No Fluff: Block 666 a chat w @LH_Exe

Recorded: June 5, 2023 Duration: 1:32:52



As my city is upcoming as people are oppressed, and I'm going to change things
I'm up in Carmichael's trying to get on the same page. I heard about the rabbit that your claim was a mainstay
They had a nice run, but they never gonna maintain because
they don't love it, they don't love it, they don't love it, they don't love it, they don't love it, they don't love it, they don't love it, they don't love it
Ahhh, GMGN, it's a lovely Monday with some of my good friends here man, two of my favorite people in the ecosystem
I'm up on the stage, former co-worker, still family, super excited to have this conversation today
I got my other brother up here too, he's been crushing it this weekend
I saw you ripping things up, making some trades, I love to fucking see it
Let's do a little market update, hit the fucking bottom right hand corner of the Rome MF first
Let's get some comments, and then we'll get talking about block 66 in a little bit here
How you doing Salami, how you doing Hex?
Good man, just watching this whole fucking finance thing implode slowly, keeping an eye on that, how about yourself?
Dude, phenomenal, just sitting here, didn't sleep last night, have a big day ahead of me
I had a good time, I ate some shiitake mushrooms with my friends, and it was just so hard to sleep
There was absolutely no sleeping, went to the gym at 5am this morning, it was a beautiful night
My mind has been, I've been going crazy guys, not in a bad way, in a good way
I've been doing a whole bunch of shit, been planning stuff out, doing my job, just making some shit happen
I had a little creative spark come in me, I'm super excited
Bottom right hand corner, let's get it rolling, let's get it ripe
Salami, I want to hear your take on this Binance thing before we get all...
Yeah, dude, I'm pretty fucking mad, saw the Binance thing, instantly went into just max leverage short BNB as hard as I fucking possibly could
And I could not figure out my two-factor authentication for my account for a while, for like 10 minutes
So I got in the short way after, like I am, when I say max leverage long, I'm like 75x leverage long shorting BNB
So if I would have caught that at like $2.95 I think because when I first saw it, yeah, that would have been a pretty juicy little short there at 75x leverage
So still in it, now, I have no idea what's going to happen
The thing that I think is more interesting is all the shit that came out after, they listed a bunch of other coins
That they're going to potentially have as securities, Seoul was one of them, so I'm sure that's something we'll probably talk about a little bit
They label things as securities a lot, so it's not like super concerning
The BNB thing, I think, like for sure, I mean, that doesn't surprise me, that's probably going to be a lot of issues
Just in general, any of these exchange tokens, it's like what Coinbase has talked about a lot, why they purposely didn't use a token
Is because of like just all the risk that's associated with it and the chance of it being a security and how to like kind of like toe that line
Especially for them as a US based company, which they've talked a lot about how they probably are going to potentially change that
Or look at changing that just due to the intense regulations in the US
But yeah, it's, you know, there's never a dull week in crypto, way to start off on Monday, it's like that meme where you're like
Oh, let's have a good week, and you're like, first thing you see is this, you're like, all right, we'll start again tomorrow
The today's already cooked, so, you know, try to capitalize it, at least maybe cash in some nice shorts on some of these
I'm actually picking up some BTC earlier today, because I'm going to use it for some months coming up this week
So maybe some nice pricing on BTC, and I'm actually going to look for like a potential dip or something, maybe on Seoul
If I want to pick up some more of that, because I think people will react, kind of panic to the news of some of those
And I think they'll kind of bounce back, because we're seeing a lot of strength right now
And for like Apple, new all-time highs to tech stocks, typically doing well like that
So we'll kind of see what happens just in general, but overall, yeah, it's going to be a fun week for sure
Dude, I, yeah, we're fucked, I've already accepted it, I'm just like, oh, there we go, that's exactly what I needed to start my week
After not sleeping all night, and having a beautiful experience last night, I was just like, this is really what I wake up to
Like, I didn't even sleep, so I guess it's like, wow, this is really what's happening today
Um, you know, it's just, it is what it is, man
I'm used to it at this point, what's another black swan?
Turned Sol, turned Solana into a security, fuck us all, you know, it ain't that big of a deal
Kyle, you're up here too, my man, do you want to say hello, how you doing today?
Good, good, how are you doing?
Um, you know, I'm actually like, I just feel like I accept and welcome these types of events now
Where it's like, I can continue to dollar-cost average into Seoul sub $20
So it's, I don't know, I feel like after FTX, all these other hacks, just like, general Solana fud from other people
Um, you know, I'm pretty bullish on the long term, so it's just like, if we can get good entries, like, dollar-cost average in
Like, I'm trying to just accumulate that long-term bag of Seoul and ride it out, so
I don't know, not necessarily a bad day, I guess, in my mind anymore, I'm just, I feel like I'm just numb to the pain of these, like, stupid, stupid lawsuits and whatnot
But, you know, hope you're doing well too
Dude, it's some, honestly, I feel like there's some other bullshit that we hear every other day, so
You know, we can't just have an up-only week, we wish, you thought, you really fucking thought
Nope, I was so hyped yesterday, looking at my bags, woke up this morning, just still up, but not as, not as juicy as it was
Um, dude, let's, we got a good amount of comments on the room, I appreciate all you guys
Should we, we're about 10 minutes in, should we just get ripe and rolling into this and talk about what you guys got going on?
Or, I don't, I just want to quickly cover the Bitcoin thing, so I think it is interesting what Salami was saying, maybe I misinterpreted
But, I do think we are seeing quite a lot of strength in the market, like, it's funny that everyone's like, oh, I'm a bit, like, I'm not really responding to the news, I'm a bit desensitized to it all
And it does kind of remind me of when we're at all-time highs and we're getting, like, the El Salvador news
And it's, like, as bullish as it could be, and the market wasn't really reacting
Um, and I think, like, we're in a position now where just sentiment is so, so low
Um, the, the market not really overreacting to news like this could be super bullish
Because I think people are kind of waiting on lows and I think, crypto's generally pretty oversold at the moment
Like, say, with stocks, with Apple reaching all-time high today, I think that does say quite a lot about various different investment thesis
And I think if people can kind of see some strength in crypto out the back of this news, in spite of it, I think that actually leads to quite a bit of bullish price action
Um, so I'm hoping this is going to be a bit of a non-event, um, it does kind of feel that way
I mean, it's funny, I've got a load of people that just were tweeting and messaging the group chats
Being like, who cares, no one cares, give a fuck
Um, so I, I'm kind of hopeful that we, we see like a minor, like, sweep of the lows
Like, maybe we see like, 24, 25, but I don't think it lasts there for long
Like, I don't think this is going to be a big cataclysmic black swan event
Um, because I think all of that damage has already been done
Um, maybe that's naively hopeful, but that's kind of how I see this plan out
My brother, how are you feeling about that? That sounded like a pretty solid take to me, to be completely honest
I mean, 24, 25 sounds a little high, but, you know, you're never fucking up
If the, if the market overall, if everything keeps rallying up, I, I could see it happening
Yeah, dude, I don't know
I just think we're so numb to things like this
Like, I, seeing this, like, just didn't even face me
It's just like, oh, this is another day, another thing with
a bunch of flood around the finance thing for, I don't know, for months it feels like
So it's like, you kind of knew something like this was coming
Like, I don't know what the fuck's up, Gensler's ass anyways
About like, what is, is a security
Like, three years ago he was saying that 75% of the market in crypto isn't securities
Not even in the US
And now everything's a fucking security
It's, I don't know, like, I just, I don't fucking care, to be honest
Like, exactly like Hec said, like, don't let these, like, seeing and reading these stupid ass
news headlines is like what scares people out of positions
And then they panic sell the bottom and then they rebuy at the fucking top
Because they're like, oh shit, we're going to zero
Like, if FTX didn't nuke soul into the absolute ground
Like, this, this shit isn't
Unless it, like, comes out that it is some sort of a security
I really don't think that necessarily is going to happen very quickly
It takes a while for these things to do happen anyways
So I do think, like, people will probably panic
There will be some good buying opportunities
And I think, like, anything under $20 will get eaten up pretty fast
Like, I mean, I didn't, I kind of, like, thought in general
Like, if you look back, like, I still just really take close the 2019, like, ETH into account
For, like, how soul has been playing
Because it's basically just mirrored that
So, like, it wouldn't shock me again
If we did have a retest somewhere near-ish of the lows
Like, I would be really shocked if we went back down to under $10
And got near $8 again
But, like, somewhere kind of close in that area
So, like, yeah, I mean, I've been prepared and ready to kind of buy at those levels
But I don't think it'll last long
Like, it's going to go down WIC and then come back up pretty quickly, too
So I don't think we're going to get near those levels
I don't think it's that much panic
Like, I mean, when FTX happened, legitimately, people were, like, soul's death
Like, it's gone
It may not be here
Now this is just, like, oh, this is just more fucking fud from, you know, the Fed
And whatever they want to kind of save with the SEC
So, yeah, I'm not super worried about this one
It'll be a fun week for, like, trading and stuff
Like, volatility in general is just, like, what we want
I don't give a fuck if the market goes up
I don't give a fuck if the market goes down
I just don't want the market to go sideways
That's, like, view-lease fun
Like, absolutely watching paint dry
So, this will be fun
I mean, you have mad lads getting very close to 100 soul
That's fun, too
Like, I mean, that, I think, in general, could spark some life into the NFT market
This has been one of those
Where, yeah, I've just been accumulating a lot of liquid for some opportunities to kind of come
So, hopefully, we're getting ready to see some of those
Personally, yeah, I think it's actually, like, started to heat up a little bit
Regardless of which direction we go
Either one is more fun than just kind of chopping sideways
So, yeah, I'm kind of looking forward to it, honestly
Dude, I'd rather be in pain than just be bored
To be completely honest
Like, at least when we're all in pain
I feel like there's something more to talk about a little bit
Like, honestly
Like, then we can all just be like, fuck
Like, you guys, that'll give me something to talk about for at least two minutes every day
How my dumb ass around tripped another fucking bag
But, dude, we're 13 minutes in
Let's, dude, let's get
Are we, are we feel, do you guys want to keep chatting about this?
