Now in Niakea Episode 1 Humba

Recorded: April 12, 2023 Duration: 0:50:57



The last bit of light sparked across the top of Mount Nene as the regiment of Kongs began to come into view.
located about a four days trek to the west of the great Humba settlement, the most populous and developed city in the supercontinent of Niakea. Mount Nene is the tallest peak of the Jolgu mountain range.
This mountain range is located on the western third of Niaquia and spans from north to south for thousands and thousands
of milliblocks. At the time, because of the lack of fully developed routes, this mountain range remained largely unexplored.
stories of dangerous mountain tribes, freezing temperatures, endless crevices, avalanches, and strange high elevation creatures prevented most
of the cons living in Humbah, from ever thinking about making the expedition only the brave and most adventurous of cons had attempted to trick.
(cars honking) (cars honking) (cars honking)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Yo, what's up guys?
It's me Henry the grape community manager of cybercongs also on the council of cons and I am obviously super super stoked to be here with you all with my co host my boy blue. What's up, Enzo? How are you man? Yeah, yeah, doing good, bro. That was impressive. Oh, yeah, you know what we promised
music for man just a long long time and shout out to helium smoke because by the way that's not even the full version but we will release that at some point but obviously we want to we want to get rolling on our spaces so had to cut it about halfway through
But listen, this is the rebranding of our Twitter spaces. So I'm just stoked to kind of get this next adventure going for cybercongs. So yeah, here we are now in the Akeia. We've changed from Welcon to the jungle to now in the Akeia. This is episode one, Humba.
By the way, something else will be coming that's kind of cool on Friday about Humber, but in the midst of all this, I think we got the website updated. So let's just maybe kind of maybe briefly get into the website update. You should now on the website be able to check out a
a little bit more about Humba, the geography, the technology, the architecture. We want to start kind of painting some of the scene of what Humba is. We're not making this up on the fly. But like Enzo, let's talk a bit. Like why all this lore? What are we doing? Yeah, I think that
last week, well since the Friday post really a lot of people have been asking why. And like as everyone knows, we've got the mint coming up in July and we kind of have this world that's been built and we wanted to contextualize it because the mint unravels within this world. So we're kind of just setting the scene, building it out
And as part of what we built and then also with some marketing efforts as the content everyone's seeing at the moment. Yeah, and we did mention in by the way Twitter was giving us some issues. So like unfortunately the original link that we had posted from yesterday, I kept trying to start the spaces and it did five times.
in a row said could not start. So we mentioned yesterday in the tweet, stay tuned, some surprises during this Twitter space. But yeah, great point, man, because something like you and I have talked about, and of course the rest of the team is this world building, this lore that we've been doing, we've just been
And I'm super excited to start kind of releasing some of this. And in interesting ways, right? The goal of Kongs is that this isn't just a PFP project. That's not, you know, we haven't been sitting back doing nothing. We've talked about this world building.
to use to start telling some of the lore. So part of this lead up to our mint is going to be that we want to start introducing some of this lore, little snippets of it. And when I say you're only getting a taste, I mean, you're only getting a taste of what is to come.
and what we are building behind the scenes. Let's talk a little bit about the Mint Enzo. I guess I keep calling it a bit of a soft start. Obviously, we've said all of this has to do with our upcoming Mint, but in reality, it's a soft start.
best way to describe it? Yeah, I think so. I think just going back slightly, the paradigm you usually see in the space is that people will kind of min out and then try and build out a world and build out some law and build out some creativity to expand the IP. But I think what you're seeing with what we're doing right now is we're kind of, we already have this and we're
and we're actually building out the world that the Mint and Ravos in first. So it's kind of an inverse reaction to what you normally see within the space, but it's going to be quite cool because just in terms of, well, I mean, I can't share too much, but in terms of like traits you'll see, I mean, there'll be a lot of familiarization with this world and what comes out with the upcoming Mint.
Yeah, a lot of work going on behind the scenes with this upcoming mint. Like, you know, we've, okay, so listen, we've talked about the mint and we've kind of given some obviously once we pivoted, we've kind of talked timelines. I think it's fair to say we've really
on July as our mint date. We said, "June, maybe July." I said, "I didn't even want to say July because July could mean August, but I'm quite certain that we're good for July." And there's a reason for it. This is a giant ship that we're steering and we want to make sure, like,
we roll this out that we're doing it the most effective way for the community. So I think we're probably looking mid-July and let's just hope and I think with a high degree of confidence that we can say like July I think we're pretty confident with that. And I
I guess maybe the best way to describe it is we think we know what holders want. And we want to scratch the itch a little bit. You know, it was one of the reasons we were so excited for the pivot that we made was we want to scratch that itch that our community has been kind of waiting for.
