$NEAR Chill&Shill - Coreto.io AMA - 10N giveaway

Recorded: Nov. 21, 2022 Duration: 1:08:18



Hello everybody, good morning. So I think we already have the correct team with us. If you guys just request a microphone, I'll bring you up.
Hello Hello, welcome to near chill and chill. Hey, welcome. Yeah, welcome everyone nice to nice to be here wax The classical mic
check my check I hope everything is okay yeah we can it's okay we can hear you how are you doing today awesome thank you so all groups please also bring up will Andre our head of dev you'll also be joining me
Okay, here we go. I'm raised with us. While we waiting for a little more people, do you guys want to start just by introducing yourself, maybe your personal story, how you got into crypto and ended up building Corretta? Yep.
Well, I start. So I've heard about crypto and Bitcoin and everything back in 2013, I believe something like that. From a good friend of mine that at the time he was mining Bitcoin from his PC at home. And he was telling me like,
Hey man, you have to look into Bitcoin, into crypto and see exactly this is a starting over new revolution. And just like I think 99% of everybody else, I've ignored him. And then first things forward up to 2017, at least 2017, I've met a
again with the same friend of mine and he said, "Hey, remember Bitcoin, well, and crypto, see what's going on right now." And that's when I saw how things were moving. I started to give more attention to it. I started to look more
into the idea of decentralization, the idea of blockchain, what it stands for, what it can do. And it's something, it's how I got into it. And once I started, you get hooked. And you get hooked very quickly. And I think this goes for a lot of
other people that at first of course I started as a retailer besides the idea of what the technology can do and what the idea of decentralization is and removing the middle man and everything because I've landed in this space right before the icy of madness of
2017 then once that started I've got who even better saying okay now This is really interesting but at the time my financial literacy was at a very low level and my decisions were telling exactly
exactly that. So then I did what I think so many did back then and also I see that they are doing the same over and over which is starting to listen to other people's opinions
starting to take take opinions of different people on Twitter, on Telegram, I've joined different groups so my due diligence was very low and again after 2018 and 2019 came and the first my
my first bear market came, I was like, "Okay, what happened here? Where did I go wrong? How did I, I got scammed, of course. I've got into projects that ended up being a very bad decision for me."
step back and analyze the reasons why I ended up investing in a certain ICO or doing it, and to a certain trade, all the answers was pointing to the same direction, which is you didn't know who to follow, you didn't know who to trust, you fall under
people follow the wrong opinions. So it's when we decided and we saw the need for creating a platform where the community itself can be the ones that can
prove themselves knowledgeable and the community itself could be the ones that could help each other. And how could they help each other? Well firstly, as we all know, crypto is being moved by communities. Communities are at heart at everything.
And it was like this back then and it's like that again now and we see it even clearly that One of the analogies that I like to make and I've saw that it really states the fact is that if institutional investors have their own
research arms and analysts, then we should build something that could work in the same way but for the retail investors. And we see that there are different platforms out there, third parties companies that are working exactly on that on
helping the retail investors, the normal users, to better understand what's going on on-chain, others are trying to better understand what's going on as a fundamental basis. And that's how the idea of building Correto, a reputation-based research platform
came to life. And that's where we are now. We've launched in back in 2021 in April. We've launched the first iteration of the platform. And in short, what we are doing, we are giving a stage for people to come in
members that are knowledgeable, that are willing to share their information and their knowledge for the interest of others as well, and they can work on building up their own reputation using our algorithms of trust and past performance, and this is a way in which
you can give and prove, actually, you can give out your online resume proving you are knowledgeable, proving that you are worthy based on clear data, not just on the number of followers that maybe your Twitter handle has.
Okay, thank you for the intro that all the great story makes a lot of sense. Can we hear from Andre? Yes, hello everyone. Thank you for having us.
Yeah, so I'll share a little bit of information about myself. I've been a full-time developer for I think over 10 years already.
