NFT CULTURE IS A JOKE?☀️☕️ Gm Web3 Ep329

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 1:05:12



oh hello what's up Jess gm or not
hello hello hello what's up mo looks like Jess is already getting rugs yeah
I was ragged too when I first came in I couldn't hear anything but you can hear
me now now that I'm on stage I can hear you don't don't tell me it's one of
these things where nobody is not aged can't hear anything it might be Jeff
Jag throw up some emojis if you can hear us what's up say Odyssey throw up
some emojis if you can hear us oh no okay now if DQ is throwing up
all right somebody's somebody's got our back thank goodness that's a good good
sign all right we're here we're doing it gm everybody all right say Odyssey's
throwing it up to you all right all right let's go share out the room let's get it
last gm web 3 of the week gonna have a good time we got Mo Ronda with us that's
a special occasion these days she never comes around anymore she's she's I miss
one day my by the way I was I was in the audience I was not on stage but I was in
the audience and it was one day she just doesn't even fuck with us anymore so
it's a special to be fair we didn't pick up the calls when when Mo called us on
the weekend gift so it's our fault he did he was yeah you didn't go and I still
picked up the call because that's the kind of person and friend that I am I
don't know what kind of friend you are I can't speak for that I sent her a gift
where it was basically like Elmo or something like in bed pulling the cover
over his eyes wow yeah that's that's me okay you just flexed on us gift you were
out in Soho house were you with like hanging out with some D gods by the way
he was he was rubbing his hands together oh mate mate oh yeah I remember you I
remember what's your name yeah this place isn't that cool that's cool cool right
yeah thanks right yeah oh love it love it your Australians actually pretty good
your other your other accents are trash but your Australians okay what are you
fucking talking what are the accents I think he was going for English what was
the last time you heard me do an accent was was that English or Australian I
would you think it's Australian was Australian Wow I was just go talk to me
so yo let's get some friends in here last GM went through the week it's
gonna be it's gonna be a shit show let's be honest it's gonna be a great
time though I can guarantee you that cuz they're strapped to the kingdom no
thirst trap queen of the kingdom is here it's Thursday is thirst trap Thursday
hashtag thirst trap Thursday and we've got the thirst trap and queen of the
kingdom as well making a triumphant return we'll see if supper does you
still sound like a chipmunk come again I don't know if you had like some voice
issues last time it was the right she she's missing some testicular fortitude
I believe is that is the word yeah that's that's a problem we got to get
Jess's tt scores up we got to get her her stuff I don't believe you I don't
believe you can feel good with that low of a t-score over there it's a need some
new genics can you just say can you just say girls just want to have fun one
time that's a young boy that's a boy yeah I don't believe anything you say
with that voice can't trust that you can't you can't trust a man with a super
high voice you know you know what they used to call those gifts they used to
call them pecato de cardenale young castratos basically cardinals would go
and like they fucking neuter young boys supposedly keep their voice yeah
young castrado oh my god okay anyway all right somebody find just as balls and
let's get this show on the road because we got to cover off on the latest and
greatest from around the web 3space we'll see if supper joins I don't know
there's some confusion going on there some people just don't understand what we
do here we've got multiple different shows this is the web 3 network and
that's what we do here we program the highest quality editorial entertainment
and educational content across web 3 and that means we've got multiple different
shows on different platforms this of course is GM web 3 one of the longest
running maybe the longest running at this point to be to be honest I don't
actually know how many other shows have been consistently going as long as this
one on spaces maybe there's a few but one of the longest running web 3 shows
on x spaces here and then we've got NFT live which is the longest running show
in all of the NFTs and web 3 over there on YouTube so we're supposed to have
suburb join us over there we'll see if it happens I don't know they there seems
to be some confusion on their end of like how this all works and you know
sometimes that happens but anyway we're here wait so so what's the deal are they
not showing up no I don't know I'm messaging them and I don't have a
response yet hopefully they'll show up let's let's plan on them showing up for
now and if I get a message back then then I'll let you know but anyway we
all we're here though for GM web 3 last GM web 3 of the week of course I'm
gifted your humble web 3 aetherium Goku join us some of our favorite co-hosts and
contributors oh my gosh look at this awesome stage look at these people up
here these beautiful dobs and moonbirds and hey there's some chum chums down
there we got some AI creatures from Chaz up here and then we of course the
women and myself who actually look like human beings not humanoids and anyway
look at you beautiful people down there to be fair I'm not entirely sure what
what's going on today and so I'm gonna have to catch up a little bit cuz I just
woke up but hey one fun thing that I saw yesterday is this doodles watch we
didn't get to talk about yeah we could talk about that I'm gonna go check for
other things nifty Q how is say what though cuz one of the other shows that
we're now doing on the network is say what which is going to swimmingly he's
getting all kinds of fandom over there he's building he's building a whole new
audience for himself in the network in the say community and you love to see
it but yeah how is that and any any top-line say news that's worth
mentioning here I love that you asked me that like you weren't up on stage
with me because like you kind of aren't on stage with me you're like half there
and I'm eating now so it's like you're eating I'm say what I'm eating on GM web
three it just feels it's how it works yeah that's how that's how it goes no
it was fun I mean people are super collaborative everyone's having a good
time I do think like there's a like you go through ebbs and flows with these
like new networks and there was like an initial like holy shit this is all
happening we're moving from four collections to a hundred and now it's
