Probably, probably.
It's the magic combination, man. It's the magic combination of the lemon and the honey and the
whiskey together, man. Yeah. I used to have friends whose parents would give them like a shot of ice
cold Jagermeister whenever, you know, they had a sore throat or something like that. They did
it as kids. I'm like, I don't know if your throat in quotes feels better because, uh, the Jagermeister
is doing something specifically to your throat or you're just like, you got a slight buzz now
because you just chugged a bunch of you guys in the dark, like plugging in my laptop and shit.
And I scared the shit out of my son.
You're wrapped in blankets as well. Looking like a ghost and that get wrapped up.
So yeah, I've got to make a confession. I can't, I don't know if you've been on the
Jager before, but when I moved to Australia, right? My mate's bird was like working in this
bar. We're getting it for nothing. Holy shit. I can't even smell Jager these days. I've
drunk that much of it. I mean, dude, I only, when I was in my 20s, I can't drink Jager, dude.
It's me and fireball. Yeah. Fireball too. It's like one of those things are only in my 20s.
I don't know how the fuck. Do you think when's the last time?
Have you ever done something like, uh, Edward 40 hands?
I don't know. Do you know what that is? Oh, okay. Uh, Robo, this sounds right up your alley.
Have you, do you know what Edward 40 hands is?
No, mate. You're going to have to tell me more.
Okay. Basically it's where it's a game where you take two 40 ounces and you duct tape them to your
hands and you can't take them off until you finish them. Well, you literally can't take them
off until you finish them. Can I ask a question? When did your mom stop telling you to like
stop and brush your teeth? Because I feel like I've been telling my son to brush his teeth
for like a lot of years now and he's 16 bro. And this is getting, this shit is getting old.
My wife is cracking up smiling. She's listening over here while she reads the book and she's
a dentist and she just started smiling. So big. Like I'm obsessed, man. 13, 14, maybe.
Yeah. No, like I'm obsessed with like, we, we all have electric toothbrushes. Them
shits are oral B I go to the dentist. Then that is like, wow, bitch. Them shits is good.
And I'm like, I know, you know, it's good. I just, I just can't with these children.
I just can't. Well, when do you just go fuck it, lose them all. I don't give a shit anymore.
Yeah. Well, maybe what you explained to them, be like, Hey, in this many years,
you're going to have to pay for your own insurance. And if you want to talk up your teeth,
then go right ahead. How about this? How about this? I just take a selfie,
smiling at them and you just show them and see a look. This is what will happen to you.
Do you want to end up like Robo? Listen, okay. So listen, okay. Story time, right quick.
So my daughter is with her babysitter and she decides she wants to be super open and honest
with the Walmart cashier. They go into the checkout. She looks at the Walmart cashier
and she's like, what happened to her teeth? And then the one cashier was like, well,
that's what happens when you don't take care of your teeth and you don't brush your teeth.
All the time. So you, you don't want to end up like me. I was like, Oh my God.
I mean, you can always pay to get, you know, nice new fake teeth, but it's expensive.
I imagine tank. How much does it cost to get extra work? Like you're going to have to put a
freaking thing in your mouth. Wait, I'm talking about like teeth implants. No, no, no. Wait,
my dad, my father's just had implants, right? So he had them at the end of 2022, like December or
something like, like just after, uh, I think it was just after Christmas actually. And, uh,
it was like April or something before like he was able to start like being normal, right? But
they cost 30,000 English pounds for a full set of implants. Yeah. You're, you're talking like
4,000 a tooth for an implant. Does, uh, does dental insurance cover that?
Dental insurance covers like up to a thousand dollars.
No, but what if you just get like those, the great, the joker teeth.
I'm just going to get solid gold teeth and plants. Just fuck it.
Fuck the actual teeth. My wife says three grand a denture.
That's affordable. I mean, I spent like fucking more or less, you know, that's like to keep the face,
you know, make sure the jaws, you know, facial muscles and shit, you know what I'm talking about.
Fuck it. Just start drinking everything. Don't, don't shoot anything anymore. Just drink it.
Don't make that. My dad's been to the specialist, my father about this because, uh,
the thought he had some new neurological issues because of it. So just, just a word of warning
these things can often cause like, cause like a slurring in speech and that. So my dad's been
done writing, but he's just had the final tests and all that. And he's got all clear,
but they were worried for about a period about six months.
Do you know what I'm talking about? Tank or not?
You're talking about with your implants and stuff like that.
All people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's common that it can cause like, uh, neurological damage.
Like the older you are, right? Bare in mind, he's like 70, right?
Yeah. Well, it's not new. Like they can just get numbness. My wife is listening right now.
She's saying like older people can get numbness in their, or anybody.
She's saying it would be weird to talk though, just like learning how to talk again with your
new teeth because like sounds are different because your teeth are shaped differently
and your tongue hits them differently. And yeah, I could see that very dis,
like disorienting. What happened? What's happened is while he didn't have his teeth,
he adjusted like how he pronounced words, right? With using his tongue, et cetera, right?
So like, you know what I mean? So therefore he's got to like read. I mean,
he's been a speech therapy and everything. Is that a proper book? Yeah.
Like, like six months after they've grown back or something.
So probably like, uh, there were having concerns, I would have said probably about
August or something like last year. So it's been gone to the hospital for like six months.
He only got the all clear like last week, but they were quite worried about the
slur and cause it went on for way too long and he was getting a bit sick of it, you know?
Uh, but yeah, two minutes, two minutes a day. Well, two minutes, twice a day,
brushing your teeth is a way better alternative. Don't forget the flow.
Yeah. Like them oral B. Do you think the freaking dirt out your mouth?
Well, do you think it would be easier to speak, uh, the native Thai language without teeth
or the English sort of accent?
A lot harder to speak English without taste than Thai because
Thai's very like nasally, you know, a lot of it comes through like the north.
Yeah. Interesting. Well,
and they've got a lot of like easy, like one syllable, you know, like they've got a lot of easy,
like one syllable words as well though. Chai, you know, like Lord,
it's more acceptable to not have teeth in Thailand than in.
Oh, the love. The religious, the religious about fucking
P. The man, the fucking religious about the dentists. See how you've got any idea?
Proper religious. Okay. Interesting.
I didn't really care though. I mean, I didn't care about anything.
I've been, I've been through a journey of fucking hell with my mouth, man, bro. Come on.
People have gotten the idea with some of the stuff I've been through, man.
So like, okay. Can I ask you a question?
Go ahead. Are you sure? Go ahead.
Okay. Here's my question. So you said that, you know, a few times we've talked and recorded
spaces, you've said that you've only had 17th left and I feel like the numbers went
away since we last had this, this, this mauler that's got to come out, right?
It's on the left side. Now I've realized it's got to have to come out. It's the only mauler
I've got left with me bottom jaw. Okay. So I'm saying, why haven't like,
you ever thought about like getting a set of jobs?
I have, I have, but I've just got to, I don't know why I'm just, I'm petrified,
absolutely petrified of dentists. I can't even begin to tell you it's worse than aeroplanes.
I'm right there. I'm right there with you. I fucking hate people pointing my own mouth.
Okay. I agree. I agree. I agree. I get the shakes too. So I had this dentist fuck with my
mouth when I was really young, because he just wanted to like pull the insurance money. And he
was like arrested and put in jail for insurance fraud. So like he put in one of, in one sitting,
he put seven holes in my mouth for nothing, for fucking nothing. Whoa. Yeah. In one sitting,
he just out of, and he did it. He collected the insurance, like maybe six months to almost
a year later, he ended up in jail for insurance fraud. And but he, it didn't mess up with my
mouth a little bit. But yeah, like, I understand. I get it. Like you can get scared. But for me,
I mean, so I always had like a very high pain tolerance and like a,
a higher threshold for like pain numbing and pain killers. And I didn't realize that until I was
a lot older. And so at the dentist, you know, oftentimes, you know, whatever they would give
you to know, if I ever had to have anything done more serious with my teeth, you know,
I can feel a lot of that. So that shit fucking sucks. Up until recently, whenever, you know,
you can just give you more, you know, medicine or whatever.
Dude, I am so the same. Literally, I've just for a tooth extraction, I've been at the point where
it's taken like four injections of like the Novocain, like just to be able to like kind of
like get it to a stage where they can actually get it out because like whether it's tolerant
through certain things or you know what I mean? I don't know what it is.
I think if you smoke weed, like, you know, there's a higher potential pain tolerance.
And Corbius amounts of cocaine when I was a kid didn't help either, you know.
Yep, yep, I don't do it. So I mean, I still think one day you're going to need a set of choppers.
And I believe it's hard to assume, because like you can't you can't keep going on with these
infections and suffering all this nonsense, you know what I mean? You just gotta, you know what I
mean? I don't know. Big bands or just to give you some like history, because I didn't actually
think that I've actually because I've told I've told like Bradley and that when we were out on
the night out and Sin City and that right when we were cracking on but basically when I was a
kid, I had an unfortunate thing where I was born with like double the amount of teeth.
So when I lost my baby teeth, right, and my properties started growing,
a lot of the tall of the like the top teeth were growing through like side on instead of like
front on like normal. Yeah. They were grown like side on, because there was double the amount of
teeth I had I was probably I'm gonna I'm not exactly sure what I'm gonna range it between
like say six maybe six and a half to like seven and a half over that period of time.
They removed 14 teeth out of my mouth, right? They removed eight. They removed eight the first time
because they were like, if we don't do it now, there's going to be real trouble. They removed
eight the first time and then I went back like or might have been like six eight weeks later,
it was quite late like afterwards and then I got another six out I had 14 and then I had to wear
a brace from then till I was like about 13 or something 14. I mean it worked, it straightened
them all out but I went through I just remember the pain and the needles and the whole experience
like the entire thing and it was it was traumatic, absolutely traumatic. I 100% understand that
a cat fucking with rabies fucking fucked me up and bit me and I had to get 10 injections in my stomach
so I get trauma because I fucking hate cats now fuck with cats so I understand I get it.
