NFT NYC Shenanigans | DeWensdays

Recorded: April 13, 2023 Duration: 1:34:22



Yo, yo, yo, what's good chef? What up? What up?
I'm much fan. Just give me one second
Damn it. It cut my fucking hold music
Is there a way that you can get it to play again, I thought I saw a way that you could do that no
Not no, I've tried. I mean I've tried to hit all the buttons to do that before it doesn't work
Shit what's what's good with you? How you been man feeling better? Yeah, man. Yeah. Yeah, just you know doing the do out here
getting the massive
Or I feel you I feel you shit looks hella fun
Bro, I literally like
Contemplated like dropping 500 on a plane ticket just to go out there for like a day to half
No fucking way man, no shot no shot
I'm fucking doing that. I told Doc to come through. Oh, he's here
My thing is I couldn't get fucking work off
That was the problem with this huge event going on and fucking this month in May so I'm screwed
But happy for everyone that's there
Yeah, it's the same thing for me. Like I can't
Take the time off
from work, so
Like if I would have been able to like go there all week then I could like of course
yeah, I'll fucking drop it drop the money on a ticket and do it but
I'm only there for like a day and a half. It's not really worth it
I finally got my ticket for the party in my QR code. So it was fucking go
Did you apply I
Did let me check
I'll check and see if I got it
I'm just throwing the
Throw in the spaces link around
into chat from
Some DMs and and you know things of that nature
Throwing it in the D chat real quick
Jakey is here live from New York
Yo, what's good Jakey is he there
He's listening right now
All right, I just expect him to like come up off mute and it's just gonna be fucking crack crack it over there
Wonder if no hotel on the wife. Thank you
Now you're completely wrong. I'm cozy in bed right now in my hotel room. I don't party
And I'm not at the D hotel to be honest or whatever it's called there. I've seen some videos. It's fucking popping over there
Yeah, we got in late today, but it's been fucking fun. How's everybody doing?
Love you, bro. Chef my brother. You're out there having fun. I
Mean, I wish you were here. I know man shit next one. There's gonna be tons more. Let's be revealed like
I don't remember who said it in the Bell show, but
There's gonna be so many more of these like coming up like just so many more opportunities to do shit like this
I think right now it just feels super like
Bad just because you're not here for it. You're just seeing all over the timeline so I can feel for you
But um, there's gonna be so many more dude
For sure. Yeah, I mean I know and
Yeah, I've been like honestly I've been like staying off of Twitter. I'm like
I'm not looking at the timeline right now
So I'm not like I died down a little bit today cuz I just like completely ignored what was going on
Stuck my head in the sand
What if you check the day of and it's like really cheap for some reason
Listen if I fucking
Check on Friday and it's like a hundred bucks for a round-trip ticket to
New York, then I'll fucking buy it but I
Highly that's the case
Just roll like five hundred bucks to like
You know Friday night and then come back Sunday like it's just not worth it to me like
Yeah, I can't I can't pull that
I'm not balling like you. Okay, I'll go fucking not not balling out at not key world headquarters
All right, I just was all fucking cyber security company. They don't pay me shit
They're gonna pay you like crazy soon. Oh
Yeah, what like why you say that bonus tomorrow and then you're gonna fly out on the same flight. Yeah
You kind of
Yeah, I wasn't sure it was me but yeah, it's rugged a little
Get fixed
It's Kobe welcome to the
Space hosted by yours truly and chef boy and Kenny
We out here vibing tonight y'all just having a good time kicking it with the homies
Everybody's out there in NYC, but we are here vibing actually we got Jakey live from NYC, too
Let's give him a shout out. Meebs is in the building poco. I see you down there Doc Solana. What's good, everybody?
Let's get this shit poppin
My boy Logan, let's go
Jakey, which events did you go to today?
Sorry, dude, I don't even know what it was called to be honest
I got a bite from the homie Bigsby to this like art show slash
NFT show it was pretty cool. Wasn't like really my scene
you know, like I said, I don't really party much anymore and it was like super loud like music and
It was just like hard to conversate was super fucking hot in there, dude. It was like 26 degrees in New York today
Celsius and so it's super hot. But no, it was fun. I met the side elf team, which is great
You know, we've been working with side elf for the past two months
So it was great to meet Jack and mush and chop it up
And I've got some side elf cards to give out like limited pre-sale links. So I'm gonna be handing those out
Jacoby you uh, I know you said, you know, I'm out in NYC, but Meebs is as well
Meebs, I know I just hit you up. I was like dude, where are you at? Are we uh, what are we linking?
I know you're in the D hotel
I kind of I know this isn't my space but I want to kind of bring it over to you
I want to know what the energy and environments like over there right now. I'm like super curious
It's a it's it's awesome, man
So I what I got here around like 330 got in my room and then I went to the happy hour and you know
it was like
You know, it's like freshman year of college, bro
Well you you walk in like, you know, you're getting situated
No one really knows each other like you do or like you're like, oh that person looks familiar
But like I'm not sure yet, but like just opens up man. It just becomes like everything just like opened up
It was great. Talk to so many people like more than I thought
And it was cool cuz like they had like the they had polygon hats
polygon socks
they had like these cards where like you literally can like have your PFP on there with your like real name and like
You know, I had meeps in my name a call it on there. My name is called as well
No, it was really cool. Like they had that so like you can literally like tap your cards. Someone's fun
You can follow them right there and then so that was really nice because at first it was like kind of like oh shit
Like I feel like have these people don't even know who I am
But like, you know, like it's again, like it was just really cool. It was really cool. It's like, uh
The vibes are immaculate man. Everyone's just having a good time. And this place is really cool
Went to the rooftop afterwards hung out didn't really like go to like any like major events tonight
But kind of like now chilling obviously, I kind of like got tired
So I'm just laying bed and then I was like, oh shit, like I was fucking around Twitter
And I was like, yeah, they're starting a shenanigans space. I might as well hop in but now it's great man. It's great
And we appreciate you coming through that sounds so fun so cool
That's such a good analogy like your first time in the dorms and you're like, oh you want to say hi and interact with them
But you're not sure who they are like what their name is
But then you have the badge and stuff like that's so dope
you know, I just wish that they like gave out they should have raffled like
One of the rooms for like like 69 dust or 33 dust or something like that
I think that would have been really cool and could have pumped us and all that maybe they'll do that in the future after
People talk about how sick like renting out all the block rooms at the public hotel for future event
But that that sounds incredible. I'm having major FOMO right now
How much did those hotel rooms cost if you don't mind me asking?
Yeah, it was um, it was
There's 2000. Jesus Christ. Yeah for Wednesday to Saturday. Yeah
But I split it with another you bro. So like the funny thing about this shit is
Like I got into this like like I signed up like to be in this room because of another you I found like in
Discord like that one night when like they announced the hotel like I was in there
I was drunk as shit and then I see
Steven he's like yo like any other youths like think about like going to NYC and then hit him up and I was like, bro
Like I would go like if you know, someone's willing to split the room and he was like, yeah, let's do it
And then we fucking did it. All right, is there two beds in there?
No, it's just the king bed. And then there's like the tiny little couch on the side, but it works, man
You know, it's I mean a thousand for three nice
333 that's not bad actually plus all the fucking dope ass d-labs merch that you got that looks
Dude, the carry packages are they're pretty dope. They're pretty dope for sure. Hell. Yeah. Yeah
I mean getting the cuddle on the king size with the D fan. That's what it's all about. That's what it's all about
That's the real utility let's get to Jakey Jakey what's up, man
Ah, dude, I forgot what I was gonna say
Come back to me go to jet I forget
All right. I know what I was gonna say. I was gonna say Jakey's a sexy. I'm after
Look at that winged helmet. It's just fucking golden like his heart. All right, let's go to jet. What's good jet?
Yo, I am feeling the FOMO baby
Freaking like dude all of that stuff is
Man, I'm missing out a lot like I'm really really gonna be there with all of you guys
But um, I'm jealous of the people that are there and it's just amazing to see me have had a good time
I have a question for me is bro. Like that tear package is
Is it just one per room or or did you both get it?
It was it was one per room is one per room
like since like me and another you uh, I
Think like it's possible like if I think they Finn was saying if they had extra like they would give it to like someone
Like if they were like sharing a room or something, you know, so I bet like they probably have extras for anything
Was there any wristbands there was there was yep
Damn, I want some I want a wristband
What the fuck is up with like NFT D gen fuckers and wristbands
Like I don't know why people are so interested in the fucking wristbands, dude, like
Everybody's like Kenny with like oh dude the fucking wristbands like I just fucking came
Fucking fucking wristband are we like all like big Lance Armstrong fans. Is that what it is?
