Monday Update Wey Sure

Recorded: Feb. 20, 2023 Duration: 0:13:19



Hello guys welcome to tonight's video.
Hello guys welcome to tonight's space. So tonight we will be having a professor from Kanga area with us tonight. So for those who are not familiar with us, you can see this module bit special is a weekly to task space where we keep you guys up to date with activities,
play now is followed by the same featuring he's the guy's the at least one of the latest single so welcome guys please do it so that's
Welcome to tonight's model of this video. We will keep you guys up to date with activities happening earlier this day. And I believe our professor will be sharing with us some exciting profiles.
Nice to have you here, how cool.
Hello, hello, hello guys. Yes, good evening. We can you a lot, actually. Yes, that's great. It's a little pleasure to be here. Thank you very much for Black of Secret Africa. I'm a professor.
I'm the founder of the community and today we will be taking a round through the Monday of the day. I want to know what is the most important thing that is going on in the secret network ecosystem in the coming week and see how it can better position ourselves
advantage of them. I would have really loved those to try something different because this is my first time stepping up to to take a co-host with a big man here in Black and I'm a bunch of other episodes in the past and it
to be really lovely if we can feel this because I think this is a very, very big group of brothers in Nigeria and what is the help to a celebrity with them and advise them to understand that government's policies.
play big role in bootstakes of financial realities. So of course, don't forget to boot wisely. It is possible to get the confidence goldmaps. So I think that is going to be a little on that on that spot. Right, so people
Before we hope you can see it, yes I really love that bit from the top of the lap. Before we hope you too, I would like to share a few things that happened in the last couple of days. Alright, I'm a professor sorry, before we start the night space.
We have a custom here in our space so kindly introduce yourself tell us a little piece of biobag round and then with the mic We love to know where I was because all our co-stars from we love to know about our background so we could welcome them. Thank you
Okay, that's fine. Thank you very much. Well, I'm Elf the Festival. I'm the founder of some guy at the University of Weft, where I'm a part of the Plastal, Plastica, and the Stuting on Hospital Network. So that's it about that.
And that's a 2020, a year about one investment standpoint. I was very big of a meta analyst, Elero. So I'm so much to pay in on my personal life. So I'm getting to do it more practically during the season.
I've been in there today because it's been my first day to go back to Tokyo. You know, even in the second day, I'm going to do that now. I'm going to have a good time.
It's really fun ride so far because I actually believe in the technology. It's so many things. It's not a support for play. It's all of my biggest things. We think they put the 10 meters on very very important points for black.
For example, I remember when we used to talk, we were back earlier when he just became the coordinator for Secret Africa, which was a very, very interesting milestone. And I'm so happy to see how far from since then as a community, as a region for Secret Network.
This guy and I hope we have the opportunity to work on something then. Mland is, these are some very very interesting coupes that have known from the discord, secret network discord and some of the activities are very very for us
So viral I think talking about my surface is often more about talking about other people because I found a way to just make sure that my experiences are tied with so many other persons I am much more focused on
helping people build personal brands using the internet for more than just chilling or hunting for drugs or really close things like that and being able to actually get the appropriate skills that they can monetize. So this is my own personal mantra and that's really what I've been
trying to address this con with them come guide and they don't drop it up from this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this or this#
Okay, I don't know okay, look at just hop on we talked we have for for today
I've already talked about the elections, so of course on Saturday, this week's Saturday is going to be the Nigerian general and Nigerian elections and please let's all be careful and be security conscious. That's something that is very, very important. We need to be physically alive and okay.
before we can do all of this online thing and stuff. So please, let's be very, very mindful of our environment, right? And something really interesting happened about two or three days ago in secret network and the NFT community, secret and NFT community, a new utility
like a limited strategy is taking an exercise where you can shoot tokens at the end of the day. Remember, the adjust release the ad drop presently and I think for every wolf pack that you get, it's not fun shoot tokens, so they're also not going off.
That's because that's a particular community having been doing a lot within the network and I think the actions are being felt right now. Right, so on the 27th of this month, right, the 27th.
There will be the universal privacy alliance which seeks to advance the understanding of privacy as the very free basics of flourishing digital societies. So basically it's a very limited agenda.
program. So I think just only about 150 month.
But really much there will be an end-fest. It's kind of an NFC testiva. We see a live and program in Barcelona screen sometime in March. So, it will just be very presented. I think modesty about that would be communicated to see if the virtual ways we can all connect to that particular
and I am programmed so please be attention to all of that. There are nothing the most exciting things that even I have to go and tell you something. We lost the audio. I kidding me. Hello, can you know guys hear me?
Okay, okay, here you go. Hello guys, thank you. Please react to a reactivika. I think it's a wound pop that is a great
me and I saved me to step up because I think it's only probes that have issues but it probably feels under one. So right, so I was I was saying one of the most exciting things that happened over this week is the closed alpha testing
period of the bushy game. Even I had to go and check it out because it's it's rendered for one day in the ecosystem and it was really really interesting. If you have the NFT you should be able to now log in and have a fun with the game. It's really really interesting guys. It's very difficult for me to explain.
how this feels like the elevation of something that is going to be really really magnificent and it will be nice I believe they are going to be potential rewards this is a tends to be thinking about long term that we put in sherry words for people that would engage you to this product not that it's very very early don't forget all of these things is on the blockchain so of course
by connecting your details is already registered on the blockchain to be easy for rewards to be issued sometime down in the future. Of course, that possibilities of a bushy token, I mean, that's not totally out of considering that they have a one-net marketplace for different games. So it makes a whole lot of sense that they might potentially have their tokens sometime in the future.
future. So please pay attention to interesting art files like that. Then a couple of new projects and new roll outs are just being released in the few in the last couple of weeks. And I think one of the most interesting ones. In fact, it's really been a very
interesting period in the ecosystem roadmap. So you see there is the actual test launch launch. That has already happened. There is the author private fire manager, the NKR main launch. The bushy main launch has already just happened. The bot is suave limits others. Secret buzzer test launch. That's the one that's right about to happen. I think in a couple