I'll tell you what though fucking any I'd take anything over getting rabies do you know that
the actual thing that because once you've got it you've gone for I've watched videos I've watched
videos that shit is the water fine have you seen the videos of the water where the water
what's that about but like if they get to that point that they have a fear of water
and that they put something in the water they're dead like they can't like you can't fucking
you're done you can't survive that shit so as soon as that cat died and they tested and had
fucking rabies they were like get her in here you need to get injections in your stomach for
the next 10 days so like yeah yeah really call rabies hemoglobin isn't it
goes in like through your belly button kind of thing right
no I don't it was it was it was on my stomach and the needle was pretty long I was like they're
like hold your breath and don't move and hold your breath and then they put this long ass fucking
needle in your stomach for the next 10 days every day you're like a child you're like what
the fuck has happened in a clinic in the fucking jungle no thank you I was americana yo I was like
yo tell take me to elmhurst hospital take me to the fucking why am I wait
we're having a jungle procedure no listen I was visiting family and my family was like
my family's Ecuadorian they're Ecuadorian and they lived like in poverty and I'm just like you know
it wasn't like how I was born and raised so I'm like where's elmhurst where's the doctors
where's the room snow you were like in a cement wall with like iron ball bars and I'm like
corrugated metal as a rule like no no I'm good yeah I see dude I'm Filipino and my family always
what do you ever go back to Philippines I'm like fuck that I don't want to go to the Philippines
I don't fucking care I've stayed in worse right I've stayed in like when I was backpacking and
trekking and I was right under like the deepest docks passing Cambodia and southern leo right off
like the track yeah I stayed in some places that would just give you lot the heebie jeebies like
places where like five o'clock and the sun starts to go down that all get washed in the river
that's like the main place where the entire village gets washed is in the river
I don't do this because you're curious about the way people live there are you doing it because
you needed to do it or I was on I was on the opium and the fucking loud cow I didn't care
what was going on I didn't care where I was falling asleep like a tropic thunder scene where you know
they strapped black to the is that like yeah yeah they strapped him to the fucking water buffalo
because he's having opium with drones oh that's so funny hey before I forget robo were you talking
about uh with extra teeth if you guys don't know it I don't I think that technical or medical term
is hyper dontea or something like go look that up have you guys ever seen is that what you're
talking about when you grow up when you have extra teeth yeah but the caught mine like really
because my mum was like he's tasting it look normal when me adult tastes like first started
coming through the shit is like terrifying dude type in hyper dontea I think it's
oh my gosh he said this shit is terrifying it's fucking terrifying it's no it's fucking
terrifying it's you know like google it hyper totally totally random question but like let's say
let's say you have a client that comes to you you know and wants some or the orthodontics work
and they're like hey I went to NFT Nashville this past year do you think I can get a discount on some
uh some work on my lower
the bad thing about that stuff is you'd have to actually stay in the area for your treatments
because it's not like a one and done kind of thing so even even if it was like I wish I could
but people would have to stay for the for the ongoing treatments the court but if they did
stay but if they were but if they were that yes they were like yo I couldn't I got the money
here yeah this is start issuing discounts or like coupons as NFTs yeah yeah one of these days man
what are you doing yo you could buy NFT for a molar NFT for like an incisor you know
well we have you know from my wife's office we don't accept uh insurance at my wife's office
we're cash only uh that's I know yeah and like so we have our own in-house kind of financing
setup thing where it's like a membership we sell like a subscription uh and it like it's pretty
detailed because they're I won't go into this because they're specialists and a lot of other
stuff but um like I was telling my wife when she first came up with I was like we should like
issue NFTs like some cool fucking NFT thing we should like do it be like the first one in
middle Tennessee that does that shit or I don't know throughout the country I don't know
but I thought that'd be cool like as your as your uh your membership card would be an NFT
on your phone or whatever it is I don't know I thought it was cool and I guess I actually got
to get out of it my kids are gonna get ready for bed but I just want to stop in because I saw you
guys I think that's a super awesome idea it's actually so doable as well with the tech
the tech that's out now it's so doable they bounce exactly what he's talking about so doable
much easier than people think no um so currently I am um setting up a uh point of sale system for
a dispensary because apparently I'm the GM now but whatever who cares yeah do people say that to you
no I'm just like I don't feel like doing this because I'm like kind of lazy so I was like okay
whatever I'll be right um do they does does your non-crypto work life know about your crypto work life
I mean like they know I like hang out on the spaces they know you got a side piece
what was that did they know you've got a side piece like a side
oh yeah no it's my client so like I'm just gonna set up these dispensaries and
like I can still do work for other people but it's still like a lot of work so it's fun I like it
I enjoy it but I miss not being able to hang out all day in spaces isn't that weird oh my god
I'm weirdo I really miss it does your teaching stuff no I mean I like do they give a shit
what you do outside of every every one of my clients like in doubt pretty much most of them
do like the managers have been asking me fucking advice back in the day and stuff like that but
some of my kids do back in the day I send some money to like some of the kids wallets
like some of the kids I was doing like private but in the day but like 80 euros you know what I mean
like you're you're talking about sending them crypto stuff like getting them into crypto
getting them into wallets I got one of my kids went way back way back in the day she downloaded
cost that's awesome and they and they didn't like care that you did that like I only do that at
the bar I frequent I'm like yo download it carefully wilder bro like what I have literally
never done that I've never uttered those words to anybody oh man I told people like yo you
you don't have a Coinbase wallet what's wrong with you it's fucking 2024 get yourself a fucking
Coinbase hey have we have we got any explanations for why we had a couple of ounces
so I see Luna held up well uh and still have just a little pump above a dollar again there wait
wouldn't didn't Tara have like doesn't chain haul for a little bit didn't the terror
change is hot not just recently but they did have some backed up yes yes it did just recently
they didn't tell me actually hold I thought we just slowed down
I'm not 100% sure I don't look along not long I know they had an issue in December when it
was backed up I've come out the dogs barking hey I mean Chris is here also Omni Omni had
a good bounce why do you guys bark like sissies no that's next door I haven't got mine are you
sure you got like not I haven't mine haven't been here for no mine haven't been here for
pomeranians mine haven't known pocket of the bat one's uh one's uh uh one's a French bulldog
so first tweet went out 1 30 p.m UTC March 21st uh block production was back up 356 March 21st
I totally miss like two and a half hours of downtime wow that's a lot of I was sleeping
I was sleeping but no a lot of talkins like weren't doing like very well you know
but I noticed like I was like only had a big bounce what 19% I sorry 13 14% on the daily or
something couple of them secret had a nice little bounce it was like I think so yeah 13%
I saw that the multi backward dollar right
fucking dogs Chris your friend are you going to NFT NYC is anybody
no I'm saving my money for uh NFT Nashville in July
well um so are you going are you going okay so listen I probably can't find the man
but she definitely probably like sneak off and do that shit like on a real like I could be like
Nashville or no the Nashville so last year I went by myself that was fun I went five days it was
awesome hung out with everybody now this time I'm bringing him so like maybe July I could be like
the bands have you got any exclusive tickets to any exclusive parties yes have you oh full
disclosure I have
can you not hear your b-bans guys he's a taught north rah b-bans what did you see now we can
now they'll shoot up what is what tickets have you got I've got the nolcha tickets I got tickets
because I have Lulu's um to the Lulu Soho party um I'm kind of hoping because
you know so I'm kind of hoping that they do something out there um I have a french house
disco party that I'm going to going to Amanda Amanda Kaye events she's got a web three
little birdie tells me that nolcha is going to be absolutely off the charts from what I'm hearing
from what I'm hearing autumn and launch and everything I'm pretty excited I'm pretty excited
yep hey b-bans I've got I've got an update on rack fm if you want you know we've got a full
calendly now with like all about like loads of availability in there like uh if you look in the
dm's I sent it just sent which dm's when did you see it send me no no the rack fm dm's you'll see
the calendly link that we've just sent uh I resented the nolchi yesterday so if you're on the rack
account you can look in the dm's and you'll see like okay to nolcha just to try to fit them in
before but he said like dude I would love to but we'll just stack beyond belief it'll be fun
but anyway you can send anyone the calendly link now and there's just like stacks of availability
for anyone a book or show so that's pretty good it's in there do you know the linked in
on the bio the rack fm bio the linked in yeah it's the calendly so put link on there as well
you can just tell people they click on the link in there first link abstract money's just booked
first one so I got quite a few things that I like I did book to I like overbooked just in case
I'm gonna try to hit all those events but definitely gonna hit at the MoMA
uh for for Andrew no no no no no it should be class they'll all be there the Lulu party's gonna be
exciting I'm gonna bring my gelato buddies with me you'll have to get a phone open
oh yeah definitely definitely so it's gonna be it's gonna be good times it's gonna be good times
yeah man you're gonna like I said you're gonna have to be yeah I'm gonna little pick the phone
just to give some updates on the uh party so I can get creative you know I'm gonna write
the no okay okay the no okay I was like which one there's like a few oh he's fading he's fading
me some stuff as well but it's like boots on the ground with you like life reporting so that's
pretty cool yeah I'm not gonna write about the other ones I'm just gonna do a little
four minute four minute medium article on another one out of courtesy you know it's it like I'm
excited to go and hang out and do all those things I just know that I can't like get too crazy because
I have so many things going on so it's gonna be like some super control it's business yeah but
it's gonna be like pleasure too obviously but I just can't like I can't be like I am right now
five shots of tequila and talking with my friends
hey after you've been down bad horrendous for a couple of years there's nothing wrong with that
oh my god I was so sick guys all of a sudden I started sneezing on myself I had like I couldn't
stop sneezing I had like boogers all over like running down my face my client is calling me to
like fix situations on the back end of the dashboard I'm like freaking drooling all over
myself it was intense I was like what the fuck is happening this is not this is not for me
so I was like kind of bummed out I missed on a bunch of stuff that was going on but hey whatever
listen I'm not a fan right listen I'm not a fan of being like that but I'm gonna see a
daughter preferable to having the shits isn't it I hate having the shit to me um so like
I didn't share that with you but that was part of it
oh the double dorsal double ganger oh my god I had like the flu I like I like I had the flu like
I was not okay for like the past two days it came out of nowhere
oh yeah I've been uh I've been avoiding the egg place recently me like I had enough
I lost those battles I walked away I didn't want to ask you if you ever returned there
but I was curious if you had made any pictures from that vendor I'm on a total embargo from
that fucking place right now I'll tell you so maybe you're allergic to eggs a hundred-year-old
eggs I've been eating I've been eating eggs since I popped out the womb what you're talking about
come on I'm an Englishman here there's an eggs man I've got a question for you
robo how do you transport these eggs when you buy them on a motorbike plastic bag
get the boiled eggs in a plastic bag oh and well sometimes depends sometimes I just eat them
there in the soup sometimes I just take them there in the soup and I don't take them on
little plastic bags right weird main pay bands main baby that's gonna do
it's just something I've never seen here in the u.s it's somewhat like walking to it
everything comes in a plastic bag here a street vendor and just walk away with like four moist
eggs in a bag like yeah I'll enjoy these later maybe I haven't lived in a big city maybe
I absolutely adore
boiled eggs are good I've just never seen someone seek just a boiled egg out and walk away with a pouch of them
I bought five I bought five the other way I bought five and I was sitting sitting outside actually
because they were closing down I was just sitting outside of the street actually by eating them
on the side of the road yeah you do what you want in Thailand right baby bands can we do this
I can't breathe
two minutes I'm jumping out I'm gonna do the microphone experiment I'll be back
I'll be back okay holy shit oh yo I have not laughed a heart a minute
I you know he talks about having you know stomach issues and stuff I feel like he mostly
does it to himself no exactly exactly red-eye you know exactly what I'm talking about because
I've been telling them like how the fuck you gonna sit here and tell us oh I'm shit in my pants
I'm throwing up and shit yes I did tell you to smoke that weed that fell into your toilet
wait until it dried out and then you rolled it into a joint and you decided to smoke it
I did tell you to do that but that was because I was joking I didn't think it was really gonna
do it but you did it and it happened okay so now this egg thing that's not on me bro like you
you make decisions and those decisions end up did you ever see the movie osmosis jones
oh shit and then and then bill murray with the nasty ass and that fell and the monkey
and that is robo that is robo am I all right we'll get his he's probably seen the movie
he's he's an educator he's probably shared this with his kids yo that movie is so good
oh let me invite him to cohost so listen that movie is one of my favorite movies I used to
watch over and over again it is a delightful movie oh berry's coming up
or not that uh sorry when especially now that you know he's eating a boiled egg in that scene right
oh my god right you just want to be like oh my god for real is this really happening
or we all oh there he comes robo i'll send you next time you get the urge to
um you know need to dry something out that's been dropped in the toilet
i just go so i just send you some like eat or something
oh no but like yo you need to replace that yo i'll just replace it for you
no but we were saying hey robo have you seen the movie osmosis jones osmosis jones
i haven't it's an animated movie where it's like bill murray has a girl like a little chris
oh is it chris rock in it i think so yeah yeah uh anyways the main character eat he's like
kind of this sloppy character and he uh this scene like the main part of the movie is like inside
of his body it's this animated movie but he eats this boiled egg that's like rotten or bad
no it no it fell on the floor oh yeah at this he was he works at the zoo
yeah and it fell on the floor and he ate it afterwards and you know he got sick
and i couldn't help but think that that like i drew so many mental comparisons to you
when thinking about this you should look at if you haven't watched the movie it's worth
it's worth watching it's good it's it's worth it please watch it robo
so i'm finding out some things you know i've jumped on the computer right
yeah uh so you can co-host you can co-host on a computer which is i know i just i just i just
co-hosted myself just to see if it would work and it put me as the co-host i'm on my laptop
