Monday Update Wey Sure

Recorded: Dec. 19, 2022 Duration: 0:51:28



Hello guys, welcome to tonight's space. Please come again to it so that's gonna be enough.
Hello guys, welcome to tonight's race. So, every model usually our model of this race show. So, I will be back to this as well, keeping guys updates, rate, app needs and ecosystem. So guys, welcome to tonight's Monday to the next race show.
guys for the giveaway we have issues with our Twitter when they would connect our initials with our Instagram. As you guys are please kindly share, kindly tweet with your friends so let's get started.
So tonight we've got some exciting offers to show to you guys. What we guys are prepared. Last week we had a split summits and an overall data for general life at this summit. So we're really exciting with about four pannins and also
So guys, I will be starting off in 4 minutes. So guys keep on going to the sodas and trainers. Thank you guys.
So guys, welcome to tonight's speech. So last week we had 15 but I was going to tell you. It was really an exciting summit. One of the favorites I could out from Narsamito was that when they did a poll on countries of volume per
After USC, NJ will come second and the country is a very very safe which means, CQ is going to adopt the all of the NJ, not just NJ, but it will adopt the whole of Africa. Our spice that they have had is, it has got around such mixed and modern queries. And I have been thinking of a way to switch
tickets go to the building center for privacy in the project. There is no need to do anything as long as it is necessary for the blockchain. It does not come to secret in Africa. So that is the main target.
So yeah, thank you guys for joining tonight's quiz. So I think I want to listen to the sugar surmits. You guys should also check it out on YouTube page. If you guys were on the internet last week, it's available now. I do. So I'm going to share that in a moment. So also,
last week we released our super huge big awesome roadmap for 233 so this could be the main purpose of this so we're taking you guys through the Fort Cutter which is from October to this month
So first of all, sequence, omega-bgit was completed, which was last three auditexins. It was three days before the sequence from it. So sequence omega-bgit, so it's both about
It brings a custom street and also it's reduced gas cost which means I've even noticed it because when I did before gas we have a lens that gas was around the open one cents at times open those are maybe eight cents so it's very cheap might as very least to the
So also new cost most SDK has been added to SQL take and also tender minds versus has been upgraded which is really amazing. So like I told you guys there has been equipment on SQL network our minions. So the job we are going to improve
in five times as its ability of signal to any commutant integration as a molester. At the interaction wise, it's seeing the normal sequence for production, which at times it picks up our tens of accounts to validator transaction, which is really also. So also, at the lab which the migration is
So which means there will be my good news from the OTP to the new Axel Abridge. Like you guys, I don't know if you guys are about announcement in the middle. I think I'm asking of course obviously where we partner with Axel Abridge. I'm video taking from polygon and some more like the system.
So it's a bridge and it's a cross bridge. So the bridge is a bridge from Etion as well and some of the other bridges from Etion as well to the bridge. So I'm waiting for you to renew and see which bridge you'll be able to use.
And also in navigation, the user interface, there is a bit of a legacy for the screen now. It makes sense, it will be a must-have for me. If not, it's not a chat now, it's not a general. It means everything looks good. It's a bit like in chat on top of that. You're not kind, fairly chat.
And if you are most
I don't know who's who. They can just pay $30. Pay $30 for who is the special to me. I think it's no, because now 10 SRT cost I think around is normal to 7 the lighting. I think SRT. So all you have to do is buy 10 SRT, buy it from Benaz.
movie to a Kepler or probably movie to Finnavallate from Jake and Sticky's of Finnavallate. Stick of Finnavallate from the Carbassistor that very easy. And I feel I'm more into people that problem might just lose to the KGBS special just to do you about to the privacy, communication and
So also very this another exciting is also we want to the iris beta version one of them is initially a second quarter with a the launch a beta version
for other users which is got download out of from the bootleaf store but it's not a full version just a bit of a show so you guys can see I do to look like using what you're moving just like you download what's up from please still download to get from please store or they're showing that you guys know about for completion that you guys know about
So, our body is a pitour fashion, but it's not in the fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid, in fluid,#
Also, this shop test launch was, this shop test, test net sorry, we shop test net launch was carried out last series. So our vision is it can be find in the future market please that season secret so it creates a big constraint. So what does that mean?
