⭐️NFA x ZINU⭐️ 🎙️2 minute elevator pitch

Recorded: Feb. 21, 2024 Duration: 2:16:13



I've got a smile from the sky to see the moon, watch the space fall of snow.
When I look back at my time to return, I felt strong in my spirit of love.
And with a piece of tape in my back home, I've been almost mature.
Goodbye, Sister Disco, with your flashing dry pants.
Goodbye, Sister Disco, and to your clubs and your plans.
Goodbye, Sister Disco, my dancers left you behind.
Goodbye, now you go, go.
My glasses left on and blind.
Goodbye, Sister Disco, and to your clubs and your plans.
And to all the music, it's my song.
And that, I will never let go.
I will never let go.
To the echo of the street fire.
Yo, it's four o'clock y'all.
Time to get it.
To the echo of the street fire.
Now I walk with me, my face.
A bullet in my skin.
I find it all over me and I feel alive.
My feet are the ground.
Goodbye, Sister Disco, with your flashing dry pants.
Goodbye, Sister Disco, and to your clubs and your plans.
Goodbye, Sister Disco, my dancers left you behind.
Goodbye, now you go, go.
My glasses left on and blind.
Goodbye, Sister Disco, and to your clubs and your plans.
I had to compete the love and let them finish that little ditty there, y'all.
It is Wednesday, NFA, ZNU, Mainnet Z, party, like we do it.
And people always ask me, why do I always play this song?
Because it's fucking dope.
Let's reshare the room.
Let's get this thing popping.
We got a giveaway tonight.
Let's go.
Everybody stand up.
Let's go.
This is your exercise break.
Let's get it.
Let's get it.
Let's get it.
Let's get it.
Let's get it.
Oh, yeah, he took off at least 200 calories right there.
Let's go, baby.
Hey, Sam, what's the dealio?
Yo, Ducky, what's the dealio?
Yo, yo, what's the dealio?
Happy Wednesday, everybody.
Dude, you're way too pumped and excited right now.
You got to take it down a notch.
Jesus, you scared me.
Hey, you're welcome.
And we got to get your PFP up there with a little Zodiac logo behind it.
I know it, right?
Excuse me.
NFA's rocking it.
Homie's is rocking it.
I'm rocking it.
I love it.
You got to rock it, baby.
We got to rock it.
Welcome, guys.
What's going on, my boy?
What's up, Mr. Greens?
Oh, my God, man.
I'm telling you, jumping around got me out of breath.
What'd you say?
I said I feel a little underdressed without all the purple here.
I know, dude.
You got to get your purple rocking.
You got to get yourself over to the Zodiac swap and go take a look at what's
happening over there.
I'm sure we'll be chopping it up a few times here and there about what's going
on with Maynet Z and the new decks and all the excitement going over there.
And as always, welcome everybody who's hanging with us today.
Please do me a favor.
Let's re-post out the room.
I mean, we're only eight minutes in.
We got about 50 people.
I kind of like those spaces you go on.
They're not going to even talk until there's 100 people here.
We've been getting to around 90 or so.
I'd like to see us break over into the 100 mark and keep it that way for the
whole space.
So let's get it going out there.
Shout out to some of the projects I see coming in.
We got Tricky up here.
We got Utility up here.
They're going to be making a big announcement with us tonight.
Hopefully we'll get them up here to chop it up.
Who else is up here?
We got MKVLI.
Is that Machiavelli?
Yeah, Machiavelli.
Yeah, what up, dude?
I don't even think we're following each other from the NFA, but I just gave you
a follow.
And we'll get that popping.
What's going on?
Everybody else in here?
I'm going to do a shout out to the whole room in a second.
I know we got the hogs coming up.
By the way, shout out to Seamoon.
Killed it this morning.
I'm telling you, when I'm in Seamoon space the morning, I feel like I'm in
It's like the ultimate sermon schooling of what's going on in Mainnet Z.
And I can tell you, every time I catch an early morning, it gets me pumped up
and fired up.
So shout out to Seamoon for killing it this morning.
And every morning.
I know he's there every morning.
I wish I could be there every morning.
I got to just get there.
But killing it, killing it, killing it.
And that's how we do.
And shout out to everybody else who is here today.
Tricky, what's going on with you, bro?
It's Tricky Buddha from DeFi Space Donkeys.
I'm just chilling, man.
Having a good Wednesday.
Happy to be here.
Always a great space.
So yeah, just much love.
Retweet the room.
Come on, tag some friends, guys.
Let's go.
How you doing, man?
I know it has been a minute.
And I actually, I was trying to reach out to you earlier today.
I don't even know if you got my message.
But we got to chop it up on the back channels.
I know we were supposed to do a space.
And I think things got a little bit screwed up on my end.
We had, unfortunately, I'm dealing with
back-to-back-to-back funerals in the last nine days.
So I'm hoping they say they go in three.
Hopefully, they're not going to go in nines or 12s.
I feel like it's, I've kind of hit that space in life
where a lot of people I know are, you know,
older, older, older.
So it's always a trippy time.
But I appreciate all the love and great messages
and sweet messages people have been sending me.
So shout out to everybody out there who's been giving
some extra love this last week.
I appreciate it.
What's up, Nellie?
Hey, how's it going?
Happy Wednesday, everyone.
Happy hump day.
How's it going?
Happy hump day.
That's what you call the middle of the week.
Every Wednesday's hump day, Sid.
Didn't you know?
I mean, I was going to, every day's hump day for me.
Hey, all nifty girls in the house.
I don't know if she's in the house.
Oh, maybe.
I'm just kidding. Gotcha.
I mean, no, I would, listen, it's all good.
I think she would concur, you know, let's make every day
a hump day.
Let's make it all a positive.
Isn't that what it means?
Make it a positive, positive day.
I mean, yeah, any hump day sounds positive to me.
Listen, you know, as you get older,
you realize you want as many hump days as possible, right?
That's all I can say.
I was like, yo, I think it's important that there's as much,
many hump days as possible.
That's like, you know, I don't, I don't know how many people
like when they're at the end, they're like, yo,
I wish I would have gone fishing more.
Well, maybe, maybe some people, but I'd be like, yo,
I wish I had more hump days and I'll just leave it at that.
But shout out to you, Mellie.
I know we got the utility co-coming up here today.
We, we got a little announcement going on.
Maybe we'll do that earlier than later.
Just to kind of talk about that.
I definitely want to catch up with Tricky,
want to see what Machiavelli's up to.
Mr. Green, I know we have a few other people coming through.
As I mentioned earlier, we got Graham coming through from the hogs.
We're going to be talking about an event we got going on with him
next week on the 29th.
I see Devin's in the room from DCWB.
We'd love Devin to come up.
We were just chopping it up the other day.
Devin, if you want to come up and say yo, please do.
And if there's anybody else just in general from the community,
especially anybody attached to Mainnet Z who wants to come up
and talk about the project and talk about what's going on
from the point of view of a holder,
from a point of view of a person just in the community
who's been along since the beginning with Xenu
and then obviously into the Net Z token.
And now with the DEX and the Zodiac swap happening,
anybody who wants to come up, like I said,
and talk about it just from the community standpoint, please do.
Because I know as a community member,
as a validator on the blockchain,
as a founder of a project that now lives on Mainnet Z
in the Crypto Homey's founder's collection,
I'm super pumped and excited about the future of what we're building
and really what they're building for all of us, right?
And the opportunity that we have being,
we always talk about being early to Web 3.
How often do you get to be early for a blockchain, right?
So we're here early for Web 3.
Now we're here early for a blockchain.
And the people that have been watching this happen little by little,
it seems like it took years when in reality it took seconds
for this thing to come to life in the scheme of things.
So I'm pumped.
We got a lot of things to talk about what we're doing over at Mainnet Z
and just the future of what NFA and the Homey's plan are doing.
So we'll get into that and do a little bit.
I think that's my boy, G. What up, G?
Who's under the hogs?
Yo, sorry, man.
Just spaced out for a sec.
How you doing, buddy?
Oh, good, bro.
Just wanted to shout you out, say yo.
I know you're going to be coming up
and we're going to be talking about the event coming up next week
and let you talk a little bit about the hogs in general.
Give me one second, y'all.
I saw your message, Mr. Greens.
I have to figure it out later.
Much love.
Give me one sec, you guys.
I'm just looking at a couple of messages from a couple of founders
just letting me know what's up.
Okay, beautiful.
All right, Utility Co., I'm also trying to bring you up
if you want to come up so we can make our announcement.
But Ducky, what's new and fresh?
What is it just a week, a little bit over a week since,
well, 16th, today's the 21st, so we're five days in.
You want to tell us what's going on with Zodiac and any updates?
Yeah, absolutely.
So the launch was super, super smooth.
The feedback that we've gotten has been incredible.
Right now, the bridge is undergoing some pretty major overhauls,
which is actually a super, super positive thing.
I think that we should have some more info coming out
through the official channels pretty shortly here.
But it basically just means that even more security, even more functionality.
And I know that Dale and his team have been working basically around the clock
on some major DEX improvements as well.
You know, DEX is live right now.
You can swap, et cetera.
Always a PSA.
Know what you're buying.
Double check, triple check, especially with a new platform
that you're maybe not familiar with.
Always, always triple check.
If you need to ask someone in the community,
that's what the Mainnet Z Telegram is for.
That would be something that I should probably post in here.
So let me look at that real quick.
And other than that, we've seen, you know, lots of contracts,
lots of NFT projects coming over.
And, you know, it's just a kind of surreal time.
You know, major, major quality of life improvements coming soon.
And, yeah, we're just super, super pumped.
Sorry, you can probably hear it in my voice,
but I've been basically up with a little three-year-old
having night terrors the last three nights.
So I'm a little bit under the weather and under select.
But we're here, baby.
We're building, so it's all good.
Those are the worst.
Just so you know, it's harder for the parent than the kid.
The kid will wake up and not even recall what happened last night.
Oh, yeah.
You're the one suffering.
Yeah, she has zero clue.
She's like, let's play.
I'm like, whoa, hold on.
But you were just screaming at the top of your lungs,
and it seems like you were possessed.
Like, you were looking at me saying,
dada, I need you, dada.
Like, but I'm right here.
No, it's nuts.
But, you know, it's all good, part of the growing pains.
I had them when I was a kid, too, so.
But, yeah, no fun and no sleep, that's for sure.
Yeah, definitely.
As you and I talked about earlier, that's always rough.
You never want to see your kid in pain and scared.
And that in itself is just a trip, right?
So definitely take care of yourself, brother.
But, yeah, I'm pumped for everything going down.
And like Sid said earlier, if anyone wants to get up here
and, you know, talk anything, ZNU, anything, mainnet Z,
Zodiac swap, what's your experience has been so far?
We would love to hear it.
So, but I'm sure we'll have some time in between
all these awesome projects.
Yeah, for sure.
The other thing is, just to kind of give you guys a heads up,
as you and I have been talking, we're going to be updating
the format of the space over the next few weeks.
We're going to be highlighting every week, we're going to
highlight a new member from the community who's just gone
above, way above, helping out and making things happen
and just participating.
So we're going to be kind of shouting that person out,
giving us some extra love in the space, having to come up
and chop it up with us.
We're also going to start to give away some additional
prize in the space.
You know, we're all excited about the net Z token.
And so starting next week, I'm going to start doing some
giveaways in the space for net Z's, bringing some new people
into the ecosystem.
So be on the lookout for that because that's going to be
going down and Mr. Green will be posting how you go about
winning those net Z's.
But I'm excited about doing that.
And like I said, kind of spreading the love and getting
some new people in here.
Hold on a second.
I don't know, Mr. Green, I have to hit you back, dude.
That doesn't make sense.
Yeah, no, I don't understand it either, bro.
Yeah, I don't know what's going on there.
So we'll figure that out.
What's up, Mark Valley?
What's up?
I was actually firstly, thanks for having us here, Sid.
And glad to be joining you all here in the NFA space.
I am Chris over at the utility company.
I'm joining through Machiavelli at the moment.
And we should have Pan Pan joining up through the utility
company account.
But in terms of everything you guys got going on with main
nets, you know, it's been amazing having a blockchain
developer in the community, right?
It's been a great layer in terms of getting the community
educated and understanding the technology better.
And especially the way you guys are building it out with a
focus on the devs and all that good stuff.
So like, how does it, how's it been from your perspective,
going through that journey of bringing education related to
the blockchain to the community?
Yeah, great question.
And I mean, it's just, it's such a beast of a project.
So like, I mean, we could spend, you know,
probably three Wednesdays and still not have touched the,
you know, the base or the surface of the iceberg, right?
Not even going below water at that point.
There's just, there's so many moving parts to it.
But it's such a worthwhile endeavor because you have,
you know, all of these blockchains that exist currently,
and there's no shortage of them necessarily,
but it's a really, really cool process to be able to build
something from the ground up with, you know,
the building blocks of those who have come before us, right?
And knowing, you know, what's worked, what hasn't.
So it's just a, it's a really awesome, you know,
overwhelming at times, but worthwhile project.
And we're, we're super pumped that you're all here and,
you know, building on, on main net Z.
Yeah. We're definitely looking into getting you all integrated into
DigiBazaar at some point, which is our multi chain aggregate,
aggregating marketplace that we just launched.
So I got to get you all indexed and on there.
So looking forward to it.
Awesome. Yeah, definitely.
I think I joined from my, my personal BFP.
There's a post I'm driving right now,
but there's a post that I'll put up at the top of the,
the jumbo Tron here at some point.
And I'll, I'll link you up with Davey who's, you know,
probably the right person to talk to, to get all set up with that.
Looking forward to an amazing stuff.
Y'all are building the morning spaces are great.
I know I haven't had too much of an opportunity to hang out there,
but the few times I've been in there,
you all are the most warm and welcoming communities.
If you're not following Zeno, if you're not following me,
let's do it now.
Yeah, I was saying, Chris, I don't know if you caught sea moon space.
You're catching late night with cars or rows or, you know,
all the people that are just who step up big time in that community
doing all these amazing spaces.
But you're right. Very welcoming.
You know, I'm thankful.
I've been part of the community since day one and have been more and more
active, obviously, over the last year and a half or so since, uh,
since NFA and Zeno kind of started working on this venue in Vegas.
And, um, obviously putting a lot of our emphasis moving forward into main
that Z and making it the backbone of what NFA is built on.
So I'm super pumped.
I know we got some big announcements coming up today with you guys.
So I'm excited about that.
And, um, I know that Mr.
Green has the, uh, post ready to go whenever you are.
Uh, is you guys going to come up as utility company as well, Chris,
or somebody else?
Is it just going to be you under the Macha Valley?
Um, no, I do believe, uh, the utility company should be hopping up.
Uh, might be just getting done with a call, I believe.
So no worries.
Uh, I see Paul came in.
I see funky came in, uh, any of the founders who, uh, are up here, uh,
who may have not been able to, uh, confirm with Mr.
Green's just hit them up, just throw up your hand, jump on up, uh,
and we'll get you up here.
Cause I know it was a little bit confusing today, uh, cause of all the
different stuff this week going on.
So definitely tap in.
Oh, uh, Graham.
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
Yo, yo, yo.
Listen while they're getting ready to get pop in here.
Listen, wall, uh, they're getting ready to get pop in here.
Why don't we talk about what we got going on?
Why don't we talk about what we got going on?
Why don't you talk a little bit about the hogs?
Why don't you talk a little bit about the hogs?
Oh, what I was saying before you guys, we are changing the format up a
little bit.
So be on the lookout.
Uh, we're going to keep it loosey goosey tonight, but like I said,
Uh, we're going to keep it Lucy goosey tonight, but like I said,
But like I said, we're gonna do some some spotlights every week. We're gonna be doing some new giveaways and
we're going to do some, uh, uh, some spotlights every week.
We're going to be doing some new giveaways and, um,
It's gonna be pretty dope. So Graham, why don't you tell us what's up with the hogs? I know we got this event coming up
So Graham, why don't you tell us what's up with the hogs?
I know we got this event coming up.
Um, hopefully we'll get zenu involved in the community.
Hopefully we'll get zenu involved in the community
I'm sure they're going to want to be involved anyways,
I'm sure they're gonna want to be involved anyways just from being part of the homies in NFA
just from being part of the homies in NFA, but, uh,
But tell us what's going on with with this great event on the 29th
tell us what's going on with, uh, with this great event on the 29th.
Yeah, that's, that's totally what I want to talk about.
Yeah, that's that's totally what I want to talk about. So
So we're going to, we're going to change it up.
We're gonna we're gonna change it up. We're gonna shake things up a bit and we're gonna make an event
We're going to shake things up a bit and we're going to make an event
like you haven't normally seen before.
Like you haven't normally seen before so it's gonna be a mega space we're gonna host it in the discord
So it's going to be a mega space.
We're going to host it in the discord.
The reason is so we can stream a game night.
The reason is so we can stream a game night. We're gonna have going so
We're going to have going.
We've been we're gonna we're gonna start doing a lot of these but we're kicking it off in a big way with
We're kicking it off in a big way with, uh, with people we trust people.
With people we trust people we respect like the homies. We have mega deaths coming. We have the endangered
We respect like the homies.
We have mega deaths coming.
We have the endangered.
so these are all great projects that you can you can hear about and
So these are all great projects that you can, you can hear about.
And so there's not only that,
So there's not only that but then we're gonna kick it off at the end
but then we're going to kick it off at the end.
each each projects gonna choose four contestants to come into a slot battle royale, so we have a
each project's going to choose four contestants to come into a slot battle
so we have a platinum account at stake.com.
platinum account at stake.com
It's a crypto casino.
It's a crypto casino. It's one of the the biggest crypto casinos out there and
It's one of the biggest crypto casinos out there.
And, you know, this isn't gambling.
You know, this isn't gambling this is for entertainment purposes, but we're gonna buy
This is for entertainment purposes,
but we're going to buy $3,000 of bonus buys slots.
$3,000 of bonus buys slots
So if you get chosen to be in the tournament,
So if you get chosen to be in the tournament, it'll start off with 16 players
it'll start off with 16 players.
Each player is going to get to start with an $80 buy.
each player is gonna get
to start with an $80 buy and
And it's going to go like, let's say it was, uh, me against Sid.
It's gonna go like let's say it was
me against it and
And Sid gets a hundred X return on his bonus buy.
Sid gets a hundred X return on his bonus buy and I only get 50
And I only get 50.
well, Sid's gonna move on to the next round and the next round will be eight players and it'll be a bigger buy and
Well, Sid's going to move on to the next round and the next round will be eight players
and it'll be a bigger buy.
And then we'll have four players and then we'll have the final two,
then we'll have four players and then we'll have the final two which will be some some jumbo buys and
which will be some, some jumbo buys.
And, you know, the prizes, there will be lots of prizes.
You know the prizes there will be lots of prizes there will be
There will be, uh, you know, different, different NFTs,
know different different NFTs different
different, uh, prizes varying on, on how we do if we hit a jackpot.
Prizes varying on on how we do if we hit a jackpot
Of course, we've always been a very generous community and and we're gonna you know, we're gonna share that with people
Of course, we've always been a very generous community
and, and we're going to, you know, we're going to share that with people.
If we don't hit a jackpot, there'll still be some cool stuff
If we don't hit a jackpot, there'll still be some cool stuff.
you'll get to hang out you'll get the the rush and the thrill without risking any of your own money and
You'll get to hang out.
You'll get the, the rush and the thrill without risking any of your own money.
And it's going to be a great way to hear from these amazing projects.
It's gonna be a great way to hear from
These amazing projects. So on the 29th at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, you're gonna want to come tune into this
So on the 29th at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time,
you're going to want to come tune into this.
You're going to hear from the homies.
You're gonna hear from the homies. You're gonna hear from mega deaths. You're gonna hear from the endangered
You're going to hear from mega deaths.
You're going to hear from the endangered.
You're going to hear from the hogs.
you're gonna hear from the hogs and you're gonna get a night of
And you're going to get a night of, uh, of de-gening it up.
Degenerating it up. So
So definitely come check it out.
Definitely come check it out. I'll tell you all about each sea hogs during that night if you want to learn more and
I'll tell you all about each sea hogs during that night if you want to learn more.
And, uh, yeah, we're just getting fired up.
Yeah, we're just getting fired up it was we've done a couple of these they've been a huge success
It was, we've done a couple of these.
They've been a huge success.
So we're looking forward to doing more and more of these, you know what I mean?
So we're looking forward to doing more and more of these.
You know what I mean?
Maybe one or two a month, get some other projects in.
maybe one or two a month get some other projects in you know what I mean and
You know what I mean?
And, uh, just chop it up and then have some fun afterwards.
just chop it up and then have some fun afterwards and
And I don't know how the projects are going to choose their participants.
I don't know how the projects are gonna choose their participants. It could be through
It could be through people asking good questions, people participating,
People asking good questions people participating people, you know, maybe someone mints maybe someone
people, you know, maybe someone mints, maybe someone, you know what I mean?
You know what I mean? Just is one of those people that stands out in their community. I
Just is one of those people that stands out in their community.
always like to reward
I always like to reward, uh, community members, people that are holders.
Community members people that are holders. That's the the people I tried to reward but
That's the people I try to reward.
But, uh, each project is going to have their own discretion for their,
Each project's gonna have their own discretion for their their people they choose. So you never know, right? You never know who could
their people they choose.
So you never know, right?
You never know who could, who could be chosen.
Could be chosen and it's it's gonna be people that show up. So mark it in your calendars. Come on down
And it's, it's going to be people that show up.
So mark it in your calendars.
Come on down.
It's gonna be a blast
It's going to be a blast.
And I posted, I pinned up to the top guys, the post we put out from the
Yeah, and I poster I pinned up to the top guys the post we put out from the homies profile and it's got the discord
homies profile and it's got the discord listed right in the profile.
Listed right in the profile so you guys can join in and get in there now so that you're ahead of the game
So you guys can join in and get in there now so that you're ahead of the game.
Yeah, I'm totally stoked about this.
Yeah, I'm totally stoked about this you guys
You guys obviously Graham and the hogs have been big supporters of our
Obviously Graham and the hogs have been big supporters of our community
community, um, and are, are really good people on top of that.