All rock like it at the gym, you know
It'll be kind of cool. I don't know
Whatever happened to this
You guys remember those wristbands that had like the the ion balancing magnet cinnamon shit
Those were like all the hype back a while back
Oh my god, the ones that were like it was like good for your health to wear them
Yeah, they had like necklaces and shit like wristbands and stuff. I think my uncle's still into that stuff
But uh, that was like a huge fad
My bad jakey you had your hand up and uh interns trying to come up. I can't bring him up. It's one of y'all kin
He's rugging right now. He's gonna have to
Come out and come back in. Okay for sure. Yeah
So go ahead jakey derail go ahead jakey
Dude, I remember those wristbands those had my fucking parents by the fucking by the balls, dude
My my parents were like, this is so cool
Like they they bought one for like our whole family and never wore that
Man that I was like, dude that had to have been like a big scam. They they probably banked on that shit
Who knows if it even worked, right?
Damn, I remember those
No utility, thank utility
Yeah, I remember like that
Just remember them being like at the mall and then they would have they would always have to have two people there because they couldn't
Have like you demonstrate it
They had to have like somebody else so then they'd they'd be like look look like uh
Look at the balance when they're not wearing it and then they would like put the wristband on they're like look at their balance now
It's like oh
Make great goats nft
Oh fucking great goats. I knew that was a scam from day one
I was like the like the marketing was like, I don't know
I felt like I was the only one that could see it because like
Their their whole marketing scheme was like hey, look look we're next to okay bears and tripping apes
Like so we're like them
Like check it
They were supposed to come on to prime this daily like multiple times and they just never showed dog like
We're just it was a it was a red flag right there for us
But yeah, bro, because what are they gonna say like hey, so what are you guys all about?
They're like, well, did you see that picture of us with the okay bears and the
And the in the tripping apes that was us
You're there
It's like that's all you can fucking do but yo, hey
real quick before I go to the hands that the best scam that I ever got that
Happened to me at the mall was there's this kid
and uh, you know the shoe cleaner at the mall like the that um
Little pack you can get to clean shoes with so he was like, yo, um
He was like, yo, uh check this out man, he's like, hey
Those are nice jordan's band. He's like you you want to see me? Uh, you know make up shine and I was like, yeah
All right, cool, you know free shoe cleaning i'll take that
And so he was like, you know cleaning the shoe and he's like telling me he's like, yeah, man
You know keep your kicks fresh and dah dah dah dah talking it up
And he and he cleans one shoe and he's like, yeah, man
Look at how much nicer it is than the than your other kick and i'm looking at it
I'm like, you know what? You're right. Like it does look a lot nicer
And he's like yeah, man
Yeah, and then he's like look man. All right, he's like this is the deal like
You can give me 10 bucks and i'll clean your other shoe
Or you can give me 50 and i'll just give you the shoe cleaner and clean the other shoe
I was like damn bro. You got me dog
He's like you can't be walking around looking dumb as shit with only one clean shoe
I was like you got me bro. So I bought the pack. I was like, that's it. That's a good fucking
That's a good move right there, dude
Bro, when was that in which mall?
Uh, it was loyd center and it was it was a few years back. It was probably like five six years ago
But he got me dude. I was like, that's a good fucking move, bro
Like just just off of the sales alone the salesman ship alone i'm buying it. It was actually a good shoe cleaner, too
Yeah, dude, this shit was funny as fuck. He's like y'all give me 10 bucks clean that other kick
Or you just pay 50 and get the whole thing and the clean shoe. I was like damn
Yeah, he was he was clowning too. He's like, you know how dumb you look with one clean shoe
Yeah, you're right, you're right, uh, but yo jet what's good
Dude those uh magnetic wristbands like dude, uh jakey, we still have it here in time
There's a lot of people that actually buy it and sell it which is really really interesting
Um, and apparently it does work bro. It does work
So it's um, I don't know
But bro if you met uh, uh mccainley in in in in the nouns party
Oh, yeah jakey I saw the the nouns, uh private party did you go to that?
I don't know if I went to the private party. I went like I said, I went to that one thing
So it was for like the d apes and then a lot of the nouns guys were there obviously
Like that art kind of gallery club thing that I was at
But yeah, I was like super loud in there
So I don't know if that's the like exclusive like nouns event or whatever
I think they had one before that where they were giving out like the the goggles and stuff
Um, I showed up a little later, you know, my flight only got in at like 6 30. We rushed to the hotel
Basically went straight from the hotel to that event
Um met bigs be there and stuff, but I didn't go to that
But I know uh jet jets over here rocking those those wristbands like he's got like
18 of them on his forearm right now saying that they fucking work, okay
Um, I just had my hand up though. I want to say good night to you guys
I know usually we don't announce departures, but um, I got to get some sleep. I got a long day tomorrow
So I love you guys everybody in here. You guys are the best. Uh, good night
Yeah, I was also gonna say yo, love you jakey
Night night, y'all have a blessed night. All right guys
Before we go to intern I wanted to share my first time getting rugged it was I was in middle school
I was in uh sixth grade and I played this game called rune skate
And I don't know if you guys are familiar with it. Oh, but you could uh people all right
I'll come back
But I just remember some guy was like oh i'm selling a rune
Uh chest plate, whatever for like x amount of gold, right?
So i'm like bet put up my gold. He stops the trades like sorry. I accidentally missed quick
He's like, all right i'm doing again
He does it puts back a steal one and immediately hits accept and then I was like fuck
This isn't rude
That's when I first got rugged and I swear to god half of the nft rugging motherfuckers on salada started on rune skate
Oh bro, you got here with the
On rune skate you can't fall for that bro as soon as he said
I was like 11, okay
And like he put it up before then I put my money up and then he put the thing up and it happened
So fast, you know, and you know, I wished I had uh blockchain technology back then, you know, uh, but yeah
You know, it's hella funny. I never thought about this till now. Can you remember how there's uh,
like the dragon armor, so you would be saying like selling d helmet for
For like x amount of gold. It's like
Never really put the two together
The that that game was fun as fuck. I think you could have made hell of fucking money off of that game
For real for real. It was like
Metaverse, uh
Before like before web three like web two metaverse, you know and like world of warcraft
Right at its very base level and if only you could like more customize the characters and shit to make them more realistic
I'm is it still around can you still play that shit?
Bro, tons of tons of people still play that shit tons
Tons of people still play that shit for sure. Yeah, rune skate still like kind of popular graphics look like and stuff now
How it's the same what?
Oh, it's no no no you can play the classic. Yeah
Oh a bit. I might have to go play deejay the fuck out
Yeah, bro, like people people like stream that shit. They like play the
The old school shit and fucking bring people's memories back, you know little nostalgia
Yeah, fucking room. Okay, but now
I'll sell you a dragon armor for five soul
Get ready for that steel plate
Fucking steel plate misclink
But uh, I feel like minecraft's the new rune skate now like people just play minecraft instead
Yeah, I never really fucked with minecraft is it fun
No, I can't I don't know I can't play it it's like dude
Those type of games just don't really tickle my fancy like I like uh, like action style games, you know
like, um, I enjoy assassin's creed and um
Like i'm really into the fucking jedi fallen order game right now
And then of course like shooter games like, uh apex legends and valorant fucking dude
We got into a legendary fucking night of fortnite the other night. It was me
Kenny spliffy
Fucking dr. Solano was hanging out with us
fucking uh
Siddaldo came through
Fucking, um, yeah, dude, that shit was epic. That was so much fun
We need to create a custom lobby and then bring all the degens in and then stream it on kick
And then like give a soul out or some dust or something for a prize
Yeah, dude. I'd be down to do a little fucking
Do a little dust giveaway for the kick stream do it live on kick. That'd be fire
I'm gonna have to check out these fucking uh, these streams, bro. This is probably having hella week
Oh, dude, go nuts in there
Dude, uh, it's fucking yeah, that was a fun night
Fucking kenny murdered me
Spliffy was out there just steal it all the fucking kills
That's what he does bro. He do I swear to god there was one. There was one. I swear to god, bro
This fucker. Okay, so like I got this 50 cal sniper rifle
And uh, i'm going to shoot this dude and like literally
The fucking 50 caliber bullet is going through this dude's fucking chest as spliffy gets the kill shot
I was so fucking pissed. I was like you son of a bitch
And i've been shooting at that dude for like a good like 30 seconds, too
Like trying to hit this fucker and I couldn't get him and then as soon as I got it was too late
I was so pissed. I was like, oh damn it, but spliffy's good, bro
I swear to god any shooting any like any type of shooting game spliffy is just fucking god level
It doesn't make sense to me like
Even the fucking d-gen royale game like because I don't know what it is
But I fucking suck it like i'm pretty good at shooter games
But for some reason d-gen royale, I just can't play like I there's something about it where I just suck
And fucking he's he's out there just fucking yapping people left and right, but yo, we got nf treats in the building
What's good fam?
