National Lampoon Late Night w/ Mike Salvi & special guest @teedbuya

Recorded: Jan. 12, 2023 Duration: 0:30:40



(soft piano music)
(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music)
Hello everybody. We'll get started in a few minutes. Does the space kind of grows? Mike, how you doing? I'm doing amazing, how are we?
good good I always forget how to make your co-host how to make do you did it it took you a second then take you to the hall that was beautiful music in the beginning man and it was nice to it was nice to walk in it to like a really elegant room knowing that there's yes not the other side of the door
I mean look you know National Anthem is all about elegance and candlelight. I a Bach and you know things like that you know. So we're known for. I know. If you don't mind I mean I'd like to if it's
with you if we don't mind shifting it a little bit I know that it might be a little out of character for for National Anthem group but uh may I introduce something? You want to go to comedies? That what you're gonna do? I was actually gonna put this on.
For some music while people join in Hey, man, you know, maybe I was wrong. Maybe this is more appropriate. It's up to you. Let's start I think you're more appropriate I think I think I'm gonna have to go go with you on this one. Something my father's always told me is I never steer you wrong
I've never steer you. You're you're in this space. I certainly never steer you wrong. And if we had a good con or even a bad conversation, I wouldn't steer your wrong. So, but that's it. I said, please put up with my one speaker that broke because I was blessed in this song earlier because it was so excited. But here we go.
Welcome everybody we're just gaming out for the room to fill up. Not that you're not enough for us. Friends, I'll don't. Keep a deal.
No way! The man is...
It's pretty damn good. I mean it's better in the movie than the song but it's pretty damn good. It's way better in the movie because that's quite a scene.
I will say this, I appreciate everybody hanging out. This is um, I you know, I'm in my life time. I've done all kinds of podcasts years ago throughout the, you know, I've never done anything this late. This actually makes me feel like like this is like the quiet storm out where I should be playing like
like this all. I hope everybody's into pajamas, get some tea, get some camo mail, roll something up, you know what I mean? Can we get in trouble for using this stuff once space? How far has the music industry as the whole
As long as we're not monetizing it. Oh, there's no money. I'm just I'm out here working in it. I mean, so well, let's and welcome everybody thanks for doing it. I appreciate everybody spending their Wednesday evening with National Improved myself and and each other. I'm always I always like saying this
and spaces and then come again a chance to look around the room and follow each other. Obviously you all have something in common. So if it's just to check out what the heck's going on here. Yeah, you're most of the group of people. So yeah, can I add to that a little bit? No, of course you can, my friend. All right, all right. No, I just
want to say like I'm pumped this is our second official Wednesday night late night comedy night where we did want a little earlier in the night last week. We got a pretty good pretty good room going. I thought it was pretty good. We pushed it back a little bit. Maybe this will get a few more people in. Maybe I talked to some of my friends. They told me
they're going to sleep that you're going to try and hang on but they didn't know. They're East Coasters and some other places who knows they suck. But I was going to say that Mike it's such a fun time working with you. You've been awesome working with National App Poon. You know I will
say like if you like the comedy and you want to continue the comedy always join our discord there's a lot of fun stuff going on there you can find out everything national ampounds doing a web 3 that's my only pitch other than continue to join the discord but you know hey Mike the mic is yours I will chime in occasionally when I hear something that
I hope I can be fine at too. I'm excited that Lord Travis Wright is here too, so I'm pumped. Just so you don't know, I'm Art Snitch, I'm in the room somewhere, but I also work with National Lampoon and I'm helping kind of run some things.
your thing. All righty. Well, welcome everybody. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for being here. There's a, you know, this is one of these things where, you know, this isn't like a standup comedy show, but you know, we're there's always comedians amongst us. I myself am a standup comic and I
I love laughter. I love to hear laughter. I need it. I've needed all my life. I need it and you know more and more each day. So since I can't hear it, feel free to react. If you like something, you know, if something was funny to you, let me see a smiley face. There's one right there. Thanks, Arif. You know, you don't have, okay, that's
button. It's right up at the top. We'll still love you. And then if you unfollow us, I get it. It is what it is. This is National Anthem. And this is real likely. Ladies and gentlemen, this is live shows and stuff like that. So that's how we want to get through this. I do want to let you know that I checked with my neighbor. I was outside talking to him.
