No Forks Given Q&A | @Algorand Proof of State Postshow

Recorded: Nov. 1, 2022 Duration: 0:24:27



Hello Algardabs, welcome once again to the Algarand No Forks Given Post Show. We have just wrapped up the Algarand proof-of-state show with Sam Shrenko of Tatum and we're going to do a little cute
in a session at this point with him. So we're going to invite you to hit that request button. We'll get you to come up to the stage and we'll have a little conversation with Sam and he could tell us more about what it is, Tatum. All right, so
If you listened in, you got to hear a little bit about the Tatum Framework, which is empowering WebTree developers to build the apps of their dreams, claiming to be the fastest way to build test and run blockchain apps by offering the most flexible platform for developers to turn their blockchain ideas into reality.
Last month, Tatum closed their Series A, raising over 41 million led by Evolution Equity Partners. Tatum provide a soup to nuts development framework, including blockchain APIs, a key management system, CLI tools, SDKs in multiple languages, and even an NFT WordPress plugin to Mint and Cell NFT.
is directly from your WooCommerce store. So much exciting stuff. Samu, we're going to get you up here to the stage here. I'm going to make sure that we are requesting you to come up here. Maybe you got to hit the request button and we'll get this
going here to the rest of our AlgaFAM out there. If you heard the AlgaFam Proof of State Show and you saw the demos from Sam and you've got some questions, please do hit that request button. We'll get you up to ask the questions here shortly. Sam, what's going on over there?
Yeah, all right. You're me now. I hear you very good. Welcome glad you're here. Thank you. Yeah, so this is the this is the this is the no forks given post show we do we do this after week we get done showing off on the program proof of state show and you you walked us through
kind of how it works to use Postman, right, and you were showing us all the different RPCs, the calls, and you showed us how very much easy it was to create applications, I'm sorry, to create brand new addresses, and then also to create a blockchain data
and then to Mint NFTs. So, pretty cool. Now, what tells a little bit more about the SDK integration and kind of how you would extend those RPC calls when building out an application?
As I said, in the demo or maybe even before, the SDKs are there for developers because let's be fair, API is great, everyone can perform API calls, but sometimes those must be, let's say, too complex
for some people and I prefer for example API's but someone could prefer the let's say SDK. If the SDK can interrupt some complexity and guide you in a way that you know what to do, you want to mean you have some required parameters it's like much easier and much cleaner for the
developers, you can leverage the SDK to basically support any use case you want to build. Because the SDK on our side can perform any operation to the RPC node, any operation to our API, and on top of it, instead of creating all
but in the API and the NickPrivateKis over the internet, it can actually do everything locally on your site. So you on your computer, you can generate tremendous amount of wallets, addresses, science transactions and everything without revealing your private case outside of your system.
which is a great thing, which is actually a must to do thing because you don't want to send stuff, especially private keys and I'm on X or anything on the public internet, right? Right, of course, right. So when it comes to designing these applications that can work not only on the algorithm,
and blockchain, but on the 40 plus other blockchains that Tatum is supporting, what does that blockchain code look like and how are you using those SDKs and the RPC API calls in order to deploy your smart contract interface with those and so on?
Like the SDK is like constructed in a way that our framework is constructed. So it gives you the native, let's say RPC driver, we call it a driver where you can just plug it in and it's just working, you can do whatever you want with that, just execute any RPC
command you are used to or on top of it you can mean the NFTs, create wallets. And what are developers usually asking when I'm talking developers who want to build something and start to build something. I have pretty same set of questions.