like okay where do we go from here and I think that's what now we've now we've
regressed back to ten collections I'm pretty sure is the momentum still
building or is it sort of plateaued it's awkward it's where it's plateaued like
Bitcoin plateaued from $1 to $8 so that's how I would say that like there's
like many plateaus within I think a larger step I think the way to think of
it is that the the growth has outstripped the tech like the
infrastructure for now and the infrastructure now needs to kind of catch
up a little bit because yeah say is pretty new it doesn't have a lot of
infra and you know everybody's gotten very excited it started to get a ton of
different projects launching and people excited over there but it's it's now
like too much for its its main marketplace to even handle so it seems
like palette exchange literally just can't handle the amount of projects
loading on on the website right now and so they've opted to basically like make
discoverability and nightmare instead of having their website crash yeah we've
mentioned multiple times that what's happening on on say it's kind of like a
sped-up version of the and so we are at that point now where the your attention
is getting pulled in way more directions like when it moved from four collections
to 20 you were like okay you know like I still feel kind of exhausted entering
all these discords and stuff and now we have 150 200 collections and you could
you could guess what that does to splintered I guess some attention does
it make you like open sees UI better fuck no what can't give them any love
all right I tried I tried open see if you're out there I tried to help we do
have a link for it to live up top and yeah this this update from doodles
yesterday that I'll throw in here is something worth talking about I think I
think it's a cool update from them they're partnering with g-shock and yeah
I mean it just reminds me of the fact that like they're still trying to figure
out their product market fit maybe and but they are testing a lot of different
cool ideas you know we talked about this a little bit on NFT live yesterday it's
a really cool video the animations fucking dope I don't know if y'all have
all seen it yet or how you feel about g-shock watches but yeah doodles doodles
still doing their thing man they're still doodling around testing out new
products and you know it just seems like they're not they haven't yet
necessarily hit yet like a web 3 mainstream audience in a big way like a
pudgy penguins and and I think they're also kind of struggling with the web 3
audience they say what yeah what 2 audiences they haven't really in a big
way what 3 audiences it seems like they're still kind of struggling to so
yeah I don't know if y'all got any other thoughts on that I just thought that was
a cool update from yesterday does it make you want to buy a doodle that's
that's the question really does it make does it make for price does it make
number go up for you I think I know the answer yeah no we were talking about it
right like it's funny that we see like Solana say all of these NFT ecosystems
like oh I just had an 8x oh I just had anything on nothing right and I won't
say nothing and I know I've got a ton of say lovers in the in the audience but
like the actual products are being built on Ethan no one gives a shit yeah for
well everything was very it's very expensive over there still I mean for
price on doodles is 2.1 eth is doodles a buy at 2.1 eth let me know let us know in
the comments are coming up and tell us what you think and also share out the
room while you're doing it make sure we get some more friends in here but yeah
is doodles a buy at 2.1 eth oh my god
I know exactly is like dude if you don't like cartoons Shaz I've got some
bad news for you man
I got some rough news yeah I already know bro I know I know I'm like I'm on an island on an oasis in the middle of the fucking sea that's not on a map I know I know dude it's okay though I'm alright with that sounds like
masochistic behavior but okay yeah button for punishment dude hey yeah all right and
any other thoughts on doodles though again I do think this is cool I'm
impressed that they keep trying new stuff and the quality of the stuff that
they do is great I I personally still believe that doodles will do well long
term even though I think they're in this like awkward awkward phase of figuring
out product market fit in a lot of ways most says she loves them so I love them
but I don't have to so say love you yeah see that's one of the challenges
right it's like they don't I mean you should just get the watch then mo it's
the same thing if you can't afford a doodle get just get the g-shock watch
it's basically the same thing basically you can't afford a doodle then just
doodle yourself mm-hmm well said all right I'm gonna go ahead down here and
share out the room because apparently I haven't even done that yet let's go
Jess jump in it's doodling
castrated boy coin no we can't show that here Jesse's boy Jesse Jesse
is boy Jesse's boy Jesse's boy has got no yeah no we're not we're not gonna
show Jesse's boy thank you very much oh hey I got my tea shot in this is this
is what happens on Thursdays firmly off the rails all right Jess why are you
like having a little boy in your house and like keeping him there yeah he's my
dad I have it you've taken you've taken your your dev capture and it's a young
boy and to be fair probably a lot of the devs in web 3 are 14 year old boys
because I've met some of them actually dude I I had like a 13 year old kid who
was like making all the discord bots early on for for NFT projects try and
and fucking like rug us and and like steal eat from us that's what I was just
about to say you have to be here yeah they will fuck your shit up to yeah
nothing to lose lawyer the lawyer in that oh don't get me started on that man
yeah you gotta watch out you're out we never knew you gotta watch out for 13
year old devs and for NFT lawyers on egg who spent all their entire days on X
spaces yeah wow wow no I meant from VidCon did you see that yeah no tell me
about it there's a scammer that scammed the scammer okay conception well have
you have you heard of bitmon no yeah well I hadn't even until just a moment
ago check up top in the Xbox apparently Lucretia's got a new project coming
Alex pretty dope we were fans of day was so pumped do you do you know more about
it yeah so this is regarding remember the color study or wasn't called this
color study that's ACK but remember the little monsters that he did a while ago
his open edition basically you have to burn a color of each so you have to have
the full set once you have the full set you get a pass get a little