Yo, what's good everybody? Yeah, I just wanted to make sure chef wasn't you know
Getting bullied up here as a wolf, you know, so the pack sticks together
So I just wanted to come show my support now, you know, just kidding all the homies are up here
So I want to come say what's up you guys are
My guy I needed you on on monday, bro
I was in the youth community space just getting fucking bullied for rocking my raid in man
It was all over me I was like, you know what the wolf stands strong
Y'all can suck it. I'll post that meme that I posted that I sent you on the dms, bro
Party on saturday
No, that's supposed to come but some family stuff came out so unfortunately I couldn't like swing it
I figured, you know, obviously there'll be a tnyc next year and i'm spoiled dude. I've been to like the last three events
Yeah, me and treats kicked it at uh, djnft in vegas. That shit was dope
Do you mind did I tell you that my nephew took the fucking bucket hat?
He's like no
He's like bucket hats never hit me
I'm like, okay, and then he's just like oh man, this one fits my head and i'm like
Uh, I guess you can have it. He's like, yeah, it's sick. And i'm like you have to at least
Send me pictures, dude. You can't like have it. So hopefully you get a picture with it, but it is fresh
Hell yeah. Yeah fucking that was it dude. It was the last day of djnft. It was me treats
fucking, um
Who else shrimp cheddar
Uh, I think dallas was there
I'll just kick it fucking deejin and out in the fucking hotel room. That shit was fun
Yeah, djnft though, wasn't so much of like, uh
Like I it was my first event and everybody told me like oh, yeah, the networking's crazy
Like you're gonna network with people and yada yada. Yeah. No, no, no. No, we just fucking partied and got drunk and shit
And fucking yeah, that was pretty much it like it was vegas though. So what do you expect? You know
Like what what can you expect? I think interns at work. I was gonna go to intern. I'm pretty sure he said he was working here
Um, so oh interns here. What's good fam? Hey, what's up guys? Uh, kenny much love to you. Um,
Yeah, I am working
Um, but you know, I saw uh, dr. Solana just sharing out a tweet and i'm not in new york. So i'm here. Um
But yeah, no all in all like I do want to ask a question ct you guys were kind of
uh tenured
Um, so like have any of you guys ever had like a one-on-one?
Like honorary piece ever made for you
Yes, uh, actually speaking of fucking shout out drill club
Uh minting april 17th. I feel like i'm getting the date wrong right shit. I shouldn't be doing that
Monday yeah, I was right. I was right mint in april 17 sunday. Let's fucking go
Uh, that's probably i've had a few one-of-ones made
Um of me a couple not too many because i'm still a little baby boy in third
But uh, the fucking drill club one is by far
The best one of one i've ever had in my life. It's so fucking sad i'm gonna post it up top
But go ahead and turn I got you I got and I got docs and jakey's in there, too
Is there like any further like value guys have ever like offered or tried to offer?
Uh to like the person that might get that one of one
So, um the only time usually it's just um, just a one-on-one I think
Uh, so brozo
Did one of ones for people where they made it like an actual collection
So it's like a it's an actual nft and not just like a jpeg
Yeah, that's what um, and then one of one that's a part of an actual selection
Me and the guy we go way back. Um
And i'm just trying to like work out how to make it smarter
You know because like the way the interns are gonna operate on the sundial
Level like this is kind of our shot. I was just seeing if you guys have ever done anything
You know to further that that value to that one of one, you know, because I don't want to snipe it, you know
That's pointless. That's no value there. But you know, it does present a time to add that value. And so like that's what we tried to do
Yeah for sure like anytime that you can yeah bring even more value to it like
It's that's just fucking icing on the cake because yeah, usually it's just you know, something that
You make for them. So it kind of gives you a little on twitter. They post it, you know
And then people are like, oh that's sick art
And then uh, you know you get that but yeah, there's been a couple a couple projects like I know nekazuma did one of ones
Um that ended up being uh a collection as well
And I think now they're doing with the royal council. I think you get they're gonna do like separate art
But now it's gonna be like a custom one of one
for uh, the royal council too, so
I got to think of a new one because I don't want to keep the one that I have
I do my my one of one that goes pretty dope too. He's fucking king of the jedis, but
I kind of want to um
Come up with a new custom one. I might do a raid in that go. That'd be sick
Bro, did you see my one of one that go chef?
I know I did I yeah, I know I did I just can't remember what it was
Hey, I got you. It's pretty clean
but yeah, it's more like a
You hold 50 nekos and then they custom make you one. I don't know if they're still doing that though
Um with the royal council and how they have like the crystals and stuff now
Yeah, so now it's
Now it's you have to have you have to burn the 50 now
And you get the crystal but the crystal is your ticket to the custom one of one. So you'll get the custom one of one
Um and entrance into the royal council and all the royal council perks that come along with it
Um big things cooking over there. I'm still working on getting my 50 though. So we'll see what happens
But yo, we got some fucking more people up in here and now i'm not rugging anymore
So what's up everybody? Thank you all for coming out really do appreciate it
Y'all know what it is. It's d wens wednesdays
Not d wednesdays because the d fam likes to delay so, you know, we gotta know when so it's d wednesdays, baby
I'm your own chef
We got kenny in the building co-hosting
We got jacobi in the building co-hosting a bunch of legends up here on the speaker panel
We need some more speakers though. I see some legends in the audience. Y'all better fucking come up here and come hang out
Contribute have some conversations do us a big favor to you guys
We do have the link to the spaces pinned up top to the jumbotron
Y'all can hit that like button one time smack a retweet real quick put a dub in the chat
It really does help out a lot guys. It puts it on the timeline
Let's people know that we vibing having a good time
There might be people in the d fan or in the youth community that doesn't know about the spaces
And they want to come kick it. So we got to let them know you got to put it on the timeline
So they can come kick it with us so they're not missing out
Make sure you're following all the hosts as well. Make sure you follow the speakers
We got a bunch of legends out here. Make sure you're following everybody guys
We're all sticking together through this bear market
So when the bull hits we're like a fucking tidal wave and no one can stop us, baby. Let's fucking go
Yo, we got a new speaker up here. We got no mccor in the building. What's good fam?
Good morning. Uh, yeah, everything's good, man. How you doing?
Good good just uh hanging out, you know us non-nftnyc people are uh
Enjoying the night. Yeah, I just wanted to throw back the conversation a second to uh, the wristbands
Uh, you're all saying about how much how crazy people go over wristbands
I used to uh co-run a um
Nightclub, uh social group
so it's just a social group for people that were out clubbing all the time and um,
one of the key things we did is uh
Got wristbands and started handing them out right at the very beginning shit went off man. People used to wear that
Uh, even when they weren't coming to events and stuff like that
You'd walk part you'd walk down the street and you'd see people you'd never met wearing your wristbands
Yeah, I don't know what it is something about nft's and wristbands bro, they just go together they're like peanut butter and jelly
But yo we got liberty square in the building
What's going on?
Are y'all at uh nftnyc?
