Hello guys, good evening. Welcome to this space. Today is 10th of October 2022. So, as usual, we have our monitor updates. We will be featuring with Chiku and Chairman. So, thank you very much guys for joining today's space.
And today we have special guest, Makaveli is an OG when it comes to you know, Secret Foundation. Thank you very much for coming to today's space, Makaveli. You are well recognized. That's a slang in NGWU's. Your face sure, you sure should shine.
So yeah, thank you very much guys for coming on board. So let's give it 2 more minutes for people to come on board then we can officially start.
I think I'm a Cavalry's in India. No, Macavally is not in India. Macavally is from the US. Also we have a
I have not really responded to your very busy but I will attend to you very very soon. I just have a lot on my pleats right now. Okay my acoustic wall is going to be on open mic. Everyone can contribute.
amazing the goals was really amazing they did they did achieve a lot of amazing stuff which is really great and also a secret 2.0 article was released a few people at coffees about this article about what's secret 2.0 really means
a lot of people are really understanding because it's more of a technical article. So, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,#
I think we are going to go for a secret. We are not seeing it. Every food will be very soon. I believe we are only going to train. But for those who are those, train our space.
I think you guys can link to this yourself tell us a little bit about you then you guys have the mic the last no kill it so guys it's always you're one of the only used public and tonight is more this of this model of this we show we give you audio recap of activities are upon during the week and also yeah
you lose some sweet alpha I call it sweet because whenever you're kind of alpha it sounds you know interesting amazing it's something you know you want to keep on your toes so you don't lose it guy so yeah you have it Miraculous you have the mic
Now, it's wonderful to be here once more. Being on Secret Network has many great experiences and also one so fast and good. And I look forward to doing more. Gradually, diverging into the web 3 development industry, what I will do
front end, OG, developer when it comes to projects. So it's really an awesome thing to learn about secrets, learn about what they're doing, about what three privacy and what we are building on this piece. Yeah, because there's a lot of things I've seen, my fellow developers,
see there's been a lot of complaints why is this not working why is this not a way why is this thing not even private because when they finish are in funny they playing a game they office we just send us we just once you get the address also do mistake and get the
address and tell you everything as you know what it is. That was actually very concerning future for about most decentralized applications. So you know, entry into the secret space has been awesome for me. It's been an awesome experience, especially as a developer.
learning 102. I don't know, you have rushed yet officially, but I'm looking forward to learning building more or start building or secrets. I might be when it comes time. I'll be part of the course in the builds secret Africa that use NFTs.
these things. We are looking forward to a lot of projects, a lot of things, a lot of potential for secret Africa and what we can do on secret nets, especially as the community, especially as the Da'ou and others. So, it's a wonderful journey so far. So good. Thank you very much. Tim, I rewrote to you.
I love a good evening guys. I am a boss. I am a chimere. I have been in the crypto space for a while. I joined the secret agents close to a few months ago.
of 7 or 8 from now. And the journey has actually been awesome currently. I do more of copyrights and community moderators in this space. I haven't been on secret ensemble with application for missing projects on secrets actually. It's actually been nice like
and also not just Bino secret have actually lent a lot about with 3 and privacy. Bino secrets and acting as a secret agent on the African community has actually been a great opportunity to learn about secrets and what is happening on the ecosystem.
latest updates and what not and looking forward to contribute more to the growth of the ecosystem on the African community and then spread the good news of privacy in web 3 not just to the African community but to the group at large thank you guys for listening
Yeah, I'm taking our most tumour. It's always an honor to have you here with us tonight. So put permission to go ahead. Maybe they should be updates, maybe show. Everywhere, this shine light is moving.