which you will then burn for these puppies which are gonna be ordinals
inscriptions I think that is just okay so you have to burn his open editions to
get and those are on aetherium and that gets you his first ordinal collection
no so you yeah I guess you can say that but it's two steps right like you burn
the the open editions like a full set all the whole all the colors and then
you get this cute little like pass that's animated you know and then I
believe that is what you will burn in order to get yeah so it gets you it's
actually gonna be a teleburning or it's just like you burn it and then you get
it like a plane all right so it gets you a mint pass for day Lucretia's probably
first ordinal collection that's pretty legit actually and that's actually
really cool to see him continuing to build out and provide value back to the
open edition collectors you know there's not very many about this time last year
biggie poppins you and I were going ham on these open editions while nifty Q
sat back on his haunches and just like enjoyed the show and and yeah if we're
looking at like how many of these open editions really aged well it's not
that many there there's a few that have done well but the two that stand out to
me as really awesome projects that have like the artists have continued to grow
well I guess there's three okay there's oh peppin there's neon cat neon balloon
and then there's day Lucretia like those three to me sort of seem like the the I
guess you could call it a win the winners a year later they seem like the
winners who kept building those open edition yeah and checks right and I
guess checks was an open edition too that he still went with yeah okay so
checks and oh peppin you could throw out there together agree disagree comments
anybody let us know what do you think who's commenting over here who are the
fucking goats today that are actually engaging nifty cues over there I agree
okay go ahead biggy are we lagging wasn't it no no no no I thought I was
unmuted check that it was not the case but I agree with you like very few of
them did deliver there are a couple of others that I can think of one of them
being remember the I forget what they're called now like they're like these
peppers that you're able to burn for the for the pepper cards I believe I
don't know I wasn't doing that was like promoting those but those are still you
know they still hold some type of utility right are you in the pool are
yeah are you literally coming to us live from a pool in Mexico how unfair is life
right now well no swim that sounds amazing can I say so thank you know
Jessica's had her hand raised and she has a little boy sitting down in the
dungeon that she has to feed so she's in a rush go ahead Jess that's fair he's
not in a dungeon he has very nice digs like it's all good he even runs errands
that's what that's what every captor I've ever talked to says about how they
keep their their their captives so I don't believe you you can have I'll let
him on the show on Monday and you can ask him what his arrangements are and I
know the room and board such as like yeah I I know what Stockholm syndrome
sounds like so I'm not I'm not gonna be impressed but okay go ahead is it
Stockholm syndrome if you like it yeah it's where you you you this is where
you that's where you've been psy often psychologically tortured into believing
that your captives are good for you yes well I don't have a question so you guys
can carry on I just great this shows this shows yes knows way too much about
this subject it feels yes I've dealt with people like just before yes I
actually was in the CIA and in a past life people don't know this about me I
yeah I really went the other direction anyway I just wanted to quickly quickly
add I got nothing to say on the topics front I know just hop into my to say what
in the morning and they act like we've never hosted a show together before
like I'm like setting up the topic and I'm like okay guys and what do you guys
think and these MFers I mean we've hosted hundreds of shows at this point
thousands between NRT live web 3 like we're like the fucking hundreds of
thousands and on say what in the morning these guys are like it's crickets
yes you know what it is I don't understand did they not say anything were
they coming for you I trained in I just the whales dude I did not completely
understand all right yesterday it sounded like it has a before as a board GM web
3 and an after what GM web 3 boys sure it sounded like you dragged gift from
the from the grave yesterday he sounded like my live in yes my coffin yes show
darkness who is like one of the only people who truly understands what
thirst trap Thursday is about up here sharing some awesome photos of himself
in front of his his diners NFT wall check that out this guy literally reps
all this fucking awesome NFT is on the walls of his diner love to see any he's
over there literally cooking amazing food while he hangs out with us a shout
out knocks up there got to point that out also DP saying saps mint delayed
until tomorrow uh-oh is there trouble in paradise save safe I don't know what
what what's the word that the same what's the world that the safes come from
is there is there trouble with Seville okay I don't know that sounds like
hooville and I just can't get with that but nice try yo what's up crypto slam
come on up and hang out if you'd like I also want to talk about Claire silver
who'd have got one of these who do was live minting he was degenering with his
live over there on NFT live really putting the live in NFT live yesterday
as this Claire silver drop was happening massive success huge
congratulations to Claire silver again all this has pinned up in the Xbox if
you'd like to follow along Claire silver's Corpo dash real I don't know
Corpo real digital fashion drop on brain drops sold out raising 500 ETH
there were one ETH mint price 500 one-of-ones that's one point almost 1.2
million dollars just on primary sale so I you know we'll see how it performs
this is gonna be a good barometer for where the NFT art market is at to watch
how this thing performs over the coming weeks that's part of what we've been
talking about you know we're in this bull bear it's confusing right now it's
like it feels like the worst of the bear market is in our rear view mirror but
the best like a true bull market is not yet here it's far out there in the
distance still like like we can smell it well we think we can see it maybe but
it's definitely not here yet so we're calling this the bull bear credit Roger
Dickerman for I think coming up with that one but yeah I mean at least that
initial sale is very impressive leans more bullish than bearish but I haven't