He paid his Wi-Fi bill up until the next at least until the end of the month. So we're good tonight. The show will not get you know, and nothing's gonna get messed up. So we're all in good shape. Planned us come together. He doesn't know that I use his password, but it's his goal game. Like are you kidding me? Like I tried it once.
So you had to be kidding me, you really think but that's what it is. So, uh, I had a buddy whose dog name was DOG. So, you know, so what do you call him? Do you like it? Like, like, like, and that's kind of awesome.
So what you mentioned about getting into the discord, yeah, please jump in our discord because here I'm making a gimmicky right? All right, if you're listening we're gonna do some questions later on at the end there I'm gonna plant a few questions throughout and then the answers will be
revealed later and then we're going to be doing some giveaways. National Ampune is going to be given away the while they were maybe they didn't I don't know if they got it. Now there's going to be some giveaways at the end but so we're going to be asking some questions throughout the show and then you have to answer in the discord.
join the discord. I'm hoping that the link is up there right there in the top and then so we'll go from there. I'll get it added. Awesome. All right, so make sure that that's there. So otherwise you just, you know, you're going to answer a question and you know, it's going to be like when you're driving listening to the radio like, oh, I should be the fifth caller. You could be the fifth discord#
First one answer the question right is gonna get our whatever in addition to just to plug myself I do a Twitter space every Thursday at noon Eastern I know that this may be screwing up the West Coast people, but this is I'm on East Coast time so For the morning ride out West Coast. But yeah tomorrow just follow me. You'll see the tweet
And we do a segment two called Beer Stalvy. You're welcome to DM me right now. I'm ready to solve all your problems. If I get a good enough one tonight while we're on, give it to a bonus one live tonight. So slide into the DMs. I mean, sure you look at slide and board and just, you know, get in the potato sack and jump right down into my DMs. Some of your problems.
they're already popping up already. Okay, so all right, I'm going to turn this on. We hope you get to distracted. So that's a, I just want to make sure, and then later on we'll bring some of the winners up on stage. We'll be hanging out for a little while. So I hope everybody has a decent time as far as our guests tonight that you want to introduce our guests. I also want to let you know that,#
You can't get every guess that you try to get. And I noticed it in some of the Twitter spaces a lot of people begin to be like really interesting some controversial some whatever. I saw that out there biting was actually on a Twitter space like making NFTs. And I don't know if anybody told me he's going to need probably need a laptop to get NFTs.
But the thing that really like it just blew me away that he was like on a Twitter space and I listened to it for a little while so I was like that was an inspiration So what I tried to do for you guys tonight was I tried to get someone else controversial for going to get another world figures on that reach out trying to get in touch with Uday who's staying Turned out he's no longer with us so recipes and then
you know just on the lighter side I just wanted to get a bookman from good times. I'm going to go with this either so the next best online in that in that order is Sir Lord Travis right so Sir Lord Travis right you like the unmute friends. Boy I tell you how how far has National Ampune fallen when I'm the next best
Yes, you're the dead cat bounce after asking me to be the host. Look, our names are on the top, but it's all Mike. You know, if it's bad, it's all Mike. It's going on. We'll go blind Michael. Put this solely on your shoulders, brother. So this is this is really cool. So it is
of all though I really would like to thank you all for misspelling my Twitter name. That's awesome. Tee Boo-ya. That's not it. It's Tee W. Our grandpa always called me Tee W. 'Cause those are my initials letter T and letter W. So Tee Boo-ya. Although I like Tee Boo-ya. Sounds pretty good.
when you write jokes you don't actually know it sees the actual spelling of the jokes. That's true. You know, it's a good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good,#
I like that. But these are the things that happen. It's not like you want to always like, "All right, cool. We learn this time. You want to grow up." But that's just what happens. And it's organic. And that's why I love National Ampluses leaving the room for that type of thing to happen. So Lord Travis, thank you.
