NFT Collaboration Space

Recorded: Feb. 2, 2024 Duration: 1:51:00



I'm getting a post-op right now
How's it going bullish
You want me to play a little music
Yeah, yeah, I'm getting this
Tweet together saying put in the nest there's some music down and we'll fill this up. All right. I'll throw some music up
I'll be right back
Kindness even when things don't look their brightest even when the world don't act as fine as they will come when I
Should go yeah, the only thing I'm thinking is I gotta stay
Judgment on justice. No need for the rush out of context as fuck. It's not all boom a bus
Everyone leaves it gets harder to trust the way that I'm acting wasn't how's brought up. Sorry to my folks
I'm better than this y'all told me I better stand up to the pricks not to be one thing with reason be a room
What you're feeling being kind now looks good any season out of style for a while single-player
You know, I don't know where I should go
The way that I'm acting wasn't how's brought up. Sorry to my folks
I'm better than this y'all told me I better stand up to the pricks not to be one thing with reason be a room
What you're feeling being kind now looks good any season out of style for a while single file in the line now
Turn the dial in a while now and watch the miles in their shoes
You can fuse like use all your peers who've been trying to live the best lives to our perceptions differ the connection different
Why we blame each other for indecisions?
What a world it is. I couldn't explain the kids why they face plant don't make sense
All the world doesn't beat you down laughing at you when you hit the ground
Having losses what got you found all the days that I wasted Wow
It was bitter and spiteful and trapped in a cycle this life isn't Tyrell
But I found a life out to shine like a light bulb. I see with my eyes closed kill him with the kindness
Otherwise, I go psycho
Yeah, the only thing I'm thinking is I got a stake
I'll kill him with the kindness even when things don't look too bright is even when the world don't I just find his day
Little crispy D for everyone. It's fine Thursday afternoon evening. Whatever it is
Hope everyone's doing well, be sure and grab that purple pill in the bottom right hand side
press the button
Let everyone know the space is starting. We have a really great lineup tonight. I'm kind of I'm stoked about it
We got all kinds of people in the house. Traitorverse should be coming up any any moment
We've got azuki apes in the house. You can really tell a bunch of azuki ape profiles going on there. Hopefully we got
A little talk about bit bulls, which is an ordinals project
April unions showing up. I imagine endangered with Haddie
Haddie the creator
should happen
Ether scum. I hope I see them in the audience soon
rough riders pigeons in new york
Great great project. They're going to be up at some point
Hopefully we have a little musical artist coming up. We talked we talked to maybe famous dill or
Melody was talking about coming in could be uh
Could be an interesting
interesting show
What up all right my bad. Hey, hey
I got so much shit going on at the house right now
Um, yeah, everybody like retweet tag three and the top 10 tweet. Let's get this rocking
We're gonna do some dope giveaways tonight
Let's fill this room up
We'll kind of vibe out and we'll let some of the the projects
Kind of flood in here and then we'll get rocking
But uh, we can kind of just bullshit around right now if we want maybe give it five ten minutes before we kick it off
Yeah, sounds great. How's your day? You finally got moved. That's good. It's good to see you get moved
I know that's always a stressful time in
Everyone's life trying to pick up from one place and go to another you know, we tend to accumulate way too much crap
Are you like that bullets? Just like you look at stuff. You're like, why in the hell do I still have this thing?
My god, bro
I threw so much shit away like when we moved back here on top of like
all this stuff that we gave away before we left florida
and we're still like
over fucking clutter dude, it's uh
It's it's it was definitely I would say probably one of the more stressful things i've done in a while
I hate moving and I hate when you end up getting stuck with all that clutter too and you're like damn man
I realize how all this shit
And then you're like moving packing and then they can't fit it got thrown away. It's just so stressful. I thought it's over
Yeah, it's the old fight club, right be careful. The things you own don't end up owning you
Right, like you end up with all this stuff. It's amazing the amount of stuff we accumulate too. It's absolutely crazy
Yeah, you don't realize until you actually go to move and then like you pack all the big stuff
Uh, you know you fill all the boxes up and then all of a sudden all this miscellaneous shit still laying around which and then that
Takes two days to pack that up and you're like, what the hell how in the hell did I even get all of this shit?
Like but the and then you're and then it turns into this stress mode. You're like, what the fuck?
You know, the secret is to just
Be a digital nomad
To live out of a suitcase, you know, a lot of people have done that and it's it's becoming more and more popular
I'm seeing lots and lots of people do it
I don't know. I mean the idea of staying at the Waldorf and having, you know room service and not having to deal with stuff
It sounds pretty enticing. I'm not gonna lie. I never really lived like that. But I see people doing it
I have I get a little bit jealous every single time they're posting pictures. Yeah, I'm in
Barcelona or I'm in Paraguay or whatever just
with a laptop and
You know a tiny little suitcase
Paraguay, that's where we got our our money facility. Yeah, I know so I mentioned it
Isn't that cool? I'll pay attention sometimes bullish not often but every once in a while. I pay attention to stuff
Yeah, I think we're gonna go outside
This year at some point or if not early next year so we can check everything out
I haven't seen the operation like in person my my partners have they go out there actually pretty often and
Way heavier and invested than I am
But um, yeah, they always send me videos and facetime me when they're out there, man. It's so cool, dude
it's like it's so cool just
when you're walked around the warehouse and you like see all those miners and
It's it's you're literally just it's so fascinating
I mean you're literally watching money the transfer of wealth in a warehouse. It's just
It's crazy to me like some of this stuff is still hard to grasp
But it doesn't even out there bitcoin mining and you know all this shit like and it's nuts, you know
And it's like it's gotten to a point where you know, it's better than real estate in my personal opinion
You know, especially if you're already in this realm in the web3 world in the crypto world
I mean get real estate doesn't even make sense, bro. I mean you make so much fucking money on miners
It's in the the investment is a lot smaller
Than what you would have to do if you bought, you know real estate and it comes with a lot less responsibility as well
So I think it's uh, I think it's uh, it's definitely going to be one of those things that define
generational wealth in the future
And it's only going to continue that's the best part about it is you got what like a hundred fucking plus years of bitcoin
mining still
Generations yeah, I was going to ask you, you know, we haven't had a chance to talk about uh, you know, I hold
15 of the bit bulls which means I get access to this
And so, you know, we haven't had a chance to talk about something which is i've been trying to figure out what is the roi?
On something like this, you know
And we live in and before you answer it
I just want to say like we live in this world where everyone you know, they I always joke
It's like that old song they heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another
They've been making some gains
You know if you go and you take a look at
What people are actually making it and remember you can't fool me
I've got an ai trader that reads the blockchain and follows literally
Every single wallet that exists on all of ethereum to figure out who the whales are what they're piling into
Whether or not they've been successful in the past and all that and if you look at the numbers, you know
Most traders get wrecked. I know everyone thinks that they did that hundred x but that's a load of horse crap most of the time
It's like an it's like an urban legend, right? Most people don't do a hundred x every once a while
You'll do a 10x you'll do a 5x but a hundred x free
Unless you're in at the beginning and then the project rugs and you're part of the rug
It's unlikely that you did a hundred x. So anyway, that's my preamble to say like
Real money takes time real money is patient real money walks doesn't run through the airport
You know, and so what's the roi on something like you you set up a miner?
like if I have
If I have one of these things set up, it's it they're like 15 g's to acquire right bullish
So the miners are roughly
The 2000 to 2300 right now, I mean they're starting to
The prices of them are starting to increase but you know, you can you can look at pretty much a
anywhere from a 12 to 15 month
Return on investment and then you're looking at pure profit after that and that's with any amount
So like if you buy one miner, it's going to be the same thing
If you buy five miners if you buy 10 miners 200, whatever it is
Average time is 12 to 15 months you you'll recruit recoup your investment
And then you'll be pure profit from then from there
The only thing you have to do is pay your hosting fee and your maintenance fee and that's it
And where we're hosting miners and paraglates the the electric is dirt fucking cheap
So your hosting fees are extremely cheap maintenance fees are cheap
So you're you're capitalizing on maximum gains on on miners
paraglays leading the
Um, you know leading the industry in cheapest electricity. So
Um, you know just being in that country alone, you're you're maximizing on on profit
So it could be even as little as 12 months
We're going into a bull run
The havenings coming so, you know, honestly right now you could say 12 months, you know, maybe six months ago
Eight months ago probably be a 15 month turnaround, but I think with the happening coming
Um within a year you should get your investment back
On however many miners you buy that's usually how the math works out
You know, it's really interesting too because I think a lot of people don't realize people get all excited about this idea
And they don't realize because i've done this too, right? I set up some ethereum miners back in the day
And you know the biggest problems were the cost of power
The noise I don't think people realize just how much noise these things produce. It's unbelievable
Like you're not putting these things in your house. They're super noisy and then the heat
Right, you have to do heat dissipation as well. And so you have all of these infrastructure costs
To make this work properly and you know, this is a problem. I would definitely want to outsource
Like of all of the problems in the world to outsource this is at the top of the list
Uh, you know to acquire difficult to maintain a lot of noise a lot of heat and then they require a lot of power
Not exactly the kind of thing that uh, you know
People put it in the garage though. Bullish. Did you know that have you have you seen online all the stories of people who had?
