Multi-Chain Mondays: Helix Markets Redefines DeFi

Recorded: Feb. 12, 2024 Duration: 0:46:40



all right good morning good afternoon good evening i hope wherever you're at in the world it's
been a good day so far and hopefully it'll continue throughout the space uh we
have um we got a good space planned for you today so this is multi-chain Mondays
and this is our time to talk about all things cross-chain going on either in the
ICP world or even just outside ICP the main idea though is that for the first
time ever applications can be built that talk with multiple blockchains without
introducing middlemen and and that unlocks all sorts of great opportunities
for uniting user communities for uniting liquidity for building innovative apps
that leverage the optimizations of each individual blockchain today we're going
to be talking with helix markets on on what they're doing and how they're
leveraging ICP to uh to facilitate trading in bitcoin ethereum and and other
chains uh let's jump right in uh grozd are you there yeah i'm here how are you doing today sir
uh i'm doing well uh busy as always
i mean you so uh some background is helix just launched on february 1st right so you've had
you've had 11 days of rest right uh yeah i wish i could say that but you know even post launch
like where it does not decrease there's new challenges new things to take care of so it's
it's still very exciting yeah i know uh uh post launch tends to be some of the busiest time
but let's uh let's just start with what is helix markets uh give us an overview of the
product and then maybe even talk a little bit about the vision that that you guys have
yeah sure helix markets is is an exchange that is built on the ic but has a vision to bring
sort of different ecosystems together so one of the the challenges that we saw when you look at
crypto in general right there's approximately 280 blockchains out there right now right and if
there is no one marketplace or exchange where you could seamlessly integrate these ecosystems
without having to onboard into each ecosystem individually now an onboarding into an ecosystem
is first of all you need to figure out you know which wallet am i going to use and then figure out
any chain specifics then figure out how do you get your assets from either your existing wallet
or exchange uh over and there's you know lots of friction um within within these activities
and then at a certain point the just the complexity and the amount of work that's necessary to to
basically manage your crypto across all of these platforms is just overwhelming like you know even
for somebody that's crypto native it it becomes too much at some point so um what we saw that we
can do on the ic and then you can do with other changes basically seamlessly interact with other
protocols um this is where you know really the the core of the ic stack shines so on the one hand
side you know chain key which enables you to use custody in a way that you can't with other chains
so meaning that you can use the the master key of the subnet and you can use that uh to create
you know uh or even sign uh transactions on different chains and and you use threshold
easy to say cryptography to basically replicate the signature shimas on on other chains as well
so um in practice it means that you know just from from our smart contracts we can facilitate
funding uh and all sorts of trading interactions on any ecdsa supported blockchain um so if you
compare uh what we're doing to sort of like ckbtc or the cke it's pretty similar only that you know
cke and ckbtc they create a digital twin whereas you know we we kind of well as we started about
18 months ago there was no uh cke or ckbtc but we started building our own integrations based on
on a similar approach of and use of the definitive stack uh as course cke and ckbtc so we built so
far um for integrations we have native ethereum which is already rolled out uh with the launch
so we kind of were able to bring um ethereum and stable coins into the ecosystem so on helix you
can out trade you know icp ckbtc cke crossed them with uh either usdc or usdp so you have like a
stable spare um then we also integrated arbitrum as one of the the uh yeah primary uh layer one
ecosystems we've done an integration of the casper network and obviously we have also uh native
bitcoin which will be kind of rolling out and then in the next batch of uh assets that we're
going to release kind of end of february beginning of march so you're you guys are focused on
leveraging the native native blockchain the native chains not using the um let's say like the digital
twins or the synthetic bitcoin or synthetic ethereum what i guess what what you mentioned
that ckbtc and cke weren't around when you when you started your work um was that basically what
drove that decision or is there um a product purpose to like to to being focused on nate
you know writing directly to the native chains i would say both um because so primary like it
was not around right um but when you look at at the digital twins they're much more efficient
than the original if you think about it just from a pure um you know transactability or or you know