even checked it yet on the floor I mean go look right now anybody got thoughts
on this I mean it'd be great to have huda up here to get his thoughts since he
actually minted one but yeah any of y'all got thoughts on this massive mint
yesterday from Claire Silver man I think it's indicative of all this right
I mean it's no surprise for silver is a big player in the space I mean brain
drops is she's like part of the triumvirate right like it's her in
Darvan Armin what's his name blueberry shows like platform right like the three
Genesis I think you know tokens from them which I believe is podcast clear
silver's Genesis token and leaf is life in West America all are like like having
those three passes gives you access or priority access to many of these myths
right in between all three of these AI artists you have a tremendous passion
collector base so I'm not surprised admitted out honestly I was I told huda I
was a little bit concerned that it might take a little longer because of
the mint price and the many distractions that are there are in this space but
that just goes to show you the conviction and devotion that their
collector base has right and I mean these are like these are guys are like
the people that spearheaded A.I.R. on Web 3 on blockchain so it's a no-brainer in my
opinion it should do well yeah it's a great collection first off I hope it
didn't mess up my mic I was playing with a voice mod just for fun before let me
know if there's any trouble hearing that was that was a creepy as fuck voice mod
that was that was creepy dude there's some cool ones in there too I'm gonna
bring that back but for now about Claire's drop god this is so tricky it's
like echoing in my headset but anyway um yeah like okay I wasn't shocked to see
it sell out because she is like I don't know in the A.I. art space there's very
few that are regarded higher than clear at this point but clearly people got
into that as degens right like I feel like it was bought into a degree and how
much of the supply is listed I mean it's a lot 22% yeah it's below four
already so it did have an initial pump above the mint so like I think we've
got up to like what 1.2 or something like that briefly but is now already
below mint price sitting at 0.87 again you know this is kind of where it's at
and yeah that is a high amount to be listed it does have a solid unique owner
ratio 77% is is good you know for for one of ones you might want to be a
little bit higher for a small collection like this but 77% is a really good
ratio of unique owners but yeah I mean again it's this bull bear right it's
like it did it's sold out 1.2 million dollars raised almost instantly and yet
it can't hold a floor and everybody's trying to flip out or not everybody but
a lot of people are trying to flip flip out of it well I'll tell you what gift
yeah so so it dropped it a really tricky time so I think it's pretty cool that it
did manage to sell out at that price point but I also think it's now
extremely undervalued compared to the rest of her collections like her
previous brain drops collection it's got a sixth floor and what's the supply
wooden collections I think it's the same I think it's a 500 edition collection
yeah it is actually and you said sixth floor sixth floor yeah I mean hey maybe
there's some alpha here you know I mean I guess the alternate argument would be
that NFT art is still has a ways to go before it really picks back up and like
there's just oversaturation with a lot of this like I know again at least
anecdotally that a lot of people have been having trouble trying to sell
crypto art even like you know high value or you know ostensibly high value art
blocks projects like OG art blocks projects apparently a lot of them are
having trouble selling anything not a lot of liquidity and interest in general
you know another cool thing that we're gonna bring in here in a moment and
yes I see Chas I'll get you in a second is is apparently there was an
acquisition from art blocks of a marketplace so I think that that's gonna
be really really good and healthy for for the art blocks ecosystem so we'll
talk about that here in a moment but yeah I don't know again it's this weird
bull bear we've got kind of like one leg in the bear one leg in the in the bull
market it's this liminal space that we find ourselves in and if you're not
familiar with liminal look it up it's basically a transitional time or space
Chas go ahead I was gonna say like this just you know the whole thing with
Claire's thing is like that just shows you the like the collectors are out
there they're there they're like they're not they came out of the woodwork on
that one I was like that's cool and like but then the plans I know I know vaguely
about the plan she has for this money like what she's gonna do for the
community and like she's super cool about the kind of stuff so get more back
to the community then then then most people will you know I mean and like
they didn't say it's just awesome you know and you know all the haters can
just like you know pretty much like screw off because I even so my friends
are that are like I'm good friends with like that I know actually in IRL like
they're like one of them was here my city like some of them the post that he
made yesterday about the drop was just like horrible that he's talking about
like yeah he's like if he were to talk to shit about it no it's like oh god
dude I'm like people are angry that she had a successful man at that price
basically just haters
yeah look you cannot do anything in this world at all that achieves like you
cannot achieve anything at all in this world without just accumulating a bunch
of people hating on you even what we're doing at the scale that we're doing it
at we're starting to get a bunch of people just like throwing fucking rocks
at us from from the sidelines which is crazy man no it does mean that I really
believe I believe that that it is you know you have to take all that with a
grain of salt but also understand that it's I remember Claire from the early
days from Clubhouse when she was so she was like painfully shy you can come up
on stage and talk to people she'd like lit and sit and lurk in Clubhouse rooms
you know and never never raise your hand never open her mic you know when she did
talk she was like really really shy about it like I just I respect her dude
she's been around forever I think I'm super happy for I'm excited to see where
things are gonna go from the future like above and beyond like whatever the fucking
floor prices or anything like that like what's important is what she's gonna do
with it yeah and like where she's gonna move forward with it and that's gonna be
