Recorded: March 17, 2023 Duration: 0:37:07



G, M, G, M, everybody. Hello, hello. Hello, are we doing all right? Friday? It's Friday's over at number the Saturday now.
Your Saturday? Yeah, I hail from the future. Oh, yes, of course. It's only two o'clock on the Friday here. It's 6am Saturday morning for me. Wow, you are a trooper. I would never wake up at 6am on a Saturday.
This is the things the things we do for you guys you know I know love it love it love coming here. That's why otherwise I wouldn't do it. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening everybody. Yeah, Sashi. You're a star getting up at 6 a.m. Let's do it.
for a day like savings to come back into goes back to 5 a.m. That's fun. Yeah, you've got one more week of it. Yeah, yeah. So we started an hour late. I was like, I'm like, but five after one, I was like, damn, they're late getting started. And then I realized
was that you guys changed it till two? Well, it's still 8 p.m. for me, which is what it's I always do at 8 p.m. and our our clocks haven't moved. So it's funny because obviously, Reaper's been super busy at the minute and
I had a message in the earlier, if he was spreet or I would chat, he turned Discord off so that he could concentrate on what he was doing and then he saw my message an hour ago and message me and said, "Why is the space not
started and I was like yeah because it's still on our winter time we've not moved the clock forward yet so I've set it for 8 p.m. which is obviously the same for me but it's changed for all of you across the
So he was panicking thinking I'd not set this baseball. Yeah, I thought the same thing too, because I was like, it's part after one. This is, this isn't like them. Yeah. The time, our time hasn't changed though. They can still the same time. Yeah. It's just you guys have changed your time. So you
But you guys do you have time changelight? Yeah, I have changes. Um, we can Sunday. So it'll actually, it'll, it'll benefit Sashi when I was
change the week on Sunday because it has go forward an hour so if I do it for 8 p.m. again it'll actually be an hour later for Sashi. Oh, like it. Yeah, so after next Friday you get an extra hour
but if you want it sush get out get out no way yeah you're being way too far you guys the things you guys do for me well I can't believe you're moving time and then we'll get to not just moving this space time but like time
Yes, yes, we're time travelers. We're trying to get to the future where you are, but it just doesn't seem to work. The NFT roundtable just keeps, it's just a gift that keeps on giving. I need to make a coffee, hold on.
I had to mute a mic then. Coffee machine go burr. It's gone on with Vagabond burr, it's just connecting, connecting, connecting.
going to say exactly the same thing. I think he's probably dropped out the space now and we'll be back again in a minute. So we should see. So Reaper will be with us shortly. That's good. When he's sorted himself out.
so I'm told he don't rush, not a problem. Just jump on when you're ready. Just you just said we don't need you bro. It was tempting. Just while he's already in a mindset where he's probably under the pump a little bit frustrating.
straight it and you know when somebody says something like that as a joke it just completely lands the wrong way. Yes exactly how it would have landed Sasha. Because you're like you're like you're sitting there having a bit of a giggle.
a chuckle to the clever comment you just made while they're totally offended and draw all their toys out of the cart and don't speak to you ever again. That's exactly how it probably goes. That's how it always happens for me with my jokes anyway. Just talking from experience.
Yep, I get that one. Even yesterday with the meeting we were talking about the lab thing and I was just a joke. Creating any labs that's so good. So what's happening?