And I think that we are absolutely setting the tone to make sure that we catch the attention of the wider Web 3 space. I mean, that's obviously a large goal of ours. And I think, you know, we should expect that in this next, in this next mint.
I think we should expect that we're going to have things like traits that are going to reference back to our lore. I think those are things that people should be able to expect. So pay attention to what the lore is. If lore is something you like, a lot of us are huge Star Wars fans and we're big fans of world building, whether it's Avatar or whatever.
You know, pay attention because I think you'll be able to see that there's going to be lots of things that are referenced from the past and also from our lore. But and so you know what listen, you're like knee deep into the marketing side of things. So you know, shed a little bit of light on some of the marketing efforts and and
things that are happening behind the scenes. Yeah, sure. I mean, it's tricky about sharing too much, but I'll just give some insight into the strategy of it all. There's been a, we're not complaints, but there's been some hearsay about marketing from Kongs recently, but we kind of wanted to look at it in a two stage marketing direction strategy. So what you're
Now is the first stage, the contextualization stage where you build out the world so it makes sense and you're having this consummation experience leading up to the min that actually entails. And then I think stage two is something that's going to be super important. That's the standard paradigm marketing efforts that you see.
Some very cool videos coming out obviously like art teases and then one of the main goals is to expand the holder base and grow the ecosystem So there'll be a lot of efforts put in in that way and I mean I can't share too much but there's just there are some really exciting things coming out and the thing is we've kind of planned it to a tease so there's been a ton of work going on behind the scenes
and everything has been calculated. I'm very excited to get things going. I think seeing all this law being built out is really cool. And then what we have Friday kind of like contextualizes it really nice in a different medium that you just have to weigh and see about and then come the stage 2 campaign which will start. We can't really say when but
a few months down the line that will be that'll be an exciting time and I think it's what everyone's looking for because we know that it needs to be scratched. We kind of know what holders want and if I just go back to putting myself in the holders shoes and I saw this man come out I'd be super excited and I'm saying that well trying to say that was little bias as possible. Yeah it's tough because it's funny
We talk about this all the time as a team like we know what we have like we know what we've built we know what our community is we know what we represent Like it's funny this morning. I was telling my wife about the Kong spaces. I'm going down a side branch real quick So I was telling her about the space
I was a little bit nervous because like this was different right we had a lot of moving parts behind the scene the website go in live just all that kind of stuff and I'm not the tech wizard that many of you are and At the end of the day so my wife says to me I'm talking about the new mint and I'm just like you know this is all leading up to it and I kind of gave her like a little
a little bit of a basic sneak peek because she'll never leak anything. And she said, our, our Kongs, our Kongs good guys, like our Kongs good guys in the space. And I like, kind of gave her like a look. I said, are you serious? Like, yeah, of course we're the good guys. I said, we're the guardians of Web 3. That's how I look at us. And so my point to#
We know who we are. We know what we represent. And so I think it's hard when you're somebody who always wants to lead with humility, which I think is like a lot of our team. We just want, we try to be humble. You don't see us out there shilling hardcore. And it's hard because like at one side of it is like,
It is insanely exciting, bro. Like, it ends up, we're DMing every day, like, how excited we are for what's coming. And then the other side of it is, like, you're trying, as I said in Wall Street, Kong's yesterday, when I posted about the spaces today, like, we always want to under promise and over deliver. Like, that, that to me is the safest way to go, because
I feel like anything other than that is not congish. So you know what? It'll be really interesting to see with what we have planned out and how we're planning to execute this next phase of cons if we can show that there is a way to make it in this space without being the hype machine. And by the way, that doesn't mean we're not
to bring hype to the table. It's just, I think you know what I'm talking about. Coco, I think I had a post earlier today on his Twitter that referenced some, you know, some shilling going on on somebody's Twitter. And I think that we can show that there is, there is another way. And I think it's what we would describe as the, the congish way. So just want to also tell people that
This is still community spaces. So like we're here to talk to you guys. Philip, I see you're up here. Gonna come to you in a second, but request. If you wanna come up and vibe, you wanna talk about the market, you wanna talk about cons, just request. And as long as Twitter's space is working, we will bring you up, but let's come over to Philip real quick and say how you doing, man. Good to#
Okay, maybe you just wanted to come up here to be on stage and that's cool because you got a beautiful Mohawk with a beautiful bow tie and an eyesight patch, which I'm super fond of. So yeah, if you want to chat, Philip, go
for it. If not, and so, bro, what's going on in the market, right? Like we got Bitcoin breaking 30k, looking super healthy, at least for the moment, like things feel
things feel pretty good. Considering, I know like doom and gloom has been predicted for a while and I'm not saying we don't get there, but tell me your thoughts. I know you're you're you're you're really in tune with the market. Yeah, probably not as in tune as I used to be given all the work going on, but still follow it attentively. And yeah, Bitcoin sharing very good strength along with Ethereum.
