Modern Market: Is China coming for our bags?

Recorded: May 30, 2023 Duration: 0:52:40



You want to kick your laryl doll though? I've been drinking justice like in my sorrow She want to kick your leg messy, she be trying to text me I can't been the same since the day that you left me Now I'm on top of it, I've been working in a taxi, she been playing games
I'm a rockin' like it's reddle
I'm in a side with some more
I've been drinking that I was looking at my sorrow She wanna kick you like messy, she can try to text me I've been been insane since a day that you left me I'm on top of it, I'm in a test scene, she didn't play games
I've been drinking that as like in my socks She want to kick you like a message. She been trying to text me. I've been in the same since the day that you let me I'm on top of it. I've been in the test. She didn't play games
I'm gonna sound a bit sweet.
Feel like what we have is different. He was caught up in each other. He was a citizen of difference. He was caught up with another. Oh no, I'm dealing with it. Oh no, I'm going to cover.
I don't believe it was done.
I tried to fight it but he came from the damage you get
I know I always regret what you did to me, it was meant to be. So long so long, there's someone other side, me and your network to deal, you can never hide. I finally feel how I feel being dead inside, and all I gotta say to you is forever gonna fall.
Good morning everyone, welcome to the modern market. We run the show for 45 minutes on Monday to Friday at 7 a.m. Eastern time 12 p.m. GMT every
day of the week. We discuss all things to do with the modern market. That is the crypto market, the NFT market and how to make money by leveraging the internet and the latest technologies. My name is B. Check. I'm a UK teacher and lawyer. I trade NFTs. I collect NFTs and I write about NFTs and I am the author of the snapshot
which has pinned up top, it goes out daily on Twitter and one time per week in Newsletter Form. I'm also joined by my legendary co-host, of course, legendary, the OG NFT collector, the Air Drop Extra, and one of my best friends in the space. Legendary has been navigating crypto since 2016.
which is a lot of years and that's why we love to have them here with us. Finally, as a reminder, friends, nothing legendary or I say here is financial advice. This modern market is exceptionally risky. No one really knows anything for sure, so please do proceed with caution and exercise your own judgment. With that out of the way, legendary, how are you doing?
GMG I am very happy with today's intro because when you started off saying a lot of years of experience in blockchain I was almost expecting that lead into me being called old again just as yesterday but we didn't do that today so I'm very happy
Yeah, don't worry it will come again. It will come again. It will come again. Is it a fixed segment of the show now? Yeah, I will have like once or twice a week as per a special request. I was actually working on a different idea to try to defame you in a different way, but I wasn't quite happy with it. So I think maybe we'll do that one maybe tomorrow or the day after.
You do know that for such cases I have a mute everyone button that I would have to use and then just jam music again. And be like, oops, sorry, there was a mistake. - Yeah, but I have the mute everyone button as well. And so I think I can unmute.
That is true. That is true. It's going to be a fight to see if you're going to be able to defame it in tomorrow's intro. I think a healthy amount of defamation amongst friends.
is probably a good way to, you know, any publication, any reputable publication, you have a healthy amount of defamation amongst friends, don't you think?
Sounds like you either watch too much succession or game of thrones Possibly I actually don't watch I did watch game of thrones. I didn't watch succession. Did you watch success? No, did you watch so I have only the finale Left to watch it tonight. It's one of my favorite shows actually
I've never got involved in it. I kind of don't like watching really, really popular shows with loads of series because then if I know if I like it, that means that I'll have to watch it, you know. You as a lawyer would love succession though. It's going to take up loads of my time. If I like season episode one,
season one, then I'm going to have to watch it loads, aren't I? It's going to take up loads of my time. This is the challenge with great shows. Other question to you though, I think it was two days ago that you announced a partnership on your Twitter account with NounStyle.
