Recorded: Jan. 26, 2024 Duration: 0:58:09



Hello, hello one second
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
What up, what up
Good morning. Good morning
What day is it? January 26th
Four four four four
Look at that
Another beautiful day to have a beautiful day. I do not I mean I do have my microphone
Um, but I forgot the adapter usb to macbook
So that's not gonna work today. I'm in my room. I am wearing a jacket because
Um, the ac is cranking though. I put the heat on
I woke up this morning lads. It was 17 degrees in my room
And um, and and I put the heat on um, so I had to make like hot water to drink i'm on like survival mode here
Uh in toronto
Uh, but you know, we're making it happen. I got my tim wortons
Um, I got you know, my tim bits. I had 10 of them
I had a breakfast sandwich. So we're back. Um, I got my calls in the house
I said man
Shit, how are you guys doing today?
Yeah, good. I just had some uh some commotion with like buying a pair of jeans but
Oh really wait, hold on what?
well, you know like um
You know like how I have like a
Ongoing thing about like getting you know, trousers that fit and stuff
Well, do you not know this for him for what?
OSF has to have every single pair of jeans. He he like buys like specially made
He like he scored
No, there's something about the size of his ass. I think
Yeah, it's my thighs and my ass
They don't make like
Anyway, I found it difficult difficult. Yeah
Ever since I was probably like 21 when I really like developed my body. Um
So hold on your ass is too big to fit in jeans
It's like my ass and my thighs. Yeah, like how does someone like overweight fit in jeans and you don't
Because they're usually taller and I guess it gets like plus size places. I'm not like
I'm not like plus. Yeah, just thick basically
But like two years ago, I met this guy in Selfridges
It's like so this big like gay Italian guy and he just like got me straight away
He was like, I know what you want. Like I know I get it. I get it
And then I can like get all these things out and stuff and I'll be perfect and then
Um, it's like once a year I go there to like buy a pair of jeans and then we went last Sunday
But he wasn't there and I was like, oh maybe he's left. So
Um, so I had it altered
Went to go collect it today
And it was like all wrong and like it was like flared out stuff and the guy was there and he's like, I don't remember you
I was like, yeah
Um, his name is george
And he's like, oh, this is wrong. This is the wrong
We have to like try and like return the wrong size to get like the right size without paying and everything
Like complete disaster. He was like tell him tell him tell him tell you this
Tell him I tell you this and like tell me that weird things to say so he so we'd like
Get the free money and stuff. Yeah, it's pretty pretty wild
Did he give you that awful orange satin shirt as well as the freebie or
No, he liked my shirt though. He didn't say that my shirt. All right. He's very fashionable. So
I like I I have to say orange looks really good on ovi. Um, thank you, you know, it's just
That's the italian guy right? Yeah, no, okay. Yeah
I'm a person called george. Um, but
Now we have jorge, but as spanish the italian is george george
Jovani, um
You know, I have to say
Um, you go yesterday
You know, I get a screenshot
From my team in the rugrito team chat
And they're showing me ovi drinking on the show
Um, and then I I tune in and I see mando also drinking on the show
You know, I have to say i'm kind of i'm kind of upset, you know
The one day i'm not here. I've never missed shows the one day i'm not here
You know, the boys are drinking on the show
It's you know, it's upsetting. So I went last night. We were drinking because because you went on the show, dude
Yes, that's that's the reason
You're energized I was so upset that I went and drank last night a lot
Which is why
Your boy here is like, you know half of himself this morning. I have to say i'm getting old
You know i'm pushing 30 this year
It's getting harder to drink, you know
With all this work that we all have it's tough boys
I mean when you guys hit 30 would is that when like everything started going downhill like
32 for me 32 33
I don't really drink that much. So like i've never really been not for not for a few years. So like yeah
I'm gonna get hammered anymore. So I don't really know but I definitely feel like it'd be I
My recovery is not good. Like by day three of any of these nrt conferences
I'm like, you know, I don't want to see you or speak to anyone. I've been pretty good with the conference stuff
Um, but I have to say I so i'm in toronto right now
I came to speak here
Um, it was phenomenal
Like honestly, I have to say one of the best panels i've ever been on and i've done a lot of them
Um, and it was like 200 people in the crowd. Like it was a lot of people like they packed that room
And uh, it was crazy. Like I gotta give a shout out to night shift. Sorry other life
Uh, who actually built the first rug video branding and i'm pretty sure they work with you guys, right?
Um on rekt right they did your website
Do these you guys probably still work with them?