And are really good people on top of that
Like he said, this is a fun way to kind of be able to play with someone
Like he said, it's a fun way to kind of be able to play with someone else's money win some prizes and learn about some great
else's money, uh, win some prizes and learn about some great projects.
Projects excited to hang with mega death. I know that evil men doctor human's been
Uh, I know that, uh, evil men, Dr.
Eelman's been, uh, uh, trying to connect us with them.
trying to connect us with them and it looks like we are gonna be doing a homey space or
And it looks like we are going to be doing a homie space or NFA space
NFA space with mega death coming up soon. I'm sure the hogs will be participating with us
with mega death coming up soon.
I'm sure the hogs will be participating with us, uh, but we are going to do a
But we are gonna do a special space with them and hopefully we'll start working with them
special space with them and hopefully we'll start working with them.
Uh, talk to them about some physical toys and some other things that we want
Talk to them about some physical toys and some other things that we want to get going but
to get going, but, uh, uh, super pumped brother.
Super pumped brother. I appreciate you Graham
I appreciate you, Graham.
Uh, you guys, the post is up at the top.
You guys the post is up at the top. Make sure you interact with that as a matter of fact
Make sure you interact with that.
As a matter of fact, don't forget to interact with the post for tonight.
Don't forget to interact with the post for tonight. I am giving away a
Cause I am giving away, uh, a homie's mint.
Homies mint and for any of you that have been trying to mint. I had a few people
And, uh, for any of you that have been trying to mint, I had a few people, uh,
recently tried to mint.
Recently tried to mint. Obviously you could see because the price of Eve
Obviously you could see because the price of Eve, um, the price is through the
The price is through the roof. It's almost
roof. It's almost $440 now to mint.
$440 now to mint so I'm gonna be calling a meeting with the lowrider council to talk to about our options of what to do
So, uh, I'm going to be calling a meeting with the, uh, low rider council to
talk to them about our options of what to do.
Because unfortunately the way the contract was set up it it can't be altered
Uh, because unfortunately the way the contract was set up, it, uh, it can't be
altered, but in the meantime, we still have our promo going and I was able to
But in the meantime, we still have our promo going and I was able to get those people to jump into our promo
get those people to jump into our promo.
Uh, basically you get two homie mints for $200 plus one birthday mint and one
basically, you get two homie mints for $200 plus one birthday mint and one out of the 69 people win
out of the 69 people win $5,000 or a combination of a trip to LA.
$5,000 or a combination of a trip to LA and the difference in five in the difference in cash
Uh, and the difference in five in the difference in cash.
So we brought in a couple new people yesterday into that you guys know how I roll
So, uh, we, we brought in a couple of new people yesterday into that.
Uh, you guys know how I roll. I really don't promote a lot of that stuff.
I really don't promote a lot of that stuff. I only talked about it
I only talk about it in our spaces.
In our spaces
So if you want to grab a couple of homies and you don't want to pay the current minting price
So if you want to grab a couple of homies and you don't want to pay the current
minting price, definitely hit me up in DMS, open a ticket in the discord.
Definitely hit me up in DMS open a ticket in the discord
once again, you're gonna get two mints, which is two Genesis and six of our generals for
Uh, once again, you're going to get two mints, uh, which is two Genesis and six
of our generals for, um, $200 USD.
$200 USD you also get the
You also get the, uh, 5,000 and essay tokens, which is $50, uh, in tokens
5,000 and SA tokens, which is $50 in tokens towards future mints and
towards future mints and, uh, products and I are relevance.
products and I are relevance and
Um, and, um, yeah, that's all you got to do.
Yeah, that's all you got to do just reach out to me reach out to mr. Green
Just reach out to me, reach out to Mr. Green, uh, send out a, send me a DM to
Send out a send me a DM to the homies to me personally and we'll get you guys hooked up and shout out to all the people
the homies, to me personally, and we'll get you guys hooked up and shout out to
all the people in here who've already jumped in with us in support of the promo.
In here have already jumped in with us in support of the promo. I appreciate it
I appreciate it. Uh, big time hogs. Tricky.
Big-time hogs tricky. I see a lot of people down there who've who supported so thanks a lot y'all
I see a lot of people down there who've, uh, who support it.
So thanks a lot, y'all. Um, in the meantime, I see Sal is up here.
In the meantime, I see Sal is up here. Oh, no, he was up here a second. Yo, then he fails jump back up here Sal
Oh no, he was up here a second ago that he bounced. Jump back up here, Sal.
I don't know what happened to you brother and I see our brother dude. He's just here
I don't know what happened to you, brother. And I see our brother, dude.
He's just here. What's up, Malo? Would love for you to come up and say yo.
What's up? Mallow would love for you to come up and say yo if you have a second definitely come up and say yo
If you have a second, definitely come up and say yo. Um, popular.
Popular if you want to come up and say yo as well
If you want to come up and say yo as well. I don't know if you'll be rocking in with, uh,
I don't know if you'll be rocking in with with wolfy later, but definitely welcome to come up
with Wolfie later, but, uh, definitely welcome to come up.
Uh, want to shout out my boy Ken Jilla. Congrats on the sellout, brother.
Want to shout out my boy Ken Jilla
Congrats on the sellout brother. I'm still waiting for my I'm still waiting for my goodie from Jay Rock
I'm still waiting for my, uh, I'm still waiting for my goodie from Jay Rock, uh,
which I know I'll get soon, but congrats on the mint out on main.
Which I know I'll get soon but congrats on the mint out on main that Z
That Z killing the game, my brother.
killing the game my brother and
And look at that. Just like that. We got our boy up here.
Look at that just like that. We got our boy up here. What up doogie doogie homie homie
What up? Doogie, doogie, homie, homie. What's up? Doogie, doogie, homie, homie.
What's up? Doogie doogie homie homie? I would do the fam
What is up here on the grind,
What is up?
Here on the grind like a two-ton man on a tuna fish can we're applying pressure and you guys always are too
like a two ton man on a tuna fish can, we're applying the pressure.
And, uh, you guys always are too. It's good to see you. And, uh, yeah,
It's good to see ya and yeah, NFA. Let's pump it
NFA let's pump it. All good, brother. You know,
All good, brother. You know, you know how much we love the doogies and
you know how much we love the doogies and, uh,
I know you're working on your IRL business. Um, you're doing,
I know you're working on your IRL business
You're doing you talked about what you're doing or no
you talked about what you're doing or no, dude. Yeah. I mean, uh,
Dude, yeah, I mean the 3d print business. We had record year last year. Just literally printing
the 3d print business, uh, we had record year last year, just, uh,
literally printing, uh, about like 2000 holiday orders.
About like 2,000 holiday orders. I was like just mayhem
I was like, just mayhem, uh,
we're landing like some bigger like web two clients too. And then, you know,
Relainted like some bigger like web to clients too
And then you know web 3 or always staying active with the pack and yeah
web three were always staying active with the pack. And, uh, yeah,
do you got some doogie stuff to talk about if you guys, uh, want to chat,
Do you got some doogie stuff talk about if you guys want to chat?
but yeah, Sid, we got to catch up on the back channels too.
But yeah, see if you got to catch up on the back channels, too
I got some web two plays for you as well. Um,
I got some web 2 plays for you as well
Got some puzzles to figure out and I think you might have the formula to unlock it. But yeah, it's good to hear from you
got some puzzles to, uh, figure out.
And I think you might have the formula to unlock it, but, uh, yeah,
it's good to hear from you then.
You too, brother. Let's connect some dots as always. Uh,
You too, but let's connect some dots as always
if you guys don't know the doogies, I don't know what you're doing.
If you guys don't know the doogies, I don't know what you're doing. This is a historic project
This is a historic project. Uh,
it was around before Macy, Basie, all those cats and, uh,
was around before Macy Basie all those cats and
great community great people they're obviously super active some of the dopest memes out there and
great community, great people there. Uh, obviously super active.
Uh, some of the dopest memes out there and, uh,
Malaman's been a big supporter of the homies, NFA me personally.
Malamans been a big supporter of the homies NFA me personally, so I appreciate it brother big time
So I appreciate it brother. Big time. There is a one-on-one doogie homie,
There is a one-on-one doogie homie
uh, inside the, the crypto homies collection.
Inside the the crypto homies collection if you haven't checked out all those one-on-ones including
If you haven't checked out all those one-on-ones, including the dope
the dope at Xenu
ass Zeno, go to crypto homies club.io. Go check out the collections up there.
Go to crypto homies club.io. Go check out the collections up there
Uh, you'll get to see all the benefits of collecting sets and you'll be able
You'll get to see all the benefits of collecting sets and you'll be able to see all the one-on-one pieces because they are bananas
to see all the one-on-one pieces cause they are bananas.
So definitely go check that out
So, uh, definitely go check that out and appreciate you brother.
And appreciate you brother. Do you have anything you want to post up to the top?
Do you have anything you want to post up to the top?
Uh, yeah, I'll post up a, uh, quick little, uh,
Yeah, I'll post up a quick little
Post that we did yesterday
post that we did yesterday. We are going to be, uh,
We are going to be coming to Duganals
come to dooganals. So, uh, if you have a doogie,
So if you have a doogie we'll be doing a Duganal drop
we'll be doing a, uh, dooganal drop. So, uh, yeah, stay tuned.
so yeah, stay tuned doogies gonna come over come over the doge chain take it over real quick and
Doogie is going to come over, come over to the doge chain,
take it over real quick and, uh, yeah, have some fun over there.
yeah, have some fun over there and
And, uh, yeah, doogies, like you said, historical.
Yeah, doogies. Like you said historical. We've been aging like fine wine on the blockchain
We've been aging like fine wine on the blockchain, um, pre-basie
pre-basie and just
and just, uh, continuing to build, continuing to, uh, push.
Continuing to build continuing to a push and yeah, we're doing spaces our typical
And yeah, we're doing spaces our typical, uh, Thursday, six o'clock Eastern.
Thursday six o'clock
Eastern and yeah, we're packed chatting it up just having some fun and we'll be doing some special drops tomorrow, too. So
And yeah, we're packed, chatting it up, just having some fun.
And we'll be doing some special drops tomorrow too. So, uh, yeah.
Yeah, I'm putting on my calendar brother. I'm gonna pop in tomorrow and say yo and
I'm putting on my calendar, brother. I'm going to pop in tomorrow and say yo.
And, uh, definitely got to turn you on to main net Z. We got to get a doogie's
Definitely got a turn you on to main net Z. We got to get a doogies collection
collection, uh, over there for sure. So, uh,
over there for sure
So definitely need to chop it up on that one
definitely need to chop it up on that one.
And chop it up throw it in the blender. Let's go
Chop it up, throw it in the blender. Let's go.
Yeah, every freaking project could be your hogs. Graham. You need to get a project on main net Z
Yeah. Every freaking project could be your hogs. Graham, you need to get a
project on main net Z. Uh, everybody who's in here, uh,
Everybody who's in here
we should be talking about that. And if you need help or direction,
we should be talking about that and
If you need help or direction definitely hit me up and I'll connect you to the right people if I can't help you with
definitely hit me up and I'll connect you to the right people.
If I can't help you with, uh, the knowledge I have, but, uh,
The knowledge I have but I want to see this thing blow up and it's gonna happen with all these great founders on there
I want to see this thing blow up and it's going to happen with all these great
founders on there. Uh, you know,
Dropping some new projects and sharing the wealth with the with with the people's
dropping some new projects and sharing the wealth with the, uh,
with, with the people's, uh, blockchain. You know what I'm saying?
Blockchain, you know I'm saying we talked in main net Z. Y'all
We talked in main net Z, y'all doogie, doogie, homie, homie,
Dude you do you hold me homie
doogie, doogie for the people. And yeah, let's see it. Uh,
Do we do you for the people and yeah, let's see it. Uh, and yeah, dude use
and yeah, doogies, uh, homies. Uh, yeah,
Yeah, just excited to have you guys here for this next run
just excited to have you guys here for this next run.
I think everybody kind of came in during different times
I think everybody kind of came in during different times,
but if you hung around, especially in the NFA fam,
But you hung around especially in the NFA fam always been solid and we're gonna be here
always been solid and we're going to be here just dancing on the table tops,
Just dancing on the table tops come bowl and everything that we've been doing in this bear
come bowl and everything that we've been doing in this bear,
it will pay off and, uh, we're in good positions.
It will pay off and we're in good positions. So keep grinding fam and
So keep grinding fam. And, uh, yeah, if you can dream it,
Yeah, if you can dream it you can do it. Let's go
you can doge it. Let's go.
If you can dream it, you can do you got to do get, uh,
Me you can do you got to do get you know something? It's funny
you know, something that's funny. I was just looking at my calendar and I'm,
I was just looking at my calendar and I'm home if this is gonna say there's no frickin way
oh, this is going to say there's no fricking way. It's,
It's I think it's either the 19 20th 21st or 22nd was my personal
I think it's either the 19 20 at 21st or 22nd was my personal first day on
first day on Twitter talking about the homies and NFA
Twitter, talking about the homies and NFA 2022.
So it's literally, I know for a fact because, uh,
so it's literally I know for a fact because
during 2021 I had a full team that was working the social for me and I never
During 2021 I had a full team that was working the social for me
And I never got on Twitter. I never got on anything
got on Twitter. I never got on anything. Uh,
they said they had me covered until I realized they didn't have me covered.
They said they had me covered until I realized they didn't have me covered
Uh, and I remember jumping on my first time, um, this, like within this,
And I remember jumping on my first time
this like within this this few days two years ago and
this few days, two years ago and, uh,
introducing what we were up to from my point of view.
Introducing what we were up to from my point of view. So it's crazy to be your two years
So it's crazy to be here two years. I know that you and I connected back then.
I know that you and I connected back then mallow
Mallow, um, pretty much right away when I got into the space. Um,
Pretty much right away when I got into the space
It's crazy. I think that some of us have been here that long
it's crazy. I think that some of us have been here that long. Um,
I know there's probably a lot of people in the community that's been here that long
I know there's probably a lot of people in the community that's been here that
long, but there's sure as hell in a lot of the original founders, uh,
But there sure as hell in a lot of the original founders
still creeping and crawling, uh, that were around back then. So, you know,
Still creeping and crawling that were around back then. So, you know shout out to everybody who?
shout out to everybody who, who, uh,
persevered and kept it going, uh,
Persevered and kept it going and built for the community and built for the future and
and built for the community and built for the future.
And that's what we're doing here. So I know Mellie was here. Mellie,
That's what we're doing here. So I know Mellie was here
Mellie when do you get into web 3 was it in 2022 right around the same time?
when did you get into web three? Was it in 2022 right around the same time?
Yeah, that was right around the same time.
Yeah, that was right around the same time and I think you were one of the first communities I ever like joined to so
And I think you were one of the first communities I ever like joined to.
So it's right around the same timeline.
It's right around the same timeline. Yeah, I listen I always say, you know, we invisible enemies was was fresh on the scene
Yeah. I listen, I always say, you know, we,
invisible enemies was, was fresh on the scene, uh,
when we really started to work on NFA and get that going.
When we really started to work on NFA and get that going and they were one of the biggest
And they were one of the biggest, um,
Supporters and and brought out how many people I was at 20,000 people
supporters and brought out how many people I was at 20,000 people.
I mean, the numbers were insane.
I mean the numbers were insane. I think was close to 18 or 20,000 people signed up for our whitelist
I think it was close to 18 or 20,000 people signed up for our white list,
uh, through Mell and invisible enemies.
through Mel and invisible enemies and it's crazy to think we had over 120,000 people on our whitelist and
And it's crazy to think we had over 120,000 people on our white list and,
uh, we won't even go there.
We won't even go there. We all know what happened with it with the founders that were feeling the pressure of NFA and the ones who realized
We all know what happened with it,
with the founders that were feeling the pressure of NFA and the ones who
realized like we're here to build together. No one's looking for the whole pie.
Like we're here to build together. No one's looking for the whole pie. We're just trying to build and
We're just trying to build and, uh, build a community together.
Build the community together and those who build together are you gonna grow and be the ones to persevere?
And those who build together are going to grow and be the ones to persevere.
So fuck all the people out there who didn't, uh,
So fuck all the people out there who didn't who didn't show up like Mel and all the invisible enemies
who didn't show up like Mell and all the invisible enemies.
Uh, but we still love you.
But we still love you in if you are even if you're a DJ and you didn't show up. It's all good
And if you are, uh, even if you're a DJ and you didn't show up, it's all good.
Got to do it.
Got to do it
Uh, shout out to the audience.
Shout-out to the audience. Let me just go out there and just do a quick shout-out
Let me just go out there and just do a quick shout out.
I was hoping I had somebody who was coming in special to do it tonight,
I was hoping I had somebody who was coming in special to do it tonight, but I don't think he got his voice back
but I don't think he got his voice back.
So of course, Mr. Green's Ducky Graham,
So, of course, mr. Green's ducky Graham Mallow utility Chris tricky Mel Pa
Mallow utility, Chris, Tricky, Mel,
Pa, uh, Anton, Arnold, Valerie, what up, Conrad, Joey, my boy, bad.
Anton Arnold Valerie, what up Conrad Joey my boy bad. Hey, what up Cortez? What's the word zombillionaire cult?
Hey, what up Cortez? What's the word?
Some billionaire Colt.
We got David Alex ducky in the house twice.
We got David Alex ducky in the house twice the new cowboy Edwin
Z new cowboy Edwin.
We got a Jesse rhino tough in the house.
We got Jesse rhino tough in the house. Jeff. What up lady wings is here. We got adrenaline
Jeff, what up lady wings is here.
We got adrenaline.
We got Mallow Tika Louise.
We got Mallow tikka Louise. We got Mac. We got doomsday Jay Rizzle in the house. What up Rizzle? We got the Joker
We got Mac.
We got doomsday Jay Rizzle in the house.
What up Rizzle?
We got the Joker.
What up Joker?
What up Joker? I know you uh, you were the last homies winner Congrats brother. We got Freddie. We got Trey
I know you, uh, you were the last homies winner.
Congrats brother.
Uh, we got Freddie.
We got Trey.
We got Harley.
We got Harley, what up Harley? Tosecki's
What up Harley?
Joe Secchi's, uh, Z.
Z new J's delco Mac daddy drain. Oh Heather read up baba jazz. What up Vikram?
New J's Delco Mac.
Daddy drain.
Oh, Heather.
Baba jazz.
Sosa IP some drizzle in the house. What up zombini prime Z future. What a future
Some diesel in the house.
Zombini prime Z future.
What up future?
JG pit monk.
JG pit monk my boy, Texas. What up, Texas rose to man. See Raj. Sal. I am what up. I am van the man
My boy, Texas.
What up, Texas?
Rose demand.
See Raj Sal.
I am what up.
I am van.
The man nifty's girl in the house.
Nifty's girl in the house. What up nifty's girl. We got Roach. We got
What up nifty's girl?
We got Roach.
We got Q H you going to give you a follow back.
Qhu we're gonna give you a follow back. What up Q. We got scratch in the house giving you a follow back
What up Q?
We got scratch in the house.
Giving you a follow back.
We got uh, arthanita. I'm gonna give you a follow. We got fate altar following you back
We got, uh, Arthur need.
I'm going to give you a follow.
We got a fate alter following you back.
We got crypto Cassiano giving you a follow.
We got crypto casiano giving you a follow
We got, uh, let's see here.
We got uh, let's see here
Can't see everybody.
Can't see everybody. We got dig me in here giving you a follow back dope little xenu
We got dig me in here.
Giving you follow back.
Dope little Z new.
We got circadian circadian.
We got circadian circadian giving you a follow
Giving you follow.
We got pot growers.
We got pot growers guild. Let's go giving you a follow and we got
Let's go.
Giving you a follow.
And we got first steps out of China.
first steps
Out of uh, china looks like what is crackening?
It looks like what is cracketing?
Ni Hao Ma.
Ni hao ma welcome to the space
Welcome to the space.
Got to drop a little Chinese in there for y'all because you got to do it.
Got to drop a little chinese in there for y'all
Because you got to do it
You know what I'm saying, Ducky?
You know what i'm saying ducky
Wait, Sid, was that you sticking there?
Wait, it said was that you sticking there?
He gots to get you ready to, uh, you want to sign me?
He gots to get you ready to uh, you want to sign me?
Yes, yo what?
Yo, what?
You want to sign me?
You want to sign me? Yes, I do. Listen many people have been trying to sign me for years
Yes, I do.
Listen, many people have been trying to sign me for years.
Um, and, uh, I've, I've kept it solo.
um, and uh, i've kept it solo i've kept it independent
I've kept it independent and, uh, I'll probably keep it that way.
And uh, i'll probably keep it that way
But, uh, let's just reset the room.
But uh, let's just reset the room y'all
Y'all post everything out.
Post everything out. Let's get some new people in here
Let's get some new people in here.
I got a 30 second track for you.
I got a 30 second track for you and then we're gonna come back talk to tricky
And then we're going to come back, talk to tricky, get an update on what's
Get an update on what's going on with the buddha man himself
going on with the Buddha man himself.
Welcome to the nistic compound where we going all night
I had to do it, doctor.
Had to do it doctor. Have you heard that yet duck?
Have you heard that yet, doc?
I have not.
I have not that's dope
That's dope.
That was a AI song that was made for us.
That was a ai song that was made for us
Just a little snippet AI track.
Just just a little snippet ai track
Uh, I can't wait for all these AI artists to bust down the scene.
Uh, I can't wait for all these ai artists to bust down the scene. You know what i'm saying?
You know what I'm saying?
Some real, I'm like, you know, people were harping on Millie Vanilli.
Some real i'm like, you know people were harping on milli vanilli
But, uh, now look what we got.
But uh now look what we got. We just got ai
We just got AI.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir, what is the difference between milli vanilli and ai not very much
What is the difference between Millie Vanilli and AI?
Not very much.
At least you got Rob.
At least you got rob, you know, you got the dudes themselves
You know, you got the dudes themselves bumping chins.
Bumping I guess with ai you can be up front more about it
I guess with AI, you can be upfront more about it.
