$NEAR Chill&Shill - Nightly AMA + 5N giveaway

Recorded: Nov. 4, 2022 Duration: 0:56:01



Hey guys, what's up? How's it going? So let me just send this place and all the chats and I'm gonna have a nightly wallets join us
How did you guys like the last thing we had? The last AMA?
Tell me spark was a good Okay, okay, we got my reward here So you guys same as always let me just
the tweets, I will ask all of you to retweet, especially the second space, there is not that much time for people to retweet and send reminders in between spaces, so this needs a little extra from us to retweet and share it everywhere, telegram groups, all this stuff.
But hey, Knightley are you with us? How are you guys doing? Hey guys, I hope you can hear me. It's good to be here and thanks for having me. It's great to have you. It's second time near Chilanchil already. No, it's my first time.
I don't even remember. Maybe for you it's the first time but we already said the project like the the nightly wallet. Okay. It's cool. Thank you for that. Behind the account but we did have you like around two months ago.
I think, but you know, there's been a long time and also we don't need it. Yeah, it's in crypto space time. It's it's it's other. Everything is too fast. Definitely. But yeah, if you want to go ahead and first maybe introduce yourself for we wait for more people
to come and I will get to the nightly wallet itself. So I'm coming. I am a business and marketing guy in nightly. Nightly is a whole ecosystem. We have a whole multi-technical system. We have an NFT marketplace. We have a wallet.
We are working on mobile wallet and we also also have something interesting like called 90 connect. This is bridge wallet and it allows you to establish a connection between your mobile wallet and desktop application which is super great and we will talk
about it later I hope. Our team previously built some project on Solana, on even on Ethereum, but right now we are focusing more on high-pay performance training like like near like like Solana and soon so we maybe and also up
And yeah, I think it's everything about about Nike and about me. That's great. Are there any interesting developments you guys want to share with us in the last leg? Too much?
things you added, especially since we had the nightly world, but then it would be interesting to kind of check up on the progress. Yeah, we are still exploring new spaces, we are still developing, developing, developing rightly. We added, for example,
a function that allow users to take their near regular state or liquid state through MetApple directly into nicely. We are very soon to finish integrate of one of them of Swap aggregates
on new to allow user to swap their tokens directly in new in best prices. We are going to security audits in this year because security especially in the wallet is super hard. And as I mentioned before, we are still working on our
Mobile version of our wallet on both System iOS and Android is going to be launched in this year, I hope. And what else? Nicely faster, it's more safe, of course. And, of course, we, as a, as a,
a business development and we are integrated with more and more great applications on near what is super important for us because without the integration what it is useless especially that we are part of the near what it's selector so if you have application and you want
to integrate NIRWOLET selector or NIRWOLET adapter, I don't remember, sorry, and you will be able to add NITLY and other wallets through 10 or 15 lines of code. That sounds like a lot of great improvements.
Can you just talk a little bit about why you know, Knightley is better than I don't know any other wallet? What is unique about it? I would say that we are fast, we are safe and we are super comfortable to use.
But every wallet can say that. So I will focus on our typical features. First of all, we have a different features like Staking, Liquid Staking, Swap, and there will be more, but I don't want to talk about it yet. And wallet is a simple application.
it's hard to build something totally different. But if you look on nicely as a whole ecosystem on our extension, on our mobile wallet and on Nike Connect, you will see the difference and you will see the benefits of our world. And also we are multi-chains. So you don't
have to have free wallet, for example Santa Montsolana and some other on you, you can use only nightly. And maybe I will explain what nightly connect is and why it's super important for us and for you guys, I hope.
Let's imagine you are in your grandpa's house or your girlfriend's house and you don't have your desk or your laptop. You have only your mobile phone and you really want to do something in Web 3. I don't know, close.
your lever position means NFT anything else. And let's be honest you can use your mobile phone because we have mobile mobile mobile wallets already but let's be honest it's super uncomfortable and yeah until
sucks. You need to have a bigger screen and a touchpad or a mouse. So what can you do using Nightly? You can have Nightly mobile on your mobile and through Nightly Connect, you can establish a connection between
to a desktop application and your mobile wallet on your phone. So you don't have to download any other wallet and import your feed face on weird computer in your grandpath. So it's super cool.
function for me because in nightly we trace that multi-train is a future and mobile is a future but let's be honest in next two or three years using Web3 directly on your mobile phone will be or maybe two change but right now it's super uncomfortable
Definitely, you know, it's a big thing that Web is still at this stage where most of the normal use cases, even just using a mobile phone, is still a hassle. And, you know, hopefully we have things built out that are working out these problems.