speed perspective so if you look at a typical bitcoin transaction right it a block occurs every
10 minutes so any transfer on bitcoin is 10 minutes and then um yeah both chains have this
thing on on you know non-deterministic finality so in case of bitcoin you need to wait
probably another hour just to make sure that enough blocks have passed in order for your
transaction to be deemed final so this creates all sorts of you know frictions when dealing
with native bitcoin so if if you want to deposit it sure it's in your wallet in 10 minutes if you're
fast enough like if you know people are are writing originals to the chain you may even wait
several days before you get mined if you're not using replaced by p please go crazy and then and
then you know after an hour you have your asset and then if you do another kind of move you need
to probably wait another 10 minutes and an hour for finality if your room is a bit faster but you
have you know transactions you go up block times in 15 seconds and then you know 15 minute waiting
time whereas with digital twin uh you basically have the same finality as as on the ic so two
seconds and super low uh gas costs so you're never exposed to you know the the headaches of the native
chain then and um um so in and helix market so anyone who's interested it's
uh so it's focused on both there's an order book uh and a swap function so walk us through
kind of how you guys made the decision between order books versus swaps typically you see one
or the other i guess in a dense yeah um so on helix markets the swap is the extension of the
order book so what we were thinking a lot about is you know do we want to implement actually both
models the the amm or or just the order book um at the end we decided to go with the order book
model um just because we felt that um the order book performs better when you're dealing with
assets that are very volatile so where there's a lot of movement and the amm kind of you know
handles better when you're dealing with the same type of assets so for example an amm will perform
an order book if you're doing i don't know ram bitcoin versus bitcoin lp or similar so there's
the less impermanent loss while you know if you're doing usbc bitcoin then the order book generally
prepare performs much better because it's much more customizable so even like you know with with
the new amms you still need to manage position very carefully or you you you might get thrown
out of position and not earn any lp fees anymore so that that was the reason for for us uh going
uh with the order book model but then we saw one issue with the order book model is like where
most of the exchanges pretty much create you know a long tail of order books and and that leads to
um one of the points where we're very very strongly focused on and that's how do we
you know provide maximum liquidity to our users without having to kind of fragment this liquidity
to that what i mean by that is so we've decided that there were only for every parity to this
it will only have one cross and that cross is going to be with a stablecoin so in our case it's
right now it's usbc so in the future it might be ck usbc but like all the pairs will always have
just this one uh usbc cross and then for swaps we use what we call like synthetic trading pairs
so basically because every every trading pair has crossed with usbc we can create synthetic order
books where it means that if you trade i don't know icp for cke although we don't have an order
book for that we can find the route and atomically swap icp for cke in that case and if you look at
it from the perspective of trading pairs um let's say we have 10 trading pairs right all crossed
with usbc we can concentrate all of the liquidity in these 10 trading pairs but potentially we can
create 45 different combinations of these trading pairs so whilst we won't need you know 45 different
order books and for which we'll need liquidity in each order book we can concentrate this in 10
but give you the optionality to trade 45 different pairs yeah it sounds like a good approach i mean
it always you know within um crypto i think we tend to just say like we want we want the option
to do everything and so then when you create all those trading pairs you create a really long tail
of liquidity for each of those trading pairs and it sounds like you guys are approaching this from
uh a different approach where you can almost wrap a lot of that liquidity up into
kind of like bring it all up into just the first trading pair and then and then give that option
from there exactly yeah that was the approach so that that was like kind of always think about how
can you make the most use of the liquidity we have um and create most value for um out of this
liquidity for for our users right so with that you can you know create lower slippage
spreads are really tight and you don't have to maintain all these order books and maintain
put it in these order books so is it just like less that's hassle for everyone yeah it i'm really
kind of fascinated um and you you've kind of touched around this it's i mean helix is almost
like a blend between a centralized exchange and a decentralized exchange so you almost have like