You know, but you can bump chins as those guys, those guys were killing it.
You know, but you can bump chins as those guys those guys were killing it
They were chin bumping, if you know what I mean.
They were chin bumping if you know what I mean
What up, tricky?
What up tricky? What's the latest and greatest kid?
What's the latest and greatest kid?
Oh, man, i've been busy but i've been doing real good. I think it's very vital
I've been busy.
I've been doing real good.
I think it's very vital.
That's right.
Let's go.
Let's go let's go
Let's go.
Hey, I've been doing good, man.
Hey, i've been doing good man. I've been doing good
I've been doing good.
Um, we got this, uh, we got this dragon juice thing.
Um, we got this uh, we got this dragon juice thing. It's just popping off. We got our ambassador list growing
It's just popping off.
We got our ambassadors list growing.
Uh, we got like about a hundred ambassadors right now.
We got like about a hundred ambassadors right now
Uh, if you want to be a part on that list, uh, just let me know, you know,
If you want to be a part on that list, just let me know, you know, hit me up in the dms
hit me up in the DMS.
But, uh, we actually just, uh, sent out 10 smile boxes,
But uh, we actually just uh sent out 10 smile boxes about fifteen hundred dollars worth of tea to uh,
about $1,500 worth of tea to, uh, cancer and autoimmune patients,
Cancer and autoimmune patients chronically ill people that are going to be real happy when that arrives
chronically ill people that are going to be real happy when that arrives.
Should give them at least three weeks worth.
Should give them at least three weeks worth
And, uh, yeah, this shit's just been amazing for my health over the last five
And uh, yeah, but this shit's just been amazing for my health over the last five months
Uh, we're, we got a new goal.
Uh, we're we got a new goal. Uh, since we hit our last goal. This next goal is a three thousand dollar mark for our donations
Uh, since we hit our last goal, this next goal is a $3,000 mark for our
Uh, so we can send out 30 boxes and, uh, yeah,
so we can send out 30 boxes
Yeah, we also want to get our pre-orders in so we can get ourselves a tea packaging machine
we also want to get our pre-orders in so we can get ourselves a tea packaging
machine and a couple other things to kind of get us to that next level.
And a couple other things to kind of get us to that next level
And by time that's done.
And by time that's done
Um, everything should be done.
Everything should be done. The website should be set up
Uh, the website should be set up.
Order forms will be moved onto the website instead of just in my bio.
Order forms will be moved on to the website instead of just in my bio
Uh, so yeah, it's, it's moving along.
So yeah, it's it's moving along. Um, we're just waiting for amanda to get removed
Um, we're just waiting for Amanda to get removed.
She had to move.
She had to move so by the end of the month, we'll be in a whole new place. Uh, really looking forward to
So by the end of the month, we'll be in a whole new place.
Uh, really looking forward to growing this business, you know,
Growing this business, you know getting all the licensing taken care of making sure we're all covered moving forward and
getting all the licensing taken care of, making sure we're all covered,
moving forward.
And it's going to be awesome.
It's gonna be awesome. So definitely tap in with me
So definitely tap in with me.
If you know anyone who maybe should receive a smile box with some elixir that would help you can add them to the charity list
If you know anyone who maybe should receive a smile box with some elixir,
that would help.
You can add them to the charity list.
Uh, there's also a form for that in my discord or in that bio.
There's also a form for that in my discord or in that bio
Uh, the order form has also a link to the smile box form and vice versa.
Uh, the the order form has also a link to the smile box form and vice versa
So if you want to place an order for yourself or get somebody in on the
So if you want to place an order for yourself or get somebody in on the charity
charity, um, you know, go ahead and do it.
You know go ahead and do it and you can set it up. You can donate through there, too
And you can set it up.
You can donate through there too and go ahead and order.
And go ahead and order i've got about I think 40 45 packets of tea right now
I've got about, I think 40, 45 packets of tea right now left.
So it's kind of just first come first serve.
Left so it's kind of just first come first serve
So energy time or we got the nighttime, whatever you want.
Yeah, so energy time or we got the night time
Whatever you want. It's got all the base ingredients. The one we have actually is the plus version
It's got all the base ingredients.
The one we have actually is the plus version.
So it is 40 different ingredients,
So it is 40 different ingredients all these amazing herbs and fruits and superfoods. So
all these amazing herbs and fruits and superfoods.
So yeah, I've been good, man.
Yeah, i've been good, man. How are you doing? Everything's really good, dude. I was thinking about you. I actually I
How are you doing?
Everything's really good, dude.
I was thinking about you.
I actually, I meant to take a picture of the store and I was just looking
Meant to take a picture of the store
And I was just looking through my pictures. I must have spaced
through my pictures.
I must have spaced, but I saw a store that you would love that does, you know,
But I saw a store that you would love that does you know, that's involved in the dragon elixirs and that type of uh
that's involved in the dragon elixirs and that type of, uh, uh, medications
Uh medications and stuff. So I got to get it over to it's a place here in la
and stuff.
So I got to get it over to, it's a place here in LA so you can check out to
So you can check out to see what they're doing
see what they're doing.
Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, absolutely that'd be cool. Yeah any kind of options, you know
That'd be cool.
Any kind of options, you know, I'll hit up every and all avenue and I mean,
I'll hit up every and all avenue and I mean gyms to freaking uh board rooms, you know, you name it
gyms to freaking boardrooms, you know, you name it, you know,
You know anywhere people can appreciate more energy or better sleep, which is I think everywhere, you know
anywhere people can appreciate more energy or better sleep,
which is, I think everywhere, you know,
it works as a hangover cure.
It works as a hangover cure. You can drink it after you work out. I mean who doesn't drink or work out?
You can drink it after you work out.
I mean, who doesn't drink or work out?
I think this is the most diverse products we could imagine.
I think this is the most diverse products. We we could imagine so I would use this
So I would use this.
I would substitute my Jack Daniels with this when I work out.
I would substitute my jacked handles with this when I work out
Yes, exactly exactly
Yes, exactly.
And it also is a good thing to have after your Jack Daniels before you go
Um, and and it also is a good thing to have after your jacked handles before you go to bed
to bed. So you don't wake up with the hangover.
So you don't wake up with the hangover. Oh gotcha
Oh, gotcha.
Rock and roll.
Rock and roll. Well, you guys definitely tap it with tricky. Amanda is killing it
Well, you guys definitely tap in with tricky.
Amanda is killing it.
I don't know if anybody here is in a chance to sit in on one of Amanda
I don't know if any everybody here isn't a chance to sit in on one of amanda's spaces
spaces and heard about all the things that she's doing,
Uh and heard about, you know, all the things that she's doing helping all these people out
helping all these people out, but definitely tap in with them.
Uh, but definitely tap in with them
Super dope.
Super dope, you know, obviously everybody knows tricky. He's uh, he's a super dupe super dope dude and you know huge supporter
You know, obviously, everybody knows tricky.
He's a super dupe, super dope dude and, you know, huge supporter.
Uh, you know we we are part of his project and we're going to be part of the book. He's putting out
You know, we are part of his project and we're going to be part of the book
he's putting out the crypto homies and definitely believe in what
uh, the crypto homies
Uh and definitely believe in what they're up to
they're up to.
So definitely tap in with them.
So definitely tap in with them and bro, let's see dude. You put something to the top right? Let me see here
And bro, let's see.
Did you put something to the top?
We see here.
I thought I saw something
I thought I saw something.
No, make sure you put something up to the top so people can find you brother
No, make sure you put something up to the top so people can find your
Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, absolutely
Yeah, that book collaboration is coming up soon because we're burning
Yeah, that that book collaboration is coming up soon because we're burning pages now
pages now.
So there's like there's I think there's like 40 pages left
So there's like there's I think there's like 40 pages left and we're
Um, and we're burning a page a day. So like by the end of the month, basically, what's the price for a page?
burning a page a day.
So like by the end of the month, what's the price for a baby closed off?
It's 150 matic
It's one hundred and fifty matic.
So frickin absolute steal. It's like I mean we're just under a dollar right now for matic
So freaking absolute seal.
It's like I mean, we're just under a dollar right now for Maddox.
So it's about one hundred and fifty bucks average.
So it's about 150 bucks average
Yeah, and it's yeah just less just a little bit just under that and you're getting a double page spread that's going with crypto magazine
And it's just less than a little bit just under that.
And you're getting a double page spread that's going with crypto magazine.
It's like a ten thousand dollar advertising campaign for one hundred and
It's like a 10 000 advertising campaign for 150 matic. Just by being part of the community
fifty matic just by being part of the.
Yes, you guys just if you're you if you haven't heard about that and you want to get it more information
You guys, just if you're if you haven't heard about that and you want to get
it more information, we jumped in with how many pages do we have?
Uh, we we jumped in with how many pages do we have?
Two you can get two per project so we got we have two
You can get two per project.
So we got we have two.
Okay, and you're on the cover because you were one of the first 25 you go
And you're on the cover because you were one of the first twenty five.
Uh, so yeah, you guys definitely if you're a founder out there
So yeah, you guys definitely if you're a founder out there tapping with tricky
Tapping with uh tricky 150 bones, you know, you're going to be in the book
hundred fifty bones, you know, you're going to be in the book and be supporting,
Uh and be supporting, you know, uh web3 in a big way just to go out with crypto magazine
you know, Web three in a big way to go out with crypto magazine.
And like you said, you're getting a big spread for a big bang for your buck
and uh, like tricky says you're getting a big spread for
A big bang for your buck basically, so definitely tap and appreciate you brother
So definitely tap and appreciate your brother.
All right, y'all.
Right y'all I think we got chris
I think we got Chris.
I don't know who's underneath utility, but let me get a little track here.
I don't know who's underneath utility, but let me get a little track here
And I want to make our announce what we got going on.
And I want to make our our announcement what we got going on. So here we go
So here we go.
Yo, we got utility co in the house.
Yo, we got utility co in the house
We're making a big announcement tonight. I don't know what happened to mr green
We're making a big announcement tonight.
I don't know what happened to Mr.
We lost mr green, of course right when we need to make this announcement. So hold on a second. He must not be hearing me
We lost Mr. Green, of course, right when we need to make this announcement.
So hold on a second.
He must not be hearing me.
So he'll probably jump back up.
So he'll probably jump back up. But nonetheless who's under there chris?
But nonetheless, who's under there, Chris?
You got you got Jeff under the utility count.
Uh, you got you got jeff under the utility count. Hey, what's up, bud?
What's up, bud?
Hey, good to chat with you again.
Hey, good to chat with you again. Thanks for having us in this space. Very excited about this announcement. We're gonna be doing yeah, dude
Thanks for having us in this space.
Very excited about this announcement.
We're going to be doing.
Yeah, dude, I'm pretty stoked.
I'm pretty stoked
Everybody knows how much I love discord and and I'm looking to expand out.
everybody knows how much I love discord and
Uh, and uh, i'm looking to expand out and so why don't I let you tell him what's going on?
And so why don't I let you tell him what's going on?
We'll get Mr.
We'll get mr green up here. Hopefully we'll get that. Oh, here he comes
Green up here.
Hopefully we'll get that.
Oh, here he comes.
We got mr green back up. Why don't you tell everybody what's going on?
We got Mr.
Green back up.
Why don't you tell everybody what's going on?
And then we'll kind of talk about what this means for crypto homies in NFA.
And then we'll kind of talk about what this means for crypto homies in nfa
So if you guys don't know with the utility company, when we first entered
So if you guys don't know with the utility company when we first entered the space
the space last week of October, first week kind of of November in 2022, we
Last week of october first week kind of of november in 2022
Uh, we created kind of a partner project that we did for everybody was under the grain ledger
created kind of a partner project that we did for everybody was under the
grain ledger is a grain ledger partner program.
It was a grain ledger partner program
And we had our year mark in back in November.
And we hit our year mark in back in november
And so we started going through the partner project and kind of looking at
And so we started going through the partner project and kind of looking
how people are doing and kind of seeing who was still around.
At how people were doing and uh kind of seeing who was still around
And the one thing that was part of the partner project was basically just
And the one thing that was part of the partner project was basically just survive just be here five years from now
Just be here five years from now, you know, roughly when we get to the barrels
you know, roughly when we get to the
To the barrels and that and you'll get your barrels
and that and you'll get your barrels.
And when we were doing our assessment, about 80% of those projects were
And when we were doing our assessment about 80 of those projects were already gone
already gone.
It's probably actually greater than that and so we started going how can we help, you know, eventually?
It was probably actually greater than that.
And so we started going, how can we help?
You know, eventually it's like the DSC is doing great.
It's like the dfc is doing great
We want to make sure that all the resources that we have available to every
We want to make sure that all the resources that we have available to every area is available to every partner project that we have
area is available to every partner project that we have.
And so we're real technical founders.
And so we're real technical founders
We I don't know if you kind of tapped in like a lot of what we've been doing over the utility company
I don't know if you kind of tapped in with a lot of what we've been doing
over the utility company, but under the OSIRIS program, we do everything from
But under the osiris program, we do everything from contract development to art to kind of now we have the digi bazaar
contract development to art to kind of now we have the Digi Bazaar that went
That's been uh that went live actually in the last week
live actually in the last week.
We have maki valley which i'll let chris talk to a little bit more about later
We have Machiavelli, which I'll let Chris talk to you a little bit more about
We have a real technical understanding
We have a real technical understanding.
So we've built out our discord in a very interesting way with a lot of bots a lot of kind of
So we've built out our Discord in a very interesting way with a lot of
bots, a lot of kind of little hidden features in it.
Little hidden features in it
And so we wanted to make sure that anyone that wanted an opportunity to be in there they can
And so we wanted to make sure that anyone that had wanted an opportunity to
be in there, they can.
So we have full chat tbt integrated into the discord at this point that you guys have access to that
So we have full chat TBT integrated into the Discord at this point that you
guys have access to that we kind of pay for on the back end.
We kind of pay for on the back end
We also have a store that we fully integrated into that.
We also have a store that we solely integrate into that
So there's a lot of projects that don't have stores and things like that.
So there's a lot of projects that don't have stores and things like that. So
So why not let you guys kind of throw it there because basically, as Sue was
Why not let you guys kind of throw there because basically as uh, so we was talking about earlier
talking about earlier, it's just like, we got to find like-minded projects.
It's just like we got to find like-minded projects
It's like we've all survived the kind of bear market.
It's like we've all survived the kind of bear market
Some of us have been doing amazing.
Some of us have been doing amazing. Some of us need a little bit more help things like that
Some of us need a little bit more help, things like that.
But if we unite together, kind of, it takes a village, essentially.
But if we unite together kind of it takes a village essentially and when it comes to discord, it's just networking
And when it comes to Discord, it's just networking.
You know the average person spends their time going in a discord maybe one two three at most in a day
The average person spends their time going into Discord maybe one, two, three
at most in a day.
So we've got so many people that we share within our communities.
So we've got so many people that we share within our communities
And it's just like, why not put it all in one location where everyone can kind of
And it's just like why not put it all in one location where everyone can kind of chat jump around to their channels
chat, jump around to their channels.
And we've already had a lot of amazing feedback
And we've already had a lot of amazing feedback.
I mean, we've been trying to be very selective about it because we want to
I mean we've talked about we've been trying to be very selective about it because we want to make sure the projects that we bring on
make sure the projects that we bring on are good projects.
Are good projects. They got good people. They vibe well with us
They've got good people.
They vibe well with us.
And so it's really only by recommendation at this point only.
And so it's really only by recommendation at this point only and so uh in the 30 plus project we've talked to
And so in the 30 plus project we've talked to, I think we've had one that was
I think we've had one that was like, yeah, you know, maybe not for me
like, ah, you know, maybe not for me, but we've had just an amazing reaction to
But we've had just an amazing reaction to it
it. We've had a lot of founders kind of on board with it.
We've had a lot of founders kind of on board with it
And it's been really nice to kind of connect with founders, share communities
And it's been really nice to kind of connect with founders share communities and stuff like that because if if you're on your own
and stuff like that.
Because if you're on your own, you got to worry about your discord all the time.
You got to worry about your discord all the time. You got to engage the individual
You got to engage the individual.
You got to have something going on all the time. You got to really pop in there
You got to have something going on all the time.
You got to really pop in there, make sure that the chat doesn't die.
Make sure that the chat doesn't die, but if we're all working together, you know, ultimately it's just like they said it's a village
But we're all working together.
You know, ultimately, it's just like they said, it's a village.
We all work together.
We all work together. We all survive together. We all kind of thrive together, you know a rising tide lifts all ships
We all survive together.
We all kind of thrive together and, you know, a rising tide lifts all ships.
So we're very excited to announce that nfa is coming on with a bunch of their projects
So we're very excited to announce that NFA is coming on with a bunch of their projects.
And so they're going to be another amazing part of this community.
And so they're going to be another amazing part of this community
If you guys haven't tapped into kind of what we're building over there, definitely jump into the discord
If you guys haven't tapped into kind of what we're building over there,
definitely jump into the discord.
And if you're interested, definitely, uh, it's by recommendation only so you definitely got to talk with uh, maybe mr
And if you're interested, definitely it's by recommendation only.
So you definitely got to talk with maybe Mr.
Green or Mel or something like that.
Green or mel or something like that. And you know if you're lucky
And, you know, if you're lucky that they're not trying to seem like elitist
Tapping not trying to seem like elitist assholes in regards to that
But you know, I mean there's some good projects
but, you know, I mean, there's some good projects.
This is bad projects and great founders and stuff like that.
This is bad projects and great founders and stuff like that
And we want to make sure that those like-minded founders are kind of together
We want to make sure that those like-minded founders are kind of together and thriving and building together
and thriving and building together.
So we're really excited about it.
So we're really excited about it. Can't wait to have you guys kind of come in today. And yeah
Can't wait to have you guys kind of come in today.
And yeah.
So let me, Mr.
So, let me mr green can we put oh, there we go. So up at the top you guys
Green, can we put?
Oh, there we go.
So up at the top, you guys, you're going to find the link to get in there.
Uh, you're gonna find the link to get in there
If you haven't already signed up, get in there, sign in.
If you haven't already signed up get in there sign in
And then go pick our section over there and jump in with us.
and then uh
Go pick our uh, our section over there and jump in with us. We're going to be posting up our our spaces
We're going to be posting up our spaces.
We'll be putting announcements in there.
Uh, we'll be putting announcements in there
Hopefully it will become a centralized place for other projects
Uh, hopefully it'll become a centralized place for other other projects and other founders to see what we're up to
and other founders to see what we're up to.
And, you know, something that we're all about is building together,
And you know something that we're all about is building together
you know, kind of building off what we did for the 60-day space,
You know kind of building off what we did for the 60 day space
founders supporting founders.
Uh founders supporting founders and we thought what you know
And we thought, what, you know, this is, there couldn't be a better way
This is there couldn't be a better way
than to show support than for all of us to be together in the server.
Than to show support than for all of us to be together in the server
So when I heard what they were up to
I I heard what they were up to and I knew they were building this on the back end and
and I knew they were building this on the back end
and I heard the rumblings about it
I heard the rumblings about it and then meli told me a little bit more
and then Mellie told me a little bit more,
I was like, yo, we got to definitely be involved in this. So
like they said, there's definitely a process to get vetted
like they said there's definitely a process to get vetted and to make sure that uh
and to make sure that you fit into the community
You fit into the community and that you kind of tick those uh, uh criteria off, but definitely reach out to them
and that you kind of tick those criteria off.
But definitely reach out to them.
There's some great projects in here that I think would be great for you guys
There's some great projects in here that I think would be great for you guys
and you guys know who you are.
Um, and you guys know who you are
So just reach out to Utility Company if you need to.
So just uh, reach out to utility company if you need to you can reach out to me or green or mel and uh
You can reach out to me or Green or Mell
and we'll get you guys hooked up.
We'll get you guys hooked up. But uh, uh, mr. Green we already have our first. Um
But Mr. Green, we already have our first,
we already have our first post up there, correct?
We already have our first post up there, correct?
Yeah, it's up there about it. You guys can join the discord. Let's do something fun
Yeah, it's up there about it.
You guys can join the Discord.
Let's do something fun.
I'm going to kind of throw something out there.
I'm going to kind of throw something out there. Uh, hopefully you can do it while you're co-hosting
Hopefully you can do it while you're co-hosting.
I'm not going to do it because I don't want to lose my spot.
I'm not going to do because I don't want to lose my spot
But let's give away,
But let's give away
let's give away $10 in NetZ.
Let's give away ten. Let's give away ten dollars in net z
All right. There's got to get we got to get 30 people
We got to get 30 people.
I need to see 30 people from the space
I need to see 30 people from the space
jumping into our server over there,
Jumping into our server over there
over on the Utility Co.
over on the utility co
Uh, you're gonna say
You're going to put in there,
You're gonna you're gonna put in there ducky you are a sexy
Ducky, you are a sexy M.F.
For you're a sexy mf'er
You're a sexy M.F.er.
So the first 30 people to get in there say,
So the first 30 people to get in there say yo ducky you're a sexy mf'er. Mr
Yo, Ducky, you're a sexy M.F.er.
Mr. Green will pull one of those winners,
Green will pull one of those winners and i'm going to send you ten dollars of mainnet z tokens
and I'm going to send you $10 of main NetZ tokens
from my personal wallet and get those over to you.
Uh from my personal wallet and get those over to you. Yes, mr green
Yes, Mr. Green.
Um, how do you guys want to do this because it's what is it?
How do you guys want to do this?
Because it's, what is it?
It's only me and Sid can post in our channel.
It's only me and sid can post in our channel, but do you want everybody to go to like the general chat?
But do you want everybody to go to the general chat?
Uh, as long as they select your role they can post in your channels
As long as they select your role,
they can post in your channels.
There's also a general chat either way. We'll figure it out
There's also a general chat.
Either way, we'll figure it out.
It's not too difficult.
It's not too difficult
As long as they select the NFA role
As long as they select the nfa role and then just go in and kind of say exactly what he said
and then just go in and kind of say exactly what he said,
then we'll be able to keep track of it.
Jeff, can you do me a favor, brother,
Can you do me a favor brother just to make life easier? Mr. Green will post it. Just pick a winner for us
just to make life easier?
