$NEAR NYC Chill&Shill - QSTN

Recorded: Nov. 30, 2022 Duration: 0:18:19



Okay, hello guys, sorry to keep you waiting. We have two co-hosts and but one person needs to start this base. So wax just started it and I'll be taking it from here. Will we today we have Orrin from Question
which I'm going to give him speaking rights. Let's see. I'm still learning how to do this whole Twitter space thing more of an IRL girl, you know. Let me see how I think if there's a request where would you be
to request to be a speaker so I can grant you the access. Let's see. There we go. I'm about to speak. Okay. Sorry for the technical difficulties folks but I hope everyone who had some
This past week is recharged that we're all striving to show up every day to be our best selves. And today we're going to be discussing about how do we use data on market research to propel ourselves, our communities.
and I want to see how do I accept trying to accept orange requests he is invited to speak. Here we go. Awesome. Okay, perfect. We want you in the board. Thank you. Thank you. Hello everybody.
So I know that we did, well, waxed out of space with you guys a couple of weeks ago, a little bit more than a month ago. And I see that there may be some people who have listened to that space, but some who might have not. And we'll link the the medium article to
this post too for people who want to kind of compare, you know, what we discussed today with what was discussed before. But yeah, so why don't you introduce yourself or and we, you know, kind of like a little about you about question, give us a fun fact about yourself too.
Thank you for the introduction. My name is Orin, everybody. I'm the founder of Question. Question is basically a survey marketplace where users answer quizzes from their favorite brands, creators, and businesses, and return for curated digital rewards. I went to NYU Stern, I got a degree in marketing,
And I worked in entertainment for numerous years after I graduated until eventually starting question and fully fledged going into Web 3. I guess a fun fact about me is that I sometimes release music and you can look up videos of me with millions of views as a cyborg from the future. So I guess a fun fact is that I'm also a cyborg from the future.
Wow, okay, we need some links to these music videos as well. So we can cheer you on. Thank you. Yes, definitely. And okay, so I also saw that you guys a question. I am a bit of a
words and language lover myself and I saw that you guys do term Tuesdays. And today's Wednesday, not Tuesdays, so I thought why don't we do a word Wednesday? And you give two words that kind of, you know, represent
then to question and your guys' mission. And then the homework to all of the speakers that were requested is for you guys to also come up with two words that will guide you about web3 or question so that we can make it a bit more fun.
That's a good thank you for paying attention to our term Tuesday. We normally do daily challenges and themes within the question logo. So two words that represent question. The first one I'd like to say is incentive, right? Because right now a lot of people with the bear market, with the current state of the world, they're dealing with a lot. And I think
a lot of people need incentive and I think a lot of people when they think incentive they think money. I think NFTs have showed us while NFTs can produce money, it's the incentive behind the social identity. So I think one word is incentive because we're trying to find different ways to collect people's data and trying to use different digital rewards to incentivize them to give us that data.
So incentive is one word that describes question and I think the second one is Empowerment right the goal of question is to empower users to learn more about their data and to understand the value of their data right I'm working and building on question because my information gets leaked every three months
I sign up for Norton Life Alerts and they tell me, "Hey, look, your information has been leaked on the dark web." And when these companies get sued for leaking our information, okay, for example, Facebook had a recent leak. They had to pay about 130 million, right? They make 230 million a day. So these companies are managing our information.
and then they don't even have to pay anything. And so we want to teach people that their data is worth something and empower them so that the next time their information gets leaked, they're demanding how much they're going to be paid. And they don't want to be paid the same as somebody else because we're starting to define how much is data worth and how do we quantify that is that by followers is that by how many social connections
And so we want to empower users and we also want to incentivize them. I hope that makes sense. I love those two words and I from what I've read about question and you know kind of discussed as well. I think that is a very good representation of what you guys stand for. And just to kind of expand on your point about
you know, empowering users to understand the worth of their data. You mentioned like a couple of factors, right? Like to measure how, how much the data is worth? Like what, how do you guys plan to educate your users at question? Like what, what,
What's like a bit of a curriculum, let's say that you plan to follow up on to educate you guys. That's a good question. I think education is going to be half of the question platform, right, educating people about their data and educating people about the protocols that are building, right? So we want to kind of have
We have a learning urns section where we work with different cryptocurrencies, different protocols, different NFT projects where people can earn rewards from that project for learning about them. So we want to teach people about new projects, new protocols, new APIs, new integrations in Web 3 and eventually in Web 2, as well as teaching people about their data.