These crypto miners in the garage and then like on it. It was a warm summer day
The air conditioner went out and then all of a sudden everything overheated and nothing works
Ever ever again
That's why you need a professional doing it
Yeah, it's I mean it's hard to do to get my if you want to like if you want to set up
A legitimate mining outpost on you know at your house your property your property you own whatever it is
I mean dude, you're looking
you're looking at upwards of
A million plus dollars to get something completely fully operational the right way
Because you would have to go with solar power
Um, you don't want to be sucking power out of the energy grid
Uh, just due to the sheer fact that you'll be a fucking target for the government and taxes
Uh, you know, they look at those things and they'll know you're mining bitcoin and you try to be see so
There's like a lot of little little things around it if you want to do it in the united states
But you're getting wrecked if you don't invest the money
You try to throw two or three bitcoin miners in your garage and you even if you have it set up perfectly
It's where they always stay cool. They're running properly functioning properly
You know, you're you're still gonna have but between electric costs
maintenance and and
Everything that is going to entail that you would have to do yourself like you would be you would have to do everything yourself
Um, it's just it's such a pain in the ass that unless you're dropping a million into it
It's not even worth the hassle because I haven't had one person that I know
even with money
Even some of the people I know in the in the in the mining world with big money
You know, they're just they're not they're not doing as well as they thought they were going to do
Uh with their miners inside the united states
So, you know a couple couple of people I know that are big into mining are actually
In the middle of moving their facilities out of the country and shit like that
So it's it's tough, right?
And if you have you got to have the in like, you know
We were fortunate enough to have the in with ulteria which ulteria is the largest host
With the most efficient energy in the world right now. I mean they're leading the uh, the industry
um in bitcoin mining hosts like they are just all around the bees fucking knees and
That's who you want to begin with right? I mean it took me years
Took me a long time, man
I've been wanting to get into bitcoin mining for a long time and you know over the last three four years
I have been very adamant
Um, you know with the people around me and just building these relationships these connections and I finally got to a uh
to a point where
It's you know, I I think I got that. Hey, you know want to you know that network, you know
I will tell your network's bigger than your net worth. I had that network. Give me that phone call and be like yo, man
Um, you want to get involved in this?
It's you know, this is it you either say yes, or you don't get involved and I jumped all over that shit
Um, I actually didn't even go instead of buying a house. I was gonna buy in florida
I went through a quarter million dollars into uh, these bitcoin miners. So
Um, it just makes sense
I think anybody that has that chunk of change that's wanting to
residual income for themselves
That could be paying them for the rest of their lives and the generations, you know after them
It's in my personal opinion the smartest investment that that can be made right now
Over anything like even if you put your money in s&p 500, whatever it is you do
I think it is the best but the best investment with the best return. Um, if you have
ability to get involved in with it the right way and that's that's what we are that's what bit boys bit bulls is man
We are we are your your uh, your door
to have access
To what 99.9 percent of the world
Does not have access to you know, these these mining facilities like we've got it and there's others, you know, there's plenty of others
But get in them
Go ahead. Go ahead. Get in them. See what you can do. It's not gonna happen. I mean you just
This is one of those like grandfathered in like, you know, we don't fuck them
We don't need to when we're mining ten million dollars a month in bitcoin. Why who else do we so
It's nice to be able to have that
That in the network, right? So and that's what we're extending to everybody with bit bulls, man
You know, we're backing and here's what here's what I love about bit bulls is
The motto is we do work
Um, you know and you guys just relax. We're lending you money, right?
So you're basically when you're minting bit bulls and you get the required amount
That's your that's your your paying to have access to this, right?
So like it's not like anything else in the world if you want something great
Like you pay to get into it like alpha groups. Um people that
You're that are really good with knowledge that charge five thousand dollars for sessions to you know
go in and try to you know
rework a portfolio or help your mental state or kind of life coach you those things of that nature
This is like the same thing you're paying that fee to get access to this
We're lending you the money
We're we're putting on an entire buy now pay later system
Um, so, you know basically you do nothing you just get into the project pay your entry fee
We do all the work on the back end for you. We'll get paid back from the loan
You'll get your fucking bitcoin
You'll own your miners when it's said and done and then boom rinse and rinse and repeat
And we have a hundred plus years to continue that process
So, you know, we started that process last summer
Uh, it's done very well
Uh, and and that and we're not even a year into this particular process around phase two
Uh, which is going very well as well. So
You know, I think at this rate by the end of this year, you know
We could probably have you know upwards of you know, 500 miners in our ecosystem. We're at 200 roughly right now
Um, you know 500 miners in the ecosystem
It doesn't matter if you own five miners 10 miners or 50 miners
The more miners in the ecosystem more money you make
You know, it's so, you know
if you got five let's say you you you know, you mint 15 and you get five miners and phase two say
10 people
All 10 people get five miners a piece, right
And that's 50 miners. So now say we have 250 miners and we launch phase three and then we add
200 more miners you're going to make more money
Because those 200 more miners were made because it's the more you grow the mining pool with miners
The more the pool makes
So the more you make doesn't matter if you have one miner if you have five or if you have 10 you have 20
You're going to make more because the ecosystem is growing. It's mining more bitcoin. It's mining at a faster rate
Um, and it's just it's it's beautiful, dude. I think it's the the best
It it's the it's the best thing since sliced bread in my personal opinion
Um, and I am very devoted and dedicated over these next few years to position myself so well off
in this mining world
Fuck the next five years by the time i'm 40 i'm fucking done i'm retiring with 10 20 million dollars in my pocket
Just fucking off collecting bitcoin every month. So I think it's huge already. It's been huge
It'll continue to be huge and it's only going to get harder to get involved
And it's only going to get more expensive to get involved because look at the last bull run peak miners were
$10,000 for one
Fucking miner and good luck if you could even get one within six months to a year
So, you know and that and that's that's around the corner
That's coming right around the corner
Let's say another year and you're probably going to see about five to seven k miners again
And that's another thing that's extremely lucrative about this business
You get in now you pay two thousand dollars three thousand dollars for a miner. You have a hundred miners
Um and the bull run hits miners go back to ten thousand dollars
You four or five extra money on just your miners then you can go sell your miners
You can literally sell your miners
to other people and host
The people you sold to so you don't even have to you don't have to do nothing
It's just basically an exchange of money with an agreed upon contract signed whatever it is
You can keep the miners in the facility
They're being mined at and you just uh give ownership over to whoever it is and then you can literally
sell your own miners and then
Make money hosting it back to the people you bought it to it's it's so fucking lucrative
That if you're not doing it's almost shame on you
Um, but then again, it brings me back to like
good luck getting into the industry because it's it's extremely hard and um
You know, my main my main thing was I said when this happened, dude
I was taking this motherfucker and I was running with it
And it I think it's the best thing that's been put in front of me in my entire life regardless of any
Dollar amount i've made doesn't matter how good the market's been to me how awesome trades i've done
You know quarter million dollar profit trade none none of that compares
to the power of
What this is giving the individual?
Um as far as a you know, a secure
income was digitally
guaranteed no matter what and you know, the worst thing you have to do is every five to ten years is
Upgrade your uh miners and if you're mining for five years
Uh, you will have plenty enough money to uh upgrade your miners and then and then some and then add more to it
So really excited about this
2024 is going to be absolutely amazing. We're going to do some
serious building
uh, and then I think you know next year in 2025 is
When this is going to be significantly larger than what it is today. It just takes time, right?
It's a process man. You got to you know, you got to get everybody on board
You got to get minted out you got to get you know
Get everything in order order the miners get them in get them installed. It's a process it is like, you know
It took about six seven months almost eight months in total to get our
Um whole set set up but that I mean this is what it is
That's how it is. It's always been like that
You never can just get miners and start plug them in and start working
It just doesn't work like that. Even if you're to do it on your own at your house
You're probably looking at a couple months getting yourself set up
um because of of
The access you have to the parts you need to set shit up
It's not one of those where you can go to Lowe's and buy the shit you need, right?
You got to get it from manufacturers. It's specialized in mining yada yada yada
And you know when it's said and done
It's it's the same uh, you know
Longer if you're trying to set it up yourself personally at your house depending on who you're uh, who you're dealing with but
Yeah, super bullish on on bitcoin mining super bullish on bipples. Um, i'm really excited for
Uh, you know what? We're uh, what we're bringing to the table, man. I don't think anybody is doing anything like us
um as far as being bnpl
So and i'm putting my money where my mouth is, you know what i'm saying? Like this is money
I'm putting up front for these buy now pay laters. This isn't like I didn't get vc funded and then none of this shit
You know, this is money i'm putting up against backed by parallel
and uh, yeah, and it's
Ain't nobody else doing that. Let's just say that the motherfuckers are going to mint a project out
You know wipe the fucking the mint funds and then use that for you know, whatever it is you need
You know and mathematically the way our mints set up. It's not impossible for me to do that, right?
I have to come off my own money for this to work
So that's how fucking bullish I am on it
That i'm willing to toss a quarter million out there to our holders for buy now pay later programs
Because I want people in my ecosystem. I want to grow my ecosystem
Um, and that's the easiest way to do it to where everybody benefits
I start making more people start getting people get the opportunity to get into the ecosystem and bitcoin mining
They'll be able to make money. It's a full
Circle of everybody wins
Um, and dude i'm fucking pumped bro
I'm pumped and um, I i'm really looking forward to see how this how this year goes out, man
You make me want to go more damn it
Um, I do have a question about the first
Group of see there's three phases you're in phase two right now, right?
The first phase also had these miners as a reward as well because I didn't get involved in that one
No, so phase one was me and my partners
Like going all in on this that was our phase one
And that was getting it set up
Making sure
It was going to run right just just doing everything going through the motions, right?