and she's definitely part of the community so she like you said is much
more apt than most people to be reinvesting back back in the community
and all like send you a hundred bucks you need to make sure you mint and like
all of a sudden it turned into this whole thing we're like twenty thousand
twenty seven thousand dollars and he's got donated and given out to artists
needed to mint yeah that's a great story man thanks for sure I appreciate that and
yeah look there's still way too many people that just operate with this PvP
mindset of basically zero-sum game where it's just like and the whole idea of
trying to grow the pie together doesn't it's not in their operating system right
it's just trying to take out of people's pockets into theirs instead of thinking
like hey there can actually be a lot more here for everybody if we do a good
job shepherding and growing a valuable space yeah man too much of that hater
aid flowing around still but who did you have something else you wanted to add I
think you might have gotten cut off there you know again I think you're the
one person has this do you do you regret buying in at 1e now that it's
below would you have preferred to have weighed and picked up on secondary no
not at all just because I got lucky and got a nice like like she curates her
favorite pieces of the collection and I got lucky and got one of those but like
someone made a point that that people are calling this like low effort big
journey art and I'm pretty sure this was like a year-long passion project for her
right like there's a this is not really really like she took a long time to do
this and create it and make it make it happen dude I know because I've been
watching your journey yeah well also Chaz Chaz has been making AI art for quite a
while yep that's right Chad Chaz would know definitely know that as long as
long as we both came up together like yeah we literally got a photo evidence
of biggie poppins out there and in the water up there thirst trapping like a
fucking madman in Mexico how dare you biggie poppins rub it in our faces like
that but also congratulations on living your best life dude I love biggie doing
his thing just just one other quick point maybe two over two other points
but one if you're looking at that collection some people are letting
Grails go really cheap like some of those NFTs or some of those pieces of
art are actually mp4s and I've seen some of them go at the floor which is
ridiculous so there's your real opportunity yeah great well said I'm
also I'm really enjoying these photos all right we also got nifty Q with this
creepy little dude over there he just playing with his dude out hanging out
with his dude out over there in Virginia Beach gift which is not the same thing
as a Mexican Beach sir no did I just docked is that too much people wait
people the people people don't know where you're from wait really I thought
I thought we were fully docked up here I'm sorry give question yeah you were
talking about like the kind of the state of the market right now do you think
some of what's going on an ETH is like anticipation about the ETF you mean just
people worried about a theorem ETF and volatility around that maybe well
people expecting that we get ETF approval in a couple months here and not
wanting to be an NFTs want to be like they want to hoard their ETH right now
Mike Mike Finch was making this point when we were talking earlier this week
and it like to me it was like Bitcoin ETF was the final boss but like I guess
if you want to get more nuanced with it there are now people that are expecting
an Ethereum ETF sometime soon and the narrative is oh that's when the real
altcoin run will happen because if the theory of ETF gets approved and that
opens the way to like what are the what are the next coins to fall at that point
let me go to coin get go like Solana ETF and you know XRP I don't know about
XRP but BNB or Avalanche like that's what everybody is waiting for now I I
don't know if I buy it but you know the fact that Mike's bringing that up I
didn't realize people were waiting so heavily on this Ethereum ETF when I
thought Bitcoin ETF was that dollar I yeah I I agree but I also like we were
talking about yesterday I just think in general the NFTs are the lacking
indicator and and everybody in general wants to be playing around with liquidity
and different coins and we all know like most NFTs are not that liquid that's
just the unfortunate truth especially when you have such a few amount of
people actually participating in the space still at this at this juncture we
still really don't have that many active wallets in NFTs even if volume has
started to tick back up over the last couple months etc there's no new people
coming in and NFTs are by nature less liquid than just holding on to any of
these tokens or liquid staking or gambling and all these different ways
that you can be gambling and so yeah whether it's it's it's the ETFs or it's
just the the metas being around gaming and staking and DeFi and farming or
just again that we're still not back to where I still think we're quite a ways
away from an actual NFT bull market whatever it is I just think people are
much more careful about locking up their ETH or whatever it is in NFTs
because again let's be honest there's not that much to be made in the quick
flips right now if if you're putting it in NFTs you're probably looking at it as
a swing trade if you actually think you're gonna make money you're probably
looking at as a swing trade or a long-term hold like a Biggie Poppins I
think Jess has had her hand raised for a minute so is this Jess or her captive
little boy I was gonna also say while everybody's doxxing themselves like
fucking dare you to come to Brooklyn I don't even think you'd survive on my
street so welcome to New York but Brooklyn specifically I was gonna say
like I'm scrolling past like some of the art and I got like disconnected in the
middle of Chaz talking and viewing some of the art up top art air quotes because
if we are being asked to view this as art and it's being presented by the
creators as such I want to know where the critical theory and art criticism is
period yeah it's just Jerry Salt's shitting on us that's what it is at this
point um well I don't think it's just that I just want to know where the
conversations around this are and it's also very difficult to have these
conversations many times we've seen throughout history anybody presents
themselves as anonymous there's been historically issues with like Banksy but
now we know he's I guess British white dude and some other folks that were
anon but it just doesn't really I think for me long-term bode well especially in