and i can like add it's pretty cool so what's this microphone like compared to what i'm normally
like i'm on the proper professional thing now oh hey listen you can do some nice ASMR
your voice sounds amazing like andrew's asleep right now like i'm just saying sound good
so i've actually got this shit down at last for once in my fucking life i can actually use
a microphone on spaces oh my goodness smell when's the uh when's the last time you left the country
uh two days before the border closed so border close basically i did your border closed
because of covid so all the thailand closed down for two years man literally like you had to go
through like two weeks quarantine and everything they kept back in the country man so uh i went
to uh singapore in september uh 2019 for the grand prix i came back i had to renew my uh
marriage visa i actually changed sorry right change from one visa onto my marriage visa so
uh it's easy i hate to leave the country to do believe it or not right because once you
leave you're just cancelled it right so read drama to cancel it in country in fact you can't really
hypothetically so i just shot up a little right jumped over to there came back so like on a new
visa so i could come to immigration here with my wife and get the proper visa and i crossed the
border like two days drove back to Bangkok that night and then banged out the fucking close to
them i was in love for a couple of days here come back banged two days later the whole
country and locked down for two year so since then dude i haven't since then i haven't left
really that's fair i mean i haven't left the country i haven't left the u.s since coverdiving so
it's fair i'm just curious because you know something there's not many that places like
around fucking here that i'm not curious to fucking go to right now if i'm honest with you like
a lot of stuff's changed as well since covid you know a lot of stuff like in regards to like visas
and all that sort of stuff this is where you'd be on the mic because i keep moving away from
it and i've got to remember you've got to be close to them right can you hear me yeah you sound much
louder now b bands also robo you sound we can hear you just fine like i can barely tell that
you're moving away from mic okay interesting yeah babe aren't you really clear like super cool
yeah i kind of want to go to india i'm not gonna lie like you want to shit on your pillow do you
want to shit on your pillow do you uh i mean dude uh i i imagine that
i guess a lot of things are cheap in asia so regardless of where you travel and be nice
japan's probably at the top of my list
india bro i'll tell you something about india man i've got a fucking love indian food so
i would be in my happy place there well i've got a you'd be surprised actually what indian
food is like in india but i've got this student right and she's a golfer yeah and she goes all
over for these golf tournaments and that right she's in fact just off the ohio state on the
golf scholarship but every time they go to india no shit dude they take one gigantic fucking
suitcase for the whole family full of like fucking ramen noodles and you know like dry food that you
can make like hot water and shit they take one gigantic suitcase they are that terrified about
getting the shits over there why i have to say something so my father went to india
and he had an experience with this street food and that shit is nothing to fuck with
so you want to bring your own water you want to make sure you're not eating like
street food that you're not your tummy's not a custom too because you know you can't go
in a public toilet can't go in a public toilet right you know this i did my indian friend
my my indian friend was my indian friend was like no matter how desperate you are no matter whatever
you do you never go into like a public toilet he said especially if you're like wearing flip-flops
and that oh bro i don't even want to go into details i've just heard that but well i've heard
you don't go in one like but you know what i mean i mean if you're staying in decent places
and that's not the story but you didn't get caught out in public is what i'm saying
it's the same in loads of places bro in thailand there's a distinct lack of toilets you know
like you know if you're like away from like the main place like the malls and that
distinct lack of toilet anywhere if you get caught short bro i'm telling you
go be careful there's a overabundance of nature right
hey hey i've i've i've had a fucking shit out fucking side several times in my life i'm not
gonna fucking come here and lie and just be like oh no no no that's not
from telling us it's got to be the worst dude i imagine that anyone that owns their own land
is going to go to the bathroom outside at some point on their land if not very frequently
i mean i've been my family holds land and sometimes you got to go
i've been in toilet for the worst of that i'll join my dog outside in the morning
go to the bathroom bro i'm not sure it's easier i'm already out there fuck it why not
bro i'm not shitting you know i've been in toilets at the worst and outside or like like
comparative to having a shit in a field like some toilets you'd rather fucking show i'm not
talking about taking a shit outside i'm just talking about taking a piss outside
oh wait no calm down what do you mean there's nothing wrong with taking a shit in the nature
okay if a bear if you have to if you have to if you're false why not shame someone for it
it's not ideal but i mean it could be like the best shit of your life you don't even realize
you could be missing out on something have you ever heard the follow through story before or not
because this is actually knee like urban teal or anything this is like proper real life experience
and this once this story is being told generally someone in the audience within like the next like
week or so has actually had a follow through story themselves and it's kind of like when
they tell the story it's kind of been getting passed on right it's getting passed on down
generations now apparently me met son's got a follow through story but i started it all off
right so this is really bad as well i'll give you some context right but we're driving down to
cream fields and you know i got picked up from work right four o'clock friday afternoon and we
were just on the session and we drove down uh up all night partying all wrecked when the
cream fields on the saturday partied all night came on the sunday right sessioned and it was
about probably about lunch time or something and me and i just passed out in the tent right
i was absolutely ill it's gone wrecked off me fears and basically right i remember waking up
and it must have been about like half past five six o'clock or something like that we'd had a good good
good phone off five hours or something right well the fresh ticket up and like go again for that
night because we're staying on the campsite on the sunday it was bank holiday monday which it
always is so it's a holiday monday right we're gonna drive back yeah back to the sun cross other
side of the country so i wake up and i'm proper in a half a trance and me and her's on this little
skinny air bed rates august it's quite like decent temperature we didn't need any blankets
and that i just remember like like lying on top of that kind of thing like spooning a bit
and then i just remember farting that was it didn't think anything of it standard fart
right wake up in the morning oh look squeeze out there you go anyway after a couple of
minutes i thought oh jesus i need the toilet here i better get up so bear in mind it was bank holiday
it's like a normal campsite it's not like a festival campsite this was campsite was quite
far away from the festival actually and it was packed right bank holiday so i basically just
got out the tent i had a skimpi white foot and kelvin clines on didn't even put any foot and
shorts on or anything i went and walked half a sleigh went to walk to the foot bathroom which
is across the other side of the campsite went to walk across just when me kelvin's on so i walked past
like about two families like hello hello no problem walked past them i'm halfway between like
where i was and their fucking toilets and then next thing i know me mate yo he just comes
running over and puts a towel around me i'm like what you doing you fool like like get off man what
you're doing and he just went hey man you've shit yourself you fucking idiot and i was like
what and then i just looked around and i could see like all the people like i'd walked past them not
just like looking like people shaking their head people putting their burgers down on the plate
and that like it's like it gets fucking worse man so i went and the fucking showers weren't working
i went and they're like the you know the big toilet thing and the showers fucking weren't
working right now i'm like oh what the fuck am i gonna do so the the sink was working
so i thought fuck it i've got a towel do you know what i mean i'll just put me duds in the bin
like i wipe me arse off with them claiming arse off a bit with what's left the clean bit
because it was a right old strike man it was a great old massive brown chocolate banana right
all the way down the back of them i didn't know how it came out and i didn't even know man
that's how bad at what i was like in a trance so i fucking didn't didn't know what to do so
i just used the sink it's like a bd you know i just stuck my arse in like naked fucking turned around
just jumped up and the sink and just dropped into it right like when my leg on the back like legs on
the bin i turned the bin over like the end of the bin for the tissue and i just turned it over and
put the puppy feet on there and i was washing my arse right with the hands open that and then
this fucking guy just came in with his young son you know when the fella brings his kid to the
toilet he didn't even know i was in there man this kid's coming out and they went i just went hello
mate you all right bit that that's a bit of a problem a bit of a problem never mind i'll be
out the way in a minute and i finished up i washed up and i fucked off i had to wait until
i fixed the showers man i was kicking right off on the campsite i says get them showers fixed
now you dirty bastards i just want to let everybody know that this is a recorded space
so we got back and we're telling this story and then like a week later me mates mrs who was in
the party where we're telling the story shared a follow-through story she got caught out in the
fucking supermarket and fart sharted you know sharted where you fart but you shoot yourself
a little bit it gets passed down man i'm telling you what someone in this room is going to
shart themselves in the next seven to ten days
people are not going to dare come on spaces and talk about it like that
i'll be getting dms on signal app get robo uh i a sharted bro didn't tell anybody
okay so i have a funny story my son sharded when he was young
and he was so scared and terrified
scared and terrified he was like oh
his face was like in shock and he was like oh my god like i just fucking shit my pants
like you could see like in his face he was like help
i bet you i bet your b bands was like oh oh oh the big brown shark came that's why the
kid's traumatized he's thinking there's a big brown shark coming after a minute
i was like and my husband's store was like screaming and he's like yo you know how
how funny is it when uh eddie murphy's in the in the bath with his brother
and his brother takes a shit and he's got the shit in his hand and he's brought all the
brother is good and then the big brown shark came into the water and eddie's like in the cup
screaming he jumps out the bath it cuts his eye on the sink he falls on the floor his mother walks in
his brother sitting in the bath with pieces shit in his hand and fucking eddie's on the
floor i cut open blood pissing out all our fucking brilliant oh yeah my god imagine
shitting in the bath man fucking which dirty bastard would do that you know what children do
that like if they're in the top taking toppy time and maybe they feel like taking a little
shit and they're still like young infants i mean that shit can happen like literally
oh my god do you know do you know joey diaz you know the comedian joey diaz right
big old joey diaz he talks about having a shit in the shower all the time and then he's like
fuck like what are you deep like squash it down the plug hole he's like nah just get
it with me hand and throw it in the toilet i'm like bro you're in the same room you can
just like literally pop out serious joey diaz talks about right now you're like wow
this is great i'm just healing shits into his hand and then just tosses into the toilet
dude it's unbelievable man and he's so brazen telling the stories man
he's got some of the best fart stories i've ever heard in my life like absolute fucking classics
like when he was there at school he had another shit for six years or something because of all
that acid and then he was on the they were going to play basketball and they were on
the school bus with all the cheerleaders and everything and he dropped a one after six
days and not having a shit and they couldn't stop the bus right they were like on the freeway or
something and all of the cheerleaders were hanging out the windows and that right and
they're crying everything and the teacher went the teacher went oh he's changing
flavors because he farted again the second time and he's like he's changing flavors
oh i've never heard that before i'm changing flavors jesus christ he's a funny guy him man
funny fucking guy i feel like we lost business when i said we were like recording
nah dnn jumps in sometimes he signals shit when he goes from one place to another and that man
he's still out in the sticks a bit
i think bruce is getting i think our bruce is getting rugged here isn't he bruce is getting
rubbed by the oracle what do you mean he's trying to join i think he looked at the wrong pool
bruce he's saying there's bad dog bad did someone pull out all the liquidity but he
took the screenshot of the wrong pool it looks like does he
yeah i think he's taking a photo of the wrong pool because it was
oh no he posted this 13 hours ago oracles just tweeted 45 minutes ago i commented with a
question mark bruce will be on it when he wakes up i think that just might be the wrong pool
right there might be oh wait a minute there's a pool address
my eyes have shot the beats
what's that one fucking god jesus man i'm gonna have to fuck up the glasses
oh bruce's crocky screenshot i can't say the pool
mark up two three fucking wrong it's mark up
and i don't know a cap would have been oh i wonder if there was just a glitch
might have been a glitch on osmosis actually right
i don't like pigeons
the rats of the fucking skies pigeons i fucking hate them kill them unless they're like the
racing ones are the ones that carry messages the good they're good pigeons but not more than many
and even the good ones i'm not i'm not a fan
they're called the rats of the sky aren't they i don't know i just grew up with them like
making their little fucking annoying cooing sounds like i grew up in new york city and they would
like have mating season they'd be like fucking for like hours and shit oh so fucking anyways
they're annoying
i've gotta say i'm gonna have to say that seagulls are fucking 10 times worse than pigeons like
they are violent they are terrorists they are like the samma bin larden of the fucking bird
world like when it comes to human beings like
i agree with that because them shits were like chasing us my my sister used to live in san
diego and that shit was like they were everywhere and you want to have a little picnic fuck no
those motherfuckers will assault you you literally had to have like your sandwich
and like a plastic bag and only enough for you to like out like in the public for you to
take a bite before those motherfuckers were trying to chase you down no oh you can go
on youtube and just like google like it like in the uk seagulls uh attacking like people with
fish and chips or seagulls swooping down on fish and chips and you just see like all of these
videos man it's fucking really bad these gigantic the big mother big motherfuckers and oh some of
them bam they'll come down and what they're trying to do is they're trying to knock it
out your hand this is how clever seagulls are they know that if they're knocking on the floor
you'll not eat it so that's what they're actually trying to do that's why they're trying to scare you
and that is because they'll you want they don't want you to drop your food but they're getting
that brazen now yeah man there was a you know magpie you know magpie there was a fucking magpie
in england that was terrorizing the whole community you know crazy story chasing kids
and that you know school kids like young kids like a proper attack and then with its claws and
chasing the kids down the straight coming on from school and i'm laughing because this lady told me
that she got attacked by like the geese near like a they had like a building and they have pond
and these like geese goose motherfuckers were like super violent so if you walk
near by like the entrance and shit they like come after you and shit