You know, I'm thinking last space we had, it was supposed to be like a community space and we haven't really been able to talk to a lot of community because there was a lot of topics. But you know here we actually have a lot of people who want to participate in the chat. So I say let's start
bringing them up so they ask you know their questions and participate in discussion and then always still have time left we're gonna kind of jump back into our interview and my questions I'll probably have something to add along the way as well. True. Sounds good. Alright. Because I know a lot of people want to ask you a lot of important
things. It's an a main end of the day right? Exactly. Okay so let's start with King Levite and Manuel. Where are there are people here? King Levite and Manuel. Can you
here. Okay, let's move on to ID for now. Yeah, yeah, can you hear me? All right, so my question basically is about your wallet. Now, I want to know something easy
Will it be a point where we use dap's upon your wallet? We just have to just come store and then go away. Do you get my question? Okay, now let's say for adventure
Let's say we want to connect to a site. Can we just connect? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Yeah. Yeah. Alright. So let's say we want to connect to a site. Do we have to let's say use a wireless connection?
or your wallet be connected automatically. No, you have to do it by your own and it's even better because it would work automatically as you mentioned. Very, thank you.
with I mean it's unsafe. Okay that means the night you while it does not hold cookies right? Oh it's interesting question.
I'm not sure to be honest. I'm not sure because I'm not a, I'm busy deaf, not technical deaf, unfortunately, unfortunately. But it's a good question. I have to ask our deaf about it and tweet about it.
But I'm sure if we do it, it's full secure because security is super important for us. And we are preparing to full security out it. So I'm sure it's secure.
All right, so I guess I just have this limited question. Thank you, Wax. Don't worry. Go ahead. Thank you. Thank you. So let's go to the next person. I'm sure we're going to have enough time today. Let's go to IB right now.
Thank you very much. You mentioned you guys now have staking. I would really like you to talk about staking and possibly the economics of nightly.
Are you guys looking into hardware wallets or basically just the one on our mobile phone is the phone number? Thank you. Thank you for our question. I mean, we fully support
We are working on it. It's impossible because app is not available on the ledger. It's important for us. The hardware wallet is the best option.
So we support it on New and Sarana and if it will be possible on any other chain that nicely will be live we will for sure support Harder word. Use Harder word the guys by the way, it's much safer.
I mean, you're harder with nicely and then you will be totally safe. Thank you very much. What about the end of the sticking like I would like to talk to details about sticking ideas and other particular groups? You can take your new
in two ways using Knightly. You can just take it as a regular stake and then you put your near and you are receiving yield and it's everything. We support each validator available on near. We have some partnership with the stator for example
example with EverStake, so I recommend to use them. But what is most interesting in my opinion is liquid staking, because liquid staking also gives you additional yield, but you still have your near, but in staked version. So you can still
use this new in any other DFI or Web3 application. And we have a partnership with super nice projects called MetApple, the best liquid-taking on new.
And using three buttons, I mean, the three clicks, in nicely you can stack your near to a senior and receive extra yield. If you want to learn something more about the liquid stacking,
like Metapool website or Metapool Twitter, they are publishing some more information about it and check it out because it's worth to do it. I don't have any just near, or my near is like
It's the best option. But it's not my last advice. What do you think, just to put it out there for the people, like you say, you should have a new mistake, like what the best place to stake it?
To stack or liquid spike. Whatever you meant when you said that's the best way to go because we did discuss this topics like you know a lot of people here are pretty new to new
We had a lot of people know how liquid-stated works, but still, you know, would love to do a perspective.