the sex and the decks uh combined into one the user interface is very clean and would make you
feel more like uh you're using maybe a centralized exchange but on the back end obviously you're
you're leveraging um uh the the native integration so i'm assuming the users have full you know full
custody of their it's a it's a non-custodial solution for the users and you get those advantages
from from having a deck yeah exactly so we went with the chain key approach so chain key has one
one nice uh feature is that you know nobody knows the the private key so there's no one private key
but the private key is basically split on the 33 nodes of the subnet where the canister resides
and then basically it gets put together uh whenever call i think it's like one one one
third plus one so 13 plus one um share of this key and then the canister can use this private
key sort of in a zero knowledge way and then um how how we implemented it that all these addresses
get created natively get created from this one private key and and all of our users uh basically
with their through their ii you know kind of control um the interaction with our smart contract
and create all the addresses transactional payload and it's always being signed by the same key
and we're never in possession of these keys so kind of it it's it's sort of like you know you
start to use the blockchain in a way that the custodian would use his his hsm so hardware
security module or how you know a user would use his nano ledger or or a treasure right but we
we put the security on the the private key then uh on chain that's awesome uh yeah i do i do find
this fascinating as just a um it's a unique entrance entrant into a um perhaps maybe you
might call it like a crowded market like d fight has become perhaps a more crowded market than it
was let's say three or four years ago and so this is kind of a unique position that you guys have
brought into it um now walk me through because uh obviously there was a little bit within the
community when you guys launched there's a little bit of questioning within the community of the
need for kyc um walk us through why why helix is implementing a kyc procedure oh yeah sure um so
one of the visions of helix is also that you know um crypto will soon transcend only tokens
right um the next bull market is really going to be about tokens and real world assets and
how these two uh let's say worlds get get married so we'll probably soon go from you know right now
the 1.5 trillion total crypto market cap to 10 trillion and the world will tokenize so we'll
live in a world where everything is tokenized now in order to to kind of bridge the two worlds
together you need to have yeah sort of rules in place where you know um we applied for a license
to be a virtual asset service provider we acquired a license and that enables us then
to build additional services on top of helix like offering um you know a fiat on-ramp so that
to that on-ramp again our users uh icp projects you know node providers they'll have
a very easy way to get from you know a token um on to their bank accounts for example so if we
look at the route that we were testing with uh with the the fiat on-ramp provider which is also
like a web3 company that's only you know based in smart contracts but like a very modern syntax so
it's like the cost of executing a trade and then getting into your bank account would be less than
a dollar right and and you can run the tokenized rate of 24-7 so all of that yeah unfortunately
requires a little additional effort on the regulatory side but i think in the grand scheme
of things once you know the two world marry you know we'll have kind of the platforming place to
bring a lot of things that run on different ecosystems or the front on ic and then marry
them together with all this real world asset potential tokenization like you know real estate
or different i don't know and anything that's being able to to be tokenized together yeah so
it sounds like you guys are looking really long term right in that and that the kyc is a fundamental
part to perhaps a five to ten year vision recognizing that as more money and more assets
move onto onto a blockchain in general that you guys will be in a position to take advantage of
that because you you started with with regulatory concerns in mind from from the start yeah i mean
we look at it from from two different perspectives one is you know the the width of the service
offering that we can bring to our users and and the other thing is also like we're you know
we're in a position to onboard institutions as well so institutions which would normally
not touch d-fi are now through helix able to onboard you know and and participate in the
d-fi ecosystem so since um yes and since we started or since we we've we launched
we already onboarded a couple of institutions we have for example currently in the pipeline
one exchange is onboarding which is interested in in providing you know exposure to icp
assets to their users as well and they're going to use our order books for for this as well so
um you know going back to the question of how can you bring maximum liquidity how can you enable