I'm excited
I did a lot of ordinals research
High as shit last night
It was a good time
One thing I wanted to get on, like, I think it's kind of funny
The, like, the original thesis that we had around Solana is just playing out
But just, like, it's easy to kind of cool it like a year ago
But to kind of, like, sit through it day by day
And kind of go through the explosion in slow motion is kind of difficult
Like, we still had quite a fundamental bet that Solana is the most performant blockchain
There's a real, like, strength in the culture here
Like, it will endure this thing
Like, we will sweep lows
We will have narratives go against us
Present itself over time
The culture will present itself over time
The performance of the blockchain will present itself over time
And it takes a while for the rest of the market to kind of catch up with that sort of thing
And I think that's what we are really seeing
Like, again, like Solana, we were saying
After the FDX thing, I think people were overly bearish as a result of that
Like, the narrative was just that SPF and FDX essentially was Solana
So that's why we kind of saw the damage that we did
But we're slowly seeing things starting to pick back up now
Like, seeing compressed entities really starting to gain some traction
Seeing the culture really starting to pick back up
Like, I think MadLads going to 100 is hugely significant
Even though I do think it is fairly arbitrary
It's just a number
But, like, the sentimental change that can have on the whole ecosystem
Is really, really positive
Like, people pay attention to that kind of news
So, I think, like, nothing's really changed from what we were saying a year ago
We're just having to watch it play out and it just feels really slow
And I think, yeah, in another seven, eight months
Things are going to be starting to cook again
Like, pretty much everyone has been saying for ages
But it makes it kind of difficult for the people that need to turn up here every day
And kind of just comment on the market
Because, yeah, everything is just kind of going to plan in a weird way
I mean, you know you can chime in as a cold house
Just so you're talking about them hunnids
Um, dude, god, this is a good conversation
I'm glad I recorded this one
I almost didn't record it
I didn't have to rug it
Because there was all this reminders
So I made sure to reschedule it
I'm fucking hyped up right now
Dude, I'm not going to lie to you
I really want to talk about what's going on with your fucking ordinals, man
Bro, block 666
What the fuck? Let's just start
Let's start there
How the fuck you make that happen?
It was great, great difficulty
Like, we've had like messages about we should do a Nodal's thing
Something like three months ago
It's funny seeing some of the screenshots in the chat
Because it was like if you think it's polarizing now
Like three months ago it was super polarizing
People really didn't want to see or hear anything about it
Certainly now that a bit of time's gone on
People are taking it a bit more seriously
But it was funny having those ideas being planted way back
And I think the comment was like
Okay, we might do a real small subset collection
If you want to take part, we'll let it
And if you don't want to take part of it
And ordinals make you sick, then you don't have to
And then it kind of evolved into what it is
We've got a few community members that really did deep dive it
Like Fabio Lumeo, who used to be our operations manager
Lou, you probably actually know him
I think he was around during your kind of time
And yet he really deep dived ordinals
He's completely out of Solano
He's completely out of ETH
Like he's only in Bitcoin
And it's funny because he was talking
Arguably what's even more bullish now than inscriptions are recitoches
People really treat Bitcoin as a religion
And people are kind of hoarding not only vintage blocks
But also cetoches with really cool numbers on it
So he hooked me up with a group called Rare Cetoshi Society
And essentially they just pick up rare sats
And they trade them
And they're a really, really good responsive team
In fact, they're actually helping quite a lot
With the inscription process at the moment
Because again, we're unironically super early
So a lot of the infrastructure for trying to set up these projects is really tricky
I think that's something that Sugar is kind of learning in real time
When I might be a bit out of the loop
So I apologize if I spread some misinformation here
But he was like, ah, we're going to do this free mint
And now all of a sudden he's realized that the cost of doing this is around 200k
So maybe it won't be so free anymore
And like the infrastructure side of things is fucked
So yeah, they've been huge
And yeah, like we were talking
I was like, look, I really want to get these like, we don't want to get a rare sack collection
Don't want to do what Degas did
I don't like, you can't really do a whole block anymore
Like it's just so insanely expensive
Like I think they're, are they a sub 10k inscription or a sub 100k?
I think it might be, it might be sub 100k
Which is crazy bullish
And they got it when the fees were way down
Like when we first talked about this
Again, I speak to chart3 pretty much every day at this point
And when I first spoke to chart4 about this
He's like, bro, you got to do this now
Like the fees won't stay this way forever
I was like, I want the fees
He's like, are there $2 per inscription
I was like, ah, fuck it, it'll be fine
And fast forward three months
Like if we wanted to inscribe 350 images at its highest quality
It's going to be around 70k
And like it's such an insane like inflation of those numbers
Like as the network's just getting more and more used and congested
Those fees are exploding
Like it's funny now like I know this is
It almost sounds like a meme
But like the BRC 30 tokens are now coming out
Which are essentially utility tokens for staking BRC 20s
And like the network is just going to get more and more congested
And fees are just going to go higher and higher
So yeah, long-winded way of saying
Like we managed to lock in those rare sats now
While that opportunity was there
Because again, people are hoarding the vintage blocks
And inscription fees are just getting higher
So this is like the perfect most opportune moment to do something like this
Dude, that's nuts
Honestly like how so how many
So tell give us a little four one one
What's what's good?
What's going on?
How many are you in?
How many are you doing?
Like what's going on with your ordinals, man?
Yeah, so I mean for anyone that's not in the know at this point
Like it's funny because I mean shouts out to Tiefly
Because Tiefly gave us the original idea for the collection
Because like when we first minute the gods like October 21
Which is a long while back
Like generative artwork is not what it is now
Like now when you see generative artwork collections like collections
They'll do like 51 of ones
They'll like manually curate the res
And then the rest will kind of be what they'll be
And they might even get rid of some of like the ones the combinations that they don't like
But way back when we did this that wasn't really a thing
Like things was true to a generation
Like I think we did like two or three generations
And then we stuck with the third generation
But it was really sad because we never saw like the maximum potential with the collection
Like you never saw combos that like the community really wanted to see
And like Tiefly put together this series
I can't remember what it was called
It was like in another world or something
You like put together like full angel gods or full devil gods
Like combinations that never really came
And we were always kind of waiting up an opportunity
Like well where can we really showcase the absolute maximum potential of this collection?
And I learned the whole we kind of got the perfect opportunity to do this with ordinals
So essentially the block gods are 350 hand-designed gods
The absolute maximum potential that we have of the fracture
What we're hoping on
So it's the most premium of the fracture on the most premium of blockchains
Is the kind of tagline that we're going with
So yeah, that's the kind of TLDR of all
Dude that's pretty fucking cool
I saw this
I hadn't really seen too much about it until like last week
And then I saw there on like block 666
And I was like I like like just the branding things around like stuff like that
It's just it's really cool
It adds like a fun perspective to it
Because like I think there's been a lot of like talk about
Collections of different chains doing stuff onto ordinals
And I think like it fits very well for certain collections
Like there's been collections that have done really well and sold that have gone over here
And it's kind of like an extension a lot of the times for your own community and your own holder base
Where it's not like you're going out really trying to like recruit a whole lot of different things
But it's like for your holders in your community
You're able to kind of give them this exposure to ordinals in general
Which I think a lot of people have and like for these communities that did it too
Like a lot of people are like I don't have any ordinals exposure like this is this is it
So now it's like I get to own a piece of that on a different chain
Also, it helps people kind of like get used to using those things
Because I think like that's the main reason why most people probably even got into them
Was because of these collections doing it
So I think it's it's just a cool process to kind of go through like that
And I've definitely seen some back and forth on it
But like for me, I think it's just a cool thing to to kind of like reward your community with and show them that
You know, they can have a little bit of fun over there
And you know that makes a profit great if they just want to hold it great
You know if they want to use that and switch it over to some other collections
It just gives them some some opportunity to kind of do some stuff cross chain
Sitting on your hands a lot lately
So it gives you some time to kind of uh, enjoy another another market another vertical right now and kind of diversify yourself a little bit
Oh, I mean, yeah, so right and there's so many points within that like
The the penny drop for me really when I was actually speaking to my dad about this
Um, and he doesn't barely understands cryptocurrency barely understands what we do
Um, was it hey with we're thinking about doing this like vertical and bitcoin and he's all bitcoin
I was like, yeah
These are like of all the cryptocurrencies like I know bitcoin is the one that's going to be here to stay
And it's like it was kind of a bit of a of an eye-opening moment for me because you forget about like the significance of it
And like you say like there is a lot of back and forth and there are like a range of opinions on it
But I think there's a lot of people that really do see a significance within bitcoin. It's like the one true
reality of blockchain
So that's kind of fun and it's like it's it's it's kind of
What's the word like claiming your history on chain and getting those vintage sats?