Yes, I have dropped the third because I realized that once you become a board the sir becomes irrelevant and so since I am a Scottish land owner of about three yards of land that I am officially a lord I have a sword and I have a certificate
and everything. It's completely legit, you guys. Wait, I don't know. I own a star just to see you know. What does that make you? Is that a star? I don't know. Star Mike Salvy. That's what you're doing. This, yeah. I am that star. Yeah, that's so is that one of those ones where you paid like 40
somebody nominated us as a joke and then we became lords and then it was funny and then and then somebody so it's from Scotland we also got knighted by this place called sea land which is like a principality off the coast of the United Kingdom.
which apparently it's like not a complete oil rig, it's like half an oil rig. So I don't know what's happened over the years but they say we're principality and we've knighted you. So for the longest time we were Sir lords which we thought was funny until some did come some like, did you can't be a, he was literally from Britain because you can't
be a sir and a lord. You know there's an hierarchy. It's like a sir is a noise but then when you get some land you're a lord and then above that you become a viscount, then a cow, then something, and then a duke or a baron. You become a baron, then a viscount, then a cow, and then a duke, and then a prince, and then a king but you'll never#
And I was like, well, I'm not even really a lord, but I'm gonna go along with it. That's amazing. And you shared that with me before and I really called my cousin was that I didn't know you could become a count. Like I thought that was the thing that stopped off with Dracula like and I think that's the whole British hierarchy thing.
If you want to become a count, I do have a coupon, you can get a discount on being a count. I can get a discounted count. That's what I would be called. It's really good. You've got to Google the promo code. Listen, it's always hard for me to ask for help sometimes. It's a thing I got to get over.
Hopefully in this lifetime I will but like I am here I'm gonna I'm gonna put myself out there now like I'm mostly dudes in here. We can't help you get laid bro. You got it? Well, I figured that will come from from my request is like could anybody help me to come account like that? I think that'd be kind of cool at least point me in the back of your own that would come later like
Dracula is like flat it anyway. If you're like on Mike on count Mike Salvy they'd be like oh shit he's a count. Yeah, one uh uh uh you can just do your thing it'd be great. Yeah. Oh yeah that's right that was the other count and he probably I think he was out after Dracula because he was around on set. But yeah I guess that was like the last like count.
that I know of the movies don't count. Oh man. He's got a lot to beat me up every time he's here. He's got a lot of palm and radios immediately. See that's what happens when you bring in T-Boo-Yah. Sorry T-Boo-Yah. Hey hey don't boom me yet guys don't boom me yet. Let's see y'all look at that so you don't do that.#
I think they can just follow you from here and they'll be fine. So look, I want to say this, I've first heard of you because of it. It's really interesting how much we're all connected, but I really, I first heard of you because I've heard of the bad crypto podcast, which the name already comes to my heartstrings because I love horrible stuff. And if you're leading with I'm like, okay, I'm
And so I was thinking about the premiere in the good crypto podcast, but I figured nobody would listen to it. Like it's going to be shit. And that's if you expect that. But no, it's like, I'm like, no more. I've looked into you and seen how many mutual friends we've had over the years just in this space and gotten to know you. You're a bit of a beast.