I'm asking all the time, and it's usually like three questions we're trying to understand what they want to build. And the first question is, do you want to build a custodial or non-custodial application? Because these two applications are like from completely different worlds, right? On the one side, you are building
like on a custodial world you are building something which is more of a web2 application with some connections to a blockchain and in that scenario you usually don't need to deploy your own smart contracts or do something crazy on a chain because most of the stuff you are doing are
outside of the blockchain. And on the other side where you are building non-castodial application, yeah, you need to go very low level. If you want to create some defibrata calls or something like that, you're going to have a lot of stuff to build by yourself. Because I don't think any frame one could help you with that. If you want to build a smart contract and
You want to put your custom logic inside, right? If you want to deploy some ready templates, which are perfectly suitable for most of the people, I don't know, for NFT or for some marketplace or some auction stuff, you can do it very simple. But if you want to build something very
custom from the business logic perspective, you just need to get your hands dirty and start building it from scratch. And I don't think there is any SDK or framework that could help you with that because you just really need to build it by yourself. Get your hands dirty, Dad. That's right.
There's nothing pretty about building a business logic on the blockchain. That is for sure. Well, to the Oggle fam out there in the listening audience, this is your chance to come up and ask Sam a little bit about Tatum, the framework that they have on offer helping you
the algorithm to connect to the algorithm blockchain to be able to build out your solutions. So just hit that request button. We'll get you up here and you can ask Sam any of your questions. Sam is the CTO at TATEM. He told us a little bit about kind of
How you pivoted back started in 2017 working with banks and trying to build out a solution there and then have now really taken that and focused on on depth. So as you look forward on that roadmap, what is Tatum working on next?
There is a lot of stuff on our side. I don't want to mention all of them because obviously that's something we are preparing and working very hard. But in general our vision is to help developers to build. And we are trying to listen
the needs so we're trying to talk to the devs we're trying to to get the let's say the pain points they are facing every day so if they if they if then people will come to me within a week and they're gonna say hey like this is super super crazy I need them
and I can't do it. That's actually a trigger for me. Okay, this is a problematic piece in the developer experience. We should try to fix that. We should try to create something for the devs so they can overcome this issue and it should be one or two API calls away.
So, we are always trying to improve on our side, we are always trying to help people, help developers to develop fast because our ultimate goal is to help everyone to build as fast as possible and leverage this create technology with blockchain.
All right, and that's it. Well, that's very helpful. So I wanted to say to the to the Tatum account that's here right now. If you want to request, it's always great if we get your account to be up here as a speaker. So hit that request button, Tatum account, and we'll get you up here to the stage. And that's an offer to it too.
everybody once again, right? Let's get you up here to the stage and we'll get some questions. First one's coming from Joshua. Hey, welcome. How's it going? Good. How are you guys? So good. Thank you very much. You got a question for Sam and Tatum. Yeah, I do. I was just wondering what their position on XRP is compared to Algrin.
I mean xrp or xrt? I actually don't know what's that. I'm sorry if it's if it's token talk I'm
I'm thinking that this is definitely not the space for that. We're definitely focused on devs if it is some type of other framework that I'm not familiar with. Maybe you can expand on that. As far as I'm aware, it's a utility coin and it runs other cryptocurrencies. Other cryptocurrencies use it as a point.
platform to run on. Sam, I'm looking at you. I'm thinking this might be a question that's out of scope for the technical discussion that we're trying to focus on. What do you think? Yeah, I have no opinion because I know anything about it. I know nothing about it. So I can't have like anybody down
>> All right. Well, we thank you for coming up at the stage and asking the question anyway, Joshua. All right. That's over here for Algonfam. We want the devs to come up and ask those questions here. I hope you saw the demo.
If you did not watch the demo live, it will be posted and recorded later on this week. We post those on our YouTube channel, so that's Sam, tell us again, how do we get connected with you and the Tatum team? How do the devs
learn how to build. Well, as I said before, best thing is to join our Discord channel You can follow up here on Twitter. You can follow us up on LinkedIn. You can always write an email like you will never be
like excluding from the conversation, I'm always happy to discuss anything connected to blockchain and building on our side. I'm going to help you to build anything and that's why we are actually on Discord to support you in your building phase especially. So feel free and join.