I think is really the icing on the cake
um, and like you say for for the holders that want to participate it is kind of like uh, so it's a
No, lost basis in a way because we have especially in this chain
Like I mean I checked out soul sniper this morning like yeah
2300 buyers and that was before all of this news
So like solana buys is super low and I think like having a really limited collection because we've got a super engaged community
But we're a smaller community. We're a niche community and that's kind of like uh,
What i'd say one of our usps are is like we are kind of like the niche subset and we have
Like a handful of concentrated highly motivated and invested people into this that diamond hand and pretty much lock up all of the res
Um, so I think there's a lot of excitement there just not only once in the historical significance of what bitcoin is
but also like for the people that can in for lack of a better word lack of
Better word in the people that can afford to speculate on this will
Um, and it would be gate kept by people that care a lot about this collection. Um, and I just think that's really exciting
Dude it is exciting honestly like if any I feel like you guys have been here for a long fucking time
This just gives you a cool opportunity to do something different get exposure on a different chain like
I don't know man, like you hasn't proven yourself. You're not just
Going over there for the fuck but you're also like a fine art collection
Um, I mean that was something that was important to us
Because when we were talking about this originally and that's kind of also another
Part of the motivation for getting that block 666 is like we didn't just want to do like an anything there
Like we we knew if we were going to go there we had to kind of go big
Uh, which is why we took all the steps that we did with the rare sats
Um getting funk steady back in in the limelight putting them back to work
So yeah, i'm glad that we did go above and beyond that like
It's difficult. Oh, yeah, i'm not gonna throw anyone in the bus. I've learned my lessons by now
But you you saw some some old older salana collections that did make that extension then it was kind of like just doing it
for the sake of it
Um, they didn't like getting any kind of rare sats
They didn't go for any rare satoshis and it wasn't like
Wasn't so much of an evolution of the art and it was more of like a condensed version of the art to kind of fit
in with the inscription fees
Um, and you can kind of tell like unless you really go for this you can kind of like you realize that this isn't
This isn't something that's had like a lot of thought and love behind it
Um, whereas I I do really feel like this was kind of a passion project not only for ourselves
But for a lot of the holders, um, and I think that does show
Dude i'm excited for it. Um
I see kyle's hands been up. I want to hit that before we start diving a little bit deeper into what's going on with it
What's up, kyle?
Yo, um, so i'll be completely honest like i've completely faded ordinals. I have no ordinals
Um, you know, I I do definitely like sort of the meta of like, you know, if people want to do sort of like that special one-off thing
Um, you know do like a freemint for their holders or achievement for their holders if they want to do some stuff on bitcoin
Also to like some of the you know recent points that you've made
Uh hex with like, you know, bitcoin's going to be here like, you know, your dad and a lot of people have heard of bitcoin
But like not really anything else
But like just to take a step back and like nothing, uh, I guess not not specifically with what you're doing
But more in general about ordinals
I guess like one thing that I still don't really understand is like
The way I see ordinals is like the same reason like degod's like bridge from salona to ethereum
It's basically like oh, there's like bigger bags and whales here so we can make money over here
So that's why we're doing it
I guess in my head like I I like what you've explained more where, you know, you found uh, you know sat 666 or whatever to inscribe on
Like that kind of stuff like there's more of a narrative especially with like actual art
But like it like what's the what's like the overall ordinal narrative?
Like I feel like i'm missing something because
Like back to what I just said it seems like a degod moment where it's like, oh, let's go to ordinals
It's like the current new shiny meta of like bigger bags and more liquidity and then like nothing else makes sense
Like it's more expensive. It's clunky like the tech wasn't made for these things
So like I don't know if you have any, you know
Talking points on that like outside of your collection or just want to like comment on that
But like i'm just genuinely curious because I feel like I just haven't like
It hasn't clicked for like a lot of other things
Like like why should I be buying these things that are like one two three bitcoin right now?
Like what's what's the point because you know mad lads to the other end of the spectrum
They're doing cool stuff on salana
Like the tech and the throughput and the tps and that stuff is like supportive there
Whereas it really seems like if you're not doing just like a pure sort of like art
Uh exclusive play like it it makes no sense to me
You're right
Like a lot of what ordinals and brc20s are is literally just forcing a square throw around hole like a lot of it doesn't work
Like brc20s are completely backward
Um, and I think like one of the unfortunate realities, um of cryptocurrency
And it's one of the things that I am like reluctantly learning over time is that like not necessary
But where liquidity is kind of attention and excitement follows
And that's why you've got to kind of look at the data and really see okay
Like was salanas had dwindling volume and activity theorems had dwindling volume and activity
Sui didn't even really leave the gate
The only thing that's taking off right now is a kind of innovation cycle going on on ordinals
And that's obviously all the liquidity. That's all the attention is
Um, I do agree that like this this isn't a technological revolution
Like this isn't a scalable technology. Like I don't think it should be treated as such
Um, I think it should be treated as a novelty
Um, I do think it's too early to kind of talk about the maximum potential there because I think there's some really really smart people doing
Some really smart things on that. I think brc30s is a good example of that
But at the moment like it is just kind of novels and give gimmicks for the sake of it
But I think innovation is cool, especially innovation on bitcoin, which is something that is is super rare to see
Um, I think from like, uh, why why would you want to get involved side of things?
Like I think that that I would lean back into like the religiousness of what bitcoin is
Um, like we we it's so often to get caught up in like the day today
But like for what bitcoin actually represents like it was kickstarted this whole movement
It was the it was the first time in human history that we've ever been able to take
True custodial ownership of our wealth like that's such a cool fucking moment
Um, and I think it's something that we should be really proud of
Um, and I think as we get kind of towards like these vintage satoshis like I I personally and I could be wrong because i'm a fucking
Idiot, um, I personally believe that they will get locked up
I think people will want to get these rare sats early doors because when we're talking in like, I don't know
2070 or whatever, um, it's going to be the equivalent of owning like a
An old vintage bottle of wine except this is going to be like not only do I have a rare sap from 2009
I've got a rare satin squad with this art collection or whatever
So I think there's a true genuine
Valuing like collectability and just being a part of what bitcoin represents
But no, you're completely right in terms of the tech side of things like I don't think there's a lot of
Exciting tech development there. Um, but again, I would I would argue that it is a bit too early to tell
Um, and people are really smart and I think it's really difficult to see what kind of innovation curve we have there
Um, but I think the what's already happened is significant enough. Um, and I think obviously people care a lot about bitcoin
It's making miners very happy
Um, which is going to which is going to force innovation to keep going to keep making miners happy
I think that's a positive cycle
And who knows where it goes from there?
But for us like it's all just about the significance of what bitcoin is kind of claiming our piece of history
Um and making a real good attempt, um doing something that we fit is special because if it's not special to you
It's definitely special to a lot of our holders. Um, and that for us is more than enough reason to do it
Dude I used to say frank was the number one shoulder rubber, but I think with that accent it might be you hex
I'm not gonna lie, bro
It's the way you be talking bro. You really just be like I have some boozy ass soul gods still
Like I have it a motherfucking bag
I still have them. I still have I have some grails, bro
This I have the sight I have a hell and horn background
I got some nice shit, bro. We're we're not to be faded like
the the last four or five months
like even just personally, um
And probably even speaking for the team has just been like such insane learning stuff like this
Coming like we've always even in the bull market like we we didn't have a huge fund raise compared to our competitors
We've always been used to making a lot happen with a little and the bear market has kind of just been
It's been that learning experience on steroids
And it really has changed and we know what our strengths are
We know what works and we know like who we're catering for like we're now not catering for everybody
You can't cater for everybody. Um, and that is our strength like leaning into our uniqueness is is what what works?
Um, and I think like as we kind of talk towards
Uh a next cycle and as we talk towards solana being the most performant blockchain
I don't think I don't see a world where we lose our niche like we never lose grip with that
Like we will be the niche and we will scale with solana. That's just the way I see it
Um, so like for me personally, like if you're bullish on solana nfts, I think there's no reason why that wouldn't cover the fracture in my opinion
Um, I don't think there's there's not a lot that we can't do now. It's from in terms of like compared to our competitors
Um, and in terms of artwork like blockhouse is obviously the start but carus I think is I do genuinely think is revolutionary
Um, but yeah coming into this bull market
I think we're going to be kind of difficult to compete with in terms of our niche
And I think that just scales with solana adoption and that's what keeps me really excited
Know I have to give it to you on that one
That's that's pretty true. I've seen some of the art too
I don't know what's released yet and I did sign an nda back in the day
So I won't talk about it, but there's definitely some talented people on that team
Wait, can I just talk about it? It's fired
It's been a couple months. I feel like you've had to announce some of that shit by this point
Yeah, I mean we we've dropped up we've dropped a lot of it
In yeah, as many people know it was like a year in the making
Um, and it's fun to like kind of as we look towards rolling that out, which is I think is going to be one of the
One of the most exciting things that we've done just from a program
Programmatic point of view so I mean for anyone that doesn't know I often forget that people aren't always in the know
Um is we've been working with cardinal labs for like the last three or four months
And for anyone that's not familiar with cardinal labs, they built out the first royalty enforcement
Um, they'd be the first team to build out non-custodial staking
Um, they're absolute giga chads and they've been building out all of our programs at the moment
Um, so we're trying to we're taking like what you'd know from a typical art upgrade experience and kind of turning on it as head
Um, so just some like random facts about the art upgrade experience is that like for each bridge that you upgrade
There's a potential to reroll it three times
Um, but not only that is you can freeze a trait
So let's say that uh, you want to reroll your bridge and it's got a regal crown on it
But you want to keep the regal crown and then regenerate all the other chain, uh, all the other traits
Um, so we're now able to like randomly generate an upgraded collection while retaining metadata from the original image
Um all random and all on chain, which is insanely complicated and it's something we spent a long time doing
Um, but the front end now for that is looking super clean
Um and making sure that user experience and terminal for doing all of that is super fun
Um, so we're building out some pretty cool shit at the moment like I can't lie
Dude let's fucking go i'm about it
Honestly, you see I know I know what's going on with the fracture salami ask some good questions
Because I feel like you're not as informed. Let's let the people know we kind of know what's going on
You got a fine art boutique collection going on ordinals
We'll dive into the details a little bit, but let's get let's chat about the fracture a little bit too might as well. Fuck it
Salami as it as imagine, you know, nothing about the project
Go hit hex with the hard. I mean, I don't really know too much
I I know that it has pretty cool art
It's been around for a long time and it has like a pretty strong community
That's still around you see a lot through like people that are still rubbing the pfp's and it's been pretty consistent like that
but like I guess outside of like art and anything like that what um
What are you guys kind of like working on if you could explain it for a mic?