like the best trading experience for your users it's also when you can bring institutional
clothes into the game which also then create you know deeper liquidity in the books again
less liquid you can do higher trading amounts and yeah i think you know this will benefit
everybody in the long term but i we do kind of we're conscious of that that it might be very
unpopular in the short term uh well i think it does seem like um again going back to the idea
if you guys are thinking long term um you're thinking about how to be a appeal like so i guess
when you look at like where helix is let's say like the total addressable market or like where
your market position it doesn't sound like you guys were like looking at some of the major
dexes in the space in in in the crypto space and saying like that's we're trying to grab that
market share it sounds more like you guys are focused on perhaps blue ocean type areas where
there isn't a great solution um for let's say like uh real world assets to come on chain
we're still that early in that game and you're looking at hey we want to make sure that we're
positioned well to be a player in that space as it evolves yeah i think definitely so i mean just
like think about a use case for example you know somebody does a tokenization project on i don't
know avalanche right and we have a full integration with avalanche so we're dealing with even like
the transition projects are usually like very illiquid assets so what what what's the problem
with illiquid assets is that it's hard to kind of find liquidity for them so if you have a project
that's on you know as i mentioned on avalanche and we have an integration with avalanche then
people all of our users get exposure to that asset class now for the project itself you know
if it would not you know be listed on helix then you are limited to one ecosystem and it means that
you know everybody that is your core user base for this product would need to onboard in the
avalanche ecosystem now we as i mentioned before we try to make this onboarding as seamless as
possible so you know you onboard with helix you're part of all these ecosystems without having to
directly onboard with them we take care of this so our back end basically our smart contracts are
taking care of the onboarding creating addresses you know we create the transactional payload we
sign all the messages so you can do everything very efficiently through helix but then interact with
the liquidity and other chains and bring them together with the most liquid you know token to
trade against so in this case you know we went with usdc on ethereum because there's out of the
21 billion usdc out there approximately 15 billion are on ethereum right so we don't have to
worry about not having enough exposure to native usdc as opposed to maybe some other
protocols that either don't support usdc yet or have no stablecoins
i love it i love it yeah i definitely love your vision and and and really how you're positioning
the product in terms of um is that exactly and just to kind of recap what i just heard is you
guys are very focused on the problem uh the problem of bringing liquidity to maybe these
different assets that might even live on other chains not icp and how you guys can bring a
general solution that brings a lot of liquidity together um that's uh that's phenomenal and
especially from like you know i mentioned already that i love the the user interface
is that part of of your competitive advantage is it's not just about you know because you can
always bridge tokens and create multiple swaps and and you know swap from token a to token b
to token or from chain a to chain b to chain c but it sounds like what you guys are focused on is
is keeping um making it so that users can do that without having to go to multiple applications
without having to jump chain to chain to chain to chain to get what you want done that that a lot
of that gets rolled up into like a very seamless user experience is that correct yeah that that's
correct we started out with the idea of how can we make the user journey you know as easy as
possible and always trying to take away any friction that we saw be it in in the you know
trading process or in you know deposit withdrawal process we try to design everything
in yeah as minimalistic as possible as few steps as possible to accomplish things like we we
continue to constantly try to involve improve make it even easier so for yeah for the future
we still want to do a lot of things on making our wallet accessibility easier making the trading
pace yeah trading interface even nicer you know bring better information to our landing page so
it's all kind of yeah pretty much focused and driven by how how can we make all interactions
as seamless as possible and how can we relay all this complex information and interaction
uh as easy as possible also extending to mobile so none of us is actually a mobile expert but
like we gave it our best shot and also building a mobile version um just because we saw that
about 85 percent of our traffic was driven from mobile devices so we we also wanted to create
uh a version for for on the go in terms of so the other the other thing and this is as a u.s