To moon pay, of course my boy keith shout out keith grossman
Who called me this morning to admit that munchal bagels are better than new york bagels
And then he hung up on me
Uh, but you know, I I came last night. I came yesterday to toronto took me three planes to get here 45 minutes of flight
And uh, and I I made it
and I spoke about
Web three
And the power of brand partnerships or whatever the title was I forgot, but it was great
It was fine. It was a lot of cool people. So toronto. I love you guys
Um, though this hotel room is like trying to fucking kill me
I'm dying. I'm so cold in here, but it'll work out anyways today. I'll show
Today, what do we got? Let's see what sims prepared for us this morning. Um
Market report market report, you know, I mean I woke up
a check price good price, you know
Amazing I love to see that. Uh, so we'll talk about that
It looks like uh, you know sauces songs needs
Nothing new here. We knew that and it was posted like that's wallet that moved all the eath
So, you know ready at this stage i'm ready. I can get dumped on every day for like 100 days in a row
I'm ready for it. No problem. I can tick anything i'm sure you guys can as well
Uh air drops
I mean some pretty big stuff i'm gonna i'm gonna you know, kick that when we get there to our solana correspond on
Correspondent, you know ovie
You know, there's the wen airdrop. There's the jupiter coming up. I mean ovie's football manlet mode
You'd love to see that so we're gonna get a we're gonna hear it from him what goes on there
But i i'm super bullish about what's going on there. So exciting. I can't wait. Um
Oh, so zai is elon. I thought zai was soby. So elon raises
six billion dollars
Six billion dollars. Oh shit through zai. That's crazy. Um, wow out of 20 billion dollar valuation
He hasn't he hasn't raised it yet
Oh, he will he will. Okay, um, I guess we're gonna have to print some money to be part of that
Pokemon is investigating power world. Oh my god. These must be down so bad right now
So we're gonna have to talk about that
I have not heard from these and dread guy and soby
Since power world came out
And you guys know that we have not heard from the boys nothing
These has disappeared
Uh from the surface of the planet since power world came out. So shout out to these for that
And an nft roundup and last but not least
We're giving away a thousand
We're giving with thousand dollars a day
Yesterday, you know what? Well, you know what lads I met the winner of the first thousand dollars last night
He came to the event and he was so happy shout out to opportunists who won the first thousand dollars on
Wednesday and he came last night to the toronto event. So I want to give him a big shout out
It was really cool. You know, he was he was not having the greatest day
And then he won a thousand dollars and it was like really cool. It was poetic. Honestly, and he told me the story was awesome
Uh, so shout out to opportunists. Love you, man
And then yesterday I saw some rec guy one love to see that
Though you should dm bernie for that thousand dollars not me, but we got you and then today
If you're on the twitter spaces
Live at the end. We're gonna do a pick up your twitter picker
We're gonna pick your one of y'all and you're gonna win a thousand dollars for listening live
So hey, you know what win win win all across the board here. But anyways, I don't have my soundboard
I don't have my road caster. I don't have my microphone. I have nothing
Mando talk to us about the market
Uh with your mario nafl headset
Yeah, I loved uh, I love that intro. It was like you actually reading the news for the first time which is uh,
Which is good. I'm really so ready for the show. Like I'm really professional with my shit today
I'm just like I'm having a jacket in bed. I mean, I don't know what's going on
Yeah, no, um, well you missed the market kind of pumping back a little bit. That's what I would say. Uh, bitcoin's above 41k
That's good to see if is
2,250 salon is at 92
Let's go and a bunch of different old coins are running again things like tm moves up higher
Um a couple of others, but yeah, it's it
Optimism's higher a couple of the brc 20s and moved quite aggressively higher
Just a good day. Um all around
um, I think the majority of that was just
It looks like the
It looks like the gbtc outflows have slowed. I think they were matched basically by inflows yesterday
So it looks like we could be at the at the tail end of that. I think jp morgan put out a piece
Yesterday saying they think it's going to be that's kind of the majority of it done. I know bloomberg had a different
different opinion, but it is uh
It's interesting to see that people think it's it's largely um, it's largely done. There was some other bad headlines though
Which was that the government's going to sell like a hundred million bitcoin it seems
I saw that I was like why people can't get a hundred mil like we just it does seem small. Yeah
Uh, and then you had 20 billion to dump on us
And then celsius have got this aside to sell this billion dollar each which again
They were moving it before now. They're actually actively selling it. So I don't know
Yeah, we've definitely rallied on both of those sort of headlines. So
We're up higher. It does feel like um out of the three majors. Solano is is um,
Solana eth solana bitcoin is as like reversed slightly. Um
I think the the majority of the focus people are here every single day, uh is on air drops right now
um, you had a free air drop for jupiter, which is this wen token, which
um was led by an nft project in the space then you have um
Then you have the jupiter air drop which is coming on the 31st
Which um, I was looking at today. I already have like a four billion dollar valuation in free market, which is huge
Like that is definitely monster
um, and then you have
Uh, and then you've had the air drops yesterday, which is also performing. Well, so you had um alt layer the bare air drop
Um, and I think people are just like that's what people are focusing on this. There's some big ones coming, right?
I think I was the name the biggest ones coming you
you have um
blast you have uh
Fossil I guess is coming relatively soon. I think that would be relatively big
I think you have um
Things like I mean there's been ones I've been going on for ages like layer zero you have this dimension one
Which a lot of people have been talking about obviously pudgy penguins have been tied to that. Um, which also links the layer zero
You have monads you have like there's just like so many like big big ones coming. Um
And I think that's what people are now focused on this
I put it out yesterday, but this does not feel like a bear market for me
This feels like we could switch on pretty aggressively with this sort of um
People making free money every single day
Amazing. Um, I love that. I hear that. Um, so I I
My mom brought me a sandwich back from france. Can I still eat that?