Give us give us your elevator pitch of essentially if you'd want someone to know in like three minutes
Your guys's brand is with gods. What how would you kind of go about that?
The fracture is very similar to clayna sauce in the sense that it is just uh, it's an ip
It's a fancy world that we're building out
Um, and it's not only a fancy world. It's a fantasy world that's built out by the same community that kind of started
It's one of the like the one of the fewer fortances that web3 gives
Um is it allows small independent creative teams to kind of build out these creative ip's like something that would never usually be possible
Where not only can you kind of curate a community over time?
You can also gain kind of financial independence as a creative team
And that opens up a range of doors
So what we're really doing is she's trying to paint a really really cool world create this really really good story
And then iterate on loads of different ways
I think clayna sauce again is a nice example here because they are kind of a
A little bit ahead of us in terms of their skill sets and capabilities
But you look at like some of the ways that they're leveraging their ip
So even with like the the dinosaur like running game escape from that volcano mobile thing that they did
Was like one of the use cases from the ip and now they're doing this this gamified
Staking a sense to earn different traits for you clayna sauce
It's another iteration of the ip and they will keep working through iterations of that ip and growing their user base until they find that
One sticky product. So I
I posted about fortnite yesterday. I pretty much made that exact same post about three four times
But one yesterday happened to be the one that blew up
But fortnite is a great example of this is where they originally made this zombie survival game and no one gave a fuck
They made this battle royale game and everybody gave a fuck and everybody started using it
So that was the thing that they lent into
That's a similar thing to what how we're approaching this
That's a similar thing to how clayna sauce were approaching it approaching this
And I think the same could be said about pretty much most of the ip's that we started in web 3 is you will keep
Um in ip's are
Desperately in need and something that is more and more difficult to do again
Like this is the whole reason that cal animation came into this space is that like
We'll be seeing avatar four five and six before we see a new story because it's not super profitable
Like the way you go and get something approved by netflix or one of these studios is you say hey
We've got this really cool story and they'll be like so what who's going to watch it?
Because it's impossible for these creative teams to come out and say look
We've got the finances to make something happen and we have an active engaged fan base
Um, but where are you seeing that happen?
You're seeing that happen in web 3 you're seeing it happen with pudgy
You're seeing it happen with clayna
It's just seeing it happen with a range of ip's
Um, so when they go back to netflix or when they go back to these studios or whoever's going to produce a toy line
Like yes, we're in uip
But look we have this active fan base and we have funding to make cool things happen
And I think that's a really really cool preposition
And in the same way that we have quite a niche community in art style. We have quite a niche story
We have quite a niche um ip that we're gaming for so hopefully as that kind of fundamental bet on this ecosystem scaling plays out
Um, so all that so I know you ask for a small elevator pitch
But it's really difficult to encapsulate all of the different arms and ways that we're taking it
But high level that that's really what we're doing
Dude that was pretty
That was pretty damn good. Honestly, you kept me engaged through the whole time
Even the dude. Yeah
I see this is biased though. I used to fucking work for you. You've you you've cut me paychecks before so
Yeah, disclaimer if you guys didn't know I used to work for these mfers
Um, but dude, I fucking love you bro. This is this is banging
All right, so let's break down. Let's talk about the not fun stuff. How much is mint for these fucking ordinals?
So the mint was uh, well 350 bucks for the people that paid pre-sale
Um, it was 0.1 0.01. Two six six six, which just is 350 bucks aka the price of a floor god
Um, but now Bitcoin is is doing what it's doing
So we're keeping an eye on that before we let people know the final mint price there
But yeah 350 bucks the same as the the pre-sale for the people that have already paid
Fuck yeah
The thing that I think is so funny with btc
I was like talking about this the other day. It's like anything that is essentially under
0.1 btc. I have zero idea how much it costs like literally no idea
Like when it gets to like 0.1, you can just look at the price of bitcoin and you know
You you can figure that out pretty easily
But that is the funniest thing about being denominated in like a much larger currency is like
It doesn't seem big at all. Like you can take like 0.001
And then 0.002
And like it's double as much it's a good amount of money
Like compared to like soul where you'd see like that'd be equivalent of like, I don't know probably like five soul
But like it seems like absolutely nothing
So it's so funny when you have these like currencies and I think like maybe like the more you trade in it
You would get used to it but like for right now absolutely zero fucking clue how much any of these things are and I think it makes
People like more willing to actually spend money because they don't know how much they're spending
So like frank talks about this a lot with like being denominated in a different currency like with at least even on ethereum
like if you look at
1000 soul or 1.1 k sold versus 9e
Like 90 seems so much lower even though it's actually like the same price
But it's just because it has that lower denomination. So then you take the Bitcoin. It's one step further
So it's a it's a really funny kind of dynamic over there
And I think it makes people a lot more willing to kind of spend it reminds me like during the bull market too when
I mean you're just seeing magic internet money. Like you don't really care. Oh one eth
Yeah, sure. I'll ape one eth into this
But if you would have seen like 4,500 dollars you would be like wow, that's actually a lot of money
Do I want to buy this piece of trash for for that, you know when everyone was just blindly aping
So it's a really funny thing that I guess we're not really used to if you've been on just one chain for for a long time
Now you're switching over to a different denomination
Right. It's so true. Like yeah, it's it's important not to like mid curve
Just basic human psychology like people see small number they think small price
Like that's it's just the way it is let alone when you're on a chain that
You can't afford to kind of do like real minor flips or real minor undercutting
So it does allow for like big big jumps in price, but the same can be said both upwards and downwards
I think the thing that's interesting though is just the price action
Like we have we haven't seen anything like this in forever like bitcoin bandit sitting at 11k
Sitting at what's that like five times the floor of mad lads at the moment, which is insane
No, one's talking about it. We're gonna ordinal maxi business sitting at three east. That's 80k
That's 20k more than a boogal
No, one's talking about it. You look at bitcoin frogs at naught point naught seven like
That's probably yeah
That's probably more towards the price of a mad lad at the moment like
What's going on with the liquidity in action on ordinals right now?
You just can't ignore like the data is just just sobering like there is an obscene amount of liquidity there
And there's an obscene amount of growth there
Like this isn't just a fad like we we saw what aptos
We saw what aptos did with like mingo
It's like that was a kind of fad price action where you saw like the most popular collection made maybe made up to like a thousand bucks
Um eventually cooled off, but this is going like above and beyond that
We're seeing like consistent and confident sales on the ordinal maxi business at 80k
That's wild bitcoin balance against it at 11k. That's wild like we're in the depths of a bear market
So yeah, I I just I really really do struggle to kind of comprehend what's going on with ordinals at the moment
I just think like especially for traders like people that are into that kind of thing
Like you just can't ignore the data. You just cannot ignore that kind of volume
Dude I agree like there is liquidity over there as much as i've been fading ordinals the past couple weeks like i'm
Fucking caving. I did a little bit of research
I haven't like put any money over there, but
It's just crazy dude. Like the people are doing shit over there. Like it's just
like a slower
more expensive
Fuck it, dude. It's
I don't know and it's it's good now as well
Like they were trading off fucking google sheets at one point at least you got marketplaces now and like experts and unisat wallet
Like their user experience is much better
Like three months ago when this shit was like really profitable. It was like barely usable. It was like what brc20 as well on release
Um, yeah, but now it just feels like solana in slow motion
And once you get over the few like kind of initial learning hurdles, um, yeah, it's just like a slow solana
Dude, it's a slow solana magicki dude like it really just cracks me up. It's funny
I want how much of a do we think it's a fad or how long
Do we think some of it's?
Do you think some of it's a fad if people don't think into consideration like getting good sats and things like that?
Oh 100 percent like any like this is one of the things that's frustrating and i would love to talk about so
Dad, I can't I woke up this morning and realized the founder
Was it the founder or someone that derived it was accused of murder? Like I thought that was fucking
crazy, um
Yeah, anytime where there's like high liquidity and excitement you're gonna get these kind of people that are coming in there it's grift and
Take whatever money you can they can
And they will come and they will run up and they will go down hard
uh, but that's why I think like
There's the opportunities lie within like the established people that are trying to do legitimate things like zk shark
Like he's just quit his full-time job
Uh to go all in on ordinals, uh, like chart through with bandits
Like you just know like these guys are d-gods as well
Like there's a there's a few here that are just like kind of like yeah, I want to be associated with this
But again as as with solana 99 percent of it is going to be absolute horseshit
Um, but that's just that's just the reality of the industry
Uh, you just take careful calculated bets. Um, and I think you'll be okay
Um, like I said, I think that especially for projects that have kind of prioritized rare sats
Like d-gods taking the whole block is really significant in the grand scheme of bitcoin like all nfts aside
Um, like the historical significance of taking a whole block or even kind of yet being minted on like rare sats
I think that kind of transcends a lot of what the nfts represent as well
It's difficult. And again, like who really knows who really knows?