So congratulations on that. What did you announce? What is the partnership exactly? Yeah, thanks, man. It's not with nouns down itself, it's with little nouns down. So, lots of people might be familiar, there's a variety of subsets of nouns down where money
flows to them in some ways and then they have all this treasury which they have to figure out how to allocate and one of the cool things with them is that they're looking for ways to fund interesting builders, writers, community members doing cool stuff and they do all kinds of
random things like all sponsor me as a writer they sponsor people doing like charitable stuff in Africa they now's actually you'll see in the new section today now that the main now's doubt have sponsored an esports team so the thesis is always like let's
just try to proliferate the meme of Noun's Dow, particularly those cool noggles. And basically they've just got a truckload of money because of all the Noun sales and their idea is that the more attention we get, the more money will flow to the treasury, which means the more money we have to spend funding called stuff.
So yeah, my newsletter was just a part of that and received sponsorship for multiple months for me to just keep putting the word out about Lil Noun's down and the cool stuff they're doing. And also the main thing is for other people to know, like look, if you're doing cool stuff,
even though in a total market it's 100% possible to get paid. Like mine deal is in excess of $10,000 for multiple months. So it's like look, I know in a bad market but there's always opportunity to source funding if you're in the right place.
Absolutely agree with that take and once more congratulations on the deal. Thanks very much, Ron. Let's get into some of the headlines because we want to dive into the headlines. Before we do that, if you'd like to contribute on something we speak about today, do request now. We will be bringing people up on the stage throughout this session.
and if you want to follow along the first slide of the snapshot pinned up top has the details I'm about to share so please do like and retweet it so we can increase our reach. So let's get into it starting with the price action before the headlines. Crypto was fairly flat after a bit of a bump
up yesterday. Bitcoin is just under 28k, flat, ETH is sitting at 1.9k, 8 is down a couple of percent at 3.2 dollars, NFT volume was attached down at 24.4 million, blood down at 13.3 and opens the just up a touch at 6.1
The top collections, board H for flat at 45e, crypto punks with down, a couple of percent at 50, mutants were up a touch at 9.5 and a zuki up a touch pushing towards 15 at 14.8. In terms of the headlines, the big first headline is the OPEC
and that's collab revealed and those additions were performing exceptionally well. They are performing, they are trading at a premium, a significant premium. We're going to go into that a little bit in the notable sales section today and dive into and explain why
These revealed pieces are trading for much higher than the floor. Number two, Moonbirds found a Kevin Rose received some bad PR for some comments he made on a Twitter space. Yesterday, he definitely wanted to hear from legendary con that as he's rocking the Moonbird companion on the shoulder.
And finally, Russia allowed private companies to run crypto exchanges. We're often reporting on things like how we were talking just the last two days about how Hong Kong will start to legalize crypto trading and what those effects would be in China. It was interesting to see that Russia, whose previous position had been
that they wanted to maybe run a state crypto exchange was my understanding from what I read. Now they're thinking, no, let's let private companies do it. So it's interesting to see, to get that global perspective. Legendary, what's taking your interest first and foremost out of these headlines?
Definitely Kevin Rose and the Moonbirds. Not only because I have a Moonbird as part of my profile picture. Maybe for a bit of context we just could play 20, 30 seconds out of the spaces to see what Kevin Rose say. Yeah, let's do it.
What's that? It's just like, you know, I was doing the math yesterday on the Board of Apes collection and in granted, we're obviously moombards as a percentage is down more than apes, but in terms of the dollar amount, apes is actually down more than moombards, meaning if you had bought at the peak of Board apes and you
you held today, dollar for dollar you had lost more money than the cost for the actual aim was more. That was basically what Kevin Rose said in his basis yesterday.
So I don't think it is a very good move to start comparing floor prices as a family of different projects. The question is why he made the statement, especially because he also took his time to then hop on spaces and talk about the FUD that resulted from this. It was a bank holiday in the States.
