NiftyKit x Base: Limited NFT Drop with Sarah Script

Recorded: Jan. 24, 2024 Duration: 0:32:19



she might pick a diamond
she might dine
by light in the beautiful sea I just will be happy
I'm happy
at first I died
I felt a genius
I'm ready
I saw my life
I saw my life
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
through the night
Gm everyone. Thank you for joining us today. Today is a huge day for us here at NiftyKit
and we are delighted to be hosting Sarah's Script as the artist behind this exciting day.
I'm gonna play this track for a little bit longer so please take a moment to
tweet out this room and DM your friends and let's get everyone in here to
celebrate with us this afternoon.
All right everybody. Welcome. Very excited for today. Thank you again for
joining. As I mentioned today is a huge day for us here at NiftyKit. We're here
with Sarah Script. We are here with Dan, our fearless leader. We are gonna be
talking about this amazing base NiftyKit integration. We're gonna be speaking with
the artist Sarah Script who's behind the base Diamonds NFT that's now live. So
why are we so stoked and celebrating today? Well NiftyKit and base are
premiering the base Diamonds NFT which is a unique celebration of their
integration featuring artwork by our guest Sarah Script. Sarah as many of you
know is known for blending traditional calligraphy with digital art and she
has infused this distinct style into this special NFT which we will be
celebrating today. Sarah is an acclaimed artist for her work with clients like
Goop, Tiffany & Co. She also holds the title of Coindesk Most Influential
Artists among many other accomplishments Web 2, Web 3, Life,
Everything. So we're excited to announce the special NFT because we feel that
this art exemplifies on-chain innovation and expresses a collaborative
spirit of all the creators and builders here today. So welcome everyone who's
still joining. Thank you for being here today. We're going to be hearing from
Sarah shortly but first I just wanted to start by saying a few things about
NiftyKit. Mainly that we are thrilled to share this creation with you today
and are committed to empowering innovators and that is at the core of
our mission. Here at NiftyKit we want to continue to celebrate and raise
awareness for our diamond smart contracts and now the integration with
Base which is designed to simplify the complexities and facilitate the flexible
evolution of digital assets. This means that creators like you can build on a
variety of platforms including Base, Arbitrum One, Nova, Optimism, Polygon,
and Ethereum Mainnet all made possible through the incredible capabilities of
NiftyKit. So to get started you can simply choose Base from the collection
details drop-down and yes it's the default for today. So if you have
frequented our spaces or dropped on NiftyKit yourself you know we carry a
great deal about autonomy and what sets NiftyKit apart is the empowerment we
offer through our self-custodial platform giving you full control over
your contracts. Putting that power back into your hands is what it's all about.
So with that is why Base Diamonds NFT is a tribute to this innovative spirit
and collaborative heart of builders and creators on the blockchain. For the next
four days you can celebrate with us by minting this unique Base Diamonds NFT
by Sarah Script and you can mint this for free. The details are pinned up top so
now speaking of this NFT we have the incredibly talented artists of the Base
Diamonds NFT Sarah Script here with us today. Sarah we are thrilled to have you
as the first artist to work with us and represent this integration between
NiftyKit and Base. Thank you for being here. How are you feeling today? Thank
you so much for having me. I'm feeling great. I love that we that I was asked to
help collaborate on this to help promote Base and NiftyKit. Yeah I'm I'm stoked
to be here. I think L2s are the future. So yeah. Thank you. Thank you Sarah and
so this space isn't gonna be very long because we really want to send you on
your way to start minting and sharing and just really celebrating with us today.
I would love Sarah if you could just share a little bit about yourself for
those who may not be familiar with your work, your journey as an IRL artist and
creator in web 3. Yeah so I'm a calligrapher by trade. I do all sorts
of different things like wedding calligraphy, on-site calligraphy
and you know in store for gift tags and things like that and I discovered digital
art through the NFT space kind of in February of 2021 and started doing
illustration and also digital calligraphy and so yeah I guess it's been almost three
years since I've been in NFTs and just kind of really inspired by the notion
of having power over your own art and having provenance and not having it
stolen on Instagram or other places on the internet without attribution. So yeah so
I'm a calligrapher by trade. I deal mostly with ink on paper but in the NFT
space it's a lot of Apple pencil on my iPad.