My first experience with crypto was somewhere between 2017-2018. I got instantly hooked on the idea of decentralization and everything
that blockchain technology basically stands for the freedom that it provides and also the challenges the technological challenges that it raises. And I started digging and digging and analyzing
all the different projects that were coming online and basically I just fell in love with it. And yeah the idea of Kirito began as blood already
already said from the need for us basically for ourselves to try to to better make sense of this whole space and try to filter out all the bad information from the good one and the people that
spread the things that are useful and they do it in the right way to find the way to identify them and
Learn from them initially and over time we decided to build our project because we couldn't find anything that resembled something like this. All the information was scattered everywhere. Tweets were deleted by people that
Basically got things wrong and no accountability was found online basically everyone was doing whatever just to make some quick bugs and not just quick but many
Many people were basically scamming others for gains and
Hmm, things didn't seem right, so we decided to build Correto, to create this tool for us and for everyone else to have a way to filter out bad actors by basically allowing themselves to expose
themselves because having your reputation tracked by a decentralized reputation system allows you to act in a bad way once, maybe twice because
after you do this and the community finds out that you are a scammer or a bad actor in some way and your reputation goes back to zero. I mean basically you filter yourself out and the community will react to whatever you are doing.
Yeah, so that's a little bit about myself. Now I'm leading the Dev Team for Correto and I'm pretty excited to be honest about everything that we're building and what we've built so far, but especially about what's to come.
And we're going to talk about some of it today. So that's it. Okay, thank you for the great introduction. So let's shift to the Correto itself. Can you just describe, I mean, you went into it a little bit, but more specifically, like what is Correto?
So what is the functionality that exists there? What type of project it is? I checked out the platform so it looks more like a social media layout. Can you just go into details and tell us everything about Carrero?
things, Correto comes from community, reward token. Just like Andrei said, when we started out and we identified that there is a need in which we can put the power into the hands of the community to assess
Let's say how trustworthy one individual is, but we also can leverage the decentralized properties and the technology of the blockchain to be immutable as information. Then at first we wanted to
we saw Correto as a social platform, exactly. But in time, as we've collected feedback from our users and also from people that we've been talking to and our advisors, we saw that it can be more
than that. And right now, Koreto, we are shifting into transforming into a real ecosystem based on reputation building. Yes, right now the platform has the social part of it where people can interact with each other. The difference is that
Each content that is being created on the platform and the way that people interact with your content, those interactions are being transformed into a trust score, so we take the subjective part over
reputation which is the trust and that means that the way people interact with your content through the basic likes, agrees, shares, reads and stuff like that. But then we also add the objective part which is past performance. That means that it reviews
that you're doing or articles that you're posting within the platform or the trading opinions that you might have, their results are being analyzed and of course compared with the market and then that goes into your performance. That means that
each user that chooses to make price opinion calls or price opinion predictions, similar to how trading view works, the ITS section on trading view, I'm sure that most of you are familiar with that, but now we took that and adding our algorithm
then that those results based on how the market is at the end of your opinion, then those points will count towards your performance. So that means that US and US have now two indexes. One is the trust and the other is performance. And these two together brings you in front of a reputation system.
So at this point, within the platform, like I said, you can interact with others, you can create content, you can create posts, you can create articles, reviews, and if you're also into trading and you're also into sharing your knowledge,
and you like to help others also become better at that, then you can create opinions. And those opinions, if they also are being created with an in-depth, details, in-depth details,
about why do you see a certain move coming along or how do you think it's going up or down. So we created this staking of opinion tool which is for instance I have an opinion about the next move for near and I see that it's going
up based on my Tragon analysis and fundamental analysis. So I'm creating an opinion for that. But then you come and you see my opinion and you believe that the price can go higher or even worse it's going to go lower and I can challenge your opinion. And now
our opinions are coming together into a pool and then the people that believe in my words and the people that see or maybe believe in yours they also can come and pledge to each other's opinion and the reward pool is now being formed and at the end of the game because we were
We've set the first that an opinion can stay active for maximum 15 days just to be more interactive on the short term. And at the end of those 15 days, or I don't know if you can set it up to 1, 2, 3, 10 days, the one, the party that has the biggest
ROI, it's the winner. But we didn't do the polls in such a way in which the loser loses all and the winner takes all. We've done it in a way that it encourages education more, but it can also give you a sense of rewards in the end.