What up chef? No, I'm at nft on my couch. That's where i'm at this week. I uh,
No, I don't know
I'm gonna go to i'm gonna go to austin for a couple days. I gotta go down there for some meetings for a hacker house and uh
And dude i'm in the cave right now. So I know some of the teams out there
It's more of like a spring break week for them. There's no work happening. Like just go fucking let it rip and have have your week and
Have your week and we did, you know, we did the nftla event with the barracks
That's super fun and a lot of work getting into it. And now we're just on the other side of that and
I'm in the cave for about
X amount more weeks. I won't give any alphabet, but when we come out of the fucking cave
Uh, i'm pretty stoked about what we're doing right now
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, liberty square is always working. That's just what y'all do. That's what y'all do
Yo, we got devin in the building what's good devin
Yo, that was uh
I thought you sent that invite request i'm hella tired over here
But uh just wanted to come up and say hello and hang out with you guys for sure. Appreciate you
Yeah, man, there was only like four of us up here
So i was like, all right, if y'all like get a request to come up i'm just gonna start fucking
Hitting that invite button real quick and look at that. It worked now. We got a
You got the fish where the fucking fish are bro. You got to cast the line or else you never know
Yeah, I said fuck it. Yeah, i'm gonna fucking just start spamming that invite button and just making people come up here
That way I can uh kick back while everybody else has a good time. Yo, and we uh, oh trouble guys sneezes here
Snooze is here. Oh, no
Oh, no, what are we gonna do now? Let's go snooze
Was just here supposedly space camping and just listening in but now
You're gonna hear the cafe and how loud it is
I'll just I all do thing a lot of the processes
So stop watching and the special shop get phone the usual
Go bullish on the cafe
Well, let's turn the dump truck backing up more than hey, that was like new york. Oh, I didn't realize I was still
Fucking working in new york at fuck 2 a.m. Right now. He's at the pizza joint. Just garbage truck backed up
He's alpha faro and away
My bad my bad, yo sappos in the building. What's good fam
Yo, what's up? Yo, who's in new york, bro. I just pulled up
Oh shit, it seems like everybody's sleeping in new york, um, we have just land
That was full of shit in new york, he has gone off the speaker
Yo, we got props in the building though, let's go props
All right props is camping for now
Nobody just
I was like you son of a bitch pon proof of new york, please
Which motherfucker booted me
Boy talks here
It's too late. It's too late for doc to become the spaces
It's like what what is it right now? One? It's like 2 a.m. Almost in it. I was the first one in new dog
I know out here just holding it down support and tough. Let's fucking go
I love the new york asmr in the background. Thanks snooze
That's me I have the truck in the background or the
Truck are you guys taking turn?
Yeah, chef. What the fuck you got going on?
What is that? I'm in the store and I guess they're um, I don't know they got something in here
It's got a fucking backup people
What time zone are you in that has a goddamn dump truck at this hour?
I'm in Pacific bro. It's early. It's like 10 40
Me too. But if there's that sound at my house right now, my kids would wake up. I'd be pissed. No fucking good
Yeah, they got no shame here. I think that's what's going on. They got motion. They got one fucking lane open
So we're all just standing them. Oh wait. No, they had to stop checking
Nevermind chef chef. Have you ever like ran a space and not be like traveling or driving in your car?
I feel like every single time I hear your keys clunk in or some shit like that
Hey, don't worry about what I do. Okay, listen
I can't shit
Uh, no, I don't like fucking being home. I gotta listen I get like real fucking like, I don't know
I get really antsy when i'm just sitting at home
Yeah, I uh, I like to be out and about doing shit even if i'm not really doing anything. I still just fucking
Leaving and just go out and do nothing
Going to get like flaming hot cheetos or something
No, i'm going to get a vitamin water. It's i'm thirsty
Uh, and then getting some smokes as well
You know just the necessities
You should uh stop by 7-eleven
You know get a scratcher see if you hit 500 dollars and then use that 500 and come to new york
Bro, are you kidding me? Listen, I get scratch. It's every year for christmas
Like a few scratch. It's and i've never won more than like five bucks on a scratch. There's no fucking way
I'm pulling the 500. It's just not possible. Oh speaking of my bad luck though
Listen, okay, my luck might be turning around. Okay, so we're moving offices at my work
So like they're like there's like a bunch of shit that's not going to the new office and there was like four different tv's
Um that are pretty much up for grabs and there was this one like 62 inch led tv nice mezzio
I was like yo, I want to throw my name in the
Uh if I can and she's like, yeah, it's just you and one other person and I was like, all right
Let's see like I don't win raffles, but I think
50 odds like I might uh, I might be able to take that one
But I have had raffles where I have like way over 50 odds and I lost it
So I wasn't like super confident, but I fucking won that shit, baby. Let's go. Okay
Change a plan new game plan
You just take all four of them. Fuck the raffle you go on craigslist
You say hey bundle deal four tv's for 500
Rotate those profits into a fight to new york
Bro, i'll get fired so fucking fast. What are you talking about dude? I'm just gotta raise. Okay
I'm not trying to fucking get fired right after my fucking 5.1 percent raise. Okay
Oh shit, we got tommy in the building on the speaker panel. What's good tommy?
Yo, what's good chef man, chicken. I can't believe you have the space named nftnyc and you're over there on the west coast
Balling out in portland, oregon, baby. That's what we do, man. I heard you say pacific. I'm like, oh, I jump in here
I was like shit. I'm like following missing out on frickin, you know, new york over here
I want to hear what people are doing and i'm like shit chef's over here and he's over here in portland, oregon
Good old oregon man. What the hell is it raining up there? What?
Not where I am. Fuck off
It's nice right now
We had we had meads and jt in here and they were talking about some of the things that they were going
That they went to earlier and they were saying how the hotel feels like
Going into a freshman dorm and like you just meet people for the first time. They have these like cards
that were handed to them with their pfp and like, um
A uh qr code that links to their twitter so people can like look it up
So it's all vibes there right now and i'm fomoing hard
Man, I just wish I could be there. I'm so mad because I was
I was literally in la for an ft. La like I literally flew back in from oy
The day before it started and I was like debating like I came back to my whole family and they needed to be effective to vegas
Obviously, and so we we flew into la x and i was like shit
Do I just stay here and then just like uber get a hotel, you know
My parents live not too far from la they're like an hour away
But I was like do I really want to drive that long?
And so like all these thoughts went through my head and I was like fuck it
I'm just gonna go back to vegas go home screw it
As soon as I get back to vegas all of a sudden I see like
All the parties happening there's because I was in hawaii
I didn't pay attention to like all the side shit that was happening to find out what it was
I didn't do all my research
And then after I was back in vegas like do I just drive back to la it's only three hours
And now here I am new york missing out too, but
Uh, definitely i'm not gonna miss out if there's one in vegas
I know i'm trying to put something here with some uh, there's just shit little degots in vegas, man
To be honest, so there's a bunch of them out here. So we'll probably get together
Who's in vegas my parents moved to summerland. So i'm there in a harpy dude sherlock is out there sherlock's out here
I'm out here frickin. I'm there. There's a shitlet. I can tell you a few more
I don't know if they want me to like say their names here really to be honest, but
Yeah, there's a bunch that you would know like, uh
Chad soul freaking wwjd
You got a wayline you got nft trev out here from
At a tattoo club, but you got a nfte e y
You got a corry
nft steve all these guys are all from vegas, you know, so
Wait, what the fuck I need to enter that chat or something because i'm in vegas all the time
Tommy just rattle off 63 names off the top of his head like it was nothing
I was like motherfucker. Just can't stop tommy. You don't gotta wait that long the the city
The tourism board's actually getting behind something for early next year out there
So I think uh, I think you have another good event in vegas early next year. I can't wait
Deej NFT was phenomenal. I'm definitely going back to vegas for sure
Because listen getting to new york from portland is kind of shitty
Um, not not a great fucking unless you really plan ahead
But getting to vegas from portland that shit's easy, bro
I fucking hop on any flight that's not spirit and uh get out there for like a hundred bucks
Maybe 200 bucks and then fucking, you know, you just get a nice little hotel. That's
Um, I might go stay on fremont street say fuck it
And then i'm only spending like 60 bucks a night on the hotel too, and we're fucking balling out
Yeah, only uh only cardano people fly spirit, dude
Your soul bro spirit is the fucking worst airline of all time. I will fucking
Fight that shit to the moon. Like I don't give a fuck dude. I fucking hate spirit spirit's a piece of shit airline
Listen, like you can go on to like the spirit yelp or like the reviews and you realize like
They only have first time buyers like nobody buys a spirit ticket twice
They only have brand new buyers. I don't know how they're still in business
It's so bad and like, you know, what's even worse is that they're not even fucking cheap, dude
Like the plane tickets cheap, but they charge you like 200 bucks to fucking carry on a backpack
Like it doesn't matter like it's not even like you
If you have a big suitcase or if you have a fucking backpack
You're spending like 200 bucks to fucking carry that shit on it's ridiculous
So then I ended up spending more than a fucking southwest airlines ticket in the end
Oh my god fucking spirit and then they literally charge you like for the water cup
Like you don't even get a drink on the fucking flight
They charge you for the drinks. They charge you for peanuts. They charge you for pretzels
They charge you for everything like you don't get nothing. You can either just sit there or fucking
Uh lose your ass on paying for shit. Fuck spirit
Somebody hit a fucking trigger word with chef. Don't do that again
Chef sound like you described like a free mint on ethereum
Yeah, pretty much like no fucking uh
Spirits of free mint on tesos do that's what fucking
That's what fucking spirit is the god damn now. Listen a spirit and fucking twitter spaces will send me send me off the deep end
Uh, don't get me started on twitter spaces either. I'll fucking freak out
Wait, I don't hear from the doctor. Doctor. Are you there in new york right now, right?
