Monthly Community Call

Recorded: Aug. 16, 2023 Duration: 0:18:09




Hey, John.
John is still a listener right now, Anisha.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
Hey, John.
That was nothing to do with our side.
The call just cut out, which is very, very rude, I must say.
It's okay.
Do you want to move to the next question, John?
Yeah, I'm sure we can.
Sorry, I can't.
We're talking about recruitment.
Wait, what was that?
I think that was Vinicius.
She can't hear us.
All right.
Well, I mean, it seems really good.
Don't worry.
Okay, but do you want to go to the next question?
Yeah, sure.
I don't think we've got too many left to go.
Yeah, we don't.
It's just like five, six of them.
All right.
So next one is from Smuggler, who is simply asking about an update coming on Ethereum about L2s,
allowing, let's say, certain L2s to have a TPS up to 10k.
And do you think this update will affect NAMI since other Layer 2 suddenly gets booked, let's say, in transaction speed?
In all honesty, I remain skeptical about whether or not the numbers quoted there or in general will actually translate to real-world performance.
They'll still be running single-sequencer nodes.
It's not necessarily the case.
They can handle that many transactions in that given period of time.
So any improvements on Ethereum will help to improve Ethereum.
They may have some benefits for roll-up-based technology.
But don't forget that any transaction processed by a roll-up will still have the same problems regarding latency and finality that all roll-ups have by default today.
So even if you have a very, very fast or very high-capacity L1, you still need to add the latency of the L1 onto the L2 if you're relying on the L1 for finality.
So it remains to be seen.
In terms of any potential benefits for us in that respect, it may be cheaper to deposit and withdraw into NAMI.
But I wouldn't expect the benefits to be enormous.
The way that we scale isn't dependent upon Ethereum.
We scale horizontally using our own architecture.
So any benefits like that that are not massively significant for us, we don't need them in order to be a very high-performance L2.
All right.
Careful here because Confuse is trying to confuse you.
But are you able to, let's say, share some videos or screenshot of some products in action on your private testnet, even if censored, such as Farami, Kiwi, and others?
We could do, but why would we?
I think he's trying to confuse you.
We want people's first impression of our products to be not based on censored screenshots, but to be when they actually pick them up and play with them.
So I know with Kiwi, we did have an announcement in a blog.
That was when we were undecided about launching Kiwi on NAMI 2 or waiting and holding it back for NAMI 3.
In the end, we decided to wait.
So generally, as a rule, we want people to be able to actually get hands-on with our products.
So sometimes there'll be simple announcements where we tease a little bit of information.
But generally speaking, that's not the style that we go for when we launch new products.
I do like his second question, though.
So there are actually quite a few.
He says, how is the team split between Skunkdown and NAMI today?
That's not something that we can discuss on the call.
But generally speaking, we split the team almost evenly between products and protocol.
So in terms of our development team, we have a core development team on the protocol, and we have people working on products where they are generally on one particular product for a few sprints or a period of time, and then they move across to the next one once a product is wrapped up.
Are some of the team members still hired out as consultants to help customers like Nogus Bank?
That is, I believe, commercially confidential, but I can say that we still work closely with Nogus Bank.
We still have a contract with them.
We expect to be working with them for a number of years.
He then went on to ask some more questions.
He said, have we considered making it possible to transfer crypto tokens from Gate, for example, to NAMI and vice versa without bridging via Ethereum?
He says that would require involvement from Gate, but could be a nice feature.
So the answer to that question is yes, we are actively exploring ways of having swaps or bridges between exchanges and RL2.
We are in discussions with a number of partners on that particular point.
Okay, we are getting relatively close.
I love the fact that Rob, at the end of our questions, said it shouldn't rug if we have multiple co-hosts.
Have we been rugged by X or Twitter, whatever they're calling it now?
Anyway, the next one, quite a cool name.
Is there a dedicated team for Nephi working exclusively on it, or is it a side project for NAMI's core team?
Who's in charge of Nephi development?
That's the first question.