Um, I can't remember people were calling for if to flip, um, bitcoin's market cap
And it's like we don't really know any of this plays out
But I think like the historical significance of a lot of what's going on there. Um, I think that does hold a lot of value
Dude yeah, i'm pretty hyped for you guys getting it's literally block 666, right? It's not
It's block 666. It was created in 2009
Uh, which I think is fucking wild
Dude that's fucking nuts if you see
That's gonna be worth some shit and you already like you have that blicy
I have no clue how this shit works
Really the the other things to look into so like it is kind of fun
Like it did like if when I was diving a bit into this it didn't make me want it because there's people that are like
Trying to collect the individual satoshis that were actually in
Allegedly satoshi nakamoto's original wallet
Um, so you've got people out there like trying to hoard like various different sats and people are hoarding in bulk at the moment
Um, so I think like there is like a lot if you're like a long-term maxi in crypto
Like it can't hurt to at least have some where sats like I think it's just a cool thing
Like especially as people would just start to hold this up and like the interested network activity is just going to go up
People are inscribing various different things
Um, yeah, if you're into that sort of thing, like I I think it could be quite a cool little thing to get into
Dude, the thing I've noticed too is like there's a lot more like rare sat hunters
Um, so like nolish is a guy who essentially helps ek get a lot of these rare sats
I remember talking to him like a while ago and he was like this is when they had like block 78 things
This is before like block nine. Um, and you have like even
Nolishes like collections all like skyrocketed after it basically came out that he was like we're hunting because what they you essentially think of is you're like
Okay, if they found me it's like what other ones have they found? What other things they have?
And this is one thing that zk did a lot. It was like zk just inscribed like an absolute fucking
Madman really early on inscribed a lot of shit
So like they have more shit inscribed than they've even said
And I think you'll see that a lot with these collections because there's like a couple things that will be like
Valuable like the 10k collections that are just like whatever like, you know, 10 million
Um inscriptions absolutely worthless. These are just these are just grift collections in my opinion from you know
They're just coming here trying to capitalize off of it
But like when you have things that are on rare sats and when you have low inscription numbers
like when you have
Collections that haven't even released yet, but they're low inscription numbers and they're like these boutique type of like, you know, maybe, you know
100 500 less than that I think those will carry a lot of value when you start getting like 10k collection and these higher numbers
I don't think those will do a lot like you've seen like these bitcoin bears cubs
It's like a second type gen, but it's gotten a lot of volume
So like they are traded a lot more because the one thing with ordinals is they are rather a liquid
Even the the really high price ones and you just there isn't a ton of them. So there's not a ton of buyers
There's not a ton of sellers. It's mostly the issue. So
Yeah, it's it's kind of fun to see how this goes
But yeah these rare set hunters like if you can find some
These things are if you have these and that you've just been sitting on them
I think those are going to continuously go up in price
It's that kind of concluded like
Fucking the bends raised like 14 million dollars for just fucking erc 20 tokens is wild
Like some of the shit we saw and saw on it
People lost their fucking minds for like four or five days
It was crazy like literally everyone was aping like any kind of like food item possible
Um, and I went on for like four or five days and it's like I don't understand how people can't
Haven't had that learning experience of just like the grift jet
Um, that is wild to me
But yeah, I don't think like I don't think you should invalidate like you said
You should invalidate what's going on ordinals just because of the large majority of grifters
Like you are going to get that literally everywhere. You see that pop up on slana every fucking day
Um, it's just a case of like just doing about a bit of marginal
Looking at what the landscape is trying to learn a bit about communities before you just dive headfirst into it
Um, but it's not hard like the people that are looking at ordinals at the moment
They're probably used to trading salana like especially in this bear market. We're not seeing new entrants
Like this isn't your first rodeo. Just keep a keen eye out there
Don't mint the fucking rugs and take bets and teams you believe in and you should have a pretty good experience
Dude I think that's pretty good advice that's solid advice
Really, it's hard to like build intuition in web3 though because you never fucking know what people are gonna do
How do we how does one establish trust amongst a project or project founder?
I mean like of course time time is the only thing that really builds solid trust, but like
as a whole for new founders, how do we
That is that is the answer is time like you look at cab animation in clay knows
We're in salana for near enough a year before they minted
So when they came around to mint they had everybody's trust because they're around they've been around for ages
Um, like you can only wear a mask for so long
And I think like as long as you've been in the space for fucking ages like you gain that trust like
We should be skeptical of new people coming into the block and asking for loads of money
Like naturally like if a new face just comes up and says hey i'm doing this collection
And I want three mil you're like who the fuck are you like what like where did you come from?
Um, so if we're talking about like gaining trust in this ecosystem
Not just be around contribute for a long while and you will get that trust
Um, but I I don't think like in terms of like how can you teach intuition?
I don't think you can like human nature is human like voshi
Did the perfect demonstration of that with with this greed experiment like everyone in the fucking ecosystem even fucking wallets
We're minting that shit. They give over whatever the fuck just for a few pennies
Um, so I think that's really really difficult. Um, so I think like
In a and i'm trying not to be too cynical about this
But you kind of kind of let darwinieism play out like you people kind of have to get burned in order to learn
Um, because you you can't you can't tell these people there needs to be that kind of like internal change
Um, and I think only after people have been burned that they kind of realize that
Um, it is it is a shame and I think it's probably one of the
One of the biggest limiting growth factors of the space and it's part of the reason why I wouldn't say it's part of the reason
The legislation and scc are coming down so hard on this because of the sheer quantity of scamming and grifting that does go on
But yeah, like it's when we have an anonymous web3 culture when things don't need uh licensing things don't need ky seeing
Um, it's just going to be a hotbed for all of this shit
It's difficult like it's so much harder to sell someone on
Precaution than it is to sell someone on oh, here's an opportunity to make 100 bucks
Um, and I think like that will forever be the the paradigm that someone's facing
Dude I couldn't agree more especially on salona like let alone
100 dollars 10 dollars, bro
MFers will fucking
MFers will take a dollar on salona
It's kind of wild I think it's that's a good trade these days
The little quick dollar hot dog profit real quick
It's fucking wild. It's what it's just so difficult because the amount of bots that you've got here trying to just maximize trading
And trying to capitalize on whatever limited liquidity there is here
So it's funny like people are salona motherfuckers never change and they're pointing out all these like 0.1
That's not real people it's just bots just trading the market just consistently on various different indicators
I don't know like volume is always good to see
Trade some of the trading is questionable
But like as we're going through these periods of low liquidity
Like I think that really like we always talk about salona being poor like I do
I don't think there's a lot of capital left in this space currently
Um, and until we see more buyers until we see more liquidity
I do think that kind of is just going to be that way
Um, I do think they come but I just don't think like you can't really force it if that makes sense
Like if we are really only transaction one million dollars a day for the whole of salona
Um, that just doesn't leave a lot of room for opportunity and like
For anyone listening that's like, oh, that's not true
I see apart from like maybe salami mommy and a couple of other really good quick intuitive traders
99 percent of people are not making money
Like I it drives me crazy when people are like, oh I made like 10k this week
But no you fucking didn't like no hardly anyone in this space is profiting at the moment
Like it's just it's beyond pvp
Like you're the odds are against you like we're dwindling in buyers and volume like you have to play the field
Yeah, it's just just it's just the reality of the bear market is what I said back at the beginning of the space like
We just have to let this play out and it's gonna play out in slow motion and it's gonna feel slow
But in time it will win like we have the most performant blockchain and we have a really vibrant culture here
Um, and that's a real solid long-term bet you can make that
Um, don't just burn yourself out trying to day trade the chop and incident boredom like way to opportunity presents itself
Yeah, dude market is just fucking tough right now
Like it is so hard like the majority of it right now is the gym like gambling
Like it's it's not very much like even trading like everything is just
It's tough like you're fighting
You're fighting for literal pennies
And that's what i've been telling someone's coming on here the other day and like asking about like trading disorder notes in general
It's like well
I'm just like more so just not trading like there's times where I think you should be trading and then I think there's times
Where you shouldn't be trading and like I look at my like risk to reward and not even in that
I look at like my time investment and i'm like was me spending eight hours a day to like come here and trade and like there's
Just no liquidity in the market. I'm like i'd be better. You'd be better off fucking working a different job
Like I obviously work in web 3 so i'm basically here all day doing this anyways
But like i'm saying from like a trader's perspective
That's why all these people have just fucking laughed like go to fucking traditional markets right now
You can text stocks that are at all time highs like that
You'd be better off trading in those markets than you would and just how tough it is here
And I think that's like the one thing you have to kind of understand is there's going to be times where it's not great
Instead of forcing that like just don't do it and wait till it's easier
Like you shouldn't have to be a absolutely perfect trader be the only
You're guessing on the only collection of the day that that went up or essentially just didn't go down
And then meanwhile you're doing it to an asset that's declining price too. So, um, it's just very hard to like
Be doing that and I think like understanding that and being like, all right
Maybe uh, I take a couple weeks off for summer refresh, you know, enjoy my enjoying my summer
And then I come back and uh, wait till the market's a little bit easier and I can really dive in
So that's what I think a lot of people are doing right now
I think that's why we see buyer numbers so low and it's like not super concerning
It's just more like we see this just in general over the past summers. That's that's kind of what's happened
It doesn't mind me. I think I you haven't put out a tweet over the weekend or something
But you're like, uh, I've got my hours on like a few collections like wild things are like super bad at the moment
And it's like I sorry for being a bit of a broken record for the people that did listen to the space every day
Upstream everything's great. And then this bear market came along which was just this massive rain cloud
Um, and it just sort of sent like this huge flood waters into the stream that we're all just chilling in
We'll just get thrown back towards this waterfall and at the bottom of that waterfall is just like a relevance a floor price
That's just beyond wrecked
And projects at the moment are swimming as hard as they can against that current
And it's like for a lot of holders in a lot of potential traders as well in the market
They'll look at price being stable and they'll be like ah
Something's not working here
Like we need to change this that and the other thing but they failed to realize that like you need to be working 10 times
Harder just to stay where you are
Like for people that are like really just trying to claim any opportunity of liquidity they can like just staying where you are
Is progress like not losing ground is progress like this market is ruthless
And we've seen so many projects just fade into a relevance here
Um, so like less from a trader's point of view but more from like a market and people that are making like long-term bets
Like the people that are willing to swim against that current
And endure all of this and that are kind of staying relevant and staying in the game
Um, that is super bullish like that is something i've it is super bullish because
If projects lay up for even a week or two they're out of the game out of the races
Um, so that's just one thing i'd say just about that price action
Like don't let like lack of price action be confused with lack of progress. So don't think they're correlated
I agree, man. Like you can't the team can't control price action all the time
I mean, there's things that can be done sometimes like you can fake it with an announcement
But there's always things take time in the back end
You got to work on things. You got to make things happen. You got to make connections
But even like the the I mean the example I get back to is I spoke to
I spoke to the aurorae team and aurorae for me is such a great example of this and maybe portals again is another brilliant example
Um start out less as well another brilliant example, but just going with the example of aurorae raise
160 million they had a higher valuation than magic headon
Let me rephrase that they've raised more money than magic headon
They had a higher valuation than magic headon the breakout unicorn company that made all those fucking headlines
We even had a yacht party in new york about it
aurorae raised more than them and they built arguably one of the best games in web3 like and it's functioning they have a game
already out they've made a release last week and they're struggling to make current users care and it's it's difficult because
You can do the best things in the world at the moment and just the market just won't really react to it
Um, which is really really difficult. Um, and I do think that's also telling of the market
Like teams are in a tricky position as well because like again
You can do literally everything that you said you were going to do and people won't speculate on it people won't care
Um, and that says way more about the market than it does the projects
Hex I have a question for you too. And I so I i'm not a project founder so I don't like
You know, I I always look at this because I just think it's very interesting
But I haven't really been in the seat of someone who's like trying to do it like how do you?
