Hello guys welcome to tonight and on the audit we shot. All keeping you guys up to date with activities happening live all the stupid network ecosystem including all fast and all smart news and also rumors.
Thanks for watching guys, I've got some exciting news to show you guys tonight. Tonight I've got some alpha show to you guys and I hope you guys are ready for tonight. Please guys, let's keep on getting to it so that's gonna join us. We should get the space started in a minute before we get started.
That is my turn of the latest vehicle in Nigeria by Ashakke popular artisan in Nigeria. The title of this track is called Tuteti. Well, it's not Tutati yet but secret topic guys. No. Papil, so guys, please
So guys let's keep on in Twitter so that's containers
Hello guys so welcome to tonight's model of this video. We're all keeping you guys up to date. It's activities happening live on the ecosystem within cost
So tonight is going to be much more snappy and I'm good to give you guys some excitement about this. So yeah, to get started for tonight, I'm so proud to share my story with you guys.
I'm super happy about this master and something I believe we draw much more developer to secret from Africa because this is just the beginning. Sticky Africa is said to achieve 1 million user adoption for synchronous system in the next five years and together we can achieve this goal.
Guys, I want us to do some form of your marketing about the new Valito, which are the Valito's in Africa. Sorry, developer in Africa, tell them about the Valito, then about the new Africa Valito and tell them they could get involved with Secret. They could settle down Valito, they could get build up on Secret.
with secret university and also the accartum coming up guys so please do it from there. Before I go on the dive into tonight I'll weekly recap and I'll listen to some cool coming music with diving to tonight's discussion and some exciting stuff for our little show to you guys. Thank you.
So guys yeah welcome back to tonight's face so guys welcome back
The secret net of the distance is a very large ecosystem. How will we love to keep your things? Making sure there is no need for a safe official if missed. Well, let's begin guys. So our optimism moment, we keep pushing for the secret account on events coming up on April 17th. We will be making several announcements
doing some marketing we got in this and we keep pushing it to make sure that yeah only which also the little parts I want to work to onboard them to see if it's investing or also of them joining Akaton events, one line Akaton events with the nice vice agency, I want to make sure this Akaton events is
great experience with the group of all of us. So guys please let's keep making the tweet, let's keep creating awareness about the avatar tone, share the link to any developer group you know and add them to the Chinese community and add them to participate to engage in this one like that on coming up very soon on 17th of February which is very
So guys, please let's keep pushing. We need about 1,000 sign of money. And also please, it should remind them we are 50,000 price to be rewarded. So the top three, top five, Pujja, the win is a customer. So guys, please let's keep up with
also yeah we also at the space last week our feature some of these teams as for all the secret Akata events we spoke about Akata so I'm pleased I don't listen to that I'm also share this space space link to this guy I believe it should be uploaded on YouTube I'm going to share the link so that we'll listen to the
So that's it for the Akaton guys please let me show you keep keep
show him not with much more winning than the fighting people to trade his back at often very soon. So yeah, that's it. Yeah, also the developer workshop we had last month. The video is released on Gitsu. This developer workshop is
The first part was from the basics to the advanced levels. It was really great work. I was very excited to see some of you watching.
much more about the video. I'm not just blaming more on the video. But I will finally chance to win out of the $50,000 price coup. Also, all that is important. We got one new sponsor for this aircraft. Please stay tuned. Before we go on,
place back to some music they were diving back without shit on what I said in the background thanks guys
I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is. I wonder what this is.#
[speaking in foreign language]
Hello guys welcome back to model of this workshop. All keeping guys updated activities are playing live on sick minutes.
system including as far as inside, rumors and so about that is that we have benefit users as well. So guys welcome back to this place. Well, before we go on the short break, I spoke about the Akatsunevets being organized by the Secret Agency and also the price for $2,000.
Also, we talked about the space we have last week regarding this Akaton. Not much more about the Akaton events. Coming up, please listen to this space. We are last week. The video should be on YouTube. I will share it if it's not on the same day as I can in China. You guys can watch it and also share it with other people.