Love it so I want to get right into the base Diamonds NFT. Can you tell us about the
process of creating the piece? Just kind of walk us through as much as you can
start to finish just kind of how you work you know when you are working in a
collaborative manner like this. Yeah well it was super helpful because we were we
had a notion template where I could just I like to share as I go and so
like having you and Don Lee and Dan be able to give me feedback as I was going
through this process was really really helpful. So I did a few different versions
of Diamonds. I've been doing this like calligraphic illustration style
recently where I like all illustrate people's profile pictures but it's made
up of like calligraphic flourishes and swashes and things and so I wanted to do
the same thing with the diamond to represent the diamond smart contracts and
yeah I think I can like get a little bit off track sometimes and like get a little
bit too ambitious and so like being pulled back to focus was really helpful
and yeah that's that's kind of how I worked on it. It's created on my iPad so
yeah I referenced different diamond shapes at one point I was like I wonder
if I could take a photo of a real diamond anyway it got it got a little bit out of
hand but but I'm glad that I came back to like this simple diamond shape and
and stuff. It's so beautiful and I obviously a fan of your work and just
love how the calligraphic am I saying that correctly yeah yeah yeah like how
that came together and with the whole team I think it was just brilliant I love
the diamond very very gorgeous. I do have some more questions for you Sarah but I
kind of want to kick a question over to Dan if you'd be willing to answer this
so got a lot of questions. What is a diamond contract at Nifty Kit? Great
question and you know we specialize in the diamond and what it is the type of
smart contract that we have that enables you to have a single smart contract with
single address with unlimited smart contract functionality so typically
there's a max contract size 24 kilobytes and you know that prevents you
from adding everything into the smart contract that you know traditionally you
would have to bake in and with our diamond contracts the ERC 2535 you're
able to add different functionalities that you'll see as apps in our
application and really you could have your you know it's a ERC 721 NFT
contract but with the ability and having diamonds using those apps we can add
more functionality to do you know cooler things you know with with your contract
so it doesn't limit you and you know when you look at the way that the code
underneath the hood is set up it's set up to help you organize like your
contract code and data more it keeps everything you know inside that one
contract so you can reuse deployed contracts and then you can upgrade the
functionality so it's just a really cool way to get in with your project and
not have to feel rabbit-holed and stuck into something that's only you know a
certain way so you know we we have diamonds and we went the diamond route
because you know we're very ambitious with some of the things that we're gonna
be launching and we want to be able to extend like these new functionalities and
cool things that we build to artists who maybe will be launching today but still
may want to take advantage of these cool things that we're adding later so
you know TLDR is you know diamond smart contracts allow you to have one smart
contract with a lot of functionality and you know we believe that Nicky kid this
is gonna be the way to go especially with where the industry is just us
trying to figure out like alright we've been to the NFT now what's next what
kind of utility what kind of gamification you know am I burning this
somebody doing that we want to go the distance with all the creators so we
implemented diamond caught smart contracts so we could you know work
together for longer and continue to provide you with really cool utility and
tools I love this it speaks to how you know nifty kid is thinking about the
future and building on the technology that has already been built so always
very impressed by what the devs are doing I have no I don't understand it but
I know that I use nifty kit and I can see it constantly being very innovative
and things built like just new things that are available for me as a creator
so I thank you again for breaking down the smart contract because a lot of
people were asking about that so anybody in the audience that was curious there
you go straight from the person who have built hit so Sarah I want to get back
and talk to you a little bit more about you know being an artist in the space and
specifically as an artist creating digital works I would love to hear your
thoughts on the current state of NFTs and importance of L2s like bass and
what is important to you as a creator as you're moving forward in web 3 yeah I
think accessibility is really important and I think that's what L2s help provide
also with an easier UX I think when I first entered this space in February of
2021 you know I think nifty kit was brand new or just not places like nifty
kit weren't really around and so you know just having the ability to use
something like nifty kit to mint is that's you know that makes my life easier
but it makes it even easier when it's like something on base where you're not
paying crazy gas fees on Ethereum I remember like the first NFT that I
minted was on a platform where I think it offset the gas fee to the collector
and that is why I chose to mint on that platform because I didn't have you know
twenty four dollars or whatever it was to pay the gas fee when I didn't even I
didn't even totally understand what I was doing right so I was like I'm not gonna