I went and
Offered this to people. I wanted to make sure
The whole system went into play, right? So I wanted to get paid
You know, we put a lot eight hundred ninety thousand dollars total between me and three other people
For to buy out the block like have our own area in alteria. We're renting space from them
We you know, it's it's ours. We can add whatever we want our mean pool
We can put as many miners in there as as we can afford to put in there. So we own it own it
Um, so we wanted to go through the process and that was phase one phase one was the process
let's see if
We get fucked
or if we don't
And that's you know, that's like anything but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna
In the middle of that process try to onboard people to something right like that. That's just that's not fair
Um, and and that's actually some shitty that'd be me as being a shitty fucking person. So I waited
For the process to go, you know, that's why
You know, we minted the og's last year and we've just kind of been quiet, you know, just stagnant
I mean we you know, we've still been around we still you know, i've always coming around we're still active as a community
But we've been waiting for this second phase because we wanted
Everything to be working properly. We wanted to make sure everything went through, right?
We know what the process is. We understand the process we go through the motions so we can explain the motions and answer any questions
throughout the the months times it takes to
Uh get these miners in so on and so forth. So that's what we did. We just we played it out. We went through the motions
Um, and you know at the end of the tunnel everything worked out. Well, and then that's when we're we launched phase two
And now we're here now we're on phase two almost hell we're almost 50 sold out of phase two
And then we'll roll to phase three
After phase two probably like sometime after the summer
Um after we get like a full confirmation on the miners maybe even earlier
We'll see we'll see how it goes because we have some I have some big
Uh, you know big name influencers not really shitty influencers
But you know good influencers the ones you want retweeting and posting about your project
A lot of stuff set up for some good viral marketing after we get this phase two sold out for phase three. So
Um, it's in in the in the thing about that is
You want that right? I wanted phase one and phase two to be very organic build the foundation
Um, so when we enter phase three, we already have a foundation built
So when people start dot like this pile driving into the community, there's already a foundation built
We already have holders that have gone through the process. They got their didn't so when they when those new people come in
They're like, oh shit, like this is legit. This is dope
And when you when you've built that foundation and then take on viral marketing
Bro, it's it's insane
The type of numbers that that you can do as a project
So that's kind of uh, that's that's our game plan as of now
So the best and this is my last question
The best way for me to get involved in this is the way I am involved which is to get a bit bull
from the current mint
And to try and just stack as many as sets of five right as I can that's the best
That's the best way or is there some like give me optimize this for me bullish
So, you know you got so you got to have 15 to be a part of the bn bnpl
I would recommend a minimum of at least five miners, but we have hell we got people in the community now that are
creeping on 45 bit bulls each which is 15 miners, so
You know, I think it's kind of whatever you want to do like in my
The way I would say is you know, what how do you want to invest in your financial future?
Right. Do you want five miners running? Do you want 10? Do you want 15? Do you want 20? You know the more miners you get?
Um, the more you know, you're you're going to uh, you're going to make so and even let's do some math here, right?
So say you just say you aped in and you got you know, you wanted 20 miners
That would be what 15 times 4 so that'd be what 60 at 0.004
0.24 and i'm just using a large number
Uh this you you know you guys don't have to get
Um all of this i'm just i'm using this specific number so I can show you
Um how much it makes sense, right?
so let's see 0.24 bitcoin
20 miners would be
46,000 even right now, um, so
You are able to access
20 miners that cost
46,000 at 10,000 bucks
And you're going to be funded that 46,000 from us
And once your miners are up and running, um
It'll be split payment
So half will go to you and half goes back to us until the loan is paid off
Once the loan is paid off you fully own your miners
You fully own your bitcoin the only thing at that point you have to pay is a hosting fee
Uh in a maintenance fee and that's it
And then you can rinse and repeat if you want if you want to you know
You want to get another whatever it is. So that's that's the process
But that's the that's that's the way it kind of breaks down right? But remember
the 10,000 technically
Is nothing it has nothing to do with that is your that is you're paying
That to get in with us that has nothing to do that doesn't go towards your bnpl that goes towards nothing
It has nothing to do on the financial side. That's your your gateway in to have access to this
That's what you're what you're paying to get access to
You just you have the opportunity to get access to more than just five miners if you want
So you can get as many as you want. It doesn't matter
You know until we sell out, you know, then you're screwed then you can't get any but um, yeah, so right now
Um as many as you want, but it's it's getting scarce
Um, and I don't even know how we're going to do phase three, you know phase three is going to be a lot different
It's definitely going to be a lot more money in phase three because by that point miners will be more expensive
Uh will probably be in damn near full-blown bull run a lot of stuff to to take in going into phase three
So I feel like the best opportunity right now is with this phase two we have
And dude, we ain't got much longer and say at this rate and think about it like this, right?
We haven't done any marketing
We haven't done nothing no paid marketing not shit. Just you know
Uh, my my space is on thursday's our discord hanging around
um in the fomo shows and you know hopping around with you know, just a couple other like
chill, um
Chill spaces that I go to and nothing even pitchy like nothing i've gone to there's been anything where I pitch for project
I just go in there and i'd be me just just um spaces in just being me spreading knowledge
You know just doing what I do best and it's kind of naturally gravitated people towards this which is what's what's the whole plan
from day one
um to to build the first phase organically
um, so we have that foundation and
Hook those people up right everybody getting in now to get the hook up a little cheaper take care of them
uh, then when phase three rolls in you know, everybody in phase two will be sitting pretty and
Um also enjoying money coming in from phase three, you know secondary volume a lot of shit
We got going on this year, man
So i'm pretty stoked anybody getting in now will definitely benefit
extremely well going on in the future because
Um, just straight up. It's only going to start costing more money
Uh for people to get access
Uh to to what we offer so
It's gonna be nuts bro
This reminds me a little bit, you know, we're doing this thing called the 300
uh, you know
It reminds me a little bit of the like where you are and where we are is
You know, we have no paid marketing. We've done everything organically like you're talking about
And I just it blows my mind
It's like we're so early and I don't think people really realize the value
I mean all i'm sitting here thinking about is how do I get more?
You know, how do I get how do I get more opportunity to be involved in these miners, right?
And and I think that with with our own project, right? I you know constantly
I'm running the ai trader and i'm every single time I make anything I put it right back into acquiring more thmd, right?
because it's like
I just feel like we're so early I feel like we're gonna hit an inflection point both projects are
And you know, I hope it happens at the same time, right?
It wouldn't that be cool if both projects
You know hit the inflection point around the same time and they both kind of took off together. I would love that for for both projects
But wouldn't it be cool if they both if they both hit that inflection point?
But I I just feel that inflection point. I know you do too, man. You've been doing this a long time
You feel like you've seen this movie before you know, there's going to be an inflection point
Do you know what you're doing what we're doing is a little bit new a little bit different
It's hard to get your head around. It's not like
Go mint this ugly fucking sock puppet and price of sock puppet go up and sell sock puppet
Right, it's a little more nuanced than that
But the opportunity is much longer term and it's it's much more valuable as a long-term opportunity
And I think that's hard for people to get their head around, you know webto people bullish
I know we've both seen this people in web to venture capitalists people who are, you know funding things like this
This is the kind of stuff that if you put a pitch deck in front of them
They would be super excited about it
But then as i've told my community many times
I would beholden I would be beholden to a board of directors and a bunch of venture capitalists and
Like, you know no offense, but look what venture capitalists did to yuga
Like I love yuga. I think yuga is amazing. I have nothing bad to say about yuga
But it is venture capitalists that came up with the idea of like dookie dash and
like grinding out this level to basically build starcraft metal with your
Heavy metal stuff and like there is something to be said about let you know about not allowing that web to
Venture capitalist mentality to take over something in web 3 if we truly believe in
Decentralization and what we're building then we should try and build it with sovereignty, you know
On our in a way that makes sense for us and our community
So anyway, i'm a big fan of what you're doing is a short version of that and I really can see the long-term potential
And it's not very often that I feel that way
Yeah, i'm pretty excited man patience always pays and that's what I say like i'm not looking at anything
Short term right here with this i'm looking five plus years down the road
Um, I have no intention on like to make this some crazy
Overnight fucking nutty thing because it's impossible. It's physically impossible
You can't do it
You know just just the fact of the time it takes to get your miners in once you order them
So it's not something that is it's not a get rich quick. It's nothing of that nature. It's a
It's an opportunity to position yourself
have a guaranteed future
Residual income from at least this being one source, right?
I don't know what everybody here has as me personally. That's what I work. I work on residual income, whether it's apy
Whether it's my board ofs being staked whether it's bitcoin miners
Um, I could I could care less about a big bag. I've had big bags before
And I know what they tend to get you
Um, and you know, it's almost impossible to be greedy. It doesn't matter how much money you have
Um, sometimes it is hard to to not be greedy
Uh, but you know, so you got to position yourself
in a non greed
Um environment, right? So that's what I do, you know, I got you know, fucking half a million dollars worth of board apes
Earning money, you know, i've got 700 plus ethereum in lido earning money
Um, I have bitcoin miners
uh earning money, you know
I have um a bunch of liquidity pools that i'm heavily invested in
Um getting paid per transactions earning money, you know, everything that I position and yeah, yes, I am a trader
Um, you know, I do trade a lot
I do I do try to go for you know big plays wins and shit of that nature
But at that point it's fun for me
It's fun and enjoyable if I lose I lose if I win I win because i've set myself up so well
Um in in the residual income factor that it's I don't have to really stress, right?