Dr. Salada didn't make we don't you live in new york. He didn't make it. No, he's uh close to new york
But not close enough to make it
Yeah, no excuses doc I mean
Someone in the devol community who's 16 and he's going every day and not getting a hotel
And he even wanted to meet up with jakey and bring his damn gaming pc to do like a gaming stream with jakey
In new york and i'm like dude don't do that like you don't understand
You can't think of how much of a hassle that would be like just go meet people and enjoy yourself, man
Bro, that's so think about that a fucking 16 year old kid
When I was 15 or 16, I went to new york
To watch some punk rock shows. This is a
Long time ago
But and my friends and I loaded up and we just drove out there and just like I don't know 14 hours from detroit
Run trip or uh one way or some shit
But think about that now 16 year old kids are like nah, I want to go to nft nyc
Fucking massive culture shit. It's crazy. That's crazy. I can't even think about it
He's like, yeah, i 100 sold my wallet i'm thinking about sweeping x y or z i'm like dude when I was 16
I did not have the ability to sweep floors on magic eden and then use it for engaging farming slash making
Like a 2x 3x on it and I definitely did not have a jpeg or 20 grand aka d god at the age of 16 like oh
This kid's insane. He's early. He's talking to people who are
smart investors
Successful businessmen, you know project founders like liberty over here
Like the fact that he's having those conversations and absorbing that info at such a young age
Like i'm not going to tell that to him to his face because he's a 16 year old punk, right?
And i'm just going to like shit on him, but outside of you know him not listening to this
I'm going to give him flowers man, like way ahead of a lot of 16 year olds
It's like that carter xo kid right the space is host his podcast
He's fucking smart good little host. He's 14 now. I think he just turned 14. That shit is wild to me
My fucking kids almost seven. That's crazy
Is he going to be the biggest liberty whale, you know at age eight
No, she I have two daughters
Uh, they have the the number one. I got the number one. I bought it for like 26 sold two days after men
So I have the number one squirrel
And that's theirs forever. And uh
I don't know. That's all they need. I hope
Fuck who knows?
Send it all to zero. Kenny. I don't know
No, no, no, no, no. We let's fucking go
We need to send liberty to a hundred and then they can just throw the sickest party in las vegas
And then tommy b will literally bring every single person who holds an nft in las vegas because he's the fucking plug
He'll name another 50 people right now if we wanted him to but uh, yeah, dude
I don't see vegas like anyone that ever comes to vegas if you do show up to vegas
Make sure you hit me up because I mean any nightclub any strip club like you don't have to wait in line
You don't have to pay to get in like that's easy to walk you in. So just as long as you let me know in advance
I'll take care of it
Yeah, we'll throw a party in vegas ways. We don't need to fucking bro
Four price does not dictate good times. There's some
Rad shit to do in vegas, you know how we do with the barracks and things like that
So we would find something super rad like that and throw down. Fuck man. DGNFC
I don't know how many people know this story
We had a whole rage room plan for inside that venue
So we're going to construct a rage room right at the back of that fucking outdoor area
We had the rage room supplier. We had the insurance. We had all the shit and very last minute fucking
The the insurance person backed out on the drive out there scribble and I were driving out there together
With all the shit for the fucking rage room all the shit to destroy
We had stickers printed with all the fucking a bunch of pfp's of people that were just shit bags at that time
Uh, and we had all lined up and the insurance pulled on the way out. So we had to just build the fucking fence
But I don't know. Maybe we'll just do that next time. Maybe we'll we'll run it ourselves
And just fucking do it at the rage room
I'm gonna have to talk to cast
Cass is uh in the same twitter group that uh me and chef are in
I don't want to say too much because I don't want to like give out any information, but yeah
She's awesome, bro. She won't give out any information. She's so mad at me right now for talking too much
She's so mad mad
Like she's we're talking sunday night. She's like give me a favor. I need a cash
She's like a little flower. She's like, can you please just keep your fucking mouth shut and I was like
All right
She goes just not a word and I was like fine
Is uh chef are you uh drinking that uh vitamin water right now, is that why you uh, he's driving
Driving. Yeah, it's kind of loud right now
Um, i'm about to park though, but uh, yo, yeah, no liberty knows how to live
He was djn ft throwing djn ft so they know how to throw a fucking party, baby
That shit went down
Except uh, I got rugged a little bit of djn ft there was like a vip section with like free bottles and shit
And I was like yo like it was like a rumor at first the first night like people kept talking about it
But I didn't know where it was. I ended up spending like 20 bucks on a fucking margarita
and then uh
Like at the very end of the night I finally found out that it was like this separate like
Uh, like upper level section that you had to go to by the time I went up there like all the bottles are gone
These dj motherfuckers fucking drank it all up
And uh, so I didn't get it and then the second night I went up there and got some dope
But like yeah, I was like damn it dude. I fucking wasted 20 bucks on this fucking margarita
Water down ass fucking margarita and then but then like the second night was dope though
dude, bro, imagine being part of the event and not knowing about that and being sober and spending
$15 on fucking sprites all week
And at the end you're like oh fuck
Like what's upstairs they're like free everything for you and I was like, I'll suck a fuck
$15 for sprite damn
Probably just
The night after the after the first night or whatever and she's like
What what'd you do?
I'm like, what do you mean? And my credit cards, I guess hooked up through clover or whatever to our our shared email
She's like you spent 85 on drinks. What the fuck were you buying?
And i'm like, oh sprites. She's like you spent 85 on sprite last night. I'm like, yeah, that's what I did
It's fucking crazy
Yes, because tommy and his 50 las vegas d gods
Went up to the vip room and drank all the bottles all the free ones
Hey, not gonna lie, man
It was it was pretty fucked up to be honest me and chef were chilling together for a good while there
And we thought we were in the vip section
We're like, how cool, you know, like not everyone's allowed up here
We walked up to this little like platform area by the dj booth and it's like, you know
We're across from the like the the dance floor and we're like, all right, cool
You know, we got our own little section. They checked our wristbands as we walk up. We feel special going there
We're like, all right. This has got to be the vip
Little did we know man little did we know and shit, dude
That that that was pretty fucked up to have to be spending out spending money when we could have got it for free
Especially when we were part of it here in liberty square, dude, the theory you you paid for shit while you guys threw it, dude, man
Yeah, that's that's a that's a tough one to swallow
It's all good man, I
We spent more on in the cla, but it's fun, man
It's it i'll tell you watching you fuckers have a good time and watching the community actually
Do community shit, not just twitter spaces shit
That is a differentiator of what all of us do and that shit's worth every single dime that it costs every single time
It's crazy to watch
There's no better sentiment check, right?
That's I was sitting here earlier and I was like, why is everybody so fucking amped on nftnyc?
Why is there like this whole it's a movie like
I don't know if i'm coping a little bit. Maybe I am but
Um, but I don't think so, but then I thought about it
And when you're on that side of it just as an attendee just participating in
These relationships that you bond with people every day
Virtually, it's a special thing and and
I don't know why la is not bigger. I think we'll we'll work on that for next year
You know, I we'll get together early to try to figure out what the fuck we can do
But I think it's just got to be you know
Both coasts need to be represented in that and if if it's not la then it's going to be vegas for sure
Exotic dancers negative. Hey come to portland. We got them fucking by the plenty
Did you guys know that portland has more strip clubs per capita the vegas?