What's happening? What's the news in the UK? How's the snow? Is there snow? What, in the UK? No, it's... Yeah, it's pasted by now, mate. So snow? Well, Canada's still getting hammers with snow. Yeah, we're just starting to warm up again. They are
told us that they have a frost on Sunday morning but other than that certainly right down on in the south it certainly lifted the temperature quite a bit the last couple of days. I was watching to move the conversation from the UK there
because that's boring to the to the Canadians. I was watching this TikTok thing the other day and it was this guy who he lives somewhere in Canada. I don't know where I can't say exactly. But the snow was like taller than his house. Right. And
was scraping snow off the roof of his house and he was saying that he doesn't know where to put the snow from the roof. Everything's full. I don't have anywhere to put this snow. They're just piling it up and then it had tunnels around the house so they could get around and then he was videoing driving home
And like it was like just driving through like these white walls of snow on either side like you know in the UK Hey see these videos of like the hedges in the old towns where there's like the hedges like earlier car with wide It was just like that but snow but snow
I was like holy shit, he goes on I need to find my house. I'm like, are you slowing down looking down down the down the gaps trying to work out which houses is? I was like, what the fuck these people doing that? I want to get some insight. Does that happen in
like where you guys live or walk. No, that's where I want to know. Where is that? I have to find out where it is. That's got to be like way up. That's got to be like in the Northwest Territories where the where it just always snows. It looked like it was pretty. No, as tall as the house. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, the snow was taller than the house.
like you couldn't see the house for the snow until you got to the house and then they'd like dug around the house. Wow, yeah, I need to know where this is. And he had the issue that the snow was like so built up against the front of the house that like you can only access one garage the other garage door was
totally jammed against snow was jammed against it. And then he was saying that they were concerned because they had the bottoms of the garage doors all like bagged up and stuff but the water was still coming in and they were concerned that obviously when the snow melts, what are we going to do with all the water? So it was quite an ordeal.
We definitely had, because I kind of live in a complex or whatever, and they were piling the snow and up, and they actually had to bring in like a motor to take the snow out, because if we got more snow, yeah, we would be in trouble, but I mean the snow wasn't so
deep that it was like it was just the snow that they were cleaning off the road and stuff like that so I don't know yeah I'd like to know where this is I hadn't heard that anywhere I know we were getting lots of snow but I will have to find it I said it was just absurd the amount of snow that was getting like never seen so much before
Yeah, that is. That's Reaper. Reaper's an Ontario though. They don't. Hello. Hello. I get less know the New York does. Yeah.
I'm thinking it's got to be like Northwest Territories because I'm thinking it was probably wind that was the end just kind of blew the snow beside the house. That might have been it too. Like like leaps? No dress.
Snowdrifts. Yeah, like a giant snowdrift. It's possible. Yeah, cool. Crazy. Maybe for like their whole town because it was not the it wasn't like it was just one big pile beside the left hand side of the house. It was like
and everybody's house was buried under. He was up on the roof, scraping the roof off, and he was showing video of up on the roof and everybody's house was the same in their neighborhood.
I wouldn't say it was like a heavily packed neighborhood. It wasn't like hugely dense, like everybody had a fairly large yard by the looks of things. So maybe it was in a smaller town. But there was like
definitely like quite a few houses but it wasn't like they were backed up you know, eve to eve sort of thing it was
Everything's spread out as well. I'll find it. I'll find it and I'll post it in the back channel so that you can see. Please do. Very excited. How you been, Reaper? What's happening? Doing great.
aging like a fine wine. Happy St. Patties, do. Happy St. Patties, do. What's that yesterday? Not today. Well, for him it's yesterday for such a long gone. Yeah.
I'm washing my face up. I found it. You found it. Newfoundland. Newfoundland. I know somebody there so I'm gonna have to text them and see if they're alive. Oh you found the
That is oh no it says 2014 oh Newfoundland House almost completely buried by thick snow but that's a 2014 nevermind. No it's but yeah I think to
talk goes back that firing time but no yeah I don't know I don't find I'm just trying I just kind of did a house buried in snow Canada kind of thing and that's what I don't see anything recent but anyways yeah find find the article
I'll find it, I'll find it. I'm probably not gonna be able to find it now, I'll end up disconnecting on something, but I'll definitely find it and post back channels for everybody.
So what else Friday what's what's happening with souls when are you alright?
We are having back and forth with the artists at the moment.
We got the odd.