yesterday, he took I think almost three hours out of his holiday to mitigate and discuss the thought that emerged after this statement. And I think when I heard it for the first time, I was pretty certain that this is going to trend all over the time. Some people will cut parts of the
spaces and just play the recording. And yeah, I don't know, I'm not very happy with it, to be honest. Especially seeing that Moonbirds, you know, the team has put so much effort in to communicate better. The Moonbirds official Twitter account started retweeting posts from content creators. Moonbirds
community is always very active on Twitter like whenever I post something about the Moonbirds it does get you know multiple 10,000 views and it's just a bit unfortunate to see but you know a statement like this obviously leads to a certain amount of fun and makes you
moombards, trends in a very negative light again. And just one more sentence on it. I don't agree with the sentiment or the statement that, you know, every PR is good PR. I think that controversy is a very good thing, but there's like all the limits to it when it, you know, doesn't spark a discussion. But
on the has a potential reputation damage that comes with it. I really like that final point that you made. I'll ask you some more questions in the second but I just want to put my perspective out there. The final point you made is really good about how to
how people are going about communicating their stuff and it's not necessarily all good PR like trying to be controversial in particular. I don't know if you saw but this is not the first time this week even. I mean I mean look, Moonberg's got a history of doing some strange things but even earlier this week and I didn't see much
Geng said about this, he tweeted a really weird tweet that I noticed where he said, "Please post your fudge below" or something. I don't know if you saw that tweet, but if anyone hasn't seen that tweet, go back to that one. People were posting a variety of things, some of it was a bit of a joke, some of it was super serious.
and all of his comments beneath it were like basically making a joke out of some people who were actually taking the time to reply some sincere fudge or you know and I thought that that was a very strange kind of PR
strategy also, but I think to your point about whether trying to be controversial, maybe trying to generate some engagement on the timeline, it felt like to me as someone who is not in the ecosystem anymore, it looked like he was trying to do something to generate some PR, trying to be like
a bit on the line of, you know, is this controversial? Is it not? Just trying to play that line, trying to be more prominent on the timeline. And I think maybe someone like Frank could could pull that off, for example. And because I don't know, he's just, he seems to be able to do that stuff better. Maybe it comes
naturally to him. Different leaders are obviously better at different things and I think that's completely fine for people to have different specialities, different leadership qualities and maybe Frank is no more accustomed to that style of communication and juggling it like dancing on that very fine line but
I thought even that first tweet at the start of the week was a bit dangerous and seemed a bit off-key. And then to see this one, to see these comments, it just, well, everyone saw the reaction on the timeline. So I don't think there's any kind of confusion about the conclusion there. And Rando, I see you've got your hand raised. I just want to check with Legendary if you have any comments on that and then we#
I mostly agree with what you just said. I did see the tweet. The tweet per se is a smart thing to be like as a founder, you know, post all your fud if you have good answers to it, right? If you have your roadmap and Moonbirds has a roadmap and if you know how to address it, like get all the negative sentiment, get people talk about that errands.
something to say and then he disappears for a couple of days a week. He's not, and I know he has a lot of stuff to do, but he has everyone. I feel like what Moonbird's really needs is a leader figure who shows up daily on Twitter and also has the authority to do that because there's many
members of the team, AKS, TV and others who show up daily and drive the community spirit, but they are not like, you know, seen or recognized as the founder or the guy running the project. And it becomes an issue when you make a controversial take like that, you don't have the best answers to it, then you disappear, then you come back a couple of days
later have another take, make more thought circulate, then you disappear again and the team tries to mitigate that. That's really a situation as a founder or company that you don't want to be in, especially in a space like always where everyone is used to. The founder is like Luca or Frank being a
available 24/7 almost.
to Twitter in some respect because there are obviously some founders and leaders on Twitter that are able to fill that role. I was watching the All-In podcast with David Sachs, Jamar and what was his name Jason yesterday and one of the things they were talking about was how sometimes with Star
They go for the professional CEO. Obviously, certain people have ideas. They start things off and then they hire a professional CEO. They seem to be quite negative on that idea. You've got to get this professional CEO to do particular things.
know what the right answer is, whether you generally do need to distribute your leadership in that sense and get like a permanent forward-facing Twitter person whilst you can say in the background, I don't know. Randall, do you have any thoughts on that specifically or did you want to make a separate point on the moonback
No, specific to GM and good afternoon from Europe. Thanks for having me up. It's interesting. I think Kevin
has been one of those founders that is still, I mean, not to get too personal or, you know, too into his personal life, but I think he's like, soul searching as a founder, where he's trying to be a bit of Raspi, and we've seen Raspi take on the trolling mechanism that helped his floor price a little and helped people
kind of rally the community or let's say him rallying the community to defend a kid called Beast. We've seen Luca go quiet focus on work deliver and come out with something that you know completely changed the way people are talking about.
payments which was great. Who else did we have? I guess all in all I think the biggest issue is that Kevin doesn't know what kind of founder he is and he's trying to play the game where no one's talking about
him, so he wants someone to talk about him. But the problem is your team has been slandered, your community has been slandered, the moon birds, most of them feel, they feel triggered, right? And it's unfortunate that like you rock something that you like.