As I mentioned before, I'm a super big fan of the liquid staking because you have the same yield as using staking but you still have your tokens. So you can put it on the leverage, put it to liquidate pool. I don't know, maybe the system means even on NFT, you have a many
Many, I forgot the word, many utility for the tokens. So you get your, you get your new, when your will go up to the $10, you will gain. So yeah, it's the best option and the best way to do it,
is definitely met up. I know the guys from this project, yeah, I trust them and I know that this is the best liquid-staking platform on new. Okay, thank you for the recommendation. Let's go to, actually we help my friend, Elijah here a
that you want to add anything? Yeah man I just wanted to say I'm glad you're building something. Congratulations again where you guys are now but question for everyone so we have more about the vision is what's the intention like what's the end goal next two quarters three quarters how are you
unique value props. Okay, so last thing I mentioned before that we are multi-tain and our wallet as a wallet maybe it's not totally different wallet than let's say sender or or matter but if you look at nicely as a whole ecosystem we are totally different. Maybe
not yet because our mobile wallet is not mobile yet but in one or two months you will see the difference especially when other decentralized applications will go that way that future is mobile it will work perfectly and
It will be a game changer in my opinion. Also, I have business that's thinking about a different feature into our wallet, like Swap, like Liquid Staking, and thinking about, is there any other functions that we can add to nicely using other wallets?
I don't know, maybe an active taking, maybe time and system that you will be able to buy your near directly in, in nicely through your visa account or master account. We are still exploring it. We are looking on
on other projects, especially on other projects. And we are looking for great win-win transaction with other projects. So if you have any suggestion of, or if you have a project that's want to do something with us, DM, DM lightly, and we
We will talk about it. Okay, thank you for answering us. Move on to the next person. We didn't have yet. Let's go to Spark. Okay, thank you very much. So, lightly, when I went to your site, I think the first thing I saw
was actually I saw launch part so I want to know if you like how your launch part and what how do you bring project like are there any like determination model for bringing projects into on your launch part I feel you have a
up to Sniper, so you know up to the ecosystem as well. We don't have a launch pad for the tokens, we have an NFT launch pad with the marketplace, so something like Magigadon on up to us. It's only on up to us currently, but we are going to expand it on other chains.
To be honest, Nero is not our priority right now because on Nero there is enough good marketplace like mean base like few and far like Like this one on on on on P letter
Paras, there is enough wallet and I think right now there is no enough space for another NFT marketplace with the launchpad. But as I mentioned before, we are exploring it. If something will happen in near NFT space, we consider it
for sure because we are still bullish on NIR, even on NFT on NIR, and we are looking for it and waiting for new opportunities. Sorry. So do you like take any percentage from these NFTs when they are being sold, like if I should
I'm going to bring my NFT now to maybe your launch. Do you like tick any few when someone buys? Oh, God. On our marketplace or you ask only about the landspot. If you ask only about the landspot right now,
Now we take Zio fee because we want to encourage new NFT projects. So yeah, it's right now, launch it's totally Zio fee. All right, all right, thank you. Okay, thank you, Spark for your question.
Let's move to black items. Can you hear me? Okay, so my question is I want to separate your project tell us more about the ambassador program and what they can participate
If you have your own centralized application, integrate nicely and it will be super helpful for us. But if you are a user, you can test it out. If you will find any bug, but you will not find any bug. I'm sure.
But if you will find any thing that we can improve or you will have any idea to improve our award, join our discord, describe it. And if the idea will be good enough, we will
will incentivize you for sure. And also, you can be active on our social media. It's also super helpful because every community manager or every marketing guide from Web3 know how engagement is super important in Web3 space.
Thank you so much. One more question sir. Okay. So many positive problems with UIX and this one turned off new user. How do you plan to improve the internal
with new user and with user outside that to push this. Thank you sir. You are right. Alex is super important especially for the wallet or for the application that you use daily because let's be honest
In my opinion, wallet is the most use application by the user because every interaction you need to approve in the wallet. So it needs to be handy, it needs to be beautiful, it needs to be
Great to use. But I think that our wallet is quite simple. The UX is not quite. It's good for the advent user, for the new user. And if user can't use a wallet, it's my opinion.
You have a problem. I mean, wallet is the most basic application you buy free. So if you can't handle wallet, you will not be able to handle more advanced application like DEX or even NFT marketplace. But maybe it's an idea to think about it to create a tutorial.
or directly in our wallet to teach user how to use it. But I don't know, maybe someone will use it, maybe no, or we have to think about it. Thank you for that suggestion, maybe it will be a beginning of bigger changes.
Thank you for the reliance.
Yeah, let's move. Thank you, Black for the questions. Let's move to the next person, Dr.