We're getting there. We're getting there. We got the art back and there was just some issues with like certain traits when when the artist was drawing all the traits they you know they'd send us through examples of everything and we're like yeah that's sick yep yep cool change this up and we get a different style can you make the hair a bit longer a bit shorter whatever
And then you build it all out and then we got the art generated and then they sent us all the generation files and then we were going through all the generation files and they were all out of whack. Like there was hair under cloths and there was, you know, like for some reason there was like hats that were under hair, you know, like
that sort of stuff. So we went back to them and we said hey there's a few issues you know and the artist said okay no worries leave with me and it's just taking a little bit longer than we'd hoped that's all. So we've given out devs the
I think we're down to about eight issues now, so we're getting there. So hopefully this last run of art will sort that out. But I think our artist has got the shit with us now. Because we're like, "Ah, yeah, what about this?" And what about that, you know?
I'm gonna take this shot while he can't connect but poor Vagabonbird can't seem to connect on his Android
He was making fun of me for using an iPhone the other day. Oh, I think he uses an Android. He's crying. Well, his emojis work. He's giving us the finger.
NGMI, NGMI, Vegemondberg. Yeah, so that's what we're waiting on now. So we were hoping that we were done, but we've had to go back one last time. So we're just waiting on them to come back with that. So they won't be good to go. So then the artist didn't the artist even look at the collection before?
re-centred to you. Yeah, that was one of the questions that we brought up. But we had the first time we were like, "Oh, okay, no worries, it's just a few issues." And then we were, when we started looking through it, because like there's 10,000 of them all up that have been generated. And we've got, we were going
through them and we're like, "Oh hold on, there's a small issue here and then the next one you'd look at it and then there's a small issue and I think I got through about a thousand of them and I'd collected, I don't know, like 50 or 60 of them that were not right." So, I'm like, you know what, we're only going to use 7,777 obviously because that's the number of
of Genesis ones we had but we had them generate 10,000 so that we could make sure that they're all pretty sick. And I was like, "Oh look, if there's only a handful that aren't quite right, we can just delete them from the collection and then just generate use the others." But when we got to like 70 or so out of
the first thousand I was like yeah we're gonna need to probably get some of this sorted because otherwise everything's gonna look a bit me so we had to go back and then it was it was sort of like I we went back with the first lot we were like oh look there's a few issues here and I was like oh and then we were going through it because we've got five different factions so we've got
the beasts, the angels, the demons, cyborgs and elf factions and they're all different bases with all different traits. They're totally different. They're like five different collections within the collection almost. So we went through one of them and then I was like, "Oh, next one.
hold on his some more and then he's some more and then he's some more and I think it would have probably been better for me to just go on through all of them and come back with one big because I think from if I was sitting in like an artist's shoes I'd be like "oh fuck sake, could you just send them to me in one go?" and so just ping me constantly
with all of your little dramas, but I'm half a perfectionist so I kind of don't care. I just want it to be right, you know. So anyway. So how does the evolution or whatever work? Because okay, so I have my souls and
I have my food right so that it depends on what your food is on how or what faction it goes to and how it changes looks right. So how does it just take your your traits and apply them to whatever your faction is is that how
works are. So the collection, the the Ascendant collection are totally new. There's no traits that get pulled across from one to the other because all the traits are totally different. But how it does work is that you had your genesis
and then you get a food from your genesis, you claim the food from the ramen shop. That is a randomly generated 1155 token, so you'll get one of five different foods that relate to one of the five different factions. Then what we're basically doing, the next contract, we'll burn that food
and give you an ascended. So you still keep the Genesis one. You burn the food, you burn the food and then you get the ascended. So you get to keep your original from the original collection and you get the NFT from the ascended collection, which is why we didn't pull traits. So you basically will have two different NFTs.
Oh sweet! So could I end up with a female? Yeah, yeah, yeah, depends on what you have. With it, we have cyborgs, the only ones that have got male and female characters, but the others are
like elves are all female, angels are all female, demons are all male and beasts are all male.