oh so do you know this is being dramatic no no do you know that obviously in england we have what
we call allotments which is like council land it's been allocated to people who a lot of them
had it for years and handed it down through family like you can rent a little bit of land off the
council and they'll like sell a little garden and stuff they are the preferred guard animal
for and are loads of businesses where i come from and so on that have got geese as fucking guard
animals they're unbelievable do you know if you've got them in pairs like they're pretty unstoppable
especially if you're you're on your own and there's two of them fucking they're dangerous
as fuck like that's all i'm gonna say i've got a high level of respect for geese like
the big ass white ones the proper big ass white ones yeah those motherfuckers i'm telling you
they'll whip a finger off if they want same as swans do you know swans can like take a finger
off payback quite comfortably real quick did you not see that aoc said that rico is not like a charge
aoc said that rico was not a charge is that what you've just said
yes well i mean right it depends on what she means i'm gonna go on after google this and have a look
but rico for which is the ratatarian uh intent yeah but it encompasses all of those things
so if you're saying rico charges you're saying all of that shit so rico was designed rico was created
for one thing and one thing only and it was to be able to get the bosses of the five families and
then obviously the extended families uh jersey and uh pittsburgh and bollimore etc but basically
essentially they could not get to or pin anything on all of the top people so guilty by like
association you know all you've got to do is prove that he's like certain person within the
organization and the guilty of all the crimes of the other one so rico was kind of created like like
as a pushback it's the only way that would get them uh rudy juliani was uh involved heavily in
the early rego days right like he's the one who went after all of the top uh families go ahead
to the families right with rudy i don't know when i think of rudy juliani i just think of like
saturday night live
he was a fucking d8 wasn't he he was a superstar d8 back in the day man was really my name was
taking he was only one brave enough to take the mafia down it was really the dinner
he's bright and he's offers like thousands of uh hey do you know what when i was listening
to you there talking about uh food and you could only get a little bit of your sandwich out of your
bag you took me back to like when i was in australia in the desert and you know like if you opened a
bottle of cider or something you literally couldn't get like one drink before like 5 000
flies like flew in the fucking lid of your bottle so getting a drink started taking a drink started
to become this like sas like mission like you wouldn't believe like covering ourselves up with
things and like before even opening it you know like look like a fun beekeeper and shit wait why
didn't you like just use straws because it can climb down the fucking straws well you know the
tiny little fucking midgies like oh every kind of fly you can think of but i'm talking like
millions and millions to the point where it gets like so uncomfortable that you pray for sundown when
they're all gonna fucking die and fuck off right during the day it's like oh my god but my missus
only drunk cider and i don't know if it's like the sugar in that book there were just
everything came for the cider beer not too bad but still bad but it literally became a like how do
you just get it open to your lips take a swig and get a top pack on as quickly as you possibly can
savage man i didn't even know the desert's not enjoyable like guys i'm gonna be honest with you
the desert's a drama like i wasn't i wasn't relaxed anytime throughout the entire desert of
australia let me tell you that much not like the coast you know that's why they kind of like you
have those same suits that they use in dune you should be able to use those suits in like
that's what you need that's what you need but bay bands i'm talking this is like i mean
obviously australia is continental and you know this is like what they call like the obviously the
red heart whatever right which is like the burn and hot fucking center of australia you know
that's fucking like it is beautiful and like an epic you know landscape way kind of thing but
oh i don't know i'm just i'm just i'm very reluctantly in the future ever going to want
to do any desert road trips again like i'm not going to recommend them to anybody like you're much
better off driving around the coast and shit like that or mountains and shit much more fun
do you have any news before i wrap it up
i haven't i worked yesterday uh so i didn't get a chance to pay a lot of attention to what was
going on and then i just had a gig of sleep to refresh myself and get myself ready for the
next leg ahead in life be sure five nights next week on the air five nights
all right what's been happening red eye any updates
no nothing new um i was just uh playing around with sharp protocol a little bit
right you just
i'm surprised there hasn't been uh like a predictions market that launched in the cosmos
earlier binary options is such a fucking simple application which is what predictions market
basically is um it's so simple so it's cool that sharp and it's taken them a while it's taken them
a while to get a perfected door think about this one when this was like first announced right
yeah it's just someone had sent me a pitch deck for one of these like i was looking at
a list of like potential dapps to launch now i love the idea of binary options and predictions
markets they're it's simple degen shit that people can you know chip in small amounts of money on
and it's super simple as long as you have a good oracle or like you know you start it with things
that are easily verifiable on shame you know prices of cryptocurrencies like will bitcoin be
back above 70k at the end of april or whatever uh or sorry at the end of march something like that
and then yeah as long as the rules and trends are transparent about everything i think it's
an awesome app so um wish them the best of luck i've been enjoying playing with it
so the the chatter on the airwaves at the minute is about all about base right and uh
meme coin season i mean i call it meme coin season uh v2 but it's it's actually
the coin season meaningful uh season three isn't it main coin season three right like
also reading about the uh so base yeah have you been reading about the uh
uh was it the manta dal prop to migrate some of their liquidity
oh drama yeah the drama yeah the btc liquidity yeah yeah i've been trying to keep up with that
well i mean the numbers don't the numbers don't lie right
the trading volume the utilization of that collateral is poor at the moment
that's the baseline of that subject topic room there's a lot of collateral and it's just not being
utilized at all right and it can be used to create it i think that was the that's the observation
and they're just proposing to use some of it uh in a venue where there is you know high utilization
for it but yeah oh where where do they deploy it is it just in a manta bitcoin pool or do they
have other on osmosis bitcoin no no no on uh kudira is it is it just the manta rat bitcoin
that they have or did they have something like no no no no it's not with manta is it i'm sure
to go and have a look and i'm sure it's with uh it's either wait axle usdc wait it could be
wait a minute wasn't the whole issue is that kudjira haven't implemented noble and so therefore
that's that's the problem is it on on osmosis it's native that's right that's right because it's
they've got axle wrapped btc as opposed to wrapped btc that uh osmosis has got right
yeah that's a simple i mean it's just a relay thing but did you see that channel
did you see the stats like the the volume stats the liquidity yeah yeah i'm just asking like
manta owns bitcoin they own e and they want to deploy it
on osmosis so like i'm wondering does manta like i don't know like does manta have
liquidity like do they use any of the assets that they acquire in ghost or in the other
it's basically it's their own liquidity it's their own liquidity they can do with it what they want
okay okay i just assumed everything was lp but i guess they shouldn't know the whole thing is man
the whole thing about this is they're getting called traitors right for wanting to move like
liquidity away from kudjira the entire kudjira community came out and just utter disgust and
i just thought that was a bit a bit too much a bit overdone well this is the problem with like
i get people being you know wanting to being like you know kudjira the point of the liquidity
is to support kudjira but also like if your liquidity is being underutilized
yeah i mean they're yeah i think it's reasonable to be asking these questions whether or not you
think the move is uh right or wrong i think people being upset about this conversation
happening at all i think that's played blown out of proportion that's mostly an emotional response
it's it's very similar to the lunar astra port convo really isn't it do you know what i mean
yeah about it yep oh my god hitting it up right hit the nail right in the head hey psx welcome
brother how's it going it's good to hear i i kind of got confused like rackathon berry i was like
wait is that for all to count like i'm confused our babe answers go in the horse and because i wanted
to check out the microphone on the uh and we just i just found out you can call oh is that the only
reason i'm doing the whole thing choose you want to check out no because you're the best best
what are you doing right now yeah i wasn't i wasn't i was on a i was on a call with uh
cosmo joe and he told me you got banned and i was like wait what
like how did i miss that like what happened and i was like and so i so when i saw you and then
uh i popped in and then i kind of got confused on on the alt account and whatnot because i always
refer to you as robo i mean i want to change to change the name dude this is an old alt and
i never ever use it i only created it went up for a week oh wow we should call him berry
should we call you berry now i don't know i'm so stuck on robo i don't know which direction to go
i'll change barry i'll change barry then i worry i mean next next i'll be changing his gender but
we won't go there i'm just saying he transitioned to berry he's gonna start having babies soon
i'm sorry dude like uh the social political claim is getting lit and i'm like uh i'm gonna go ahead
and sub to that door so hopefully i didn't offend you too much and if i did i'm really not sorry
because that would be a lie talking talking about that did any of you people watch uh the
the woman on joe rogan i forgot her name again but yeah uh yeah she did the oh my god yeah
uh what was it um rap it was a what was that um w path foundation or something like that like
there was a leak report that you know it's one thing to call it pseudo uh science but it's
beyond pseudoscience it's like let's just try and see if it works and the kids it's fucking
uh joe rogan had one of the girls on who's being swimming with that leah thomas
like she's had to be like in the changing room and everything right and holy fuck did she speak
from the heart man yeah so sorry for these women the way they're being tripped like it's
absolutely disgusting yeah there was a uh there was a uh congressional hearing and um i was
watching it and i forgot what the everybody calls him penguin but he looks like penguin
if you're if you know what i'm talking about if you've seen the uh the old baton returns with
michael hedon um where he said that you know it's it was such a mind it was such a mind boggle
and how to get my head wrapped around his thought process but he literally repeat him and said like
it's not okay for men to play in women's sport but it's okay for trans women to play in women's sport
and i'm trying to get trying to let that one sink dude you know what disgusted me
quite from like a high level right is that these girls she's saying like upper upper
senior high school whatever right 21 years old she said we're all 21 years old
all of the girls that were in the locker room right at the university yeah all got it they all got a
letter and it was to get them to go to training and at 21 right she was disgusted at this 21 she
had to go into training and be trained by an outsider on how to use she her pronouns
and just like wait a minute the 21 year old woman and they're teaching you how to use
like she her pronouns what the fuck is going on in life like what um
uh i can't explain it i can't explain it how in how do you how do you how do you have a conversation
with stupid is is that i'm trying to figure out i mean like we were all taught how and when to use
pronouns we were back in grade school and when it was appropriate not used as a means to identify
somebody's uh personal identification like how did it get to this uh get this far and on top of that
um what was it it was like pretty recently that the uh uk banned um what was it uh some
kind of surgical procedure or something like that's what's called the cover stock institute yeah the
closed events i encourage people guys just just to the people in this room uh if you haven't ever
heard of this before right never done any research i encourage you to go on uh google and especially
if you want to go and look onto my like rumble rather than youtube but there's stuff on youtube
the tabber stock institute has been a nefarious extremely malicious uh institutional body
for fucking decades and decades you can actually go back and look at this shit and believe it or not
you can actually trace you know the route to the tabber stock back to bernie's
the cia there's links edward bernie's formally a disney yeah uh like it's really really bad but
yeah they just had enough and they closed it down i think either what was it like 2022 maybe or
something but it was like the one of the worst places in the world for what you're talking about
gender dysphoria and treatment and stuff like that right horrific horrific five and six year
old kids man yeah what was it they were trying to they were shutting down um not just the they
were shutting down the um the uh it was it was like a specific drug that they were banning that
specific drug because it causes cancer apparently like that was their excuse and i'm like
really i think you would ban them because you wouldn't interfere with the puberty blockers
like puberty blockers was was banned in the uk and it's like why not just ban the entire
practice um like here in the u.s it's become such a huge scandal um of malpractice because uh what
i learned was is that during the practice they typically during surgery usually it's required to
have if not always it's required to have two two doctor's recommendation note and this one it doesn't
like how the fuck does that make sense
all i have to say is what was her name the olympic person that was married to the cardashian the lady
what's his oh um fuck uh he got like women of the year or something like that at times not
a woman but he was definitely saying that women trans women should not be like competing with
natural born women yeah that's fair like it's not we're obviously biologically different
from our dna standpoint so if he's saying this i'm just
um i'm trying to say again i'm trying to look him up i forgot his name
i thought about dylan mulvaney no no he's making fun honestly he's he's from
he got woman of the year in one of the magazines or something oh my god how the fuck is that even
there you just decided like fucking a year ago that you wanted to be a woman bro how are you gonna
know oh yeah i don't they're all sick in the head if you're debating it just fuck
fuck god some of that i i don't even know where to begin for women's rights women's rights
yeah but you're now coming into our sports with your genetically born male hey what about
meek mill no what about me make mill so hasn't uh all the make mill shit come out with uh diddy
and isn't isn't he a fucking former kardashian fucking lover as well right
what make mill make mill wasn't he dating one of the kardashians no why are you talking about that
freaking weirdo because uh him and usher they're being dropped right in it in this recent most recent
lawsuit what what there's a oh my god like what are we missing oh my god sort of god i what i'm
more worried about is that the things that we don't hear is gonna slowly like um creep into
our institutions to start manipulating the game um like here's something i also found out like dei
so apparently how why companies like big top fortune 500 companies were implemented dei was
like somebody within like the stock exchange like the nasdaq saying something like if you
don't implement this you won't you'll you'll be de listed from the exchanges and so they implemented
that i mean let that say like somebody within that institution and in wall street literally
blackmailed them to impose that that um dei practice you know what dei is right correct
diversity equity and inclusion yeah and and then you get in so many companies that are like