Okay, good winner. I have two questions that I want to ask. So my first question is that for now, there are some challenges that many projects or many wallet that I've seen for now.
like what I mean is security. So you explain more about the security about this wallet. So and the second question is that this your wallet is available for Android phone and the iPhone phone. So that more. Yes, our mobile phone that will be available on on both system on iOS and Android.
And there is no third system, I think, because no, there is no third system. And about the security, you're right, security is super, super important, especially that we had some hacks last month. But I'm not the best person to talk about, and
deeply about the security because I'm not writing it, but you can trust me. We have a great experience developer that handle it correctly. And as I mentioned before, we are going to secure our wallet, so other
company, we will check that might be safe and I hope. I'm sure they will say that we are the safest wallet on the new ecosystem. I wish you all the best with this project. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Okay, thank you.
you for the question the answer you guys are asking really good questions that's a great time I think you maybe that's even better question said I would get to ask I have to I have to say about one more thing because I forgot about it when you when you when you see our logo it can be similar to other wallet very
popular wallet on Ethereum. I think you know about which one I'm talking. But there is one big difference. We don't have a fox in our logo. It's a fun egg fox. It's a really big difference. Let's check how cute this animal is. It's totally totally different animal. It lives
on the desert and it's super super cute so check it out it's very important for us I got it so that's kind of where the unique advantage over the Madamas comes in the regular fox and we have like a special desert phoenix fox exactly okay that's fair
We're going on going next. Let's go next with Crypto Lord. Wow, we have a king here. We have a lord Thanks one thanks for bringing me on and nice to you all like thanks for the wonderful job and Mike and his new since the beginning of this game
We'll be talking about the utility and according to the roadmap of your project, we actually know what it's actually in touch. So now I went through your website and I couldn't see some of your information concerning your team members. So I just want to know, can you
Can you briefly explain about the experience of your project development team and how did you carry out your project during these current peer pandemic markets? Our team is around 25 fold
Most of these teams are developers, so let me think. We have around 18 developers, some front end developers, some blockchain developer, some mobile developer as well. We don't talk too much about our team, but you can check me.
My Twitter is public. I put it on my discord bio. Our founder, TeleTwitter is also public. You can check it out without any problems. And as I mentioned, we build some projects on an Ethereum, but I forgot the name.
because it was a long, long time ago. We were more like software house on Ethereum, but our biggest project that we built was on Solana, and its name is Syntatic. It's like Syntatic's bad button Solana, the project is
still is still well it's working you can use it people still using it and it never be hacked so what is super important because if you are using aslana you know how many hacks was in previous two or three months we never been so it's a proof that
but we build fairly application. All right. Then lastly, we've known about these trends and the sleet of your project. Now, no, so can we briefly explain or talk about some of the challenges that you guys have been seeing now, like difficulties that you guys have been seeing now, how do you plan to offer
our comics. I will take the answer to this question from marketing guy, point of view. The biggest challenge is to be integrated in each application on NIO.
application because if wallet is not integrated with as many as possible application it's useless. It can be good but if you can't use it on your favorite application it's useless. So it's the biggest problem. The second one is the bear market. Bear market is the best time to build application but it's very hard time
to promote your application and to get new users to your application. And maybe third one, but it's not a problem. It's more challenge. When we were starting building 19 new, it was around half year ago.
There wasn't there was only one or two wallets on here right now there is There is many more wallets and some of it is quite good So we have some I don't like work competition, but you there have so many options in wallets to use and in the most in the most case
You have users or you don't have it. If they are using, for example, Dexys or Marketplace NFT, they can use multiple of it. But if you have what, you have only one. So it's a challenge.
I really like to give you a lot of details and information. So I wish you guys all the best. Thank you. Okay, thank you for that question. Crypto Lord. Okay, how do we have next? Let's go to
Hey, hey, hey, man, what's up? What's up? Long time no see how you been. I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going. Hello, Natalie Wolff. Hi. Yeah, so I actually have a question.
which is about launching an NFT on your platform. Due to the fact that you actually just launched, so like, I mean like you actually knew. So they actually offer like free means on your market space. I don't even understand. Like let me
As part of the free stakes of launching your platform, do you actually plan on offering a free means pass to the first 500 or the first 400 or the first 200 or the first
10 people. It's totally possible, but it's all depends from the projects. If projects, I mean, if collection will want to do it this way, totally no problem. It's even an interesting way to to launch a collection. Maybe you will inspire some future
Okay, okay, okay, so my second question was actually about the launch pad actually since you actually said is comments on Do you can you give me a
like some little insights about when it's coming and how they actually plan on like how fast they actually plan on making that and you plan on launching on preaching actually which is the Solana, apples and nea. So, okay.