Why do you know why is this a number, you know, sir
It's a fun fact for portland. Like when people come here, we don't got much shit
We can tell them so like that's one of them. It's like yo, we have a strip club
We have two strip clubs on every block
Quality over quantity man quality over quantity dude
Hey that if that ain't the truth i'm telling you bro, like some of these strip clubs out here
Are fucking rough, dude, like listen, okay, so
I'm 15 years old, right? There's this place the strip club called the sugar shack
They don't check ids at the sugar shack
Because my homeboy like went to this community college with the bouncer or whatever
So like we just got in he just assumed that we also went to the community college swear to god, bro
I swear to fucking god. There's a pregnant chick on the stage fucking getting down on the pole
There's like another one that's got like really bad meth amount like really fucking bad meth mouth
And then uh, there was like another one that like was like the the least trashy
so she was like the one getting the most attention and then uh
We almost took home that one
So like she almost went home with a bunch of 15 year olds and got caught on fucking statutory charges and shit
It was real bad like that and that's probably that was probably like a mid-tier
Level portland strip club. That wasn't even the low tier shit
Dude, that sounds like when we have like our our event nights where we have like the midgets come out and do their thing
Or we have like the girls with like the giant tits that like will break
Watermelons with them and she'll like that sounds like what your shit is live, man. I mean out here
We got like sapphire dude. It's a 71,000 square foot frickin strip club, dude. It's two levels
I mean like you can't really beat that, you know, like yeah, definitely
Yeah, no, we have nice ones too that like that. Okay, listen, we got we got some good ones
But um, no, but then we oh speaking of we have one that's called tommy's two
it's uh, tommy's t o o
That one's real fucking rough, dude
Like you don't want to go in there
Um, but yo, hey, we got shouted out by maktray for our strip club. So i'm just throwing that out there
He went to the dolphin on mcglaughlin
Sat out the dolphin. I think it's called like the golden nugget now. No, it's not the dolphin who wants to come to portland
Hey, man, we got listen, we got strippers coffee and fucking microbrew beer
That's what we got pretty sure there's a direct spirit flight from la x i'll be there tomorrow
Let's go baby. And you can do all the drugs you want here as well. We got fucking
Legal drugs you miss them. Come do some drugs
So i'll get i'll just watch you do drugs and the i won't talk about any of the other stuff
You can walk you can watch anybody. Listen, there's like people just doing drugs on the streets now pretty much
Like he just fucking walked through downtown portland. You're like, oh that guy's smoking crack. Cool, bro
Yeah, I I drive by like three people smoking crack like going on my way to norstrom
Uh to return an item. I leave norstrom and i'm driving through downtown and this homeless guy like jumps out at my car
I immediately fucking pump the brakes i'm like, bro
What the fuck he proceeds to take off all his clothes
Sits down
stands back up and there's shit all over his ass cheeks and then starts running to the other side of the road and i'm like
Ew, what the fuck and I had to like strategically drive around where he's at because I didn't want
Human feces on my fucking tires, but come to portland. It's uh, it's a famous city, you know
Yeah dang what's going on with the west coast these days, man
Just cut the cover is beautiful. It's like worth coming to portland for three months of the year. Um, and that's all i'll say right now
Yeah, we get like a month and a half of really nice weather it's pretty nice, um, it's pretty great but uh
Yeah, these uh
It's uh, it's it's pretty funny. Yo speaking of feces my fucking manager just randomly walked up to me today
And he's like, hey, did you hear about poop gate?
I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about dude? What?
and apparently someone like
Like had like really bad fucking
Issues and didn't make it to the bathroom in time
So there was like a trail of fucking poop in our in our office floor
It wasn't they found out it wasn't somebody from
Our office because we have like multiple offices on the floor like yeah
And then it was a girl too and she ended up like hiding in the bathroom until someone could come give her a change of clothes
Fuck I feel so bad, dude
Like can you imagine how fucking demoralizing that is you're just at work and the fucking montazuma hits you
You're like, oh shit
Fuck I couldn't imagine that'd be fucking horrible
I can't believe we're just talking about human feces on this space
But just uh, just to change it up a little bit chef
Meet my boy craig. I met him in person. Oh, what you know
Yeah, i'm in a different portland chat that he's
What the okay, I feel special not
Kenny what's crazier is that not just what you were just talking about is that we didn't really
Lose anyone from the space by talking about that that whole time. I think we added a couple people
We are very degenerate, okay
But I didn't know what's up guys, how's it going
Good man. Good. Kenny. I'm sorry. What's going on with you?
Story dog that that's
That's that's disgusting
But I must say it's happening here in our town
Unfortunately in the rest of the west coast like we heard but let's get on to better topics. How's everybody doing tonight?
Bro good man. Good dope craig because this is yours say again
Claw friends is you it is
It looks dope man
There's this other thing this other uh
Project out there called polycade. He's also up in portland now too that founder
But okay, you guys have a good little fucking community up there innovation. I like it
Portland be balling out
We balling out. It's hippie town, baby
I was very surprised about the whole community that was up here like multiple project founders
Like a very I don't want to like dachshund but a very established projects on salona
Uh, a lot of a lot of holders both in ethan and salona is really cool. A lot of people, you know
Innovating building some cool shit. Uh
We're gonna try to have a lot of uh casual meetups
Maybe we uh, you know, we do a block at pdx. Seattle or even have like nf or nft. Seattle
nft. Seattle that'd be kind of cool. I don't know that'd be sick
But uh, yeah, I mean nft pdx sounds dope as fuck to me
I mean, you know, I don't know we could do it at the convention center
If we really ball out we do it at the moda center. It'll be it'll be way cheaper than la or um
New york, and then uh, maybe we can get like nike and adidas there, you know, they're in web3 and you know
Hint hin and and uh, you know microsoft are just three hours away, you know
So maybe they can be sponsors or have something. I don't know. We should uh, we should think about something
Yeah, we should you should hit up phil night be like hey boss
You know, it'd be really cool. We spend some of our marketing dollars at uh,
hosting nft pdx. Uh, I have a friend named liberty, um, and he would love to talk to you
I definitely like shoes
Gotta wear them
Hey, man, I just gotta I just got some jordan number eights the black aqua and grapes
Shout out currency fucking fire. I fucking love that shoe man
I'm lucky my homeboy. He like is a shoe reseller. So he just drops like
Dope ass pairs like i'll just walk in one day and he'll just be like, oh here's some fucking george down sixes. Enjoy
Like the fuck dude. Oh, yeah, man. Let's go
Uh, but yo kenny that story that reminds me. I don't know there's this uh,
Ari shafir, I don't know if you guys know that he's like a stand-up comedian. You guys should watch this special
He's got a kind of a story that's
In that vein that's like the funniest shit ever
It's about bobby lee
I don't know if you guys watched mad tv before but bobby lee's like this super funny, dude
Um, but yeah, it's about it's it's so fucking good
Like his bid about putting a bunch of poop on bobby lee's car the funniest fucking bit like top 10 comedy bits
I've ever heard is fucking hilarious
Anyways, we got a bunch of new people in here. Yo, what's up everybody? Thank you all for coming out
You already know what this is. This is d wednesdays
Not d wednesdays
Nah, the d fam likes to delay and you know, we gotta know when so that's why it's d wednesdays, baby
I'm your host chef. We got kenny in the building co-hosting. We got jacobi in the building
We got a bunch of legends on the speaker panel. We got liberty square up here
We got devin in the building. We got props in the building. Dr. Fucking salona the legend
We got intern up here. We got leon shout out moon holdings. We got snooze shout out alpha ferros
I didn't say shout out trust out either i've been trussed out day one, baby. Let's go
We got tommy in the building. We got craig g let's fucking go claw friends
Shout out them too. We got a bunch of legends in the audience as well. Listen guys do us a big favor though
We do have the link to the twitter spaces pinned up top on the jumbotron
You can go ahead and smack that like button real quick. Hit that retweet one time fucking pump my retweet bags, baby. Let's go
Drop that dub in the comments as well
You know how we do it. We got to put it on the timeline
Let the people know that we vibe in having a good time get them up in here
Make sure you're following the hosts and the speakers follow the people around you as well
Shout out spoon a kiss our network is our net worth haven't heard that in a while how to say it
So we gotta all follow each other and support each other. Let's fucking go, baby
But yo, okay now i'm kind of like uh
Not kind of want to start pushing this nft pdx thing, but we'll probably only have like 40 people show up
No, bro. I went to hack the first hacker house. I went to was in
I guess it was seattle, but I thought there would only be like yeah, everybody thinks seattle is portland
We have like 50 people at our event last week where I met kenny
Like a third of them was that the one at fireside
Yes, you said right oh fuck
I was sad. I missed that. I I had just gotten over the flu. I was gonna be there, but yeah
I couldn't do it cut off liberty. I didn't get to hear story. Oh my bad. Go ahead liberty
No, I was just gonna say I i've seen those
I feel like i've seen those fireside those portland fireside things
multiple times
In timeline shit. I feel like it's it's like a well attended
Big brain event. That's what I feel like. I remember about it
Craig could probably talk more about it
He was talking about his his deal and claw friends and he had a cool, you know
I don't want to I'll let craig talk about it
Sure, so fireside is that was uh, the second event here in portland. Um
started back in december, um and it's a
Meetup of yeah, just big brain thinkers like you said
from the ai
industrial design worlds
Uh, just overall tech worlds all in general here in portland. Um, I don't