Okay, so let me take the ask confirmation so good guys so a lot of things have happened on secret networks on secret networks ecosystem and of all something we have been good in see and rest I have some projects updates on secret network or deeds and maybe we thought one or two
on the secret 2.0 and what is in place for us. So now let me start by saying that secret network has taken the world by stone and what do I mean by the world by stone? Let's start from Texas. So now secret network took us by stone at the descenture of
blockchain or let me call it blockchain conference, which was an awesome one. Where we patted with Calvin Smith. So if you have been down with Secretnesswork for one, you know that Calvin Smith, which is one of the creators of the Kirer was here, NFT, which is one of the most popular
video NFT movie on secret network so you can check that out check out the Smith and Kilroy was here NFT and check out what it implies so they partied had yeah because as we have been getting awesome things a lot of things maybe rest maybe rest but this small and I'll start thank you
brick and come back stronger. So now, after the grieving time, they went to New York City at Mainnet, which was not that big milestone where they introduced the secrets of what you are doing to the populace more visibly and got more engagements of offline interactions and
and more developed, more developed on Borgil, let me just put that. So after that, we followed up with Cosmovas in Columbia University, sorry, in Columbia, which was another big win for secret network where a lot of things, like I said,
I love things, the good stuff, so I agree with you. But now, you'll be saying it's not just that. It's not just about just talking about secret stuff. I'm just showing things that are doable. So let's say D-Apps, like, shit.
and other wonderful projects, built on second-hand, so also showed up to show love to what they're actually doing to show love to the ecosystem, to show love to we think they do for this piece. You know, we are defending with three privacy and the rest and these are awesome projects and they are found as they are found the time found everything
and I've taken you daily what it's to build on secret network. Yeah, so talking about the apps. So let's go for one of the first ones and that will be all the app. So other the apps take to access is completely live now. So where you can, which means everybody
has at least 10 secret steps with any, let me see with any secret network, but they don't can now access all that. So now if you don't know about all that all that is a wonderful application, then there was a privacy by default communications and communication, which is a major milestone
in the communication age is not different anybody but it's not like some applications where there was just been notified is not if they will stop the person. There was just been notified what the person did. But now this time we have complete access and complete access control over what it's put out, what it's put
on the network and what can be done with the source data, metadata and information. So it's a lot of beautiful applications, being built, a lot of decentralized applications being built on the secret network and I hope you guys have stayed in any valid data of your choice and also check it out.
check out the application and see what it has offer for you. So move it on okay now. She protocol is excited to announce the partnership with try zone. So try zone is the customers ecosystem liquid sticking and
it's platform. So now we have a part of it and now that this partnership which has a lot of for the shippred co- users and now shippred because we always a wonderful the other is built on secret network so you can also check the out and so this is a wonderful partnership
to come into shape protocol and shape protocol users. It impacts a lot of things like moving tokens that are on the cost most, or then the cost most ecosystem to the two D shape protocol application and platform. So it's a wonderful thing to build builds.
that shit protocol. So I hope so and I take notes, hope so and I they enjoy and maybe they go. So now last week secret dial was hosted on secret spaces and now let's talk about secret dial. So secret dial is a tool in that is built to enable people
effectively creates their applications and not just their applications from creating NFTs and a lot of things, a lot of structures needed for a complete DAIU whatever. But now not only that, well, that you products, but now being able to apply privacy by default
in everything and every aspect of whatever is being built on whatever diode I want to use it. It makes it easy and seamless. Mains and FTs don't mean NFTs. As I am aware, I want to contract with what I want to build. What I think I want to structure, it can be done with the secret diode too.
last week with them secret spaces. Yeah, so last week also on secret spaces they are the secret badge which is an LFT. Yeah, which is an LFT was released for last week's space. If you follow me on Twitter and check my Twitter profile I
just tweeted about that a few minutes ago. Yeah, few minutes ago so you can view the secret badge of some of the secret NFC and check it out. I'll be dropping the clean code by the end of the night show so I hope you stay tuned to clean that secret
NFC for itself and let's keep growing our wallet, let's keep growing our stats like our stats wallet. And now I don't know if you guys noticed if you'll be using a stats wallet for a while now you notice that there's a new feature called levels. So levels are meant to show
I will put it. This is a let me know called it like a ranking system. But it's one of the few sure that it's now available on starch. Where by being active, you can air the words and air your words as you move up the ladder in your starch, your start profile, you will be able to
you be able to gain statue worlds by just moving up different levels and participating in different things using statue. So that's a big ups and if you are a statue user or a statue fan which is an NFT marketplace, you dig up, build on secret network, you can go and check it out. That's privacy by default, that's privacy.