Those were interested and don't yet can join the exit bridge to build and also stand the chance to win after the 2000 pro price coming up very soon every 17th. After spoke about the video from the workshop that was held last month about developer David as Nami published a
also guys we have another exciting news to show to you guys the secret net's okay ecosystem updates March 2023 ecosystem updates are zombie published that's why I'm before bleached this are the ecosystem updates feature the axe secret is not
also featured in production to see the dashboard, developer workshop, we call it live. And I'm launching at the tool which we added to test which we added. See if I get it right on last week. Also they were two gaming and also the recap of build week. The one we had, the universal panel section, the Cosmos coffee and all our server info.
last month and how soon one of the article meeting by researcher he had seen 14337 and FPC when our friends are forced you just give it a read if you are interested in using or you are doing a review to read so yeah that's for it. I'll be making sure read
The ecosystem update for March, which is last month, we feature a lot of spot headlights from last month and also we gave some hints and more issues between this month. We have a lot of announcements, maybe this month. So stay tuned guys.
Also, Stashe made an announcement that Anna supports bad wave wallets which she's known as Ledger. So for those who have a Ledger, you can now use Stashe to recognize a Ledger or Stashe. It is not supported. So guys, check it out. Also, yeah, one of the most
anticipated most awaited defile negation of the defense secret properly known as Shetotaka which people believe is going to be the best ever defile with the remote air ecosystem. It sets the launch on Wednesday on 12th of April 2020.
This has been the most anticipated of each three. In the whole of cosmos in the whole of their three. And this is set to launch on Trev's of this month. And also there is the good news. So we are going to face with Shetputoko, a team member from Shetputoko.
where I be a wolf, we speak to us about privacy in the fight, it's future all about Shed Swap and also Silk. So guys, and also here's the exciting news about that. And this is an affirm yet to publish it, but I'm giving you guys because you guys are on this space. We'll be giving out 10 shit to people who are participating in this space execution.
So guys, please look do get ready for this piece we got lots of you on opportunities for guys to join this shit and must not program so guys much more details to be announced more Yeah, also like I made mention last week Egypt's advantage is dark and better with much more full-up
So last week we had Yoyo is in launch part Bidon sequence, launch part for IBLs initial X of ring. For start off, so guys we had this place last week and we got it 2 doors, what else for Higgin 3H check it out. Also, yes, I have far there.
better test nets commenced day and also over 305 participated in these test nets and this test net is an incentivized test net is meaning is said to die so guys as soon as possible to get what it is NFC and also have access to feature edge weapons or please do make sure you participate
this testnet. I believe we should have retreats this. Okay, we are here to retreats this. But I'm going to make sure I retreats this. If you want more information, call me, join our telegram channel. If you don't know the link to join our telegram channel, call me, go to discord server, secrete discord server, check out the better testnet
China. I posted today about four or six hours ago, currently engaged participating in this stage, the Zero Telegram Group, give a little feedback and share the chance to win an decentralized reward pool. So guys, please, do make sure you join this
and presently I just saw that there are over 40 people as participated already and also more people still joining me and participating in this test. Please don't make sure you join this test later and Stanley transfer in as well. So make sure you join the Telegraph for
the feedback. Also, yeah, this is another exciting news, which the app I was giving to me. Stay easy, I'm currently running a bulk bouncing and they will be giving out about $8,000. Yeah, the right group. $8,000 reward food will be giving out to people who want
who will be able to spot any ball on their platform. Please check it out. The details on the website check out the better test next time to participate in this episode. Please guide. You should don't want to really miss this. Please do participate. These are the options for you guys because not everybody gets to know
about puzzle is it the or not to get no not everybody has no about this or this particular or test net winner and it's an opportunity for you to explore this app as it's been provided back as well and also get rewarded for you so you have to make sure you participate do not miss this menu too. Also yeah I am
One of the validator on similar so popular is known as the number five. They've been working on and they've opened in new ABC China and also, they're opening others. Also, they actually have been working on all China's you love to see you from the world we've all have been telling us about the trend to give for some of
these IBC China to create more communication and better communication within audio chains in IBC guys. So yeah, I've been able to look to year year of give. Or provide a piece to start giving them a time to send them in here as well. So before I go on let's back to one of the latest in Wigid.