going to shits like i don't i don't understand like how how this mindset virus is like
probes on these well respected brands that decide to all of a sudden like because they wanted to
like they could have came out with they um they could have came out with a press release and said
like hey because we because um these uh these dei um practices goes against our company values we
are taking the chance of of being de listed per the nasdaq um requirements i mean that would have
helped open up the conversation conversation nationwide if not globally look do you know what
they're doing um this is the part of the bigger plan though they're just trying to erode and
that they're spading things up as well right but they're trying to erode uh family values
and essentially cause cause like dissension and stuff like within the family nucleus you know
very very evident very evident what's going on
oh yeah i'm waking up that kardashian athlete um
if then you break on no it's like kylie jenner no
oh kylie jenna no that's she's a girl it was a man at the time i was a man at the time
you're right it is that's it that's who it is no it's not
kylie jenna it is athlete doesn't have a jenner is it kylie no it's not kylie is it kylie
wait a minute the famous athlete jake kylin jenner kylin guy was a guy okay you got that off
her chest was a guy right compete yeah yeah it was it was a dude and then there was a guy
and then and then he came out or whatever and said like this this shouldn't be the case then
like the whole left park the whole democratic or left uh liberal uh media group like went after him
and um and and whatnot and then shit hit the storm boy i am so sorry i took this conversation
down the road we went from like manta ray to like hey do you have a penis or
don't be sorry we're just chilling
p-n-i-s she's got a penis have you heard that song before no
i mean you know the old guy this old guy like walked out on america's god talent right and they
didn't know what he was gonna do and he sat down at the piano and he just sang this song about
making this book and this girl he's like about eight years old making this like woman and then
he's like he sings a song and then he's like p-e-n-i-s oh she's got a penis
careful don't change the topic on the uh in the space you're gonna get you're gonna get everybody
and you know it's really funny though it's really changed like from when i was growing up as a kid
so like you know in england in northern england back in the day you didn't have fucking lady
boys and that shit right but you just had owl fellas and beards like walking around in fucking
women's clothes and that right and like i remember like me fucking my fucking family used to take a
piss right out and used to have like names for them all and everything man it was fucking pretty
bad like they used to fucking laugh their heads off about them like yeah just normal shit like
i remember growing up and my grandma would say oh we you're gonna go to that church there the
vicar in there he messes around with the little kids this is how they used to talk you know
like she was common knowledge the gossip and that you know yeah well i mean i think i think it's
interesting that you said that because i know like jerry and i we were actually having a talk
at you know on a phone call about like because we wanted to initially we wanted to like we're
slowly expanding our podcast conversation beyond crypto where it dies into the geopolitics and
social and economics and it seems like
this specific conversation is touching a boiling point all things considered
you know you know like i don't have anything against the transgender community up until
when they start leveraging like legislations to force and impose certain views and acceptance
on another individuals that they are vehemently against it even worse off to impose those ideology
onto somebody whose religious beliefs violate are very contradictory so it's going to be an
interesting conversation to be had you know going forward and where it may turn you know
you know what i heard on so i'm not going to say like where i heard this from but i just heard
something the other day right where they were like and this was on the back of like them shown
like you know their gay pride march where like they've got like uh kids and that they're
fucking doing the twerking and all that the longs you know what i'm talking about right the bad
i would argue those aren't gays they're they're probably uh pedophiles yeah leveraging the gay
community as a way to get in close to the kids like somebody said somebody said right on this
on the thing i was watching somebody said look the one your kids they're coming they want your
kids and they're coming for them because they can't have their own and i was like wow that's
actually scarily true when you think about how all of these teachers have been behaving
in these like walk schools and that yeah there were videos that i saw that were
that were they were they were going through marches shouting that out like we're coming
for your kids it's like uh frightening yeah that's that's not a good way to say like
hey it's okay if i come for your kids it's like dude you go into a red state and do that you're
gonna get shot up well you know i get i get in trouble every time i talk about it but it's
historically logged and it's absolutely fact exactly what happened in like 1973 and 1975
with the pin pin and then how the pedophile community what they did is they went underground
and they basically infiltrated the gay rights movement in the mid 70s and then what happened
is when all of the uh gay rights legislation went through in the government care homes and stuff
care homes and things were forced to give like quarters away just like they are now they're like
people of like different ethnicities and gender and blah blah blah you know they'll have quarters
filled so basically all of these pedos do that it infiltrated the gay rights movement that then led
the legislation that then got them in these places dude they would just have that free room
it's always the common theme is that groups are formed to have specific rights that only
recognize that specific group rather than focused on individual rights to where it becomes very next
to near impossible to violate so as to having gay rights or marriage rights or having the
what else women's rights i mean like all you had to do was just instead of grouping each
individual like does that make sense wait a minute no no we we've already discussed that this week
we had a big convo we're tagged i think red iron that was there listen i mean i will mention the
women's rights because i did make this statement the biggest joke on earth has to be the women's
rights because it's just it's called human rights when did we get away from like well the problem
is the problem is like when you start using language that that that leaves itself open for
interpretation it becomes hard to have a homogeneous like a mass consensus of agreements
of what that what that word means otherwise it's just left open for anybody to interpret
um so say like for example like if somebody uh i think it was this way like is there a thing
called asian rights i mean i'm vietnamese should i have asian rights uh yeah i get yeah do you
see what i'm saying like it's a human right though what about black rights or you know
etc like we can keep going down this rabbit hole and nothing gets solved it's like you're
still spinning your tires you know so at some point like where does it even stop dude i live in
a country with very very little rights i've got no right of fucking social support i've got i've got
no rights to uh government pensions even though i pay all my taxes you know what i mean like i
i live here with very very few rights right but that's my choice yeah no absolutely and
when i think of women's rights do you know what i think of immediately i think of well
okay what's the big like uh main difference obviously between women as well women have to
carry a child and have to give birth to the child right so it takes it all on their body
women's rights or if you were to say it well that you know there are women's rights i would say
it well yeah like maternity leave because that's it that's a right specific to a woman isn't it
i don't know i think i think a man should also be able to join his wife
and to help her in during maternity leave i don't think that just the wife should be awarded that
because that is a lot i mean i had two children and i like i love hearing you guys talk about
women's rights because i worked with the construction workers i worked in a place where i was trying to
be management and i had them good old boys just making my life a living fucking hell so i just
it's not the same in this space though i can't compare that life that construction you know
working with construction trying to manage people like that as opposed to this this is a whole
different iguana it's like it's not the same yeah i mean i mean i that would be the ideal
environment for everybody um regardless of their uh of of each individual's role but um you know
even then we at least for the most part you know like they're they're typically known to
be the the protector the guardian like yeah you know any man would would want to spend more time
with his wife but you know he's he's going to understand like hey i still have to bring
bring bring the uh bring the uh food home and that's my role like i fully get that and that's
what yeah he goes into that relationship would understand it's like look i'm willing to make
advice that's why i mentioned maternity and then when beybans mentioned about
or the husband i'm like well that's paternity so generally what i'm talking about is in for me
i think the first year of a baby's life is incredibly important now a mother might not
want to be off for a year but i think in all western cultures at least wetri you know on where
we have decent social security a mother should at least i mean the company should at least have
full pay for six months and then it be you know half pay for the next six months but the government
should be able to make at all all women should have a minimum mandatory first year with their kid
right i would almost say i'm not against that yeah i mean i'm not a guest i think my question
would be like would i guess in the united states specifically like should that be a federal or a
state level decision all right okay does that make sense now because like each each each state
is unique and uh and how they and how they're legislated they're cultural wise like let's be
honest like i'm from texas texas is not new york not by any stretch of the imagination i don't want
to tell new york how to conduct their business it would have to be done on a state by state today
same as the cannabis thing right so it's more of a states rights issue i mean no you can say state by
state but northern new york is not the same the state of new york is not the same as new york
city like all those people compacted in that space and their rules like it's not the same it's not
the same that's all can i say i think men should get three months i think men should get an
automatic three months and if they want to go on half pay for the the next 33 months they can
but they should have men should because in england it's two weeks right i mean that's uh that's
something that that's like here in here in the state of texas that's something that's um
that typically companies give not necessarily a state will legislate it's like if the benefits
are there um by all means like nobody's going to stop you if you can't yeah depends different
different structures the multinational right better facilities than most right then there's right
right because a small company they're going to suffer but they're a lot stricter with men
then obviously they are on women obviously but well as they should as they should be like we
we need to be held to a much higher standard and because that we we've lowered that standard
for whatever fucking political reasons i mean dude like the world's gone to shits
bought a year for the mother and three months for the father and i have to give the family a love
by the chance the nucleus of the family as i make the wife say like a whole year 12 months at home
with the screaming child while the husband only has to do three months i think that's an
excellent idea you know what you're a genius you you should be president i i i i what i should
have thought of this before how about state mandate mandate their nunnies mandated state
mandated nunnies you would get them involved as well so we who's going to cover the how do you
want to do you want to raise taxes
yeah but we're not we're not tyland we're sure as hell not europe we're not going to give up
our guns are you crazy have you heard about you say taxes dude yeah you say taxes and dude
that's like also do you want the federal government raising your children a bit you know yeah so i mean
like no god no i mean especially i can't figure out like how many dinners there are sure fuck now
i said state nunnies but no dude you know i don't know if you've heard about the local nurseries
that we have here in tyland pcx it's mad right so basically the woman next door to me uh during
the week she's gonna look after anywhere from like say two three four to like six seven eight kids
they've got all the bottom of the house done out they've got all the beds in there for the midday
sleeps and proper full of nursery got swimming pool in the front and everything and like the
parents who kind of default like you know the proper expensive child care they all just bring
it to her in the morning she looks after them for like 100 baht a day and stuff from class
out of the work and it's it's these like nunnies like the dot it all over bro dot it all over
the place that really helps like the the community and economy you know how much is 100 baht
like three bucks or something three dollars you know right just less just less i but you know
these people are not working for some of these people right might be on like say 350 450 baht
a deal something you know so the you should be like uh you should be a middleman for this
lady like are there like nursery pimps where you know oh my god i was thinking the same thing
well some some foreigners some foreigners i've come around looking at the place and not before
and i have talked with them yeah actually believe it or not just saying i quiet area
but i've got big dogs there you know yeah i like they like the dogs you know
have have bury the band manager managing housekeepers you know think about this right think about this
right you go to put your kids in a nursery right think about this yeah and you look at my house
next door and what do you see is get big like angry guard dogs you know nobody's coming in
that house nobody's going to like exploit anything from that side of it you know i'm saying like
you want to see nice strong like secure people in these places you don't want to see the old
woman next door you know that's what i'm creeping the garden so like that works anyway i've told you
you want to make sure that your compound is secure yeah but i'm missing my dogs b bands
they've been i mean obviously i had uh 24 hours back with them but they've been away
for nearly a week now from dying crying
she'll come back this weekend so wait a minute so like how long do you how do you share custody
of your dogs well she hasn't seen those three for a while because she hasn't been back my
mums and they're not gonna come back i love it up there but uh so you know when i had the tooth
problem yeah yeah not that long ago when i when i wanted i like last week oh sorry the end of the
week before and it ran into like sort of beginning last week beginning this week whatever i i just
was like oh can you take them for like a couple of days but then she did and then forgot she was
going to conference on sunday so i had to do like a like a 24 hour look after them and then when she
came back from the conference up country she's took them back and then they've been at the vet
this week to get the jams the boosters uh she took them like full-on spa and then just being fucking
she's just been loving them and just being like you know messaging me like oh he's fucking
listening to this he's crying he's probably crying for me winston but i should be coming back
it's nice for them to have a bit of time with their moment i'm just missing them like crazy
i also know it's beneficial for the dogs you know the lover
they're gonna get to say a much that's awesome that you like that the you know they love you
know your acts you know that they're going to a good place that it's a good you know situation
for them that's cool oh yeah i was stressed as well man i just had too much on at the time
does she pay you alimony for the dog
that's a long story it's a long story it's a long story hey she got a netter at all time high
anyway to keep her a little busted winston needs his coat brushed and you know blown out
pretty regularly so she sent so she sent me a video the other day and she says uh thanks
what was it thanks for the tidying up or something uh and it's just a video from winston eating a bone
on i get marble floor and it's some fucking state of it man a house is like a show house and his