And you as an individual in time as your performance and trust grows, then you can get to the point where you can start monetizing your knowledge by creating private groups for your opinions by sharing certain content, by being rewarded, by creating
creating subscription based content and so on and so forth. So basically this is the point where we are now and we have a lot of plans moving forward. Okay this is a lot of stuff to be honest very interesting project is basically
the idea to incentivize higher quality content so it's not just for entertainment but more for like knowledge. Exactly. To have higher quality content, to encourage people to share their knowledge and learn from each other and be rewarded for
that because that's the whole point our token, the core token is intended as a way to incentivize and reward content creators for their quality content. So that's the whole point to have people
interact with each other in meaningful ways to share quality content and to learn. And the the Staking of Opinion pulls tool that Vlad talked about before. As he said, it's also incentivized as
not incentivized, but it's also a tool for people to experience the kind of like paper trading but online. And while doing that also earn
a performance score and they can see how good they are themselves because people can pledge the token to their opinions but that's optional. You don't have to do that, you can just basically create whatever opinions
you think are gonna be right and see how often you get it right and then have a way to analyze where you can do better and stuff like that. So yeah, it's all about sharing knowledge, quality content and learning from one another.
Alright, that makes sense. So you said, you know, this is kind of what you have for now and you have more coming. Can you talk about your future plan, like what is the ultimate vision kind of where you want to be in five years? Well, I'm gonna start by saying that the platform itself is
just one of two products that we're building. We're also building the centralized reputation system as a standalone tool. It basically was born within the platform, but now we're
working on taking everything out of the intermingled code of the platform and building it as a standalone tool that can be implemented and used by any other online platform.
Web 2, Web 3 doesn't really matter because we're building it in such a way that it can be used in any type of platform basically.
We're aiming to have it used in as many platforms other than ourselves.
and start helping people build their own reputation across the internet with it.
because the correct platform is just the beginning for this side. But imagine if you can build a reputation that it's tracked by the same tool on every platform that you are using and you can showcase that and people can see
How good you are in this space? Let's say you're a gamer, you can have your performance as a gamer, track and share the cross multiple environments and people can see that you are at top.
game and to see something like this. But basically this is part of what we are working on right now and we'll keep working on in the near future to have this ready for other platforms
to be able to use. But also we are working on new features for the platform itself. So we have a lot on our roadmap still like project reviews to have
content monetization implemented to extend the gamification systems to have rumors stack which is like a community validated rumors like people can share news that they
found somewhere else and then the community validates or this proves that information and all kinds of tools like this. Like for monetization, for example, creators to be able to create subscription based content
to have one-on-one mentoring sessions with their followers if they are maybe into this and a whole lot of other features. So we're still very very early, we're still in open alpha right now, we're moving
So there is still a lot of work. It's how it's come as a in in the complimentary for what Andrei said. The thing is that
For instance, when Nier approached us back in June, I said, "Hey, we see what you guys are building. It looks like a clear use case for the communities within the Nier ecosystem as well."
come over and see if it can be a home for you.
When I looked more into how the community in the near ecosystem is, how the builders are
communicating within them. I see as an ecosystem where there is being put a lot of emphasis on transparency and on the on the centralization. And we've decided to deploy our
the smart contracts for the decentralized reputation system on Nier. And also right now, I believe that in a couple of weeks, the GRS system will be able to be adopted and implemented into other platforms as well. So we'll be starting
starting out to test it out with other projects already have a few in the pipeline. But the thing is that wherever social interactions occur and wherever the reputation of the users might be a plus whether for the project or the
them themselves, then that's a place where the Coreto DRS can be implemented in. That makes a lot of sense and you know initially when I checked out your project and so you had your own platform I instantly thought like oh that makes it makes it would make more sense to have it as like a plug-in, a
all the other existing platforms. So it's great to hear that this is what you guys are doing. That's exactly the point, yeah. Nah, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. So you could showcase kind of like your career of reputation score on Twitter or Instagram, like anywhere, wherever you can. Where it's relevant. Yeah.