resident that stands out to me um is u.s residents are currently excluded from the platform is there
what's the rationale there and is there kind of a uh roadmap for bringing the u.s on board as well
yeah um i mean the rationale is actually quite simple like we we want to you know our goal is
always to offer the best possible service and product to our users and and the u.s is a big
challenge um so you know you need to do a lot of um jump through a lot of regulatory hoops
to basically be able to serve u.s customers and you know we're basically alive for yeah it's going
to be about two years in april and you know we're so far basically funded by the founders and in
our range of investors so you know on getting regulated in the u.s is a process that that
takes at least like 12 months and and we want to do it as soon as we're able to kind of ensure
that we can have the runway to finance the onboarding but at least for the initial ones
if we were kind of less short on the i'd say um perspective of having funding available to
to make sure we can be compliant with all the requirements of the u.s market
yeah it makes complete sense and it it very much seems to meet your um perhaps uh what what is it
your your cultural approach or your philosophical approach of of um you know what did they say don't
don't try to drink the ocean at once right make take take measured steps and and kind of focus
on what's important today and it seems like that's what how helix markets is approaching this is
is measured steps towards a greater goal um in terms of so speaking about icp do you guys have
um is do you see helix primarily as a multi-chain app in the sense that you're going to be focused
on bitcoin ethereum um perhaps salana one day um or or do you also see kind of going deeper in
into the icp ecosystem with let's say like s and s tokens maybe meme tokens that live on icp
where do you draw the line there no we're definitely um already discussing um like for
the next round of listings we're talking to uh s and s projects to list their tokens so we'll
definitely create um yeah some good trading pairs with good liquidity so i think everybody's
interested i mean you know as a founder myself and then when i speak with most of the the the
s and s project there they're also founders who pretty much kind of went through the same
challenges that we went of you know you you build a product that you love for two years you put your
heart and soul into it and then you know you want to have like a good liquid market for price
discovery and then you know we're talking to them in more of a partnership approach of how we can
get this done together and and how we can you know offer the best order book with uh you know
the biggest liquidity so that the users who i don't miss out on on the s and s cell and want to
buy the token can can buy it at you know good prices the price discovery is fine so i don't
know if you buy hundred dollars worth of of a token it won't move the price by 30 percent and
you're not exposed to 20 percentage we just kind of want to create a good market for these uh s and
s projects and then their communities yeah what and so in terms of i mean if if um icp members
or even just non icp community members are listening to this like what should they first
what's their what's their starting point uh for getting involved with helix is it um like what
what are the first actions they should do um i mean depends if you want to get straight trading
um you go to verify and then pretty much deposit and you're good to go
slow in a couple of steps uh you you can start trading tokens if you want to um try out helix
you know paper trade uh we still have our test net up and running so there you you can get a
flavor of a bit more assets that that we're still to launch or that we're thinking about implementing
so it's more like the the paper trading features uh you can see how everything works try it out
there um but yeah those are the two main uh ways to try out helix something awesome and what about
so we we talked about bitcoin you guys obviously are leveraging the bitcoin integration we talked
about ethereum you're obviously leveraging the ethereum integration uh and you've also mentioned
like arbitrum so obviously you're focused on evm's and l2's as well um is there how do you envision
the future going are you are you going to focus just on bitcoin and ethereum at first and then
are there plans to go let's say like bnb finance chain salana anything like that um yeah i mean
salana we need to take um a deeper look at it um just if we can get it done with threshold
ecdsa or we'll probably need to wait for the threshold eddsa implementation on the ic before
we can do salana um what we are currently working on besides the integrations that we
already have so we have in our pipeline that's actually been worked on and hopefully we can
finish it um yeah sometime in march is cardano um then we have near in the pipeline and some other
uh more yeah newer layer one chains uh that we're looking into adding um within like the first half
of this year but for now yeah it's mainly uh bitcoin and ethereum ecosystem layer ones um yeah
