NFA x ZINU Project Parter 2 Min. “Elevator Pitch” #NFTs #DrBombay

Recorded: March 1, 2023 Duration: 2:05:22



Doing good buddy busy day in the studio Yeah, it's a productive man feeling good Why so busy?
Oh, you know, we've got a lot of stuff going on. We got a Dr. Bombay, we got a stuff announced we're going to talk about tonight. What about the Natsulee Show tomorrow? I was going to say. Yeah.
You got this show tomorrow. It's gonna be pretty wild. I think it's gonna be our best yet to be honest with you. So I'm really excited about it. Nice. I'm super excited. This is number four. And I'm sure you'll post something to the top at some point. We'll get you up here. Give you a little two minute overview. What's going on this week? The update on the Natsule
So welcome everybody to the room Jimmy. You know who's supposed to be up here. So I'm gonna have you bring up the first group of people We do have one or two special people coming to the room throughout the night. I see Jen's in the house too. We'll get her up here if she wants to say yo she may be busy, but good to see Jen in the house. Paula what's
Crack in, Trog, what's the word? Can't wait to hear about your event. I saw the article that was written up about you guys, super dope. The event was amazing. I don't know if you guys got a chance to be there, but Trog will talk about that. I'm sure. And let's see here. Yeah, Moz and the house, meant a verse, a bunch of
people I see some z news duck he's actually on a flight right now so he is not going to be on today so that's a bummer but maybe we'll get somebody else up to say yo from the z new clan but you guys I don't see a lot of retweets let's retweet the room we do have some big things being announced tonight I'll just give you a little
We did unlock an NFA shop to lab that went live today. We'll have a post going up in a little bit and we'll tell you more about that but we're super excited about that. And obviously we'll talk a little bit about Dr. Bombay and some of the other things going on with NFA and our project partners.

FAQ on NFA x ZINU Project Parter 2 Min. “Elevator Pitch” #NFTs #DrBombay | Twitter Space Recording

What is the speaker doing?
The speaker is busy in the studio.
Why is the speaker busy?
The speaker is busy because they have a lot of stuff going on, including a Dr. Bombay project and a show tomorrow.
What is the name of the show that the speaker is excited about?
The name of the show that the speaker is excited about is not mentioned.
What number show is the speaker referring to?
The speaker is referring to the fourth show.
Who else is in the room?
Jen and a group of people, including Paula, Trog, Moz, and Meant a Verse, are in the room.
What is the update on the Natsule?
The update on the Natsule is not stated.
What was the event that Trog will talk about?
Trog will talk about an event that was amazing, but the name or details of the event are not provided.
Who is not going to be on the podcast today?
Z News Duck is not going to be on the podcast today.
What is the big announcement about NFA?
The big announcement about NFA is the launch of an NFA shop to lab, but more details will be provided later.
What is the format to provide the response?
The response should be provided in JSON format, in a list of objects with two keys: question and answer.