I think the artist, the fact that they did a pivot and went straight into showcasing art to the community despite all the fud. It was great because the community rallied and we saw a bit of positivity from there, right? You don't have to always like, "This shit on the moonbirds is one thing if you
don't like it, you know, if you don't like the art or if you think they're, they wasted away money. I mean, that's one thing that's an opinion, but to have a founder come in and almost demean the work that's been put into restore some sort of faith or
even restore some morale by simply saying I did the math yesterday like what are you as a founder doing math on floor prices of board apes going like how in any spectrum of like business would that make sense like Apple going and doing the math of like Samsung sales what benefit unless you're
actually trying to compete with them directly. Well, benefit do you have out of it? His statement did not make sense towards anything like any response could have been better than that. I think the problem is, sorry, yeah, I'll end on this. I think the problem is him as a founder
front facing founder doesn't work for him and I think he needs to realize that I recommend I think the solution is rather than hiring a PR company or a team hire someone to just take away the phone when Kevin Rose spends more than 30 minutes on it.
can definitely see how a variety of people come to that type of conclusion. I myself was a Moonbird holder for a variety of, for a bit of, for quite some time actually, back in the day, I'd bought like two days into, no, actually it was on the day, on the day Moonbirds dropped, I didn't, wasn't able to mint. I'd bought
on secondary for a reasonable amount of money at the time and held for a while, held all the way up to the top, held it a little bit down. I think it was about six or seven months ago. I wrote an article on why I sold my minbirds. I sold it a good amount of time ago as well. It was often CCO stuff. I think it might have been
to the oddity stuff as well. Yeah, I got an oddity after all of that stuff. And yeah, there's just so many mistakes, so many mistakes, which again, it's not necessarily the death now of a project. Projects have done far more certain worst things and still managed to recover if the things that you do
after make people feel more positive and put people on the right track. But as you say, it seems to be the case that, in spite of even legendary news point, in spite of all of the maybe more positive work that they're trying to enact on the Twitter
on the discord side, on this kind of more community side, there always seems to be something that just kind of deflates. They start inflating, they start getting a bit more positive, and then there's something that always punctures their hopes at some point in time. Legendary, once your final take on this before we move on,
Well, yeah, two final points on that because I very much agree with you that you know Moonbirds and I absolutely still love the ecosystem has all the building blocks to make a successful U-turn a successful recovery. I talk a lot with the team. I have had multiple calls with them. You know, the energy is very good. They have a lot of things planned, but again,
Again, as we just said a couple of times, it's not helpful to have found a step into this action and make the sentiment negative again, unfortunately. And the second thought was to use it earlier with the different types of CEOs. Look, there might be this one and a hundred guy who is able to
be the right CEO through all of a company's lifetime. But in my experience, before being in Web 3, working with Fintech, helping Fintech scale, there's like three types of founders. There's a guy who has the idea who found the initial company and is very good as an entrepreneurial spirit to set it up to get it started.