the space when you're making work that could potentially be like politically or
racially charged I think I want to know where the critical theory is and where
art criticism wise sorry which project are you specifically talking about I'm
not gonna say because this is a recorded room I just think that we need to be
mindful of you know I think we're all we're all crowding around different
artists and different art and I'm not even talking about projects I'm just
talking about like I go out make one-of-one or whatever I have to speak
on that I have to say something about being the author of such peace if I came
out with some wild shit you'd be like Jessica what do you have to say I've been
meaning to talk to you about doing some more just meme meme based artwork
anonymously it feels like innocuous at times but this is serious like you're
gonna show me an image of something or create a painting about a topic or you're
gonna rip on like you know cultural things like I'm thinking of some
painters in the space and then you don't have anything to say about it I'm
coming for you I am coming for you where is the art criticism where is the
critical theory like I want to know like please don't make your art
lightheartedly without having these things prepared she's literally coming
for you and she's gonna walk you in a basement until you figure out your
artist statement okay that's that's her mo why why can't you make it
lightheartedly yeah no you can make your work as a light-hearted person but
don't put it on a timeline being like chill this is chill and not expect okay
I have to I have to jump in and keep us moving just because I don't know
specifically what you're referring to and so it's tough to take this
conversation much okay okay it's I think it's a valid conversation or point that
you're making but because it's not attached to a specific culture oh right
and if okay oh I see okay now you're pointing it back to contextualize it
where it is coming yes is is NFT culture a joke that that was one of the big
questions that we were gonna ask today so this is why because people are putting
out like fruit fruit fruit art and I'm not talking again like I'm the NFT
projects that have been dropped like you know cutesy things like I love all right
can we can we put a pin in this real quick and come back to it in a minute
because I just want to hit one or two other quick things and then yes let's
let's wrap up the today's show talking about is NFT culture a joke and any any
criticism serious or otherwise about it I love this bull bear made by Knox
darkness up here I absolutely fucking love that we did have the saips push
till tomorrow and there looks like there's an explanation here so I just
wanted to hit this really quick saips on say I cannot read that holy heck it's
very small decided to move the mental Friday Friday February 2nd everything is
fine they say we just want to ensure that everything is done 100% and on a
correct time yeah in the meantime join us in VC where we'll continue to vibe
we understand many people were excited to admit but we feel another delay for a
few hours would be okay but while we apologize that sure long-term none of
this will matter all right so there you go that's that's this yeah yeah no the
piece that I'm reading along with you and the piece that I guess if you want
to be a fucking DJ about it you that being key in on is that redacted is just
a token for everybody so right the sentence right after you stopped is
monkey like none of this will matter monkey house state ventures the Dow
redacted all will be built okay interesting though to be throwing it in
at the end like that you know I mean that feels like it's not I don't know
man they're like the way the way that a lot of these projects again I have been
critical because a lot of them have literally been just like using a token
as basically trying to pump their literally just pump their bags like
there's no there's no purpose for it other than trying to hype you into an
NFT man and like again a lot of these like NFT projects come out the gate and
they don't have any real interest or demand or volume and then they watch a
token it's just like that makes no fucking sense at all so I am concerned
if they had not any plans for it all along and then just are like tagging on
a token drop to the NFT drop that feels concerning to me on multiple levels but
I don't know maybe maybe it's a good idea all right I want to hit this art
blocks thing really quick and then yes let's talk about is NFT culture a joke
art blocks are thrilled to announce that they've acquired Sansa XYZ bringing
Sansa's secondary market and collector experience into the art blocks family
allows us to continue building on our vision by establishing a more robust
ecosystem to serve creators and collectors this thread is pinned up top
if you want to follow along building a web 3 is hard and seeing a nimble team
be able to build something so aligned with what I'm excited about felt like a
no-brainer and exploring the opportunity to work together that is a quote I
believe from snow from together we'll deliver a well-tailored home for
generative content that provides expanded opportunities for creators and
showcases diversity of generative projects so this is very exciting and
it's very important in my opinion that you know so far as kind of taking a step
back in terms of launching new projects and focusing on the discoverability and
the experience of collecting and highlighting and promoting a lot of
these artists and projects that have been watched because if you know it's
hard to criticize what they've done they've done such an amazing thing with
art blocks but the one thing that I you know I think some people would criticize
them on is just that they they've minted so much in a short amount of time and
they haven't necessarily done a good job of kind of following up and
promoting a lot of these projects very well or keeping attention for them or
again finding out ways to discover them so you know you just kind of keep
minting more and then you know you can't sustain you can't really sustain that if
you don't have again more infrastructure or ways to really kind of
you know sort through all of that and understand what's going on so yeah I
think this is very exciting go ahead DP welcome to the stage hey what's up
family what's going on so uh I got two things both for Jessica number one you
know I was listening to her talk about her living damn I just wanted to remind
her that we are under US jurisdiction and she is currently in violation of
penal code 13-22 child labor laws there are currently under covers in this space
and I've been informed that a CPS is being dispatched to our location that's