Uh, maybe maybe
Um, and she brought me my favorite sandwich home. So I was just looking at a photo
But anyways, there's a lot of there's a lot going like the thing
There's a lot of cool stuff coming up in the space, you know
Like when you when you talk about all this stuff going on
Like what's what's up with this jupiter airdrop ob you're the you're the one like, you know, tailing that day to day
You're on it. What's up with when what's going on?
On that front
Are you muted
We cannot hear you at all
So jupiter are launching a launch pad
The coins kind of like how you see binance launch pad and other launch pads from um centralized exchanges. So
So i've done this weird thing with the head like mock jupiter's like which is a test token last week
Now they're testing the launch pad with a meme token, which is called
Which I think represents some sort of like fractionalized ownership of an nft on a new nft on a new nft standard
That was a poem about when boys made by meow
That looks like it's trading at like a 56 billion mark cap, I think
Do my math correctly?
um, but yeah, that was a free backdrop for that and basically anyone who'd ever used jupiter before um
I think the value the value per wallet is something very low like 60 per wallet or something but um, you know if uh,
the total I think there's about a million wallets in total that um
I received when I said it was quite large. Yeah
So that's okay. I think to be honest with you. I just think like
Whatever on this thing. I think the main thing is going to be the dupe airdrop itself, which will come in
At the end of january 31st of january. It looks like it's already trading
Well, there are like perhaps that I trade that quotes like a four billion dollar fdv, but it's probably not very liquid
so I wouldn't like um
Uh, I wouldn't take I would take it with a pinch of salt, but yeah, that's going to be a big big. Um
Like capital inflow for the salana ecosystem, I think
So yeah, that's where we are there
But it just feels like you know
What eth did during 2020 and 2021 with all these different airdrops that are actually worth something and people are making money off of them
and I think that then
You know encourages more people to use that ecosystem and and be an active user there. So
Um, that's where we are with that at the moment
You're muted so how does one
So I know I just saw that, you know meow went live yesterday night on twitch for a couple hours
To explain to people like what happens with that airdrop. So how does one?
How does one check if they get the airdrop? Like are you going to be able like everyone's getting it for just being active if you use
Jupiter if you use jupiter
Prior to like within the last six months prior to the snapshot then you will get it
Yeah, I think the websites are when when and things say
Yeah, I'll just go to the official jupiter twitter and check them out
guys, that is crazy, I mean
Yeah, I think it would be my opinion is it would have been more valuable if it was an airdrop like gta where it was
Actually worth something. I think the ones where they give like a very small amount to loads of people
Just doesn't really have much of an impact because I mean
How was the how was bonk was it the whole thing originally an airdrop?
I don't really know
I think bonk started off as an airdrop like all the solano wallets
Like one of those like yeah, like it was like something crazy
Like they just airdropped everybody bonk. Yeah, it was worthless
It was a massive claim like uh, I think that's why they have so many holders
It's like insane how many people got given it
So maybe it can work, you know
You have like the biggest decks on solana and meow who has like 500 000 followers and seems to be very well liked
Um behind it. So, you know, maybe it can and it will
This is like this is actually this is crazy like
how like we I know we talk about this a lot right now on the show because obviously solano is taking all like
All the attention at the moment, but surely this probably means that that whole ecosystem is about to just explode this year
Like that's just the way I see it like nft's
Meme coins on there. I mean all of them are running
Um, though one of ours is doing really bad ov today. Um
I know which one
I think we got dumped on overnight
It holds true to its name
It looks like ob and I got dumped on overnight
Just saw that uh, you boys are in control
You're not in control that's for sure I know
And what do you make of this man though? Like it's pretty crazy. Like you got it
You got into the solana trade quite early last year
You know, you've been talking about this for a minute
Obviously we we kind of tailed and we're all in now and we're all pretty involved in the whole ecosystem at the stage
But what do you what do you make of all this like for me? It's like a reminiscing like 2021 e all over again
Yeah, I I I mean we've been thinking about this for a little bit now
So I don't want to like repeat but it just it does. Um
I was looking at it again today and and I actually called ob about it earlier
Something that I I keep on thinking in crypto is that like sometimes the best trades are the obvious trades
Which are perhaps taking a little bit of time to play out
Because in that time that it takes to play out often people
They they like oh fuck like it hasn't moved in a little bit. I need to dig in into something else
They chase it up and they chase it. Yeah, to me solana is like a long term obvious trade of this cycle
And if I was the time getting back into it, I would say this is a good time
I think bitcoin very similarly in 2023 was the obvious trade
But it was too boring and a lot of people chased a lot of other like
A lot of trades last year and actually they would probably done better
Just only big ones bitcoin did like a two and a half x right?
I think a lot of people chased a pump like a 10 20 30 percent pump
They got rekt and they should have zoned bitcoin for me. I feel like solana is that trade right now?
