Recorded: April 6, 2023 Duration: 0:37:58



Hey everyone, welcome to GamesJum Twitter space. So happy to see everyone here.
I'm Shay, I'm gonna pass the mic to Tracy. Hey everybody, hopefully my mic is cool. I'm in a hotel room with a jacktuck wife. Hopefully we can get through it. But yeah, super excited.
So NFT NYC Games Jam starts on Monday at 9 a.m. This Twitter space is for the community partners mainly because we're doing something special with this hackathon where we've invited community partners
partners to actually have a track in this gives bootstrapped social impact projects the chance to engage with devs and artists and get people to work on some solutions that they want to get
done and then in return they can actually give non-monetary prizes. But you know it just gets that whole social impact, re-fi, circular economy thing going. So let me just tell you a little bit about NFT
NYC Games Jam before we roll on with the community partners. So NFT Games Jam is a hybrid hackathon happening on the 10th and 11th of April in New York City obviously. So we're excited to bring together 100+ developers, creators, designers to
work at the intersection of web 3 gaming and infrastructure. So we'll be holding this at settlers in Brooklyn 750 Manhattan Avenue, dope building, co hosted by Jump Crypto. We'll have tracks by
Polygon, near Coinas, Accumulate, XMTP, and of course, you know, the community partners here. So today we have minority programmers, the gallery, the web3 beach, disruptor,
We're gonna be talking to hopefully Charm is gonna come on later. She's a brilliant NFT musician and Black Web 3 are gonna come through as well. So I'm just gonna get started
I'm gonna start with web 3 Beach. Do you want to? Oh, you're not. No one's got a speaker thing. If people requested to speak or hang on a minute, I'm gonna invite you to speak. I'm gonna invite everyone to speak. Hold on a second. Hold on.
Disruptured down invite to speak. So who ever gets on first? Check your request. Hey, where three beats you can now speak.
Oh, I thought I was muted. Hey, yeah, no, you were and I pressed it and now I'm not your unmute. Hi, how are you doing? Hey, hey, happy to be here.
Awesome awesome. So tell everyone just briefly what Web 3 Beach is What the track is at the NFT games jam and what the prize is and you know what you're doing for the future if you've got
any calls to action. Right. So what's Reveach is an organization that was born in Utila on Duraz. And basically we work with ReFi, regeneration, we are like in this whole environmental life.
So we love to communities and teach the locals about web3, we would teach them how to use tools like metamass, optimism, things like that in their daily life as payment methods, as a way to create the same
and we try to create circular economies in these communities. And then we have this environmental impact thing where we go to beaches or water courts and we pick up the
trash and then we teach the community how they can generate value from that. And we also have, we also do many things like, for example, micro credits in these communities. So things like $100,
might not be a lot for for some of us, but in these communities, it can be really helpful in order to create micro and turn partnerships and things like that. And that credits are not paid back to WebTrubeach. That is they are paid back to
to Treasury in that communities and then they can redistribute these incomes and these credits in different projects. So they can create value and they can create sustainability. And one of our requirements is that
They are conscious and they are friendly to the environment basically. So that's mostly what we do. We were burning on the earth. Now we are in four countries. So we are really excited to be growing and expanding our mission.
across borders. And regarding the our track for the NFT is in gaming hackathon, what we're dreaming for a price is full four days.
price where you can go and snorkeling in Utila Honduras and it's like a vacation trip basically. So you can go there and we have a specific timeline so you can
you can come, we will be hosting a festival there. And basically the winners of this prize are our VIP guests for this festival. And regarding the tracks, we haven't really explored a lot on
how to use NFTs for social regeneration and regenerative economies. So it's really important to us that you understand that it's like an open track and it's mainly focused on RE-FI and NFTs and RE-N. So we were thinking about
How to use NFTs to report some sort of impact. Think about that. How we can use NFTs to report impact on a project. How to use hypersurbs from the hypersurred foundation to create an evaluation of
and impact projects. HyperSert is mostly like an experimental theme, but what you can do is create dynamic impact certificates. And you can think about an NFT that evolves.
Right, so something I was explaining to someone was that let's think about if we collect a hundred pounds of trash on a beach then you can have an NFT that report as one.