Okay, well I have Elven food I think. So I will end up with a female. You have the, what's it, the Dunga or whatever it is yet? Yeah, cool. The skewers. Yeah. So that's pretty cool. So like, and then we've got some functionality happening with the
contract posts. So I can't really go into it too much, but basically we've got a token called ORBS, which you stake your Genesis NFT to get ORBS. They'll be, we're basically gamifying the NFTs post mint of the Ascended, so there we see some functions
with the NFT that uses the Orbs to interact with your NFT on chain. So that's pretty cool, so that's coming out. And only the genesis is able to generate Orbs, so the ascended won't be able to generate Orbs, only the
Genesis will be able to, but those orbs are what are being used for the future contract etc. So that's where the utility of the Genesis basically comes in and then the ascended is what we're basing all of our 3D models and stuff on because we've got 3D avatars coming out.
Well, I want to say soon, but we all know how this space works. It won't be as soon as we hope. But basically we've got our 3D avatars that are being built for unreal in unity, for like other side, and that sort of stuff so people can wear an anime kit.
an anime skin in the metaverse. So your elf, for example, Lady Gem will be a 3D elf that you'll be able to, and we've got like a high poly and a low poly version of each of them, so you'll have like a very, you know,
For Unreal, you can have a very high poly 3D avatar with quality text like 4K textures and all that sort of stuff. So proper cloth dynamics and all that sort of stuff will come. So however your NFT turns out that will be what it looks like in the
in the metaverse when it finally comes. And that's basically what we're all about.
I'm excited. Yeah. And he said you don't so like is there an estimated time like you're hoping for or no. So as far as as far as the 3d collection goes.
Yeah, well when we can when we can burn our food and get our food. Oh, for the ascended for the for the to the for the ascended. Yeah, the ascended out the PFB stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we were ready to go. Well, we were ready to go two months ago. It's just been this delay with the art. So it basically
As soon as the artists send us the final files, we'll be able to pump those across to our dev team to load up, test it real quick to make sure that it all works and then we're good to go. So we were hoping at worst it was going to be at the end of last month. We're really, really pushing to try and get it done by the end of this month.
We're just really hoping. But we just know that unfortunately in this space, if anyone finds anything that's not perfect about what they received, then the on-site
Lord of Fud comes running out. I've got a Miss Aligned Hat in my NFT, this project is a rug. So you just got to make sure it's
Right, so we learned a lot of lessons with our Genesis collection. We had a few issues with some of the metadata or whatever. We learned a lot of lessons and a preferred to take the time to make sure it's perfect rather than just pushing it out for time sake.
Yeah, no, absolutely. I totally resonate with all the Frank's delays that he does that it's okay for Frank. He's allowed to. I've got a question for you, Sashi. I've maybe got an answer.
Yeah, you will have I know you'll have answered. I'm just going to start the space first though. Before we go back to the Souls the AMA. Oh, yeah, okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,#
So anyway, welcome to the Friday night show guys. Please get down the bottom and hit the little blue bubble, retweet the space. Let everybody know that the space is going on.
Anybody down there in the audience that wants to come up and join in the conversation please just send us a request and we'll bring you up on stage except for Vagabon Bird obviously it doesn't want to join us tonight.
for whatever reason. He does. He does. Is Android. Yeah. I know I was just being funny Reaper. So yeah, shit sense of humor. So sorry about that mate. So yeah.
Sashi, my question for you. We've got five foods for the ascended and obviously each one relates to a different group. Are the numbers the same for those?
So effectively it's 7777 divided by 5 which isn't easy to do there's one extra one. So we've got like an extra one of one to account for that. So there's 6 one of ones and 5 factions. So there's a bonus one of one which is the one of ones are pretty sick. If you look at it out there
Twitter you'll see what I think but I think we've shared one maybe two of the one of ones that pretty epic So they are and they're totally different and like everything's hands are on obviously which is pretty cool But so yeah, there's five factions and every one of them has got the same amount but but we do
You know that if you had a look at the foods, you'll see that there's more foods because the foods are randomly generated and because the spaces take any humongous dive and a lot of people are probably left NFTs altogether, there's different amounts of different foods, right?
that have been minted from the food contract. Now when ascended is released. When ascended is released will be killing the food contract. So you won't be able to claim food anymore, which means you won't be able to get ascended anymore. Which then means that the
Rarity, perfection, will be basically generated by contract randomly based on the food randomization.