winston just destroyed this get like cow's knee cap into like all over the fucking floor the dirty
little booger nah man it's when he comes back he'll get a few oaks man i just you know what
it's crazy when your dog go for a while man and you're like bro i get separations well it's it's
less now i had it more whenever i first started getting into crypto just because i was working at
home more and i would be traveling a lot more than i did for my previous job and uh yeah being
away for a week i'm like fuck man not only do i not get to see my boy someone else is taking
care of him and you know so i was about to see it obviously he's being socialized uh
belt and oh sorry people i was gonna say being socialized but like so is it a trusted like a
family member or friend who's being socialized oh yeah he's uh i used to you know at the previous
place i worked i would take him with me to work every day so he would see dozens of people every
day he would see dogs every day very he's very very socialized from his earliest age
so yeah i can take him out and do a crowd of hundreds of people and that's where we
that's where we suffer a little bit so there's basically that uh winston and stella especially
because little the dogs are fine with the family members in that up country but literally uh stella
winston they'll trust me they'll trust the ex-wife and ex-wife sister and if it's not one of those
three people you're not getting anywhere any of them i mean eventually i can i can get them to
meet you and no no but like i mean taking care there's there's nobody except out of us that can
take care of them to any degree at all that's it they're normally really clingy for one person
you know even though you get a bango in the family they normally pick one person
there's a lot of dogs like that right that like yeah my my dog is happy when any of my friends
come over to take care of them he's like oh well that's because they're amazing and probably
they're amazing they're probably socialized and brought up properly and trained properly
they're fucking fascinating dogs you can leave them with fucking anybody that's like
got any any bond with them right yeah as long as they know what they're doing oh yeah
oh man i had one of the first times i saw my dog almost you know do what he's meant to do
uh i was out going to meet up with a friend out at a uh at a local bar like open place where i
can take my dog and i was gonna go down there meet him and i had to pick up a leash from him
and he was out with this girl and he walks into my car my dog's inside my car in my passenger seat
and you know he sees them walking up he starts growling uh i roll my window down and my buddy
kind of puts his hand up close to the windows so he smells them and he's like all right it's
someone he you know he comes over my house all the time but anyways this girl he's with he's
my dog and she's like oh he's so cute and my dog is still growling at this point he starts barking
and she reaches her hand inside my car and as soon as it got within like six inches of my face
he reached out and like trying to snap at her hand and he started barking i know i started i
just started smiling and my buddy also started uh smiling he's like you probably shouldn't
try and pet him while he's inside the car i'm like yeah it's not a good idea to reach inside the car
so i think i found a new favorite drink tequila
lemon i thought the drink was
over there and seltzer water but like a tropica fruit flavor
so you know drinking was literally stopping at tequila like i found a new drink no i was
straight a little drink i was like okay i have no more pineapple mango juice
and lime so i have seltzer water that's tropical and you know you're just putting
shit in to mask the alcohol you realize you just put your shit in to mask the alcohol
well actually when you uh bbn's if you didn't know this um when you add
uh a blanket on the name of the um the technical name of it but oh an effervescent so when you add
an effervescent with alcohol uh the the speed at which your body absorbs the alcohol or it starts
processing is quicker than if you did with just juice so if your previous one was just juice and
this one is you know the the seltzer water and the tequila i imagine you'll feel this one much
quicker than the previous one i mean this is drink number two so but it makes sense you know
because the bubbles are stirring stuff up in your stomach and so it's like reacting with
the different parts of your stomach and all your stomach acids and stuff quicker it's better than
night quill because i've been filling shit for like two days so nothing nothing a cheeky cocktail
conflicts right i was like wow this tequila is making me feel really good right now i'm uh i
would surprise you like i'm a bit of a cocktail fucking genius like from back in my days like
back in the back in the early days i think i've got an old video of me uh my spirit collection
holy shit i used to be honest you guys like cesars or bloody marries or both um no i'm on
the old school i'm gonna be we had bloody marries a hangover tools so no i know no cesar red bear
i mean red eye it's kind of gross but definitely not bloody marries what was the first one caesar
what is that it has a little calamado juice so like hell no you don't like no clam juice oh no
you sure i'm positive
no thank you i appreciate bloody marries bloody marries i would rather have a
bloody marry actually than uh the cormada juice they're a sunday morning thing when you're fucking
hanging we used to go to a place here called hem and ways no no honest they're called pata
hem and ways right it was this old house like 100 years old wooden house and they used to have
like this sunday morning brunch and it was cut it was good i had the margarita club and you
could literally like eat it had all the ingredients you could like make your own right
from this big huge thing although other way would make it for you if you wanted like whatever you
wanted right you could just do them the way that you wanted them and used to pay i think it was
like sort of like not 299 or 399 or something and it was like from like 11 or 10 until like
fucking two was just unlimited margaritas the margarita that margaritas bloody mary sorry
is that did i say margarita it's a bloody mary club oh my gosh berry what's going on
bloody mary's man in the club like holy shit i don't like bloody mary so like we went
we go to like something in the adirondacks they have this thing called a breakfast club and
they have like this crazy assortment of bloody mary's and caesars you can like select from and
it's all like homemade delicious and so i had i don't like vodka i don't drink vodka but i
love tequila they had this mexican maria and it was like tequila clamato tomato juice
it had a pickle it had jalapenos it had garlic it was like a meal oh my god it was so good right
best cocktails in the world come on let's go so top three best cocktails in the world right i'm
gonna go number one obviously whiskey sour done old school style 20 style ball ice ball
um with modern little twist on it i'm gonna go and this kind of sound wicked but just long
island iced tea short ball that should kill me right jesus how many how many ingredients are in
the long island iced tea like nine everything in the sink it's like hey you ever you ever done
like uh when you were a kid you ever done a suicide drink where you like went up to the uh
fountain machine and you would like add ice and then you just like like not even halfway but
then you would start putting in sprite coke um dr pepper or whatever like all the office all
all the soft drinks like that's on the machine do you know what i'm talking about
suicide drink did you see it's called yeah it's called a suicide drink something we did when we
were kids that's what that's what that's what reminds me of a of a um for the long island iced tea
and iced tea with alcohol yeah my god so there's it's got five alcohol they call those gorilla
parks so listen what a long island case got five there's one of the highest what's the gorilla
like is that a drink or is that like are you being literal i don't know if i want to drink
something like that it's a drink it's basically like where you just put a whole bunch of alcohol
like a bunch of different alcohols together guys it's like all your random shit that you have
listen to me
so i had too many long island iced teas and i oh my god i can't believe i threw up
during a wedding on their altar
wow remember remember this is 2024 you didn't you didn't throw all up you were decorating it
i was you were adding you were adding character to the altar oh my god during the
fact that i already got married and that i didn't throw up on it after like i did it afterwards
all all you have to say all on there like altar okay all you had to say was like look
an exorcist just took place guys relax so since i only got to number two i'm gonna go with
oh i'm sorry long island iced tea at number two and mojito for number three but i might
probably my top favorite one yeah i would say that's my number one mojitos always dude
oh yeah mojitos i can drink like juice and not get not worry about getting drunk because it's like
i'm on a beach and i'm just throwing back mojitos day in day out like if you've ever been to like
miami you know and you watch those guys in the bartenders like they line them all up oh it's so
cool like like the club soda how they match the mens and they throw in uh what was that alcohol
was that uh rum um i forgot what brandon to use it but they just like splash and they just serve
it up on this and just throw it out like hot case it's so cool it is good i love the little
sugar cane that they throw in there yeah and then plus you can go on his door if you know
little bar where they've got the more what they call the mojito trolley have you been in the fancy
bars where the bartender will come out with the actual little trolley with all the stuff on for
the mojitos and you can pick like different styles of mojitos and shit um one day maybe
i'm a player don't hate don't hate the player hate the game
um i don't hate the player robo you literally are like my bestie in this space are you guys
gonna hug each other now what was that you guys gonna hug each other because that would be awesome
i can't hug him he's in thailand and unfortunately they have mosquitoes that can give you dengue
fever and murderize your ass so now i don't know if i'm gonna visit not if you eat the local boiled
eggs though that protects you you just died from diarrhea from the eggs have you ever had like
what was it um i think it's like uh like 30 day old like duck eggs
it's called it's called hot foot lemon vietnam so they didn't really do it in thailand the ties
look down upon this shit believe it or not but it's very very popular yeah that's good you've seen
yeah i remember when i was watching that shit like as a competition on uh you ever watched that uh was
it fear factor oh my gosh oh yeah fuckers from hissing cockroaches no yeah well no what was it
there was like this one match i remember when i was a kid and i was watching them eating that uh
that the duck eggs for the embryo and everything like that i mean it was such an easy i was like
oh my god i could do that like blindfolded and not and go for like seconds or thirds but but it
also made me realize like there's a huge disconnect between uh at least at the time there
was a huge disconnect between agent the agent cultures in the western and um but yeah i mean
i don't know i eat those like popcorn expensive as fuck too those prices have gone up
yo i thought i was like edging by eating frog legs dude frog legs are awesome what are you
talking about don't eat on that i love frog legs those are my shit you know like the cajun
cajun season oh my god you you bring frog legs you bring frog legs now you're me i'm telling you
going over the fucking balcony you're getting fucking chucked right over the balcony i'm telling
you you're dirty bastards okay what do you think is the weirdest thing that you've seen
being sold as food either on the street or in like restaurants well i've seen i've seen every
single type of board okay where there was these guinea pigs we had income boardia
can you make nice shit income boardia though is where i ate the tarantula and you ate a tarantula
stop i did cause deep fried deep fried you ate a tarantula like with the like stinger and all
now they remove the fangs don't they
fun video they don't have bangs they have a stinger they're what they're not scorpions
they're deep fry them so they don't have to worry about like the gall fucking bloody shit and not
like seriously they're just deep fry them like proper big full-on deep fry and you eat the whole
thing and it just tastes like a burnt sausage it just tastes like a burnt sausage yo my throat
just got like super thirsty like wait a minute we've all been to a barbecue someone burns the
sausages and the sausages get that like black like little bit of like cold dust on the outside of them
yeah you're not you're not eating a fucking tarantula dude is that the hair on the tarantula
that you're tasting this burn no the deep fried so you know where the tarantulas come from
so you know the you know the Khmer Rouge no no you know the Khmer Rouge you know the Khmer Rouge
right so basically listen to this what happened was when the Khmer Rouge we get killing loads of
people loads of the fuckers like ran off into the jungle to hide right the people who didn't
want to die like the normal people and shit so they all like ran off right into the fucking
jungle and the art in this jungle it's infested with these tarantulas like the nests and
everything everywhere the webs and literally that's what some of these people that lived in
the jungle for two years fucking lived on goo so that was the weirdest one uh no no no no so
so reek when i was no wait a minute that's not the weirdest shit i ate so i'm getting i'm getting
the video this i'm getting the video took a shit and it fermented i'm getting the video for
b-bans nation i'm actually downloading the video writing help for b-bans
check this out they made it to coffee and then i used the coffee grounds for my look check check
this out though we were in the market right we were in the market and the market is a
bulk market right in non-pennin cambodia it's all books it's all i sell anywhere we're walling them
and they've got these little like you know little starlings and that you know the little birds with
the heads and that on but they've all been plucked in that you know like proper they had snails
they had frogs they had all the cockroaches and everything it's crazy because they're like
cut it's like head open and they take the shit out and they put a paint up in and they fry it
so when you get your crickets got like a paint up inside the skull i'm gonna be honest with you i
think i think i think snails are like overpriced for what they're worth
yeah my only complaint is like i really seriously think i think they overcharge i mean that's just
me being in texas and whatnot because you can get like snails like escargot like here in the
Asian markets and whatnot it's like dude these things are so reprised it's not even funny
it's like i get this delicacy it's just a it's just a it just tastes like a mushroom
really and they they like there's several ways you can there's several ways you can serve it up
like in like with like chili sauce or like the old french way and they're like in a butter sauce
is the is you're like are you on call officer
i can't send i can't send the full video on twitter so i'll have to send it on discord
there robo i can't get over this cricket peanut thing first off that sounds like it would be very
meticulous to have to you got a gut a cricket and then shove a peanut in it and then you deep fry
them all it's a you get what like a little basket of them like they get a razor they get a razor and
they open the back of their head out and they just scoop out whatever's in there there's not much in
there and then they stick the peanut in and then they just literally stick his head back together
and drop them in the oil and then cook them with a peanut in it so anyway i'm gonna answer your
question i'm gonna i'm gonna answer your question once and for all weird his question is what about
to work so we're walking around the market i'm saying all these worms and all these insects
and everything then i say these cockroaches they're about three inches long and about an inch
like wide at the farthest part decent they talk bigger than bigger than me thumb no way they are
in his book i noticed there were a way of color right and he's like oh man coming up like he
like gotta go over and he put his hands over and that like admit the fucking illuminous i went
are there a special kind he said no they're out the fucking river there you daft cunt and like
this river that runs through the city is like oh it's been biologically dead fucking i don't know how
long it's so polluted rotten like he's like he's like brother come from the bank he's like if you
eat one of them you'll die he just said if you eat one of them you'll die straight in your face
yeah and it's uh 250 baht for the pleasure
wow just a risk at all okay by the way i was high on mushrooms bay bands when i ate that