that's number one number two laws I also want I also want to remind you that you
said last week we were broadcasting on NMC live that if I went and bought an
object you would do you would have to do more prime colors so I just wanted to
let you know that I got one so we got it so I'm expecting more prime colors from
me primary colors coming wait what did you do what did I ask I can't keep up with
my I see you see now she she ain't hear what I said okay I do hear what you said but I
will deliver wait don't wow over me I want to know what gentleman asked for and I
will deliver you said you said that you would have to do more pride you would do
more projects with prime involving prime colors if I went in and grabbed an object
and I and I went to grab one I actually paid you when I read all kinds of promises DP
don't don't feel slighted I make did she did she retweet that post at all no she
did like roll the tape back because I might seem whatever up here but I am sharp if you
go back and listen to NFT live what I said is on the object screen that I would throw in more
primary colors into the physical screen if he okay let me let me go I gotta go watch the show
now I got a guy there but all right we all I want to wrap this up talking about NFT culture we got
about 10 minutes left before we head over to NFT live alter what this is energy culture fart noises
and yeah next base yeah I guess so so it's a joke yes feels on the nose doesn't it but y'all if you
don't know this is this is GM web 3 the greatest morning show ever invented on any timeline because
of you ladies and degenerates for hanging out with us making this show happen especially those
of you who actually take the extra steps to engage share out the space and comment especially those
of you who are sharing photos today down there we love to see it love to see your beautiful faces
but we do the show Monday through Thursday so we will be back Monday with more GM web 3 but if you
don't know we jump straight out of here over to YouTube that's where we keep the conversation
rolling with more awesome alpha headlines topic special guests we're supposed to have subber over
there today we will see if that's actually gonna happen but hopefully Devin does stop through very
excited to talk to them about their awesome omni chain multi chain marketing tool over there
subber is kind of becoming an interesting an interesting hub if you will for a lot of project
launches a lot of allow list etc so that link for MC live is pinned up top in the Xbox go give it some
love come hang out with us give it a like give it a repose drop some other topics or projects that
we should be talking about together with our amazing co-host over there and I believe DP is
gonna join us Huda should be joining us nifty Q myself it's gonna be a busy day it's gonna be
great so anyway I want to wrap it up and talk about NFT culture in general what the fuck even
is it is it a joke is it a fad will it last is is this thing that we all think is really cool and
interesting this thing that with this culture though that we're vibing in for the last couple
years is it here to stay or is it basically just just like a smelly footnote in the history books
of digital art what's up Jeff Jack it's a smell it notes kidding the the answer to the question
is is no culture is a joke but if you're if you change it just slightly and say is NFT culture
juvenile yeah yeah yeah see what you're laying down there all right any other thoughts I okay
look a lot of a lot of NFT culture it's like NFT culture to me is the complements of several
different things that have all kind of like come together to create a whole new thing and at the
center of that is is internet culture in general a lot of internet culture is very juvenile right
so I think a lot of that sort of juvenile humor or aesthetic or a lot of the more juvenile parts
of it are I think comes straight out of the the internet culture part of it because a lot of you
know meme memes and a lot of the types of humor that people sort of share around online a lot of
the things that are kind of like baked into the culture through the history of yeah of internet
culture I feel like brings a lot of that immature humor but isn't it isn't why is everyone staying
quiet I know nobody wants to comment now yeah Jesus I mean okay this conversation is like
it reminds me of that east west like conversation where people are talking about like well you know
eastern users they don't really care about like this like amorphous uh like topic that we're
talking about right now I mean east coast west coast like no like like asians and we don't know
like asia and in western culture I just think we get caught up in talking about this a lot more
I'm not against talking about it kind of feels like you are but it instantly puts me no it doesn't
and I'm down to have it but it's funny that this conversation just like instantly took my brain to
that combo that I had with the the connection I have over there with a person at Hong Kong they're
like yeah western folks they want to talk about like the soul of a project yeah yeah they're much
more focused on on numbers that that's what I understand is that it's hard numbers this is look
culture is is is a much softer thing we were having this conversation yesterday about the
difference between sort of like hard uh hard values and soft values and and culture is definitely not
a hard value it's it's something that's much more amorphous and subjective um and but it it
doesn't mean it's not it's not real it's just real in a different way than numbers on a chart
which by the way I don't think numbers I don't think numbers is the right way to say it I just
think they don't care about this specific thing I don't know I wouldn't classify as like oh they
they just want to talk about numbers it's like no they they just don't care about this specific
thing of like asking why but you're kind of saying the same thing and while you're disagreeing
with me which is like strange but no no I'm just saying I don't think that it's not specifically
numbers they just don't want to talk why that's all I'm saying it's not like they're like I just
want to see the numbers on a on on the chart and all that stuff it's just they're not asking this
specific question yo can I jump in on this one numbers are part of that just not everything
Taylor's here ladies and degenerates let's hecking go hey cam real quick uh you know what the one
other thing that uh we didn't talk about today is yeah that's not culture that's not culture that's
taste and it's bad taste I disagree both ways that is great taste and culture that is absolutely
cultural go ahead cam yeah yeah so this one I kind of struggle with it because um you know I often