by default sorry and go and check it out and check out the levels automatically by just being a new user you can easily gain from move from level 1 to level 6 yeah and those touch levels points counts for a lot of rewards a lot of gifts and a lot of prizes so you can go and check it out
So by connecting or tweeter you move over to level 1 by connecting or discord accounts you move over to level 2 so by activating this text on your profile you'll be able to move from one level to the other. So just check it out
and just give me a shout out when you're able to do on Twitter. I'm here for you guys. So that's that on the start another update in short. Now moving over we have Jakku. So Jakku, Jakku, protocol, Eddop. So now, Jakku last week officially announced
the Jakub protocol editor which is a desktop only applications that allow Jakub editor participants and test net testers to be able to test net testers that's ticked via secrets
secret, secret stickers, test nets, secret stickers, you understand? So actually, these things connect their wallet. And using uping 9.4 jacko, being giveaway to this alpha test as a jacko cousin. So if you have a sticks on jacko, to test with them, to test
platform for my thing from this one from February and this one from March. The Jacko Air Drop is coming very soon. I think around October 24th so you can check that out and access the OOP 29.4M Jacko Air Drop.
cool and enjoy your Thursday or more all give away this show for a head. So if you're not sick or if you're sick earlier to test Jako just give it a try check it out and get back to me. Don't forget to shout out to secret Africa on Twitter and it's going to be an exciting time to make.
So, we will be calling our secret developers. So, yeah, as you all gather, all secret developers do your attention. Secret docs has the official leave revamped. Secret docs has the official leave revamped. And they have the revamped to make it
easier than ever to use and contribute to secret docs. So if you want to check it, so if you develop on secret network, you can check out docs, the secret, the secret docs. So you can check it out and see how it works for you and enjoy. So as a developer, within documentation,
And I just did a reading romantic novel, novel because that's how we'll be able to use sorts of applications as time goes on. Now, another one. So, call the developer still and call the old invitals on the secret space. Secrets is officially announced in Stairbueda's phone.
where you and I can access European worth of two million Secrets to help us make secrets network available in our application. So you have a wonderful idea for our application. You'll build something like a demo, something that you can
actually do. Why not bring it up to secret network? You can reach out to pull black at the pull black at Twitter and you can reach out to secret Africa. And it's handy GM them. They will help you draft a proper or GM was even I will help you draft the proper proposal and get you on the way such as I
accessing that, accessing that tab you know. So you know go bad. I can talk about you know go bad if we get our own application for Africa. We're seeing we're seeing we did do. Let us have our own application on this thing secret network. You can build the tested
and enjoy the parts of this in cash out in cash out in the last time. You know what I said, we just budgeted the one. You didn't hear this. Just budgeted the one for doing a part of it, you did the platform and enjoy the one extra from exchange. You see in the black market, you didn't do it. Sorry. So, sorry, you move
So now did you know that you can now provide liquidity to secret swap and see an app pose via BOTTING Group? Now BOTTING Group is another awesome app liquidity is taking platform on secret, good on secret network. Like I said that's the real
private by default. So you can actually look into this and dive into all these things. So now maybe they move, maybe they move, maybe they move. So it
Check it out, you can now provide liquidity, your Sian app swap and circuit swap and Sian app pulls via botting group. So that's future is available via botting group. Yeah, all more updates never finish. Now, so circuit job boards is also online
and shooting are really available because now switch secret job boards is where companies reach out post job applications job rules they are looking for and you already find work it is actually work no D see this a dryness in the higher input
on a basic secret job board and find yourself in job. Yes, I think find yourself in job. Find yourself in job that fits your role, your skill and get hired. Like I said, there was one time you can see Richard to maybe screw up and put black on television.
for the developers, they are calling all developers to submit their credentials. Okay. So yeah, they are calling all developers to submit their credentials and submit your credentials. They wanted to know all possible developers on the network.