In terms of having a dedicated team, we have a dedicated products team, and they work on whichever product we need them to at any given point.
So to answer that question, effectively, yes.
There are, let's say, 10 developers, give or take, that work exclusively on products for us.
Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less, but that's about right.
And Nephi is a product that we are in task with.
So who's in charge of Nephi development?
That would be NAMI as a business, and specifically, all product development sits under me.
So, yeah.
Finally, what is left of Nephi's USP?
If we can run other DEX contracts on NAMI 3 and everyone has an equal playing field?
It's a good question.
So, Nephi has certain advantages regarding being supported by ourselves.
When we are looking for people to come in and provide liquidity on the network, we naturally direct them towards our own products.
We will not be building products to compete with Nephi directly in terms of the way that Nephi works.
We will absolutely, 100%, be building products that are complementary to Nephi.
They'll increase opportunities for arbitrage, for example, inside our own network.
And that has clear benefits.
So, in terms of Nephi's USP, you can build similar Uniswap V2-type clones on other L2s or on Ethereum itself.
None of them will have the speed, and particularly the finality, to minimize cross-party risk that we have.
So, Nephi's USP is that it is the first, the original, and NAMI's own supported Uniswap V2 equivalent.
On our network.
No other product exists on our network today that does that.
Let's see.
Next is from VanVan.
There's been mention of big institutional partners and big news coming from multiple years now.
Remember the Metamask thing still?
Did nothing come out of that?
What is the realistic projection for this year?
Will there be any live products, partnerships, etc.?
Fiatom, Renvo, Nephi, is that scrapped?
So, let's take the questions one at a time.
So, we've been talking about big institutional partners for years.
As we mentioned at the start of the call, the sales cycles for people like Norges Bank and central banks in general, or big banks, other financial institutions, their sales cycles are generally quite long.
In order for them to jump in with a company like us, we need to, well, they often need to go through extensive testing, as we've seen, for example, with Norges Bank and other CBDC projects around the world.
These things don't happen quickly.
So, we don't necessarily expect that we will see results immediately with institutional partners.
Sometimes you think you have a deal in place and then it doesn't work out.
Sometimes you can have contracts in place, but there are break clauses, people change their minds.
There are lots of potential reasons.
And we've seen, over the last few years, numerous companies who make all the right noises about getting into Web3 and crypto, and then something happens in the market, like obviously the big downturn last year, and they get cold feet and then put projects on hold.
It's not unusual.
It's not something that we have a problem with.
It's just the way that business development works.
So, this gentleman says, well, this person says, they remember the MetaMask thing.
Well, yes, we work with MetaMask.
Did nothing come of that?
Well, yeah, you integrate with MetaMask.
That happened at the time with Nomi 2.
We've already talked about what the realistic projections for this year may be, live products, partnerships, et cetera.
Well, I've already said I'm confident that we'll get Nomi 3 out this year, and we'll have a range of products arriving on Tesla.
So, last question was Fiat OnRamp for Nephi, or Fiat OnRamp for Nomi in general, for the L2.
Is this scrapped?
No, it's absolutely not scrapped.
We have a number of potential partners to deliver that service for Nomi 3.
We've looked at different options as well around whether it's best to provide that service in-house, whether we partner with someone, whether we bring someone on board as a service provider, how best to do it.
So, the answer to those questions, generally speaking, are we have had announcements, we have had products, there's more coming.
I've got nothing to worry about there.
CryptoHulk has gone mad and asked us seven questions.
So, it doesn't feel as bad because they are the last seven questions, and we have seven minutes left of the session.
So, Boris, do you want me just to take them on?
Please do, please do.
You'll be your first.
So, number one, can we please give an update on the status of the Nomi Foundation?
There's nothing for us to say about that at this point.
If there's more information, we will give it out to the community.
Number two, what are the plans to grow the Nomi team in headcount?
How many extra team members are you expecting this year?
Are we looking to recruit people?
Yes, we are.
We already covered that one.
How many people are we looking to recruit, or what will that do to the headcount of the company?