Well, tell us a little bit about some of the projects that you have worked with on Elgrant specifically. What are they using the Tatum Framework for and how have they leveraged it to find success with Elgrant? Yeah. Like the latest one I'm aware of.
is the line wire guys, they I believe launch, I don't know four or five months ago when they were creating new NFT marketplace for the for the olders and the music creators. So they reached out to us a couple of weeks before they
before they go live, they and we managed to help them in a week time with their integration. So there are many NFTs, they are reading the information and they're actually leveraging mostly everything I have shared here on the demo. So those kind of
projects, we want to build something fast and they know they need to do it in a very tough deadline. We had a lot in the past and we were always able to help them to deliver and to go out. Nice. Okay.
an NFT marketplace there. That one is a custodial solution or how would you describe that marketplace? I mean I think they are, hey I don't know to be honest I know they're custodial I maybe they are mixed up both.
they're mostly for helping them with the minting because they were minting a lot of NFTs and it's not that easy to mint a huge amount of NFTs in a scalable way and sustainable way so that's actually one of our specialties in one of our features so we help them a lot with the minting.
Alright, so maybe tell us a little bit about that because as we saw in the demo, right, like it was as simple as changing the ticker symbol within your JSON object, declaring which chain you wanted to target your NFT meant to be it Algo or Maddick or Solon.
So then behind the scenes in all those cases there we've got different virtual machines running. So in the case of Algrant, are you targeting the Algrant standard asset for that NFT? Whereas in Ethereum you are targeting in ERC 721 or other
other like what what's going on behind the scenes there. Yeah exactly as you said like for Algrant or for chains in general for chains where there is the native standard available on the blockchain for example so on our algorithm examples we are leveraging those standard as much as possible so for Algrant we are working with a sa for so on our
of metametaplex format because we want to be as close to the community and common patterns as possible. For Ethereum we allow people to mean on 7 to 1 or 1155 contracts. So again we are trying to be as close to the common market and common standard as possible which means
We know that for example for some projects they can't work with crypto because of any reasons. They could be bank, they could be some big guys who actually can't touch crypto from the legal perspective, but they still need to work with an FTC.
It's still need to work with a blockchain that's actually where we step in and if we say hey, we know that you have a problem we got you covered. We can mean that if this for you is not a problem, we can cover the cause and our side internally, but you doesn't have to work with the private keys, it doesn't have to refill your balance, it doesn't have to do 10 other things connected.
to an FTM-ing that's like sometimes they don't even know they exist, you know, from the legal perspective, from the compliance perspective. And we got them covered in all these aspects and it's something we are doing by default, we just want API code because they just all included in some
site so they don't need to reinvent the wheel all over again. So from the outside world it looks super simple. Yeah but there's just one API call with some JSON payload and you're going to mean the NFT but internally it's just a lot of other stuff that's happening on the background. Nice, well I can understand how they
that makes it so much easier, especially if you are in this multi-chain world where you want to have your solutions going not only tail-grant, but onto some of those other blockchain. Cool. Well, we've got another guest meeker coming up here to ask a question. So, Dougan, hey, welcome to the stage. Have you got a question for Sam and Tatum?
Yes, thank you. I guess you kind of just touched on it with your last response about some of the maybe problems people were running into with kind of developing on the Algrang blockchain, but I guess my question is
What I feel like this space is still so new and there aren't a lot of different types of projects yet. It seems like there's a lot of NFT marketplaces and maybe digital collectibles, things of that nature, like
trading, things, things like that. What are some of the other maybe more traditional spaces where people could use Algrant using Tatum? Like for example maybe social media or
things like that. Thank you for a question. It's actually a great question because it points to one thing. We are basically use case agnostic. We as a framework or blockchain itself is use case agnostic. You can use it as a like this
centralized storage layer for application, which means if you want to work with NFT, you just store some data on the centralized manner. What this data represents is really up to you when you're business logic. So yes, there is a lot of, it's a tremendous amount of marketing
places and some digital arts and collectibles out there right now in the FT space. But the real value of the NFT is not about it. This is my personal opinion. The real value about the NFT is there actually some memberships or some utility NFTs or
or other stuff, which is not right now, this kind of logic is still in building phase, but I know, I really know, because I'm talking to a lot of projects, in one or two years, the NFTs are not going to be, the domain use case for NFTs is not going to be the
the digital collectible but it's going to be something ugly different. It could be tickets, membership, identity, etc. But on the very low level it's still just an item on a blockchain and you just give it the value you need in your application. So we as a friend
work could help you to create an FT, to transfer an FT, to read the data from the blockchain about the NFTs. And we actually don't care what's the data, which just give you what you need and how you convert those data into a business. It's really up to the developers and the
use case they want to build. Okay, great. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah, good stuff there. All right. Anybody else in the audience want to come up and ask Sam a question? I got to do it. Hit the request button and we'll bring you up to the stage to ask some some questions.