Exactly, and not just showcase it, but if that platform implements our system, you can build up a reputation there too and start growing your trust and your performance score by using every other platform that has it
make sense. Can you guys talk about your token and kind of like everything that you users can do with it and what's the purpose of it all the details about that? Yes, just like I said in the beginning there's core
pledge into your own opinions or for other opinions to create challenges and things like that. That's the main use case at this point. As a future use case for the projects that will implement the reputation system
They will have to have the token locked and staked for as long as the system is active within their platform. That is in the future, in the first iteration, as I told you more centrally, to not have any fee to be used, the DRS system.
Then let's not forget in the end of the project themselves. Projects can claim their official page within the Coreto platform and then directly interact with the content that is being created about them by the community. Whether they see content
that it's not accurate and they can amend it, they can directly communicate with the communities, they can start creating awareness campaigns within the platform. They can also create, like, let's call them something like a reach
out to opinion leaders based on the reputation score and saying, "Okay, we're putting up an awareness campaign now about our own projects and we want to bring on people that are knowledgeable about crypto. They know what they're saying, they can prove their worth and we want them to be
as objective as possible in analyzing what we have been building. So these types of, let's call them, boundies will be also paid for with the token. So as the use of the
platform is growing so does the use cases for the token itself. There are also a few others that we are thinking of, either to use it for governance purposes or even to implement a second token to it, but right now the tokens main use cases are
for doing opinions and for monetizing your knowledge through the token. So that means that even you as a content creator in the future when you will be able to monetize what you are building and creating your subscription based content, well that will be paid with our token.
Okay, thank you. Can you talk a little bit about why did you guys choose to build on here? Yes. I think I made the best decision. Yeah, so I've been analyzing
Basically every L1 and L2 solution out there for months before I found near. Because I was searching for the best tech in order for our decentralized reputation system to be implemented.
This has to be fast, it has to have cheap fees so it can handle all the data that a platform such as ours and the system such as ours.
We'll have, let's say, if we have 100,000 users on the platform or 1 million users on the platform, that will generate a lot of interaction. And the technology that we wanted to build on needed to be able to scale and support all these
all these interactions. So basically, as I said, I was looking for the best solution for this. And I found near and it basically came down to it and
other two projects. I don't know if I should name them but it was between in the end in the very end it was between near and Hedera Hedge Graph.
but with Hedera there was some...
There was some things that I was not really sure that it was the best solution.
because it seems to us to me, especially that it was a little bit convoluted. And near proved itself to be very simple, very easy to implement, very easy to understand, and it
Check all the boxes from the performance standpoint and everything from the technology standpoint. So the stack is simple to implement. Creating smart contracts is a breeze. It's using Rust, which is a plus. I mean, every device
developer out there, I think, can understand why Rask is a peeling. And yeah, so I was already basically decided to use this as our underlying technology.
and I was telling Vlad about it. And I was like very excited, you know. Look, you have to take a closer look at Nier. I think this is the best solution. We have to use it. Let's talk about it and stuff like this. And two days later, after my internal pitch to the rest of the team,
Vlad was contacted by Samar from near and he already told you that story that they came to us. We already made a decision basically and today is later without talking to anyone else, we got contacted by near. We discovered that
Yeah, it was I call it serendipity to be honest Synchronicity, I don't know whatever but once we we were approached and started interacting with the community itself with the near foundation with the people that were working on
already and starting to see what type of values are promoted and what type of approaches are used and the way that the people have
proven themselves to be inside this community. It was also kind of awesome to say because we've had attempts in other attempts in other
Let's see them competitor communities where we were kind of let down but by what we found there in terms of community and support and stuff like this but everything that was lacking
And in other ecosystems, we found to exist and be the very big part of the near community and ecosystems. So when we put all this together,
I mean, it was a no brainer in the end for us. It checked all the boxes, technologies, port community, vision, values, everything that we stand for and everything that we needed. We found inside near
And it was very important, another aspect from the user's perspective point of view, that is what we aim to and the main target audience for Correto as well are people even outside of Web
So it was important to find a place where those that are not necessarily into crypto to find a good way and simple way to interact. And that's why we chose Nier as well.