Yeah, our NFT marketplace and launchments is not public yet, but we are going to launch it. Let me check that out for sure this month. Maybe next week, maybe next week, but we will do it.
Fortunately, it will be available only on Apptoff, currently, but for sure we are going to expand it on other chain. Also, now we have met together and on year after yesterday before we have many, many more marketplace. So it's not our priority, but there is new chains that
very interesting and we are considering it but I don't want to talk about it yet but you can guess which one is the blank. Okay so I'm about the like we the near community I would like to ask you like using the arm the near change
to actually launch our NFTs on your own platform. What are the benefits? We have low fifths, really low fifths and we are offering full
technical and marketing support, especially technical support can be useful because if you never tried to create your NFT collection, you don't know how hard is it, even if you're just creating just BFP, just avatar without any utility, it's really hard.
to generate adjacent files properly. You need to host your images properly, you need to generate an image properly. You have to sometimes write a special smart contract, you have to put it on launchpad correctly and then you have to put it even on the market place correctly. So there is
There is something that is quite hard and we are offering full technical support to do it which brings a new collection to us I hope. Okay, thank you very much. I'm looking forward to your launch.
Thanks for the great questions. Do you guys like it doesn't take much to be in my host? Anybody can do it. Of course we got let's go to ClubTar. Hey hello guys.
So my question to Knightley wallet is your wallet custodial or is it non-costodial? And if it is you know either of the two are you looking to you know give? Uses the options to choose whether you want to create
it's a custodial wallet or a non-custodial wallet because I think people really need that a lot especially the custodial wallet. People who are just coming into crypto, most people need their key phrases and stuff like that and you know
just maybe a few, for the few first months or years that they come into the crypto space, you know, I think the cost of the hour, it might be the best option for them before they fully understand what they're doing and then get the non-cost of the hour. Thank you, thank you for that.
question. There is a problem because I always forgot which one we are. We are the type that when you hold your keys and you just use your hold your keys. I think it's not Castelot.
I'm sorry, I always forgot. The custodial is on somebody else's holds it if the person owns a business non-custodial. Okay, thanks. So right, we are non-custodial and I think using custodial wallet
to sell through Web3 will be not a great option to be honest. Casted at Wallet can be good for big players like Wales, like Institutional, like, and banks in the future.
But I don't think it's a good option. Maybe we will build a Nike wallet for another wallet that will be Castogel.
maybe it's an idea but but nightly we'll nightly wallet this wallet always will be non non-castle and we are not going to change it anytime soon. Okay that's satisfactory I also want to ask about
you know keeping traffic transactions without having to go onto the block chain to explore something like watch cross-wallets, you know you can just open your wallet, click on the token and you see the list of transactions that you don't, that's talking
in the industry. That going to be available in the IT wallet. We have a special tap when you can see your history of your transaction. The icon of this tap is
I don't remember. Unfortunately, I'm on my phone right now and I can't check it. Or no, I can't check it because I have a mobile version of our wallet. So give me a second and I will tell you how to check it. We have a great partnership with Neerblocks.
are building near Explorer. So if you click in particular transaction, you will be redirected to that transaction into near blocks and you will be able to see everything then.
Yeah, as I mentioned before, there's a special tab called activity history. It's between the swap and settings.
And the icon of it is... Let me... is... Light... Lightlink. Light... Lightning, right? So you can check it. It's available right now and you can check it.
All right, thank you very much for that. Thank you. Okay, thank you for the great questions. Let's move on to Ziva. I'm already being offered.
Yeah, first of all, you sound pretty confident about this project and I've been to your site, you check out a few things and while the
I want you to point out these are you know for every professional you know the web 3 market space is you know it's the first horizon I know space development I know every every that party is trans that's what we know the mission that
So I just know I'm just kind of curious. It's a little bit of a question on the actors near and so on. What you know.