So we don't know which one's going to be the most rare fashion, right? But one of them will be. Right. OK, so I was going to ask you that question. Do you know the numbers of the food or have you got no idea? I could tell you. Hold on.
you just go on the open sea and just have a look. Right, so it does tell you on there. Yeah. That's the question I was asking you. Yeah, absolutely. It would have been quite fun if nobody knew until it actually
happened. Okay so there's so far what's been claimed is 374 demons 381 beasts
394 cyborgs, 350
elves and 338 angels so currently
Angels and elves are well angels are the most rare and Elves would be the second most rare very close So but We will be announcing one of no idea which ones I've got
once, yeah. So once, once we, and then of course there's different rarities within those as well and one of ones. So yeah, yeah. And some of them like I can tell you the elves in those in their special traits. Oh my god, they are amazing. Like they just
incredible. But I feel that once we announce that we're shutting off the food, there'll probably be a massive hint on the food like people will probably go, because a lot of people have been waiting, some people have been saying, "Oh, how long have I got?" You know, like, can I...
Can I wait and just do it later? And we're like, yeah, sure, take your time. At this stage, we're not shutting the food off until later, so whatever, we'll let you know. But I think that once we say that's it, you've got like two weeks to meet your food.
then there will probably be more minted. Because out of a collection of you know 7000 there's only really 1500 foods that have been minted. So there's plenty of um we're gonna we're out this our our mindset on it is either there's gonna be a massive rush at the end or this ascended is gonna
be a low volume collection, which is great because some of the low number collections are some of the best communities out there. So we're keen with it to go either way, really. And this is a free mint for holders. We're not charging
there's nothing coming off this, there's no, like it's literally just part of the roadmap and it's not like where some people have gone, oh well, we'll let the collection mint it and then we'll sell the rest of them. We're not doing that. Whatever the end up number is, that's the number of a sender that they will be forever.
So the only way to get food is to have a genesis rate. Like I can't just go mint food. You have to have yeah, so yeah, according to your what you hold your wallet. Yeah, correct. Yeah, but you can't you you come by the food on open say those as you can't yeah, yeah, the
it's an 1155 token, it's an NFT in itself. So you can buy it, you can just not burn the food. So we're never going to stop you from burning food to get an ascended. If you've got the food, you'll forever be able to get an ascended, which means that if you wanted to just keep the food and never burn it, you know, because some people did that up
not ever going to say that we're ever going to be like a B.A.Y.C. right but at the end of the day like that's what they do with the mutant files right and there are a lot of people kept the mutant files and didn't burn them and they were quite valuable because they could have been a one-hidden in there or something or other so yeah you can go and buy it sorry if I saw buy over 100% yeah
Okay, yeah, that's what I'm saying. So if I wanted an angel, I could go to open sea and find if somebody's selling their angel food. Yeah, correct. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, so we've had people that we've had people that have done that. They've got like two genesis and they've managed to get like a beast.
in the demon and they're like, oh, I want to collect one of each and they've just gone and bought the food so that they don't go and have to worry about randomization and getting two angels, you know what I mean? Yeah, right. Yeah, I'm gonna do that before you
Before you close it off. I think I've got four different ones and I can't remember which one I haven't got but yeah, I'm gonna go and pick pick it up Before before you close it off. So I've got all five then Yeah, you still at some time. We're gonna have a bit of an overlap
I think where ascended comes out and then you can still claim food from Genesis 4 maybe 2 weeks after ascended comes out and then we'll shut it off. I think that's fair. Look, we want to make sure that we give everybody enough time to actually
it. You know, like, I know, I just know, like, with everything in life, as soon as you close it off, all these people will come out of nowhere. Oh, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,#
You guys have had like six months to do this like, surely. You know, you know the shit's gonna work the fun. Oh, of course. We're then we're then I was a new clothes in that all. Yeah, yeah. But that's why I have a perfect example of that. We actually had somebody come into our discord today.