Everyone colliding and started out with like, I don't know maybe like 10 or 15 people
There's typically two live speakers
that are presenting
On any of those topics, uh this last
fireside chat on the sixth, uh was
speaker by the name of evan
He is an ar artist and so he did a live like ar mural where he took a
Salmon going upstream from mid-journey and turn it into a 3d ar asset within like 10 minutes
like live in front of us and then another
Guy andy songwell, he now works on the doodles team
But these guys are all local here and so they had their center
and then there was a bunch of other just booths
and interactive things going on
And yeah, it was on the third floor of a really cool building in downtown portland in the old town district
And I would say probably yeah anywhere from 40 to 60 people attended and
It's just really a grassroots kind of event thrown by terence
who runs fireside and also runs a
like a curated like
dope snack shop in downtown portland called goody snack shop. So if you're ever in downtown portland go check out goodies
Um, and yeah, that's my craig talk
Hey, I love I love the craig talks
First of all, I didn't realize that the person who did like the youth robe and some of the d god you merch
Like was living in like gresham and uh, which is like right next to portland. So that's very cool. And second
Uh craig is a very humble guy
I guess the guy who owns the building or throws the events was talking you up in some of your work
All I can say is if we did nft pdx and if you went behind the camera for a little bit
I thought I think you could cook up something fire. Oh, definitely. Yeah, and I yeah also work in
The film and photography world have been doing that professionally for the past 10 years
Also professional drone pilot, so I dabble in all things digital media
Let's go yo craig
Can I be a topic speaker next time on uh
The uh the concepts of degeneracy. Yeah, I mean I was actually thinking about offering this to them
I wanted to just
Have a quick session of you know, what would be cool
With the crowd and so I could bring you up chef. And yeah, we will
Do a degenerate degenerate 101 with chef
See you can you can tell everyone in the audience what a twitter space is and then have an irl twitter space
And make people raise their hand and you call on them and then they talk and then if someone tries to talk you're like
Hey, no, no, you didn't raise your hand respect the hand. Okay, we're gonna reset the room here
My name is jeff. You'd have to follow me the host, you know, blah blah blah, you know, like that'd be sick
Oh, yeah, and in real life follow me is giving me five dollars
You just give me five bucks
Um, you know, we got some new speaker verified. How do you get the blue check mark as a as a speaker?
When you're when you're in portland you have to uh
Drink a cold brew
Once you drink cold brew you get the you get the blue check
Um, or if you're wearing Birkenstocks, you get you get an automatic blue check for working stocks. No, I got the cold brew. Thank you
We got some new speakers up here, uh special guest in the building
We got felix in the building formerly known as nft boy
The fucking singer in the twitter spaces that you never knew but you know, you love
Felix in the building was good fam
What's up? How's everyone doing man? I'm so glad i'm here again fucking hell. Dr. Salon. It's been a while brother. Don't laugh
I love you
Um, it's been a while for everyone
Uh, but i'm glad i'm here again. Yes. My name is felix. I'm the singer you see on spaces
That's usually my catchphrase, but um, i'm glad i'm here guys much love
We're glad you're back felix. We are glad you're back my friend rocking the real name this time. I fucking love it
And uh, yo, I got a question. We got stephen up here stephen. Um, are you the same stephen that is
rooming with fucking
Meebs in new york right now. Yeah, bro. I'm on the toilet right now, bro. Meebs is knocked out
That's mad funny
Yo, he was just talking about you, bro
Like he was drunk as shit in the discord and then fucking stephen came in and was like, yo, let's split a fucking hotel
The d hotel let's go
That's funny we got both roommates one came into the space pass out the other one comes while he's taking a shit, you know
That's nftnyc for you, bro. I can't make this shit up, bro. What the fuck?
That's hilarious
Unintended. Oh god. Oh god
No, hey listen i've definitely
I've definitely had some uh times where my girl's over and i don't have to sit in the bathroom to be on spaces
Um, or sometimes I can make it into my car. I'll go to my car to do it and everybody's like, oh chef's taking a shit
I'm like, no, i'm just not trying to get fucking broken up with. Okay, so chill the fuck out
Yeah, the hiding in the bathroom or the car is much better option. I got it
I'm gonna try that with my wife tomorrow. It's it's definitely the option to go with who else is in nyc here
Did I meet anyone tonight? Is anyone else here now? I see
I think they've all gone gone to sleep
Uh, we had we had a few of them in here
Um, but uh, yeah, they all they all kind of dropped off. They're like, all right, it's uh, it's you know, 2 a.m
So we're leaving because we're not real deejans. We're just fake ones
We all know guys steven's the real g-jet out here fucking 2 24 in the morning still in the twitter space
Dr. Solana, too
He's not an nyc but he's on the east coast 2 24 in the morning still in twitter space. Let's fucking go
Um, but yo, I just got a dm rehab a fucking special occasion guys
Felix is gonna give us a fucking song. Let's go baby. It's been too long
It's been two hours. We got a felix song. Let's go man
Set us off with one
Let's go chief. Let's fucking go. This is until I found you by
Stefan sanchez. I hope you guys like this shit
Wrap me up in all your I won't shut
In my arms, oh let me
I never let you go again like I did
Oh I used to say
I would never fall in love again until I
Found her
I said I would never fall unless it's you I've fallen too
I was lost within the darkness, but then I
Found her I found you
Pulled me in I asked to love her
Once again you fell I caught you
Oh I never let you go again
Like I did oh I used to say
I would never fall in love again until I
Found her
I said I would never fall unless it's you I've fallen too
I was lost within the darkness, but then I
I found you
I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said I would never fall unless it's you I've fallen too
I was lost within the darkness, but then I
Found her
I found you
Let's go fucking a dude, that's just so good man
Feel like in the build it everybody if you only follow and feel like you're not cool, man
I'm just gonna fuck it to come right out and say you're not cool, man
If you're not following feeling you better fucking hit that follow button the voice of an angel that shit was fire
I've heard quite a few people come up and do the singing on the spaces. No one does it like felix does
Thank you. My friend. Appreciate you brother much love to you. Uh, there was a question in the comments
Are you also playing the piano?
Let's go. Let's go. Well, it sounds like you are so you could fake it till you make it. Let's fucking go, baby
Hey, uh, let's go to uh, let's go to layoffs. What's good fam?
Yo, dude, I was in a space earlier
And this guy felix just showed up and did a fucking liberty square song off the cuff. This guy's fucking awesome
Yeah, hit up malek for that fucking shit, dude. It was sick
Thank you so much laos. Yeah, man. Liberty is a family to me. Uh, even though if I haven't really shown a lot
Um to them, but you know deep down. I appreciate them from the bottom of my heart. I I know the founder of liberty since day one
Uh always have and I hope that I always will um, and yeah, man, the family there is awesome. They're great
Fuck me. I'm so disappointed. I'll say it right now. I'm so disappointed. I still don't own one
But I'm gonna own one and I am and I know I will but I love you guys so much and um
And you guys are the og's in the space. So I have to give you guys a liberty song. Why not?
Let's go shout out liberty square
Doing it right. These motherfuckers do that gorilla marketing almost as good as snooze. Nah, I'm playing
Snooze out here fucking
Doing it dude. No, I remember liberty square changed the game because everybody was doing the same
marketing shit every project did the same shit
All the time and then all of a sudden there was this fucking profile called liberty square and they were just showing up at every single space
Like every space that was happening liberty square would be there and they're not coming like hey
Let me tell you about my project
Like that was like the thing like people would come up to the speaker panel and the first thing out of their mouth
Was like hey i'm building this project and people would just get turned off like oh fuck
Here's another dude like talking about this project
Like we just were having a conversation about like, you know
People fucking stripping in front of a parking lot in front of kenny's car like and now we gotta listen about this goddamn project
But liberty square didn't do that. They just came and vibed and they're like, yo, let me tell you my story about this
Dude that you know, uh pissed on my window or whatever like fucking uh, and eventually, you know
People were vibing and enjoying the conversation and and the connection and then they're like, well, let me check this out
And then fucking it just took off and then everybody knew about liberty square. Everybody loves liberty square
Fucking smartest shit. So props to you fam. Like I think that's uh
Yeah, that's the way to market right there
And I try to tell people that a lot too, especially like if they come up and they they do that like instant shill
I'm like look man
If you just come up and you vibe and you hang out like I can't speak for other spaces hosts
But me personally if somebody comes up and they're like hanging out with us
And I see like in their description that they're the founder or something like i'll ask you
To tell us about that shit if you're like kicking it with us and having a good time
Like i'm gonna i'm gonna bring that shit up
Like you don't have to and if i'm the one that's bringing it up, it's gonna people are gonna be a lot more receptive
uh to listening about it than if you just come out and say and
Some people get it some people don't but liberty square fucking definitely gets it pioneers of that shit. So shout out to you guys
The worst is when someone just insta comes up to the speaker panel
Post something to the billboard with a link and then just goes quiet and i'm like, bro
What are you doing? Like you look so sus right now
So yeah, don't do that
Oh my god, that reminds me. I gotta tell you about this fucking time
I think I I think I talked about it before but uh, it was like I couldn't tell if this dude got hacked or not
Um doc knows he's in the group chat doc came in later
And he's like what the fuck is going on?