NFT market is kind of an weird one, OpenC release there kind of like OpenC Pro aggregator, which is a competitor to blur. In terms of projects that come out, it's kind of been dominated by NACA Migos. I don't know if I'm pronouncing that correctly, but again, it probably seems like the story of the influencer. It was backed heavily with
They made specials based on influencers, PFPs, and then got a lot of people talking. People's made like four every day on it now, which is I think the most on any tough book. And yeah, aside from that captain's showing very good strength, I think they're showing quite a different dynamic to what an NFT project can be just in terms
of the pure incentives to hold, I think people would much rather hold and accumulate the maps now which goes to mean token than actually sell. So it's an interesting case study and then I see cungs and the audience shout out with how many whitelist opportunities we have seeing the value now and the floor price now it's kind of mind boggling to think about so yeah I always go back to that.
That was for anybody that was in Kong's at the time that was fortunate to get White List, which was obviously just such a kind thing from Kyeong and from NineGag. That was a big win for a 4WSK. That's one of the benefits, I guess you could say being a Kong is
And it were typically in the know. I know on the knock amigos, if that is how you say it, Wall Street cons is on that. Of course, plenty of people, I'm sure, faded it. I mean, I, I'm never convinced that these things work long term, but if people can extract value from it and, and they're happy with, with where they
with their bags. Awesome. I mean, that's that is that's sort of like the landscape right now, right? It's sort of like with the exception of a handful of projects that is with the NFT spaces right now. It's, I mean, you know, I hate to say shit coins because people could give a great argument that they're not
But it's sort of that thing. If you look at a lot of the charts, that's kind of what they are. Like they're hype now. And to me, like if they're making them after influencers, and maybe I missed it, but I didn't see one for me, it's hard for me to thank the hard for me to take it seriously, because I'm just like the influence that Mio had on web
three in general, PFPs, etc. I'm like, he doesn't have one made for him. They left out the king poo by there. And it bugs me, by the way. I've said that before. It bugs me a little bit. Him and Coco, Coco gets a lot of love for sure. But sometimes I think people forget me as the Alpha Kong.
But yeah, no cool stuff. Hey listen, it keeps people entertained in the market right now, right? I've seen lots of action in Wall Street cons lots of people talking about You know whether it was from Nakamego's back to owls and then his checks and things like that. Yeah, it's been it's been good for cons so I think
Yeah, I think it's good. And of course, you know, you made a great point. It's really hard to stay in tune with the space when you're building, right? I mean, you see what it's like. And I know that you are somebody who was like deep 17, 18 hours a day into Web 3.
searching, you're always kind of like an alpha caller. And once you get behind the scenes and you're like rolling up your sleeves a bit, there's a lot going on and you start to lose touch a little bit other than like the friends you might have in the space and other projects. But if you kind of found there's been a bit of that since you've joined Kong's
couple months ago. It's been nice, I like finally sleep, probably now, which is always a good thing. But now, like, I mean, even coming from a web to to to web free working environment, it's a sort of breath refresh air, like just the lack of corporate structure, a bit in a good way, and kind of everyone working towards this end goal with
with passion is a complete refresher and it's something that I want to do all the work and how it's put in like it's kind of you vibe off the team and you're all clear in one direction. So I very much enjoyed it compared to day trading every day which was definitely taking it out in the after a couple years. It takes a little bit of pressure off to be completely
I think a lot of us feel like when you're in Web 3, you're supposed to be chasing the next moonshot. And so sometimes when you're preoccupied with these other things, you know, building, which I know is such a cliché word, but it is the truth. I mean, it's the best word we can use to describe it. It kind of pulls you away from that.
that side of it, you get some wins here and there when they come your way by chance. But yeah, it's a whole different side behind the curtains, which by the way, totally go inside track here again. If you guys didn't see, we are going to be in NFT land again.