I feel like this thing at 40 billion dollars could easily double and I put out a tweet about that just just before
And and for me if it doubled I don't think that would be surprising to literally anyone like it's everything is going on there
right now
And I think it was boring for a little bit because it went down from what 130 to 90 everyone started getting into meme coins
And all this other shit
But like for example if jupiter comes at 4 billion dollars
Solana at 40 billion dollars seems like the wrong price to me like I don't know how to describe it
But like uniswap is a five billion dollar coin and ethereum trades at 250 billion
So like I look at that and I think like if i'm sitting on a chain here
Where the airdrops are coming at like 10 percent of the value of the chain
That that seems really mispriced
so like and
And then you have situations where like all the other stuff is working well on it like they've got the new narratives in fire
Dancer that all the deepened stuff you've been seeing with like helium. They got a dog with hat
They got the meme coins. They got stable coin transfers. It's like
This thing just feels like it could double
I I think it will be obvious
In in hindsight
But it takes a lot of guts to like not not just being all the other degen shit
And just be like i'm just going to be like you can you can like go levered
Yeah, you really want to go more degen
But um, I feel like it's it's again the obvious trade and it will perform because it's the obvious trade
And in some ways it will be a bit of coke because I think a lot of people have gone into other bags here
And then it'll be like fuck that was the obvious trade again
It's like I feel like you know, I think you're totally spot on and obviously photos closer
like this is where all my bags are but I wrote about that a couple days ago, but like
I think it's been the obvious trade for
Almost six months now, right?
Like I think for me like the big swap was like around november
Where like I was like, okay, fuck it like at this stage like ethan's just too stagnant for me
Obviously, we're building on ethereum. So like it's not being bearish on ethereum
Like for me ethereum is like the future of the planet like it's everything I want to build will ever always be on ethereum
And an arbitrum for this world because that's helping scale ethereum better than anything else
But when it comes to trade like I think you're absolutely right
And I think ovi like you fully like took the kind of the jump into that as well
Uh more recently too
But like it's just like it seems like this is like this is the best narrative going on in crypto right now
Like there's so much going on for it
I think it's quite a strong thing to say it's the best narrative in crypto
but I just think there's a part of the crypto world, which is like a bunch of degens and
The majority of them tend to be in like the same place
We've had like
Nft's on eth he had shit coins on eth he had defi on eth
And right now it just seems like that most of that degenerativity maybe not in terms of like
tbl or size or metrics, but just in terms of like
noise and um
A community I guess is another word for it as well. I just it's salon is like you can't deny that it's like
rapidly increasing I think
So like best narrative in crypto I think is not really like the way I put it but I think um
The most active casino in crypto is definitely one way I would put it and um
um, I think uh
You know if you think about you think about eth during 2020 what 2020 2021 like
Q1 like this time in 2021 eth was creating at something like a
200 billion 250 billion dollar market cap
I think it peaked at like almost 600 billion
In 2021 right now salons at like less, you know at 40
So again that you can't that you can't just make compare those numbers like for like and i'm sure
The internet if you look at the actual metrics of eth in 21 compared to salon now, but eth was still like materially materially higher
Um, I just don't think the activity and hype around salon is going to drop anytime soon having
Airdrops which are actually valuable. So like the one airdrop i'm not going to count as one that's valuable because yeah
Because it's too early and every one I got like 30 bucks, but gito a little 60 bucks, but gito definitely was one
Jupiter is definitely going to be one and there are probably more that i've missed that I haven't mentioned and I think there will be
more as well and
You know when people just start making when you see your twitter feed and people just making loads of money and it all seems
to be on one chain
Again, it's not you can't just extrapolate these things and be like oh this means that salona should be trading at this
But you but they're all data points that you can add to say that maybe it looks
Cheapest even still
Yeah, it was a reason for the market balance across the board today
It happened yesterday
Sorry happened this morning. I think when the final ETF flows started coming in
Also, like funding had gone that a lot of shorts have been added particularly in in um in the top three points
So this could be a short squeeze
Like i've been saying for the last last week, but my trade is really this. I think that's lana looks mispriced here
You've heard of that
That post at the bottom
We won't do the victory laps this year i'll i'll save that retweet for a couple of months
Oh that robert that robert pnl is about to come in hot, huh?
Mando minutes on the leaderboard again
Um, but yeah, I just I think I think it's gonna outperform a lot of things. Yeah, that's just my view
I love that. No, that makes sense. Listen, there's a lot of excitement around it
Uh, that's for sure and there's a lot of going on like I can't even keep up with all the meme points
for example, let alone the nft collections like any time you
For me like a good gouge of like where the market is with regards to like an ecosystem is always. Um, the
The engagement it gets on the media standpoint and on both the decrypt side when they write about like
That salona ecosystem and on rug radio
Or myself anything I put out even you your tweet this morning
It's like it's absurd the amount of engagement that is around salona right now
And that's just like where I think most of the narrative is at the moment and I think it's hard to
Hard to ignore that. Um ovia a lot of people seem to be
Um, you know complimenting your hair today. I have to say it is
Um, it is flowing it is flowing today. You absolutely love to see that
It's so funny so
Is impeccable on the stream you love to see that. Um
But yeah, uh, anyways in other news
In other news, so that's that's on the crypto, you know price action side. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah looks looking good
Um, you know will we get shabbat candle? It is friday. It is friday after all. Are we gonna get our shabbat candles?