Open up a ticket and say hey, where's my metamuse? And unfortunately I had to tell the poor soul that metamuse was a right project and we remented
He's like, "I don't see my ex-mus anywhere in my wallet." I'm like, "Well, unfortunately, you kind of missed a boat. We had the minting open for six months."
and whoever didn't reminter, that went to the community wallet for promotions and stuff like that and unfortunately the one that he owned. Somebody else owns now so there you go. Like as of two weeks ago, I thought of that too.
because when they said it was a year ago, because I at first I was like, "Oh, I was thinking it was when we were compromised." Because that's what they had said, "Competent of the wallet was compromised." So I thought it was like this last time around, but then they were said a year ago and I was like, "Oh shit, a year ago." Yeah, that would have been Metamuse.
So yeah, so that is what happened. And then I went and looked up because I said it was number token 953. So I went there and it had been sitting in the community wallet up to two weeks ago. So they're really slow.
Yeah, who knows? So yes, actually for sure that's you know as soon as you make a change Somebody's gonna complain about it. It's just the way it is. Oh, yeah, even up to it up to a year later even Yeah, I've been I've been around the wall
I've if I had a dollar for every time somebody but I'd be a multi millionaire but like yet no I get that I'm expecting it but we're gonna do some we were hoping to have rent we've got a whole heap of like marketing material and stuff that we've had built that
we can start pushing it out. But the challenge that we've got is that with the delays happening, like you get little issues, but the art, for example, it's difficult to know when's a good time to start pushing because you'll push it and then all of a sudden you're just disappointing more people that are excited about it. So once
If we do that, we'll be able to start announcing when the cutoff is and all that sort of stuff and actually get some dates around it and give people a good idea. It won't be six months, it'll be like a month. So there's probably a few people that are going to miss out, but it is what it is. If you wanted to be interested, you'd be interested in my thoughts.
What's happening, Unicorn Club, have you got the same connection issue? Everybody's having it. I'm presuming that's back upon Bird. So it jumps onto the Unicorn account to try again.
trying to do it off his phone. I think we tried everything. I've just been reading what he's said in the discord. He's tried his iPads, he's tried all sorts. I don't think anybody else can get
I think so I'm gonna make a suggestion you know what that suggestion is gonna be yeah we we restart the space soon as though let's do it yeah so I'll do that guys everybody down there in the audience just give me
30 seconds, I'll close this space down, restart another one and let's see if we can get people up on the stage. So please don't go away guys, walk out for the link in a moment and join back on with us. Speak to you all soon.

FAQ on NFTRT: NFT FRIDAY FUN NIGHT FUN, GAMES, maybe a Drink | Twitter Space Recording

What day is it currently where the speakers are located?
It is currently Saturday morning for one of the speakers, but Friday afternoon for the others.
What time did the podcast start?
The podcast started an hour late due to confusion over daylight savings time.
Does everyone on the podcast live in the same time zone?
No, the speakers are from different time zones and some have already changed to daylight savings time while others have not.
What is the current weather like in the UK?
The speakers did not discuss the weather in the UK during the podcast recording.
What country did the speaker mention having a lot of snow?
Canada was mentioned as having a lot of snow.
What was the speaker's reaction to the amount of snow in Canada?
The speaker was astonished by the amount of snow seen in a TikTok video from Canada.
What garage issue did the speaker mention related to the snow?
The speaker mentioned a concern about water getting into garages due to melting snow.
What topic was the podcast recording about?
The text does not provide information about the specific topic of the podcast recording.
Did anyone on the podcast express negative feelings about waking up early on a Saturday?
No, one speaker mentioned waking up early on Saturday but did not express negative feelings about it.
Did anyone on the podcast mention turning off Discord to maintain focus?
Yes, Reaper mentioned turning off Discord to concentrate on other tasks.