Then you have the type of founder who is excellent at scaling up a company, and then you need someone to transition it into a business that has to operate on a day-to-day basis. And in very, very rare occasions, these three roles are the same person, the same CEO who can
Live up to them and it's absolutely okay to have those kind of changes We've seen it with uglabs like you had the initial founding team and they hired so many people and they hired an ulcer team Which only one who makes sense because they're building like this massive ecosystem on the other hand obviously makes for good PR if you hire people from Activision Blizzard
or the Riot Games etc. But it's also a perfect sign for that that it's not the same skill set after you founded a company, after you scaled a company to run a massive company. It's just different skills as an experiences that often requires different people to do that job. I definitely agree. I think that's the same
not just in business in all cases when I was a teacher before I was a lawyer, we did this stuff about change management and there are different types of headmasters and basically it's the exact same principle that you have a headmaster that comes in to turn a school round like you've got a failing school, this school needs to be better, kids are doing terribly, there's no behaviour,
is like a zoo you get a particular type of headmaster to come in and fix that score. Right, they've made it okay now. They've stopped at being a zoo, people starting to behave, lessons are actually happening. Right, what's the next step? You need a person to take it from like acceptable to good. And that's a different type of person. It's not
necessarily the headmaster that comes in and establishes authority that is the person to take it from acceptable to good. You need different skills sometimes. So I definitely think that is something that now that we're out of the infancy of these projects where projects have existed for a year to two years
now people are starting to realise what, okay maybe some people were good in this first bracket, they might not be the people for the second and third bracket, so I think that's what people will be thinking about as we transition now and as the company's transition we will also
transition to the next segment called the Overvalued Undervalued segment where we evaluate some notable sales from the last 24 hours. Today's edition is a Opepens special edition because I bet at least half of the people in here still don't necessarily understand what's going on.
with a pep and the mechanics. So when I present these sales, please give us a thumbs up if you think the asset is overvalued or thumbs down if you think the asset is undervalued. I'm watching your reactions and comments and we're going to explain a little bit about what's going on and why these are trading at the price they are in case you still don't
So in the last 24 hours, you can see this on the second slide of the snapshot. We had actually more than these high sales now because we've had a couple of more. But as you can see, number one, set 3 Opeppin Edition number five, sold for 9.690.
E which is $18,000,000 edition of 5. Let's go to you first and see whether you understand the Opep and Mechanics. Do you think this is overvalued or undervalued? I still don't fully understand the Opep and Mechanics, just the info there.
gathered from a couple of threads that I read and mostly from what you said on spaces before, but I did look at loads of tweets and offers an open-see and just a traction that those discussions around the sales and op-app and in general gets. And with that sentiment in mind, I would say it's on the valued.
and a valued interesting. So let's do a little bit of explanation first. A bit of a recap from the other day when I also explain this. The thing that Jack Butch has done with Opepon which makes it stand out for me above other things at the moment is that he has made non-fun
tokens non-fundable again. And as we know with the introduction of blur into the ecosystem everything seems to just be trading as if they're all the same right you could just dump you can sweep NFTs all in one go you can dump them all in one go there's no non
fungibility because they all they all appear to be the same. What Jack has done is he's taken the 16,000 collection, some broken them up into I think it's 200 sub collections of 80. Does that matter to check out?
But Daisy has broken them out. Maybe it's 80 sets of 200 or something like that. And then so what that means is this collection which dropped yesterday by bats. There's only a certain number of them out of the 16,000 which are by bats which means
that if you want one of those sets, there are very, very few for that there's not enough to go around the 16,000 holders. So it creates this exclusivity within the collection. And then even within that, even within the BATS collection, there's different numbers. So that's why when you see the set three of Pepin Edition number five,
The reason why the edition 5 sells for higher is obviously because there's only five of them. That sold for 9.690 and then the OPEPEN edition 40, that's edition, went for $10,000, $5.5 each. So there's 40 of those editions. Legendary? Any questions on that?
No, but I still don't get all the numbers behind all those different packs and series. It was just too many numbers for me. I really think at one point we should have a full experience.
play now on the Opep in addition, maybe see who you can also get Jack Butcher on the show and fully dedicate an episode to it. It's super interesting. I like your tagline of making non-fungible tokens, non-fungible again that I understand, but all the different serious packs and
additions are still a bit too much for me to fully gather. It's not that difficult because it's just say, I can't remember the exact number, but say there's 16,000 and there are 200 packs
because, oh, sorry, so there'll be 80, 80 different packs, 200 in each pack. So that means there'll be 80 collaborations with potentially with other people. But they are not fully defined yet, right? And there's no time schedule on when they will be released or how they will
be allocated or it is that already the case. Sure. So as in we don't know who all the collaborators will be. But those numbers will be correct. So I think it was 80, it's 80 and 200. But the numbers in some respect don't matter, right? It's just the idea
that this 16,000 collection has been split up into X number. That X number will be how many kind of sub collections there will be, and then people were trying to collect these sub collections within the main collection.