that work. I see it on your website too log in. You don't connect the wallet but you just have like a traditional kind of like login system. Can you talk about that like why is it in place? You know, why is it better option and I don't know, the logic that this is
So the way that the first iteration of the platform was built was completely centralized. So we had the traditional login system in order for the first testers, the first
Alpha testers in our closed alpha to be able to test out the algorithms that we're building to test out and filter out features and stuff like this. But we also started
from outside of the near ecosystem and our token first launched on Ethereum, then we bridged to Polygon and BSC and we knew that until we make the final decision
and choose the chain that we were going to fully build on in the end. We decided to keep this type of login system to have the needed flexibility later on.
to work around it. And it's also for convenience. For some users, for now, maybe some of our still early testers, it's more convenient this way.
we are going to adopt wallet-based login and registration. We're still going to have user names and profiles for the platform and I think it's going to slowly be
filter doubt the classical login system in favor of wallet-based login, but we're still in the transition phase. So we're still working on integrating with near and the near wallet
And we plan to add first as an option to login with your near wallet. And then over time to drop the classical login entirely. But it's still in the transition phase. That's why we're still having all the
Now that's interesting because I was actually thinking like a class login might also make a lot of sense where you know you're not limited to Crypto users But anybody from the outside can own board on your platform without that like additional barrier or for example
have options, you want to log in with NeuroWallet or do you want to log in with normal stuff, email or something, and then everything is like the blockchain part just helps on the backend seamlessly. What are your thoughts about? What we aim to do is something like
have them have a wallet without them knowing they're using a wallet for the people that don't use blockchain and even if the login system the classical login system will stay as an option because it's not 100% decided yet that we're gonna fully drop this
drop it or just have it as an option for this. But yeah, the idea is that our onboarding system, the logging registration stuff like this should seamlessly create or integrate both
blockchain and non blockchain technology, but I don't know how to explain this. Have the process
We use blockchain behind the scenes but make it in a way that people from outside this space can use it and not know about it. And just learn about it afterwards basically.
So we're still working on the best way to make this happen. We have some ideas, but it's all about user experience in the end. And this is very important. This is why we're taking a little bit of time.
to get it right and we're just going along with the current system but the idea yeah it is to be as simple as possible and for users that don't even know what a wallet is to still have one and use it.
Okay, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. So we've already been live for 40 minutes. I think we will start bringing questions from the audience. I'm just gonna ask everybody to retweet the pinned tweet. So participate in the giveaway we have today 10 near from
the Coretta team. So I think we're going to give five near to two of the people who ask questions. That being said, let me see who was here in the beginning and I'm going to start bringing people up. Okay.
Okay, so let's go first with club tar. You can go ahead ask your question. How's everyone doing?
Hey, hey, I'll go do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do#
Okay, that's a very interesting question.
I will attempt to answer it in a simple way. So the idea behind using machine learning and AI is based on some future features of the platform, which basically
is analyzing data from on-chain, from different chains and providing and learning about
on chain data.
in order to give our users insights that maybe they do not find by themselves, they cannot find by themselves. And have different types of machine learning algorithms
with different use cases, for example, to have wallets analyzed and track good performing wallets and how they choose and how they interact with other projects
what they buy, how they buy, when they sell, why they sell and basically have some new indicators derived from it. And also analyze data from social interactions, social sentiment and stuff like this and create some indicator
from that. I know we're not the first to think about this stuff and we already have a partner that provides some kind of data like social and on-chain interactions converted into
to a type of indicator, but I think that we can expand and create some new insights and some new indicators from analyzing all the data that is available, not just on one chain, but cross-chain and multi-chain.
It's still something that we're working on on the concept part, so we're growing our information day to day.
