#Networkstate #web3 Incentivise #P2P Infrastructure - Token Talk #CTT

Recorded: Jan. 28, 2023 Duration: 2:18:22
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hey, all. I was going well.
[Clock ticking]
Nathan, if you want to request to speak, I'll just add you once you're jumping.
Hello, Chants. Hello, how's it going? Good thank you. You? Yeah, I'm doing good.
Good good. I'll be about a minute yours. I'm as good as he done. I'm ready to go if you guys are.
Yeah, I'm ready here. So whenever I'm good. Yeah, I'm good in a minute, but yeah, I can go in a minute.
I'll wait for you down. Let's know when you're good.
You guys ready?
Yeah, so you're going to go. You're welcome to Community Talk and Talk episode 56. Hope everyone's doing very, very well. We've got they call me down in the room and we've got
Nathan sent from Debus in the room as well, who we're going to speak to us today. We're going to touch on network states and the latest in Web 3 and some of the kind of more practical implications of that in the Debus side of things as well.
as well as on the speak network. So should we quite an interesting episode looking forward to it? Good to have you here Nathan, how you doing? I'm doing good. I'm looking forward to talking to y'all and sharing kind of what we've been working on over here at D-Buzz. So I appreciate y'all having me on.
Yeah, I always mind appreciate the work you guys are doing on the deep as well, I'm looking forward to hearing your updates and hearing your thoughts on how it can be integrated with speak network and everything like that. So it should be a pretty cool episode today. So what we normally do, we want to encourage people who listen to this to submit
in our Discord channel, I'll put the Discord channel in the comments beneath, but if you want us to address any related web to network state type items, and I should say web 3 items, blast for me. In the show, then please post those links and submit CTT links in our Discord.
The other thing that we want to start encouraging people to do is post to our CTT time talent treasure room. We want to follow the value for value of V for V model where if you feel like you're getting any value out of these episodes and the things that Dan and I and I guess talk about here please
Submit something to our time talent treasure room and give us something back, you know, if you feel that it's valuable. We'd be interested in understanding how you can spend your time to help us. If you've got any talents, creations, things like jingles or artwork, we're always very interested in rewarding that.
down on Ion specifically asking for donations but if anyone just donate to the show we will make sure that goes to the people who operate things in the background. People like Eddie Spina, Bill Pragg and Rika these are people who are always trying to keep the show running and doing all sorts of things in the background to help us out so we're always very appreciative of
of anyone's donations and if you add a message to those donations we'll make sure that they get read out to the show and the other thing as well is please comment under CTT podcast as we do our best to read those comments out as well and to write with our audience as much as possible which we'll be doing a bit later today for last week's show. Last thing to say for the introduction is if anyone's
listening right now, if we could ask you guys to please share this out with your audiences as well, just to let them know that you listen to some interesting Web 3 talk live, then I'm sure those people who picked out will benefit from that as well. So done, any initial thoughts from you? What type of crazy stuff is going on in the Web 3 world this week?
I always think something is going on. Always interested in talking about network states. Nothing pops in my mind right off the top.
a lot of censorship over the project baritose. Chris Rice says promoting Web2 is blasphemy. I can fully agree and completely will try my
best to delete that part of the episode. The only thing we should be saying when it comes to Web2 is use Web2 as a traffic funnel to traffic, traffic to your Web3 properties which you actually own, right? That's going to be the thing. That's the only time the Web2 should ever be mentioned.

FAQ on #Networkstate #web3 Incentivise #P2P Infrastructure - Token Talk #CTT | Twitter Space Recording

Who are the guests on the podcast episode?
They call me Dan and Nathan from D-buzz.
What topics are discussed on the podcast episode?
Network states and the latest in web 3.
What are the practical implications of web 3 discussed on the podcast?
They discuss the practical implications of web 3 on the D-buzz and Speak Network.
Where can people submit their questions for the podcast?
People can submit their questions in the Discord channel.
What is the V for V model?
It's a value for value model where people can submit something back if they feel they're getting any value out of the podcast.
Who are the people mentioned as helping to run the show in the background?
Eddie Spina, Bill Pragg, and Rika are mentioned as helping to run the show in the background.
What is the ctt time talent treasure room for?
It's for people to post their talents, creations, things like jingles or artwork, and for people to reward them if they feel it's valuable.
What should people do if they want to donate to the show?
People should donate to the show and add a message to their donation, and the message will be read out on the show.
What does Dan say about using web2?
Dan says to use web2 as a traffic funnel to traffic, traffic to your web3 properties which you actually own.
What is the request made to the listeners of the podcast?
The request is made to the listeners to share the podcast with their audiences.