And that's taken me
A long time to build and it will take anybody a long time to build
But that that's my personally is what I think wealth is
as my definition
Because you don't have to worry about anything
And when you don't have to worry about anything, you know, life is pretty good, man
And but it takes time to get there
So, you know five plus years down the road is when i'm really looking
To see this operation that we're building. I mean 10x and 10 fold out row
You know, so what it's and it's just it's only going to keep growing
Um, this is what I do. You know, I mean like this is what I do
So it's not like I have anything else to do like this is literally yet
So it's going to keep building and growing and we're just going to keep fucking
Accumulating more residual income and I think that's that's one of the main key factors
A lot of people in this space should do i've seen so many people
d gen money
On some of the dumbest fucking things that where you could have took that money
Put it somewhere and just go earned an apy
Or some or put it into something that earns you a residual whatever it is
Um, and that's that is how you create generational wealth for yourself and and generations to come
So, you know the next five years 10 years. I would say we'll probably be so
Highly functioning as a bitcoin mining company that um
You know, maybe we could be pulling in millions of dollars a year
You never know but you got to start somewhere and we've already started
So we already have our foundation built and we're just going to continue to grow and that's and that's the hardest part is getting
Foundation built, you know, it took me three years to maneuver in the bitcoin mining industry
And finally after three plus years, we were able to get settled in
Um and everything worked out and look at that took me three years to get into it
three years
To get into it to be able to even have access to the to that world
It's not what you guys think bro
It's not it's not as easy as buying a miner and just setting it up or just making a phone call
Hey, I got this host my miners me can call these you can call ateria right now
All terry right now. Tell me you have a million dollars and you want to buy a million dollars in miners
You want to buy a block out and you want to um, you want to start mining and they're literally going to say well, uh
We don't fucking know you
No, that's literally what they're going to say. It doesn't matter what kind of money you throw at these people
They don't give a fuck. They make so much money. It's it's a million dollars to them is laughable
So, you know it took three years to get in and now we're in and we built our foundation
We're established and that that took three years. So now technically we're starting year one now
You know that first of to the five years, you know
You stay within five years is is when you should be fully successfully functioning business and turning extreme profits
So i'm excited and um, you know
I'm excited to uh, because I know this is going to take care of my family for the rest of their lives regardless what happens to me
Um, and those are the factors and those are the things that I look at not looking at the the anything else but that
You know i'm looking at what what can be built for the future?
That's sustainable that will be here when i'm gone
And um, you know, that's and then that's why we're here
mining fucking bitcoin
We got dill down there. Well, yeah anybody tonight. Um, i'm gonna alef i'm gonna let you go talk a little about uh, t h n d
Anybody tonight if you guys want to hop in the discord go hop in a bitbull's discord read around you got questions in there
Um, don't hesitate to ask
Uh, we got some cool giveaways tonight. We got eight minutes left
um, this is actually from
A giveaway we started yesterday the day before so eight minutes. We got two azuki apes will be given away to
One of a random enter so two winners
And then if we hit 35 minutes
Uh, which is 18 away from that. So yeah, we started this yesterday. We're giving away 0.05 t h n d
To two lucky people so that'd be 0.025 each
So that means two people will get access to the ai trader bot in four days without 0.025
they don't have to spend 14 000 on a token, uh or
Uh close to um two and a half e for 10 azuki apes
So you'd be able to get into the the access on that ai trader which um, uh alef is going to talk about here
So yeah eight minutes. Let's knock these bitches out. Um, i'm sure they're gonna come in regardless
Uh, because we got the community in here popping ready to get more miners
Uh, you know, everybody's scooping them up, man
It's just the thing to do right now
So don't sleep but um, yeah, i'll let you go alef. What's up dill. We got manna up here
Uh, we'll roll through a couple people up here. We'll let alef go
We'll shoot over to dill and manna. We'll talk to rusty them about uh azuki
And uh, yeah, we'll see where we're at there and you know, maybe we'll maybe we'll keep vibing out
I got a couple people messaged me
That are gonna be really late. So let me see if it's gonna be worth keeping the space open. But yeah, take it away
Yeah, sure. Hey
I'm alef or aleth one or if you know ck he called me a one like the steak sauce
Which is I think hilarious
I am the co-founder of a project called the 300 or thnd is the symbol
uh 300 is a
On the surface. It's a pretty straightforward project. It's a limited supply token fixed supply of 300 coins. Hence the name 300
And it has a unique deflationary burn mechanic
Which is every time you buy sell trade or transfer a token 3 percent of that transferred token
Gets burned and so it's a deflate. It's a truly deflationary token and when I say burned
I don't mean like sent to a marketing wallet. I mean it actually gets burned
The the supply does deflate we started out with 300 tokens
We're at about 223 tokens right now
The other thing is the token itself gives you access it's gated access to a trading system
Uh right now a telegram bot that is an ai trader and it's not like a maestro unibot banana gun
Trader that just trades on ethereum. It's a true machine learning ai trader. What happens is you use the token
To gain access to the ai trader
You put eth into the ai trader you turn the ai trader on
And you can tell it I want you to buy and sell and manage
My portfolio for me automatically if you turn it on and tell it to buy sell and manage your portfolio for you automatically
It will do just that it'll find opportunities. It'll buy it'll sell it'll double down. It'll cost average
It'll take profits
It'll do everything for you and much like a seasoned trader
And this is I think where people get have a little bit of trouble getting their head around it
Much like a seasoned trader. It will not
Buy and sell and trade every single pair that comes out right now snipe snipe snipe. It doesn't do that, right?
It looks at opportunities that give you the
The chance of having the minimum amount of downside risk while maximizing your upside potential
And so it'll go in it'll acquire something it'll hold it for an hour a day sometimes longer
And when you exit it'll typically exit around 15 to 30 percent right now 24 percent is our average exit returns
We have 155 people using the ai trader. They've traded over
12 000 eth and yes, you heard that right 12 000 eth in volume over the last 45 days or so
And they've generated around 400 and call it 430 eth
in returns
And so that's the power behind the token the 300 it takes one 300 token to run that trader
When you have one 300 token, you have no fees ever
No, buy fee no sell fee. No, no kind of fees at all for using the ai trader
Now you might say well, you know what i'm going to run out and i'm going to buy myself a 300 token
So I get access to this trader
And what I would say to you is you can do that
But the price per token right now is 13 000 over 13 000 13 250 or so right now
So you go out you buy a 13 250 token that gives you access to the most sophisticated ai trader in all of web 3
and I will
fight for that
Position against anyone. I don't care who you are. We have the most sophisticated ai trader in web 3
So you might say to yourself, okay. Well, that sounds great 13 250 little out of my budget little out of my price range
I'm, not quite sure I could get involved in this for 13 250
Must be nice for those of you who got in at the early beginnings of this
We recognize that and we recognize that not everyone has 13 and a half thousand dollars to toss into a coin
That is a value, right? It's like owning a board eight. That's token gated
You still own the coin when you use the trader
So we partnered with the azuki apes and so if you own 10 azuki apes
10 azuki apes also get you access
To the ai trader now we part when we partnered with azuki apes. I just want to be very clear about this
The floor of the azuki apes is around 0.0075
Well, i'm proud to say that after we partnered with the azuki apes just two and a half three weeks later
The floor of the azuki apes is point a little over 0.2 eath right now
So now getting into 10 azuki apes is over 2 eath
Obviously now we're starting to get into that range where we're talking about thousands of dollars again
And so we realized that and so starting on february 5th
We're going to open the trader up to every person who has access to
0.025 300 that's about
450 worth of 300 you'll have full access to the full trader that everyone else has everyone else has access to
The only difference is at that level
You pay two and a half percent
On all transactions and we take 25 percent of your profits
At that lowest tier
at the azuki ape tier
We take two and a half percent of your profits
And none of your gains, right or sorry two and a half percent your transactions none of your gains, right?
You don't take it in your profits
So anyway, i'm going to put up a chart. There's basically three quadrants. You can get in at 0.0
25 300 which is about 450 to 500 right now
You could hold 10 azuki apes and have access to it or you could buy a full 300 coin
And have full access to the trader without any fees ever
there is one
bonus for having that coin that full coin which is
Those fees that I talked about the two and a half percent and the 25 percent
So if you're in the financial industry, this is a pretty normal thing two and a half and 25
If you've ever invested in a hedge fund, it makes sense, right two and a half and 25
the only difference is
In the 300 world those fees that two and a half and 25 they get taken out
Don't go back to the project
Some of it does for operations because we've got to run a business
but most of it almost all of it goes back to
People who hold 300 coin the 300 coin one or more 300 coins
And the way that that works, it's not
One of these oh you get access to this token and the token on some kind of gateway that you can blah blah blah
It's none of that
When you hold a 300 token and you use the ai trader
All of those returns all those rewards all of those fees that come in get distributed to you based on your ownership
And so last I don't know if you saw this bullish, but in the last couple of days
our system dropped
10 000 in ethereum
to our holders
It just automatically dropped it. They got a little notification in telegram saying hey, you just made a hundred dollars. Hey, you just made 500
hundred dollars
Whatever their ownership was and so I encourage everyone to take a look at thnd
Io or take a look at the 300 twitter. I'm going to post something up top for everyone to take a look at
It's a really powerful and really fun project everybody. We have a great community
The community is super engaged if you hop into our telegram, we don't have a discord
but if you hop into our telegram
You can see you can ask questions. You can see that we're very available. We answer questions
And frankly everyone's in a pretty good mood all the time because we have a bunch of people running a project
Where you have the availability of the founders?