Because this dude like he posted like five different, uh, like discord dot gift links in the group chat
It was like, uh, you know, he said it was not it was gifted nitro
But they they were like failed. They're all failed links and we were like, what the fuck?
And I came in and I saw that and I was like yo, I think homie got
The the guy in the group chat that uh, he was like, okay i'm gonna you know, uh, take away his perms and stuff
I was like, yeah, we we gotta make sure that he's he's not hacked anymore and he comes into the group chat
A good way to verify that is to have them like dmu on another platform because usually if you get hacked it's only that
Uh platform like they usually like get your discord security token, right?
So I was like, okay. Well dm me on twitter and he dms me on twitter and he's like, hey, it's me
I was like, okay, uh, he he should be good then so I go back to the group chat and i'm like
Hey, he's good
The next fucking message that he sends is like, hey
Can you send me some eth for a vpn and i'll give you soul i'm like, wait what?
Like wait, what did you say?
Hell no, what the fuck are you talking about dude? He's like i'm at school and I want to play games
I can't buy it with eat. He's like I can't buy it with soul
I'll give you the soul first and I was like i'm not fucking sending you eat, bro
Like do you realize how sus you sound right now? Like now I think you're definitely hacked bro
I was like, I can't tell him he's hacked or not
Uh, it was fucking
Uh, I think he ended up being good
But I was like yo like like dude like if you're just
If we suspect that you get hacked and then we like finally decide that you're not
You can't have the first fucking message you send be hey
Can you send me some eth and i'll send you some soul like just you can't do that, man
You can't fucking do that
If he as soon as he sent if I were you
Oh, wait, and even hold on even worse. He fucking deleted the messages too. Like after he said him
He's like, let me clean up this group chat and he fucking deleted all the messages
Ron that's an insta boot. Goodbye band you're gone
That's what dr. Slott said he came in
Oh snooze was there too. Yeah, how's dm and snooze like bro, what the fuck is going on?
I don't know what's happening right now and then dr
Solana gets into the chat and he's like i'm just removing him like that's that's what's happening right now. He's like no
Oh my god, that shit was crazy
But my bad kenny, what were you about to say?
Uh, I don't know but I was just bringing snooze back up here. I guess he got booted
Yeah, I thought snooze got hacked so I booted him off the speaker panel
I mean those are but no speaking of
It was so weird, dude
And he was like posting screenshots of like the vpn payment screen and he's like see I can't use eth
Or I can't use soul. I was like that doesn't help at all. Like that's not helping bro
I can't do it. I can't do it. Nope not happening
You gotta wait at least three weeks before I'd send you anything like you gotta be verified first my guy
Like listen, I work in cyber security. Like i'm pretty
Uh, I I wear that fucking I haven't been like yet as a badge of honor
And so like i'm i'm pretty careful about my shit
Yeah, I I I take quite a few precautions like people wonder why i'm like slow as shit at doing stuff
And it's because I take a lot of extra steps to do basically anything like if anybody sends me a link
Um, I like plug the link into virus total first and then I uh, type the link out
I hand type the link and then I use that to put into the
Um into the web browser like i'll never click a link that somebody sends me
It takes a little bit more time, but hey, man, it's uh, that way you know, you're safe
It's just better, you know take a few extra minutes to keep yourself safe save you from getting your wallet drained
You know, you have to spend some extra time, but is it worth it not losing all your shit? I think so
Speaking of i'll give a cyber security tip of the night keep your shit safe tip of the night
Okay, listen guys if you are a project founder and you've created a discord for your project
Number one tip is a good night bot great fucking security bot to have that shit will keep you safe
That shit locks a server down
Um, so get the good night. It's it's good. And then night is like a knight in shining shining armor like kni ght
So good night, but that's a good one to have but if you want to be completely 100% safe
It's really easy. Okay. Listen, like I said, it's gonna take some extra time to do shit, but it's worth it
So you create a separate discord create a profile and call that discord profile admin
Nobody gets admin perms not even the founder. Nobody has admin perms from the server. Nobody can do anything on the server
only the admin profile can do admin tasks and then
You like you if you need to do anything admin related
You log out of your profile log into the admin profile and fucking do what you need to do and then log back out
It's really simple guys
Like that way even if you get hacked like your server safe your profile might be hacked, but your server's good to go
Because you're not doing that weird shit, you know, you're not fucking reading that dm and discord
It's like hey, we'll pay you five each the week to test our game out. You're like, let's fucking do it, baby
You're not doing that from your discord admin profile
And so your server stays safe. So if you want to keep your server safe simple do it
Um, that's all you got to do. Anyways, and you just want to
Always send me your seed phrases. I can protect them with my life
Um, no one will ever get into your ledger. Um, so yeah
That is true kenny has all my seed phrases see they offer a similar service that's so weird
Yeah, I don't know like I i'm pretty sure he's like keeping it extra safe because I haven't seen my d god in a while
It's like not been in my wallet, but I can he said that he's just keeping it extra safe
Yeah, okay. He's a good guy. I ain't selling no d god right now. Why would I ever do that? It's safe as fuck
Let's fucking go baby
Let's fucking go. Yo, okay. I gotta be honest. We've been going about a little under two hours now, but
I fucked up last night and stayed up to like almost five in the morning building ikea furniture. So i'm pretty fucking tired
Uh, we're gonna have to cut this one out
Oh fucking don't hey listen next tip last tip of the night
Don't tell your friends that you're good at building ikea furniture. They'll fucking take advantage of that shit
I built fucking three glass cases a fucking desk and uh, uh bear brick stand
That wasn't even ikea
How much soul did you charge?
he gave me
About four soul
Or five about five soul. He gave me about five soul for it. So, you know, it was cool, but uh
You know hooking the homie up. I I gotta help the homies out. Uh, phoenix rager you're requesting
You're not even following me dog. So you're gonna sit in that request
Uh box so enjoy that anyways, uh much love everybody for coming
I don't get it man
Like I don't understand people request to come up and they're like not even following at least the host
I say the host and the co-host you got to follow at least the coast
Host and the co-host and if you want to really be respectful follow the speakers as well
It's it's fucking dude. There's a max of
fucking what uh
10 there's a max of 10 speakers total so you have to follow 10 people total
To get up on there and be respectful like how hard is that?
I don't know. It seems so simple to me, but if you're not at least following the host
Like why do you even want to come up? I don't understand. Um, it makes no sense to me
But hey, you know, that's just me
Right. I just don't get it plus like us
We you come in you follow us you talk right you come into another space
We'll request you because we want to talk to you, you know, it's like you got a thing long term here
Fuck you kenny
Damn i'm getting shit on. All right, that means we definitely gotta cut it. Yo
Uh, much love everybody for coming out. We do this every single week. Uh, we are I haven't said it in the space
I keep forgetting we are the only I repeat the only
Weekly dean god's community space. There's not another one out there
We're the only one so we got to get the whole d if you have in here
We're working towards it. We've been doing this for a little over a month now
Starting to get a nice little uh, you know group of people hanging out. So loving it loving it come back next week
We do it every single wednesday 10 p.m. PST
1 a.m. EST that late night d gen hour, baby. Let's fucking go
Uh, what is that 5 a.m?
Uh UTC, I believe so make sure to come back next week next wednesday. Come and hang out with us
Hope everybody's having a good night good week having a good rest of your week
We'll see you next time much love to everybody and hope you have a good night. All right, peace