What they offer us what their skillsets are and possibly help them learn good rules Yeah, especially in all these applications are beginning on secrets was again on kind how you will define the looper where you did where I did for this kind of thing it is somehow all of us did this part so let's enjoy
And that was the whole idea behind that. For there will be a unity consensus on the network where developers can be hired, where learners can also be hired and everywhere can move and shoot as you go. Okay, so thank you.
As for what we see, I will be skipping the cream code for now. Before and shortly, I will release the cream code for the last week space. Yeah, last week space with secret download. If you check my Twitter profile, you actually see it's the acclaimed code. So yes, the
So if you reach out to your full hour, it's copy link, go claim up instantly. And if you don't have never claimed the secret NFT, you can check out secret afkars profile where we thought it run down a total specific
And I will be thrown down how to play NFTs on Final OLED. Final cash, well, hey, reminding, quote, my key release is.net6.actiq last week or a documentation, a repo, me, madon, fukam.
So officially released that repo which enables developers to access.net multiple platform UI for iOS,
So you can check it out, X, X, X could monkey, yeah, if I'm not wrong, yeah, if I'm not wrong, so you can check him out and view what he has to pray for.
for you on the network. So that's that. I have to fight for get so last week on secret species on secret space with this DNA again. We secret dio which is wrong by who
We officially announced the change of names from Polina to Blizzard Finance.
change was available was that now that there was a very big corporation or no ending to them that already owned and labeled the name with the assets. So in order not to fight over a copyright thing, they decided that there be peace no violence. So as that
So that was made available so you can check out Blizzard Finance and what they have you did. So Blizzard Finance is also the developers of formerly known Polynath Finance and Secret Daryl. So you can check it out and just get back to us and know.
So now don't forget like follow retreat this piece so others can join. So let me just start off with this. So Sianna Beiru is officially live
So, officially line. So now, yeah, the Uzi platform on Sianna, which is the decentralized application or secreting and so that allows, let me see, I'm just referring it Sianna, the Uzi Sianna
So, let's say, the Sianna, let's say, governance framework. Just like now, on security, let's say, we have our own governance framework. The Sianna, that is Sianna's governance framework that allows specific features, discourse on Sianna's framework and so needs governance, proposal and vote.
So all these are brothers we want cash out for the outside. We feel all from go see another goal. This is a life of a change now. Rounding up. So the clone code to last week's secrets, secret spaces.
a secret badge or NFC. This name is called "Snowman" or capital. Snow SNOW, M-E-N, snowman. So you can actually check it out. Snowman on starch. You cannot really hold starch.
I will check out my profile to the link for the NFT and I will click it directly now into your wallet. You do not waste time and access this opportunity now before the NFT goes out of stock. Sorry, cannot go out of stock is excess. Okay, so tomorrow we have been
and Greek speaks NFTs. Yeah, GRIFF speaks NFTs team. So talk about the LAR Gibson, let's say, let's say, GRIFF speaks NFTs team. Where do we talking about the LAR Gibson, the LAR Gibson?
sensor preserving the metaverse, the absolute, the metaverse decentralized application that is built on secrets, let's talk more about what they are built and why they are utilizing secrets and ask the net
to build. So through all secret spaces, let's look what we will provide the claim code. But normally you say you know go and you know go participate. So and participate in tomorrow's secret spaces. It's holds. I think pop is my
5 right? 5 or 6 every day. I know what you said. So the secret space is the time is 5 right? I'm going to confirm the time and then I'll share the future.
So, I don't hear anything. So still on Gixpitz we have a space with them.
So don't miss out. Don't forget secret of gas and Ft if I went because I trust poor black and what secret of cacan do. We're giving our secret badges for the attendees. Let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me#
There will be a 3D badge for everyone at 1080p. Amazing 3D badge from them themselves, that is the Yix picture. So many guys don't want to miss it. It's going to be awesome. So one I know me some, they don't drive 80. How far like this? Now something if you miss, if you snooze, you lose.