Everybody's making money questions are getting answered
Everything is transparent
You can at any time if you're using the trader, you can click a button. It tells you exactly how much
300 has been
Transferred how much has returned how much you will get out of the fees that are pending. It's just it's completely transparent
So we've got a really positive community
And you know, we also have a positive community in the azuki aches as well
So it's two great projects that I think are working extremely well together
So I felt a little chilly, but I just you know want to make sure everyone kind of understood where we're coming from
Yeah, i'm pumped dude, um
I'm pumped to do this uh to do this challenge
with the with the trader bot
It's it's crazy to me like how technology has been brought to this particular point
especially the right technology building build like you're doing with
Um the 300 to where you can literally set it and forget it throw your money in
Let it do its thing
Come back and check in and out every once in a while and you have such a it's such a comfortable feeling like hey
Look, I can throw fifty thousand dollars into this bot
And shut my computer off and come back in six months and I know i'm i'm going to be better off than I was
When I you know, I turned my computer off and it's insane to me that that type of technology is out here
and i'm really pumped to do
The um, you know the the live on traderverse when traderverse when we get traderverse
Running which is probably about three or four weeks now and we'll have that the alpha live
Um, I I can't wait to be able to run that bot
Um and just and just set it and forget it see how long it takes
To accumulate enough profit to buy one full
Thn d th 300 token
Um buy the token and then at that point now my fees are
Just pay whatever the small fee is and then boom. I mean all it's just it's a no-brainer
Like it's just it's you full circle yourself. You just got to be patient. That's all it really is
You know you you start off. Yeah, you get 0.025. Yeah, you got to pay some fees blah blah blah blah
But it is what it is when the trader is consistently making money 24 7
So, you know suck it up and then accumulate buy the full token fees are at minimum
I think there's only one fee whenever that is like 2 or 3 percent
Whatever it is, and then when you get a full token, there's no fees ever
There's no buy no sell no no fees. We don't we don't take any fees when you have a full token, bro
Yeah, so no fees. So yeah, it's gonna be really it's gonna be really unique. I'm looking forward to this
I can't wait to see
What the ai does for me?
Throughout the year like i'm not even looking forward. I'm not looking at like a month. I'm looking to see
December 31st
What you know, what kind of work did this thing do and i'm really excited to see how that plays out?
Uh into this year because it's it's going to be my
It's we were talking about residual income and all that stuff earlier
Like this is going to be added to one of my sources of residual income
Um, and I mean damn, bro. It's just crazy talking about it
I mean, it's just really fucking blows my mind when you really want to fucking narrow it down
Dude, I can take one eth
I can put it into this fucking bot now and I own my eth
Let's let's let's get that straight. It's not the eth isn't going into like
99.9 of the bots out there is going into a bot pool and trading on your behalf
This is your eth you control your money
um, and it's just being traded on behalf of the ai trader using your ethereum so
lots of lots of insane things that are set up with with uh with the 300 and
It's the most one of the probably the project i'm the most bullish on
in 2024 and throughout
Uh, you know my circle small even though I have a lot of people in this space
Uh, we we try to keep a small circle here and you know, i'm not bullish on on many projects or people
Um, you know after the last three years i've learned a lot and dealt with a lot of shit in this space
Um from fucking motherfuckers, bro
I could go on all day about but um, you know, it brings that circle down
People that you know, you put faith and trust into and are willing to invest in. Um
because you see
What the potential is and boy there ain't nothing but potential here that and it's already it's already started, right?
It's not like it's it's working. It works every day. It's proven. I mean, it's a proof is disappointing
We don't have to talk about if it works or not
But I i'm just excited to see how it plays out
Um by by just seeing what it where it goes this year, man, and i'm really excited about it and congrats to you alif
Um, and I think a lot of people here should be should be praising you
Uh, because that that's insane, bro
You know if you really want to break it down, you really want to fucking think about it
How fucking insanely retarded is it that you can just throw some money on this fucking trader close your computer down?
Come back in six months and be profitable
That's not and that's a game changer
Um, and it's and it's only the beginning of this
It's only the beginning of this
Um, and i'm excited bro. I'm super excited for uh for what's for what's to come this year
Oh, thanks, man. I really appreciate that and just just so people know this isn't this is not
My first rodeo and as they say like I spent nine months so far building this thing, right and before that
I built a system that traded
For six years it traded financial instruments long short equities options commodities currencies and
The last two years of that it traded crypto and it was not uncommon for the system that I built before
Which was a pretty pretty serious hedge fund was not uncommon for that system to trade
You know half a billion to a billion dollars a day in transactions
And so I know how to build stuff. I know how to build the ai
I know how to make it scale and this has been the last nine months of of my life is building
Trading system so that I could put it into the crypto space where I could hopefully help democratize
Everyone's ability to have access to something like this
And I think it's really important to
You know when you when you take a look at you know
Is somebody does somebody have the pedigree or does somebody have the skill or the ability to do something?
I think that's always a really important thing
Like bullish I go into your class and I take a look at how you look at
Bullinger bands and indicators and how you're looking at the rsi and mac d and how you explain it
And you have the experience the scar tissue of knowing, you know, what's a trap?
No, what's a bull trap? What's you know, and and what isn't and a lot of people don't have that experience, right?
and I just think it's important to try and
You know to try and align yourself with people who have frankly failed had problems got scar tissue had the arrows in their backs
Built things that have been successful built things that have been not successful
You know so that you at least have somebody who has the wisdom of experience and I think that that's something
I'm really appreciative of with the stuff you're doing with bit bulls because like you said
Everybody can go out and talk about how they're building a bunch of minors
But to actually do it there are a lot of steps that I don't think people even realize exist and so they're just
Definitely destined to fail if they haven't gone through the process before
so anyway, that's my
I'll get off my little soapbox about the wisdom of experience, but you know
I think it's really important
Oh, yeah, absolutely. Um, I couldn't agree more and I I love how
You know what what you and I are building, you know aligned together
And there's there's almost nothing better than that. Um
You know, you've got two great founders
two great projects that are
You know literally
Giving you the opportunity
To have a set it and forget it
You know way of earning income and I think that's like I've said a million times
It says the number one thing man is is building up that residual
Whatever it is, you know real estate bitcoin miners, uh
You're staking crypto to earn APY whatever it is, you know, and I love how it goes hand in hand the ai trader
You know throw some money in it makes you residuals
Bitcoin miners, you know you get your miners makes you residuals, you know
It just goes hand in hand. We're trying to build that
Six seven sources streams of income that you need to you know, be wealthy from for generations to come so
Yeah, it's it's it's it's fucking dope man. Um
I haven't been this excited since like
Back when you know, I would do spaces with 500 plus people in it and 180 fucking people requesting to come up 24 7 a day
So it's it's it's awesome to have like an excitement and have that feel of excitement and
You know, I love getting up in the mornings and waiting for the fomo shows and we talk about I love waiting on thursdays
I love being you know interactive with everybody with the 300 the azuki apes and the bipples and
It's just going to be a good year, man. I'm excited
Um to see how everything plays out together and I I think
Both of our ecosystems are going
You know and for the better for everybody so super fucking excited, man
Um, yeah, we got bill we got mana up here
I'm gonna let these two amazing people drop some beats talk about some stuff and then
To a hero and rusty. We'll talk about some azuki apes
Um, and then yeah, maybe we'll just we'll kind of wind it down
Um, a lot of people could not show tonight and I didn't realize it because I am extremely
About it checking my dms
So about four or five people i'm
That the space is open already had messaged me like two or three days ago saying that they wouldn't be able to make it this
Thursday, so that's my fault, but we still had a great turnout
Everybody that did show up so mana i'm gonna let you take it and we'll go to dill
Then we'll go hit rusty and then we'll uh, we'll circle back around maybe talk a little more about. Um, um,
Dtc miners and then we'll shut it down. Yo, what's up, man? What's up, man? How are you doing?
Good bro trying to get moved and settled in I finally got my office and stuff set up today. So
That's a little better
Do you like it more in, uh, south carolina?