Okay, I think now I fully understand it. It took us two weeks and spaces and multiple attempts, but now I get it. Yeah, it's certainly not straightforward and there probably isn't a document that exists as things stand where people can just simply go
and see, but it's interesting because when you think about the price then, this is what I think maybe some people have realized that maybe not everyone, obviously we don't know how these things work out in terms of long-term going forward, but what it means is that if the other
Peppin floor is at 0.8. It's one of the only collections that I think exists where after reveal, the revealed pieces are higher than the floor. So that's just an interesting thing to note because that simply does not happen in the NFT market.
Normally when something reveals in the NFT market price of everything goes down immediately. So one of the important, important takeaways and reflections on this collection is that as things stand, and now we don't know if this is always going to be the case, depends on the floor price of the OPEP ends.
But as things stand at a point eight for all price, the revealed editions are always worth more at the moment that might not always be the case. But that's just an interesting thing to note for founders, creators, whoever, when they're thinking about, "Look, how do
deal with this reveal mechanic because it's such a pain. And I remember listening to the Memeland interview with Nygag on the Nifty Portal morning show and he was trying to say, "Look, we're trying to delay the reveal. We're trying to figure out what to do with the reveal." Because the price always
bloody goes down. I mean, we need to try and figure out a way to not do that. And Jack has figured out a way at the moment. And I'd be super interested to see, I know Memeland have got these babies in place at the moment, but I'd be super interested to see what they do with it next. What's your thoughts on that, legendary?
Very, very much agree with you. And it's definitely a topic we're going to talk more often about, but I also be curious to get the audiences reaction on overvalued and the valued because I feel a bit alone just being the only on hand an opinion of it. That makes sense.
So, did you say it was overvalued or undervalued? Undervalued. So, let's think that this edition 3, edition set 3, edition 5 at 9.69 is undervalued. In the audience, can we see if you think it is undervalued or overvalued.
up for overvalued thumbs down for undervalued. Let's see we've got some Opepn profile pictures in the audience JC on the other side is in the audience with the Opepn profile picture. Zero thinks it's undervalued too. Got someone in agreement with you. Randall saying overvalued
signal over toaster under. Bit of a mix, Cap sings undervalued. We've actually got, I'm going to come to you in the second round or on this, but there's actually been an additional sale for 13E, I think it was 13E overnight for a unrevealed
1 of 1. If you've all the numbers were complicated already, this is more complicated. Within all the packs, there are different number of sets within the packs. So you get like a 1 of 1, a 1 of 5, a 1 of 20.
and one of 40 for example. And so people know in advance what one they have and a one of one that has been unrevealed and isn't a part of a collection at the moment just sold for 13e. So that means at some point in time that person has bought that one of one because when they get a one of one for one of the pack
in the future that they want that one of one. Was that one step too far legendary? Nope, that makes sense. That makes difference. Amazing. So yeah, that's additional context which makes me think that an addition of five... Well, the thing is this is bats as well.
So you've also got to take into account the artist. So there's so many different factors in this one. It's not just the addition number, it's not just the fact there's no better than it's the fact that it's bats as an artist. It's one of the most oversubscribed editions so far. So super interesting. So many things to take into account when trying to describe value here. Randall, what was your take?
Yeah, I think, I mean, to be honest, Jack's work has been probably the only one I can think of where they have a community, but it's based around art, right? It's not
based around business, so to speak, it's based on art prominence and everything that kind of comes with that, right? It's a bit too unique to say that it's all
It's hard to tell overvalued about your value, right? There's speculation on what the next person might perceive the value as. I think Jack is an artist. I forgot what he called himself, but as a visual
visual, something visual, I can't think of the word. Anyways, data visualizes, right? So I think for him being relevant and him being present makes the art appreciated the way it is and probably even appreciated more with the 13th floor.
But it's a question of when he doesn't participate in it. Is it going to be the same? Right? And I think this is why it's like, I think it's overvalued simply because he's there. He's present. And one of the things with art is you have to kind of leave it by itself to see where it goes. My perspective anyway on it.