So which means nobody gets the most of all that it is beautiful, this energy. So it gives you this as a character and the ownership of your probably energy and any other energy that I am making use of. Which means it's not that easy for us to do easily, I can only apply it.
if you guys noticed that but if you guys came across I tweet by one of these coin days guy I think this TV he wrote about all 14 but it was kind of thrilling and you see those because those moments I was hoping to debut
So guys it's true that test 31 shows don't see you are I think there are minutes now so you guys are also going out on to the other place next I be sure that's the
Also, Blizzard will be coming in life on the next. Very soon. Blizzard is a day of supernatural. So it's balanced. It's balanced like AMN. That's what we did on the market. That's why many features. Competitively, they're also in the same flash as the Kura, Moods model. What does that mean?
probably I want to swap maybe from SRT to shoot or not swap from shades probably SSR STKV-SRT and they are looking for a place to swap with a cheaper fee so you can use a blizzard as well as every very cheap drop like a bottom swap so to me bottom time is the most
So, we have a wide probability. Well, this one is merely for providing the liquidity. So, we have a wide probability for a particularity. It gives because, but it gets a lot of tokens. So, these guys are really very nice. So, we just take them out to a company, like for millions. And also, let's take them out to the other one.
So you guys can also check out the ability to find So also I guys and I like another exciting you if we see which is really also There are coming under our business but we are seeing as we speak so you guys should come out specifically business probably probably it's an offer so it's no
So for those who want to go to equity so equity is a specialized music market space part by security. So what does that mean now you are an artist you come up with your music and an FTA
I'm not a huge fan of them but it makes sense now. So instead of people to stream your music or some of these other
So you guys can also take them out, check out their beauty, high quality, even higher
any artist you guys know about, can just re-trux it and tell them okay, how about you transit to your pre-disadvisor, musical to NFC and sell it to friends, family, fans, make them feel like God, man, I'm doing it to you, I'm doing it to you.
So, in the same way, the next thing is, maybe put in self-tape rules. You know, in Africa, people know what they do. So, in the same way, the next thing is, you know, start with self-tape rules because there's an NFT. So, maybe like, they do not sleep enough. So, yeah, that is it. So, also, lip-popier wallets. Not just the one,#
So, I think that's the only way to get the information from the government. So, I think that's the only way to get the information from the government. So, I think that's the only way to get the information from the government. So, I think that's the only way to get the information from the government. So, I think that's the only way to get the information from the government. So, I think that's the only way to get#
I think it's a very good thing to have a good relationship with people.
And I can make use of some of these abs as well. But really does not support any of these abs. All the same. We see stick abs as well. But for those of sticking, 14, usually some of these legs, you see some of these legs. And also, you can also see that it also supports a lot of
So I believe you guys must have seen that I'm asking you from shit. So now I'll shake that into the launching that is going to become your main example of
So the city interface is also a lot with the regards that we can see. So you guys can just check it out as well.
There are some mids which is still going so mids. So if you know you are just kind of a big fan of still going and you know the market is questioner. You need to still going to hold for the mids and so you guys can all develop your two game before the market is pushing. You may not be able to swap your game to shake.
So we got a swabbing. So for you guys to see how you got the photo map, this is what it is. It's got a financial rights plays. I'm also going to get a ticket to get a ticket to this about that. It's a screen on the ecosystem. So this is going to be a little bit slow. So stick is in Modengiva. So we have a model of stick is in Modengiva.
especially the risk of the risk of the criminal hazard. So it's like, you know, in this life, when you're in a business, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to reform, get to#
So, it is organized side to me. So, the start is going to change. What does that mean? So, start users can, you know, say the NFT on Oracle blockchain. So, user-provising start security will be support, support NFT from Oracle blockchain. So, where I have NFT on maybe a T1 blockchain or to learn
one of our tech is an udow market place for private speed. So you guys get to understand that now the narrative of tools services becoming a much more radical system adopting an acknowledging the fact that private systems and norms of account it is needed for it to grow beyond the stages now. So secret is
So, many guys, this is fire to fire. So, guys, this is the shaggeda. So, that's all for this year. It's been an awesome year. It's been a year for drummers. A lot of beauty, a lot of minutes long, a lot of
announcement. Look, great things are going to be a lot of bad news in the market. And that was instantly going to be a lot of good news also in the market. So yeah, that's it for Foto Tarmé. See if it's running all the same. I mean, stay. Stay gay tonight.