But as more and more pounds, you collect with us and to more activities you go with us, then that NFT can evolve. So think about that. It can be like a coral reef regenerating as a
much impact activities we have or it can be like a seed growing from the seed to a beautiful tree and then to a beautiful forest or something like just be creative think about how we can use NFTs to
report impact for projects, how we can use NFT to create or to improve regeneration, how we could use NFTs with this hyper-sert. So we can also create value for the communities and well, we'll see what happens then.
Awesome. That's like so exciting and it's so, you know, timely and refreshing to kind of have these sort of tracks as part of hackathons. So like people aren't necessarily like hacking for money, but they can, you know, contribute to conservation.
to regenerative finance and to social impact products. Thank you Web 3 Beach. I'm going to go on to Disruptor Dow. Do you want to unmute your microphone? Who's speaking from Disruptor Dow?
Are you speaking? Sure, I can speak. How are you? I'm good. I'm good. Like if you could tell just like introduce Disruptor Dow, just tell people what you do. You're not doing a track at the hackathon this time but you guys are going to be there in full support. So just tell everybody, you know,
know what your initiative is? Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you for the opportunity as well. So disruptor Dow our home base right now even though we are building a global community is New York City. So of course we're here representing our mission right now
is to onboard Black and brown women into the Web 3 space, get them educated, upskilled, and successful, and build wealth in this space. You know, this is a perfect time. We are still at the very beginning of this new and ever developing technology.
and we want our community to be well represented in it. So we're very grateful to be connected and partnered with you as community partners for this hackathon. We think it's a great way to start NFTNYC. And I'm very, very excited about what you've created here with this hackathon because it's such a wide
diverse range of participants that you're looking for. And I think it gives people the opportunity, especially non-technical people, creative people, the opportunity to participate in this space. And I think that is extremely necessary. So, you know, I'm very excited both with the participants and the tracks, which, you know,
as well are wide ranging. Yeah awesome yeah so I should just tell everyone that like apart from the sponsor tracks there are there are tracks for artists so there's like an NFT design track where it's super simple you basically just put in a
design, you mint it and then you can submit it. And it's the same for the NFT music track. So, you know, we're opening up the hackathon to musicians and there's so many creative musicians that we wanted to get involved. So it's super, super cool that we're
be judging music tracks as well. Joy do you want to say anything else before I go on to the gallery down? I was gonna say Melanie who is also one of the co- I'm a co-founder for Disrupted Down Melanie as well
as well as a co-founder for Disrupted Out and I think she has a couple things she'd like to add. Awesome! So good to see you again so soon. Are moving all over the place? Yeah, I just want to say that we're excited. Like that's it. Like our community is excited. We love how diverse and inclusive this hackathon
is, which speaks to your mission and values as her dow and so you are so gracious, you know, with what you're doing and we're so excited for the invite and I just wanted to get on and say congratulations for the launch of the hack of her house. So that's just incredible.
love you know how you're moving and being in the space and how you stand you know with your mission for diversity and inclusion so we're happy to be a part of that and spread our shared mission together. Lovely I mean I'll just tell everyone that we were in Atlanta together I'm actually still Atlanta but getting
the plane very shortly. We spent a lovely couple of days like connecting with diverse people, women, like so many talented people, so many inspirational people, some great conversations and that's exactly what we need to do in this space. It's about connection, it's about collaborating
you know, when we all worked together, we all rise. And I'll say another thing about the hackathon is like, there's a lot of things going on. So we're actually starting with a founder pitching session, right? So it's really important that more diverse people get in front of investors,
and people with you know resources. So we're we're we're making that happen and we're and we're very very pleased to say that you know there's going to be a high proportion of women and like diverse people in the Founder Pitch In Section and most of the VCs are diverse
as well. So it's super, super cool. I'll tell you about the rest of it in a second. I'm just going to bring on the gallery dough. Hello, GM or GE. Hello, hello. Nice to see everyone here. Yeah.
I mean, echoing the love of fostering community, I think it's something that her dad does very well. So we are always happy to be a part of it. And yeah, it's been quite a handful seven months for the gallery dow. Well, actually, I'm a see year now. And one of the kind of things that we weren't expecting to build was this creative AI tool.