Yeah, this is basically the core of what that is supposed to be.
I don't know if it was clear enough. I think it's going to be an amazing integration to be looking forward to that in the future.
Yeah, we are also excited about the idea, but we, to be honest, it's gonna take a little more time because we have to finish building up some other stuff before we get to that point. But it's on the road, but on our road that for a reason.
and we will get to that part. Yeah. Great question, great answer. Thank you. I say we go to HOT pizza. Thanks. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to ask my question.
going to your website I came across your sticking program so my question is as an investor will there be any minimum amount of code talking required for
taking and a dear Enriks for taking on your platform then the last patient is regarding the current their mindset what makes him confident about the survival and sustainable success of your project and their future
Thank you. So yes, if you so right now our token like Andre said it's available on Ethereum
blockchain, BSC and Polygon. Doakan is already bridged on our aura and near, but we haven't yet listed anywhere within the ecosystem. It's something that will come at the right time.
So right now we have a partner for where you can you can you can you can stake your core tokens and you can find it like you said on stakein.coreto.io and Basically we have three pools
for the three months, 12 months and nine months, sorry, three months, six months and nine months, with different APIs. So these were made up exactly
for our community that until we deliver on our promises and which up to this point I hope that we have kept everything in our in what we've subscribed for let's say and in terms of what do
I think your second question was regarding how do we see given the Korean state? Well, as we all can see, the current state of crypto is in a bear market. Yes, everybody is afraid about what's going to happen.
who's going to be the next big player that is going to fall tomorrow. And about this, this is also something that we are putting together with the community of projects and builders within the NERCO system.
which is we want to launch an awareness campaign that is aimed towards helping retailers and users to better be aware of how important one's reputation is. What we mean by that is
Just like I've told some of the founders I've been talking to lately.
When we all started, we all started as retailers and during a long hour journey, we all had different experiences, good or bad. We've all encountered people or projects or entities that either helped us or
even worse, the bomb cuts the road and we've lost money on that. And we want to use the experience of everybody and the knowledge of Iran that's building in here to share the stories, to share their
their knowledge, their path, what they have done, how they believe that you can protect yourselves moving forward, what things you should be careful when looking into investing in someone or into looking into following somebody else. So this is
A time where we as builders must focus on what we are building. We must not forget the fundamentals that made us start doing what everybody is doing.
Whether you're a project like Correto or maybe you are a game or maybe you are another platform or you are I don't know and an NFT with utility and everything else so
Those that entered into crypto with the thought of I will get rich quick by doing ABC will slowly die out and we already see that.
But those that have the passion, the drive and a clear direction of what they sense and feel, those will be able to get the support
of the communities and those are the ones that will be able to move past and get out of the current bear market in a good way. And I consider myself to be in the second category.
As a side note, the idea of Correto was born in the previous bear market. So we have started in a bear market. We have moved forward and pushed forward before anyone else
believed we can do it and we already have gotten to a point where we have two working products and this is just the beginning. This is a passion project something that we believe very
strong lean. It wasn't with the idea that we will become rich quick, like Vlad said. It's about building a tool and community of communities for the communities.
to have something that we needed when the times were rough to help us better understand the space. And this is why for us, the bear market, of course, it's not ideal.
But we are new with us coming.
And the only thing that we can do is to push forward and just keep building. And the idea of reputation, I think, becomes even more important in such a time, like bear markets,
And people will start to see who is who and what each, let's call them influencers or opinion leaders or whatever, or even project teams and stuff like this. It will become apparent
who is in it for a quick game and doesn't care about much else or who is it with the idea of building something greater and giving back to others. And that's why I think that even though
This is a bear market and people are rightly afraid of what's going to come. I think this is a great opportunity for a project like ours to stand out and talk about the importance of having a good
good reputation, building a good reputation, keeping a good reputation in times of hardships. And like Vlad said, we're working on something right now, this awareness campaign that we will be starting
with other projects as well and key opinion leaders and hopefully with your support as a community as the overall
community to turn it into a movement and make reputation what it should be.