Appoints stay motivated so I Lest talk about Last thing on the road map so on the work map last week the woodman also feature first quarter of 2023 so opinion guys Yeah, we didn't even see it so also
On 4 cuts, in 4 cuts, there is going to be a random problem. So this is a major of bringing the future to cities. I'm not going to give you enough, I'm going to get it. So I don't think I have to stir your tools and keep your hands open. Anybody's out there, you should ask you to grab it. There's lots of other features, you should be benefiting from this as well.
on your tools it's a review of CPU Harrison. I guys are excited for this if you guys are excited, let me just send you some emojis. You guys can't react to this any more. Let me just send some excitement. Okay. So, also
So, security plan is going to be on the chain because there is a plan for any two graphic solutions, companion network, include admin and so much more. So, which means we're putting upon our privacy, the extra, also, we make sure we provide much work companion networks, okay, but we can
and our price would be still in the solar ecosystem and it would be easy to be able to see what's going on. Also, I am using parts. ABACOS is a long term name still, so ABACOS is a political city of Israel, so
much more
the committee member, committee manager, moderator, or people to be able to express this announcement on the showdown. So you guys, I want to call this up since 18. It's an app that is known in a minute. So the might need support. So you guys can start supporting them and become a committee member or a list of what are. From that, when is it coming from a minute?
So guys that's it so I just give you guys another for me now you know you know you know about course
to go check them out. So, at least it's a relatively an empty market place with a small portion of customizable access control. May as it starts the day be now, so much an empty
market space are launching with which means there will be competition between stocks, Legendale and other market space launch which means is a such upgrade on yourself and proven as a means of mutual kind of utility to the market space also kind of no generator and another thing they don't do a lot of time. Probably some of these new market space
I made a mission, they also knew that they are pretty much supporting them and supporting them. Also, they launched the first Android beta and the second beta of DCA.
So it will improve your own, and also probably we have some kind of use and source, which is a rather specific to this, and then pick that. So that's what we must, and that's the idea you see more about it. Also, you guys are right, it's like you've got to also be watching that exclusive NFT.
So this energy is the access to the auto. So only the energy can, but the charging auto, make the auto, but the power is the communication up. So that's it so much more if we're showing me release. We got it in that sort. So our auto
is a verified image option that is used with your clicks or video shots. So they are becoming more meaning in the last trillion month of Facebook or mistake. Also, another exciting part is butchie which is the first talk basis you can do with your secret. So it's the most against the debt debt on customer. So they say, "So you guess what?"
So they're becoming life of maintenance first quarter of this month. So we got to check them out. If that they need to have to work now. They've put that with that. So we start. They will be easy. It's mostly 5000 NFT. Are you on one of these energy? Give us a play play which I know so you can change your skin using either this energy.
So you guys don't necessarily have to be proud of the things that they can't really, really busted. So I guys believe it. So like, I guys are, I've been in sports for the bottom. So I, I'm because I was approved to, I, I lose order to the deck. So automatically, the limits of the lines are to
So, the lots of updates are meant but I'm just absolutely to put some of these into show too. I'll keep you guys updated. Probably, yeah, let's do the only two task pieces. Probably all gets in the same form. I mean, that's the task piece. So also, could you talk about, yeah, do some other stuff? I'll do you guys all for now. So, app is which I believe you should mean that, yeah#
that they are carrying out the appetite test. They will be carrying out the main notice as well. So they are lots of, you know, lots, lots of sightseeing use. So also deep domain. So most guys like our medical which are, I mean, that are blue wings.
I was like, you know, if I was going to be a super tick that's it.