Actually, we did a proof of concept through a co-hack that we did with her now in August in Mexico City and just to see if we can integrate it into the lens protocol social graph and people really enjoyed it. So we've been evolving it and have added video generation and are about to open it up to a
a larger public beyond just the lens graph. So this is an exciting time for people to kind of test what we've been building and see how we can actually go into their daily workflows. Our track will be focused on gaming and essentially the challenge will
be to create both a gaming environment, plus characters, and synopsis, plus a little bit of gamification. So that all happened in our tool and then people make a presentation. But really excited, we just started seeing OG testing on the lens graph yesterday and people were like, I don't understand how to use
this and then by like the third generation it's like whoa bro like a job. So I think it'll be cool to get those tools in front of people and especially when we start talking about diverse voices and communities that can be upscaled, prompt engineering is something that's going to be a massive job intake and it's not really as like
replicable where you can just plug in chat Gbt and have a prompt like you need a human and that kind of ability to understand nuance and language and detail and ask the right questions for a lot of these projects to products to work. I mean go ahead. No, I'm gonna kind of stop you there because I don't think people realize yeah.
The the the burgeoning industry of like prompt engineering and like one of your prizes is like a one-on-one Course or teaching session or something like that to talk about that because like people don't you know like when you showed me like the screenshot that like an average salary for
engineering jobs, but what happens to influencers, right? You also get this new curator economy that comes in and there's going to be so many kind of like fallout. We were on a call today because we were brainstorming around music and AI, which is something we're also really passionate about and I'm a musician, so I'll be rolling some stuff out around the Eclizmon, but we were talking
about like having a curator, like a live curation, like how you have a live stream. And so we're like, is that like the CJ? Like, oh yeah, I'm a curator, Jockey. I only work with like bands and like high end artists, which is like right now we have the VJ, right? It goes and comes with like a sort of stock material group of
images and things for the night or for the visuals, but you also then suddenly have like people who come in and can actually curate on spot around like what's happening or the atmosphere and I think there's a lot of yeah there's a lot around it and so we want to we're we're thinking a lot about how we can integrate prompt engineering and sort of like education to
one of our, but yeah, basically, are kind of like pipeline. And so this will be one of our first sort of sessions because we've been building everything in the background, but very bespoke. I have like a huge sort of art and created background and a lot of the sort of team that helps build out our presets, which is a lot, meaning to people
there's like five of us total basically, but essentially I have gotten really good at it and we realize how hard it is for other people and like what skills you kind of need, soft skills you need to really excel at it quickly. And so yeah, so we've started to sort of pass that knowledge a little bit and also I think
people are going to make some crazy sort of like game storyboards based off of like what's possible? Also, I mean, you know, I just think that's so next level. I know you were saying that like, my births, it should like just start just to start doing a course right
How do we, on front, engineering? So do you have any other cool action? Do you want people to know about something or want them to join something? Yes, sure. I mean, if you are interested in testing, we're in like, private testing last last round.
Phil is free to send a DM and we'll send you some credits to play around. The video generation is quite cool. It's one of the only ones in the market and it's the only one that immediately mints into a social graph. We will be very soon, about three to four weeks starting applications and reviewing the applications we've
gotten from membership, which is a very exciting time for us, so we'll be soon inviting new people into the Dow. And yeah, we are still behind our ongoing mission to put on the Solonda Refuse, which is a reclamation of art and culture with a web-3 focus. So we're
IECC have some interesting partners there. So make sure to follow us and DM if you're interested to learn more about the creative stuff and I'm happy to be here. Thanks. Awesome. And then just to let people know about some of the other prizes, unless someone from the Metaverse Summit is here, I can't see anybody, but if you're here, Rachel,
hand. I'll tell you about that. So the Metaverse Summit, they're doing a track called Metaverse Empowered by AI. So the price pool is worth $7,000 and you will basically win
5 start up VIP passes. That's for the winning project to submit anything to do with Metaverse empowered AI. I think everybody else has
said what their tracks are. I can see 40 acres in like Russ is here. I'm gonna Russ I'm gonna I'm gonna drag you on. I've I've given you I've given you an
to speak, hang on. Yeah. And then like, I know I can see like, "Herdal, that time." I don't know if anyone else there want, I'm gonna give you an invitation to speak. I mean, like, you know, as long as people are here,
here you might as well like are there any NFT musicians or NFT artists here who want to who want to say a little something put up your hands and all I'll drag you in. So like another thing about the NFT NYC gave
jam is that like we're gonna have a builder house so like we've given some builder grants for mostly marginalized people to get to New York and to compete in the hackathon but the great thing about this house is we are at
actually gonna have a curated space is gonna be invited only so it's not gonna be like if Denver where our house was overrun. It's gonna be like an invite only kind of curated space and we're gonna be doing that with a project called Bond and Play and what it is is gonna be like
cultural conversations and we're going to be recording content there, we're going to be recording interviews. So some of the projects that we're working with, we're going to make a podcast series and it's going to be a kind of house of connection and discussion and we're going to
do that in parallel with the hackathon as well but like that's why it's kind of invite only because it's kind of you know as I said like a curated space but that's gonna be like super cool because there's so many other projects coming down who haven't got a track or whatever like members of
like the black history down and as I said like Russ from 40 acres is gonna come down and um and oh you're here yes man you know I had to come pop in support yeah so like it's like
excited to have you guys coming on like tell everyone what you're doing. I think you've chosen to do the coinless track, right? Mm-hmm. So yeah, super excited to be here. Thanks Tracy. Always a blessing and love to be in the same room. And yeah, I'm Russ co-founder, Chief EyeBuffs are over at 40 acres now.