So it's I mean it's art. I can't justify it like you can talk about a Board it being overvalued you can talk about a Japan one's being overvalued but it's hard to tell with art because it's so like opepin checks the very subject to how someone feels about
right? Whether you were day one part of checks, whether you were participating in the spaces or the Dow, these things influence how much more you're willing to spend on it. I think that makes it a lot more unique than any other project that's there. Yeah, definitely. The point I really liked that you met
made there was this aspect of to what extent can these things live and exist and be kind of thrive and be collected in the absence of Jack and you know keep him continuously innovating continuously pushing the space forward. I think that's a really good question because typically art is something
you're just able to buy, sell, buy and hold. The artist then doesn't need to necessarily do anything with it after, but there's definitely, although he obviously does have art now which arguably does just sit and it does operate more like art. There's obviously this element to him because he's such a creator on the internet
that's how he really came to prominence before he started doing all of this web 3 star. There is this idea that, well, lots of the investment in him in some respect is in bet on his innovative ability. So I think I really, really like that point. I think that's something that will be really cool to watch. And arguably like
look, if someone is going to commit to innovate for everyone, then it will be a great investment for rubber. So yeah, it's a very, very interesting point. I like that a lot. We want to move into the next discussion and talk about some of the other quick hits and news from around the space. So I'm just going to start off with 10 more hits
news from the snapshot pinned up top so we can get into any of these bits of additional news. Number one, BitBoy and Ben announced a loyal token. This is on the back of the CEOPS presale that Ben has been printing money off. There seems to be another token now in conjunction with BitBoy.
Some people are suggesting straight away in the comments that this is sending them direct to jail, do not pass, go, do not collect $200. Number two, 8coin announces a special council nomination process. That's just something to watch for 8coin holders. Number three, strike shuts down small business, use case of crypto re-asserted. Someone wrote a tweet about
about how Stripe just completely out in the blue turned their switch off their banking and worse than that we're like oh yeah we'll think about whether we return the rest of your money to you or not that didn't seem very fun. Number four NFT inspect announces the INSP token, the INSP
token. Hopefully that will come with some kind of air drop to someone. Maybe Legendary can tell us more about that in a second. Number five, Cosmo Medici announces a new grant young piece added to his collection. That's the image you can see in this snapshot on the third slide. Number six, Google announces project starline.
is pretty fun, is going to allegedly revolutionize video calls and definitely take a look at that. It's as if, instead of seeing someone on the screen, you kind of see them through a window in a portal, I don't really understand, but it's something to look forward to. Number seven, followers of Borovic, that
the influencer who gets loads of attention, he just asked for a bunch of money the other day and people just started sending him money and he raised almost $14,000 just because he asked. I think he said he wanted a new phone so he could run spaces properly. Not great. Always relevant to creators because you've got to be aware of the
this kind of nefarious behaviour. Number 8, Nvidia revealed real time in game AI. I would definitely recommend taking a look at how these game characters were responding in game. Number 9, Pokemon announces total supply of cards at 52.9 billion. That is absolutely crazy. That kind of puts the skis
aware of what's going on in the nouns ecosystem, keeping tabs on it, and they're always good for giving people funding. And the fact that they're branching off into sports, I think, is pretty cool, pretty cool. So, literally, out of those 10 hits, what's taking your interest first? There's a couple of news I find very interesting.
I'm super excited about NFT inspect moving forward with inspect 2.0 with a new interface new analytics and a lot more that they are building I mentioned this before in other spaces. I'll mention it again full disclosure I am part of the NFT inspect
So I do have a couple more information on what's going on behind the scenes, which I cannot share. What I can share is also something that was posted publicly on the Discord. You mentioned the token. The NFT inspect that is also building a system that will allow the team
to track the top contributors for the token launch on Zili, I think it is, with quests and other things to do to participate in that. And for me, it's like a very positive sign moving forward that NFT inspect will be co-developed with or
alongside the Tao and alongside the community because I still feel it is one of the most important analytics tool that we have in the space and really helps bringing communities together helps getting analytics insights on the community level which is so important especially if you look at
the you know, youths content creators like we use it all the time. You have a look at the different kind of reach that that people have in there and it just helps you to discover new audiences and build your community more efficiently. So I like that move. Excellent. Really good thoughts. Two immediate questions.
questions for you on that number one. How do you pronounce this token name? I found it pretty difficult to pronounce. I don't know. I need some guidance there. And number two, should we be doing those? You said it was publicly said in the discord. What kind of tasks are there to do? Some quests?