So as secrets are the main company on test 8, next year, first quarter, which means me as a user, I'm a hotel manager, I'm a manager, I work by a company, I work by a company for 2000 sales, I'm a good buyer. So I was a master, I was a test agent for, so I did do me a GGS, I said,
for me. But there is a real basic to meaning. Nobody thinks I gave you a new message. If I was such a proctor or a man of darkness, I would say any team because it is a kind of meaning. This I have NFTs, the parlance selection, the tokens of points of time, the key to the universe gives you new materialized. You see, it gives you more information.
give you more security and more privacy on the issue of the domain name which other options are not giving you. So that's the same, the Yamaha for the year. So also, I finished the launch the I/VU and they shot that offering. So which means they are talking about coming live. So, you know, it's not yet
Also, for all those who never met that verse before, one good thought, one good thought, one good thought, one good thought, one good beat of the metal bars,
So it gets paid public access to web, by now if you own an MF-SKB, it's all pun, just like in museum, by not only to pick it, you need to go see all of the bi-tikets, you lost entire share of a pocket and it gets you on jr. or public access. So anywhere from anywhere, it gets you lost entire display, you are not too serious.
So this guy is a big deal man. As a teacher they give us the money. I love the guy. I love the guy.
for them to be the, you know, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the#
So, one is the platoon be coming like so, they are not going to take that platform for that money to but if you act alike, yeah, alike would have told us or talked so much about one is how the main next one, what it's going to be being able alike is going to generate some channels to talk so that about it. So, apparently, the next reason
I'm also those guys that they eat at the odds and I have to shout this in the hole. So pre-five laps, man. I mean, if I don't get laps, go say where to say, "Go, I want more science students." You know, if I don't get laps, anyway.
science may be that's but for blood sugar the science students no no no no no no this lab said it for blood sugar that I call the debut that they butchered it's like gold generally for me but so our preferred labs that they say what let's make me make my men no but this is
So, as in lots of cool, lots of cool, they build that car instead of you sweet me. Okay, so we found out, I was checking with guys.
So probably it would give us like two minutes, I hope it's on what's up, play but you're reading and the minutes motion space for both one it's up. So moving on, S R T laughs. So they are doing both, hey, they are both both. Guys, that is S R T laughs. Naduva Naduva Jinja.
So both both, which means these are not thousands of dollars in the field maybe $50000, $10000, that's what they do. Okay, let me just give it like a few minutes so that professor will not run a disease. So that professor, you have the mic, sir. Yes, thank you boss.
My price speaks for pitching. This is okay in a live another speed teaching. This is really wonderful. For people that have speculated for this, I think when this is a tender offer, you do not have to look really great to ecosystems and see what they are doing. We just look at the hype on social media.
I like to pay my money day. You see that it is projects like this. You can see all of the different things that are coming to signify it. We've had a product that is building the signify that the signify is going to be a frequent and effective aspect of sweating, it's going to be a professional, a professional flow.
There are so many wonderful projects that are actually building and for trade and sale they house right now right. Not be today here this time now. Most people they have bring not the right day drop our lives on how they can everything you are hearing right now are opportunities. These are projects that are coming up they need visibility they need talents they need to be put
that understand the project, they need content creators, they need people that will be organically talking about this, you can create personal visibility for yourself simply by analyzing projects within a particular ecosystem, you create your own YouTube channel, they talk about all of this things, they analyze the break-out now for people in terms of the utility, the value position of all of this project. So, every
good thing when you are here now. If you are not there already they take note or they take a help or go even ask yourself. If you say get it we will win all distance there still a right time maybe block our secret shortcut block whether we just short short analysis of all these are Monday of the threshold. So if you 50 dollars good they like now so many people here not going to know how to
me now. With the web projects they took. They had me to keep track because it took dangerous and pumped out from everywhere and often wonderful project. Most of these projects that you are hearing about now, you not get any project, any way yes because secret network they
only us the offer program a book privacy for smart contract level so most of what is project 20 is not big not because no less secret than future no less secret network than take one because now our our contract contract are unique are we getting the source thank you you know getting your that way then off you'd run for it's zero because everything
So if you are here just to be here right opportunities will be flying over your head you will not understand what you did to talk about so find a way this was not jobs maybe at the end that would define a way to do
Centralized job you they would say you go find one person this could have a way of on-board the border and say you want to rent see up this here when you free integrator safe correctly into legitimate projects when they see daily most of them they test net now so they devnet some of the in the plan main net launch and you know like us we did not for can't die at all
They want to support our project. They have this talent. They have this talent. They have this. We're not going to say no, not come. All these projects, when they do stage, not be went and you don't big. When everybody don't move them, you won't come to the message and say, "No, no, no." Now, when they need every available hands on technology, you go fit, fit yourself way. Later, when#
So, but you need to be able to go out there. This is how you learn how to get opportunities. This is how you learn how to access your future opportunities. Not be everything, be say we are on a fest or we are on go shield or we are on go writ or others kind of it. Find opportunities where you fit on at yourself to from its key level.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
I think that the other side of the country is a great person. I think that the people who are in the country are very knowledgeable and very well-educated.