you know throw $20 away and so anyway I think I think something like base is
going to help scale and onboard and make collecting feel fun and safe and then
with like nifty kit like being able to mint and own your contract and do it
like with the help of like experts and also I think they just released a
generative thing on nifty kit as well where you can make make your own
generative art like that's huge so yeah just to feel like safe and supported and
like you're not like in the wild west I think is is going to be great going
forward so that's kind of like why I'm excited about about L2s and services
and websites like nifty kit yeah I agree of course and I think that you know
being on on L2 like a few years ago it was a little bit there was a learning curve
right and like now I see the the gap the bridge you know it's it's coming together
you know no pun intended about the bridge but you know it's it's been
really exciting to see that and being a part of seeing what nifty kit has been
building you know to complement that and help creators and collectors you know be
part of this shift and this ease of use really and you know moving into the
future Sarah I would like to know your position you touch on it a little bit but
in regards to what tools like nifty kits can provide creators and builders who
are building a body of digital work on the blockchain that I would imagine is
going to continue to evolve over time
Sarah am I rugged no Sarah I don't know if you can hear me oh am I back oh yes
goodness I'm so sorry can you ask that question one more time yeah yeah I was
saying you touched on this a little bit before and I was thinking about you
know moving into the future I would like to know a little bit more about your
position in regards to what tools like nifty kit can provide creators and
builders who are going to continue to build a body of digital work on the
blockchain yeah I mean I think I think nifty kit is a great I mean I think I
kind of touched on it earlier that nifty kit provides a lot of support like I
remember having a call with Dan himself a year and a half ago and him walking me
through stuff I know like as nifty kit continues to grow that will not
necessarily be the case but like I definitely feel like super supported by
nifty kit and like I know that that's gonna be something that they continue to
build out as like a core of their company just because that's like how like
that's just how it's always been like interacting with them and I think like
just having like having that diamond smart contract going forward is wonderful
just having the ability to have ownership and know that you have the support of the
people behind nifty kit as well is invaluable yeah like stiff like people
bringing all different kinds of art to the platform and you know you have your
style Sarah that like you've been able to bring on digitally and I know there's a
lot of people out there with a lot of different like types of art styles
different types of mediums like I think this base integration and even all the
other layer two integrations where you don't have to pay as much as going to
open up experimentation for more creators I think like what we want to do
with the tools is like get past that part that usually gets people like stuck in
the beginning of where to start so you know we try to build the right
applications and the right stuff for people but there's always gonna be some
sort of hiccup somewhere I mean we're all figuring this out as we go together
so it's not like the book for how to do NFT launches has been written so we count
on the community a lot to help us like communicate all right what is your project
what is your vision and you know some of them and most of them are actually like
pretty crazy and cool and surprisingly a lot of them can be done in a way that
gets you close as possible to like what you envision if not just directly check
off the boxes of how you want to launch so you know this is just one way there's
there's many ways to do things and NFT kid is just one one tool to do it you
know there's lots of tools out there but with the tools that we're using we
hope to build longer with you and not treated as like a one-and-done or you
know a one-hit wonder and then you're gone there's still a lot of stuff that
creators can provide value for their holders with and we want to hear those
kind of ideas and kind of center everything around your holders and the
people that are supporting you and buying your NFTs and being able to
continue that conversation with them whether it's like selling your services
you know getting connected with them doing consulting I know a lot of people
on the platform have e-commerce stores and products like this is the best time
to be alive and sell it and selling something right so on your service
selling your wares on your goods and doing it through NFTs is is gonna be the
future and the way to do it so like if you're not kicking the tires on you know
launching some of this stuff then you know I would encourage you to give it a
shot especially since the cost of this stuff is starting to become lower if
you're looking at these other L2s and stuff it's such a beautiful symbiotic
relationship to write it's like you guys are building the artists are testing
out and you know creating alongside what's being built so I think it's been
really beautiful to see all of this come together and speaking of making things
come together we're gonna come to a close soon but I wanted to hear from
Dong Lee and also give her a special shout out and thank you for all of your
dedication throughout facilitating this day all the magic that you've been
bringing to this and a lot of sleepless nights I'm sure but Dong Lee please