Let's hope so
It's looking good though, because we can't get dumped on by barry silver this weekend. That's a good thing. So come 4 p.m
We're back, you know, i'm excited for the weekend now boys because I know that you know
Um the trad five boys can come and unleash the beast on us. So it's great. I think ovie you made a great point yesterday
Um about how like people seem to have forgotten like the volume on bitcoin is not just ctf's like there's been volume for 10 years
And I think you you you you brought that home yesterday with that tweet of yours. So I thought it was good. Um
to point that out
Um anyways
So next up what do we got here?
So we already talked about the airdrop for jupiter and for when for what's worse
So go go check it if you're on so, what is it?
Like the best thing is just to go on the jupiter website, right for anybody that wants to claim
Uh, yeah, I just I just go to twitter. Yeah, I you know
I don't like saying where to go because there's so many phishing links
I don't want to be the person that has like yeah, I just you know, let people figure out themselves
Yes, so it's but the right website though. I'll say it's
Right. That's the jupiter website. Yeah, that's the jupiter website and it's on there and you can check it out. That's
Crazy, it's it's exciting man. I think something is so exciting for an ecosystem
Anyways, so what do we got next? What do we got next? So elon?
What is elon up to now elon musk?
for financial times
Um elon's ai startup seeks to raise six billion dollars from investors to challenge
Openai the tesla chief targets 20
billion dollar valuation in a bid to take on openai. I mean
What can you tell us about this what is going on elon's world and the world of ai I feel like you're a big ai guy
I haven't I haven't quite pivoted yet, but um
I think uh
This this is interesting, right? Like um
Clearly a lot of the training data is going to be from twitter
for this model
Um, and there have been some controversy here about the fact that this could be like seen as stripping out
Some of the like the most valuable assets on twitter even here
Um, he has said that twitter shareholders would are going to own some of xai
And it like that's that say let's go out like I don't know a thousand foot view of elon's empire right now
Um, you have space x which is which is currently heading towards most probably an ipo
Or some form of a of a like a high valuation sale people have said it could be worth like 200 300 billion like very very high
He has tesla which is down 20 percent already or 25 percent this month, which is a very big slowdown in
Uh ebs electric vehicles at the moment globally
Um, he has a couple of other businesses, but let's just let's just say x is the next one x is a complete disaster
Like from a business standpoint
Uh, they've lost the vast majority of tier one advertisers. They have a huge amount of debt which he bought it at like 40 billion dollar valuation
Most of the debt that is traded would have been traded by me and ovie in a previous life like it's at the stress levels
It's trading. Um, I think banks have already written a little bit down like it's a disaster
He has basically spun up this new company xai
Um, and he's I don't even remember but like when he took over
Uh x or twitter he stopped he stopped the ability for these ai models to scrape the data
He put up very high fees for that. Um
So there is this idea that like he can now
begin to build like an ai model using the huge amount of data that twitter has um
And this is his new venture and he could value at 20 billion, which is not
Far off like what twitter is value like almost 50
It was valued at like 40 45 billion. I think when he bought it. So it's it's about 50 of the valuation. Um
It'll be interesting to see what happens there because in our old world that could that could potentially be seen as like stripping out assets from the
From the main company like if i'm a twitter bond holder right now
I might be a little bit annoyed. Um
Because arguably he could have created this in-house at twitter
He's actually spun off his like he's spun it up as a new company and he's taking like he's
That's why it's called xai
What did you say
Was somebody grok grok grok rock is the is the is the google one, right?
No, it's it's x no grok x. Yeah
Sorry, so that that is owned by x ar that is owned by x ar
I've never been in my life. Should I try I don't think I don't think many people have but people believe that the training data from twitter
Like it is insane like what you can get from what is on twitter, right? So
So that's how that's what he's doing and obviously there is some backstory here
Like elon was the original investor in openai and forget how much he gave them
But it was a lot of money either 50 or 500 million. I forget one of those two. I think it was 50
um, and then
over the course of of openai
Uh his life cycle eventually moved away from his his ownership and
Became a it was originally a non-profit and then as we've seen recently basically has become just part of microsoft. So, um
yeah, like
He has a history here. He's he's obviously very vocal about the like
AI and the um the issues that he sees as ai and part of the valuation of tesla even is some of their in-house ai
capabilities, so
He's bidding himself a little empire. I do think there's some there's some cross
Benefits between all the different things he's doing
But uh, this one feels the most similar to something else that he's done
Like he could have built this inside of twitter, but he hasn't he's made it
He's made it a completely new venture using a lot which is going to use a lot of twitter's um capabilities
Interesting. Okay, that's gonna be I mean he's got the world's best like
Tool just like uh, like platforms is great, right for his ai modeling. So it makes sense what you're saying, right?
There's there's still a lot of active users on x right whether the business model is
Not doing great
Or not, but it's funny that you said that you and ovie would be trading that if you were still at barkley's
What would you guys be?
Would you guys be like dumping the chart right now on x like what would you guys be like if you were at the barkley's
Right now selling distressed assets. Like what would you guys be doing right now with that?