try and stay
Relevant and stay on top of it because like we have really short attention spans here and you and you just touched on that
A lot and I think it's you know, the way the space goes where it's moving so quickly
Like I work for soul snipers, so I understand like we're building out tech it's slow. It's hard
It's not fast. You don't have something to release every day where you're saying here's what we're doing. Here's this
Here's what's going to come out this week
You know and everyone is and i'm sure in your discord saying when announcement when announcement when update could devs do something price
Isn't at all time high, you know
So like how do you manage these expectations of like people want to hear stuff all the time?
But quite frankly, that's not how business works
I mean if you've ever worked a job you would understand that things don't happen every single day
you're not shipping something every day, you know, it's a slow process but
Consumers don't really understand that because they've been conditioned to say
All right, you know you're used to nfts back in the day where you meant it you sold it for twenty thousand dollars
And you know, that was it. Um, so like how do you guys kind of manage those expectations of like people just being
You know so short-minded in a long-term kind of
well, I mean two things like the first thing I would say is that like
Even if you shipped every day, even if you put even if you did the best fucking thing every day and you made an announcement every day
There's no guarantee that anyone is going to give a single fuck
I could spend three to four years building out the best game you've ever seen drop it on salana
There's no guarantee that anyone's going to give a fuck like there just really isn't
Um, so that's one thing that I think is just really important for us to understand as a team
And kind of be a bit detached because it can be really frustrating for us because we can be like hey
Look, we did this thing. We're really proud of why does no one care?
Um, but like you just got to understand you got to like kind of play the field like you got to just look at data points
Lean like again another reason why I made that fortnight tweet
It's like do what works and don't do what doesn't work
irregardless of time or resource investment like
As soon as possible as soon as you got the data on something's working or something isn't working act on it
So you're saying it's not working. Just stop it. So you're saying it is working. Just double down on that
So that that's like one aspect of it is just understanding that like sentiment and price action
Isn't at all related to shipping like as much as I would love it to be a rory's a great example of that
Star atlas is a great example of that
Um, and again, there's even some like web2 examples as well, which are just great examples of like brilliant product, but no one really cares
The second aspect to it is that we try not to take anything for granted like
I feel like it's super easy for some of the og projects to kind of lean back into that
But i'll be around for two years and oh we've got so much provenance and
Like we're just part of like salana legacy and history or whatever and when the cycle comes back round
Like that provenance is going to pay back and some of that may well be true, but it's just not how we kind of operate like
It's funny that I say I probably shouldn't i've been working with the coach and she's really keen on like how I use certain words
One of like we always try to function from like a hyper
anxious perspective
Um, which it probably isn't healthy
But we always just work on the fact that like no one cares about us
Um and people don't want to see us win
So with that in mind, like we turn up every day on the timeline as if we are a day one project that no one's ever heard of
Well, i'm in the spaces here and I imagine that like 80 percent of the space like doesn't want to see us win
So it's like win them over like you got to treat every day as if it's day one like all of the history
Everything you've done before all of success doesn't matter. It's day zero every day
Um, so I think like that's another part of it as well. It's just like don't take anything for granted like
Progress doesn't stack here, which is weird because again, it doesn't really work like reputation
Like reputation also is a very fluid concept in web doing it's something that does frustrate me a lot because people always talk about like
Oh, you're ruining your reputation or you're tarnishing
No one gives a fuck like someone that was like fudded beyond high heavens like literally three weeks ago
Could turn that all around within a week and start a project and everyone would forget about it
We've seen that happen time and time again
So like I think people need like especially project founders that are maybe struggling with some of these things
They need to stop worrying or stop considering reputation of history so much
And just turn up every day as if it's your first day and play the field
Like you've got to do what works and it's like it doesn't matter what you're building if it doesn't work
It doesn't matter how good it is
People don't care. They'll never care. So just find something they care about and do that
Um, but I I say all of this as if we're really successful at doing it and it's something that's like a proven
It's not the way it's really fucking difficult
And it's really for straight in and it's really irrational and you will see you'll see rugs that will come you'll see shit coins
That will come up and will raise
Three to four times the amount that you've ever is in your whole history and will be dead within a week and none will hold them accountable
Um, and that's just the reality of the space like you know, you know what you signed up for so just continue to play the field
I like that a lot. It's that's a really good answer
I do laugh so much because like I mean i'm pretty vocal about just calling shit out where i'm like this is
These are ridiculous like the shit coin things
It's it's my least favorite part of every cycle because we just take all the money that people worked for very hard and then just throw it
um and give it to the same people that have made like 10 coins in doing this and it's like a
A laugh at like, you know, you see all these people that rug nft
So i'm like why waste your time rugging an nft where you have to like hype it up make discord do all this
Just launch a fucking stupid ass shit coin or even now they made it even better
You don't even need to do that. Now. You just post your wallet address and people just send you money
Like that's the level of laziness and grifting that we've got to where like we just streamlined it as fast as possible
It's like all right
Let's not even waste the chance where we act like you're gonna give us any money from the shit coin
We'll just give you the money directly. You can fuck off with it. Um, and it's great
And it's like, you know, you look at projects and like I I do not
Admire any project founder in the sense of like that is the
Shittiest job in the world like it is the most thankless job
It is the most like you have to be available 24 hours a day
Seven days a week 365 days a year just to hear everyone shit on you and tell you that your project sucks
And that you're slow rugging everyone. So it's like
Um, it's I don't admire you my friend. I'm sure it's very tough. It's very rewarding
I'm sure in a lot of sense
But um, it's just especially well when the market is just not performing well either like I don't know why people understand and think that
Oh, okay. Well magically this jpeg that is essentially
A leveraged bet on a token which is essentially a leveraged bet on bitcoin, which is essentially a leveraged bet on other things
Is going to perform extremely well, so it's uh, it's a very it's a very funny paradigm we live in but hey
You know, I guess that's what we signed up for so
At least it keeps it interesting here
I really like that you made that point. Um
It's something as well that I did speak quite extensively with my coach about because like i've been offered various different positions where I would be working
One tenth of what i'm doing now and i'd be making 10 times what i'm making now
But like for me like the the benefits still do outweigh the cons like for anyone that doesn't know like I started this project with
like my three childhood best friends like
The when the when the when we have like higher highs like when we go through successful periods
Like I can't tell you how much of a visceral experience that is for me. It's like a childhood dream
Like it really really is
Um, so like the high highs really do make it but like apart from that like unironically like
the character building
From it all is immense
Like this is what i'm saying
Like i've learned more in the last four or five months and i've probably done in like my whole life
Just in terms of how to run business how to how to deal with pr
How to manage expectations how to deal with complaints because like I get
Hatred like i've literally literally had death threats in my dms about things that we've made no money from
um, I I see like take after take on the timeline about how i'm so evil and malicious and
doing this that and the other thing and it's like
It it's it's really difficult because like again, like i'm I try to be quite an accommodating person
That's the way I raised. I hate letting anybody down
Um, but for me, it's like it's such a learning experience
Just sort of knowing that no matter what move you make and this is this is true about life full stop
It doesn't matter what move you make you're never going to make everybody happy and arguably you're going to piss someone off no matter what you do
Um, and that's been a huge learning experience for me
And I am like in a weird way like genuinely grateful for how hard of a time I have had some of the time there
Um, so for me like yeah, it is pretty brutal. It is boring. We we don't make a lot of money
Our revenue is not super high at the moment
Um, but for me like the highest high is like outweigh the lowest lows like a hundred to one like they really really do
And I I do think that's a unique position to be in like if I was doing this solo
And I'd made like this anonymous team from just people I'd met in the space like I don't think we would have the the hardiness that we do
I think yeah, just like it it it is it is it is a childhood dream. It really is um, and