Mr. Green will post it.
Just pick a winner for us.
Sounds good my friend. All right, brother. So, uh, you guys we got to get 30 people in there
Sounds good, my friend.
All right, brother.
So you guys, we got to get 30 people in there.
We got about 70 people in the room here.
We got about 70 people in the room here
So most of you guys apply on your phone.
Uh, so most of you guys apply on your phone. So just jump in there. Give us some love
So just jump in there.
Give us some love.
Tap in with us and show the utility code some love as well.
tap in with us and uh show the utility co some love as well appreciate it guys
Appreciate it, guys.
And Mr. Green will figure it out.
And uh, mr green we'll figure it out. We'll get the uh, we'll get the purse hooked up if you're not on main
We'll get the person hooked up.
If you're not on mainnet...
I figured it out.
Yeah, if you're not on mainnet Z,
Yeah, if you're not on mainnet z don't worry about it. We'll get you
don't worry about it.
It will get you actually inside the NFA
Inside the nfa or the crypto homies discord right now
or the crypto homies discord right now.
It'll tell you how to go in there
It'll tell you how to go in there and add mainnet z to your metamask
and add mainnet Z to your metamask.
So you have the token over there.
Uh, so you have the token over there? So we'll figure it out one way or another. Mr green
So we'll figure it out one way or another.
Mr. Green, we can always copy and paste it as a...
We can always copy and paste it as as a uh
We should actually take the last post in crypto homies,
Uh something we should actually take the last post
In crypto homies copy it and throw it into the utility co the one I did
copy it and throw it into the utility code.
The one I did.
Much love, brother.
Much love brother out of the uh the discord
Out of the discord.
Yes, sir.
All right.
All right. Yep, and uh, jeff appreciate you chris appreciate you as well brothers
And Jeff, appreciate you, Chris.
Appreciate you as well, brothers.
We're stoked to be partnered up with you guys.
Uh, we're stoked to be partnered up with you guys. I know mr green's been talking to you guys about you for a long time
I know Mr. Green's been talking to you guys about you for a long time.
He's a proud holder of your cannabis project.
He's a proud holder of your cannabis project. I know people that are involved in the
I know people that are involved in the alcohol portion of the project.
In the alcohol portion
Of the project and people are really stoked and uh, i'm pumped. So hopefully we'll connect some dots and do some more stuff together
And people are really stoked and I'm pumped.
So hopefully we'll connect some dots and do some more stuff together.
So I appreciate it
So I appreciate it.
Let's fuck up, bro.
Let's fuck absolutely
Absolutely, my friend.
Absolutely, my friend really appreciate the kind words
Really appreciate the kind words.
I think Chris and Nate later on might have a little bit to say for it
I think christian may later on might have a little bit to say for it for the most part
for the most part, but we love being here.
But we love being here great community. Can't wait to stop in with you. My friend. Appreciate it, brother
Great community.
Can't wait to snap in with you, my friend.
Appreciate it, brother.
We're here every Wednesday.
We're here every wednesday always welcome to come up and say yo, if you want to post anything, let us know
Always welcome to come up and say yo.
If you want to post anything, let us know.
Uh, it's always open for the fam
It's always open for the fam.
I just want to go over and say yo to Jay Rock for a minute.
Uh, I just want to go over say yo to jayrock for a minute
Then I'm going to get over to Pa and talk to my boy Mel at the DGN show.
Then i'm gonna get over to pa and talk to my boy mel at the d gen show
And we'll keep it going.
And uh, we'll keep it going. What's up, jay?
What's up, Jay?
Nothing much man. I'm over here in the discord talking about how ducky's a sexy mofo
Nothing much, man.
I'm over here in the Discord talking about how Ducky's a sexy mofo.
You know what I'm saying?
You know what i'm saying? I'm just putting you gotta get it right. You gotta say mf her
You got to get it right.
You got to say MF-er.
I said mofo, but I'll say MF-er.
I said mofo, but i'll say mf her. All right. I just want to say I was still the first to be in there and say mofo
All right.
I just want to say I was still the first to be in there and say mofo.
I will warn you, if you spell it all the way out, you may end up in the gulag.
I will warn you if you spell it all the way out, you may end up in the gulag. So the box
So the bots do shit.
I don't want to do that.
I don't want to go to the gulag.
You can't.
Not allowed to cuss at all on uh discord
This is cuss at all on Discord.
Well, that's no fun.
But that's no fun
You know, we tried that for like two days during the 60 days and we were charging fines to people.
We we tried that for like two days during the 60 days
And we were charging fines to people. I think we had like fifty thousand hours in fines
I think we had like $50,000 in fines and we ended up just telling everybody we weren't going to collect it.
And we ended up just telling everybody we weren't going to collect it. I think tricky buddha was it tricky that had a big uh
I think Tricky Buddha was a tricky that had a big, I can't remember who had a big balance.
I can't remember who had a big uh balance. I think uh
I think Jeff at Income Island maybe topped it off one night.
Jeff at income island maybe topped it off one night
But who knows joseph. Excuse me. I think joseph is the one who who was in deep for maybe 20 30 foul
But who knows?
Joseph, excuse me.
I think Joseph is the one who was indeed for maybe $20,000, $30,000.
But it's all good
But it's all good.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. So let me just say what's up to everybody. What's up ducky? What's going on, bro?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
So let me just say what's up to everybody.
What's up, Ducky?
What's going on, bro?
I see you putting the work in over there as well. Mr green
I see you putting the work in over there as well, Mr. Green.
It's always a pleasure to hang out with you.
It's always a pleasure to hang out with you. You want to know what's going on? What's up the hogs?
You want to know what's going on?
What's up, the hogs?
I see the hogs are in here. Doogie doogie's homie homies. What's up utility company? What's popping?
I see the hogs are in here.
Doogie Doogie's homey homies.
What's up?
Utility Company.
What's poppin', yo?
And I see we got Machiavelli in here.
Yo, and I see we got mequeville in here. What's going on mel?
What's going on, Mel?
You already know you're killing it out here
You already know you're killing it out here.
The dgens the paws and the rest of the zombie mob. I see the zodiac swap mob in here
The DJs, the Paws, and the rest of the zombie mob.
I see the Zodiac swap mob in here.
Oh shit, I see the main z mob. Yo, man. It's just so many mobs that we got popping
I guess we just do too much shit over here on this web three space. Damn
Look at all these beautiful purple pfps. I see with the background sporting that sexy sexy zodiac swap emblem
PFPs I see with the background sporting that sexy, sexy Zodiac swap emblem.
Don't you love it, Sid?
Don't you love it said don't you love it ducky? Whoo. That's some badass design work right there
Don't you love it, Ducky?
Whoo, that's some bad-ass design work right there.
I'm just gonna tell you I just gotta let you know that's sexy. But what's up everybody? I'm just coming through uh, sit
I'm just going to tell you, I just got to let you know that's sexy.
But what's up, everybody?
I'm just coming through.
Sid, thanks for the invite.
Thanks for the invite. Uh, man. I'm sporting today this dope ass net z slayer
Man, I'm sporting today this dope-ass Net-Z Slayer.
Yeah, another dope as nft project launching on our main z blockchain bro. Go figure, you know what I mean?
Yeah, another dope-ass NFT project launching on our Main-Net-Z blockchain, bro.
Go figure, you know what I mean?
But yeah, man, i'm just hanging out here killing it chilling with you guys listening to this two minutes show space. I love it
But yeah, man, I'm just hanging out here, killing it, chilling with you guys, listening
to this two-minute show space.
I love it with the whole mob, man.
With the whole mob man. We got a busy week ahead of us a busy month, man
We got a busy week ahead of us, a busy month.
Man, I heard that we might have a top...
I heard that we might have a top
What is it?
But what is it top 10 exchange coming to main z within the next two weeks and then next month
Top 10 exchange coming to Main-Net-Z within the next two weeks.
And then next month, you guys are telling us we're getting another top 10 exchange.
You guys are telling us we're getting another top 10 exchange and then just today
And then just today, we've been talking about OXScan, you know, the audit company, man.
We've been talking about uh, ox scan, you know the audit company man
Man, it's a lot to talk about, bro, but I ain't going to take over the mic.
Man, it's a lot to talk about bro, but I ain't gonna take over the mic. I just came through to come through
I just came through to come through.
I appreciate the invite.
Uh, I appreciate the invite and man, it's just dope to be here y'all
And man, it's just dope to be here, y'all.
I listen, first of all, i'm loving the i'm loving the logo. Obviously i'm rocking the nfa. I'm rocking it on the homies
Listen, first of all, I'm loving the logo.
Obviously, I'm rocking it in NFA.
I'm rocking it on the homies.
I'm rocking on my personal.
I'm rocking on my personal but you know
But, you know, I wish I could tell you what I'm working on, Jay, because I know you like
I wish I could tell you what i'm working on jay
Because I know you like those crumbs, but dude i'm working on massive right now
those crumbs, but dude, I'm working on massive right now for Main-Net-Z.
for main net z
Uh ducky doesn't know nobody knows
Ducky doesn't know.
Nobody knows.
Uh, it has been totally undercover private. I know ducky's like what I don't know
It has been totally undercover, private.
I know Ducky's like, what?
Just tell us just tell us just tell us
Just tell us.
Just tell us.
there's only one person who knows and that person will never say anything because
Just tell us.
There's only one person who knows, and that person will never say anything because they
They wear a very good mask with a zipper and they only speak when I open the zipper
wear a gimp mask with a zipper, and they only speak when I open the zipper.
But I'll just say this.
Um, i'll just say this there's two z's in the name
There's two Z's in the name, and there may be a T in the name.
And there may be a t in the name
That's all i'm going to tell you i'm not going to tell you anything else because you might figure it out but
That's all I'm going to tell you.
I'm not going to tell you anything else because you might figure it out.
Can I buy a vowel?
Can I buy a bow?
If there's some vowels in there, you need to fill the gaps, for sure.
There's some bowels in there you need to fill gaps for sure, but i'll tell you this
But I'll tell you this.
Uh, this is going to change the game
This is going to change the game as far as I'm concerned as a founder and someone who's
Uh as far as i'm concerned as a founder and someone who's launching on main net z
launching on Main-Net-Z, our projects.
Uh our projects this is going to be a game changer first the founders which are already there. Um
This is going to be a game changer.
First, the founders, which are already there, and the next goodie is going to blow your
And uh, the next goodie is going to blow your guy's mind so
guys' minds.
So, eyes pumped.
Eyes pumped
Eyes pumped. That's all I gotta say eyes pump. But uh, don't be surprised if you see nfa
Eyes pumped.
That's all I've got to say.
Eyes pumped.
But don't be surprised if you see NFA start to drop some new stuff over there stealth
Uh start to drop some new stuff over there
Uh stealth during the middle of the night when y'all sleeping and then you wake up and you're like yo, what just happened?
through in the middle of the night when you're all sleeping.
And then you wake up and you're like, yo, what just happened?
You'll know.
Uh, you'll know
You'll you'll see the little nfa
You'll see the little NFA symbol somewhere, and you'll figure it out what we just did.
Symbol somewhere and you'll figure it out what we just did but uh, we're about to make some history
But we're about to make some history.
Um, I just want to shout out the nfa team because we really put all hands on deck right now
I just want to shout out to NFA team because we really put all hands on deck right now
to really focus in on us moving everything over to Main-Net-Z and the next steps that
Uh to really focus in on
Uh, you know us moving everything over to main net z and the next steps that we're gonna be taken over there
we're going to be taking over there.
So, shout out to the Xenu family, the Main-Net-Z family, for supporting NFA, supporting the
So shout out to the zenu family the main net z family for supporting nfa supporting the homies
uh, you know first the founders
First, the founders.
You know the large as far as well. It is we are the we're like the premier brand right now on
As far as it is, we're like the premier brand right now on Main-Net-Z and playing that
uh main net z and and playing that way and building this this digital collectible toy brand into a beast
way and building this digital collectible toy brand into a beast with Main-Net-Z as
With a mate with a main net z is the backbone
the backbone.
So, shout out to the fam big time.
So shout out to the fam big time
All right, that's all the little droppings I can give you.
All right, that's all a little that's all little droppings. I can give you I gave you a z I gave you a t
I gave you a Z.
I gave you a T.
I gave you a Z.
You're not going to figure it out.
You're not going to figure it out
I don't care if you put Jay Singh, put yourself, put like 10 more Xenus in a lab and try to
I don't care if you put jay sing put yourself put like 10 more zenus in a in a lab
And try to figure it out
figure it out.
Don't text me at 3 in the morning saying, yo, zits.
Don't text me at three in the morning saying yo
No, no, no.
No, no, no
There's no zits.
There's no zits
Uh, but nonetheless, uh, good luck trying to figure it out my frank man. Those breadcrumbs got me
But nonetheless, good luck trying to figure it out, my friend.
Man, those breadcrumbs got me right now.
Right now, but all right
But all right, I'm going to fall back and try to digest that and understand what the
I'm uh, i'm gonna fall back and try to digest that and under what the understand what the zzts could be. Hmm
ZZTs could be.
Yeah, we'll be chopping it up tonight in Rosemary's space.
Yeah, we'll be chopping it up tonight in rosemary space. We'll be talking about that for show for show
We'll be talking about that for show.
I'm going to listen in incognito so you don't know I'm there.
I i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna listen in incognito so you don't know i'm there
So i'll be coming in under one of my secret, uh zenu
So I'll be coming in under one of my secret Xenu profiles that you guys don't even know
Uh profiles that you guys don't even know I have I just sometimes I just come in
Sometimes I just come in and I'm chilling in there with my Xenu profile.
And i'm chilling in there with my zenu profile. I'm like these peeps don't even know it's me
I'm like, these peeps don't even know it's me.
We always say good stuff about you, Sid.
We always say good stuff about you said so you never can worry about that
So you never can worry about that.
I don't worry about it, whether you say good stuff or not.
I don't worry about it whether you say good stuff or not. I'm just saying sometimes i'm just in there listening
I'm just saying sometimes I'm just in there listening.
No, that's awesome. That's awesome. Yeah, may not zz is taking over by uh storm right now
No, that's awesome.
That's awesome.
Yeah, Mayna Z is taking over by storm right now.
Uh, if you don't know guys guy going this train that dex is amazing. I know you guys said somebody come up here earlier
If you don't know guys, guys go on this train.
That Dex is amazing.
I know you guys said somebody come up here earlier.
I had my baby girl in my arm wifey just kicked in and she just took over
I had my baby girl in my arm.
Wifey just kicked in and she just took over.
So yeah, like real quick man. I was able to bridge over a polygon three different times on the bridge
So yeah, like real quick, man, I was able to bridge over polygon three different times on the bridge.
It was amazing super fast super cheap. Um, then did the swap. I wanted to wait
It was amazing.
Super fast, super cheap.
Then did the swap.
I wanted to wait.
I was enjoying having peg token on our blockchain, right?
I was enjoying having peg token on our blockchain, right? I said that one more time. We had peg token
I said that one more time.
We had peg token.
We have three different lines.
We have three different lines of
E B and B and polygon.
Bnb and polygon and so I just was enjoying the moment, right?
And so I just was enjoying the moment, right?
I was enjoying the moment of just being like, damn, I just did a transaction on our very own bridge,
I was enjoying the moment of just being like damn
I just did a transaction on our very own bridge on our very own blockchain that was created by our very own core team
on our very own blockchain that was created by our very own core team.
I mean, shit, that just felt good.
I mean shit that just felt good. You know, I mean it just got me
You know what I mean?
It just got me.
But after that, I just want to absolutely got to do it.
But after that I just want to keep it there
Absolutely. Got to do it. So I just wanted to keep it there play with it for a bit. You know me and
So I just wanted to keep it there.
Play with it for a bit.
You know what I mean?
And then go ahead and swap it over later.
And then go ahead and swap it over later and when I did it was done easy quick
And when I did, it was done easy, quick, no issues.
No issues. I mean this blockchain is all gas. No break for real for real
I mean, this blockchain is all gas, no break for real, for real.
It really is.
Um, it really is and I got to just hit my hat to the team ducky man
And I got to just hit my hat to the team.
Ducky, man, you just had this marketing, man.
You you just had this marketing man. You guys have the vision you guys already know what you're doing
You guys have the vision.
You guys already know what you're doing.
Undead shout out to him. He keeps the community tight. He keeps everything fun
Undead, shout out to him.
He keeps the community tight.
He keeps everything fun.
You guys have been to the discords.
You guys been to the discords if you haven't get over there. Everyone talks about the rumbles. We have the best rumbles around
If you haven't, get over there.
Everyone talks about the rumbles.
We have the best rumbles around.
We have David, who's military.
We have david who's uh military
He's got that mindset, brings that to the table
He's got that mindset brings that to the table and makes sure we execute every single step of the way
and makes sure we execute every single step of the way.
We've got Mario, chief technology officer,
We've got mario chief technology officer kills it with all the high-end tech that we can pump into every single thing
kills it with all the high-end tech
that we can pump into every single thing we do.
We do with dale at the helm of the yacht at the helm of the ship
With Dale at the helm of the yacht, at the helm of the ship,
always just making sure we're in the right direction
Always just making sure we're in the right direction in the right rooms with the right people with the right ears with the right eyes
in the right rooms with the right people, with the right ears,
with the right eyes, with the right bags ready to go.
With the right bags ready to go and yo, that's what we got here
And, yo, that's what we got here.
So, yeah, man, I see why, you know, big OG, triple OG, triple,
So yeah, man
I see why you know big og triple og triple triple triple og over here is putting his thing down rocking
triple, triple OG over here is putting his thing down,
rocking, you know, the 277 collection of the homies
You know the 277 collection of the homies with a 40-year legacy behind it and now rocking something that secret with that zzt
with a 40-year legacy behind it,
and now rocking something that's secret with that ZZT.
We're going to figure it out, bro,
We gonna figure it out bro, and i'm gonna call you three o'clock in the morning. You already know
and I'm going to call you 3 o'clock in the morning.
You already know.
I never said...
I said there was a Z.
I said there was a z
There was a T.
There was a t
You said two Zs.
You said two z's and there was a z
And there was a Z.
Everybody heard two z's right? He said zz's. I said there was a z a t and a z
Everybody heard two Zs, right?
He said two Zs.
I said there was a Z, a T, and a Z.
I didn't say it was ZZT or TZZ.
I didn't say it was zzt or tzz. It's okay if i'm catching up. Don't don't backpedal now, baby
It's okay if I'm catching up.
Don't backpedal now, baby.
It's all good.
We got you it's all right, we're gonna work this out we're gonna figure this out it's okay
We got you.
It's all right.
We're going to work this out.
We're going to figure this out.
It's okay, Sid.
We got you, bro.
You guys get up in the lab and you work your magic.
You guys get up in the lab and you work your magic you'll you'll need a couple equations to figure it out
You'll need a couple equations to figure it out.
At the end of the day, man, we don't even got to figure it out.
At the end of the day man
We don't even gotta figure it out
I'm just hyped to have someone like you and everyone else knowing the building over here
I'm just hyped to have someone like you and everyone else
knowing the building over here is a win
Is a win and everyone's starting to grow and understand that so yeah, that's all my two cents that I have man
and everyone is starting to grow and understand that.
So, yeah, that's all my two cents that I have, man.
I got to use the bridge, got to use the swap.
I got to use the bridge got to use the swap. It was amazing. Phenomenal first time around
It was amazing, phenomenal first time around.
I had to stop because I just kept putting money into it
Um, I had to stop because I just kept putting money into it like a vending machine
I was like, all right. I gotta stop because this is real money. My wife's gonna kill me
We got to take a trip in about a month. She's like, where all the money go i'll put it in main netz
and she was like, okay.
She'll be like, okay
But no, I got to spend some money when we get to Jamaica
But no, I gotta spend some money when we get to jamaica so I can't be broke when I get off the plate
so I can't be broke when I get off the plate.
You taking a baby?
You taking a baby?
No, no, no.
Baby's staying with her grandma and auntie.
No, no, no baby staying with her grandmom and auntie. So yeah, we we got a blessing baby out to me
So, yeah, we got a blessing there.
I thought you were taking a baby out to me.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no. No, we'll wait when baby's won
Well, wait.
When baby's won, then maybe we'll fly out to Cali
Then maybe we'll fly out to cali and we'll do it all over again and go back out to harris ranch
and we'll do it all over again and go back out to Harris Ranch
and have a big-ass meal and, you know, do it up again
And have a big ass meal and you know, yeah, I mean do it up again because it was delicious
because it was delicious.
Yeah, I know nifty's girl would love that
Yeah, I know Nifty's girl would love that.
She's down there, by the way.
She's down there by the way
What up, Nifty's girl?
What up nifty's girl miss you yo miss you yo keep this man in line
Miss you, yo.
Miss you, yo.
Keep this man in line.
I know you are.
I know you are
But, yo, yeah, man, you got a real one there.
But yo, yeah, man, you got a real one there so everyone else doesn't know who she is
Everyone else doesn't know who she is, but I do.
But I do and she's a smart smart mother sucker for real for real
And she's a smart, smart mother sucker for real, for real.
You've really got a good one.
You've really got a good one. So yeah, shout out to you nifty's girl. I'm so glad to meet you
So, yeah, shout out to you, Nifty's girl.
I'm so glad to meet you.
And, yeah, we'll see you again.
And yeah, we'll see you again. We'll see you again for real for real, bro
We'll see you again for real, for real, bro.
Yeah, I'm pretty stoked with Nifty's girl, man.
Yeah, i'm uh, i'm pretty stoked with nifty's girl, man
I bet you are.
I bet you are I bet you are
I bet you are.
You got to do it.
She got to do it you got you better do it
You got to do it.
Listen, it's hump day, yo.
Listen, it's hump day. Yo
You're late to the party if you don't know every day is hump day.
We would you you're late to the party if you don't know every day is hump day
Let's freaking go.
Let's freaking go appreciate you jay rock. Let me get our next beautiful project up here. Here we go
Appreciate you, Jay Rock.
Let me get our next beautiful project up here.
Here we go.