Tutati baya shakeh, this is one of the top it's on the majority moment.
So I'll come back to the model this way show what you figure out today
So guys, those were those journals we made mention about the axe squint green and also the two petatists that's perfectly green on and also a bug bounty with lots of insecticides, bullets, so make sure you guys participate in these and send it just to get rewarded for participating in this
match and also was issued as a space in this month. Of course, we talked about this plan for this month and it's really exciting. It is posted. So guys, here is another one for you guys. So there was a new partnership between Hildinis and Sipinetwork. So Hildinis
the platform now allows anonymous production such as sand bridge, swap, question by leveraging XIN which is money. So this swap, the partner with financial support guys to swap the SOT bridge, SOT on the same and end bridge and
then soba as well, it's still maintaining the privacy. So you guys check them out. I think I should probably make it with a lot of additional engagement with it, I think it will be a lot of street, but check it out. Of course, we should with a lot of privacy, we should not only privacy platform, we may have to
privacy is my words, I almost make sure everyone is entitled to either just to show the public or just to make it seem a private thing guys I believe I've made an announcement to initiate and the two task space would be available when I did because I bought privacy in
and also you started just to read 10 shit, you can take the first of shit now, shade is man, man not saying to this with no men is the guys. So also yeah, Secretly Jessica, Panda and they're visually a terminus, he has been busy with podcast and you saw the podcast with Nebula Bigger
This is because there are secret privacy timeline design So of course, I'm definitely going to use this space as well. So this space I really think is really good Okay guys, so yes another of us are so far for you guys So guys so alternate work as announced
unsensitized or incentivized quest or Zilli Zilli is popular in UNASQ3 Q3 as we've run the to Zilli Zilli I don't know why they reprint there's none of my business so about the main point is that auto network as you know created
a incentivized request on Gili and you guys can complete the quest on any different prizes every week. In either outer SLT, shadow, sienna, guys, those people is participating in this.
We got to get that also a 70 should ask something like this we know Jenna this got several I'm going to make a test email Jenna this got several parts within these are wind of 500.000. Oh, this is really good guy. I believe this This we want or instead is active
I'm probably so much for you bonus so guys please do make sure you end it this is our first and maybe guys for free I just cost to not in just a time and then we can research on the project so guys please do make sure you engage in this test later please do make sure you end it in this reset device place by heart and also by switching to shoot the only thing is of Q3
I believe most of you guys are familiar with here to be sure you engage Good luck So also yeah, you know starch has been busy. They've been making some intuition to start just with it with Tesos so Tesos and I've lotch it so you can bridge your energy from Tesos to start now
I'm here it pushes videos and I believe actually some sort of stuff you call me which we are all at the same time. So guys, thank you so much for joining tonight's space. It's been an awesome amazing space to come. I believe you guys have enjoyed all your recap. All the audits are sharing together in half a and make sure all these alphas are sharing.
You may show it in make great shoes of them because all the asphalt all the downfalls will definitely have great benefit to see. So guys also I believe most of you guys are about the new one little that was launched for super tough. I'm 30%
We go towards the community within Africa that the commission from the later so guys are working on not I see we are working on The one is on the key member or key commencement about secret Africa we are working on making sure provides some sort of reward
for you guys, for your dedication and hard work, for the community of secret networking Africa. So all the media about our consciousness is really difficult. Excuse me, consistently, they are very worthy and they are the most willing partner to come in up. This partner should be open
So both the users are also the purchase they are putting in with and users are also putting in with as well. So guys, stay tuned, be much more active, make sure you follow up with all your new announcements, participate in everything going on within the next few minutes. So stay tuned for that announcement. So thank you very much guys, thanks for
for joining tonight's model bit, it's Russia. Please don't forget to join when is the additional series with shape protocol, we are serving what pull off and shape. So guys, we have one last evening, good night, everyone. Cheers guys, bye.