It very much depends upon both who we find, because we're always interested in hiring high-quality talent, and also what happens when Nomi 3 goes live.
So, we are recruiting because we're planning for Nomi 3 to be a success.
If Nomi 3 is even a moderate success, we will need to scale the team up further from where we are now.
If Nomi 3 is a great success, we will be looking to increase the size of the company by potentially an order of magnitude.
So, yeah, it very much depends on how things go, but we are actively recruiting and have never stopped actively recruiting.
Number three, what excites you about recent business development activity?
It's a good question.
In terms of recent business development activity, one thing that's become more apparent as time's gone by
is when we speak to big institutional players, they 100% know who we are.
They are excited by the work that we've been doing, and they are impressed by us as a business.
So, to actually see the effort that we've put in with some big players recognized.
When it comes to business development, we now are in a position where, following the Nogus Bank work last year,
that has opened doors up for us.
People who we may have struggled to get through to previously are now opening doors for us,
rather than us having to bang them down.
That's extremely encouraging, and it suggests that we're going in the right direction.
So, maybe that one.
Number four, can you provide an update on patent application brackets S?
Are there any plans to provide for further patents?
We don't speak publicly about what's going on with patent applications.
There are information sources available if people want to see what is available publicly,
but it's not something that we discuss.
Number five, are there plans to make Nomi open source?
Yes, as and when the time is right and the market conditions allow it.
Number six, how is Nomi utilizing AI?
Well, we may have a separate call at some point or a blog post where we talk about blockchain and AI.
Obviously, it's always interesting when two very high-profile, very trendy technologies collide,
and where the overlaps are between them.
We probably have no time to talk about it in a huge amount of detail here.
I'm interested to see, and when I had a little chat with the Kobo, actually, about this one before I came on the call,
he said that Kobo's interested to see the first AI-based lug pull.
So hopefully not anything to do with us, that one.
But in terms of AI, we use it sparingly at the moment.
We use it in terms of documentation.
We use it to check certain things.
But we are not a fully committed AI-based blockchain house at the moment.
We are cautiously optimistic about the potential for the technology,
and we will continue to use it as and when is appropriate.
Last one, very strange question to finish on.
A friend has asked if you can license Nomi Tech to Cardano
and whether we can commence discussions immediately.
So if someone from Cardano wants to have a chat with us about potentially licensing Nomi,
our usual corporate email is info at
That'll be picked up by any member of the senior leadership team.
Send it through.
So we're always open to collaborations and proposals,
but we wouldn't need to see the detail or anything like that.
All right, right, Boris.
We have three minutes left.
We've gone through an awful lot of questions.
That might be a record.
Yeah, indeed.
In terms of how fast we've managed to do it.
Yeah, but you answered them well, so it's all good.
I had to go.
Obviously, some questions we can't answer for commercial confidentiality reasons
or because we want to keep things a surprise
because it's always nice to have the odd surprise.
All right, in development, as long as it's not a bug.
But, yeah, we've gone through quite a lot there.
Apologies for having to jump from one call to another.
I promise you that wasn't our fault.
We can blame the lack of engineering support over at Twitter
since it seems like not everybody who used to work there is still there,
but you never know.
So, anyway, Boris, Medesha, as always.
Thank you for your help and hosting the call.
For everybody else on the call in the community,
thank you for listening.
For everyone being here, there will be a community call summary
published probably by tomorrow.
Please check just the channel on Discord and it will be there.
Good stuff.
So, the final reminder from me is that, obviously,
the Testnet news will be published on Twitter.
It will be published on Discord and we will remind people more than once,
but ahead of the Testnet migration a week today,
please withdraw your girly ETH if you want to.
Otherwise, it will be lost.
So, yeah, we will remind you, but please don't forget to do that.
Your Testnet incentive program, completing those challenges,
has been saved.
And, yeah, we look forward to catching up with you all again soon.
But thank you for coming, everyone.
It's always a pleasure.
And thank you for the questions.
Thank you, guys.
Have a great day.
Cheers, everyone.
Thank you, everyone.