We got popular up on the stage, yo.
We got popular up on the stage yo if you didn't know now, you know
If you didn't know, now you know.
Does anybody up on the stage know who that is?
Does anybody up on the stage know who that is? I'll give some of your crypto homie right now
I'll give some of your crypto homie right now.
If any speaker can tell me who that was.
If any speaker can tell me who that was
The Beatles.
The Beatles the Beatles no
Beatles, no.
Nice one, though.
Nice one though. Can you play it again a little?
Can you play it again a little?
Yeah, no idea no right that's uh, that's my boy brian, you know
Yeah, no idea.
That's my boy Brian Eno.
Uh in case you didn't know 1973
In case you didn't know, 1973.
Feels like it just came out yesterday
Feels like it just came out yesterday.
Uh, but then again when you're 68, everything feels like it was yesterday
But then again, when you're 68, everything feels like it was yesterday.
Uh, what's going on pa?
What's going on, Pa?
He said, how are you, man?
He said, how are you man? Good. How are you doing brother? Great. How is everything? Everything's good, man
How are you doing, brother?
How is everything?
Everything's good, man.
How are you mr. Green?
How are you, Mr. Green?
Good and glad to see you here as well.
Good and glad to see you here as well. It was a great space with you last thursday, bro
It was a great space with you last Thursday, bro.
Thank you so much for having me.
Thank you so much for having me. I had a great time as well
I had a great time as well.
Yeah, just a little bit what's happening with us.
Yeah, just a little bit uh, what's happening with us we got
We got our next phase of our app is being released this week.
Our next phase of our app is being released this week. Uh, we got finally apple accepted it
We got finally Apple accepted it.
So that'll be challenges.
So we'll that'll be challenges. So
So now you can create challenges on popular.
Now you can create challenges unpopular
You can walk with yourself or your friends and your pets.
You can walk with yourself or your I mean with your friends and your pets you can you can you know
You can give out whatever prizes you like.
Give out give out whatever prizes you like you can create a community community challenge as well. That's coming up. Uh
You can create a community challenge as well.
That's coming up hopefully by the end of this week.
You know, hopefully by the end of this week, we we have it has been accepted, but we're still testing it a bit
It has been accepted, but we're still testing it a bit.
Um, we have our next mint set hopefully in early
We have our next meant set hopefully in early April as well.
April as well. We need to raise some funds for the tracker. So
We need to raise some funds for the tracker.
So as you guys know, we have the tracker coming up.
As you guys know, we have the tracker coming up
Everything's been set on that.
Everything's been set on that
Um, so we're hoping to raise enough funds to put in an order and then go from there as well
So we're hoping to raise enough funds to put in an order and then go from there as well.
And and we're working on staking as well. So hopefully that'll be available at the end of march
And we're working on staking as well.
So hopefully that'll be available at the end of March.
You'll be able to stick your nfs on the app
You'll be able to stick your NFTs on the app.
And yeah, and at the moment as well, too, we're working on the pet section.
Yeah, and at the moment as well, too
We're working on the pet section
So you'll be able to have a bigger profile for your pets and yourself on the app
So you'll be able to have a bigger profile for your pets and yourself on the app.
So you'll be able to see your daily steps, weekly steps, monthly steps for your pets as well.
So you'll be able to um, you know see your daily steps weekly steps monthly steps
For your pets as well. And that's yeah, that's that's what's been happening with us. We have a lot going on
And that's what's been happening with us.
We have a lot going on.
We have a stop challenge currently that's going on with uh,
We have a step challenge currently that's going on with 15 different communities.
15 different communities, you know mal is in there as well with invisible enemies
Mel is in there as well with Invisible Enemies.
Hopefully next month, I think Wolfie is going to be coming on and maybe 10 more projects.
Hopefully next month, uh, I think wolf is going to be coming on and maybe 10 more 10 more projects. We're all walking together
We're all walking together.
There's around, I think, over 100 users at the moment, 100 community members from different communities on that challenge.
Uh, there's around I think over a hundred
Users at the moment on hundred community members from different communities on that challenge and there's probably at least 50 nfts
And there's probably at least 50 NFTs that we hand out at the end of the month for every challenge.
That we hand out at the end of the month for every challenge
So if any of your communities are interested to join the challenge, hit us up and we can get you on for the next month.
So if any of your communities are interested to join the challenge hit us up and we can get you on for the next month
Yo, bro, how many miles are people walking typically today?
How many miles are people walking typically in a day?
So average people walk about 10,000 steps.
So more average people walk, uh about 10,000 steps that that probably could be maybe four miles
That probably could be maybe four miles.
I'm just guessing at the moment, but that's the average.
I'm just guessing at the moment, but that's the average but we have some guys are walking 500,000 steps a month
But we have some guys are walking 500,000 steps a month.
Like the winners, they walk a lot.
Like the winners they walk a lot. So that's
So that's a lot of steps.
Yes, the top last month was 500,000.
Yes, the top the top last month with 500,000 so the top like five were over 400,000 steps
So the top like five were over 400,000 steps.
I I do around 300 a month and I can even hit top 10. So but it's it's good. It's good
So but it's good.
It's like 17,000 steps a day.
17,000 steps a day. Yeah. Yeah people are doing it
Yeah, yeah.
People are doing it.
It's crazy, which is awesome because and the good thing about the step challenge is a lot of us, you know, we work.
It's crazy
Which is awesome because and the good thing about the step challenge is a lot of us, you know
We work we work from home or work from the office. We don't walk much
We work from home or work for from the office.
We don't walk much.
So it's good to have that at least we're like we we see we see each other. Okay, let's go
So it's good to have that.
At least we're like we we see we see each other.
OK, let's go.
Let's go.
Like for example is brendan is not walking. Hey brendan, you know, you gotta walk today
Like, for example, is Brandon's not walking.
Hey, Brandon, you know, you got to walk today.
You got to get out to getting some steps in.
You gotta get out you're getting some steps in so it's good to have that and share with all our friends
So it's good to have that and share with all our friends, family, whatever.
Family, whatever and you can create like coming up now, you can create your own challenge
And you can create like coming up now, you can create your own challenge.
So let's say if I want to challenge my friends to a step challenge, I can create that and, you know, walk together for the month and see who walks more and then push each other.
So let's say if I want to challenge my friends to a step challenge. I can create that and uh, you know
Walk together for the month and see you know who walks more and then push each other
That's the main thing, because most of us, like I said, we stay home.
That's the main thing because most of us like I said, we stay home
We're behind our computers 10, 12 hours a day, 15 hours a day.
We're behind our computers 10 12 hours a day 15 hours a day. We don't get out much
We don't get out much.
So that's that's a good thing about the challenge.
So that's that's a good thing about the challenge and while you have a while you have 15 community challenge
And while you have a while you have 15 community challenge, now you see other people.
Now you see other people and then sometimes you feel uh, you feel like
And then sometimes you feel you feel like not bad, but maybe you feel like you're shy.
Not bad, but maybe you feel like you're shy or I don't know how to explain it
I don't know how to explain it, but like I got to get out.
But like I gotta get out I gotta get my steps in that's what I do
I got to get my steps in.
That's what I do.
You know, I look at someone I look at my friend's steps and they're like
You know, I look at someone.
I look at my friends and they're like triple what I have.
Triple what I have i'm like even seven eight o'clock at night
I'm like, even seven, eight o'clock at night, I get out for like an hour walk and come back in, which has been helping me out.
I get out for like an hour walk and come back in which has been helping me out
So that's the purpose of that.
So that's the purpose of that and it's good too. So and it's good to get take your pet out
And it's good to.
And it's good to get take your pet out.
Want to walk at the same time.
Why not walk at the same time? So
So I feel like I need that because I was walking almost every day for the two months, the 60 days.
I feel like I need that because I was walking almost every day for the two months the 60 days
Yeah, and uh, it got so cold in the morning. I stopped walking. I need to get walking again
And it got so cold in the morning.
I stopped walking.
I need to get walking again.
I got to stop with the excuses, but uh
I got to stop with the excuses.
But shout out to everybody who's participating.
Shout out to everybody who's participating. That's rad. I don't know what happened to dylan. Oh, here comes dylan. Shout out to darcy
That's rad.
I don't know what happened to Dylan.
Oh, here comes Dylan.
Shout out to Darcy Donovan in the house.
Donovan in the house
Legend what up darcy?
What up, Darcy?
Appreciate you rolling through. I hope your space went well
You're rolling through.
I hope your space went well.
I'm sorry.
I'm, sorry. I couldn't be there to support today
I couldn't be there to support today.
But we'll see if we can get Dylan up here.
But uh, we'll see if we can get dylan up here
In the meantime, let's get Dylan up here, Mr.
Uh in the meantime, let's get dylan up here. Mr greens
Appreciate you.
Uh, appreciate you paw if you have anything you want to post up to the top, please do
If you have anything you want to post up to the top, please do.
You guys make sure you're interacting with all the posts up at the Jumbotron.
You guys make sure everybody's interacting with all the posts up at the jumbotron
Somebody hit me up and wanted to know about that.
Uh, somebody hit me up and wanted to know about that. Uh, the ten
The $10 in Net-Z.
dollars in net z you got to go over to the utility co
You got to go over to the Utility Co.
Over to their Discord.
over to their discord and uh
And go put a post up in there.
Go put a post up in there join our channel over there that we just put up. We made the announcements all up at the top
Join our channel over there that we just put up.
We made the announcements all up at the top.
And we'll get that popping.
And uh, we'll get that popping
Let's see here.
Let's see here. All right with that being said i'm gonna move it around a little bit
All right.
With that being said, I'm going to move it around a little bit.
It's 5.20.
It's 5 20. We got about 40 minutes left
We got about 40 minutes left.
And let's get my girl up here. Hold on
And let's get my girl up here.
It's raining tacos.
It's raining tacos
From out of the sky
From out of the sky.
No need to ask why.
Just open your mouth and close your eyes.
It's raining tacos.
We got Mellie here.
We got belly here
from invisible enemies
From Invisible Enemies.
Always dreaming about tacos.
Always dreaming about tacos
Always hungry always down
Always down.
Let's fucking go
Let's fucking go.
Keep dancing, Mellie.
Keep dancing mel
I mean, DJing Mellie.
I mean d gen belle keep dancing
Keep dancing.
What's up, melly
What's up, Mellie?
Now I just want tacos, Sid.
Uh, now I just want taco sit forget taco tuesdays and taco wednesdays when you hang out with nfa
Forget Taco Tuesdays.
Taco Wednesdays when you hang out with NFA.
I'm kind of doing taco stuff.
I'm kind of doing taco site. We me and nifty's girl. We do fajita thursdays
I'm kind of doing taco stuff.
Me and Nifty's girl, we do fajita Thursdays.
Uh, that's like our thing
That's like our thing.
And uh, but I think tonight we're we're gonna switch it up. We're gonna do fajita wednesday
But I think tonight we're going to switch it up.
We're going to do fajita Wednesday.
And we're going to go get fajitas tonight.
And we're gonna go get fajitas tonight, but nonetheless
But nonetheless, tacos, fajitas, burritos, enchiladas, quesadillas.
tacos fajitas burritos
Enchiladas quesadillas
They're all the same to me.
They're all the same to me. I love them
I love them.
It's like oxygen.
It's uh, like oxygen. So tell us what's going on with invisible enemies
So tell us what's going on with Invisible Enemies.
And shout out to you and appreciate you bringing utility co and NFA and crypto homies together in a bigger way than we already work.
And uh shout out to you and appreciate you bringing utility co and nfa and krypto homies
Uh together in a bigger way than we already work. So we've already been part of the fam forever
So we've already been part of the fam forever.
But I'm glad we're now connected and doing some real stuff together.
But uh glad we're now connected and doing some real stuff together. So what's the latest and greatest?
So what's the latest and greatest?
Man, I don't have too many updates, but i'm gonna attempt to do something kind of fun
I don't have too many updates, but I'm going to attempt to do something kind of fun.
I do see all the lovely speakers up here.
I do see all the lovely speakers up here. So who is invisible enemies, right?
So who is Invisible Enemies?
Let's see. We were one of the original nfa partner projects. We've been with nfa since day one
Let's see.
We were one of the original NFA partner projects.
We've been with NFA since day one.
So shout out to them.
So shout out to them
Avi, I'm rolling with the utility company.
Obvi i'm rolling with the utility company. So excited for the mega server everything we're building
So excited for the mega server.
Everything we're building.
When you do go to Digi Bazaar, maybe sweep up.
When you do go to digi bazaar, maybe sweep up. I don't know is a to reticulum
I don't know, Isaiah Reticulan.
You might see us on the front cover with an amazing banner.
You might see us on the front cover with an amazing banner and to the right you'll see something that says the utility foundation
And to the right, you'll see something that says the utility foundation.
What is that?
What is that? I don't know. I only have two minutes. We'll have to just talk about it next time
I don't know.
I only have two minutes.
We'll have to just talk about it next time.
Maybe you'll have to go find out when you join the mega server.
Maybe you'll have to go find out when you join the mega server
Obviously, we got Xenu in the house.
Obviously, we got xenu in the house. Shout out to xeno my amazing partners and co-hosts over at 22 questions
Shout out to Xeno, my amazing partners and co-hosts over at 22 questions every single Tuesday.
Every single tuesday. We had a great episode with wet three poker club
We had a great episode with Wethory Poker Club.
Shout out to Pamela down there.
Shout out to pamela down there. It's so fun to interview her and your mates. Um this next week
So fun to interview her and your mate.
This next week, we will have O.M. Gina.
We will have omgina. So if you want to catch up with everything omgina
So if you want to catch up with everything, O.M. Gina.
Sid knows O.M. Gina.
Shout out to Mentiverse.
Shout out to men to verse. I just got the coolest cost of the luna planet in my wallet. So excited
I just got the coolest cost of the Luna Planet in my wallet.
So excited.
Vladio me a phone call, by the way.
Vladi owe me a phone call by the way. I don't think I forgot
Yeah, that's true.
And then we got the one and only Wolf Punks.
We got wolfy up here who I am so so excited about our plans together
We got Wolfie up here, who I am so, so excited about our plans together.
We're going to pair some of our veterans with their service dogs in the future.
We're gonna pair some of our veterans with their service dogs in the future
When they do build out the sanctuary with their partners over at Popular,
When they do build out the sanctuary with their partners over at popular
we cannot wait to get veterans in there as well.
We cannot wait to get veterans in there as well
Um, and we do have stardogs and wolfy has been so kind to give us a spot on income island with him
And we do have Star Dogs.
And Wolfie has been so kind to give us a spot on Income Island with him.
You may have a zeta reticulum on there watching all the pups making sure they're okay
making sure they're okay.
Nothing happens to them making sure they're fed
Nothing happens to them, making sure they're fed.
Let's see who else do we have up here.
Um, let's see. Who else do we have up here?
We have the Gina Blockhead Show.
We have the dinner blockhead show your girl's been on that show not once but twice
Your girl's been on that show not once, but twice.
So shout out to everyone on stage.
So shout out to everyone on stage. This is an amazing family here at nfa
This is an amazing family here at NFA.
And I'm happy to be here every hump day,
I'm happy to be here every hump day aka taco tuesdays when it comes to nfa. It's wednesdays now wednesdays every day is taco day
aka Taco Tuesdays when it comes to NFA.
It's Wednesdays now.
Every day is Taco Day.
Every day I like to get my mouth on some tacos.
Every day. I like to get my mouth on some tacos
Get your get your uh taco out my mouth
Get your taco out my mouth.
Let's go love you mel
Let's go.
Love you, Mel.
I love you, too
Love you, too.
We got it. I'm gonna come down to san diego. Maybe i'll come down with nifty's girl. We'll all get tacos
I'm going to come down to San Diego.
Come down with Nifty's Girl Olga Tacos.
I'll be fucking rad
I'll be fucking rad.
You let me know when.
You let me know when i'm always down you just let me know and that place was so
I'm always down.
You just let me know.
That place was so...
I've talked about it a bunch in the spaces.
I i've talked about it a bunch of spaces that that place we went to was so good
That place we went to was so good.
And those loaded up...
And those loaded up what was carne asada fries?
What was it?
Karna Asada Fries?
Oh, we demolished the fries.
Oh, we demolished the fries and that was like right after I was healing from my stomach bug, too
And that was like right after I was healing from my stomach bug, too.
So we do have to go back so I can try more food.
So we do have to go back so I can try more food
Oh, and I know I gave xenu a shout out but j-rock specifically
Oh, and I know I gave Zeno a shout-out,
but J-Rock specifically.
I got to shout him out because he was our first guest
I got to shout him out because he was our first guest on get to know the mob our spin-off of 22 questions
on Get to Know the Mob, our spin-off of 22 Questions.
And he's our Veteran of the Month for February.
And he's our veteran of the month for february. So everyone go read j-rock's story. It's an amazing one
So everyone go read J-Rock's story.
It's an amazing one.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go and mel. I didn't know that you live in san diego
Oh, and Mel, I didn't know that you live in San Diego?
Yes, sir born and raised no way
Yes, sir.
Born and raised.
You know, I'm here too, right?
You know i'm here
Yeah, Kelly girl.
Wait, in San Diego?
Wait in san diego, yeah
You guys should chop it up on the map panels one week when I come out there. Let's do a uh,
You guys should chop it up on the map channels.
When I come out there, let's do a group meet-up for some tacos.
Let's do a group meetup for some tacos. Let's make it rain some tacos
Let's make it rain some tacos.
I mean...
I mean, um, yes, please make that song a reality for me. I would never be here
Yes, please.
Make that song a reality for me.
I would never be out here.
Fuck I will leave you will bump it like you
We'll bump it.
You set me up for the song, and I just wasn't ready.
You set me up for the song and I just wasn't ready
Uh, and I feel bad because I was getting ready for my next beautiful guest to come up here
And I feel bad because I was getting ready
for my next beautiful guest to come up here.
But we will make it rain tacos for you, Ducky.
We will make it rain tacos for you ducky
Let's go.
Let's go.
All right, y'all. It's uh, let's see here. We're at 5 30
All right, y'all.
It's, let's see here.
We're at 5.30.
We got about 79 people in the room.
We got about 79 people in the room. Why isn't there 300 people in this room? It makes no sense
Why isn't there 300 people in this room?
It makes no sense.
Mainnet Z, ZNU, NFA, Kryptomies, Popular Utility Co.
Mainnet z mainnet z z new nfa krypto me's popular utility co you got my boy velotta here
You got my boy, Vlada, here.
Invisible enemies, D-Gen.
invisible enemies
d gen, uh
What the fuck?
What the fuck that's all I got to say to that
That's all I got to say to that.
But we had the hogs in here. Come on, let's get it going with that
We have the hogs in here.
Let's get it going.
With that, let me get our next guest up here.
Let me get our next guest up here
And then we're going to talk about some of the other stuff
And then uh, we're going to talk about some of the other stuff we got coming up this week
we got coming up this week.
So, Mr. Green, let's get ready to post that.
So mr. Green let's get ready to post that we are going to giving away a uh
We are going to be giving away a Kryptomies Mint tonight.
Crypto homies mint tonight. Those are going for 450 right now
Those are going for $450 right now.
So make sure you're interacting with that post up at the top,
So make sure you're interacting with that post up at the top and we'll be picking out a winner
and we'll be picking out a winner shortly.
Shortly and with that being said
And with that being said...
Drop it, drop it, low, girl.
Drop it, drop it, low, girl.
Drop it, drop it, low, girl.
Drop it, drop it, low, girl.
Drop it, drop it, low, girl.
Drop it, drop it, low, girl.
Where's Dylan when I need him?
Where's where's dylan when I need him
Drop it, drop it, low, girl.
Drop it, drop it, low, girl.
Drop it, drop it, low, girl.
We got an unexpected guest up here y'all.
We got an unexpected guest up here y'all
We got mil
We got Mel, from Deej and her blockhead, what's up?
From d gen or blockhead
What's up
Yo, what it do, what it do, what it do?
What it do? What it do? What it do?
I see what it do, goddamn y'all sexy up in this motherfucker.
I see what it do goddamn y'all sexy up in this motherfucker. Okay
Okay, so I see how y'all get down.
I'll see how y'all get down
All right. Hey, you know, what's up, bro, man? Hey, i'm still waiting on that call, man
Hey, you know what's up, man?
I'm still waiting on that call, man.
I know you gotta play ketchup, bro. I'm just saying just just do me a favor
I know you gotta play catch up, man.
I'm just saying.
Just do me a favor.
You're pimpish like this sometimes you just need somebody to just pick up the phone
You're pimpish like this.
Sometimes you just need somebody to just pick up the phone for real, for real.
For real for real let's chop it up tomorrow. Just give me a call in the morning. Sure, man. You got it, man
Let's chop it up tomorrow.
Just give me a call in the morning.
Sure, man.
You got it, man.
You know, that's what I say, man. People be looking at like damn, man
You know, that's what I say, man.
When people be looking at me like, damn, man, you got a little, you got some stomach on you right there.
You got a little you got some stomach on you right there
I said, hey man, that is a when you got a tool like mine. You got to put a shed over it
I said, hey, man, that is a, when you got a tool like mine, you got to put a shed over
That's all that is so I understand man. It's what it is
That's all that is.
So I understand, man.
It's what it is.
But so let me tell you something, man.
But so let me tell you something man i'm so glad that I was able to stop in I don't have much time
I'm so glad that I was able to stop in.
I don't have much time.
I actually have an appointment at 6 30. So your boy's been out here grinding ripping and running and flying baby. Hey, man
I actually have an appointment at 6 30.
So your boy's been out here grinding, ripping and running and flying, baby.
Hey, man, say, remember when we was in Devon space and we was talking about reaching out
Say remember when we was in devin space and we was talking about
Reaching out to companies and how web 2 web 3 and web world works as a whole
to companies and how web two, web three and web world works as a whole.
And I said what we need to do is just start going to knock on people's doors
And I said, what we need to do is just start going to knock on people's doors.
All right, remember that
Remember that.
So, you know what your boy been doing out here, right?
So, you know what your boy been doing out here, right? I've been quiet
I've been quiet, quiet, some doors.