hear like oh like you know a new project comes out or something or maybe even like a huge project in
the space very well known whatever but you hear people say oh they they get the culture oh like
and it's kind of like I don't know we're building culture on the blockchain and this stuff and it's
like okay yeah like that makes sense in this current moment or whatever and and really it's
it's more subjective or it depends on what aspect of the culture you as an individual even fucks
with to begin with so it's kind of like a moving target in a sense and it's it's ever evolving and
this is the thing that just like I don't know it's kind of like not like false marketing but but
anyways it just I don't like it because especially in this space it changes so quick and what is like
resonating with culture now is like completely different in two months and it's soft yeah I just
I kind of hate it actually the more I talk about it there's a there's a difference between
what I'm calling like hard values and like technology or numbers things like these that
are very specific that you can point to and you know really kind of like that you know they're
very very absolute in certain regards and then something like like culture which again you just
point out is relative it's not absolute at all it's moving it's flowing it's there's it's not
hard it's very soft and yeah and a lot of people to your point cam like it's kind of like the word
community in general I actually think that a lot of times in this space culture and community are
basically interchangeable and just like community is overused a lot of times and just used to sort
of market shitty projects yeah culture is kind of often used the same way I would agree with
some of these points but I'd also say like there are some established banners that we fly under
right or ethos that we all conform to right like self sovereignty trust uh never trust but verify
uh not your keys not your your crypto right having said that I think as a brand especially
like the PFP side of the NFT world which is I think like the entry point or the plate like
the the point that everybody focuses on especially normies that don't know better
like yeah I think it's deliberately juvenile right it's deliberately rebellious kind of like
like like like already you know in a space like web3 that is already a like on the fringes of the
risk factor right like owning PFPs as NFTs is an added risk you know I think as as valid as like
say a meme coin except some of these actually do have uh components to it that to deliver value or
be valuable to people whether it's community or a product behind it but I do think like branding
wise it is a very kind of counterculture cypherpunk devil may care juvenile deliberately juvenile
kind of like almost to the level of taunting you uh type of mentality right um but I do think that
there are certain when people say oh he speaks the lingo yeah like we've kind of developed this
nomenclature right to refer to certain products as rugs and gm and wag meat and what have you
right like but I think it is something that you know if you've been here for the short while that
NFTs have been going we have been building together and we can still continue to mold
there they're absolutely yeah so you hit on something specific there which is rebelliousness
and you know descent part of decentralization is is actually counter to the mainstream culture so
it's counter culture and rebellion is absolutely at the heart of what web 3 and NFT culture is
jess go ahead real quick and then I want to wrap this up
oh I was just gonna say is culture in the room with us right now absolutely are you
kidding this is fucking wet web 3 network that's part of what we do uh but a lot of people you know
I've had people on the stage like who talk about culture who couldn't define it I think a lot of
people don't even know what it is so I want to wrap it up here with actual like uh definitions
just in case we're still unsure like what it even is right so culture is the arts and other
manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively so shared manifestations
and arts also it's the customs arts social institutions and achievements of a particular
nation people or other social groups on this in this situation social groups so customs arts
social institutions achievements shared manifestations of a specific group or achievements
that are regarded collectively the I'm sorry shared manifestations is in the definition of
culture I can't well it says arts and other manifestations I threw I threw it together
yes but that's that's what it is it's a hallucination it's totally we're all cultures all made up
and it's made up yeah exactly exactly uh anyway all right there there you go
no that's exactly what you guys are talking about it being soft and limp you know limp
about that Jesus I thought that's where we were going with it being really you had to literally
end our week of gm web 3s with the word limp and that's that's a rough one too uh oh my gosh
all right wow uh y'all we're heading over to youtube for nft live right heckin now
come hang out with us over there I'm gonna fight you know what uh mo since you're our
our music expert you have a song you want us to go out with today you got any good ones for us
I can't fight I have I'm just getting over food poisoning oh my gosh our music expert
is absolutely sleeping sleeping on the job no because it's jesse's boy I don't have jesse's
boy the the the remix of it so uh no we're not gonna do that one all right we will go out with
another song I'll pull something up here in a second but that's so disingenuous you just go
mo what's the song and then you're like but I'm not doing jesse I don't want to play jesse
no I'm not I'm not doing that one I want good I want good I want good music play we're heading
over to youtube come hang out with us it's gonna be absolutely awesome uh you know I'm gonna play
I'm gonna play like a thumbs down or for you not playing it or that they don't want to hear
jesse's girl jesse's girl is not the song that anybody wants to hear right now it's clearly for
not playing it play the dance no we're playing give me all your loving no this is this is the
one you're gonna have to mute me all right I will meet you y'all have a great hecking day
nat live kicks off in just a minute I've been gifted y'all been amazing thank you to our amazing
co-hosts up here on stage give them some love give them some follows if you haven't already
we'll be back monday with more gm with three but right now it's over to youtube nft live starts in
just a minute
you've got to whip it up
and hit me like they totally
give me all your loving