I want to know that I'm just kind of the first thing I want to know is your pre-dense KYC and the wood or it does a free, a free, a water pre-dense, you know, it just creates a council without having to go into debt for
and the other thing I want to ask you is what are the chains and the springs that you have put together and how do you know how do you get to pull work 2 you just down to work 3
I'm not sure I totally get you you were asking about the KYC in our wallet? Yeah, that's it that's it's very worth my first service about Okay, so we have now KYC and I can promise that there will be no any type of KYC you just need to
put your password and you have water. I'm not a wallet of course. So how I wrote my second question
Could you repeat it please? I'm in Lisbon currently and I have a problem with the network. Actually I said you know the web tree and the space is a fast driving
at the moment and every new project is trying as much as possible to make sure they keep in touch with this place and they are on top of every single game and it's an even more important thing to get to know them. I'm just going to allow the Hally internal to put the gap between the work 2 and
and I'll hide the intention to put the book, put in North, okay, we need to see where to down three in the market please. Thank you. It's really great question, but let me think.
Yeah, to be honest, I have no idea. I have to think about it. Thank you for the question. I really have to think about it with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with#
Yeah, sorry, but that's really I can't answer this question. It's also. I mean that happens to this one. Let's go to the next question.
from some cheese nervous BIT. Thank you very much Wax and my patient's nightly is about a friend of the beginning of his space he talked about the hardship
or using w3 in your mobile phone compared to the piece. Actually I have a PC, well most of my transactions have been doing, all the w3 has always been on my phone. So I didn't
get the point that you are trying to differentiate why it's better to use the PC so I would want you to retreat that then also I also want to know the the role that 90 is going to play because it says it and figures the comp
I'm going to be using mobile phones to connect on the web because most of my transactions are on my phone. It's very simple and it's easier for me to connect with apps in a web free are you using on your phone?
I mean, it's for me personally, it's super uncomfortable. For example, I play a lot on the level it unfortunately because I lost them much much tokens last time. But for example, setting limit orders that everything, stop loss, take profits,
monitoring my position on phone is uncomfortable because it's just too small. And let me imagine that you are setting a new position and I don't know you are you have a big hands and you can misclick and put
short instead of long. I did it sometimes, so in my opinion using phone in Web3 is uncomfortable right now or maybe I'm wrong, maybe in an active space it's more handy. But I hope and I think that in the
in the future, most applications will build-- I don't know, maybe a mobile version of will do something to allow user to use their application using font in a better way.
Okay, that's that's it from your own end. Okay, as vulnerable is there any way your project accepts movie suggestion from community members or users, you know, maybe they found something or something you need to add
If field is important and it's your hub or something is there any channel for that kind of communication? Yes, you can visit our discord and write to anyone from our team.
You can write directly to me or you can type it publicly on a suggestion channel and we will contact with you for sure. Okay, thank you very much. Thank you.
Okay, I think that's for good questions. Yeah, I think people are a little bit exhausted as our second AMIT, you know, but it's still very interesting to learn all these things. We still have a door to speak. Well, I mean, are you guys actually finally let everyone
Everybody speak because I know a lot of people get mad at me like only five people get to speak in the end of the MA. Everybody gets to speak. Yeah, I know I see King Levite and Manuel you have your handraids. Did you have any more questions?
All right, okay, thanks. I was wondering just around the random thoughts. Would there be like a hackathon during this time I question like and hackathon let's it tone and main where you try out a lot of hackers that we
go through your codes and they may be parvinced to find fault and tell you these things. Would that be such a tournament? What is about the fact that I think it's a great idea and any other wallets did something similar in the past.
Or maybe I'm wrong, but I didn't hear it about it. It's a super interesting topic, but for sure we will not do that before the security audit. So maybe in next year, I think it's really interesting.
topic. Okay now this is just curious me wanting to ask a curious question. This is the beer market where we understand the beer market. Now everybody tends to come out with an idea and an idea and an idea. Now we don't talk about the
business model usually because we just overlooked such a part. But you and I know that the essence of you making this project is for a benefit to understand and you don't just expect that your users gain more than you do. We understand that you are generous in a book. Now could you run through the business model
you have, how do you intend to get income? Because if you don't get paid, the product might not survive. So how do you intend to generate your own income? You are totally right. Every project, every company need to earn because otherwise
there will be no company or projects. But nicely, well, it will not earn because there is no possible to earn. For example, we can earn a little bit of the person with the fee if you'll liquid-take directly nicely. But we know and we don't expect to earn on
nice you want it but we expect to earn a nice ecosystem. So it's like Uber for example. Uber as a touchy service earn quite big amount of money but Uber it if I go to remember still don't earn any money. So if you look on the ecosystem
there will be some points to earn but Nike wallet will never earn real money and it's not our target. Okay so if I got you right if I heard you correctly now it is from the Nike ecosystem that the Nike wallet will be benefiting from. Okay
Let's say maybe a project, my project now launches on your launch pad, my NFT launches on your launch pad. Whatever fees I pay you, that is what 90-wile it will be benefiting from is that correct? If you are asking about our marketplace and the launch pad, there are three types of the fees.
