$NEAR Chill&Shill - Open Mic Near India

Recorded: Nov. 4, 2022 Duration: 0:16:37
Space Recording

Full Transcription

I want to say everybody, good morning. I've got a bunch of people here today already. I have Edgity, Odin, Nier Indy. Let's get you all up on the scene.
speakers. This is going to start pretty quick. I haven't even sent a link anywhere. You guys might need a chill and chill community. Please send them to the space everywhere because I'm so tired of doing it. But hey, near India, what's up, how are you doing?
Hey Vax, hey everyone. Thanks for hosting this space. Thanks for having me in this space too. Yeah, doing good. How about you? Doing great. You know what's interesting? We have two regional hubs today in India. In India in space, right? We have near India, who will also have
and we see with us. So maybe I will be like an interesting conversation to see what you guys are doing each in your area and you know what you guys are doing different. I'm curious to see. Absolutely. Hey John, what's up with you? How are you doing?
and we all love near here.
Thanks, yes we do. I mean, do you wanna like, introduce yourself and talk about it near India and what you guys do, what are your initiatives, your community, all these things.
Yeah, absolutely. I'll start with my team and our team and what we do in near India or initiatives and then a little bit about the projects as well.
Oh, so we'll help them.
they would just lose them.
Yeah, I think this back. Yeah. So can you guys hear me? Yeah, we can hear you now. Yeah.
But first of all, I just want to appreciate the chillential community has been awesome to me. The last two times I have been here, the passion they show for educating themselves is just amazing.
really inspiring really. So yeah, just I'll start with myself. So who am I? I'm a Maslin. I'm head of Combs at near India. I manage socials in terms of internal and external communications at near India.
And about my history of work, I have been a digital marketer, marketing for a lot of the two brands. And then I moved to a big L1 chain in Cosmos, which was also in the top 10, once upon a time.
have worked there as well in terms of experience, I bring a lot from Web 2 and Web 3. So today I'm here to just talk about near India and what we are bringing to the near ecosystem. So before I go into that, we wanted to have all the team members here, but unfortunately
some of them are stuck in a gaming conference so I apologize for that. So what is near India and you know who is running it? What is going on behind the scenes? What are we even up to? This is like a big question. We have been silent for a month
If you look at behind the scenes what are going on like we have been working tirelessly for three or four months now, but they have been you know like live in the socials So near India is a regional hub for near in India. It's funded by near foundation and it is a
run by ANYlabs. So yes, Conjun and Ayushkuptha are our founders at ANYlabs. So they are also directing near India. So just to give a background on our founders, both of them have like 7 plus 6, so on
years of experience in work 3, like combined 14. So both of them come from a strong traditional finance background as well because they've worked for JP Morgan and we also have a cheap investment officer when I who worked for JP Morgan.
In terms of Web 3 experience, they worked for an L1 and Cosmos 2 and brought more than 40+ projects to a live on Web 3 ecosystem. So they have also been advised for state alabs and leap dashboard which are already live on
So in simple words, these guys that are running here and you are very capable in the sense that they understand the Web 3 ecosystem better than anyone and also have a knack up bringing projects, projects to life from idea, takes
and making the market thread and getting it to the audience. So now getting that out of the way in terms of team. So what is the function of near India and how are we approaching it in terms of initiatives? So you can classify this broadly into
to like three verticals. One would be like community building, community building in the sense building and community for near India. The second would be building a culture of the three entrepreneurship in India. And then the third would be serving the near ecosystem.
system with sustainable and useful projects. If you look at the projects that are available, some of the projects don't have a sustainable market plan or sustainable business plan in terms of sustaining themselves after once the funding in on itself or they burn all the funding and after
that they couldn't sustain themselves and they shut them down. So making sure that we bring, you know, we serve the near-accosystem with sustainable and useful projects is the third vertical. So every initiative that we take falls under one of these, like any one of them.
So let's dive into the initiatives under each of these verticals and I think that will give a better perspective into what we are up to. So in terms of community building, we are doing two important things. One is partnering with multiple influences who
who are big on India, the three in India, and also communities, the three communities in India, which don't have any knowledge about near. So finding them and also educating them on here is the first step that we are taking in terms of getting near to these people.
And number two would be having knee-ups and evens across the country as many cities as possible to educate and foster the near community. One of the things that is very important is I do feel is that you can have, you can say all GMs and GNs on
online, but you do have to meet in person to have the real bond between people and to connect with people. So for near we do want to have those meet ups and events across the country to bring people together. So in order to build a community, we are taking these two initiatives. One,
get the word across that Nier has landed on India and then the second one would be once you get the word across have meetups and events and just foster this community. Then in the vertical of building a culture of the three entrepreneurs, one of the things we are
upto is having hackathons and workshops of Nier. So this is you know towards helping devs to move from web 2 to web 3 and also in the second part it is about you know helping web 2 entrepreneurs
transition from Web2 to Web3. So let's say a dev team has an idea and we want to help them you know connect with an entrepreneur who has already been successful in the Web2 space. Now when you couple them both together you have the winning
that can deliver an amazing sustainable project. So in the sense that we want to build a culture of the 300 pranasi, you know, if you look at India in the sense of where it is at in web 2, 100 pranasi, it's one of the top five and we want to bring it
it in the same space as Web 2 as in Web 3. So the third one is very important which is bringing sustainable projects into here. This is the first part, the community building, lot of our efforts will be there.
So, you know, near foundation focus is a lot on open world as they have B2 have a focus to which is a lot on DeFi and game file which doesn't mean that you know we are
just going to focus on this. Which just means that you know when you have the rod project which is absolutely amazing and you have to bring it on, you will bring it on. But the focus still remains d5 and g5. Now is that with that focus we have
projects from ideation to soft launch and it means that you know from testnet mainnet ideation building a team initial funding marketing plan raising funds legal compliance audits you name it anything that they need
will be helping them. So take for example building a team when we have these events across the country will be able to you know bring devs from these places and connect them with the entrepreneurs. In terms of ideation you will have a lot of entrepreneurs working with us Web2
give the ideas connect them with the team in terms of initial funding pitching the ideas these guys bring to the foundation carrying them grants and also in terms of raising funds using the networks that we have across the allied busy networks to give them access more
once they have their product out, give them access to actually scale and also using our legal teams to help them comply no matter which region or jurisdictions they belong to. And also helping them with audits which are very important these days.
And now to the last part is I think what we do under, you know, bringing the sustainable projects to near is our year program, which was entrepreneurship in Residence program. So what we do under this program is that
Just a second.
Take your time. Yeah. Can you bring up Yes. He's a he's a founder. Yes. Yes. Okay.
He wants to drop some alpha.
Let's go we have for the alpha. Okay, good thanks. And there he is. Hi guys, nice to see you guys. Are you guys having a success in creating like the 3 community so far? Yeah, it's been going wonderful, you know.
I appreciate the Muslim stuff. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Vax, yeah. I would like to share some Elfa. I'm around, you know. So I think first of all, thanks, Muslim. You know, you are rightly highlighted, you know, the points that we are really focusing on.
So I wanted to give you some info on the projects that we are contributing right now. So it's around 8 projects right now under RIDA. The first one being somebody that's working with us from the XMPL team. MPL is the second biggest market for the fantasy sports.
So, the X developers from that team specifically building something with us, then we have a project from Shark Tank, you know, it's one of the well funded project that is already a success in Web2, there's over a million users right now, with a good 6-year-old, many modern
I can say you know they will be building with us really shortly and you might hear it announcement coming up this month regarding them. Apart from that you know we are also working on one of the niche which is more like you know we know bullfinch for sure right. So the idea is you know bringing the web 3D
equity due to the Web 2 markets where you know these startups in general can utilize the funds coming out from Web 3 to Web 2 and generating returns for the Web 3 is something that we are building along with one of the project and which is you know in the right now in the fundraise.
Apart from that, they are tax outwears, I think binox is already launched and some really good surprises coming up for you guys. So yeah, I think that's what I wanted to, you know, throw some help around it.
They can wax, we lost you there.
>> Dear India guys, could you tell us a little bit more about some of the events you host or the edge of the -- >> I have the entrepreneurship and background. Could you talk a little bit about how you create those end-of-life activations?
For sure. I mean, if you talk about events specifically, one of the events that we are attending today, at least my team is attending today is IDGC, which is happening in Hyderabad, which is the biggest game developer conference in India. And we are trying to get the best of contacts to different gaming studios.
We have a lot of games as well. We have MITs of India that are partnering with us. We are going even in the launch of their Wethri schools. We will also be the part of their curtain razor for their big
the biggest event in India, but all of us became a beacon chain which is inviting around 200 K students around the world and as well as the biggest route to be from India of course. Apart from that we are also looking forward to you know, to create some events like exchange events and stuff.
of like that. So that's when it comes to events. So we are targeting only very high value events rather than focusing on niche at this point. The reason being is we want to split the word near out in India. The second one being EIA. So the first thing that we want