Do you miss yeah, I mean this is my stomping grounds, you know, like all my friends live here
Like it's just it's my stomping grounds. I mean, I can't i'm not upset
But you know, I did not want to leave florida obviously
Sometimes you just gotta you know
You gotta gotta do like I there there was no good setups to buy houses down there
By the time our lease ended and you know
Like our whole plan just didn't work out and i'm not gonna go and be stupid with money anymore. So
Yeah, no longer a short drive to miami anymore, I guess
Yeah, I know it sucks i'm gonna have to drive nine and a half ten hours to get down there for the events this year
Not gonna fly
I hate florida
I would do too, but I'd be a nightmare driving for that long down
I think I would go in and get one of the um
What are those things called that you can find yourself you don't need a pilot license. They're those
Hmm they're please they're like they're planes that you can get you want a charter
No, they're these planes bro, I was watching with my dad like a few weeks ago. They're like
Hold on. I gotta look this up now. Give me a sec. Do your thing
You're a short drive from atlanta
Yeah, not far from it later now bro, you gotta stop right
Yeah, we're gonna definitely plan a trip down there you guys gotta come up here too man, yeah say the word
Hey, man, you're a lot I think you're you're a lot closer to me now
Yeah, you're up in pa right
Yes, I am
But it's cool to have all these people here, thank you for everybody that came you're all awesome
I hope all of your days are good
And yeah, I guess
Going off
Pardon my bad
They're ultra light. That's what they're called. It's called an ultra light
That's the airplanes that you can get
That you don't need a license for it. It's a one cedar
But they're dude, they're they're pretty dope. It's pretty big. It's a lot bigger of a culture than you think
But go look up ultra lights ultra lights like flights and stuff
And you know on youtube and look how fucking cool it is
You can buy one of those and fly it yourself without a pilot license
And they and you can fly them anywhere too. Like you're allowed to go in air traffic space
Yeah, absolutely
Yeah, but I don't have air conditioning
Yeah, no no AC and no no heat yeah, you should come scoop me up so I don't have to pay for a ticket
Well, you gotta have the I think they can fly it out
Two three hours at a clip
So you gotta you almost kind of gotta have uh, you gotta
Like you gotta route certain spots where you can stop gas up and go. I was looking all into it, bro
They're pretty dope. Just just youtube ultra lights. Maybe get a chance and just check them out. They're pretty fucking cool. I will
All right, yeah
so for anyone who doesn't know who I am I make music and
I also make music nfts
Um, there's nothing really more else to say than that
uh, anybody who likes my music enough to support it that is absolutely more than
appreciated but in reality, I just want to you know
talk to you guys and
You know connect with you guys because that's that's that's why i'm here
Uh, otherwise it wouldn't be
I'm not trying to you know, it's not just marketing. I want to talk to you guys
Oh, i'm also going to be doing uh twitter spaces a lot more in the future. So if anybody is interested in that
Um, you know just want to stop by and talk
Uh, you're more than welcome to come by and uh talk to me while i'm trying to make music
Maybe you have some pointers and if you have pointers i'll put you in as a writer and stuff
and uh, yeah
Why don't you play some?
Yeah, sure. I was fiddling around i'm trying to do so
I have my mic hooked up. I'm trying to do you hear this?
Wait, let me move my phone. How well do you hear this? Do you hear this? Well, this is good. You need me louder
All right. That's not bad. That's good
All right. So i'm going to
hook up my
Mic to the speech a little echoey to the song live
It's got a little echo to it. It's got a little echo
Yeah, it almost sounds like in you're in you're in an open room with nothing in it
I kind of am this is experimental. I just thought of this now, but if this does not sound good i'm not going to do that
Try it out, let's see, okay
So this song is not up
I want to roll it whip and roll it. I want a golden pony
I want to go there talking about nowhere living my life and it's no fair moving so fast
Don't need to get it because people forget it. I'm feeling so fed in a way
Part of me drinking the pay
I finna get it or not and talking to me. I'm your papa tuck in real love from a chopper
I just be getting it started. I just be getting it started. I finna get what I wanted
I finna get what I want money and drugs born for all of the buzz watching me tear it apart. Look
I'ma get it. I don't care how long I didn't sleep. They hear my song. They turn it up. I'm saying
Waking up a hell of nation waking up. I gotta write this waking up. I gotta write this
I'm gonna memorize this how we recordize this with like recordize that but they get to see my city from the double high flat
Will they get it go plan? Will they hang it from the wall? Will they get it good girl that will kick it when I fall?
I want to roll it whip and roll it. I want a golden pony
I want to go there talking about nowhere living my life and it's no fair moving so fast
Don't need to get it because people forget and I feel there's a fit in the way
Grabbing a drink in the day
I finna get it or not and I can lift me and your papa tuck in the middle of the papa
Can't find the crew on my tata. I just be getting it started. I just be getting it started
I finna get what I wanted. I finna get what I want money and drugs going for all of the bugs watching me tear it apart
I'ma get it. I don't care how long I didn't say
They hear my song. They turn it up. I'm saying finally
Finally I'm afraid
Finally I'm afraid
Hear my son. They turn it up. I'm saying finally
I feel like they could have gone. I need to oh shit
I'm still setting this up. I'm in a new room
So I need to make this a lot better
Oh good, I'm not good bro
Yeah, uh what I want to do is I want to get a longer cord hook up like put the phone up onto some type of stand
And go into another room and then perform it
That's what I need to do
Wait, were you just life singing that or were you playing? Yeah, that was life
That's pretty dope
Yeah, dude, I love that song I was jamming to that earlier today actually we were driving around running errands, bro
That is that is a killer song bro. That's a killer song. Yeah
I'm experimenting it will get it will get the quality will get a lot better
I'm trying to trying to do a lot better in twitter spaces
So it's not just me talking into a phone I want the full production, you know
Eventually, hopefully
When you can do twitter spaces on the computer, I mean you can but
When I can hook up my apollo to
That like I can use my interface, but I don't think I ever will I don't think twitter's gonna let you do that
because a bit rate is so small, but
I'm trying. I'm trying if anybody did like that. The song is out and
Yeah, uh, that's also a
Nft on sound xyz
If anybody wants to go pick that up, but no one has to if you uh, you know
If you stream on music, that's all I care about really
If you like it
Did you throw something by the top oh I did not man I
I'm a marketing major too. This is bad
Come on bro
Yep, there we go. I think I just pinned it did I it's not letting me see the top
I can't see it. There it is
You can see it yeah, it's out there okay, I can't
So for next time
Uh, i'm gonna get a 24 cable i'm gonna go to a different room
So there's no feedback loops and it will be a lot a lot better
I just thought of this now and I think it's a pretty good idea
What do you think
Yeah, what you can do also is you can get an i-rig too and then you'll be able to wire it directly into your sound
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's just uh the i-rig like
I have the apollo and i'm able to put a like real-time vocal chain so I can like mix my vocals and
Add auto tune stuff if I need it and
You know add a compressor i-rig it just allows me to talk, you know
Well, you would put the i-rig into your headphone jack, right
So then your i-rig here's the same thing you hear when you're live recording
No, yeah the modern wire it just uh, it doesn't it doesn't give you like a vocal like do you have an apollo
Yeah, yeah, you know what i'm talking about unless we are able to do that with the i-rig or no
What you do is you take so like you know where your headphone jack is on the apollo that output that comes to your
Headphones when you get your live monitoring you can just wire that into your phone
Know what I mean
Wait, and then you talk into the phone that way or no
Yeah, when you're performing okay, yeah, I need okay i'm gonna i'm about to order an i-rig right now there
Yeah, the i-rig too and then you you when you're performing you'll like switch it
I mean, I would just talk in the phone normally and then plug it in to perform
No way, okay, if you're gonna perform I definitely want to hear it
Um, I don't really have that set up
I personally don't use mine too often, but it is good for when i'm playing music in the space
But I don't really I usually just do it right into the phone
Yeah, that's fair yeah, I usually do that too i'm just trying to switch it up
And plus there's some songs that uh, you know
Uh, they sound good on the song, but they took like 30 takes and I can't nail
I can't nail it every single time. So to ease it down. I would love some pitch correction
And uh, I definitely don't want to do that dry
I feel him man. Well, that was dope. That was good. It sounded good. It came through good, man
Oh, I I think that could definitely been better. I'll look back on the space. I hope it did sound good though
But yeah, uh, I hope you enjoyed that if uh, someone else needs to go and talk
They're more than welcome to start talking. If not, you know, uh at everybody's that's up here right now talking. How are you guys doing?
Good man, we'll let dill throw it down. Uh, then we'll go over to uh to uh, dookie. What's up, dill?
Yo, what up? What up? I'm dill
Yo, what up? What up? I'm doing good, man. Good to see you. Uh consistently hosting these spaces
So i've just been on the grind as you know with uh dill coin
You know really just trying to get more people into the token. Uh, we have some exciting launches coming up
Uh, but i'm also just trying to grind and expand the community. So we actually built a bridge to polygon
last week, which was
Amazing bridging over to polygon. We brought a ton of new volume in
a ton of new, uh holders
And yeah, we're just continuing to try to grow so we definitely need some more support on eth
It's a great time to get in dill coin
I feel like we're pretty undervalued now, but we've also sort of bottomed up
And we're hopefully headed in the right direction now seeing some buys come in and the polygon has helped bring some buy pressure
But yeah right now my goal is really to get us back solid over a hundred k market cap
Which shouldn't be too hard. We should be able to do it. Just got to stick consistent with it
And i'm thinking about bridging over to solana
With the success of the polygon bridge. It definitely showed the power of bridging over these other chains. So
It's cool use case and we have some tools that'll allow us to bridge to other chains
So it's a one-to-one bridge. It's the same dill coin on both chains
And we've actually seen people uh who are arbitraging and bridging cross chain and staying active on that
So it definitely works people take advantage of it people bridge
And it just really it's a win-win bridging with these other chains
It just brings in more volume and an easier way for people to buy in who wouldn't buy otherwise. So
Really eye-opening getting on to polygon and yeah, go buy some dill
On eath we appreciate the support. We really want to relaunch the dill nfts get those live. We pretty much have everything ready to go
With that just finishing up the final steps
So everyone's going to be getting their dill nfts air dropped to them all of the previous holders for anyone who didn't know
uh, we we had to freeze the previous contract because it was made on third web, but we've
You know spent the time and i've invested the money to rebuild everything custom from scratch
Uh dill coin the dill nfts completely custom contract
We're working with a great dev now who's worked with pudgy penguins and some other great communities like we're doing everything the right way
Um, but it also feels like it's been a little bit slower in the market
So just trying to keep it growing and keep it going and stay motivated
So i'll play a song this is motivated freestyle. I just put this out a couple weeks ago
I'm dropping new music every single friday on top of all this. So on top of all the stuff we're doing with dill coin
Whatever we're keeping consistent with the new music releases, too
So I have new music coming out every friday planned all the way through february. So
So a lot of good stuff happening got to stay motivated. This is my song
Let's rock it. Oh, I gotta switch my sound here
There we go
Oh one sec, sorry
I've been on my ground. I'm addicted. I'm motivated
Been here for the decades to know that i'm underrated a lot of people tired of believing me in the past
I don't blame them, but they're dead to be enemies in the mask. Gotta keep it moving this big energy
Foundation, I gotta get it go to work. Keep paper chasing many times. I didn't know how i'm gonna pay the rent
Let's go say a prayer for the dollars that i don't spend
Let's go take a trip with the homies. They can't go
Let's go out to Dubai. I heard they got sand dunes
It's really rugged right out
Can hear you I can hear you and that was that was rug that was rug central
You know what else is happening right now? Both? Did you notice you can't pin anything to the dam? I rugged myself
I think I rugged myself. Can you hear me now? Yeah, I think spaces are fucked up right now. Yeah, I can hear you
Nah, I definitely just uh
Just rug myself, but hey go check out some of the new dill music
Tap in I won't take up any more time there
But tap in check it out get some dill coin in your wallet
Great time to buy in right now. Let's go
Let's get it appreciate you bro
If you want to pin something to that throw it up there so we can navigate
everybody to that and um, we'll shoot over to uh
Uh to hero or rusty, uh, we'll give a little talks about azuki apes and uh, we'll kind of wrap it up
We won't keep it too crazy tonight. I do have a bunch of shit. I still gotta do
We're still unpacking and setting shit up. So
What's up rusty?
