Mobile #MWEB is the game changer

Recorded: Dec. 8, 2022 Duration: 4:02:07



♪ ♪ ♪
♪ I'm the same the way the China did the Shuron Butterfly girl ♪ ♪ And you said you had to get your laundry ♪ ♪ Did you want no one to hold you? ♪ ♪ What does that mean? ♪ ♪ You see, I'm not gonna break my spine ♪ ♪ Nobody knows how to beat down ♪ ♪ Butter ♪
♪ I got to keep my mood there ♪ ♪ And I just don't break my skies ♪ ♪ I'm running in the water just by ♪ ♪ Oh, girl, I got to keep my mood there ♪ ♪ Oh, girl, I'm running now ♪ ♪ The way I was like baby, but now you're ♪
♪ There's a guy who reads and buys the room ♪ ♪ So that's who's gay ♪ ♪ Ain't got a phone break my style ♪ ♪ Don't buy the tool, be down ♪ ♪ Roll the door, I got the deep mouth ♪ ♪ Oh, who's there ♪
♪ And I'm gonna break my spine ♪ ♪ I'm gonna get a warm touch back ♪ ♪ I'm gonna be my boy there ♪ (upbeat music)
Hey what's going on guys man I totally almost forgot I was starting this at 8 o'clock tonight until
about six minutes ago. So he was to say, not as fully prepared as I normally, even though I'm not usually that all that prepared. But yeah, I don't know, I feel like I don't know if the weeks are going by faster or if
Maybe I'm having more they say time flies and you're having fun, but I feel like we have these more often than in the past even though it's the same Yeah, this week I made it mobile mobile m web I kind of want to talk about that. I'm supposed to come up and join me, but I think that
You know, there could be a sequence of events that...
come to pass in the next, I don't know.
six months that could really make things pretty great. And that would be first starting out with what we talked about. And I know everybody in here is all like we don't need regulation who cares about regulation.
But some sort of clarity and if Lakeland were to be considered kind of Bitcoin Lake in that category of commodities or considered currencies
here, and I think that would lead the way around the world as people viewing them that way. I think that'd be a good stamp of approval in a way.
from governments, even though we don't need them, I understand all that. But the other thing that could happen shortly after that is mobile M-web. And I think that if I'm not mistaken, I think even Charlie has said that he kind of envisions
future where the M web is kind of the default for most people. Most users will just operate completely within M web. So you'd have wallets where you would
take your money off of your, even if it's an exchange or another
self-custody wallet, you'd move it to an M-web wallet and that's where all your transactions would take place.
And I think that's really where fungibility comes in is not in...
Not in complete privacy, but in there's just the mass adoption of it.
So yeah, I think that's that's not most excited about I feel like that's that's maybe Charlie's endgame or his next step in creating the best money he can is focusing his energy on making M web is easy to use and as adopted as possible.
What do you think your name first or what are you changing name every week man?
I changed my name every week. Well, you're sad. Yeah, that's my yeah, but that's not that's another kind of sexual ed if T collection, but honestly, with it's just it's bound to happen. My opinion is that
Everyone that's a Bitcoiner right now screaming. I mean we're all Bitcoiners and I think that Just mathematically people are gonna figure out that you know down the road transactions are gonna cost too much and so you know right now I've seen a lot of development on the Bitcoin
inside of stuff, they're making mobile wallets and making all that stuff happen, but specifically with M-web, like the title of this space, it's going to be a game changer. Now you have all of the benefits of Bitcoin, the self-custody, the sovereignty, the right to exchange,
on-inhibited and now you have that extra layer of privacy on top of that. It just opens up doors to a freedom and yeah development to then get access to
float everybody conveniently right that's that's the goal so i love to see it
Am I still here? Did I rogue? Oh my bad. I had mute on. I didn't realize it. Sorry. No worries. I was like, oh my God. Well, no, I think that
you know it's funny because the lightning network tackles a problem that i think is a niche problem like what was that

FAQ on Mobile #MWEB is the game changer | Twitter Space Recording

What did the speaker almost forget before starting the recording?
The speaker almost forgot to start the recording at 8 o'clock tonight.
What did the speaker say about time flying?
The speaker said that time seems to be flying faster, possibly because they are having more fun.
What is 'mobile m web'?
'Mobile m web' is a mobile web platform that the speaker believes could become the default for most users who operate within the cryptocurrency world.
What does the speaker think could happen for cryptocurrency to be viewed as a commodity or currency by governments?
The speaker believes that cryptocurrency being viewed as a commodity or currency by governments could lead the way for the rest of the world to view it similarly, providing a good stamp of approval.
What is the speaker most excited about regarding mobile m web?
The speaker is most excited about mobile m web's potential mass adoption, which could lead to increased fungibility for cryptocurrency.
What is the speaker's opinion on the current state of Bitcoin transactions?
The speaker believes that down the line, Bitcoin transactions will become too expensive and people will need to find alternative solutions.
What benefits of Bitcoin does the speaker believe mobile m web offers?
The speaker believes that mobile m web offers all the benefits of Bitcoin, including self-custody, sovereignty, and uninhibited exchange, along with an extra layer of privacy.
What is the lightning network, according to the speaker?
The lightning network is a solution to a niche problem, according to the speaker.
What does the speaker believe mobile m web could open doors to?
The speaker believes that mobile m web could open doors to increased freedom and development, as well as convenient access to float for everyone.
What is the speaker's view on the current development of Bitcoin mobile wallets?
The speaker has seen a lot of development in Bitcoin mobile wallets and thinks they are making progress.