We have our Qt question logo. We're going to be doing a generative NFT release early next year. But we're also going to be offering educational material featuring our character, which is going to explain to you some of the terms that we use when you're connecting your wallet about data, about cookies, about ownership, and basically just trying to make it as easy as possible. I think the goal with question
question is to be a bridge from Web 2 to Web 3. And the vision is to have our parents, our sisters, our brother, our mother, on these platforms. So we need to make sure that people feel comfortable and again empowered in this next phase of Web 3. And so we definitely need to be explaining to them what it means, right? Why are we trying to collect your data? Why are we working with these companies?
these, why is this a change from the standard and status quo and how they can get involved, you know, and just basically removing barriers to entry as well as a big point? Yeah, that is super important. And, you know, to that point, I saw that, you know, you guys do have this plan to focus on
up to users. Like, how, the which form do you think that will manifest? Like, is it going to be through an app? Is it question going to be a platform that's solely web based? Like, what's the tactic to create that bridge? Good question. So the first iteration of question that we're working on is a web application.
We're also going to be working on a mobile application, but that won't drop until next summer. So the web application will be out early 2023 and then the mobile application will be out the summer of 2023. But what we've designed is a web 2 to web 3 on board. And so you can basically join question using your Facebook or your Gmail, right? Not needing a web
Web 3 wallet, answering questions, earning NFTs and earning rewards, and we basically allow you to lazy minted. So you can basically earn tokens, earn rewards, right? Earn NFTs, and then when you actually want to own it, that's when we actually provoke you or encourage you to then create a wallet. So we're not going to create friction by forcing
you to create that wallet. The beginning of your onboarding process, it's once you want to claim your awards, right? And I believe that that's really, really important. I've learned a lot from Coinbase and Binance, right? These are big Web2 to Web3 onboarding mechanisms that have existed through multiple bear markets. And I believe it's because of the ease of use, right? Because you can just sign
up connector ID, connector credit card. And so I'm trying to design the signing up and the onboarding process to be as seamless as a coinbase or Binance. Definitely. And you said that you guys are going to be launching the web application in January. What are some of the
hurdles or milestones that you guys need to reach before that happens. I definitely think in terms of milestones, it's a big project, right? Creating a data marketplace where businesses can create surveys, there's a lot of moving pieces. And so I just think timeline is just really important, sticking the timeline, but also
on your self flexibility because this latest iteration and concept of question, we honestly came on it and it's latest iteration about two weeks ago, right? So it's really about being able to pivot, being flexible, right? Market conditions change. We wanted to get out our NFT, our our generative NFT collection this year, but with, you know, the current
state of the market, we're going to do next year. So I think flexibility is really important, you know. And then from there, just bolstering the community. So that's why we're doing these spaces. That's why we do our weekly challenges just to get the community going before this platform goes because what's the point of question if we don't have businesses to supply questionnaires and users to answer them, right?
Yeah, absolutely. And I guess what, you know, to that point, what do you think will be the number one kind of indicator to show you guys like, oh, we're getting there. Like people are actually engaging and
interested like was there a specific okay are that you're hoping to hit? I would say repeat users. I see question as a daily micro task platform right like you wake up in the morning you brush your teeth you go for a jog you're in some
So the goal would be for users to not only come one time, but to be repeat users, and to continue surfing the marketplace and answering questions. And if we can incentivize users to keep coming back and we can keep partnering with new companies to provide questions,
and to provide digital rewards, I would say that that's successful. And ideally, that should be a self-sustainable mechanism. Right? Of course, the question team has to maintain it, maintain compliance, and make sure everything is working smoothly. But if businesses supply the questions and users answer them and they
have incentive, it should just really just work by itself. And so that's really the goal for it. And right now, again, we're a web 2 to web 3, meaning we're hybrid, but we do have a vision for a completely decentralized web 3 version of question. And again, the self-sustained model would definitely feed into that as well.