We all fucking move mountains to make it possible. We have movement people don't understand like it's funny left a punk tweeted out the other day about
Some preso shit like no one saw what happened in the in the background or everyone
People don't want to see how the sausage is made but people really knew the shit we've had to do to make this fucking work
You would not believe it like this sausage factory. It's fucking ugly. It's ruthless
Um, but I don't know like there's an element of pride in that there really is. Um, and yeah, I think there's gonna be
Where we will reflect on this in three four years time
We'll be we'll be drinking over a beer and we'll be laughing about
all the shit that we had to go through to get where we are now and I do genuinely like for me like that kind of
That end goal vision is really important. It's something that we always look towards
It's like yeah, we're chewing glass or whatever
But we do look towards 2024 and 2025 to be life-changing experiences for the rest of our lives
Um, and that's how seriously we're taking it. Um, but yeah, sorry to go on a bit of a tangent now
But it's something that's like really true to me
And it's something i've been kind of forced to deal with with over the last kind of six seven months as the markets have been what they are
No, I like that I like that a lot I definitely relate to that like
Say the same thing to where it's like coming to web3. It's like oh man, it's gonna be so fun
It's gonna be awesome. It's this great experience and it's actually kind of like the um
There's a really good quote on the serdai
It's like I love it, but I love it less than I did before and it's like nothing like not a knock on it
Just the market's tough. It's just a it's a very
Draining place to be because it's truly a 24-hour space
Like you're working with people that are all over the world different time zones where you have holders and things like that
You're in these spaces doing this stuff. So it is just a very stringent thing and it's like yeah
It's very similar to you. Like I took a
Very sizable, um pay cut to uh, do a work in web3
But it's like you're you're part of a bigger goal of like things that you have in mind and I think it is very fulfilling
Work, so I really enjoy like doing it. It's this type of thing
But it's like if you're in it for the money like the people are grifting
Yeah, i'm sure they're in it for the money
They come here to make a bag then they fuck off and they go back and they do that
Wait until another time comes and then they're gonna do this
But like people that are here for like the long run like yes
This is not necessarily the quickest way for me to make money if I want to do that
I would have stayed in web2 and made all this so like when I see people
Complaining about oh, I can only make so much money here, man
This sucks and it's like well, maybe you just aren't cut out for this space
Like this isn't going to be the play and you come to web3 in a time where like we're in some of the worst market conditions
And like history and have had some of the worst events in history and you expect to make the most amount of money
Well, the market's going down. Like I think you you're a little bit irrational
You probably are thinking that this is still the 2021 bull market. Um, you know, it's not
It's it's simply not like that anymore
So you have to kind of adjust your expectations and understand, um, you know
This is a longer game than that and if you're not in that that type of a boat
Maybe this this isn't the right space for you and you can come back to it and you know a year or so from now
But I think truly the people that are here and putting in like building this foundation now are going to get rewarded pretty
Pretty heavily the next time it kind of comes around. So yeah, don't be super short-sighted
Don't look at this remote. What can I make it one week?
One month standpoint like this, you know, what can I do in one year, you know a couple years from now
And I think that's like a better thing that a lot a lot more people should kind of be looking at it like that
well, I completely agree like
If you like if you can put short-term gains aside it is as simple as just waking up every day
Logging on to a networking building and you'll make it so simple as that like
Just give it some time
Um, I think it's funny like I think the people that are kind of enduring this building this accumulating quality
Because when that next bull market comes like everything just gets like thrown out the windows
Are you just lucky to be early?
Make no mistake
Like you are not lucky to be early if you're enjoying this like if you really are still building out like even if it's just
Networking just building out like your socialization like because the more networks that you're going to have in this space
Some more opportunities you're going to get exposed to as we come into the kind of this next cycle
Who knows where these opportunities present themselves?
But you're going to have a much better chance of making it as long as you've used this time effectively
Um, you're not burning bridges. You're networking
You're trying to build out something like didn't necessarily have to build out a project just start writing just start educating just do something
And those are going to provide like extreme
Advantages come into the next cycle and you'll be laughing when people were calling you lucky or you were just early
the same as we were telling everyone back in 2021 for the people that have been accumulating since beforehand like these are those opportunities like
You don't like I don't think
People kind of overlook the reality of being early and kind of enjoying these bear markets because you kind of feel like an idiot
Like you're just a bit embarrassing. You're not really making any money
You're just slowly accumulating. So you can then everything explodes and then all of a sudden you're a genius
So it's like 99 percent of this journey is just going to feel a bit weird a bit depressing a bit boring
And if that one percent is going to be euphoric and parabolic like we've seen it before
Um, but like you only really like you you kind of you reap what you sow
Like you kind of got to put in those hours. Um, you kind of have to your conviction will be tested. Um
Yeah, it's a a crazy industry and a crazy life we've chosen
Uh, and this is why i'm doubled down on the cheesecake factory
Still the cheesecake factory. Yep. I work where can go you gotta have both bro
In fact I work in an hour i'm excited
All right, I think I was saying this to george uh earlier she talks because we live we live somewhat near each other
but saying that one of the
The most i've probably ever enjoyed like my work life balance was like during my phd because it was like I would
Because I was the same time I was writing for coin telegraph and it was like I literally
I come in to do uni work
I'd probably do like
Six eight hour days go and do a bit of uni work spend about two three hours writing an article
They give me 300 bucks for writing an article and that was it life was absolutely rosy
It's like if you can find some of those remote jobs that allow you to kind of be online
Like even if it's just fucking sitting at a library desk for 12 hours a day
Whatever just have an opportunity to be on the computer at the same time
Uh, I think those are the little cheat codes for people that don't have that web 3 like earning opportunity yet
Dude there's tons of but there's tons of remote side hustles, man
You could always get it like if you want to work in web 3 if you want to trade and do stuff like that
You can always find a remote job. You can do fucking phone sales
You could do there's tons of shit. You could be doing from your house if you want to be more
Involved in this ecosystem
And also I kind of want to circle back to something you were talking about earlier when you were talking about like contributing and enduring
Part of this bear market. I feel like it's something that we talk about a lot in here
Is like there's so many different ways to contribute in this ecosystem like
Content there's just a lot man like helped educate entertain. There's just throw you can do spaces
You can do videos. You can do threads. You can be building infrastructure. I don't know man, like it's just
It's really awesome the people that are still here and dedicated and sticking it out through these tough times and
It just it makes me hopeful for the future
Um, there always is that off?
Possibility that we go just to absolute zero and we're all fucked but you know
We'd all be fucked together at least right?
Am I right?
Well, there's two ways of looking at that. I mean like this is obviously uh
A timeline that we have to i've had to consider professionally
But then you look at the flip side of it and it's like well, what experience have you gained?
What tangible valuable skill sets have you learned from doing whatever you've been doing the last few years?
And for a lot of us, um, I would say that is pretty invaluable whether it is just to something as simple as content creation
Whether it's something as complicated as coding or even just learning how to write articles sufficiently or look at data
Like there's all these skill sets that you can be learning as a result of this industry
Which mean like regardless of how crypto does like you've just become a better more employable person as a result of that
So I think like irregardless of whether it goes to zero like you should still use this time like really really well
It's funny that I was uh, I was in bed last night. I was watching jay reagan podcast clips
Um, and there's the there's that fucking example the guy who got wrongly in prison for 30 years for a homicide
And there's like a there's like a little quote or snippet in there where he's like
I could choose to use my time to get better or badder
So it's like I use my time to get better. I treated myself as an office
I treated the library as a university
And I think like in a weird way like that's kind of your reality about this bear market
You can either choose to get more sour more frustrating more toxic
Or you can use this time to educate yourself grow your network grow your skill sets
Um, so then regardless what happens with the market you still leave this a victor
Um, I think that's a very easy proposition that a lot of people are faced with um, and it is a choice
Um, so yeah, hey, how you doing?