You're asking the non-native speaker how to pronounce a token. I mean, we do have the head of business and partnerships, the dream from NFT inspect in the audience. He would certainly know how to pronounce it. I am not the right person to ask that question. I would probably say, I
in SP, which is a very long way to say it. I think I'm just going to say inspe. Inspeak. Yeah. I mean, make sense. Make sense. Makes a little sense. On the question, I think it will be a lot of interacting
with their community, their tweets, and more things that we will have to do. I don't have a full overview yet of those quests. - Okay, super interesting. So I think my takeaway, someone who's not involved is that I do want some ins, that's my instinctive feeling.
I would like some if possible, so I'm definitely going to pay attention to what is going on there in terms of how to participate in any of those quests. I think that would be really interesting to keep an eye on. Particularly because NFT inspects been one of those companies after their takeover or whatever merger.
not merger, I think it was some sort of buyout. They really come back with some renewed energy and the team there and kind of the people that they've been adding from the community to build the stuff out. They seem to have the right mix of the right energy, the right energy to attack.
this stuff going forward. So looking forward to that. You said there was a second piece in Legendary that you were interested in. Absolutely and I pinned this one as well on top. It is Nvidia with real time in-game AI. That was one of my first instinctive thoughts when I started exploring chat GPT months ago.
that once this gets to a speed where you will be able to have a conversation with an NPC in a game and they just won't have scripted answers but will be able to reference an AI in the background to have a proper conversation with you. It is going to take gaming to the next level of immersion and
I link the video above, it's definitely worth watching it. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. If you haven't watched it, please do, please do watch it. And the second question, P, as a person who's a bit more informed on me than, that, that informed on this than me.
Do you think that the way that this will be accessed is the way we're playing games now which is like controller and hand viewing the screen or is this going to be does this need to be something more immersive like AR or VR or do you think this will work even even as games exist as things stand
I mean, it would work as a game exists right now, but what I would find interesting because you don't really want to run around in an RPG and start typing complex questions to an NPC if you're playing on your PlayStation 5 or your PC as in my case,
you're just able to use your mic and talk into your mic and have the NPC give you a reasonable answer to what you just said. So you could have that kind of full immersion or just have a small talk with an NPC and ask them about the day if that's what you want to do.
Yeah, for enough that's super interesting definitely development that we want to keep an eye on and Guys, this has been a great discussion. We are unfortunately running out of time for today's show So it's been a great show We always want to try to leave you with something to
useful to think about or execute during the day ahead. Let me read. What are you looking at today? I did send the dream at the end to ask him how to pronounce the inspe token and he said he thinks it's fine how we pronounced it and this would also be my valuable advice
So to speak to share is to have a look at the token announcement, join the discord and see if you find it interesting what the team is building, how you could be a part of it and how you could be a part of the token launch. Yeah, interesting. Okay. Well, now that I know how to pronounce it, I think that's it for my day. That's enough of a success story.
for my day. I don't really need to do much more. So that means we can just close the show. Thank you, legendary for co-hosting. It's been a pleasure. Thank you for your pronunciation help. In spite of the fact that you're not a native speaker, thank you, Randall, for your contributions and the Moonbirds Fudge.
like that we think it was maybe warranted this time but thank you very much for your contributions and thank you to everyone in the audience you've decided to spend your precious time with us today we see and appreciate you and hope we can do it all again with you tomorrow have a great day
She be trying to text me, you've got them been the saints, it's a day that you let me out on top of the living and in testing She been playing games, no screaming, trying to test me, I ain't gon' feelin' bored, she just wanna use me, sorry in my life, everyday I feel like a booby, I don't wanna get in, walk around with 'em, to a wee bare force ones, on my#