Where our whole mission is just to onboard more people of color into the web through space through education empowerment and engagement And yes super excited to be participating so wait bond and play that's Amari bonds Yes, and is it not yeah, I love the morning. Yeah, that's man
He's coming through. It's going to be lit, honestly. Yes, I love him. And so I guess just to touch on what we're building. So we're working on a protocol now called Proof of Vibes, which is a loyalty reward program for events in which we're looking to be the Yelp on Chain.
Essentially, you'd be able to go to an event, tap in, leave a review of that set event and earn tokens for that, which you can redeem for Cool Swag, experiences, merch, etc. So yeah, super excited about it. Also shout out to my boy, Travis in the room. He's a super prolific builder. It has been winning some hackathons, focused on
as a dev studio called webby. Oh Chad, I'm giving you an invite to speak. You should roll up as well. Except the invite brother. Yeah, a big trap in the building. I got like a request. Big grab.
I'm at a speaker and I'm oh hang on a minute. Come on. You have so many speakers. I don't even know Do I have to take some speakers off? Maybe yes, no Yeah, no, okay, big grab big grab you can speak you
Top of the morning everybody Tell everyone what's your vibe what you're working on What you're gonna be doing for the hackathon? Yeah, man, so I am the founder of webby we are with redevelopment
studio. We're focused on gaming. It's kind of been our focus for the last year. Mostly getting similar to 40 acres, you know, we've kind of been arming on with 40 acres since our inception, just onboarding more people from communities of color into this web space. Our focus is gaming
you know, using the blockchain, just to increase social engagement and just fun. So we kind of built in that that niche. We've been competing in hackathons like last August, we are two for three as far as wins go. We're actually in a hackathon right now that'll last for the next like month and a half.
So our team, no one from our team that I know of is gonna be in New York next week. I might just pop up. I still am on the fence trying to figure out what's going on. We've kind of been super head down building. So I'm kind of out of the loop on all the events and activities that are going on around that. Thank God for risk who usually kind of keeps me staying.
I'm usually in front of my computer screen building building building and not really taking enough time to look up. But I'm a big fan of her down what you guys have been doing. You guys support Kiwi who's also a part of our community. She sings your praises constantly.
just looking forward to finding ways to, you know, connect and build with other people with similar missions in this space. We don't do enough of that, so that's definitely big on our to-do list for this year. The remainder of this year is just connecting more with more of these communities who are who we align with. There's some fairly to you there.
Awesome, and you know, yeah, if you can't make it to New York, this is this is for everybody. You can also participate online so you can participate remotely and then the remote deadline is actually a week after the in real life deadline. So like, you know, go and sign up.
developers as many like artists to come through. If you know anybody who you know needs help to get there, tell them to get in touch with us, our builders grant are basically full but you know
We're always down to help so so you know Spread the words basically spread spread the word so I'm gonna kind of wrap this up very soon because I I in fact have to jump off and go on to another very important course soon
But like if there's if there's anybody else who actually wants to speak and say hi then like you know Just please send a request otherwise I'm gonna I'm gonna Just do like a little roundup. So nftny
Gaze Jam is on the 10th and 11th of April, which is next Monday, Tuesday. We start with like a VC salon, so we have a VC founder breakfast starting at 9. At 10.30am, we have a VC panel, a VC gaming panel, which you can come along to.