Quiet on some doors
I've been knocking on some doors, man
I've been knocking on some doors, man.
And and it's crazy because it's like as much as I want to tell the world
And it's crazy because it's like as much as I want to tell the world, I just can't
I I just can't move in silence is what they say
move in silence is what they say.
And you know and it's been good, bro
And you know, and it's been good, bro, I have to admit.
I have to admit and believe it or not all this time since that since our first
And believe it or not, all this time since since our first.
So, let me tell y'all this sid was one of the founders that I was helping I gotta talk to this dude
So let me tell you all this, Sid was one of the founders that I was helping.
I got to talk to this dude.
I can't wait to meet this guy. I can't wait to talk to him
I can't wait to meet this guy.
I can't wait to talk to him.
Yada, yada, yada, and it finally happened
Yada, yada, yada.
And it finally happened.
And it was a lot of great pointers that I picked up without even knowing he was giving me advice
And it was a lot of great pointers that I picked up without even knowing he was giving
me advice.
The dude was giving advice seriously
The dude was giving advice seriously.
So in this space we all have a lane
So in this space, we all have a lane.
I had to find my lane all over again
I had to find my lane all over again because I was too busy trying to be a web three web
Because I was too busy trying to be a web 3 web 2 ish 3 ish type of thing
two ish three ish type of thing.
I am the first and only blockchain trivia bridge game show in the world right now.
I am the first and only
blockchain trivia
bridge game show in the world right now
I am not like everybody else.
Like everybody else and I had to rediscover that and I take pride in that shit
And I had to rediscover that.
And I take pride in that shit because I've been doing some things on this end and palm
Because i've been doing some things on this end and palm shaking and baby kissing or is it baby kissing and palm shaking?
shaking and baby kissing or is it baby kissing and palm shaking?
I don't know man. One or the other either way. I'm proud of what's to come
I don't know, man.
What are the other?
Either way, I'm proud of what's to come.
season 3 is coming soon
Season three is coming soon and way that it's coming down and everybody in this web
And wait that it's coming down
and everybody
In this web world space that i've tried to reach out to I wanted to work with
world space that I've tried to reach out to, I wanted to work with, talk to, they brushed
Talk to they brushed me off
me off, saw it as a non-factor.
Saw it as a non-factor
You all who have heard this message you all will be like, holy shit. I dropped the ball. Yes, you did
You all who have heard this message, you all will be like, holy shit.
I dropped the ball.
Yes, you did.
Yes, you did.
Yes, you did
So yes, DJ the blockhead show season 3 will be returning and i'm so glad to see so many of you
So yes, DJ the Blockhead show season three will be returning.
And I'm so glad to see so many of you broadening out and everyone's growing.
Broading out and everyone's growing and this is what it's supposed to be about and um, i'm looking forward to it
And this is what it's supposed to be about.
And I'm looking forward to it.
I do have my season passes. They are out there, but trust and believe done by the greatest
I do have my season passes.
They are out there.
But trust and believe done by the greatest, one of the greatest developers and the most
One of the greatest developers and the most secured contract that I can ever think of the utility code
secured contract that I can ever think of.
The utility code they created, the OSIRIS protocol and DJ the Blockhead show membership
They created the osiris protocol indige in the blockhead show membership passes run off of the osiris protocol
passes run off of the OSIRIS protocol by yours truly, the utility code.
By yours truly the utility code. I love those fucking gods
I love those fucking gods.
So at the end of the day if you counted out dobs you made a mistake
So at the end of the day, if you counted out Dobbs, you made a mistake.
You made a mistake, baby because yo, this is so fucking epic, man. So again, I love this
You made a mistake, baby, because, you know, this is so fucking epic, man.
So again, I love this.
I love seeing everyone connected. I love the way this space is going and you guys, you know, man again
I love seeing everyone connected.
I love the way this space is going and you guys, you know, man, again, shout out to everyone
Shout out to everyone who's building and we're not projects. I really wish all of you would stop saying that we are companies
who's building and we're not projects.
I really wish all of you would stop saying that we are companies.
We are innovators
We are innovators.
We are builders
We are builders.
We're not a project.
We're not a project. We're not in school anymore. We graduated man
We're not in school anymore.
We graduated, man.
We we're doing we're doing the real work
We're doing the real work.
So again, I think people aren't ready for what's to come.
I think people aren't ready for what's to come and there's so much to build and blockchain is blowing people's minds
And there's so much to build and blockchain is blowing people's minds.
but again
But again, if you own minds.
All minds so again, I appreciate coming up here chopping up with y'all, man
So again, I appreciate coming up here and chopping up with y'all, man, I, you know,
I you know, I miss the spaces, but I don't miss the spaces that much. That's why I don't go on it too much
I miss the spaces, but I don't miss the spaces that much.
That's why I don't go on it too much.
It's good to hear you positive and
It's good to hear you positive and pounding some pavement over there.
Pounding some pavement over there
Uh, you sound excited and refreshed which is always good
You sound excited and refreshed, which is always good.
And uh, I can't wait for season three. I will not be participating
And I can't wait for season three.
I will not be participating unless I'm going to win.
Uh, unless i'm gonna win sure
You sure?
You sure I need to and I don't I if i'm not gonna win I don't play
You sure?
And I don't, I, if I'm not going to win, I don't play.
That's well bruh, you're gonna win. I'm gonna tell you why everybody's a win on dob's show because I guarantee
That's well, bruh, you got to win.
I'm going to tell you why.
Everybody's a winner on job show because I guarantee you're going to walk away with something
You're gonna walk away with something you didn't have before and that goes for everybody in this space. I guarantee
you didn't have before.
And that goes for everybody in this space.
I guarantee you're going to walk away with something you never had before.
You're gonna walk away with something you never had before is that so you're gonna win
Is that right?
You're going to win.
I have to think about what that means but
I have to think about what that means, but shout out to you, brother.
But uh, shout out to you brother. Appreciate you. Yes, very shout out to you, man. Love you, man
Appreciate you.
Yeah, sorry.
Shout out to you, man.
Love you, too
Love you, man.
Just remember this is coming from the guy that's out there shaking babies and kissing hands. Right?
Love you too.
Just remember, this is coming from the guy that's out there shaking babies and kissing
Is that how it goes?
Is that how it goes that's what it is
That's what it is.
Well, hey, you know
Well, hey, you know, no, that's, that's the way you do it.
No, that's that's the way you do it at least when I met you you were over there shaking babies and kissing hands
But at least when I met you, you were over there shaking babies and kissing hands.
Well, that's because somebody was over there pinching my nipple man
Well, that's because somebody was over there, putting some of my nipple, man.
Like now now now the other nipple is jealous. So I gotta where darcy at where she at
Like now, now, now the other nipples jealous.
So I got to, where Darcy at, where she at, look, we got it, we got it.
We got it. We got
She bounced out as soon as she heard me introduce you
She bounced out as soon as she heard me introduce you.
Oh, that's what it was
That's what it was.
Yeah, she obligated now she got a good she got to get the other one
She obligated now.
She got a good, she got to get the other one.
It's all good.
It's all love
It's all love, bro.
I love it.
Shout out to you, big time.
And uh, can't wait for you to make the official announcement when the date is you guys we're at 5 30
And can't wait for you to make the official announcement when the date is.
You guys, we're at 5.30.
We got about a half hour more of our wednesday night space
We got about a half hour more of our Wednesday night space.
Mr. Green, do you have anything you want to announce before I go to the next project?
Uh, mr. Green. Do you have anything you want to announce before I go to the next project?
Yeah, if you guys haven't gone into the utility the utility coz
If you guys haven't gone into the utility, the utility code's discord and gotten into
Discord and gotten into the nfa space
the NFA space.
You have to click on the emotion mowie con or whatever you want to call it
You have to click on the emoji con or whatever you want to call it in the role section to
In the role section to be able to bring up the nfa channel
be able to bring up the NFA channel.
And then it's at the very bottom guys
And then it's at the very bottom, guys.
And then you go in there you go into the general chat and I am doing a wheel spin
And then you go in there, you go into the general chat, and I am doing a wheel spin.
I'm adding everybody's name to a wheel spin to make it fair. Um, get in there and say, you know
I'm adding everybody's name to a wheel spin to make it fair.
Get in there and say, you know, Ducky, you're a sexy MF-er.
Ducky you're a sexy mf'er
Yo, dude, i'm giving away ten dollars
You know, dude, I'm giving away $10 of main net Z's, net Z.
Uh of main net z's net z now that doesn't sound like a lot, right?
Now, that doesn't sound like a lot, right?
So let's just take ten dollars and divide it by what is it at fifteen cents? I don't know the exact number
So let's just take $10 and divide it by, what is it, 15 cents?
I don't know the exact number.
Hold on a second.
Uh, hold on a second. We got ten
We got 10 times 100 divided by 0.15.
times a hundred
Divided by point one five you're getting is that right?
You're getting, is that right, 6,600?
6600 that can't be right. Hold on a second. You got ten times a hundred it's a thousand
That can't be right.
Hold on a second.
10 times 100, it's 1,000, divided by 0.15, is that right, 6,000 tokens, Ducky?
Divided by point fifteen
Is that right six thousand tokens ducky?
I'll take six thousand. So I don't think that I don't think the math is bad thing there
I'll take 6,000 tokens.
I don't think the math is mapping there.
Um, but it's not working there for somebody whatever it is. You're gonna get you're gonna get about
It's not working there for some reason.
Whatever it is, you're going to get about 150 tokens or so, okay?
150 tokens or so. Okay, those are worth ten dollars right now
Those are worth $10 right now.
Uh, wait till those are worth five dollars ten dollars fifty dollars a hundred dollars a thousand dollars three thousand dollars
Until those are worth $5, $10, $50, $100, $1,000, $3,000.
Who knows where these are going to go to?
Who knows where these are going to go to?
You might be thinking oh, it's ten dollars. It's 150
You might be thinking, oh, it's $10, it's 150 net Z tokens.
uh net z tokens, uh
But as far as I believe that's you might be sitting on three hundred fifty four hundred thousand dollars right there one day
But as far as I believe, you might be sitting on $350, $400,000 right there one day.
So definitely tap in jump in there. Go grab those bad boys. It's easy. Just join the discord
So definitely tap in, jump in there, go grab those bad boys.
It's easy.
Just join the Discord.
Give us some love. Let them know that uh ducky's a sexy mf'er
Give us some love.
Let them know that Ducky's a sexy M-effer, and we're going to pick out a winner on Mr.
And uh, we're gonna pick out a winner on mr. Green's wheel. Appreciate that. Mr. Green
Green's wheel.
Appreciate that, Mr. Green.
Also, when you get a chance green, let's throw the promo up at the top for the homies
Also when you get a chance, Green, let's throw the promo up at the top for the homies.
I'll talk about that for a second before we clear out again
I'll talk about that for a second before we clear out again, and let's throw up the digital
And let's throw up the digital world promo with a kid called beast giveaway and i'll be talking about that for a second
world promo with a kid called Beast Giveaway, and I'll be talking about that for a second.
but before we go on and I get to my things and before I get to
But before we go on, and I get to my things, and before I get to my boy Dylan, and before
My boy dylan and before I get to my boy wolfie
I get to my boy Wolfie, I just want to say hi really fast to one other person, and here
Uh, I just want to say hi really fast to one other person and here we go
We got my boy
We got my boy Pa in the house.
We got the metaverse, yo.
Hell yeah
Hell yeah.
What up guys, what up sid?
What up, guys?
What up, Sid?
How are you, man?
How are you man? Good. How are you kid? I'm good, man. I I just came up here to congratulate ducky
How are you, kid?
I'm good, man.
I just came up here to congratulate Ducky.
Uh, congratulations, bro with uh with the decks and everything looks fucking awesome, man. Oh, i'm sorry. I cannot swear. Sorry
Congratulations, bro, with the decks and everything.
Looks fucking awesome, man.
I'm sorry.
I cannot swear.
But it looks it looks really amazing
But it looks really amazing.
Yeah, man.
I just want to say hi to everyone else.
Yeah, man, and I would just want to say hi to everyone else
What up dylan star dogs wolf punks brendan. What up?
What up, Dylan?
Um, I see the utility company and mel. I'm so sorry mel. You are totally right. I should have called you today. I forgot
I see the utility company and Mel.
I'm so sorry, Mel.
You are totally right.
I should have called you today.
I forgot.
Maybe we can do it after the space or tomorrow
I'll call you tomorrow, if that's OK, because what I heard was amazing about this utility
If that's okay, because I really what I heard was amazing about this utility company
I've been in that discord for a long time, but I I have kind of neglected it and it's my fault
I've been in that Discord for a long time, but I have kind of neglected it, and it's
my fault.
I'm, so sorry
I'm so sorry.
I hear very good things about it.
I hear very good things about it. So yeah
So yeah, I just want to say what up to all of you.
I just want to say what up? Uh
To all of you. How is everyone doing?
How is everyone doing?
Everything's good, bro, bro. Everything's beautiful
Everything's good, bro, bro.
Everything's beautiful.
Uh, you want to talk a little bit about what's going on with mental burst? I'm stoked about my planets. Oh, yeah
I want to talk a little bit about what's going on with Mentiverse.
I'm stoked about my planets.
Oh, yeah.
Tell us what's going on and
Tell us what's going on.
And, you know, I don't want to be a broken record, but hoping that you'll be launching
You know, I don't want to be a broken record, but hoping that uh, you'll be launching your future planets and your future projects over on
your future planets and your future projects over on main net.
main net well, yeah
Well, yeah, yeah, of course.
Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, yeah.
I know that that is.
No, that is that I already talked to xino on that
I already talked to Zeno on that.
I uh have to still send you what's up. But actually I know from you sit
I have to still send you WhatsApp, but actually, I know from you, Sid, we are going to do a
Uh, we are gonna do a smaller collection on my netsy
small collection on main net Z and we're going to put all our partners and all the two projects
And we're gonna put all our partners and all the two projects we work with we're gonna do some one-on-ones in there for sure
we work with.
We're going to do some one-on-ones in there for sure.
It's gonna be time for
It's going to be time portals.
Yep, then let's go some time holders on the main netsy but for now guys, uh, you know, um to stay in this
It's going to be time portals on the main net Z.
But for now, guys, you know, to stay in this cool vibe, we are also giving away if you're
uh cool vibe
We are also giving away if you're a holder sit you're a holder. I know that for sure mel is a holder
a holder, Sid, you're a holder.
I know that for sure Mel is a holder.
Yes, there are holders here. I'll just share it. Um, I we are also giving away 20 dollars in netsy
There are holders here.
I'll just share it.
We are also giving away $20 in net Z this week to our holders.
This week to our holders. We are having weekly holder, uh holder raffles
We are having weekly holder, holder raffles.
And um this week we are giving away a draconian error, which is pretty cool
This week, we are giving away a draconian era, which is pretty cool.
The floor price is uh, like two or three solanas. So uh,
The floor price is like two or three Solana, so a very awesome project.
Very awesome, uh project and the second, uh price, uh 20 bucks in uh in netsy. So yeah
And the second price, $20 in net Z.
So yeah, that's kind of what we are doing.
That's kind of uh, what we are doing. Uh, another cool update is um, I talked to dylan in the back end and
Another cool update is I talked to Dylan in the back end, and it's taking more shape.
It's taking more shape
What we are we're gonna do in the income island, um gave me some things to think about
What we are going to do in the income island gave me some things to think about, what we
Uh, how what we want to do and how we want to present it
want to do and how we want to present it.
So pretty cool. I'm talking to the team with that
So pretty cool.
I'm talking to the team with that.
So we will be on the income island soon. You will see us in there as well
So we will be on the income island soon.
You will see us in there as well.
and another cool big update for us, uh, because we are on solana we uh,
And another cool big update for us because we are on Solana.
I went in there to uh the jupiter exchange
I went in there to the Jupiter exchange, which is kind of the biggest exchange on Solana
Which is kind of the biggest
Exchange on solana for solana tokens and they have this new lfg pad
for Solana tokens.
And they have this new LFG pad, LFG launch pad, which is fully promoted by them and everything.
lfg launch pad
Promoted by them and everything. We will have a small
We will have a small section in their discord.
own section in in their discord
And uh, we will launch our mantaverse coin the mvc on on our lawn on their launch pad
And we will launch our Mantaverse coin, the MVC, on their launch pad.
I don't know when because there's a lot of cool other
I don't know when, because there's a lot of cool other projects who also want to launch.
Projects who also want to launch so I cannot say a date, but we will launch on that launch pad and it will be awesome
So I cannot say a date, but we will launch on that launch pad and it will be awesome.
So yeah, the Mantaverse coin will break very quick.
Yeah, the mantaverse coin. He'll break very quick. It's uh, it will be a reflection coin a reflection token
It will be a reflection coin, a reflection token.
Uh, so we will have a reflection wallet where a certain percentage goes in
So we will have a reflection wallet where a certain percentage goes in from every transaction.
Uh from every uh transaction
And once a month we check out what a cool coin
And once a month, we check out what a cool coin, what a cool token is on Solana, which
Uh what a cool token is, uh on solana
Which one is thriving at that moment and we will reflect that to all the holders. So these are kind of the big, uh
one is thriving at that moment.
And we will reflect that to all the holders.
So these are kind of the big, big updates for us for now.
updates for for us for now
Fucking awesome, brother.
Fucking awesome brother. Yeah, man. I'm stoked. I'm very stoked. Thanks so much
Yeah, man.
I'm stoked.
I'm very stoked.
Of course, and you know how much you know much we love you guys
Of course.
And you know how much we love you guys.
I appreciate you big time
Appreciate you big time.
Another you know family member from uh since the beginning of uh when you came into the space
Another family member from since the beginning of when you came into the space.
So we appreciate it you guys make sure you're giving vlog some love up there
So we appreciate it.
You guys make sure you're giving Vlad some love up there.
Uh follow go to the top there. If you're not part of this community join the community
Go to the top there if you're not part of his community, join the community and tap
And uh tap on in brother. I was thinking maybe but you build like a solar system inside income island
Brother, I was thinking maybe you build like a solar system inside Income Island.
I think you should be talking to dylan taking over the sky somehow
I think you should be talking to Dylan, taking over the sky somehow.
Okay. Oh, yeah, that's actually also cool idea
Oh, yeah, that's actually also a cool idea.
Yeah, man.
Yeah, man, i'll send you my bill
I'll send you my bill.
No, that's actually a great idea, bro.
No, that's actually a great idea bro. Yeah, my consulting bill. I just need 25 net z
Yeah, my consulting bill.
I just need 25 net Z.
I'm cheap. Those are gonna be worth four billion dollars one day. So I don't need that's true. That's true
I'm cheap.
Those are going to be worth four billion dollars one day.
So I don't need very.
That's true.
You got already more in the uh in the in the staking vault for me. So that's a baby
There's already more in the in the in the staking ball for me.
So that's OK.
Oh, I love that.
I love that. Thank you for dropping them on my validator. Of course. That's uh
Thank you for dropping them on my validator.
Of course.
That's you know, listen, I'm so pumped I can talk for two hours about main net Z and what's
You know, listen, i'm i'm so pumped
I I can talk for two hours about mainnet z and what's going on and as we drop more things and as you guys figure out
going on.
And as we drop more things and as you guys figure out what ZTZZTZZZ is or whatever it
What z t z z t z z z is or whatever it is
is, you guys will know we're really up to.
Uh, you guys will know what we're really up to but uh shit's about to go down. Appreciate you bro, bro
But shit's about to go down.
Appreciate you, bro, bro.
Thanks, bro. Listen, glad to be here
Thanks, bro.
Glad to be here.
Of course, I got a couple more people I want to talk to
Of course.
I got a couple more people I want to talk to.
I do want to talk about the homies for a second in a digital world before we close out.
I do want to talk about the homies for a second in a digital world before we close out
So we'll be closing with those two things
So we'll be closing with those two things.
In the meantime, uh, I don't know if you guys have heard web3 national anthem
In the meantime, I don't know if you guys have heard Web3 National Anthem.
But uh, let me play this for you and we'll get to our next project or our next founder
But let me play this for you.
We'll get to our next project or our next founder.
From the end to fall gone, you'll be strong, as Tennessee whiskey, you're sweet, strong
and wide, you'll be strong and wide, you'll be strong and wide, you'll be strong and wide.
Holy smokes, look at that run.
What a run dylan
What a run, Dylan.
Let's go let's go
Let's go.
Let's go.
Oh, my God.
Oh my god, every time I hear that it puts a smile on my face
Every time I hear that, it puts a smile on my face.
freaking love that
Freaking love that.
Yo, dude.
Income island blowing up
Income island blowing up.
That's right over there
That's right, brother.
Over there.
Give us give us an update. Tell us what's the word tell us what we can expect
Give us an update.
Tell us what's the word.
Tell us what we can expect.
Uh, I know that there's just a ton of shit going down. I know we're working on a bunch of stuff
I know that there's just a ton of shit going down.
I know we're working on a bunch of stuff.
I'll talk about a couple of things that we're doing in income island, but I want to hear what's going on from your point of view
I'll talk about a couple of things that we're doing in Income Island.
But I want to hear what's going on from your point of view.
Yeah, we've been in nonstop meetings.
Yeah, we've been in non-stop meetings
Um, you know for those of you who have not gone into the newest update it is available
For those of you who have not gone into the newest update, it is available.
If you've got a pc you can go in through the microsoft app store download it. Um, you can download it from the website
If you've got a PC, you can go in through the Microsoft App Store, download it.
You can download it from the website.
The mac version for the newest update will be available here very soon. Our dev was out of town
The Mac version for the newest update will be available here very soon.
Our dev was out of town, but he is working on getting that squared away.
But he is working on getting that squared away
um, and that should be available within you know the next day or two, um, and
That should be available within the next day or two.
Everybody's going to be able to pop in on the mac also
Everybody's going to be able to pop in on the Mac also for this newest update.
For this newest update. Um, a bunch of you have already seen the graphics, you know, a lot of you've already seen it, you know posted up
A bunch of you have already seen the graphics.
A lot of you have already seen it posted up.