I don't I don't watch a lot of television play video games a whole lot I'm literally researching stuff and learning and then I've always been kind of quick-witted and so it just all kind of fits together so I can figure shit out pretty quick but then I'm also
smart ass like that was the thing that always got me in trouble growing up was that my inappropriate behavior. It's like I would never like I was never been mean or bullying anybody, but I'd always crack jokes. And then I come from the era where the teachers would would swap you right like I was in the last class of people in the state
Missouri that would actually get swatts. I got my last swap from a teacher when I was in 11th grade and I was figuring out over the years how many different teachers swatted me. I got swatted over 50 times mostly from just being a smart ass. So the education system tried to beat it out of me but they could not. I could only beat it
it out of myself. So I'm still here. They said the SWAT team to your house would have a bunch of horrible teachers. No, um, so you've, uh, but that, well, that's what school is, um, you know, you've, uh, you're known as like, you know, you built like a team of like, uh, and you've helped a lot of people, but like, uh, digital badass. And#
And that's why I want you around because I want to talk about that because, look, national land plumes, if you don't know the history, go back and watch some of the older movies and do your research or whatever and see how it started. But to know that those were guys who were always just willing to take a chance to be this from Arda as
is like show up and figure stuff out and do whatever, but that's kind of where you're cut from too. So you've turned that into the bad crypto podcast, which is in my mind very successful. You guys have given rise to a lot of different people in the space. I mean, you guys are talking about NFTs, what, 16, 17,
2017. 2017. Yeah, from what we've seen, we've heard that we were the very first ones to talk about Web 3. We were doing that in like July, August of 2017. And in December of 2017, we were talking about NFTs. And we've launched a bunch of NFTs on wax blockchains. We've minted
over a million and a half NFTs with very minimal gas fees at all. So whenever the big board apes and all that stuff happened, I didn't really jump in on that because I'm like, dude, screw these gas fees, these are ridiculous. They don't have to be like this. So one of our mantras has always been delivered to light and we've done that with the bad
to a podcast. We've done that for five and a half years. We've done this show. You've kind of had a big wave of crypto people here. You kind of literally said to deliver the life. Yeah. If you really look at it and like, how can you make your customers happy, the people you're working with, your audience happy, the
We can deliver the light along the way, make people happy along the way, add some joy into their existence, then that's a win. And if you can add value and talk to some interesting people along the way that could maybe help people even make some cash along the way, we never really make financial advice, but we bring on some of the top of
and people in Web 3 and in crypto. I mean, there's not anybody. Well, there's only one group of people that we've not been able to talk to. And, you know, aside from Satoshi, because nobody really knows who he is, but the Winklevi twins, they're the only ones that have said no. Pretty much everybody else in five and a half years, we've interviewed
you to almost everyone. Nick Zaba, we didn't interview him either because he, because we interviewed somebody he didn't like. And so he's like, oh my God, I can't believe you interviewed Craig Wright. There's no way I'm going to be on your show. And I was like, well, dude, we interviewed Craig Wright. That's hilarious. Like, how can you not appreciate that? Like we wanted to get it to say some things#
So we don't mind. We'll go and chat. It's interesting and they're doing interesting things. We'll talk to them and see where the yellow brick road takes us. What was really cool for me is I started you guys interview with ICT. It was really cool because
I met a lot of different people that I've seen them watching on TV and just kind of as you could order and interview a couple different whatever's in like but to see that especially in 1991 I watched you in a concert as body count like not even as I was like you're sitting
really do remember that show and it first time was like no we try to remember that Joe but he did he like described this. No that wasn't a show that was just banned like they were called body count and it was like heavy metal wrap and they opened up forget this they get they opened up for Metallica and Guns and Rosas and so body count comes
out there. They do their thing. They had a couple of songs I will I vaguely remember. And then Metallica comes on. And then there's like an hour and a half delay as the Metallica sets being brought down and they're putting up the guns and roses set. And what was so crazy about that is I'll never forget is they were walking around with cameras and
women were flashing their titties on the jumbo tron and I swear there was a hundred and fifty different women flash their titties in that hour and a half. That's like over three hundred titties in a ninety minutes. I don't know I've ever seen that many titties at once and then two women actually
flash their other goods. I was like, oh my god, two vaginas in 300 titties. This was the best concert ever. And so it was enjoyable. I don't remember what songs they played, but I remember there was a lot of titties. Yeah, 300. That's great. That's great. That's a lot of titties. That is so many memory
is just flooded by memory with happy vibes. 300 of them. That's true. I never seen the Teddy of a jumbo tron before. Or since. I don't think I've ever seen a jumbo tron Teddy stick at that moment that I call 300 of them. That's one of those moments that's just stuck in time.