tarantula if you're looking at your discord bay band you'll see the video
oh you said it oh my god i cannot wait to watch this i'm gonna have to like but i was on i was on
like mushroom pizzas i was on weed i was on fucking opium i was fucking recommend what about
you psx what's the weirdest food that you've seen as a street like in a street vendor place
uh i can't i'm at the top of my head because i've toured vietnam several times growing up
um i guess weird is also relative yeah it is i mean because it's it's like
oh um i've actually tried dog meat that's about as weird as it gets i guess
oh i just oh wow what was that like okay was it like golden retriever uh like really
i would say it's about as gamey as as like you've had deer meat
yeah it's it's yeah that's basically what it is
just the morsels i'm literally nearly puke i'm literally nearly puking yeah i just yeah
yeah so if you if you had deer meat or deer steak it's it's that's about as close as you'll
ever get um oh my god are you serious yeah i love venison so you're telling me i'm gonna fucking
love dog meat i'm not saying that you will or not because like i didn't even know what
i was eating till my parents told me it's like oh yeah it's like okay well i'm hungry so i'll eat
yeah my brother started having a panic attack and it's like well too late sorry in my stomach
like what am i gonna do i've got two i've got two rules i've got two rules i mean at least
there's some paspian that i've been adventurous type but i've got two rules no dog no no no
dog no monkey they're me two rules no dog yeah i think monkey the bit of us well i mean if you
got that in your head but i mean again like it's you know like these are dogs right i mean that
sounds like a good rule i think that's a good that's a good you know it's like basically
cannibalism but whatever i don't know man's best monkeys man's best friend sorry dogs are
man's best friend and monkeys that would have a closest relative so like that's my reason and
behind them is one where we came from and one's our best mate you kind of eat the dogs or the
monkeys they're the the only rules i've got like i just don't feel comfortable eating a monkey though
yeah that's a bit of a stretch it's like i've never had monkey though it's if i can get like
a good filet mignon of a monkey i could change my mind i don't know
not a monkey i don't know if you can did you guys watch um indiana jones and he was like
when they had the monkey brain monkey brains chilled a monkey brain
scooping up like ice cream and shit like
oh it's true wait the old raj right the old school raj of india this was one of the most
sought-after delicacies seriously for dessert aha dessert chilled monkey brains my favorite
you had a pretty good impression of that man i've got to give you that
oh i'll tell you what i haven't came to fucking eat i mean i mean for a second there you didn't
even sound scottish you sound like an american trying to be british
i mean that's wild
scottish action is so thick it's like dude holy shit i wish i was from scotland bro
you wish you were from scotland wow i'm closer to scott i'm closer to scotland than i am london
so there you go or ireland or whatever we've got bits we've got bits and bits of all sorts
and they were family mate you know and the irish if you want to be irish at some point in the
near future i'm mr church i'll all be in touch now so we will mr shall be we suggest you answer
the phone you fucking tinker wait what did you get up what mustache could you spell it right
no mr shall be at some point in the near future mr churchill mr torto
ah i'll tell you what can i see how disappointed i became in piggy blinders that show went right
down fucking hill very quickly didn't it why they stopped talking like you shit there the fifth one
so i didn't realize what i've done like a fucking idiot for some reason i've missed the fifth season
and then i just went straight to the sixth and i was confused for ages and then i fucking went
and i'd look and i figured out i'd missed the whole thingy so i went back and watched it and it's
it's just mainly about tommy isn't it wanting to kill himself all the time but hasn't got the
balls to do it i just got really fucking bored with it like very quickly five and six pretty shit
but six pretty fucking abysmal right no maybe has anybody watched ao because i did want to mention
the red eye about the grand prix uh since we're coming up to uh qualifying very soon
has anybody watched the gentleman by guy richie and i mean not the movie with matthew mcconaughey
i mean oh no i was gonna say yes but then you say guy richie is like no well he did both he did the
movie and he's done the tv series that's on netflix yeah the tv series is fantastic oh how funny
yesterday how funny when he makes him do the chicken dance i'm a fucking chicken
and he's got him on the floor he's got him like on the floor it's fucking so bad isn't it
really fucking bad like really but she's lethal in it you know the woman she's really clever her
like and she i like her a lot she's my kind i've also got it just under just under a month until
moto gp race in austin as well which would be pretty good is that the season opener yeah
in austin i don't i don't think it's i think it's the race after the season opener
but it's the only one in the u.s don't they start late i just want to make
yes a little announcement you're pregnant fuck no bro them shits is closed
abandon mine that shit does not work okay it's done anyhoo i made sure
fucking put a dynamite stick and blew that shit up i'm good um anyways if anybody's
going to nftnyc hit me up we got some get togethers that we're going to we'll be there
from the second to the fifth just don't say that well make sure you go to nft nashville
because like you'll break um i want to go to uh tanks yeah i'm gonna break and leave
yeah you're gonna break uh tanks hard if you don't go up to that one i know well i wanted to go to
the first one but then guess what what i decided to be a foster parent and i couldn't leave
because court was the same day oh damn that's the best thing about nashville but not for them
about natural not for three bands the best thing about nashville it is if you get in with nulture
right if we keep sweet talk on them then uh you'll be getting a ticket for nashville no i already got
a ticket what's the nashville no i have a ticket for the the bit gamma no no no no no so nulture
are doing a huge show for the bitcoin conference and nashville nftnyc's run at the same time as
the bitcoin conference yeah i wouldn't have to leave mr bands behind but we can we can get
yeah we can get you into nulture in nashville i can guarantee you i know but i just can probably
have to leave him because we can't both go like we were gonna get back from maine i don't know
he's gonna have to say bye oh part of time quick update quick update uh pick i don't know
isn't your formula one at all or not uh not really
not really okay yeah yeah talk your left turns to somebody else all right mr
now now we just start free on this space when free practice was going on so it was like eight
thirty to nine thirty my time just over an hour ago finished interesting though to see the results
and red eye we are live for quality in one hour right 12 night time it should be uh b bands you
would have i thought i i think you would have liked it the the uh formula one race coverage
that robo did i thought was hilarious as fuck because it reminded me of like uh you know like
in dodgeball or like semi pro where you know the people that are in semi throw when they throw
branches at people and shit well you know i'm picturing the commentators we have one person
that's like way into it and then the people next to him are just talking mad shit or just like
totally uncorrelated stuff uh and then just you know snapping back to what's actually happening
on the event and me and flimber just talking you know it's like me and robo during this
it's pretty funny
well the thing is it's a big week thing is it's a big weekend for me because a i've been to alba
park all right uh b i lived there in melbourne's got very like close special place to me hot but
also it's a fucking amazing track like when they're in the car they didn't even realize that
they're driving around like outside with massive gigantic lake i don't know it reminds me of
like toronto a little bit like uh the canadian these these epic straights and like you know
fastest fuck chicanes and that looks like it's a really good track australia like really cool
truck and i'm just pumped i'm pumped for quali anyway so quali's in what like an hour yeah
i will definitely be asleep for that i probably won't be awake for fall yeah like i probably got
like maybe 10 minutes left in my gas tank yeah well i'm gonna go out so i'll jump out on the phone
all right guys i am going to see you later you guys have a good night
no worries man see you later pay sex yeah get that one guys yep i will later but yeah you never know
how much attention to pay it if to free practice right so there's always three practices right
uh there's generally uh q on the friday if it's a weekend race normal weekend race right q on a
friday one early saturday morning then saturday lunch time is quali right you can never really
put that much on both ferrari one and three the statmen in the middle but then hamilton and
russell fourth and fifth in three practice uh three red eye didn't expect that mind
then along so i'm sorry correct what did you just say this is the race this is how that free
practice uh results practice three results have just come in there oh you just you're
just trolling oh my god signal don't you dare no but don't play with me i'm gonna request
norris you have a need for speed i do
what's wrong with spade you know i know i asked her if she had a need for speed
that's how i'm going i only ever received one ticket in my 14 years of driving
oh i thought you were leaving i'm so glad you didn't leave it was the other guy right
you guys kind of sound the same oh psx that was psx at left uh tickets listen to this
so when i read i say when we got the car when we mean the missus got the car here in uh 20
late 2017 i was uh taking it they're like down down uh on the coast right so about 100
odd kilometers out the out of Bangkok and in the first three months i got five fucking 500
bar tickets she was going absolutely mental you know why the car was registered her parents'
address so army fucking tickets went her parents oh the shit i was in man
oh you fucking english crumb oh fucking done writing it's like two and a half grand like
about uh i don't know $80 $85 or something one of them i was caught going 132 kilometers
in the in the fucking 110 she wasn't hey i don't want to do the math can you tell me what that
like is in pound uh 130 times six uh which is uh i'm lost uh so many
yeah i 80 not that much not that quick is that the problem is it's 110 the limit's 110 here
i think might be 120 on the on the big uh big freeway thing but the normal roads 110
where's signal he's there hello hey guys good evening signal are you going to nftnyc
yeah i am am i gonna meet you there yes what the fuck i i wasn't i didn't even know
oh my god i'm so excited yeah i'll be there i'm pretty excited it's my first uh crypto conference
crypto related did you get yourself tickets in the noja show yeah so i'll be at that sweet
so we yeah it should be good um some of the people exhibiting there did a show here just a little
while ago and i went and got to meet a bunch of them so uh i'll know a few people that i have
some stuff on display so should be sweet right so we've got we're getting we're getting new speakers
b-bands shall we swap over the hosting uh things so that i can switch to the phone so i can go out
and make motorbike noises uh and you can hang on the call is that okay you want from me no no
so i'll i'll jump out to bury the band manager at the core uh you just you just jump out of
rack fm and i'll jump in and i'll take over the host of the rack fm yeah
without the flu oh okay i see i see what's happening right now easy it's a cool don't close
it down the way so do you want me to just excel out just just you jump out to the
studio whatever you want to do close down the app or something whatever okay come out yeah okay
can you guys hear me yeah i can hear you yep
how you doing right out there i'm doing good nice i'll cut you guys later two minutes
okay yeah just been it's uh been pretty rainy today so uh finished up work somewhat early and
tried to take a relaxing evening made some made some good dinner just been chilling with these guys
for i don't know it's been almost like two hours or so what did you make what did you make
uh i made a few things i made a few small things um i made some
um black bean quesadillas with uh pickled red onions and microgreens and then i also made some
i had some like leftover yellow rice so i made yellow rice black beans like chopped uh onions
microgreens on that um and then small do you realize do you realize how posh your food sounds
i thought you're gonna say like all egg and chips or something no it's it's pretty simple food um
it's very simple and then for snacks you know late at night my my guilty pleasure is cereal
for late night snack food do do no kind of cereal a bowl of cereal like a cheeky bowl of cereal is
so good when you're in the mood for a snack oh dude midnight midnight snacks all like late like
you know we call it you know super yeah dude if i smoke and then i'm going to like chill and just
relax a bowl or generally it's two bowls of cereal i i don't think i've ever stopped it just
one bowl of cereal um but yeah it's glorious oh we lost bay buns let's get bay buns back
what's your favorite cereal because i know over there you get you have different shit compared to
us right that's a really hard question to answer uh because it depends on what i'm in the mood for
uh the thing i probably buy the most of
is probably like life let's send them life um although i also really like special k
i like like dark chocolate granola
oh i like a bunch of different stuff it just depends on what i'm trying i'm not a big
fan of like super sugary cereals um never been a huge fan of do you like raisin bran
oh i love raisin bran oh my god me too i will fuck up some raisin bran
i don't fuck around when raisin bran gets poured in my bowl i'm like
thank you gods all i heard was special kit and then like twitter cut off on me and i'm like
i'm so this is the first time i'm glad that twitter's actually cut out on me at this point
of conversation and stuff and we've gone again down with special k root i was about to just
end any interesting cereal and just go vegetarian for the rest of my days like i was like
special k bro what's going on you hear special k and then you pop back in and i'm talking about
being in a k hole somewhere like oh yeah huge turn are you are you are you on a diet or are
you in need of extra fiber in your bowels i mean what what's with the special kit i'm not too sure
no i just like this i think it tastes good like the fruit and yogurt one i just think it tastes
good gross but anyways okay i like special k i think pretty much any cereal i like the vanilla
almond is also pretty good yeah so cold war pops can we just all have an agreement that cold war
pops are at the number one like they are clear god tell you what did you say
cocoa puffs you know the little monkey no but i'd rather have a bowl of cocoa pops
oh yeah you know you don't get bad birds in the states and that and no it's a orange bird
in the u.s i'd like the cocoa puffs mascot so we've got a cheeky little monkey and you changed
it over it is i don't know i i generally i'm not a big fan of chocolate cereal
so really person too okay that's not true cocoa like crispies or some equivalent are pretty pretty
decent but generally no because hey guys i have a question could my voice be a good ai voice
or is it to like ghetto and raspy
i think it would be good you know what are my feelings you're like yeah yeah it's fine it's
fine it depends it depends like it depends how much you've drank how much you smoked i think
yes and it depends what time it is you should also have multiple b-bands
do you drink b-bands ai or six drink b-bands ai with blunts on the side who knows
there's like a special dial on your dashboard to turn up the drinks
you can increase the tone to drink the drink influence
i don't you reckon you've got the perfect voice for radon articles you know very much
you think all right because when i wrote the article uh the last one like uh he was like
dude i'm not gonna sit and read all that he said but if it was a recording of like b-bands
or fin like read it out he said i'd listen all day said those two have got perfect voices for that
kind of shit i mean he's from new york city so he has like a little ghetto voice to himself so
i think signal could have a good voice for doing ai as well it just takes a lot that's a lot of
training just talking i've never heard my professional voice this is my hangout i don't give a fuck voice
if you heard my professional voice you'll be like oh that's different we've all got
posh voices when we need them even even i've got my uh my teacher voice when i need it
let me hear it