So don't lose that. Actually try and dive and see what you can learn about what is being built on secret nature and the afterlife. So last last update I swear for my end. My leave my boss to me.
So, final alert is officially registered as a virtual currency exchange operator which means that they will be able to launch their VISA prepaid cards for this.
So, we need to use the top of the top of the top. So, we need to use the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of#
watch out and don't snooze, maybe no loose, you understand. So just try to be active and participate and enjoy what's being built. So that's that all my side. My official departure is max my boss, Chimiri. Chimiri, boss, and me, Tecuma.
We have a lot of updates this Monday. Yeah, let's go by stasha wallets starting
it's better test on both Android and iOS. So if you are guess you supposed to go check it out and then test the wallets if by the future they are running those tests as a participant you qualify to enjoy the rewards something like a drop of tokens and then the rest
As taking the just concluded its community with winner will be announced tomorrow. Yeah, we believe that the started last three weeks that been doing it every Monday and today is the final. So the first three ranking people will share the first person gifted with five as is
the second is 5 then the third is 3. So for those that have been participating and going for the fish so they will be coming up tomorrow. Anathsikul on secret 2.0 is not available though it's more of a technical aspect.
If you have been a developer like Mary Choukou can read that and understand where I'm trading it but most of the time the reason is somehow physical. I'm waiting for a letter technical from Secrets Education Working Group. Yeah, the Secrets Agency are moving to
and they are currently on the stage of making it from conscience to the whole. So yeah, Shilabous NFT is offering an NFT giveaway, quite least for Secret Farm. So if you haven't got your own White List, you go get it, they already
of maintain for you then you maintain and hold and the NFC DAO is where you hold you be receiving a monthly NFC. So for those maintain this one like you get the right as you maintain it out every single one there will be a drop in you with one NFC depending on the number of maintenance you have and with this one I
I'm going to make decisions on the platform. Stakeese is running a bounty on Asiku. They are calling on Secret Agency right Asiku about their progress so far. So for contents,
opportunity for you to showcase your rightmost josego rights the first two best writers will be selected and the ones will be ending I think 18 yeah if I should be correct I should be ending around 18 of this month yeah the September ecosystem update is now available
every update that happened on secret network, both the main upgrade, the Cosmoverse, events and all what not is not available. So go check the secrets network, announcement channel, you will screw up, you get to see the @seco.de link is there all can update you with the link later.
Yeah, the surrender shield is surrender shield is going in life with their presale on with their presale on 18th of this month too, so you know for the fight be so you go to guide by the presale and you know since it
It's a promising project on secrets. The token will definitely do massive work, but not a financial advice anyway. Yeah. And Jigpigs have made a guide to transfer of NFT, that secrets NFTs through possible ways that are used on stash.
On the stash web you can use stash up on Fina Cache and you can use Cosmism Dev2 and you can use 3v2 to transfer secret NFTs from one wallets to another. So yeah Shinobi protocol publish its medium article about the development of the two files.
and they launch in 2022 investing contract on secrets and opens a gateway standard for investing of secret network contracts. So that's my boss made you go as almost completed almost all the updates I have. That's the remaining one that you didn't touch. Yeah, thank you guys for listening.
I'm going to eat it with my hands.
Okay, please about that NFT white list. Can you brief me again? I got joined so I didn't get the whole story or the whole news. Okay, yeah, that is Shilabos NFT. It's an NFT project built on secret network. I don't know if you can hear me. I can hear you.
Yeah, it's an NFT project, but on secret network. So it's kind of an NFT DAO. We are holders of the NFT. We get to decide on how the project is going to go. And for you to be able to get that voting power of taking decision on how the project is going to go, you have to mint the first NFT.