I bet you a lot of a lot of bond holders and who cares about them
But a lot of bond holders be very pissed at how this has happened
Like that's what I would tell you because I think they would have been like, well, why the hell has he created his own separate ai company?
Music was just going to be very related to like the data from x. Um, let's see
All right. Well, let's uh, let's see what happens. I mean, obi
Would you be would you be buying those distressed assets who would be selling them? Would you be shorting them?
No, I would never short distressed stuff unless
Like not low prices so what is used to do like used to like buy
Shares of like companies. I would share. I mean I would we didn't trade shares. I would create bonds and cts
Unless I thought something was going to fault. I would short it. I wouldn't like short something
I was already already defaulted. What's like the most insane short you ever pulled off
Like what did you ever like brought a company to see maybe
Many in 2020 companies
You got that you saw that reaction
I've been i've been through a few zeros. Yeah
Oh, yeah, I always have to swim through a few in 2020 companies is like they went like that
Like it was insane. I can't I can't even tell you how insane those few weeks
No way, you know, the big one really was a stoudy I really I really got now
Yeah, you got them in the end. There's a lot of like very
Tell us more. What did you do? Did you literally run a company in a zero? No, I didn't do anything
I had a massive. No, I had a massive short in there, but I like that I left
Yeah, it's not like that
These companies run themselves to figure out like often like it was a lot of european infrastructure companies which did some very dodgy things
Uh sally abrangoa famously
But like what what name
How they run
Yeah in 2020 they uh, it was good companies that went like
Airlines when every single cruise line that you've ever known when
Most like car rental companies when like all all the travel industry just
defaulted straight away
That's crazy
It's honestly fascinating
Wow, okay. Interesting. I I mean, I don't love that but um, I think it's fire. Uh, anyways
Shit, that's obi's reaction
We ran the company in zero
How many how many companies you run to zero many
That's the craziest thing i've ever heard you say
Oh my god, anyways, uh, so that's that on the xai, uh, you know, uh xai news
We'll see what happens with elon, but I can't fathom like that amount of money like he's apparently he's already raised like a billion dollars
He's raising a raising a 20 billion dollar valuation. So we'll see what that what what happens with that
Is that gonna pump our xai bags? I don't know, but it's the same ticker
So we'll see what happens there bullish on sobi here, uh pokemon
What's up with pokemon man pokemon to investigate power world
I want to talk to you guys about something with regards to power world
Not only have I lost three friends of mine to power world
Oh, it's not obi. Sorry sobi the other obi obi at home. Uh, sobi
Um, I keep calling obi sovi and sobi obi that's crazy
Hope that's not racist, right?
No comment, okay
But so obi
strike guy
They're gone
They don't exist anymore
Like I have not spoken to these guys in a week and I usually talk to them every single day of my life
Alongside you guys they've completely gone
Uh to power world, but it looks like pokemon is not having it. It looks like pokemon is not having it
I'm trying to find a link sims. Um
And oh there it is. There it is. There it is on the verse. So the pokemon company
Says it will investigate power
It will take appropriate measures
If it finds the game people are calling pokemon with guns
Infringed on its ip. I mean have you guys been looking into this power world phenomenon?
It is insane
Like they started this company with ten thousand dollars
So from here forward when I hear one of you motherfuckers raise a hundred million dollars. I expect
a hundred times better than power
Is that fair?
That's fair. We spoke about it a lot yesterday sleep. Oh, you did? Okay. I didn't know that okay close
We don't have to go over it
But uh, but yeah, I think sims even came on the show and and gave this color so that uh
That pokemon were going to be pissed about it
Yeah, the news is that they are like they're going to investigate it essentially but um makes sense
Yeah, I mean, what do we think they do? I don't think they're gonna shut it down
They're probably gonna just have to replicate it like nintendo at this stage like has to launch like
It's it's nintendo, right pokemon. Yeah, it's nintendo. They have to launch their own
I believe it's the nintendo. It's the pokemon company, right? It is the pokemon company, but
Where's jonah she's christ
Where's jonah when we need him he's not there. I can't bring him up on stage
Uh, but jointly owned by three different companies, which is nintendo game freaking creatures. See they're a part
Knew it. Uh, see I know come on man. I may only play fifa in fortnite, but I know my shit. Um,
That's fire. I think they handle all the gaming side of it. Um
Because the pokemon company is massive, right? They have the ip they have they do a lot of different things, right with the cards
but they also do a lot of stuff with like
fat like, you know, like for example when like
daniel arson wants to use the pokemon ip to like do new statues and whatnot. So
Um, anyway, so there's a lot going on there. Let's see if it we'll see what happens after but they've sold over
Million copies in less than six days. You know what i'm pissed off
I can't play on my so hold on i've never been a gamer in my in my life
I've only ever played fifa. Okay on playstation
You can't play on your macbook
So i'm gonna have to buy a pc to play power world
By a game you can't play steam at all on your computer on your macbook sims where sims at you can't you can't at all
I mean you could you get any later and you could try and go through an emulator
Just just get a just get a decent pc i've done with it played it but i'm big I actually opened it up like to play it
I'm pretty sure I yeah, I played it like for like five minutes
Maybe longer
Pay for five minutes man
Yeah, play for five minutes bro, but I had I have a mac but at the same time
I don't remember what I used
It played for five minutes straight back to chinese laptop. I have a chinese laptop. So i'm just wondering if I use that one
Why do you have a chinese laptop?