very good. So I was a replica and so you guys should have speaking. I will make you show next week. Then from next year, we'll each guys back to back to back to back. I said this place, I don't think that mission, I don't think so much. I said to another place, people from my space.
So, Nanas, they've been there. The team is there are many story plenty, they plenty, but Nanas, they've been there because most importantly, they've been there for customers. So, not much time at that. So, I don't think that some of these are for me to see if people some of these stuff for me, or maybe see a foreign instance. So, I feel like some
this guys. I will put that sh*t for the action after each of them too. I will put that with this guys because we need to get down and some guy. The time is that they should not be a sh*t for public. Now it's in me now so maybe I'll be making a face with you sh*t. This is how I might be now. You got to say it's in one or two things. If I go to a#
So last year, our main guy, our OG for the champion, they go short down, Osaka, those guys are key up plays. They are short down, all eyes are on there because those guys are key up. So they go to the other side, they go to the other side, so they are getting my good.
I love you guys. I believe you know the M. You. Yeah, I love that. I also thank our professor. Yeah, what you say is very very amazing. I really love like what you just said because I don't know before when I said
started with 3 very like when I was still a new web 3 space so I was telling all those chip in all this idea of getting to new projects early on then starts like getting active if you actually want a more dreaded walk or a community mindset walk I used to feed this like me I used to feed I was thinking all this things are trash
after you go and do your CV and everything and then go and so on. That's how you get to work. Not on C. I started being active on stasha wallets. Not actually boosting actually. I started being active on stasha wallets. The project led reached out to me and told me that he wants me to have the moderator role. I told him
problem. The only thing he asked me to provide was only what my twitter handle. I gave him my twitter handle, he went to twitter and checked how I set up my profile, he came back and then he gave me the role. So many times in Web 3 we don't necessarily need some of this TV.
All we need to do is just get active and get it done. Like Pope George gave us a whole lot of list of people that are building. If you say I know it may be two works now because currently now a statue will be launching by next year. It's because of their auditor.
and that just passed like few weeks ago, the pass funding for the audit that they voted. So by next year they will be launching. So by the next year they will start launching maybe I will start receiving payment for just getting early and being active, not necessarily doing anything specifically. So many times you just have to like getting early and get active, that's how
gets even in your day not only community modrator project designing content creation and all of that just get in early get active tell them what you are doing start doing it don't wait for them to tell you to start just start doing it before you do it those guys will reach out to you and you get and you get your money and then now start paying
I'm going to vertical in good yeah we are both like on board some agents talk to college students on what's the group you're talking about opportunities for secrets becoming a secret agent attending a vet and getting funding for it is an opportunity some of some of us do volunteer
for some of you living and then at the end you want people to take care of yourself they will tell you to give your best work, for secrets you are important to speak with people like I mean people that are valid providing people are provided by the legal system and then actually attend this event speak to people about
And then it is an opportunity not every one does it. So we we told them about that and we had them. We have over two years student and a lot of the finalists and we shared them with what secret Africa badge. So that's how it went.
