Notary Node Candidate Introductions

Recorded: April 27, 2023 Duration: 1:01:58



Welcome everyone, we will start in a few minutes.
Hi everyone, this is Charles from the Commodo team. Does everyone hear me okay?
Yeah, how are you? Very well. Awesome. We're ready to start, right?
Yeah, we are ready to go awesome
Yes, so for the people who are here today, we're just going to discuss a bit of what the Notary Nodes are and also talk about the Notary Node elections. We currently have three days of voting left and all
the node-in-node candidates can either, if they haven't already, they can submit their candidacy and the idea today is just sort of explain what the commoto-node-in-nodes are and what they actually mean to the network.
And this is open for anyone, so anybody can become a notary node candidate. It's not like a master node where you need to either own a commoto or have a KMD delegated to you. What you do need though is to submit the proposal to the
get a hub repository and if you're not aware that you can navigate to and you'll find all of the information there. There's a section for the notary
proposals that will basically take you to the GitHub site where you would need to input your candidacy. And the idea of the Notary Nodes is basically, it's an operator
that is in charge of the servers that act as the notarization points for the commoto network. So these are the, we call them people because it's really, it's different people who run these servers and they're in charge of
maintaining them, they're making sure we have a channel for the notary note network. So we're always in contact in case something happens or when you update something on the fly to make sure that the security of the network stays healthy. And
I guess I will talk a bit about what notary, what notaryization is. And the idea of the of the Commoto a delayed proof of work network is

FAQ on Notary Node Candidate Introductions | Twitter Space Recording

Who is speaking in the podcast?
Charles from the Commodo team.
What is the purpose of the podcast?
To discuss the notary nodes and the notary node elections.
How many days of voting are left?
There are three days of voting left.
Who can become a notary node candidate?
Anyone can become a notary node candidate.
What do you need to submit to become a notary node candidate?
You need to submit a proposal to the GitHub repository.
Where can you find information about the notary proposals?
You can navigate to
What is the role of a notary node?
To act as an operator in charge of the servers that act as the notarization points for the Commodo network.
What is the purpose of notarization?
To ensure the security of the network stays healthy.
What type of network is the Commodo network?
It is a delayed proof of work network.
Who is responsible for maintaining the notary nodes?
Different people who run the servers.