Michael speaks man. I have two I have two laptops
Um, this is why it's confusing but one of them is chinese
Yeah, uh, I used to have a chinese laptop which i've been doing this out of for a long long time
I have like a normal dell laptop and then I have an apple laptop. I need to remember. I forget which one i played though
Well, you're playing. No, what happened to the chinese one? Yeah, what happened to chinese laptop? I had to own that laptop in like 2010 dude
It didn't make it
I feel like i'm we're digging deeper into the story like we need to know more about this chinese laptop like what's going on there
I basically bought like a high spec laptop
But it came from china and I just got destroyed like destroyed for buyers. It was like it was basically like
Like most laptops of that caliber cost like a grand or two grand this laptop cost like 150 quid or something
I just like there's no way that there's no way that this is legit
Oh my god, I think it was legit, but there was like no branding. You couldn't send it back at all
Um, it lasted for a while
But then yeah
Like I think what actually happened is like the screen started to come apart a bit
And then like I tried to take it to a conducive person to get it fixed. They were like who built this?
I was like, uh, yeah, uh, I don't know but it was a good really good laptop at what I want to say
Hardware the hardware let me down
That's so funny chinese laptop, all right, well, um, you know, be careful what you buy online folks
Um, anyways, how's that new macbook treating you? I think it's good, right?
Yeah, this is actually my mac for guys
Oh, so you're never using new macbook you're like my mom so my mom bought a new computer six months ago
she still hasn't used it because she
She's like
Scared that it's going to get used and she's such a Persian mom
Like it's like the most Iranian thing to do. It's like you buy new things when you want to use it. You guys are gonna get used
I uh, no, it's just it's just uh
It's just that it's easier to travel with the macbook. Yeah, then like a
Yeah, I feel that I feel that um, i'm definitely using it don't worry
Good. Um, so anyways, let's let's wrap up here boys, uh, and then i'm gonna go catch my flight back home
Um nft round up here
Yes, obi, let's go. Oh, yeah
Yes, give me that yawn
On the nft front
It's funny because this is the first time on the show one of the first times that i'm like learning about things while i'm hosting
Um, so let's let's just look at d chance. See this is the people I have to say you guys have built a really good tool
Um, but yeah, I could just go on there and see everything going on. So
Across chains
It looks like there's a lot going on again. Um
Mochaverse hits five e after token reveal. What?
Is that what's going on?
Your your music by the way, michael
Yeah, mochaverse is at five e's which is kind of wild. They obviously have a token coming a lot of people are expecting that to be like
a financial pad style token
Obviously, yeah, I mean that's you is the king of crypto, right?
So that's that's been a wild like mochaverse
I think a few months ago was trading below one e right? But yeah, that's a true
10x I think um
They look they look like they were five e
The art looks so much better at five e's
Like it's crazy like this is fine art
We're going to lacma
I haven't looked at this collection for a long time. I have to say
It is one of the worst looking collections i've ever seen but i am glad
I bet you won't say that he got space when he comes on the show next week because he is coming
All right. Well, i'm sure the token can do a lot they're building a whole like metaverse, right? So like
I think it's like a big
Mr. Metables that's yeah, he's leading the king of the fucking metaverse. It's crazy to think about
I'll go out on a limb and say this isn't at five e for the art
Um, then you have bitcoin puppets which have hit two grand now. Let's go
Uh a puppet. I was my suite never happened. They two x um down bad
You've had those are the two big ones from
Proganas they've they've kind of come back, but I would say those are the three things to like talk about at the moment. It's
That's like one e
Yeah, yeah
Again, all about the vibes all about the vibes. I just all about the vibes you people overthink this like I was
Like it was a friday night
Two three weeks ago and I was just smoking weed and I looked at these puppets and I was like they look so stupid
I need to buy 20
And we didn't buy 20, but you know, we bought a bunch
Um, if my order was well, it's public. Anybody can go check it out. It's for wtc
It's quite doxed
But uh, but it's it's you love to see it. I mean look
They're called pumpets for a reason
It's called pumpets for reason. So that's going on. What else is going in nft land pudgy penguins
These are seven and a hundred and fifty thousand toys
What are you laughing at?
My head hurts
You're like reminding me of like the video of like a guy who comes back from dental surgery
And it's like finding out things for the first time that's that's the vibe i'm getting from you this morning
It's like oh, I hope you see that one. He's like I have a mom. Wow
Like it is it's a child like child like glee with which you're reading out these headlines
I gotta fly home. I'm so excited to go home. I just want to be home
In my house in montreal. I hate traveling now. We're so busy at work. It's a lot
Uh point of five bitcoin for these pumpets that reached there is 300 bitcoin in volume
It's crazy point of five is what it's literally one eth so it times
So that's yeah 2050
$2,000 that's pretty much price of ease. I mean we flipped eth by the way when it comes to our following on on formal
Hour, we'd love to see that
um, and then last but not least
on the nft front was
On chin monkey that announced this karma airdrops. So something's going on there for sure
As well, but they've been doing this karma thing for a while
But does the airdrop come in also campi panda is also doing crazy good
It's just like the whole market like nfts are just cooking right now
So you absolutely love to see that across the board across chains for what it's worth like, you know, it's like salona
Everything bounced. I know undeads are doing good for ganas doing good
But dog was doing good mad lads bounce like 140 solar like 160 plus so
Uh across the board. There's a lot of opportunity. Don't be don't be fooled
By the price of crypto and some sideways action because that's usually where
Everything starts pumping. Anyways, shall we pick a winner for today's thousand dollars?
