NFTs: Mercado e Coleções

Recorded: Aug. 4, 2022 Duration: 1:00:50




Good night guys, good night. I'm just keeping the bread and we're going to start our session, right? Just one minute and please.
I just have a minute, the priest is already arriving here, he is connecting, so while he is doing this connection, I would like to say that since this session is a very big pleasure to be able to be here today.
talking about the market, our idea here is to have a space where we are going to try to always add as much as possible, to pass as much information as possible, if you are an beginner or you are a little more advanced and especially we also want it to be a space for our community, the community of the
and then you can also have a voice activate and be able to leave your opinion about some kind of market, be able to take it, so it's our proposal, it's this one and let me just see here guys if the brand is already able to connect, okay, this understanding of you there, just a minute, we're going to start.
and then I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it up and I'm going to open it#
I think the first time is also that Brian is participating in the Twitter Space, so I think it's a little complicated at the beginning, but it's because we're entering this rhythm there.
I'll start by the session, I'll try to connect it, so it doesn't get stopped, I'll play here in the expectation that he can get in, because it's important to participate in it, right?

FAQ on NFTs: Mercado e Coleções | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the session being discussed?
The purpose of the session is to create a space for discussing and sharing information about the market, for both beginners and advanced traders, as well as being a platform for community engagement.
What can participants in the Twitter space do?
Participants in the Twitter space can leave their opinions about market trends and take part in discussions within the community.
Who is connecting to the session?
A priest is connecting to the session.
Is this the first time Brian is participating in the Twitter space?
Yes, it is the first time Brian is participating in the Twitter space.
Is the host experiencing technical difficulties at the beginning of the session?
Yes, the host is experiencing technical difficulties at the beginning of the session.
What is the host doing while waiting for the priest to connect?
The host is introducing and explaining the purpose of the session to the audience.
What is the proposed outcome of the session?
The proposed outcome of the session is for participants to gain more knowledge and insight into market trends.
Who can participate in the Twitter space session?
Anyone can participate in the Twitter space session.
What does the host suggest listeners do to take part in the session?
The host suggests enabling the voice activation feature to participate in the session.
What is the host holding while waiting for the priest to connect?
The host is holding bread while waiting for the priest to connect.