Well, I appreciate that answers Sam really informative about kind of how you use Tatum, how you use the Tatum framework to solve your development of blockchain solutions. I'm pretty excited by this. You've been a part
I'm sorry, you've been a Tatum have been a partner with Algrin for like 18 months. I mean, how long's it been? Yeah, definitely more than a year. I really don't know. It's like a long time on our side as well. Yeah, yeah. Let's see, we've got
So at Algrang we've got our big annual conference coming up in Dubai at the end of this month will be Decipher. I'm wondering are we going to see you and the Tatum team there at the Decipher conference at the end of the month? It's not going to be me there and I'll need to double check with the team it's going to be present there.
so many conferences around the world everywhere. So I really lost a record of everything and who is going to be where. Unfortunately, it's going to be me. I'm going to be in the US for that time, but I'll try to find someone if there is actually no one.
to be present there. Yeah, yeah, that would be great. Well, everybody, especially to the Ago family, make sure that you check out At the last three days of November is when it's happening. And for everybody listening here to the No Force Given Post show, I've got a 25% discount code. It is
DecipherFAM22 and then you can save 25% on your ticket if you sign up at All right Sam we've got another speaker's come up here to ask you a question so Tony welcome to the stage.
And I think he hit mute thinking that it was taking himself off of mute, but come on Tony, ask you a question. What do you got for sound?
Nope. We scared him away. He went back to listener mode. So all right. We'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll,#
So with that, I want to thank you, Sam Framco, CTO, and co-founder at Tatum for joining us here on the Al Moran proof of stage show and the No Forks given post show. Thanks, Ryan. It was a pleasure. Alright, thanks everybody. And until next week, have fun building

FAQ on No Forks Given Q&A | @Algorand Proof of State Postshow | Twitter Space Recording

What is Tatum?
Tatum is a development framework that empowers web developers to build blockchain applications for over 40 different blockchains.
What is the Tatum Series A funding round?
Tatum's Series A funding round closed last month, raising over 41 million dollars led by Evolution Equity Partners.
What tools does Tatum provide for developers?
Tatum provides blockchain APIs, a key management system, CLI tools, SDKs in multiple languages, and even an NFT WordPress plugin to mint and sell NFTs directly from a WooCommerce store.
What are SDKs?
SDKs are software development kits that allow developers to integrate blockchain functionality easily into their applications.
Why might a developer choose to use an SDK instead of an API?
Some developers might prefer SDKs to APIs because SDKs can simplify complex operations and guide developers through required parameters in a cleaner, easier way.
What is the difference between building a custodial and non-custodial blockchain application?
Custodial applications have more connections to web2 applications, while non-custodial applications require developers to go low level and build custom, complex business logic on the blockchain.
What is Tatum's ultimate goal?
Tatum's ultimate goal is to help developers build as fast as possible and leverage blockchain technology to create innovative solutions.
What triggers Tatum's team to improve their platform?
Tatum's team listens to developers and their pain points, and if there's an issue that is coming up frequently, they try to create a solution that is one or two API calls away.
What is the benefit of using Tatum's key management system?
Tatum's key management system allows developers to generate new wallets and addresses, sign transactions, and perform other operations locally on their computer, without revealing private keys over the public internet.
What areas of blockchain development is Tatum working on next?
Tatum is focused on listening to developers and addressing their needs, so their roadmap includes a range of projects that aim to make development faster and easier.