i mean i think i think in terms of first market right when you when you uh last i looked there
was like 50 million dollars in in volume per day going between bitcoin and ethereum you know using
let's say like wrapped btc or some of the or a thor chain um so that's certainly a a gorilla
of a market to start with but it does sound like you're philosophically and technologically um open
to expanding to basically wherever whatever chains need liquidity right or wherever the action is
regardless if it's ethereum or maybe if it's cardano or salana or or wherever it is yeah i mean like
100 so i think that the the one chance crypto has is basically that you know if you look at if you
put together just bitcoin and layer one ethereum you have about uh 65 to 70 percent of total
liquidity is on those two chains right and everybody else is is uh kind of fighting for
for the other 35 percent and and our thinking always has been you know we need to make the
blockchain ecosystem as interoperable as possible so that everybody can take advantage of the
liquidity total liquidity out there and not just always being you know confined to your own
ecosystem because that's that's not how you know crypto can grow if everybody's in their own tribe
and then just like no i hear absolutely nobody else can can play it's just us right um that's
not how we can grow as an industry as an ecosystem but it's really enabling everybody to participate
with the liquidity from other chains and creating products like that use liquidity on other chains
as well to trade your native asset yeah that makes complete sense and and it i mean i've certainly
always thought about the fact that you have most of the liquidity like you said is in bitcoin and
ethereum main main chain and then but a lot of the i always think of it as like each blockchain
optimizes for a different use case and a lot of innovations happening on other blockchains and
how innovation gets adopted is by connecting that liquidity with the innovation and so it sounds
like you guys might actually play a large role in in how those that liquidity can kind of come from
one chain to another to to support the innovation occurring on on uh maybe a smaller chain or or
something yeah we definitely hope so and then like one of the perks of you know helix is that
basically any chain will integrate any interaction with that chain burn cycles on the ic so it's not
like if we say we do an integration somewhere uh everybody benefits right so we create native
transactions on on that chain and also any any transaction that that's occurring on that chain
also consumes cycles from from our canisters yeah yeah definitely uh and that is the vision
of the internet computer is to is to you know expand all chains not replace all chains um talk
to me about how you guys approach marketing for helix markets uh you know like what is
do you have a strategy is there um uh target audience you aim for is there a distribution
channel you you target um yeah right right now i mean like being completely honest that
none of us is a market here so we're like pretty much a team of 12 developers that are just trying
to to figure figure things out a little bit more now that the product is is live but um definitely
what what we'll aim for is to yeah create some um incentivization campaigns uh we'll be rolling
out our token plans soon um and and uh kind of reward mechanisms for for our traders and users
so besides just you know being able to trade tokens there'll be a lot of things to engage
with the platform to earn rewards to you know kind of build squads so you can kind of bring over your
team and compete with other teams so that there's lots of things that we're planning um just
probably we'll start rolling that out uh in march yeah but awesome yeah i mean it definitely fits
with your um your take it one step at a time approach so um focus building a good product
is not easy and it sounds like you guys are focused on the product first um let me ask then
uh in terms of is there anything part of your roadmap that we haven't touched on um that you
that you want to um go into uh yeah we we have like i think two really cool features that
that i think people will enjoy um so we're coming out with an SDK where pretty much
everybody's going to be able to to trade like a market maker or build their own strategies
um so right now it's it's python based uh we'll do it probably also in typescript and maybe some
other languages so if people want to um to create their own trading strategies or bots they want to
train 12 so they have some advanced trading strategies they'll be able to do that via the
SDK so we're gonna make it super easy um and then the other thing that that we're working on is like
community liquidity pools we have the order book so we have the ability to create um kind of LPs
in which the community can participate earn rewards and basically we have like a risk
management strategy integrated into the LP where it's um training a delta neutral so it means that
you know the impermanent loss is near zero so the users only earn fees so they don't have the same
issues as with the um with the AMMs where you know the volatility of price movements then
