NFTRT: Conspiracy Theory Friday

Recorded: April 28, 2023 Duration: 0:13:39




Good evening mate. Oh you Good good. How are you guys? How's everything? Yeah, that's great for it.
maybe to fill up about it and if it's still a small crowd I think maybe we should find a solution for the space. Yeah definitely might I mean we'll be talking about
about it, but you know we need to try something. We are an hour early actually, repostate it up for this hour and we should have been an hour
later it's because I did it an hour early last week so we could look at the new poker platform for an hour before we had the space and it's just gone and copied what I did last week so
I've started doing it because we're in British summer time now, so our clock went forward a few weeks ago an hour, so I actually altered it and put it back an hour so it was in time with everybody else.
So I don't think that helps, mate. So we can start at the beginning of one hour. I'll be here. Like we can start at the top of the hour. Do you want to do that or just hang out and make them in the mean well?
Yeah, it's probably not a bad idea. It might be the best thing to do is I'll set up a new space and start again on the hour. So 45 minutes time. Yeah, it'd be good because I'm going to
my kit to sleep and then I'll be fully available for the space. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Mike, wish you'll do that then. I shall see you back here in 45 minutes. So you guys that are listening, thanks for joining.
If you'd like to join us again at the top of the hour, I'll create another space now and we'll start again in 45 minutes. Alright, cheers guys, thanks for tuning in. - Gonna be fine. Cheers. Bye. - Catch you later, mate, bye.

FAQ on NFTRT: Conspiracy Theory Friday | Twitter Space Recording

What time did the host originally set up the space for?
The host originally set up the space an hour early.
Why did the host alter the time?
The host altered the time because British summer time started and the clock went forward.
When will the host set up a new space?
The host will set up a new space in 45 minutes.
What will the host do when they set up the new space?
The host will start again on the hour.
What suggestion did someone make in regards to the small crowd?
Someone suggested finding a solution for the space if it's still a small crowd.
What was the reason for the small crowd?
The recording did not provide a reason for the small crowd.
When did British summer time start?
British summer time started a few weeks ago.
What platform did the host want to look at before starting the original space?
The host wanted to look at a new poker platform.
What did the host say about being available for the space?
The host said they will be fully available for the space after their kid goes to sleep.
What time will the new space start?
The new space will start at the top of the hour.