FAQ on $NEAR Chill&Shill - Open Mic Near India | Twitter Space Recording

Who are the people mentioned in the recording?
The people mentioned in the recording are Edgity, Odin, Nier India, Vax, and John.
What is Near India?
Near India is a regional hub for Near in India that is funded by Near Foundation and run by Any Labs. It aims to build a culture of web3 entrepreneurship in India and serve the Near ecosystem with sustainable and useful projects.
What are the three verticals that Near India focuses on?
The three verticals that Near India focuses on are community building, building a culture of web3 entrepreneurship in India, and serving the Near ecosystem with sustainable and useful projects.
What are the two initiatives Near India is taking for community building?
The two initiatives Near India is taking for community building are partnering with multiple influencers and communities who are big on web3 in India and having meetups and events across the country to educate and foster the Near community.
What is the aim of the hackathons and workshops of Near?
The aim of the hackathons and workshops of Near is to help developers and web2 entrepreneurs transition from web2 to web3 and build a culture of web3 entrepreneurship in India.
What is the focus of Near Foundation?
The focus of Near Foundation is on open world and DeFi and GameFi projects.
What kind of projects does Near India support?
Near India supports projects from ideation to soft launch and provides assistance with testnet/mainnet, ideation, building a team, initial funding, marketing plan, raising funds, legal compliance, and audits.
What kind of experience do the founders of Any Labs have?
The founders of Any Labs have 14 years of combined experience in web3 and a strong traditional finance background from working for JP Morgan. They have also been advising for State Channels and Leap Dashboard.
What is the role of Near India in the Near ecosystem?
The role of Near India in the Near ecosystem is to serve as a regional hub for Near in India and build a culture of web3 entrepreneurship in India while supporting the ecosystem with sustainable and useful projects.
What is Maslin's role in Near India?
Maslin is the Head of Comms at Near India and manages socials in terms of internal and external communications. She brings a lot of experience from web2 and web3 marketing to Near India.