I dragged it long enough. There's two minutes left to the show
How does this work now? Oh shit. Wait, who's controlling this?
Since is uh doing it in the back. Hold on. We'll look at this. I'm hands off. That's crazy
All right
If you want to win a thousand dollars
What did they have to retweet?
What was it they retweeted right
All right, sims, let's see one a thousand dollars
So we're loading the tweet
And you can win we're giving with
12 000 more we have 12k left. That's the third thousand dollar we're giving away. That's 3k now
monday, it's gonna be four
And then tuesday's gonna be five
And then one is gonna be six seven eight nine ten all the way to 15k and hopefully then we can convince robit
To keep giving money away to you guys
Because we love y'all and we love robit
You know, it's good team to work with let's go sims. Let's see who won a thousand dollars. Oh
Old old gas. Oh god. Are you on the show? You have to be live though. You have to be on the show though
Is all what is his name? Oh, okay. Okay. Okay
No, but it's like it's like work ish c
So hold on
Oh god, I don't know. Oh look duck with corn is listening to the show
Do you see me speak i've never been on the stage what a coin
what a coin dude, um
Oh god, he's not here sims just gets to pick somebody else bro. It must be a bot
We don't want bots winning fucking thousand dollars on our show. We want to give a thousand dollars per show to people
That are listening. So let's start again
We should we pick like five winners because then uh, we drop read no pick one two one
We drop we drop we drop we drop
God, these are looking suspiciously like
No, there is no
May the real adam, please stand up. Please stand up
Wait, I think I have to go to the earth. Hold on. Where's my flight?
Redraw redraw redraw until I i'm late for my flight
Did you guys know that timbits are donut holes by the way?
This one feels right cotton candy cotton candy
Cotton candy you want a thousand dollars come claim it
Wow, if ether is on pace for its worst week since august it's got this thing on my phone
That's crazy. Um
Cotton can't
Come on, man
Why is it so hard to give us thousand dollars?
Oh, the tweet was bought it smoky just said
We're gonna have to do another tweet sims on monday though. You don't have to worry about this now
Why don't we just pick someone in the crowd for fun?
What do we do here?
Where's this one to give money away?
We're trying to give a mess for a thousand dollars
We're going to go shree shree
Gambling jy are you here god damn it?
Oh my god, dude, I think i'm just gonna give a thousand dollars like the first person that like
Requests to speak or something. Oh
Oh my god, there's so many. Oh, no, no, no don't request
So many requests
I mean if this person doesn't come I could I could do like a random number generator and then oh my god guys
All right, let's hold on
Red guys requesting to speak
All right, so scroll down or scroll whatever
okay, and
Come to the sixth names that you came up with because okay
So sims here stop sharing the screen. Let's go to me here
Let's and i'll just so here what i'm gonna do everybody requests to speak right now
We're gonna pick someone that requested to speak to win a thousand dollars right now on this fucking show
Right now there's a hundred people live on the stream. There's three four hundred people live on spaces
No, bernie bird dog. If you're team rock radio, you're not winning a thousand dollars motherfuckers
Okay, I love you guys, but I give you guys enough stimmies. Okay, so what do I do here? What do you want me to do?
Like I said, you got to pick the sixth name
Six, okay
Bird is first
No, no, no, no you roll you scroll down and then you just pick a random point and then you go six from that
But let's pick someone that requested because we know they're alive. Yeah from from the request, right?
So scroll just scroll down and then whenever you stop just pick six from wherever you stop. There you go. So
six from there one
four five six
Oh fuck I picked the company
Yo, is she picked a company?
I mean, yeah dicks
I'm staying
What's up
Can you hear us? Yeah. Can you hear me? You want a thousand dollars?
Shit's going to building the d app. Love it. Let
Let's go. What are you gonna do with a thousand dollars?
Uh build more smart contracts
build on the space
Let's go I mean look the thousand dollars went to someone who's going to build more
Smart contracts and it went to a builder. You absolutely fucking love to see it. So swap up
Congratulations. Make sure that you you're dm'ing for more hour
The account to claim your thousand dollars, uh, and we're going to be sending it to you because those giveaways are very real
We're actually giving it away
Every single day. So congratulations
Yeah, yeah, i'll keep it up. You know what I build with it
I want to do that on your face, but I appreciate it. We appreciate you. Thank you so much for being a listener
We appreciate you and to everybody else. Thank you so much for tuning in
It's friday. I'm going back home. Have fun this weekend y'all
peace out