share any last thoughts and calls to action before we all head out to Mint
yes 100% thank you so much everyone Sarah, Jessica, Dan, everybody on our team
base team have been fantastic so on point and nothing was like out of like
everybody was just so professional like we're all working professional we're so
into these space now where it's like hey pop it off to you know collection
creating team and they would just pop up and create the you know collection and
then we could just pop it into our site and it was just magical to see everything
all come together and I think one of the things that I really assure want to
make sure that people really experience is you know really go into the website
see the artwork for itself like it's so magical with how Sarah's art coming
together with the base and it's everything about this is just it's just
art for me and so like for me also one of the things that was really cool was
the base the two for us to create this collection was only like 37 cents total
to mint this collection which is crazy right coming from old times of us
like trying to mint something on a platform for like $300 on or $500 to sell
our stuff it was so affordable so I think it's definitely something that we
need to think about in terms of like how we want to deliver towards our audience
or our community like what we want to present to them it could be all done
here and you have you hold a power so I really want everyone to just see the
flow like if you can support a mint they'll be awesome to go to our website
nifty kit comm slash base and just really fully experience how it would feel
for your audience right like your collectors it will be really easy and
then if they have any trouble they could go to credit card minting and everything
is all set up you know with the capabilities of what we can do at nifty
kit so really take the time today to go onto our website explore the art learn
about what the diamond contract is learn about integration with base and just
really have a feeling of how you can really utilize all of the tech available
for you to come to make yours you know make your digital assets come to life so
yeah that's really exciting and I'm always here Dan's here Jessica's here
so if you have any questions about how this project can you know somehow work
into what you guys are envisioning would be happy to do that for all the
builders innovators and creators here and that's what we do at nifty kit so
very happy for this moment that we can we get to celebrate together on Sarah's
art diamond contract the base integration and just overall creative
you know innovative space as a whole and yeah I'm very happy and yeah last I
guess call to action is to go to our website nifty kit comm slash base so yeah
thank you all for being here I'm gonna toss it off to Jessica again but yeah
very excited amazing thanks strongly just very excited about this day again
I think that exciting is gonna be just become this platitude into the day but I
did want to give less thoughts to Dan if you wanted to say anything before we
head out and mint no I would just say like take action and you know we're
already like almost done with January it feels like sounded like there was a big
hangover from the end of last year so I hope that everybody who's planning and
doing the drop you guys have everything that you need you know definitely check
out the platform it's you don't need to create a contract at least get your
presale list and like starting to collect wallet addresses so even if
you're not ready with the artwork like there's no reason why you can't start
getting people hyped up so I'm going there and do that if you haven't
already but yeah just always excited to see what you crazy kids come up with
and always feel comfortable like reaching out to us and sending your
questions our way we're happy to help and figure this stuff out with you so
appreciate it everybody have an awesome day and please reach out amazing so
before we wrap I just want to take another moment just to say thank you
again and shout out to the entire and if you get team base team for all their
outstanding work on this drop which again is live and it's minting for free
I'm gonna try to do my best ASMR pinned up top in the Xbox and on a personal note
I just want to give you flowers Sarah for being such an exceptional human and
friend and dedicated artist who is always perfecting her craft and you've
always been just consistently sharing your beauty with all of us so thank you
you are you're a web through treasure thank you I can I say thank you to it
Jess and dongle and Dan and everybody in if he hit juvie low a low-ish everybody
like in terms of making an FT is accessible you guys really do that and
I think that that's how we move this space forward and I'm really really
grateful for for all your help and everything that you guys do so thank you
and thanks for the opportunity as well yeah so base diamonds to the moon is
is gonna be our slogan for today and thank you everyone for joining us thank
you again Sarah thanks to base to nifty kit for hosting and making this all
possible follow Sarah follow nifty kit follow base and if your creator be in
touch with us as always check out all the pin tweets above and you can learn
about nifty kit you can reach out to myself dongle and you know we're here to
help you launch your next NFT project we do have next space with tomorrow's space
pinned up top I believe we're talking with get reached out XYZ so RSVP to that
and again we host spaces every week so follow nifty kit put us on
notifications so you don't miss out and with that I'm gonna play us out have a
great day go mint a base diamond NFT and post it on your timeline tell your
friends about us don't keep us a secret right share share share and reshare