Thank you very very much. Thank you very very much. Thank you very very much. Thank you very very much. Thank you very very much. Thank you very very much. Thank you very very very much. Thank you very very very much. Thank you very very very very. Thank you very very very very. Thank you very very very very. Thank you very very very very. Thank you very very very very. Thank you very very very very. Thank you very very#
I like when they want to see me.
[Speaking in foreign language]
opportunity. But opportunity is only one of the opportunities. I want to make this one more useful. So that it's in me dance. So it's in me now. With taking so much of your time with Excel and no more time, do we stop it?
in the future. So thank you guys for joining tonight's space. So next, the booth we need to ask you for is the next. So I think second, I think there will be
to have a different school also, we will make it public some of these kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' kids#
and I believe you guys should also get that to me too. So I'm also making sure that because we're working for SIGGARFICARF, we're going to say I mean, you guys must be pushing the attention of SIGGARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICARFICAR#
I'm also I wish I someone could open it. I need to make a recap of Sikrakh and the events we attend the number of links we generate and I can put it in the letter or what we are achieved. Every I audio some of the stuff from 10/10 is an obviously it's not going to open it. You know make it better.
Okay, you know what I'm going to make a bounty so I'm going to school probably our minds give me the maybe 80 years to do that $80 or maybe 60 I'm going to start to school I think it's going to be a good thing. So there's going to be a bounty guys this is an offer is this going to be a bounty so it's going to be a
So, I would like to be a big part of all the secret activities from Argentina in December. So, I would like to read it here and I would like to read it. So, if there is anything associated with it, I would like to read it here. So, I would like to read it here and I would like to read it here. So, there is nothing I would like to read here.
It's about that to be a complete victory guys can take it out and apply for this. I'll be the one to let I always get to work on it. So for those of you that are thieves with them say you're going to have lots of bullshit to you know that's for us please know that's for activities. I want to know it to be going. So I'm not going to be that. So I know I've been a guy. Thank you#
Thank you so much for watching this piece. Also guys, please follow us at .8. It's going to be one of our top most contest creators. So, we are following us at 3.8. So, I'm going to come out and I will be very smart guy.
So thank you very much guys for joining tonight's race. Thank you very much for supporting us from this first February. Till this moment. So thank you guys. You guys are super awesome. Although we still have an additional series. We still have three specials. We still have two nominees. After I didn't speak, they really played team and next to the three and an amazing year.
So thank you guys for your time tonight space and do have one after night see you guys. I will see you guys later. Bye guys

FAQ on Monday Update Wey Sure | Twitter Space Recording

What is the importance of blizzard mentioned in the podcast?
Blizzard is a day of supernatural that is balanced and provides liquidity for swapping tokens from SRT to SHOOT.
What is the main idea behind equity offered by the project mentioned in the podcast?
The main idea is to allow artists to sell their music as high-quality NFTs to fans, family, and friends.
What is the significance of sequence omega-bgit mentioned in the podcast?
Sequence omega-bgit brings a custom street and reduces gas cost on the blockchain, making it cheaper for users.
What is the purpose of the lab migration mentioned in the podcast?
It aims to improve the platform's ability of signal to any commutant integration as a molester.
What is the main target of the project featured in the podcast?
The main target is to bring privacy to communications in Africa.
What is the purpose of the super huge big awesome roadmap mentioned in the podcast?
The purpose is to take listeners through the project's developments from October to this month.
What was the outcome of a poll on countries of volume per after usc mentioned in the podcast?
Nj came second, and the country is very safe. This means the project is looking to adopt the whole of Africa, not just NJ.
What exciting offer is mentioned in the podcast?
The podcast mentions exciting offers, such as four pannins, new cost most SDK, and iris beta version.
What is the importance of shop test net mentioned in the podcast?
Shop test net creates a big constraint, meaning nobody could get the most of all that is beautiful, this energy.
What challenges did the project face with the giveaway mentioned in the podcast?
The project faced issues with Twitter connecting their initials with Instagram, and listeners were asked to kindly share and tweet about the project to help solve the challenge.