The first one is minting fee, so we can try a little bit of the fee for every mint using transplant, but right now it's zero. The second one is a reality fee, but it comes all to the collection.
And the third one is trading C that we get, if I go to remember one or two percent for every trade using our marketplace. And yeah, marketplace should end. And it's not our main goal, but we keep it in mind that in the future,
that marketplace in the large part should earn some tokens or some real money. Okay, so that means in the nearest future we are hoping to see a 90 token. Is that correct? No, it's not correct. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I#
First of all, you have to build a great application, then maybe you can think about launching your token. No, in other way, that first you're launching your token, and then you are thinking about the application. But in the newest future, I'm almost sure that there will be no.
token but who knows maybe our ecosystem that will be will be super big or we will build nightly blockchain and then we will need to have our token. I don't know but I'm sure in the next year there's no way that we will launch our own token.
Thank you very much. Thank you, Arks. Thank you. Okay, thank you guys. So, I mean, we've been already alive for a good while. Around the whole hour. I also have a call to jump on at three. Does anybody else have any other questions?
I think we went through everything, especially in a wallet, as great and important as it was in the product, but it's at the same time, very simple in a way that it's easy to understand. There's really not like five hours of stuff to talk about. Yeah, you talk on your life.
I think we're gonna wrap it up so let me just roll the dice okay so the five near from nightly go to Black Adams relations on the wind and we also have from near
India hub we still have 25 years to give away and we're gonna give them away in Telegram so let me actually link the Telegram here we're gonna give away in Telegram around now so all right after the space if you jump in our Telegram and join it if you're not there you
then you can see how you can participate. Next base we have is today's Friday so on Sunday we have swap bitser, get some defy protocol so it's gonna be 12pm dst to PM UTC you guys know the drill as
will be posted and I'll see you all there. Thank you Knightley for coming on the space. Thank you to my wonderful community for hosting this space with me. Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up. Have a good day Knight, whatever it is for you guys. Good luck. Thank you for having me. Have a nice evening.

FAQ on $NEAR Chill&Shill - Nightly AMA + 5N giveaway | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the podcast recording?
The purpose of the podcast recording is to discuss Nightly Wallet and answer questions from the community.
Who is the speaker of the podcast recording?
The speaker is a business and marketing guy from Nightly Wallet.
What does Nightly Wallet offer to its users?
Nightly Wallet offers a whole multi-technical system, including a wallet, an NFT marketplace, and an application called Nightly Connect that allows users to establish a connection between their mobile wallet and desktop application.
What are some recent developments in Nightly Wallet?
Nightly Wallet has added a function that allows users to take their near regular state or liquid state through metapple directly into Nightly, integrated a swap aggregator on NEAR to allow users to swap their tokens directly in the wallet, and is developing a mobile version of the wallet for both iOS and Android.
What makes Nightly Wallet unique compared to other wallets?
Nightly Wallet is fast, safe, and easy to use. It offers different features like staking and liquid staking, and is multi-chain so users don't have to have multiple wallets for different chains. Nightly Connect also allows users to establish a connection between their mobile wallet and desktop application.
What is Nightly Connect?
Nightly Connect is an application that allows users to establish a connection between their mobile wallet and desktop application, so they can use a bigger screen and a touchpad or mouse to interact with web3 applications.
What is one benefit of Nightly Wallet being multi-chain?
Users don't have to have multiple wallets for different chains, they can use only Nightly Wallet.
What is Nightly Wallet's stance on security?
Security is super important for Nightly Wallet, and the team is preparing for a full security audit.
What is the Near Wallet Selector?
The Near Wallet Selector is an integration for applications on Near that allows them to add Nightly Wallet and other wallets through 10 or 15 lines of code.
What is the format of the response to the prompt?
The format of the response to the prompt is a list of objects in JSON format, with each object having two keys: question and answer.