And then we have a whole pitching session with founders who have already been selected. There's like ten founders of gender balance, a lot of diverse people coming through to pitching front of VCs. Those VC partners are Sanctua or Capital, Aves, Lair, Sheema Capital,
and one other person that I cannot even remember an exit, I haven't even got it in front of me. But like a whole bunch of BCs and then we're going to send all applications to,, capital, TRGC, D.D.
WF Flops, you know, so like we're building like a really great VC network which is like super cool for people who need resources and then it's just like the hack and workshops from near and accumulate and
And the next day there's going to be, obviously, hacking demos and a presentation from Algorand. They've just released Algo Kit, so they'll be telling you all about that. And then we're going to have like a little after party, happy hour starting from around 7 o'clock.
So, join the winners and the sponsors and the partners. We'll all just have like a little get together. And then, you know, if you're very lucky, you can come and hang at the HD Games Builder House. And then, yeah, we'll just be
just keep it rolling into NFT and YC. As I said, anyone who's got any questions about the hackathon just kind of ping us on telegram, email, Twitter, but you can see everything on the door hacks link there. So I'm going
to wrap this up now is lovely of all the partners to come through. It's great to have the partner tracks and to kind of like make the kind of social impact refighting like center stage with the sponsor tracks. Let's keep this good vibes.
I'm going I think tomorrow we have a Twitter space with coinus and maybe some mother of the sponsors as well. So we're going to post that just after this one. Thank you everybody for coming through and have a lovely day. Ciao, ciao.
Ciao, hey chase you can I say one thing before we leave? Okay, go go real quick 40 acres we have some extra consensus past tickets
So if anybody needs a ticket and is looking to go to consensus at the end of April, hit us up. Alright, peace. Awesome! Peace out everybody!


What is the purpose of the NFT NYC Games Jam?
The purpose of the NFT NYC Games Jam is to bring together developers, creators, and designers to work at the intersection of web3 gaming and infrastructure.
When and where is the NFT NYC Games Jam taking place?
The NFT NYC Games Jam is taking place on April 10th and 11th in New York City, specifically at Settlers in Brooklyn, located at 750 Manhattan Avenue.
What is the focus of the Web 3 Beach track at the NFT NYC Games Jam?
The focus of the Web 3 Beach track is on re-fi (regenerative finance) and NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and exploring how they can be used for social regeneration and creating regenerative economies.
What does the Web 3 Beach organization do?
The Web 3 Beach organization works on refi, regeneration, and environmental initiatives. They teach local communities about web3 tools and how to use them in their daily lives for payment and creating circular economies, as well as pick up trash on beaches and teach communities how they can generate value from it. They also offer micro-credits in these communities, which are not paid back to Web 3 Beach but rather to the community treasury for redistribution in different projects.
What is the prize for the Web 3 Beach track at the NFT NYC Games Jam?
The prize for the Web 3 Beach track is a four-day vacation trip to snorkel in Utila, Honduras, as VIP guests for a music festival hosted there.
What is the mission of the Disruptor Dow organization?
The mission of the Disruptor Dow organization is to onboard black and brown women into the Web 3 space, get them educated, upskilled, and successful, and build wealth in this space.
Are Disruptor Dow hosting a track at the NFT NYC Games Jam?
No, Disruptor Dow are not hosting a track at the NFT NYC Games Jam, but they are partnered with the event as community partners and will be in full support.
What is the importance of the NFT design and music tracks at the NFT NYC Games Jam?
The importance of the NFT design and music tracks at the NFT NYC Games Jam is that it allows non-technical and creative individuals to participate in the hackathon, opening it up to a wider range of participants and encouraging diversity.
What is the HyperSert foundation?
The HyperSert foundation is an experimental team that creates dynamic impact certificates for evaluating impact projects using hypersurbs. The aim is to explore how NFTs can be used for reporting impact, creating or improving regeneration, and creating value for communities.
What is the community partners track at the NFT NYC Games Jam?
The community partners track at the NFT NYC Games Jam is a track that gives social impact projects the chance to engage with developers and artists, with community partners offering non-monetary prizes in return.