Oh good evening bullish
Thank you again for giving us this platform to speak upon for collection
It's been great listening to you tonight. Talk about
Your project and just how involved it is with the bitcoin mining that is one thing
I'm very interested in and it's one thing that I am very impressed that you're being able to actually accomplish
The more I hear about the more
I I just get drawn into it. I kind of like here in aleph over there, you know getting getting the fomo for it
Wanting to know how do I get more of these and how do I become part of it myself?
About the azuki apes. Thank you again, uh for letting us speak here up on this platform
We've been up here for the last couple weeks
So i'll just uh give a quick overview about how we are and what we're doing
We are a very
Vibrant and active community we've been going strong for close to two years now
And we have very close to about a thousand eath
Compiled total and volume in our nft
Sales, I think we're going to hit that this month of february because we have a lot of things going on
One of the big things that we have going on is our claims close on the 5th of february
That's coming up here on monday. That is a big day
The reason why we have claims open is because we are a contract that has been going on for a long time
And open sea rugged our world. He's like a lot of other projects
So in order to combat that we create a new contract
Where we were able to enforce our royalties and continue with what the project needed to do
In order to claim onto that contract. All you need to do was own an azuki ape on the old contract
Go to our website and then claim into the new contract a lot of people have done that
It has been very nice. I think we have had open for about 10 months now. We've currently had
2128 of the original
3333 azuki apes move over and we are looking forward to closing that up on the 5th and seeing what we end up with
Another thing that we are doing is we're bringing back one of the biggest things that was
popular in the old collection
We started off very big. We had a nice quick mint out a floor price went up
Everybody was really excited and one of the things that these zuki apes did is they came out with an awesome merch collection
Some of the people in the space here still wear these collection of hoodies sweaters
Hats almost daily because the comfort level is so high
And one of the things that we are proud of is we are working on bringing
That back in a way that the project can benefit and really bring back the essence of what made these zuki apes
Great in the beginning which was the amazing art that if you can look at some of the pfps up here mine
Heroes alif so you can see the amazing art of the azuki apes and then the community
Another big thing about the community is as I said, we've been going on for about two years now
So we've done a lot in that time and one of the big things that we did in that time is we had the community
Acquire the entire project of the azuki apes their original founders, you know, they created a great project
But when the fall of the nft market happened
They decided to they had a lot going on in their own personal lives
And that they needed to take time away from the project to to better benefit themselves when that happened
The project was bought up and given back to the community
and i'm happy to say that it is run currently by
a council of community members, which is myself
and alif himself
We just added alif to the team recently. He has a very proud acquisition to the team
Is we are very happy to have him as part of the team and with that comes our partnership with the 300 coin
as alif mentioned earlier that is one of the big things that we are also doing now and
Currently is we are partnering with the 300 coin to allow people to have access to the bot with 10 azuki apes
and as it was saying earlier that now comes with the
complete 100 bonus of
Gain to keep all of your gains and profits and just pay a 2.5 transaction fee
which I think is a very
Ability to have with the 300 bot. I love that alif is allowing that to open up to more people
but the ability to have all of your profits is very
Um lucrative and very incentive to me because over the time when you're using that bot add up those 25
profits that are taken out will add up and the azuki apes themselves are a very valuable nft that have a
Rising four value themselves. So not only do you get to keep the asset of the nft
You get to participate in the bot and the gains that are going on there
Sorry one second
Sorry, i'm just pausing try to get my got to get my bearings here
All right
So with the 300 bot the 10 azuki apes, we now have our merchandise coming. The claim is closing
Our collection is closing in on 1000 eighth
Is not over for the azuki apes. We are still here building
We are still here looking for the future and we are still looking to for 2024 to be a very exciting year
I am very happy that bullish, you know is
Lelling us to have this platform up here on his space every week
And you know
He is buying and acquiring some of the azuki apes himself to share with his community
It has brought in some of his community to the azuki apes and I have seen some of the azuki apes
seek out and try to mint his bullish apes and
And and get into his project and so it's really nice to see both of the communities really come together
and one of the things I just want to speak on for the 300 is
Right now there's about 300 holders for the 300 coin, which is kind of ironic and unique
But when you look in the telegram, there's almost 800 members
So that just tells me that there's a lot of people already on the outside looking in that are interested in this coin
And it's only going to become more and when those people can't get the coin
They can't get the azuki apes that they're going to find other things
And that that last thing is going to be at last point zero two five coin and that's going to go up
So I just encourage people to take a look at what we have available
Take don't take my word for it. Listen to the community jump in the azuki ape discord
Jump in the telegram for the 300 ask the community what they think of the project and if they are happy
And I I am very proud to say that our communities are very supportive and that they are happy
And so I am not afraid for you to jump in there and ask away
Yeah, i'm I'm excited, um with everything these agape communities doing it's awesome to be able to
together back and forth get you know community
To uh, you know to to be circling through each other's communities
I think that's
You know one of the best things that can possibly be done in this space and it's one of the best things you can do
To grow and it's awesome when you can offer something, you know to both communities, you know
You you get to benefit from holding both and I think we've done a really good job of that between these
Yuki apes and and the bibbles and yeah, i'm excited man. It's only the beginning man. It's only beginning of the year
There's still so much
So much more to come that it's it's almost impossible to talk about everything that
These two projects up here are are doing for the space and and for their holders. So yeah, super excited, man
Yeah, I hope we get you in bibbles soon, bro
I'd love to have you over there get you in on a part of the mining action, man
And just a part of the community in general
But yeah, appreciate you coming up here, man. Always love these zookies
Uh, austin community awesome vibe
Crazy what happened when the when the the um ai trader was
Available to the zuki holder
With the certain requirements for that for them to access it
So yeah, man, like I say, I guess daily time is it's like a full circle of everybody winning and like if you can create that
Circle, um, you know everybody wins and and I think that's you know
The best part about web3 is it's actually doable. You can do it
You're almost like the retail trader that can push gme up to
Right, you know, that's that's what we have here. We can all push each other's
uh, you know, you know assets
You know higher and higher and higher and build these relationships and full circle around and everybody is just benefiting financially
Networking like everything man, so super excited for this year to super excited about uh, you know everything and yeah
You know i'm pretty pumped man, uh eight more mints and uh, we're gonna be giving away to his zuki apes
So maybe we'll onboard somebody new or maybe somebody in the zuki ape community will accumulate
Some more zuki apes so it you know, it's exciting when you believe in a project
It's it's easy to sweep it up and you know, try to onboard as many people as you can so appreciate you man for real
All right
All right, alif you want to do a little circle around we got
What up chaz and then we'll do a little
Circle around kind of do some final, you know touches and kind of wrap it up
Yeah, I would love to thanks again for having me up really appreciate the space
Appreciate everything that's going on. You know bullish right now. Everyone is
having a conversation about
three things they're having a conversation about the
community bank collapse
That was the bank that acquired
Signature bank and what's going on there, right? They're having a conversation about the jupiter airdrop and whether or not that killed salona
Which is just absolutely crazy that that's even a that's even a conversation
Everyone's talking about like what is what is next with this? Uh,
The potential etf that's coming out for ethereum
So those are the three topics that every that's that are that are kind of on everyone's mind if you look around throughout spaces right now
Those are the main things
That that that people are talking about. I find it absolutely fascinating and we're sitting here having a conversation about
building a financial future
For people and how to set yourself up so that those kinds of conversations you can have them
Uh, you know without without stressing out
And you know one of the things I just want to kind of end
the whole thing about the 300 with by saying that one of the great pleasures I have is going into the telegram and
Watching the conversations that happen in the telegram
So basically everyone sets up the ai trader and they turn it on they put some eth in it and they let it run
And so our telegram aside from a few questions about oh, tell me how this works or tell me how that works
If you you know kind of questions on the on the introduction
Most of the conversations in our telegram people are talking about all kinds of crazy stuff. They're talking about movies
They're talking about retro video games
They're talking about other projects
Almost every single thing that happens in our telegram is all is completely unrelated
To the 300 project itself. Now. Why is that? That's because the 300 project you set it up
Like you said bullish you set it and forget it you turn it on
You let it trade and then you know
intermingle, you know intermingled through these conversations about movies and music and retro video games and
Spamming of gifts and things like that
Is every once in a while somebody will post hey my system just exited at a profit
and here here's a screenshot of that and
Pretty much that is the 300 telegram
And i'm just proud that that's what we've built here because while everyone else is I think worried about things
That you can't control and that actually don't impact your financial future
We're sitting here building projects, you know
That impact your financial future that you can be proud to be part of and where you're so
Relaxed in the telegram and the discord the conversations are almost never centered around the project itself
So if if nothing else to me
There is no better ringing endorsement of whether a project is doing well
the the kindness the comfort and the availability of the people in the telegram in the discord and the things they talk about
So that's my uh, that's my little pitch for 300 come for the trader stay for the retro video game talk
Love it, man. I'm excited. Yeah, i'm pumped dude. Like I said, I always reiterate it. I'm excited for everything
That us communities, you know have have here and you know the way we're all working together and collaborating man
That's the best way to do it. It's gonna be an epic year
Jazz if you want to go real quick throw something up, uh, we're gonna shut it down, man
Yo, what up, dude? How are you?