But i'll tell you it's it's a whole different experience when you walk around inside
But I'll tell you, it's a whole different experience when you walk around inside.
We've got a lot of great people building, Clown Town, Wolf Punks, again, with Mentiverse.
We got a lot of great people building clown town wolf punks
Um, you know meeting, you know met with again with men to births
Um, you know a lot of amazing
A lot of amazing, amazing projects that are building.
Amazing projects that are building, uh, but not just web 2 or web 3, but we're also building with web 2
But not just Web 2 or Web 3, but we're also building with Web 2.
You know, the thing is it doesn't matter what company you have what products you have
The thing is, it doesn't matter what company you have, what products you have.
You can sell them inside the metaverse if it's a digital product great goes to your, you know wallet if it's a physical product
You can sell them inside the Metaverse.
If it's a digital product, great, it goes to your wallet.
If it's a physical product, you can buy that inside the Metaverse and have it shipped to
You know, you can buy that inside the metaverse and have it shipped to you in real life
you in real life.
lead the ceo of income island
Lee, the CEO of Income Island, just the other day, he went in there and ordered takeout
Just the other day he went in there
Um and ordered takeout for his family and it was delivered right to his house inside income island. So
for his family.
It was delivered right to his house inside Income Island.
You know anything is possible, you know, and that's what we tell people, you know
Anything is possible.
That's what we tell people.
You're only limited by where your imagination can go. So building underground building in the ocean create like
We're only limited by where your imagination can go.
Building underground, building in the ocean, like Sid was saying, creating a solar system
Sid was saying, you know creating a solar system, you know for men to verse, you know
for Mentiverse.
Buildings can look whatever the way you want them to look like you can do, you know, all different types of things in there
Buildings can look whatever the way you want them to look like.
You can do all different types of things in there.
Um, so, you know really the sky is the limit and you know now that we've released this newest update
Really the sky is the limit.
Now that we've released this newest update, we're currently working on the networking.
Uh, we're currently working on the networking
That's the social aspect where you're going to be able to go in and talk with everybody
It's the social aspect where you're going to be able to go in and talk with everybody.
There is a lot that goes into it on the coding end of it
There is a lot that goes into it on the coding end of it, so we're expecting this to take
So we're expecting this to take a little bit of time to get this built this aspect built out and integrated
a little bit of time to get this aspect built out and integrated, but we're working on it
Uh, but we're working on it as of right now. Um, and you know, once we're once we're ready to drop this
as of right now.
Once we're ready to drop this, sky's the limit.
You know sky's the limit. It's it's exciting time
It's an exciting time.
um, and you know, it's
We really are trying to push the boundaries in every way possible, uh when it comes to the metaverse
We really are trying to push the boundaries in every way possible when it comes to the
Yeah, I'm super pumped.
Yeah, i'm i'm super pumped
Every nose i've been pumped up on income island since day one
Every nose I've been pumped up on Income Island since day one.
Uh, i've been involved with at least four or five different metaverses and have built in them
I've been involved with at least four or five different Metaverses and have built in them.
I've put all those projects to the side and focused in on Income Island, not only because
I've kind of put all those projects to the side and and focus in on income island
Not only because the team behind it
the team behind it, but really your guys' vision and what you guys are trying to build
But really your guys vision and what you guys are trying to build over there
over there, and the proof is in the pudding, right?
Uh, and the proof is in the pudding, right? The graphics were already insane
The graphics were already insane.
Now you guys have stepped up the game even more the nfa building even though it's just a placeholder right now is stunning
Now you guys have stepped up the game even more.
The NFA building, even though it's just a placeholder right now, is stunning.
Um, if you guys haven't been into the new build yet
If you guys haven't been into the new build yet with the rooftop, open rooftop, and just
With the rooftop open rooftop and just the expanded floor
the expanded floor, the graphics are insane.
Uh, the graphics are are insane. You can go in there. You can go mint to krypto homies
You can go in there.
You can go mint to crypto homies.
You can go check out the zenews on the second floor. You can go check out some of our other collections up there
You can go check out the Xenus on the second floor.
You can go check out some of our other collections up there.
we're getting ready to build a
We're getting ready to build an exclusive property that you can only have access to
property that you can only have access to
as a nfa zenu krypto homies holder, uh, we're building out our
as a NFA Xenu crypto homies holder.
We're building out our venue to get married in, right?
Venue to get married in right? So we're building our chapel right now
So we're building our chapel right now.
Uh, we already have the first person that's going to get married i'm going to be
We already have the first person that's going to get married.
I'm going to be officiating the marriage.
Efficienting the marriage i'm a ordained minister
I'm an ordained minister, so I'm going to be marrying the first couple inside in Kamal
So i'm gonna i'm going to be marrying the first couple inside in kamal and which i'm totally stoked about
Island, which I'm totally stoked about.
Yeah, it's really cute that Wolf Punks and Mentiverse are getting married.
Yeah, it's really cute that that uh wolf punks and men tovers are getting married. I love that
I love that.
Why'd you say?
Why'd you say that?
Can I be the flower girl?
Listen, if you want to marry a dog, you can marry...
Can I be the flower girl?
Listen if you want to marry a dog
Uh, you can marry i'm just joking we're gonna follow the rules, but everybody's welcome to get married. We don't uh,
I'm just joking.
We're going to follow the rules, but everybody's welcome to get married.
We don't judge. It's just open to everybody
We don't judge.
It's just open to everybody, whatever you want to do.
Uh, whatever you want to do, but uh, yeah, so we're building that out
But yeah, so we're building that out.
I'm going to be opening up my personal office over there.
I'm going to be opening up my personal office over there
I'll be taking consult meetings over there with with projects and with people who want to talk about web 3 and how to build
I'll be taking consult meetings over there with projects and with people who want to
talk about Web 3 and how to build and expand together.
And expand together. So we'll be doing it live inside the metaverse
So we'll be doing it live inside the Metaverse.
Uh lots of stuff. So i'm pumped hopefully
Lots of stuff.
So I'm pumped.
Hopefully, I don't know if everybody's in here, but I know...
Uh some of the uh, I don't know if everybody in here
But I know uh, I think almost all the projects but pa you're not up on the uh
I think almost all the projects, but Paul, you're not up on the Ferris wheel yet.
On the ferris wheel yet. I know there's other projects in your doogies. We need to get you on the ferris wheel
I know there's other projects in here.
Doogies, we need to get you on the Ferris wheel.
What is it? How much is it to get up there dylan for two years to get a pod?
What is it?
How much is it to get up there, Dylan, for two years to get a pod?
500 bucks.
500 bucks. That's it. So it it originally the offer was up there for a long time
That's it.
So originally, the offer was up there for a long time.
I think there was an introductory offer dylan gave us for like the first four months was 350 bucks
I think there was an introductory offer Dylan gave us for the first four months was $350
And then it jumped to 500 but for 500 you get a pod
and then it jumped to $500.
But for $500, you get a pod and basically marketing inside the Metaverse for two years.
Uh in basically marketing inside the metaverse for two years
And then every year after that initial two years is only a hundred bucks to keep the pod after that
And then every year after that initial two years is only $100 to keep the pod after that.
That's it. So it just helps with maintenance. It helps keeping up the the platform
That's it.
There you go.
So it just helps with maintenance.
It helps keeping up the platform.
Um, and what a great way for projects and and brands to be able to go out there and let their communities know
And what a great way for projects and brands to be able to go out there and let their communities
know and their supporters of their brands know that they have a spot inside the Metaverse.
and their and their um
Supporters of their brands know that they have a they have a spot inside the metaverse even if it's even if it's just a pod
Even if it's just a pod, at least you now have a place inside the Metaverse and what
At least you now have a place inside the metaverse
Uh, and what a place to be so definitely tap in with us if you want more information on the ferris wheel
a place to be.
So definitely tap in with us.
If you want more information on the Ferris wheel, you can tap in with me.
Uh, you can tap in with me. You can tap in with dylan
You can tap in with Dylan.
Uh, you can even hit up mr green and mr green will hit me up
You can even hit up Mr. Green and Mr. Green will hit me up.
Um, but uh, I think there's about what 15 16 spots left
But I think there's about what, 15, 16 spots left?
Yeah, something like that.
Yeah, something like that 16 spots left. It's the largest
There's 16 spots left.
It's the largest landmark on the island.
Uh, it's it's the largest landmark on the island
It's four times the london eye if you were to put in perspective of how big the london eye is
It's four times the London Eye if you were to put in perspective of how big the London
So it is a massive piece of of art
So it is a massive piece of art.
And uh, i'm really stoked that nfa partnered up with income island to build that out
And I'm really stoked that the NFA partnered up with Income Island to build that out.
So definitely jump in there but much love brother
So definitely jump in there.
But much love, brother.
Love it, bro.
Love it, too.
All right, you guys.
Love it, bro. All right, you guys and if you want to post something up to top dylan some of the new graphics, that would be awesome
And if you want to post something up the top, Dylan, some of the new graphics, that would
be awesome because there have been some new graphics.
uh, because there have been some new graphics you can actually go grab a star dog now and walk around the island as a star dog
You can actually go grab a star dog now and walk around the island as a star dog.
and uh, i'm not going to give away too much alpha, but
And I'm not going to give away too much alpha, but there may be a new homie coming into the
Uh, there may be a new homie coming into the metaverse that you'll be able to uh, get around
metaverse that you'll be able to get around.
I won't tell you much because it's gonna be connected to uh, our next homies drop
I won't tell you much because it's going to be connected to our next homies drop.
But definitely definitely be on the lookout. All right, so let's get up to our last project of the night
But definitely, definitely be on the lookout.
All right, so let's get up to our last project of the night.
We saved one of the best for last. Here's my boy
We saved one of the best for last.
Here's my boy.
All right, all right, all right.
All right, all right, all right, we got my boy
You got my boy, Brandon, aka Wolfie of the wolf bug.
Brandon aka wolfy of the wolf bugs
What up, kid
What up, kid?
What's going on?
What's going on?
How goes it?
Busy, busy, busy.
I got to do this and then instantly run out the door and go and pick up another dog right
How goes it?
Ah busy busy busy. Um, I gotta do this and then instantly run out the door
I'm going to pick up another dog right now. I'm meeting a guy at nine o'clock
I'm meeting a guy at nine o'clock.
Um, so i've been really busy in irl. We saved. Um
So I've been really busy in IRL.
We've been trapping puppies, there's some feral dogs and they had a litter and so we're
Um, we've been trapping puppies, uh, there's some feral dogs and they had a litter and so we're trapping puppies
trapping puppies.
Um, and now we're going to start trapping the dogs
And now we're going to start trapping the dogs.
No, these are um, these are some kind of pit mix. Uh, this is for my rescue rock on rescue
These are some kind of pit mix.
This is for my rescue rock on rescue.
The one i'm picking up tonight is a beagle
The one I'm picking up tonight is a beagle.
And so yeah, we've been busy with that also
And so, yeah, we've been busy with that.
So as far as Wolfpunk goes, you heard we're going, we have a spot in Come Island.
Um as far as wolf punk goes you heard we're going uh, we have a spot in income island
And we are actually right behind the ferris wheel next to
And we are actually right behind the Ferris wheel next to Star Dogs.
star dogs, uh, it's a really cool spot and um
It's a really cool spot.
And we can, you know, we got a lot of stuff going on there with, like I said, we're going
we can uh
We got a lot of stuff going on there with like I said, we're gonna have uh an alien
to have an alien that's going to protect the dogs, we're going to have some dogs walking
That's gonna protect the dogs. We're gonna have some dogs walking around and um
around and then the game, we'll build the game out, we'll be starting on all of that.
Then the game will build the game out. Um, we'll be starting on all of that. Uh, also we just put the drip bot in our discord
Also we just put the drip bot in our discord.
We're getting ready to ramp up on a lot of the stuff. We've been talking about
We're getting ready to ramp up on a lot of the stuff we've been talking about.
So anybody that's not in the discord, get in the discord, you can, somebody earned
Anybody that's not in the discord getting the discord you can
Somebody earned a hundred thousand adams the other today like five people. We're giving a bunch of stuff away
100,000 Adams the other today, like five people, we're giving a bunch of stuff away.
And you can you can use the
And you can, you can use the token that's there.
Token that's there. It's actually an on-chain token. You can use that for
It's actually an on-chain token.
You can use that for Wolfpunk's discord.
wolf pong's discord you can also use it in ora so any of the
You can also use it in Aura.
So any of the giveaways that are running in there, you have the opportunity to get a lot
giveaways are running in there you have the opportunity to get
Um a lot of big a lot of big giveaways over there, uh and in my server, so
of big, a lot of big giveaways over there and in my server.
So you know, we're just continuing to do what we've been doing, you know, for, you know,
You know, we're just uh continuing to do what we've been doing. Um, you know for
I don't know the last I don't know year or so that we've been really starting to push hard and kind of
hard and kind of, you know, making everything happen.
You know making everything happen. Um, also we're designing our logos for our van right now
Also we're designing our logos for our van right now.
And we're also starting on our calendar. Uh, we're going to issue a calendar
And we're also starting on our calendar.
We're going to issue a calendar.
A lot of people in here have already sent me pictures of their dogs
A lot of people in here have already sent me pictures of their dogs.
Um, if you want your dog to be on the collage of the calendar, you know, just go into my discord. There's a pets. Um
If you want your dog to be on the collage of the calendar, you know, just go into my
There's a pets channel, go in there, post it and, you know, your dog can be in the calendar.
Uh channel go in there post it and you know, your dog can be in the uh, calendar we're going to make a physical calendar and a
We're going to make a physical calendar and a, you know, like a, I don't know, I'm not
um, you know, like a
I don't know. Uh, I'm not sure exactly how it's going to work. I think it's going to be an nft itself
sure exactly how it's going to work.
I think it's going to be an NFT itself.
Uh, so we're working on that. Uh, but that's pretty much it just grinding. Oh and everybody. Um tomorrow we're having a space. Um
So we're working on that.
But that's pretty much it.
Just grinding.
Oh, and everybody, tomorrow we're having a space.
It's uh 5 p.m. Pst
It's 5pm PST.
It's going to be me and Sid and we're going to talk about crypto homies, the whole history,
It's going to be me and sit and we're going to talk about
Crypto homies the whole history everything
everything, why I'm such a big supporter in the project, why I think it's going to be
Why i'm such a big supporter in the project why I think it's going to be one of the next blue chips
one of the next blue chips.
So make sure you guys check that out
So make sure you guys check that out.
Tomorrow at 5 o'clock, right?
Tomorrow at five o'clock, right? Yeah five pst
So mr. Green let's post it up to the top and you know, this is a space we've been talking about for a while
So let's post it up to the top.
You know, this is a space we've been talking about for a while, which I love and I'm going
Uh, which which I love and i'm i'm going to try to do this at least once a month if not more
to try to do this at least once a month, if not more, which is just having a holder come
Which is just having a holder come in
in and have them give their perspective of the project from their point of view.
And have them give their perspective of the project from their point of view
And wolfie is is pretty outspoken and has a unique story of of how we got connected to the homies brand back in the day
And Wolfie is pretty outspoken and has a unique story of how we got connected to the homies
brand back in the day and how it's carried through.
Um and how it's carried through and even the founder that he minted the significance of it
And even the founder that he minted, the significance of it, to his project.
Uh to his project. So, uh, i'm really looking forward to that and i'm planning on not talking as much as possible
So I'm really looking forward to that and I'm planning on not talking as much as possible.
Uh, it's it's really
It's really just a chance for Wolfie to talk homies and for all of us just to hear what
Uh, it's really just a chance for wolfie to talk homies
And for all of us just to hear what he has to say about it. So
he has to say about it.
So I appreciate it if everybody from the community taps in.
I appreciate it. If everybody from the community taps in make sure you go up to the top
Make sure you go up to the top and send a reminder, Mr. Green, if you could pop it up
Uh and said reminder mr. Green if you could pop it up there and you guys I I always add to my calendar
Guys, I always add to my calendar.
I don't know about you. I don't do I don't um, I don't make an I don't make a
I don't know about you.
I don't do I don't I don't make a I don't make a notification from X.
Notification from x I literally just add it to my calendar
I literally just add it to my calendar.
And when you click when you click on if you didn't know that it'll let you add it to your eye calendar
add it to your I calendar or it'll let you add it to Google Calendar, I believe.
Or it'll let you add it to google calendar, I believe
And this way it's there. It has the link. It's ready to rock
And this waits there.
It has the link.
It's ready to rock.
Um, and uh, i'm giving away a homie for my personal collection
And I'm giving away a homie for my personal collection, again, something I don't typically
Uh again something I don't typically do but i'm doing it because it's a a special space
do, but I'm doing it because it's a special space and I can't wait for Wolfie to come
And I can't wait for uh wolfie to come up and just uh talk homie. So
up and just talk homie.
So I appreciate you doing that, brother.
I appreciate you doing that brother
I know we're centering the 60 days, but better late than never.
Set during the 60 days but better late than never
Yeah, I got we got kind of busy and you know, I think it'll be better. Um having it as its own space anyway
Yeah, we got kind of busy and, you know, I think it'll be better having it as its own
space anyway.
I might even release a picture of me when my kick wear jeans on.
I might even release a picture of me with my kick wear jeans on so
So you are.
You are I might I might we'll see
We'll see.
Oh do that. So so yeah, so, you know, kickwear is one of our
Oh, so yeah.
So, you know, kick where is one of our one of our projects.
You know one of our projects we're working with the brand that's that's a original old school 90 streetwear brand
We're working with the brand.
That's that's a original old school 90s streetwear brand.
And it's funny
My main shirt like that. I used to wear forever. I now I only wear t-shirts pretty much
I now only wear t-shirts pretty much.
But my my go-to shirt forever
But my my go to shirt forever is a 1991 kickwear short sleeve button down black shirt, cut
Is a 1991 kickwear short sleeve button down black shirt cut off square bottom
off square bottom that I brought to China to my tailor 25 years ago.
That I brought to china
Uh to my tailor 25 years ago and every time I go to china
And every time I go to China, I pick up six new pieces, just a total knockoff of the
I pick up six new pieces just a total
Knock off of the original kickwear shirt, which is one of the best fitting shirts of all time. So i'm a huge kickwear fan
original kickwear shirt, which is one of the best fitting shirts of all time.
So I'm a huge kickwear fan.
And I can't wait to see your what you got 69 inch bottoms.
And uh, I can't wait to see your what you got 69 inch bottoms. What are you rocking? Yeah, I think they're 69
What are you rocking?
Yeah, I think they're 69.
They're big. They're the big uh, the black with the they've got the second panel in them with the green trim on it
They're big.
They're the big, the black with the they've got the second panel in them with the green
trim on it.
Oh, you got you got some big boys
Oh, you got you got some big boys that that was like, if they don't, if it doesn't get all
That was like if they don't if it doesn't get all over the floor
over the floor, I can't remember.
I can't remember but it was kind of like
But it was kind of like, based off of that burger out if it doesn't get all over your
Based off of that burger ad if it doesn't get all over your face
But yeah kickwear kickwear is the shit. All right, you guys listen, we're about to wrap up
But yeah, kickwear, kick wears the shit.
All right, you guys, listen, we're about to wrap up.
Let me just give you guys a couple of quick updates
Let me just give you guys the updates.
Uh, if you weren't in the space last night
If you were in the space last night, unfortunately, chip was under the weather.
uh, unfortunately
Uh chip was under the weather. So we had to reschedule the chip 101 space which will be next tuesday
So we had to reschedule the chip one on one space, which will be next Tuesday at 7pm PST.
We still have tomorrow our space with wolfie. We have our
We still have tomorrow our space with Wolfie.
We have our crypto homie space on Sunday, and we're going to start the whole cycle over
Crypto homie space on sunday
And we're going to start the whole cycle over again
But just wanted to give you guys a heads up
As I mentioned earlier because eth is so crazy
crazy, and the way that we set up our contract back in the day.
And the way that we set up our contract back in the day right now if you want to mint a crypto homies
Right now, if you want to mint a crypto homies, it's almost 450 bucks.
It's almost 450 bucks
Uh great opportunity to take advantage of our promo
It's the birthday promo. There's only 69 of these promos. I think we're at 39 or 40
It's the birthday promo.
There's only 69 of these promos.
I think we're at 39 or 40.
So we still have maybe 25 to 29 left
So we still have maybe 25 to 29 left.
Basically, for $200 USD, you're going to get two sets of the homies.
Basically for $200
Usd you're going to get two sets of the homies so you can get eight homies two genesis
You're going to get eight homies, two Genesis, six of the generals.
Six of the generals you'll get five thousand sa tokens, which is 50 in our ecosystem
You'll get 5000 SA tokens, which is $50 in our ecosystem.
And one out of those 69 people win $5,000 or a combination of a trip to come hang with
And one out of those 69 people win five thousand dollars or a combination of a trip to come hang with me in la
me in LA and then anything that we didn't spend on transportation will go to you to
and then anything
That we didn't spend on transportation will go to you to be able to put into your bank
be able to put into your bank.
So it's very simple. All you got to do is send me a dm
All you got to do is send me a DM.
I'll send you the wallet to send it to
I'll send you the wallet to send it to or a PayPal or a Venmo.
Uh or a paypal or a venmo, uh, and I want to shout everybody out there who's already supported the promo
And I want to shout everybody out there who's already supported the promo.
But like I said, this isn't going to last forever once we sell out of those
But like I said, this isn't going to last forever.
Once we sell out of those, we're going to be back at the normal price point.
Uh, we're going to be back at the normal price point. I am working with the dev team to see what we can do
I am working with the dev team to see what we can do.
Uh, I also want to let you guys know there are only two more positions on the whale
I also want to let you guys know there are only two more positions on the whale
portion of the low rider council.
Provider council, so there's 18 members right now
So there's 18 members right now.
So there's room for two other members, which means you have to hold 50 crypto homies
So there's room for two other members, which means you have to hold 50 crypto
homies in your wallet in order to be eligible.
Uh in your wallet in order to be eligible
And so again, if you're close to that number already or you want to be on the council
And so, again, if you're close to that number already or you want to be on the
council, what better way to jump in?