And that is reputation is king basically.
So yeah, the bear market is not idea, but I think it can bring great things. Oh, that's great. I actually like the way you answer my questions and I wish you good luck in your project. Okay, let's move to the next question from
I guess I'd be figuring these things out. Let's go to future.
Okay, Crypto King, you can go ahead. Hello. Can we have a look? Yeah, we can hear you. My question is, are you a global project or local project?
present which market are you focused on or is it the focus set on building and growing to gain customer user and partners. Can you please
articulate your question again? Are you a global project or local project at present? Okay, okay. Well, crypto is global and crypto is non-stop, right? So you cannot address everyone
one in the same time. So the quick question, yes, Correto is meant to be global. At first, it's from a language barrier point of view. It's going to be English only. And as we
grow and we see which communities based on geographical locations where they are at. Then we will start creating local communities and also options, of course, of having in your
own language. But the answer is of course we aim each in every geographical area so it's global. Thank you so much. Can I ask something again?
Yeah, sure Actually now I think we've had too many people waiting so let's just move to someone else, but thank you for the question Yeah, we only have a couple minutes left So I see I'd be is back with us. I guess I believe you want to ask your question
future you can go ahead hello I don't think this one is gonna work of
future your connection is way too bad we can't really hear you to be honest no no no no no I'm sorry but hey
Yeah, future I'm sorry, but I cannot have you I cannot hear you Uncle Omar You want to go ahead ask you question. Yeah, hello, what's good? Hello, it's nice to be with you guys This is very
Even in Nigeria. So my question goes as so to Correto.aligo.
Okay, based on, actually it has to do with security and/or Diten. I want to know if, because right now the crypto space is really in a state where security
discussion level. So I want to know what are those auditing frames which have been audited by you guys. Like, for example, of SETIC and I think immutable X to do that. So I don't know if those are
I hope that you have a good project. That was just my question. Hello. Yeah, so can you hear me? Yeah. Yeah, you can hear you. So.
The idea of security is extremely important for the project, for our platform and for our decentralized reputation system as well. We're doing internal
audits for our code before every release but we haven't done this with a certified company yet. This as many of you know
It basically takes a lot of money to have one of the most repeatable firms. How did your contracts and do this check process and since we are still
building the system and we are still updating stuff regularly. We haven't made the decision to have this audit yet. Once we reach a more stable version for our smart contract technology and every
everything around it, there will be audits. But what I can say is that we have basically we do security checks and updates and everything relating to security before each
release even if it's a minor change or stuff like this we always run through the security check pipeline and also we're looking at and using automation
security open source software that is checking our code every iteration. More on security from the point of view of auditing,
will come later, but this is a very good question. And it's something that is basically we take security first approach whenever we write an in-bis of code. I would say it like this. So yeah.
Thank you very much, thank you, and I need to collaborate with you guys. I think we're going to take like three more questions just for the
people who already are in speakers and then we're going to wrap it up. So I do, let's try again, like I know you've been here since the first second, so I really want you to ask a question. But it seems like it's not working out. Are you able to ask your question now?
Can you guys hear Ibi? No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No#
your day my friend let's go to Salty Ma so you hello yeah you can go ahead ask a question okay my question is
within these few years you can't talk about cryptocurrency without talking about NFT. So do you intend to like dive into NFT in the nearest future? Yes, that's a good question indeed.
We've also done different spaces related to NFTs in general. And as always, right now, the most important thing from my point of view for the future of NFTs is for them to have the right utility.
Yes, we are looking into them. Once we have everything set, we have some interesting plans. Also, we have a clear direction into what exactly the utility of this NFTs should be.
our community will be the first to learn. Well, actually, nearest community will be the first to learn because this is where our home will be. So quick question, quick answer is yes.
Thank you very much. Okay, thank you for the question and now let's go to most deaf. Hello, can you hear me? Yeah, we can hear you.
Play live, want to know one or two or three kilowatts of your project that makes it ahead of your competitors. And what is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?