I love it and I'm even thinking like how cool would it be to have question right now on this Twitter space like Just have everyone the ability to like answer the question in the Twitter space I think we need you on on this call like he needs to He needs to chat with you guys. I don't know. I think that
You're totally right that for now there needs to be like a web to focus, but eventually the goal is right to kind of have this decentralized infrastructure. So I know that you went also through the Filecoin accelerator and I'm very interested like what inside
that provided so that you were like an accelerator maxi had a point you love your accelerators. That's funny. Yeah, we did a hackathon sponsored by Enco Club. Want to give a big shout out to the Enco Club family. They've been very supportive, but we did one of their NFT hackathon
We ended up placing second and fourth into other competitions and then from then we kind of rolled over into the file coin accelerator because they were sponsoring the NFT hackathon and we just learned more about the file coin ecosystem tools to help with uploading media files pinning them we use NFT.store.
right now for businesses that want to create NFTs for their survey respondents. So we are integrated with Filecoin and it was just a really good accelerator. You know they helped us with understanding discord best practices, telegram best practices, financing, marketing and Web 3 and it's super important. You know I think
I think going to school, going to college for me, I loved it and graduating is a new phase. But I love the sense of community that I get from these accelerators, right? You get to meet other builders, you have teachers in the sense that I love that educational environment. So it was definitely a blessing to be in that Filecoin Accelerator.
Awesome awesome. How long did it last? The accelerator was three months. I believe we started in January and it ended in March or April. We had a midway check-in where we had to present what we were working on and then we had the final presentation on Demo Day, which was fun as well.
That is, yeah, that we love to see that. We're, you know, currently near NYC, right, Banyan Collective, which is the kind of current entity of near NYC. We're, you know, very fond of educational activations. We ourselves do kind of, um, heart-to-thighs.
And in San Francisco we're actually going to have a builder's day too, so we just love to see other entities doing similar educational initiatives. And so happy to hear that you got some really good support there. That's what it's about.
And you had mentioned before, speaking of education, that the use of question is for building not only digital identity, but also education. So I'm very curious to get into the details.
submitted by the format of Twitter where you can maybe like project some visuals for us to understand better. But what do you envision like with schools, right? I know you mentioned it in the former career space like how can they leverage question like what's an example of how you see it really enhance
and enhancing learning experience. So I definitely would love to get more people of color and underrepresented communities into Web 3. And so we're going to be working with the Gray Matter experience to help create the first blockchain curriculum for public schools in Chicago.
And so the goal is that these students will have a 12 week program sponsored by the Pelopoli Block Club. They are a DAO on near. You can go check them out. They're working with the Chicago Public School to trade this curriculum. Each week there's going to be guest speakers and basically after the presentation for that week, they'll have
homework and that homework will be asked on questions. So you know it might be today you learned about an NFT, you know what is the definition of a non-fundable token. Multiple choice could be short answer, right? And so students will basically complete their homework on question and upon completion of their homework, you know, on a score right or wrong.
They'll earn some token maybe from the sponsor from that week or an NFT and so the goal is to kind of revolutionize the way students do homework and learn about Web 3 and not only can they learn about Web 3 but they can use the tools to learn about Web 3 and earn while learning about Web 3 and I think that's super exciting
That is music to my ears or and I think that it's such an important conversation to kind of touch upon and make it the centerpiece in all honesty of how do we empower the second word you chose
right the most needed kind of communities and groups of people. So communities of color LGBTQ communities women I myself am an immigrant to this country and I