really impact also the liquidity providers so those two are going to be pretty cool from the
trading side um other things that we're we're trying to roll out uh throughout this year is
going to be margin trading air perpetuals both will probably come in in the second half of the
years as our current pipeline of protocol integrations and and uh features is is pretty
packed so we'll need to grow the team a little bit to to kind of keep face with everything that
we want to do uh also in terms of new new features on the platform is that i mean i haven't
explored too much is an api for a dex is that pretty new or is that pretty common i mean there's
different types of apis right so most of interactions with either a dex or a sex is the
api so what we've done is just we've used the websocket api instead of res so you you pretty
much get uh yeah the stream of data uh and then like you can place your trades super fast
so yeah execution times are really cool on helix that's awesome that's awesome so all anyone with
a complex trading strategy uh you got you have you said python is is the uh current supported
language yeah we have python will be adding support for for typescript as well for for
somebody who wants to do it old school we have c sharp as well that's uh i'd love to see the the
cross um that that uh venn diagram of c sharp programmers who are interested in web3 or uh
crypto trading um well in terms of so you i mean there's a lot like there's a lot that you've
mentioned here um how should people stay up to date on helix and as you guys roll out new chains
as you roll out new features as you add new tokens what's the best way for people to stay up to date
um so we we mainly communicate via twitter we have a discord channel or uh we have um an open chat
uh group so any of those three sorry any of those three work well and um also it's one of our our
goals is to also make a more more a bigger to make a bigger effort to communicate more proactively
and be more more out there with with what we're doing and what our plans are so so far you know
we've been had down and just trying to build out helix but like in the future we also kind of open
up more and more to the community and and share uh yeah next steps and be be more uh sort of yeah
talk it into with everyone so the the twitter handle is at helix markets um i say follow
as well uh if that's all right to say and then would you mind just posting the links as a comment
to the space just post the links to the open chat and discord group so people can easily find them
there yeah i can do that give you one second yeah well you can you can do it when we when we um
when we end the space is there um is there any i i feel like we covered a lot here but i want to
ask is there anything else that uh um you want to um let people know about uh yeah just head over to
helix markets sign up and then you know hopefully you know enjoy the experience and you know if you
see any anything that we can improve on yeah do do let us know where we're you know we're always
listening to our community so um we're happy to implement any any fixes or any upgrades that you
know we the community wants so yeah if you've ever if you've ever said icp needs a stable coin
well helix now has uh usdc and usdt uh and um obviously actually i don't even know if there's
any other examples of anyone using usdc and usdt with bitcoin as a trading pair that is
that is not a centralized exchange uh i don't know if you guys know if you're the first or not to do
that sorry i just dropped there for a second could you repeat the last question yeah do you
know i i'm just thinking off the top of my head i can't think of any examples of of uh decentralized
exchange that was able that is able to use bitcoin and usdc or usdt uh so are do you know if you guys
are the first to to accomplish that i i think on a native integration level we are the first one
i think the other others use a wrapped version or or like a synthetic version of either asset
if they show it on on their exchange but we're using the native one yes i think we're one of
the first ones that's awesome yeah i would say maybe something on door chain could have native
bitcoin i'm not sure but yeah we are amongst the first one yeah congrats on uh on that accomplishment
this has been a phenomenal conversation everyone make sure you're following helix markets on twitter
uh at that uh at that handle um check out and um gras i want to just
thank you for for your time yeah thanks for having me it's been great um excellent if you
want to get involved there should be an open chat link and a discord link in the comments sometime
in in the in the near future and um other than that thank you for your time next week for
multi-chain mondays we're going to be taking the day off it's a u.s holiday and i'm going to enjoy
some uh rest with my family but i'll be back the following monday with another multi-chain monday
um gras give give my uh best to the helix team and and congratulations on your success will do
thank you so much thanks for hosting again yeah my pleasure my pleasure everyone enjoy uh enjoy
the rest of your day thanks for thanks for joining thanks bye bye