S1 collection that about to launch very close I think is on 15 or around 17 that the team will go live and currently they are offering white list. So the future means are the rates of 12 SRT I think they are Disney to 10 SRT. So for you to means other 10 SRT you will get the white list to mean at 10 SRT
and still get the same voting power as someone that meets a 12 SRT and the collection size is very small I think it should be around 1,000 collection or something like that so that's just everything about the actual levels NFT I don't know if this is a question or a question from Fuse
Okay. Can I tell me the social media platform or how I can go to it or the link to it? Okay. Yeah. I'll tag you to the link right now. Let me let me tag you now to the other side. Okay.
Okay guys so for those that didn't get the clean code for last week's last secret space it's no man last week's space with secret dio which is run by Blizzard Finance now of formerly known as Polymer
Polymer labs, you can officially go and claim it with the claim code "Snowman" "Snow" "SNOWMEN" So check it out and claim it's still available and still meant to be sure. Go and join.
world and enjoy it so cheers guys.
For those who are joining us in musical, made record for elastic activities from 62.0 to also made record for also steak full, steak easy, steak easy, made record for sheet food to crossway and chain make
some alpha and shalebs as well. For those I would not know about shalebs, I have just shared it on this space. Just check about this space. I just shared details about shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shalebs shale#
you guys should know miss this NFT is not your financial advice just saying so tonight we have my Cavalier as well so my Cavalier would you like to say one or two things about this episode is any information or how far we missed that you would love to contribute
Yeah, believe me, how do you believe? Just advise everybody to check the levels of school. I love you all the other day, I do not know school.
In the end you are the easy best week can only talk too much. The only way you will see your best thing is that the boss is the oldie does in the game. Actually guys is on hold you in the space so it doesn't talk much. You just give you guys some quick advice.
So you know it's life financial advice boy you can see me kids of it. Also yeah guys we have a Queen D as well we have Lucky. So Lucky have Queen D. Do you guys have anything to share with us on this space?
I would say we are a stakeholders having a Twitter space on the tattoos of our dismounts and the tattoos of this month.
the street pass space so you can come in and ask questions about anything and customers ecosystem or a secret network so you can join us so let me say that then there's something I've been chatting with a poor black and I would like to
share with all of us that year because something that carries all of us along this world is amazing. So, should I go on the black? Sure, please go on. The issues have been very busy. The two of us, we got about four events in Lagos and I just got back last night and I'm still trying to say to the
for today. I'm here to say to the guys who have been very busy, I should have gone through what is named to me. But of course, you can share everything here with us. I believe it's an open space that everyone can also contribute to what you have to see. I'm casting the lipids on these after this space. I'm so sorry for not replying in on-term. I've been very busy.
So what I'm trying to say is that let's have a professor on board. You know these secrets university of it in they are telling people to go to their schools and to record our students
students that are programming, program as well. Students that are studying programming in this school. But as for our own area, we are talking about and she we are here. We know that most schools do not have any, even those that are
offering programming courses in their schools. They don't have blockchain groups. They don't know anything. What they do after school and if they go for another training where they have their, what is it called? Their practical training.
with the issue of strike this time most students especially those that are studying computer sciences they are out there programming centers they are learning their programming day so even you sharing about SQL University it won't even
look at it because what they are used to and what they know is doing fiber and the rest so they don't want to skip up to the blockchain and they don't want to learn about it. So what I have come to think about is if we could submit a proof
So then we write it accordingly. But let me just give a rough idea of what to be in that proposal and how it will help us as a secret Africa and then as a secret network entirely. So what we are going to do is there are so many
programming training centers around all of us. I know you guys are in different states than where I am. So in my states I know of two popular training centers. There are even most of students from junior high school, university of junior high school, most students from
from day. That are studying computer sciences. They are there learning a lot of front end of back end of full stack everything they are learning. So, even you tell them about secret network because it is not something that is big, EA already so they want to listen. But we can make it
So we can make it if we could reach to centers around our area then we can bring them together then we can share a sequence of them then we are going to write a proposal for the sequence of string team also.
so that we can host competitions between all training centers. So I think that will bring recognition for us even our spaces. It will bring more people to our spaces. Let's say we started by just talking to them.
going to them and giving them a choice about secret network and what we can do. You know, you miss the buses at the training centers, right? It's from the students anymore. Then, truly, buses, the students are going to come in. So we can make it in such a way that we
let them know that, okay, this is what we want to do. We have more than, we have more training centers coming in, then we can host competitions that will make them to train their students, then they will compete against one another. Then the, let's say the best ones,
will be rewarded from what we go from secret network if perhaps they will allow it. So I think I have been able to develop some ideas on how to put these things together.