okay good morning everyone and how are we doing today very nice to see everyone
my name is teacher andy and i'll be with you for the next several hours
okay could you please open your books at page 22 and we'll get started
it's still pretty goofy
that's the best i've got bro that's what you're getting it's the best i've got
i didn't at all like that actually do you know something all my clients yesterday they came on
they come on for an hour each and it's literally just like how's it going sound kind of bad
like just normal crack like i crack on with you like honestly talking about the shit they do at
the weekend and stuff
it's better for them to listen to accents man it's better for them to have to work harder
than talking like a club
yeah maybe you don't want to set the expectation that that's what people are going to sound like
dude back in the day it's what they were all over here you were recommended like back in like
the 80s early 90s it was like totally frowned upon to have any kind of accent
anybody coming out to speak like teaching places like china japan even vietnam in the early 2000s
everybody was expected to have these typical like english like banker voices you know like
the bank manager voice or something oh hello good morning how do you do like how do you do
who says how do you do in 2024 come on who says how do you do it's ridiculous isn't it
hey what's up bitch or something and you're trying to you're trying to teach it that like
the reply is how do you do people just look at you like you're stupid when you try and teach that
shit so this video you set me is four minutes long i'm gonna have to catch it in the morning
because i'm definitely did you say the tarantula door won't show the camera no no i i need to catch
it in the morning when i'm not about to go to bed and think about you eating tarantulas
and can i say something garlic sauce on you know they forgot to put garlic sauce on and
they're reminding me after i took the first night mañana tomorrow tomorrow in the morning
when i'm ready to like face i can't i'm dipping it in ranch you know like
i don't know they're not blue cheese but a blue cheese and not a bit of ranch but a blue cheese
might have been a bit better like a friend of ours doesn't hold ranch in his pizza shop
like he he does a like farm to table pizza pizza shop in montana and so like he won't
allow anybody like he doesn't have ranch so if you want to dip your pizza in ranch
he's like fuck off you can go somewhere else and get your pizza that's sacrilege that nor ranch
what's he clear now what are you doing no no no he's like if you want to get ranch and go to
papa jams go to pizza hut but this is a motherfucking establishment we don't put ranch on our
bill murray pizza which is like dates and pumpkin seeds and shit no
i'm gonna be honest with you i go mad for that blue cheese shit on me fucking there spicy wings
you know your proper hot wings there's nothing better than that blue cheese yeah i don't put
ranch on my boots on my blue cheese i don't put ranch on my blue cheese no i meant to say
don't put ranch on my wings only cheese you know you know what i gotta go watch a movie
so i'll see you guys later i'll see you later signal do you know what's really
cheesy love you you know it's really cheeky to get from the pizza shop you can try this
you know a lot of pizza shops will have like a caesar salad or something they'll have like a
vegetarian option or a spaghetti option as well maybe on the menu i always me when i get this
certain pizza place i always ask for the caesar sauce like in a little tub and it's like a
little bit of like the garlicky one it's not a normal sauce like seriously like caesar dressing
sauce you request that on the side oh my god i ask the man you know i do the same i'm like yo i
need caesar on the side for a lot of my freaking meals i swear to god i like i've been doing
that for like years oh my god you're my little unicorn i love you you know what he tells me
you know what he tells me he's always like don't tell anyone else don't tell anyone else
oh my god the pizza guys hate doing it for me they're like just don't let everybody know
that we're doing this for you and i'm like just give me a little caesar on the side baby like
bro come on we're just talking about salad dressing here we're not you're not we're not
doing anything that crazy baby just give me a little caesar on the side and everything will
be fine all right i have to say i'm not gonna lie to you my mate cedric the french dude
he cooks the fucking best well makes makes the best caesar salad you've ever seen in your life like
like i'm talking hero level like god to your level like no wait a minute hold on
you're you're saying that but like i literally have this dude who takes the hearts of romaine
and like chars them and then after he chars them you have like a caesar salad like platter
that he like displays for you i don't know man it's pretty fun to eat
is this is this food or art i mean i want to eat it's a little bit of food and art i want to
experience taking pictures robo yes no listen don't you kind of want to interactive food
experience and we're like okay i'm gonna have to do this to get to this like people go to
korean barbecue they like to like sizzle up their little meats and stuff like that on the grill
it's very similar to how they started integrating um the uh self checkouts at walmart and uh you
know other grocery stores that you come in you pay for the food you cook the food you serve
yourself the food you eat it you get out and you pay us i mean that being said i love korean barbecue
no it is fun it gives you something to do
oh it's delicious and it's one of the few places that you can get soju if you like soju i'm i'm
not a fan like coming to my restaurant and cook your own food i'm not a fucking fan of that shit
like why am i doing the work why i'm not even on minimum fucking wage well you leave a lot of room
for like if someone comes and they're like oh the food was terrible it's like you cooked your own
food fucker like if you don't believe the food was cooked then uh you don't do it right dude i
remember when this first peak became popular in the uk like early 2000s and i and i got this cube
massive like fucking fillet steak and i just couldn't cook the fucking thing on the stupid
do me head right in that night we went out for that shit
no man i'm sitting back i'm sitting back doing i'm enjoying some wine that's what i'm doing while
you're cooking for me a little wine of course so i'm smoking a little baby jitter after my
five drink hang out time with my friends in the shivering cold right now but i'll be fine
this can i be honest there's no other alcohol like you can comfortably drink with food other than
like wine like so having bar snacks with a beer is completely different i'm talking about having
like a proper meal like a meal meal where you're like start a main course maybe dessert right
like a little lamb food and beer goes pretty well together in my opinion yeah yeah i'll tell you what
indian food is the only food i don't i can't drink beer with so you kind of drink wine with
it would have to be uh because i've drunk like wine with like Thai food not before
kind of date with india it's got to be like lager with indian food that's what lager was
created for right but man fucking red wine with food oh good cheese and good meats
and now good pasta fuck
he bans i've never heard someone call it a jitter before
i know what a jitter is
i don't know what it was as soon as you said it but it's like
people often think people often think i'm an uneducated pleb they didn't realize that like
you know when it comes to things like they know and that man i'm just a fucking all-around expert man
yeah i'm a surprising font of knowledge man you'd be surprised just try and just just trying one
is honestly it's better than a lot of just studying shit like looking up stuff and knowing
a lot of fancy words like i was in the alcohol making industry for five years uh there are a
lot of people you can like talk a good game but just trying shit is the best way to become a
in quotes connoisseur of stuff also having good taste buds is helpful like i enjoy doing the
whole like ipa tasting and rating shit that is like very fun for me it's like interaction
drinking it makes your drinking yeah it makes your drinking like oh interactive like look
she has posted she tried this imperial stout and gave it to 4.0 like or like 3.2
like you know what i mean i don't know it makes it like almost okay to like have a drink
do you know that's how instagram started that's that's how instagram started that's exactly what
instagram was in its first ever formation was a photo for you to be able to take photos of
your drinks and like rate them it's exactly what it was they have untapped for that now
if you just go to your untapped app be like hey i've had 5 000 beers in the last month
and here is how i rated them
justifying alcoholism no it's making it interactive relax you can have a flight
and try seven different beers but they're only like two to four ounce pours i'm just saying
nah i mean the the okay those little tasters but you just the only reason you have the little
tasters to figure out what you want a big glass of right basically yes but you have those tasters
to like develop your palate as you're like starting to like get into like this huge
plethora of all these different flavor beers that you can try and you can cleanse your
palate by having some like unsalted crackers taste those and then you can try another night like
it's a whole like fucking bougie thing so you know i didn't start drinking like wine until i
was about 27 right yeah you know the story you know guys just didn't drink where i was from
guys just didn't drink where i came from right so listen to this one here's one for you
basically when i when i met sarah and she moved in and that were me right this is a girl i went
australia not with yeah we're together for like seven years she got me into wine i was about 27
anyway we went australia living in the van we're driving around what do we do we go to the
wine district i've never been anywhere like these posh places like before so right i went
and i just remember like when they handed out the first drinks i just banged shot of it straight
down and then everybody starts swilling it and smelling it and like like drinking and spitting it
out into this barrel on like what the fuck i'm doing just acted like an absolute player but
it didn't take me long i was like watching what other people were doing and i got used to it
quite quickly but these people are fucking snobs the proper wine people they're horrendously bad
like oh they look down okay so i'm gonna be honest um wine snobs are worse
that's not like beer snobs beer snobs are like more down to earth because they're all up in the
dirty hops and shit wine snobs agree i'm gonna be honest like wine snobs they're like no you
didn't like the shablas well why don't you try this sub in your blog 1998 you know what i mean
some fucking shit like that your people like yo this ipa is the shit you gotta give it a taste you
know so i just want to give i just want to give red eye a quick uh quick listen
that well there's the bass right i'll be i'll be off this bike in two seconds all right
i'll be on my bike tomorrow what kind of bike is it like a bicycle or is it like a bicycle with
a motor on it and you sit on it with like all kinds of things happening you need a license to
drive it yes i do need a license to drive this one uh i need to start clarifying saying taking
my bike now is the easiest way to say i mean taking my motorcycle out oh i've got two of them
right now uh the one i'm talking about is an r6 it's a super bike um it's i got it as a track bike
to go take and race um well not necessarily race but take it to a track where you effectively are
racing it you're learning to race um so that's pretty fun it's been nice enough warm enough
to actually take the bikes out and then i've got another one that's meant for going a little bit
slower and by meant for going a little bit slower do you mean like it's not some
suicide be motorbike or like it's a harley davis like i've got it it's a harley
my my second one is a harley so it's like you're like low rider just chill yeah yeah i've had that
one since uh yeah i've had that one for 11 years almost um this other one i got maybe six months
ago it's pretty cool i've only been on a motorcycle twice in my life and yeah it was cool you know
uh yeah i couldn't have did you were you the driver or no i was the
passenger driver do i look like a driver look at my face i don't know i would
i might trust myself as a passenger like i would always personally rather be the one driving
than as a passenger especially i'm just like hey listen do you know you've been driving
for a long time you know what you're doing all right that's fair that's fair um yeah i don't know
maybe robo i'm interested to hear robo's first bite i'm sure he's been on the back of many a
motorbike oh he just hopped off of one motorbike just now he's probably paying his it's fair right
now he's like hold on no no i'm on no i'm on my bike i'm on the patient okay i'm on the big white
massimo vehicle
yeah i'm just picturing robo clutching you know his arms wrapped around
um you know it's short little tie fella and he's like twice in size right yeah exactly flying
through the streets of bangkok on the twitter space at the same time listen so we were on
you know were you on there in that space when he literally was on a motorbike and all you could
hear was the fucking motorbike in the background and he was trying to host a space and shit
and y'all here is like and you'd be like hold on one second you're like dude i'm just picturing
like one of the biggest spaces for a racket that i don't know you get someone huge on
and robo just for whatever reason is caught up in the streets of bangkok on the back of
a moped just trying to be like really serious asking you know like in death questions and you
just hear the sound of it this five horsepower engine struggling to get two guys down the road
we're so annoying and goofy that we literally all just started me and fin started making
the motorcycle sounds every time he tries to talk it's like you get chris from terra on here
finally fucking robo's just out in the streets of bangkok damn well
no i wasn't like that i was in the studio ready for christmas come on my profession i know
i'm sure you could also host if you needed to you know you could do it
you could you could host chris from from the pcx
hey i did one before right and i got wrong off finn so we did zengo wallet and i was coming back
from the city to my home village right and like fins like kicking off like where the fuck is
this fuck in the middle of crenshaw boulevard yeah dude i was actually wondering have you ever
been hosting a space walking through bangkok and you have like you know ladies in the night or
any lady boys you know approaching you no no listen he has something better several times
several times you should no no no mic unmuted while you're dealing with them so we can understand
what it's like to you know to be robo right yeah i have to deal with this robo lost his cell phone
in the toilet this is a recorded space um lost his cell phone in a toilet and fucking um
um he had to be i bet he was walking around with a giant tablet the only way he could talk to us
in contact was was through the fucking tablet and you said he was walking around i was in public
i was paying me bills to your face like you're trying to talk on a phone but just a tablet to
you uh gris uh little gage made a fucking meme about it
that was insane that was like the worst like six weeks of me like walking around with a tablet
i was really embarrassed and fucking around with that he's the best i love it
i had to use it for all new finger and everything you know you know use it for me
i do know you were you were suffering for a long time
oh when you get a phone call when you get a phone call on a tablet man you have to answer
the phone on the actual tablet come on it's really embarrassing you can't get hello avon calling
i guess maybe if you had like an apple watch maybe you couldn't do it like that
it's because like the people walking past you from that side you know like you're always
listening on the same time i was listening on the like left hand side you've got the tablet
up it looks like you've just got no head they're walking past like what's he doing
he doesn't get a square head on him just say the tablet case
oh guys i'm gonna call him tonight me too great great chat it's been real it's been fun i
like you guys yeah this was awesome yes grabbing some grabbing some lunch and getting back for
qualifying in 30 minutes kind of way left turn left turn left turn
oops was that all right less with the humor
it's actually a clockwise track so it's the right turn right
see you later see you later red eye right babe hands get better we need you back
we need full fitness i'm a full fitness right oh obviously we're saying yeah it's so sick now
because i'm like buzz right now okay great yeah we need a hundred percent all right so take
care of yourself yeah plenty of rest love you talk to you later bye take care everyone bye bye guys
take care