What better way to jump in? Uh, you're getting away below the original mint price right now with the promo
You're getting the way below the original mint price right now with the promo.
And ultimately you're helping push the crypto homies mint further to the end line and goal line of uh minting out
And ultimately, you're helping push the crypto homies mint further to the end
line and goal line of minting out.
I think we're at 138 right 11 38. So we're inching along we're getting there
I think we're at one thirty eight right.
Eleven thirty eight.
So we're inching along.
We're getting there as of right now.
As of right now, everybody's been airdropped. So that's all good
Everybody's been air dropped.
So that's all good.
Um, but once again, just send me a dm send mr
But once again, just send me a DM, send Mr.
Green a dm or open a ticket and discord and i'll send you the information
Uh on top of that go to the website check out crypto homies club.io
of that, go to the website, check out Crypto Homies Club dot IO.
Go look at the sets and look at the benefits and utilities that come with collecting sets
collecting sets, including being on the council.
Including being on the council
We did have our first council meeting which was rad
And I am going to be sending out a message to the lowrider council over the next couple days for a second meeting
couple of days for a second meeting.
Uh, as I said the council will be the voice of our project and will be the voice of the community
As I said, the council will be the voice of our project and will be the voice of the
community. So they'll be helping me make decisions on how we steer the project
So they'll be helping me make decisions on how we steer the project forward
forward, just like they did with moving the founders over to Mainnet Z.
Just like they did with moving the founders over to main net z
All right. The other thing I want to talk about is this
All right.
The other thing I want to talk about is this.
Make sure you're going up to the top and you're interacting with the giveaway tonight because mr
Make sure you're going up to the top and you're interacting with the giveaway
tonight because Mr.
Green is going to pick the winner in the next three to four minutes. So go the top find the post
Green is going to pick the winner in the next three to four minutes.
So go to the top, find the post, do what it says, and we will pick out a winner.
Uh do what it says and we will pick out a winner that's going to get you a mint a free mint
That's going to get you a mint, a free mint, which is about a $450 mint right now
Which is about a 450 dollar mint right now
Of the homies and we'll be adding you to the airdrop and get that sent out to you
of the homies and will be adding you to the airdrop and get that sent out to you.
The other thing I wanted to talk about really fast was our digital world promo
The other thing I wanted to talk about really fast was our digital world promo.
So I believe we're at mint
So I believe we're at Mint 128 or 138.
128 or 138 I apologize. I don't have my notes in front of me because I moved rooms
I apologize.
I don't have my notes in front of me because I moved rooms.
This is a 200 piece mint for our first drop of our digital bobbleheads
This is a 200 piece mint for our first drop of our digital bobbleheads.
Again, I don't post a lot. I don't talk about this in a lot of spaces
Again, I don't post a lot.
I don't talk about this in a lot of spaces.
We're really keeping it for the for our fam
We're really keeping it for our fam.
So number 76 to 176 is going to win a kid called beast which are going for about 750 dollars
So number 76 to 176 is going to win a kid called Beast,
which are going for about $750.
Actually at this point they got to be going for a lot more because of eth so it may be a thousand dollars now
Actually, at this point, they got to be going for a lot more because of ETH.
So it may be $1,000 now for this kid called Beast.
Uh for this kid called beast. It's up in the post at the top. You can see it
It's up in the post at the top.
You can see it.
Uh to grab one of the steamboat willy digital bobbleheads. It's 60
To grab one of the Steamboat Willy digital bobbleheads, it's $60.
Just go to the digital world website. It'll take you to where you need to go mint
It'll take you to where you need to go mint.
Uh, and like I said, we will pick a winner for the kid called beast also anybody that mints the first piece in the collection
And like I said, we will pick a winner for the kid called Beast.
Also, anybody that mints the first piece in the collection is going to get a stealth
Uh is going to get a stealth mint only for the holders
mint only for the holders, and there will be other mints that will be only for
And there will be other mints, uh, that'll be only for people that minted the first collection. Our goal is to lot a drop 24
people that minted the first collection.
Our goal is to drop 24 separate collections within the digital world this year.
Uh separate collections within the digital world this year
So you're going to see them coming out little by little some will be super small. There may be a collection of only 50
So you're going to see them coming out little by little.
Some will be super small.
There may be a collection of only 50.
There may be collections more than 200, but they're going to all be super dope
There may be collections more than 200, but they're going to all be super dope.
We're trying to stick with the digital bobbleheads
We're trying to stick with the digital bobbleheads.
That's kind of a unique thing that I developed and designed about two years ago with uh
That's kind of a unique thing that I developed and designed about two years ago with Ralph
With ralph samson and puma, uh, my digital bobblehead collection from my m mba
Sampson and Puma, my digital bobblehead collection for my NBA All-Stars.
All stars and we decided to drop it with the steamboat willy. So definitely take a look at it
And we decided to drop it with the Steamboat Willy.
So definitely take a look at it.
There's still the clay has not been minted, which is a 101 legendary
There's still the clay has not been minted, which is a one-on-one legendary.
And the black onyx also still has not been minted
Um, I only know that because I checked out open sea and they ain't there
I only know that because I checked out OpenSea and they ain't there.
Uh other than that everything was scrambled by a third party
Other than that, everything was scrambled by a third party.
And so I have no idea what order they're in
And so I have no idea what order they're in.
So it may be the next one who knows but go the top grab yourself one of those
So it may be the next one.
Who knows?
But go the top.
Grab yourself one of those.
Appreciate the love.
Appreciate the love
Shout out to all the great projects that came up here tonight
Shout out to all the great projects that came up here tonight.
Uh popular wolf punks utility co thank you so much for bringing us into the mega server
Popular WolfPunks Utility Co.
Thank you so much for bringing us into the mega server.
Uh, we're super pumped
We're super pumped.
Uh meli at uh invisible enemies mallow over at the doogies
Melly at Invisible Enemies.
Mallow over at the Doogies.
Shout out to uh a gram and the hogs for rolling through we appreciate it
Shout out to a Graham and the Hogs for rolling through.
We appreciate it.
Uh shout out to j-rock for coming up and giving us some love
Shout out to Jay Rock for coming up and giving us some love.
Uh shout out to tricky buddha who was here a little bit earlier
Shout out to Tricky Buddha, who was here a little bit earlier and gave us some
Uh and uh gave us some love as well
love as well.
Shout out to mr greens as always for uh taking care of us on the back end and on the front end. We appreciate it
Shout out to Mr.
Greens, as always, for taking care of us on the back end and on the front end.
We appreciate it.
Uh shout out to my brother ducky
Shout out to my brother Ducky.
Uh, you know, you know, we appreciate you brother, uh excited to build with you
You know, you know, we appreciate you, brother.
Excited to build with you.
Hopefully we'll have some updates on nfa and what we're building in vegas shortly
Hopefully we'll have some updates on NFA and what we're building in Vegas shortly.
Don't think we're not working. There's a lot of moving parts right now
Don't think we're not working.
There's a lot of moving parts right now.
As I mentioned not only are we working on the zzt?
As I mentioned, not only are we working on the ZZT, but we're working on a lot of
Uh, but we're working on on a lot of things right now
things right now.
Oh one last thing I will mention before we do the giveaway
Oh, one last thing I will mention before we do the giveaway.
I mentioned this last night the four figures the first four krypto homie figures physical toys
I mentioned this last night.
The four figures, the first four crypto homie figures, physical toys have been
Have been approved by david gonzalez
approved by David Gonzalez.
It took me a few extra weeks because they were doing trade shows
It took me a few extra weeks because they were doing trade shows.
I did a preview of one of the figures about a week ago or oh, excuse me about a month ago
I did a preview of one of the figures about a week ago or excuse me, about a
month ago.
I will be dropping the second preview on sunday night
I will be dropping the second preview on Sunday night.
So you'll see the second physical figure there's four krypto homies exclusive in the first set
So you'll see the second physical figure.
There's four crypto homies exclusive in the first set.
Each of them will have 360 figures. They're all the big heads
Each of them will have 360 figures.
They're all the big heads.
Um, there will be a portion of them that will be signed by david and anthony
There will be a portion of them that will be signed by David and Anthony.
And I can tell you in the secondary market right now
And I can tell you in the secondary market right now, any of these toys or
Any of these toys that are uh or collectibles that are signed by anthony and david are actually going for more money
collectibles that are signed by Anthony and David are actually going for more
So those will just be randomly signed
So those will just be randomly signed and you won't know if you're going to get
Uh, and you won't know if you're gonna get one, but uh, we'll just randomly pack them and send them out
one, but we'll just randomly pack them and send them out.
Um, we're gonna uh be launching our campaign to the web 2 homies community
We're going to be launching our campaign to the Web2 homies community.
We have about 150 000 people on the mailing list
We have about 150,000 people on the mailing list.
And so we'll be starting that in the next week to 10 days getting the word out and hopefully onboarding new members
And so we'll be starting that in the next week to 10 days, getting the word out
and hopefully onboarding new members.
And uh, we're building out the finals touches on the website and we'll let you guys know when the presale is coming up
know when the presale is coming up.
But keep in mind the only way you can buy these is if you're a krypto homies holder
But keep in mind, the only way you can buy these is if you're a crypto homies
Uh, and this is going to be a huge thing for our holders
And this is going to be a huge thing for our holders, especially getting multiple
Especially getting multiple sets and selling them on the secondary market because I can tell you
sets and selling them on the secondary market, because I can tell you there's
There's over a million hardcore homies collectors out there
over a million hardcore homies collectors out there that want to have everything
Uh that want to have everything homies the brand is on fire
The brand is on fire.
Don't take it from me. Go look out there. Look what's going on in retail
Don't take it from me.
Go look out there.
Look what's going on in retail.
Uh, just check out the buzz. It's happening. I mentioned last night zoomies
Just check out the buzz that's happening.
I mentioned last night, zoomies just picked them up in all of Canada.
Just picked them up in all of canada now
Now they pulled them in into the windows for a four month run right now, which has
They pulled them in into the windows for a four month, uh a run right now, which has never been done
never been done.
They almost did back-to-back windows at zoomies
They almost did back to back windows at zoomies.
Spencer's gifts just picked them up for all stores around the country
Spencer's gets just picked them up for all stores around the country.
It's it's going down right now. Uh, so it's it's a good time to be a homie
It's it's going down right now.
So it's a good time to be a homie.
it's a good time to be part of the brand and uh
It's a good time to be part of the brand.
And my goal for the next six, eight weeks is hopefully get through this mint and start
My goal for the next, you know, six eight weeks is hopefully get through this mint
And start to drop our individual characters one by one. So
to drop our individual characters one by one.
So shout out to all you.
Shout to all you appreciate you mr. Green. Do you have a winner my brother?
I appreciate you.
Mr. Green, do you have a winner, my brother?
Well, i've got two winners. Sid first i'll give the crypto homie giveaway winner is mac daddy's from zmss
Two winners, Sid.
First, I'll give the crypto homie giveaway winner is Mac Daddies from ZMSS.
Mac dizzle, what up mac daddy send me a dm brother send it to my personal nifty vicious
Mac Dizzle.
What up, Mac Daddy?
Send me a DM, brother.
Send it to my personal nifty vicious.
And then the wheel spin for the mega server
And then the wheel spin for the mega server.
Um, we came out with bullet bob
We came out with Bullet Bob.
Bullet bob and that is his discord name. I don't know what it would be on uh on x but i know that's not how you spell my name
Bullet Bob.
And that is his Discord name.
I don't know what it would be on on X, but I know it's not how you spell my name.
That's not how you spell my name.
Following me because I don't see him in here
Following me because I don't see him in here.
But it's okay we'll figure it out get me his information
But it's OK.
We'll figure it out.
Get me his information, Mr.
Mr. Green send him a message and have him open a ticket inside the crypto homies discord
Green, send him a message and have him open a ticket inside the crypto homies Discord.
And I will get that sorted with him and send him out the ten dollars in main net Z.
And uh, I will get that sorted with him and send him out the ten dollars in main net z
Or net z sorry got you
Or net Z.
Uh, oh, maybe it's pamela. Hold on a second
Oh, maybe it's Pamela.
Hold on a second.
Could pamela be bullet bob hold on y'all
Could Pamela be Bullet Bob?
Hold on, y'all.
What's up, everybody
Are you bullet bob? No, actually that's bob ajazz from the world of tings. Let's fucking go
Are you Bullet Bob?
No, actually, that's Bob a jazz from the world of things.
Let's fucking go.
He wins all the time I gave him a little crap in the uh, discord, but yeah
He wins all the time.
I gave him a little crap in the Discord.
But yeah, how are you doing?
How you doing?
Everything's good. So good to hear your voice. I wanted to call you after that shitty loss. Oh god
Everything's good.
So good to hear your voice.
I wanted to call you after that shitty loss.
I don't even want to talk about all what I have. I know you have ptsd every time you think of the game
I don't even want to talk about all what I have.
I know you have PTSD every time you think of the game.
Yeah, I text you.
I text you I text you early in the game and I was like, yo
I text you early in the game and I was like, yo, it's going down.
It's going down. Pamela's like on the money
Pamela's like on the money.
And then I don't know what the hell happened.
And then I don't know what that'll happen shit the tailor swift tsunami hit
The Taylor Swift tsunami hit.
And we go, huh, it is what it is.
It is what it is we'll be back we have good players
We'll be back.
We have good players.
Yeah, bang, bang, bang.
Yeah, bang bang bang. I was watching the bulls dropping the bang bangs on the uh field
I was watching the Bulls dropping the bang bangs on the field.
I was every time they did that I was thinking about you
I was every time I did that, I was thinking about you.
Thank you
of course
You're like the you're like the biggest, uh
You're like the you're like the biggest
Niners fan. I know so I have to always like when I see the Niners now, I think of you
So I have to always like when I see the Niners now, I think of you.
I've already watched the super bowl twice because I have pictures that i'm going to be sending to
I've already watched the Super Bowl twice because I have pictures
that I'm going to be sending to at NFL officiating.
at nfl officiating
Because yes suck
Because yes, suck.
That's that's the one thing I love.
That's the one thing I love I love watching your posts you go hard in the paint
I love watching your posts.
You go hard in the paint.
I do go hard in the paint when it comes to the nfl and their cheaters and there's a you know
I do go hard in the paint when it comes to the NFL and their cheaters.
And they're saying, you know, it's a billion dollar plus industry
It's a billion dollar plus industry
And they can do whatever they want, but they're gonna know that i'm pissed
And they don't block me. So
and they don't block me.
So whatever.
Listen, you gotta have you gotta have people be pissed and you gotta have people be happy to make it all work, right? Exactly
Listen, you got to have you got to have people be pissed
and you got to have people be happy to make it all work.
Right. Exactly.
Otherwise, not exciting if everybody is just like, oh, you're the best.
Otherwise not exciting if everybody's just like oh, you're the best you're the best it gets boring
You're the best. It gets boring.
And plus you have to keep people accountable in all walks of life
And plus, you have to keep people accountable in all walks of life.
You you really do because
You you really do because, you know, people that like the banks
You know people that like the banks and airlines and everybody
and airlines and everybody for so many years, they got away with so much.
For so many years they got away with so much and yeah, you can sue people but that costs money and need lawyers
And yeah, you can sue people, but that costs money and need lawyers.
but on twitter
Everybody reads that stuff and i'm very vocal about people that want to screw over the little guys
And I'm very vocal about people that want to screw over the little guys.
So let's go
Let on my watch I miss i'm missing a wednesday night. Uh
I miss I'm missing Wednesday night.
Bingo time. We'll be we'll be starting up again
We'll be we'll be starting up again.
Um, we're gonna here
We're going to hear.
We're gonna alternate though with bingo and jack box. I don't know if anyone in the room has played jack box
We're going to alternate, though, with Bingo and Jackbox.
I don't know if anyone in the room has played Jackbox.
But it's kind of like spooky
But also it's got it's got like a little trivia or it'll ask a question.
It's got it's got like a little trivia or it'll ask a question. How many of the population?
How many of the population like leave the water running when they brush their teeth?
Like leave the water running when they brush their teeth and then so you have to guess between zero and a hundred
And then so you have to guess between zero and 100.
And then after you put your number in, then the rest of the people have to guess.
And then after you put your number in then the rest of the people have to guess
Is it over or under and so it's it's so much fun
Is it over or under?
And so it's it's so much fun.
Isn't that most people leave the water running when they brush their teeth now?
Now, I do.
I do but the number is actually like 36 percent. What the heck?
But the number is actually like 36 percent.
What the heck?
Or I don't believe that for a minute and they didn't interview me
I don't believe that for a minute.
And they didn't interview me because I would have told them.
Because I would have told them. Yeah, I leave the water on
Yeah, I leave the water on.
Ducky, do you leave the water on when you brush your teeth?
No, I do not.
No, I do not
I mean, do you push, do you turn off the water when you brush your teeth?
Do you push do you turn off the water when you brush your teeth? Yep, I turn it off
Yep, I turn it off.
Wow, you guys are fucking crazy
Wow. You guys are fucking crazy.
I love it
I love it. Yeah, when I was a kid, I for sure left that on my toilet once a week.
Yeah, when I when I was a kid, I for sure left that shit on I flush my toilet once a week
So I make up for it
So I make up for it.
Is this I don't know what's going on over there, do you do you shower mr. Green?
Is this I don't know what's going on over there.
Do you do you shower, Mr. Green?
Or do you just like run outside and get fresh air? It'll clean you off
Or do you just like run outside and get fresh air to clean you off?
Oh, no, I shower but you know, I live in new york state where it's freezing ass cold. So my water heater, you know, I gotta
Oh, no, I shower.
But, you know, I live in New York state where it's freezing ass cold.
So my water heater, you know, I got to keep the water heated
Keep the water heated and it takes, you know more gas to keep it heated in the wintertime
and it takes, you know, more gas to keep it heated in the wintertime.
So you just could take cold showers in the winter. No, I just make sure I shut my uh
So you just could take cold showers in the winter.
No, I just make sure I shut my.
Got you. Wow. All right.
Got you. Wow. All right. Listen, i'm gonna shut my water off when i'm brushing my teeth. I I
Listen, I'm going to shut my water off when I'm brushing my teeth.
I it's funny.
It's funny i've turned off my water
I've turned off my water when I'm washing dishes.
When i'm washing dishes, so like wash a dish off the water
So I like wash a dish off the water and put it in the machine.
And and put it in the machine. I don't keep it running so I could get better
I don't keep it running so I could get better.
I'll conserve a little more i'll try it this week
I'll conserve a little more.
I'll try it this week.
Hey, let me tell you something. I used to work in the water well industry
Hey, let me tell you something.
I used to work in the water well industry.
Uh when we pump a well off
When we pump a well off, we probably waste.
We probably waste
But when we pump a well off, when you change the.
When we pump a well off when you change the
Anyway, we probably we probably run off three, 400,000 gallons of water.
Anyway, we probably we probably run off three four hundred thousand gallons of water
So that whole thing that you need to shut your sink off, let it run.
So that whole thing that you need to shut your sink off. Let it run
Um, there you go coming from the man himself. All right, you guys listen, this has been an awesome space
There you go. Coming from the man himself.
All right, you guys.
Listen, this has been an awesome space.
Appreciate everybody showing up once again. Shout out to the xenu mob. Shout out to the krypto homies mob. Shout out to the mega mob
Shout out to the zenu mob.
Shout out to the crypto homies mob.
Shout out to the mega mob.
much love y'all
And see you tomorrow night with my boy Wolfie.
And uh, see you tomorrow night with my boy wolfie
Let's frickin go.
Let's freaking go
Touchdown in Vegas
Let's bring this on to you.
Tell the party is like a couple of the books and songs.
We were having on the political side.
Well, I think the baby.
When you see you put a little dash,
Let the belts be fast, keep the chain in the mix
let the belts be fast.
Keep the chain in the mask.
Got all the X's and C's in my world, and they should have worn them
Got all the excess and sitting in my wallet.
It should never, never, never take a ride.
Got your name right, take a ride with me
Feelin' like I'm Rob Sampson
Feeling like I'm Rob Sampson.
Fuckin' never fallin', baby, I'm a champion
Fucking never falling, baby.
I'm a champion.
Let it ride like I'm Slash, make it pop like Kaufman
Let it ride like I'm Slash.
Make it pop like Kaufman.
What the hell is it there, we'll try to help you out, baby
What the hell is it there?
We'll try to help you out, baby.
Got a car from the boss, took me in the alley
Got a cop on the boss.
Took me in, me out, and hit you's kind of bad at all costs.
Niggas countin' down at our house
I'm all beneath this with the gloves
I'm up in the U.S. with the gloves.
Walkin' through the gallery and steamin' in a teal
Walking through the gallery.
I see my hand, I feel it.
I had to take a second life out
I had to take a second like that.
This all started from a dream that turned into reality
This song started from a dream that turned me too young.
Even though he's at a key that made me casual too
Keeping goals and a key that made me casualty.
You know I wasn't sad when we just pulled it out of you
You know I wasn't sad when we just pulled it out of you.
That personal experience that you came back
A personal experience that you can't bet
On the price goes up, you're goin' with such a man
when all your friends close up and go,
I wish I should hang on.
Overburdened the imagination, so when we touch the moon that we land
All the borders of my generation,
so when we touch the moon that we land on.
Feeling like we're bringing some GOG up
Feelin' like to bring this on G.O.G.
Tilt the party, air is like a flame, a couple on the hook
till the party is late.
Play a couple on the books.
Twixin' times when we ride, blow out the golden coast
Twinks and signs when we ride,
though out the golden coast.
I ain't want my anything, girl, I don't know
I put my hand up there, girl.
I don't know why you'll see it, but let it dash.
Wave to you, but let it dash, let the facts be facts
Let the facts be facts.
Give it you, man
Give me a few minutes.
Got a whole excess that's savin' in a wilder
Got a whole existence in the wild.
I should have worked, I should have worked.
It should have worn them, it should have worked
Think about it
Think about it.
Let's love, y'all
Much love, y'all.
You know how we do it, Wolfie?
You know we do it, Wolfie
What happened to her?
Now that's Cydilio.
Now that's Cydilio
Thanks for watching!