forever because it's not gonna be on you know there wasn't a social media there you know if anybody had a camera it was just doing what a camera you weird only in my cranium and everybody else who was there and I was so funny as I got a buddy of mine Dustin I was like dude remember that Guns Rose and Metallica's like dude there was so many tennis I was like I know like we don't even talk about the music
That's an exciting thing. So that inspired you to and look hope you know as a full circle of just you know being a ship figure out her and you know. Until this day I still love titties. I mean what can I say? I mean it's it was that that was a foundation on memory. It's really hard not to. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, um, so since like, I don't know what like, it's sort of that. I mean, I was going to ask you what your best and, you know, worth experience a crypto was, but I mean, I don't know. I told you, it happens about every three to four years, it seems that we have the worst time
And you know, it's like you get in crypto back in 2010, but it sucked right it wasn't worth anything yet and I connected Bitcoin to my computer I saw this article on slash dot and it was talking about this magical internet month
money. I was like, "Oh my God, that sounds good." Oh man, Fiat currency in the Federal Reserve Bank. This could maybe be the solution someday. Cool. Because I've always known that the Federal Reserve Bank is not so awesome. They just print money out of thin air, whatever. It's not really backed by anything except government say so. And so I was like, "Well, this is magical. I need that money." So I mind#
50 Bitcoin and then I went to a it was called a Bitcoin faucet. You could go once a day and you could get five Bitcoin for free. Every time you would go, there would be a clock 24 hours and you could go get another five Bitcoin, which I did one time. I did it once because I am a genius.
And could you imagine like do you so rich how'd you do it dude? I just went to this website every day and I clicked a button and I'm a genius I could have been that guy But then my laptop crashed and I lost all that Bitcoin and it wasn't even worth 10 I think it was worth about 10 cents at the time maybe less than a dollar I don't even know but I guess
got all my important stuff off, like my family photos, all my documents, all the porn videos, got those uploaded to Dropbox, you know, you got to make sure you keep the archive, but did not get my, forgot to get my Bitcoin off of there, and I had 55 of them on there, and at one point that was over $3 million, and that
That was really sad for me, Mike Savage. You know how many? How much did a bottom scullan? You would have been a count. You would have been a count by now. Yeah, you would have been counting your Bitcoin. You would have been a little capital breaking. I didn't count them. There used to be 55. Now there's zero.
I was like, you know what? The game is not over. The game is never over. Just keep going. Right? Yeah. I get that. And you know, I've had this story. You know, I had no idea what I was doing with this stuff. And I was up a lot of Bitcoin and then the debt. And you went on the Silk Road and you bought a bunch of weed and you
right to murder someone. And you know, they hold out a gift, Jamaican. I just don't think that's fair. Yeah, man. I split Kings and you know, you believe it or not. I lost like the deal. I have blackjack and it was just like, they're going to go a bit. But no, I mean, like, listen, I've had, I mean, you know, crypto has brought me in a lot of#
gave me like great experiences. I mean, I've gotten to perform in, you know, and just different places all around the country. I was offered to go to Mexico, but I, you know, as much as I love the blame COVID, that was just because I didn't really know my past work. I didn't find out. I'm just
like 60% of Americans don't have a passport so that's not so that was a big thing. It's like get the hell out of America there's so many cool I've been to 53 countries now and I've been to 46 states and so it blows me away when somebody's like oh man I've always stayed here in Missouri where I'm from I love it. I'm
Mike what do you see nothing else? I got friends like that I listen New York City biggest city in the world right whatever it is most like it's an exciting place I got it we're 90 minutes away in Philly I got a friend of mine who's never been there until he was on a comedy show he was
like, "Oh, I just never been there." I'm like, "Why?" He's like, "I just, you know, I'm like, "It's right there. You could have walked." - Did you smack him? - Of hard. - That's what, that's a good man. Thank you. I mean, six to 90 minutes away. That's just willing, that's just willingly ignorant in a way. It's like, "#
Oh my god, but don't see it go check it out, you know, I don't know I don't know some people were into some you know They're just they're comfy where they are and that's fine too because listen if you're comfy where you are you probably You're probably there right now listen to this Twitter space In the Wally world
Come on, it's just out there in California. It's not so far. I want to talk about that because I really thought of a lot of things when I came to that movie because I watched it again recently to vacation and it's like it really prepares you for life man Like think about it like as a man as a father because one day like think about this like life really does go
You're going to grow up and you're going to be that father and one day you're going to seriously and I've gone through a lot of these. You're going to look at your family one day and you're going to go. You're all fucked in the head. And at that moment, if you haven't seen her as a child, if you are, you're going to look at the mom and say, "You see, I'm