Hanging in there about to shut this down and go continue trying to get this house in order
If anyone wants to check out my uh
My project on foundation right now and here it is up top with nothing right now
Yeah, i'm being busy this weekend. I head down creating I got um accepted into the runway
video contest
And they give you like 300 300k
Credits to create something in two days
For me for me and a team of two other people and i'm just like there's only just me right now i'm like
Oh god, might as well stock up on coffee and adderall right now. Let's go
So that'll be fun. Wait, so what is it the runway ml uh dot com
Uh platform the ai video platform
Um, they're having a 48 hour contest
Where when you apply it if you get accepted you you get you they give you 300k
Credits to to to create art to create video with
Like a mini video like a mini movie and submit it to the contest
Ah, okay, okay. Yeah, what are the credits give you?
whatever 200 300k credits is like that's got to be like
Like 80 or 100 at least 100 203 hours of of uh of credits to generate our with their video with
Because you have your credit I think every credits every it's 10 seconds for your credit
Yeah, you get so whatever that's what that's 300 hours of credits
You have two days to take them. I heard I heard the days that you take them. They take them away from you
If you if you don't, um, it's not usable
300,000 credits you can use on the platform i'm guessing. Yeah. Yeah
Okay, where and how does the credits work? What do they do? Like what every every get like it's 10 credits for every every
10 seconds it's 10 credits for every four seconds
To create with and you can create up to 16 18 second videos
Um with this with the same prompt of the same initial image
And then work from there and there's all kinds of like new features that sit on there like motion brushes and all kinds of different
Like tilts and tilts and pans and it's really cool
So i'm working it out. I'm like i'm done practicing right now with a little little bit of credits i've left in my account
Hell yeah, that's what's up
And you're when's the contest end?
It's it's a two-day contest 40 hours. What's called uh, it's called gem gem 48. So it's you have two days to create something
So what do we gotta do go vote or is it just kind of like can we help out sure exactly how the voting industry works
I have to look up
I didn't even think about that. I just like I just jumped in I like I jumped in last second yesterday
Before they closed the uh, the window to apply and I got in
Because I already have an account with them so
I do a lot of i already spend a lot of money every month doing doing video shit practicing out there. I've been doing um, uh
music videos for
DJs and shit that I know like down in la like
And do an art for them for album covers and albums and shit like that. So
This will help so shit, let me know if we can vote or something if you can yeah me i'll i'll go talk
Yeah, definitely
There's a lot of stiff competition
I tell you when I was just looking at all the trailers and the new stuff that's coming to people already like
Submitted and i'm like they're like building on and i'm like damn dude, you guys are talented
But i'm doing my due research and like due diligence like and seeing how they're working and like
What the competition is and trying to like build on top of that like like what's my competition?
How do I how do I do something that says as as impressive if not more?
All right, are any of these uh
Ones you have in new york or no?
No, no, the one that the one that i threw out top is the one that's gonna be in new york this year
And then the one from last year
Is still but still available. That was around maker maker's place
It's just up for offers right now. I don't even like reprice it
I put on an auction private auction this last weekend with that collector dude
But I didn't get any bids on it. So I just haven't had time to go there and like relist it and shit
Well, hey, yeah, that's what's up, how's everything going with new york
It's good. Um, I just i'm waiting waiting to hear if i'm gonna be a part of the if i'm doing the billboards or not
I know everybody in the garden. Yeah in the in the uh
The what's called the um the artist village
I submitted I submitted a new piece today for um on uh on exchange
For uh, what's called it for the poster ai and the hug xyz?
Uh, uh project that there's the open call they're doing check it out. I'll throw that up there too. Um, that one's available right now
It's over on over on uh exchange
That's an that's like a view into like the kind of new stuff that i'm doing now
I'm doing like this crazy like super in high-end like
3d cyberpunk type stuff
I would like head down like create like finding new ways to create like learning how to do blender and
And and like how to commit how to take like 3d turn to 2d and end it in 3d into ai and like
They're bringing a blender and like and like remodeling it and blender and then doing like all kinds of like lighting and all
kinds of cool stuff, so
That's what i've been doing for the last couple of weeks now
Hell yeah, bro
I'm pretty pumped
You have to take some pictures when you get in new york or whatever. We got up on that billboard. That's pretty sick
Yeah, I got some from last year. It was pretty good
I'm gonna be doing a thing with the remix, you know remix. Um, uh xyz
They do like the physical yeah, yeah, I heard remix yeah i'm doing it i'm doing a um, uh, um
a drop of them on march 12th
70 piece like free claim on polygon and then the first 10 people that take advantage of it
will get if they want it they can claim a
16 by 20 inch
metal frame prints of a different piece
Along the same style. Um have it shipped to their house for like 58 dollars
Yeah, it's pretty cool
I did that. Um tyler tyler's journey the photographer did it
And that's how I got into the got onto those guys that that took that concept
So I was like I actually ordered one of his prints. It should be here today
Fuck yeah, bro excited for you. Yeah, they've been navigating this space for a while, dude. I remembered fucking
I'm actually offering a few years ago
I'm actually offering uh metal prints now for all my foundation pieces
If anybody people want them if they collect my stuff on foundation
Like they can get it they get either a 8 by 12 or a 16 by 20
Print 20 inch print
If they once they collect it
Depending on like how high the bid goes or if they do it by now
Damn metal print that's pretty sick metal prints on shadow mounts. They look so good, dude
I'm waiting for one to get here to my house
I can put it on my wall actually order the one that I submitted for for the one that got accepted for nyc this year
I ordered a 16 by 24 inch print for my own from my own house
Just like because I want to check the quality and stuff too, you know, I mean
Plus I want that art on my wall. I want to hold my own art on my own wall, dude
Yeah, let's pretty stick metal prints would be pretty dope. Yes
It's one of my favorite things I have like I have two of them in my house right now
Like to end the wall of like different people's photography in their heart and shit
It's dope like it's one of my favorite things might be your own things that I've owned
It's like yeah, bro, we'll throw whatever you want up there we're gonna start shutting this down
Yo, everybody that's down there
Make sure you go hop in the bit bulls discord every monday 7 p.m. We do free classes
trading classes for
Anybody you do not have to be a holder
Anybody is welcome. So make sure you guys hop in the bit bull discord
just click
Go up into the nest and I think there's a poster I have bit bulls tagged in there
But I mean it's pretty easy. Just go to the bit bulls page
And the discord is right there in the bio. So make sure you hop in there come hang out come vibe out
Get some free education every monday
Uh, and this is this is top tier education
This isn't some bullshit. You can just go
And uh youtube or google, uh, this is real education
You need to know from somebody who's done very well in the market and has learned how to manipulate these markets
You know, whether it's crypto shit coins stocks
We do a lot of stuff
That we teach to help
You guys gain a little extra edge on financial freedom and that's at no charge
You don't have to be a holder nothing
And this is shit that you know, I charge 2500 to 5000 dollars for doing one-on-ones
With people that have five times the amount of money I do. They just don't know how to play the market like I do so
Make sure you guys hop in that discord get your free education come vibe out with the community. Um, bit bulls is growing
Exponentially strong every single day, um as well as the 300 in zuki
Um, I love it, man. I'm excited. This is a great great space very chill space, um, which i'm glad it was
a chill and not chaotic. Listen mark his
Uh life has been chaotic the last week with us moving and shit
Um, so yeah, appreciate everybody that showed up man. Thanks. Hey lift
If anybody wants to say some last words before we head out of here, um, just uh speak and uh, if not
We'll uh shut it down
All right
Guys I'll see you next thursday
Um, we'll have a little we'll get a little more wild space next thursday
Um, i'll make sure I read my dms for those that can show up and those who can't so I can replace them this time
But um, yeah, now I love you guys you guys are awesome. I would definitely catch you guys around
I'll see everybody in a fomo morning show tomorrow morning and i'll be space hopping probably for a little bit tonight
So i'll catch you guys around