So that is true. Look okay to some extent. So let me hear what you guys will say about it first before we can if anyone's having any question so that I can see diving. So
Thank you very much for sharing the information. I believe everyone on this page have added and I believe some of the people who are still joining this page are listening to the recording. So yeah, if you guys have any feedback, you can always reach out to the channel to the channel and share your feedback.
I'm yet to go through the messages. It's been to me. I always know both of our every see tonight and I'm going to give him feedback by the end. So yeah, is that another contribution to tonight's space before quality day? We still have about 11 minutes left before we end tonight's space.
All right, it's an open-mouth section. I believe we all are towards lucky FC and if you have anything to see, you can just, you know, see it, see it, if you have a equation, you can have some equation as well. Hello guys, can I help you?
Yeah lucky if I want to ask like what's this or what your physical position going to here and you know why you're talking about being able to understand and that you would just say you know that secrets are equally has its own side together
get from the so called from the competition actually and I don't know is there anything that we will I say kind of any benefit for secrets in particular for them to be able to fund this competition I have to
One of the people in the field is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is#
we recruit more developers, then we recruit more secret agents that are even more developers. You know, the reason why we are facing much problem in inviting people into secret networks is that.
They haven't added from maybe their pays before and they think everything you say if they haven't seen you collecting money like this from that thing and they say it is scam or something. But if we are hosting
a competition for training centers across the state. I know all of them are going to be posting it on their Twitter. And most of these people, they have followers.
and even besides that they have followers who are Nigerians, they still have followers in other African countries because all these people that are during the developers of their app connections. So then, through tweeting about us or saying things about us, we bring enough
of secret knowledge to them. And in fact, even our spaces will be crowded with people because they want to listen more about it only, that we are doing something. Then they want to know more. The first thing is that this is going to
bring a VNS of secret network to the populace. So it's going to be something very big because we can't be hosting a competition across the state in Nigeria. And you're telling me that people will not get to know about it.
And this competition is going to be hosted with training centers. Training centers via computer and we are programming is being taught. You know, they are going to share it and people following them. There are people who are also programmers. So even some people will not even bother to do and ask them.
will up on to secret network directly to get to know about what is happening there. So one thing is that secret network with that might take Nigeria market. Let me say that. So I hope I am able to answer it.
Thank you very much. I believe we still have about seven minutes. There's not much time left. If anybody have any other question, please reach out to the KVDM and maximum equation. Or you can join us on next week's course and we'll continue the discussion. Also, you can
which are the ones that are available in the future.
Thank you very much for here for your information shared with us. Also thank you for all the technical and all the other chair members. You guys are in the ecosystem and for that is that I haven't checked and the total total review.
The two main American or allied agents were acknowledged on this. Because every agent was consistently contributing to African community and security as a whole will be fully recognized. So you guys are being recognized for
and this is an amazing KPI for Yigajazo. So also thanks to my Taveli, our alpha-EF is an OG for secret network and also thanks so much to Lockhear of Yigajazo. And thanks to one in both Queen Dianne
We are still talking about the game.
Thank you very much guys, thanks for coming to today's space. So guys, I do have a wonderful evening and you know a lovely week ahead. So catch you guys already and also African community will be getting much more active from this
week or maybe our Twitter will be more active and push us content back to back. Yeah, so thank you very much guys. Do everyone have a few minutes. Bye guys.
We can discuss things together. We already have the WhatsApp group. You can check the secret archive telegram channel. Sorry, not telegram channel. Telegram group chats. You can see the...
Thank you very much guys, I do have one of you. Bye guys.