Hey guys, dude. I love what you just said
Because I heard what luge said and like dude
I used to say this all the time and one of my friends completely changed my perspective on it
Like there's what hex just said which I think is a really good perspective too
and then like the other thing is
Like like there's definitely an argument to be made that solana or that crypto in general doesn't make it and it doesn't um
Get it doesn't become widely adopted
But I don't think there's any argument to be honest that digital assets
Don't become adopted and like that they're not a huge part of
The future of business and culture and art and music and everything. So that's the way I look at it too is like
We're gonna understand we already do understand digital assets like better than the rest of the world and that's
Uh, sorry i'm fucking out of breath, but that's um, that's good, dude. That's bullish for us
Yeah, that's it's so true like
Even just distributed public legend networks. It's just a really cool innovation
So it's like for people that like deep dive that tech like there's so many use cases of that outside just
Like as a whole like internet of things like autonomous networks like that tech applies to so so much
Um, so I think like there are a lot of tangible like value gains as a result of that
Um, even non-fungibility like all of this have so many like real world applications
I think you are right like even if the whole currency side of things goes to zero, which is very possible
Um, like I think a lot of this tech will still remain because it is just really cool uses of the tech
Like send it to zero
Bro when I when I saw that fucking quote I sent it to lose for earlier, uh, let me see if I can find it up
On the fucking sec like allegation fucking document. It's like a quote from the cco
We are operating as a fucking island license securities exchange in the usa bar. It's like the most incriminating quote
You could ever fucking say
Oh my god
This is yes
This is one of those days
So like I feel like you just live for like we said this earlier like I really don't care about the good stuff and the bad stuff
I would actually rather have some bad stuff than no stuff because the day with none of this is just kind of boring
But now i'm just seeing all like I am not going to read this 130 pages or however much it is
Of these scc documents
I'm gonna let some other nerds do it and then i'm gonna let them tldr it and give me some snips
And then i'm gonna go from those snips
But the ones about polygon are just they're killing me right now. Like I god. Yeah, I love tweeting there
Fucking oh it's bad as you say fucking nerds when they do this so boring like it's just like
It's a it's a near victimless crime. Like it's just so fucking stupid
But hey, I think I i'm really excited by how little the market's reacting to it
I was kind of watching this unfold thinking yeah, huge fucking red candle
We've seen a bit like five percent down on the daily, but is it on the daily or is it on the weekly?
I might be the weekly my bad
I don't know five percent down on the daily. Yeah
Yeah, I mean it is what it is, but I I I think weird this is fine
It's a bit of a non-event in my opinion
Like you said, this is gonna take ages to resolve. I think people are just gonna react into the news at the moment
Yeah, i'm a little like
One thing that I do think will perform bad is like bnb. I think that one is one where like
It's just gonna have a lot of issues like any exchange token in general like
Obviously, but like they're just I would always be extremely skeptical of exchange tokens. It's just
It's it's just tough but like I mean I think soul I mean it even too came down tapped like this
Honestly, like I still have it in a trend
Like it's still in this nice structure came down tapped that area
And like if anything it kind of just expedites a little bit of that move to the downside
And what I really like about these quick down moves
I mean like look at ftx and all the stuff that happened obviously that one was kind of more of a fucking real quick big down
But a lot of these like events you have everyone freaking out selling the bottom
And then you have people that are just patient and understand that are going to buy this up and then catch really nice long entries
Like I haven't looked at thor to see like what that's showing because I usually use that as like my guide now
So I don't have to just stare at charts and trade anymore
But I bet it it caught some nice longs at the bottom there
Just off of the off of this news and you can ride those pretty risk-free too because like if you were catching those at
Before this like soul was looking very strong like it looked like it was getting ready to probably come back up retest
You know the upper part of this this structure that we've been in since early january
Probably closer to like 25 26
Dollars, so i've got people probably caught in some nice stuff there
If you bought soul under 20 dollars, um got some balls big balls there
And I think um, yeah, like you said hex
This is going to take a very long time to roll out
Um, i'd be more worried about bnb and stuff and these other ones that are listed in there
I think it's just you know
They're talking about what they could potentially be and that's a long time away before they are or they're actually labeled as those
So yeah, you know kind of in my opinion too
I've been naively hoping that these exchange tokens do just catch narratives
Like I use the card all the time and I still get cash back from that and the kronos token has been
obliterated in this bear market
So like the cash fact i'm getting in terms of like kronos token is obscene
And even if it goes back to all-time highs, it'll probably be like the most profitable thing i've ever done
Uh, so i've just been kind of trying to force feed myself a narrative that no, no, no these exchange tokens will catch a narrative
But yeah, I think you're I think you're likely right there. I I think a lot of them are going to be like kind of
Restricted from doing it all together. Um
If bnb really does kind of like wreck finance here
I don't think there's much reason that these exchanges kind of doing it like it's a shame because it was a solid ponzi
For these exchanges like the kronos cards
Uh ponzi structure they had was fucking genius. It was great
Um, but yeah, like I think I think that they's a number of exchange tokens
Yeah, dude, I got wrecked I've gotten wrecked on those tokens there's no shot
I'm doing another one. No fucking one
I feel it though. Uh the cash back program
I almost did that shit. I just didn't need a little credit card
Oh, right. It's interesting that like bnb taken here because what was that?
43 billion market cap like if it really does start tanking out that would be quite a seismic change to the to the leaderboards
Yeah, oh, yeah, it's got a long that's what I was saying like before this like literally why I was not seeing attention much at the
beginning of the show
Just because I was trying to get into the short like I caught it later than I wanted to if I would have caught this
Short like close to 300 like I would probably ride that short out for like
The next I don't even know how many years as long as they could possibly let me run that short out
I would run it because like I just don't see a world where like I do think
Cz finance is really smart
I'm sure that they probably have a lot of things, you know
To keep it from like freely unwinding and there will be a lot of squeezes along the the road, too
But that's why if you caught it that high
You'd probably be in for for a nice little fun few uh few months of price action
Just kind of surrounding that token in general. So
Um, it'll be interesting to watch but like the other ones that were named there. I think like namely what was it soul matic?
Dot maybe I can't I can't remember what the other ones are like I
I would be I mean look at like ripple ripple is still fucking fighting this. Did they win their lawsuit? Is it over finally?
Um, but I mean that's how I just feel like that lawsuit is a meme at this point
Yeah, it's like no one really even knows it happens
They just know like when you say ripple and everyone just says lawsuit like that's that's what it is every uber driver
You know you get into any uber and they want to talk about crypto
They want to talk about xrp and ripple and how it's the future of finance
Um, it's a tale as old as time you just you just love to see it. So
Yeah, I got no idea what's happening
This is one of those like like I I just enjoyed that we at least had something fun to talk about today
Not worried about it. We'll see how it plays out. Hopefully it gives some like at least some just like good
Like I don't know volume and volatility this week and makes it at least exciting again that people start paying attention because I think even sometimes
Bad news is good news because it gets more people to like pay attention than we're paying attention before so we'll kind of see how it goes
I agree. I think there's a lot of sideline people because I think like a lot of people did see this rally that we just had
It's like okay
We've had like the bear market rally and it's like we kind of just need to sweep like the lows
Before we see the next cycle and it's like i'm a bit frustrated as well because i've been sidelined since like 29
Um, so yeah, i'm just kind of waiting to re-enter at the moment
So I do hope we flush the lows, but honestly things are looking pretty solid at the moment
I'm probably gonna have to buy back higher than I wanted to
Markets usually look for an narrative like especially when they're waiting for a dump and it's like I don't think we're going to get much
Of a stronger narrative to see number go down than what we are currently saying
Um, and for the markets not to just insta dump from there. Like I do think is quite talent
Like again, I reckon i'm saying 24 to 25
That's that's that's my calls. I'm a terrible trader though. I wouldn't listen to me
What are you doing about BTC or Solana?
Yeah Bitcoin, I'd love to see Solana at 24 25 that'd be great
Me too, that sounds great
Yeah, man, damn this that was a fucking fast hour and a half
Oh shit, yeah, it's fucking 6 30 didn't even realize
Time just flew unless any does i'll open up the floor if anybody wants to come up and ask a question you can
Uh, but we are gonna we'll probably wrap this thing up shortly. So it's nice clear and concise and
Good little interview today
And while we're waiting I appreciate you guys hosting
I love what you guys do keeping this space alive. Look at there's a hundred people tuning in with that
So bear market as we watch cz getting absolutely brutalized by the sec like a champ
You love to see it we got a big week ahead of us we have alex from blocksmith coming on tomorrow
It's gonna be a good week and then a couple others just need to secure
secure the chats
It's a good week
banging week and no fluff
Yeah, dude hex thanks for coming on too. It's really cool to to hear you talk to you
I appreciate you letting me pick your brain a little bit about that. Um, yeah
I've always admired what you've done and uh, you're a really really good speaker too
So appreciate you coming on and sharing that all with us. Good luck with everything you guys do with block 6 6 6 6
I think it should be fun
Ordinals just uh, it's been it's been kind of fun right now to be honest
Like if you guys have not checked it out
You guys should just check out ordinals if you're a trader if you're an investor really any of these things
Just just look at it. There's some fun stuff going on over there. It's not for you
You don't have to but um, I don't know if there's if there's volume
I tend to chase that as a as a trader and uh do that until it's no longer there
So i'm kind of excited i'll probably be uh, be keeping an eye on them for sure and uh, maybe maybe i'll have one myself
Who knows?
One one thing I will say is like just like we did this raffle for people listening to partner raffle like
If you don't this mint is going to be really congested
There is just simply not enough block gods to go around so a lot of people aren't going to make the public mint
If you don't make the public mint, please don't be sour about it
If you and if you get the public mint, please don't gloat too hard. No one wants to see that
Uh, we just want to see a successful arm of the franchise performing really well on ordinals. Um, that's cool for everybody
Um, we don't want winners or losers. So again, like if you if you win it
Be dignified in your victory and if you lose, please be grateful
If you ain't finished you motherfucking last
Just can't
I fucking love you guys
It's fucking banging week
Shout out to everybody. Shout out to fucking hex there kyle
Shirky hedgehog dave dude, there's too many people. I love all you guys fracture fam all you beautiful salon mfers
We'll be back tomorrow morning 9 a.m pacific 12 p.m. Eastern. I love you guys. Thank you again hex
It's always a pleasure. My brother. I hope you have a great day
All right much love thanks for having me of course