I would say that what sets us apart from any other competitor because there are a few, not that many but there are two or three projects.
that are tackling the idea of reputation. Our competitive advantage would be the fact that when we started building and the way we are building the decentralized reputation system is
In a way that it, like I said, it can be implemented and adapted to the needs of any type of online platform. It's not only met for crypto, it's met for every type of platform out there.
there in any type of industry so we can have anywhere from I don't know trading platforms to games to Amazon types type of e-commerce platforms
Review sites, you name it. Wherever you can have a meaningful interaction and the idea of performance or trust or both types of reputation are needed.
There are the right KPIs, so the right data is there inside that platform. It can be connected to that platform and you can have a reputation on there.
This is the most important thing from the point of view of the reputation system. And also the platform itself I think can become a really useful tool for everyone, especially
the people that are new to crypto as we will finish more and more features we aim to make it like the go-to place for new people that are coming into crypto
to have a reputation-based knowledge hub from the communities that they can get started with and have access to the right people that have proven themselves to be trustworthy and have a good track record.
So I think that's my answer for this. - Thank you for giving me world informed information. Thank you. - Okay. So I guess there guys, that's it. Thank you for the great AMA. Thank you for coming.
So let me just see who we have the winners for today. I think we actually gonna give away five near here on the space and another five near we're gonna give away an hotelogram so you can hope in there after
the space and see what's going on. Okay, so the first five near are going to to Selthima. Selthima you can DM mini wax or you can find a handle in my
my bio to claim your price and for the other five new guys head to our telegram and we're gonna make some kind of challenge with Corretto. So yeah, I think this what we're gonna do everybody will have to go on career website and make the screenshot of their favorite feature open
part of the website and then tweet it out with tagging them and some kind of hashtag but the details will be in telegram. So that would be a sad. I can give you another idea for this if you are open to it. Yes, of course. Maybe head over to the creator platform.
create a piece of content and share it on your Twitter. With the handle. How would they share it on Twitter from the Corel platform? You have a copy link to your post option that you can
the link for any piece of content that you create. Okay, we can try doing that. I think it might be a little too complicated but let's test it out. So yeah guys, I'll post details in this IntelliGram and thank everybody for coming. Thank you Vlad and Andre for this awesome M8.
Thank you for having us. Yeah. Okay guys, see you. I mean, I don't know when I see you too, but everybody else from the audience. I see you on Wednesday, on our next day and I also 12 PM. I have a great day. Good evening everyone. Bye.

FAQ on $NEAR Chill&Shill - Coreto.io AMA - 10N giveaway | Twitter Space Recording

When was Correto launched?
Correto was launched in April 2021.
What kind of platform does Correto resemble?
Correto resembles a social media platform, but it is shifting into transforming into a real ecosystem based on reputation building.
What is the functionality of Correto?
The functionality of Correto is to provide a platform for the community to filter out bad actors in the crypto space and build their reputation based on their knowledge and trustworthiness.
What is the purpose of the Correto reward token?
The purpose of the Correto reward token is to incentivize users to contribute to the community and build their reputation within the ecosystem.
What kind of feedback did the Correto team receive from users and advisors?
The Correto team received feedback from users and advisors that the platform can be more than just a social platform, and can transform into a broader reputation-based ecosystem.
What is the role of Andre in the Correto team?
Andre is the head of dev in the Correto team, leading the development of the platform.
When did Blood get into crypto and how did he get hooked on it?
Blood got into crypto in 2013 but initially ignored it, and got hooked on it later in 2017 after seeing how things were moving in the space.
What was the reason for building Correto?
The reason for building Correto was to filter out bad information in the crypto space and identify good information and good actors, allowing the community to assess how trustworthy individuals are.
How did the idea of building Correto come to life?
The idea of building Correto came to life from the need to create a platform where the community itself can prove themselves knowledgeable and help each other in the crypto space.
What is Correto?
Correto is a reputation-based research platform that allows members to build their own reputation using algorithms of trust and past performance, proving that they are knowledgeable and trustworthy based on clear data.