We got invited back by VCon, which was insanely nice of them to have the Kongs back in NFT land as one of the featured projects there. By the way, I just want to explain something because I think we're oversaturated in conferences right now. There was a great article in forecast news this
morning that mentioned cybercongs, I'll see if I can post it here. And it talked about how cybercongs are not at NFT NYC. You go labs wasn't there and it kind of referenced whether the oversaturation of events is sort of preventing projects from going to all of them and realizing like they need to choose carefully when they do go. And if you think of it,
NFT NYC 2021 was in October. NFT NYC 2022 was in June. So you're talking to eight months later. And then NFT NYC 2023 is effectively 10 months later. Like we haven't even been able to go 12 months in between events in between just that one event.
And so I think when people ask like, hey, are we doing something or they may feel like we faded it and we shouldn't have I think some people forget like we're not even getting to catch our breath for you know a year before going into Before going into the next one so Vcon which will effectively be a year
That's an invitation event. So most of these other events you pay your way in. And one of the things that I thought about VCon that I think is just really cool about the way that Gary V does things is that he, it's an invite. It's like it's a curated NFT land. It isn't just like anybody who wants to go pay
a fee and they can go. So I'm honored that they invited us again. One of the most put together teams out there I think is V friends and sort of that Vayner brand organized in a way that very few Web 3 projects are. And I think the way they do things, if you're able to make it to Vcon, I think
We've put a lot of thought and time into our activation. We're trying to switch it up a little bit from last year. And if you have the ability to come out to be con, which is an Indianapolis May 18th through the 20th, do so because it really is not just for the con vibes, it is just, it's a vibe.
It's a vibe. VFriends tend to attract sort of a different side of Web3, sort of like, you know, we align with a certain side of Web3. I love that we align with VFriends because they are, you know, I would not consider there are DGens there, but they're not all DGens, and they, a lot of them are familiar with CAUN,
But then if they're not familiar once they learn about us, they love it. So we will bring the new 810 statue with us the new 3d printed one which is absolutely stunning and We'll have some cool stuff love prizes. We'll have some giveaways It should be good and the cool thing is like we've been contacted by other projects that are there
that are stoked that we're going to be there are asking like if you know if we can do some things together while we're there. So that's always nice. That's always a cool piece of the puzzle. And you know what? Like we've been talking about it and so like you know the possibility of doing a unique Kong's event.
like a cons event, an event that maybe is not affiliated with a conference is very much something we're interested in. We don't want to over promise and under deliver, but that is something that we're like, you know what, it would be really cool to have a cons event that just is separate from an NFT conference.
what it's called when it is, how we do it, we'll release details if and when we can pull it all together. But like on my end, we'd absolutely love it if we can pull something off in 2023. Sorry, Coco, if you're listening to "Mam," hope I'm not saying too much. Mio, you were out there for a little bit. Hope I'm not saying too much. But at the end of the day,#
There's nothing cooler than getting a bunch of Kongs together to vibe. So anyway, long story short, if you can make it to V-Con, it'd be great to see you. Otherwise, we'll hope that we can all catch each other at another event. And so have you been to any of the events yet? I feel like you haven't, but you were maybe going to try to make London last
I think something might happen. I haven't been to any events, but I'm actually going out to Asia to live there for a few months next week. It's kind of a weird one not many people know about it, but NFT Bali goes on like the entirety of May. So I'm going to try and go to a few events and meet some people that I know from other communities out there and from Pong's actually we've got
a few Indonesian cons, so maybe have a meetup at a bar. As far as events know, whichever one would be my first, but you touch on having a unique event and I think as he set the standard in Los Angeles in 22, just having a completely unique experience. I definitely think it would be extremely cool if Kongs did something similar fully
it's the holders just need to decide on the continent time everything like that but yeah it's definitely something we've been speaking about me and you and the team. Yeah it's it's tough because we know we draft people all over the world. We've got a really good base in Asia that is an area you know cybercons we've
spoken about Asia is a frontier that we are absolutely 100% wanting to, I don't want to say take over, but maybe that's the best way to say it like we we feel like we can make big plays in Asia obviously Europe and it's nothing against all of us in the US, but I almost would say we might be one of
the most unfriendly countries towards Web 3 in the world. Maybe there's some that are worse. I mean, maybe you could argue China and the US are competing for that. But at the end of the day, Asia, Europe, those are places that we think our IP could do really well.
By the way, we are going to get to some of the stuff that we talked about, secrets, surprises, things like that. If you want to come up and chat, happy to chat with you. Otherwise, you know, we got a few more minutes before we start getting into some of the other things. But realistically,
I thought it might be boring if we sat up here and just talked strictly about what's on the website. Obviously there's lots of speculation about what this is that we're releasing. Once I think we're able to connect some of the dots for people, it'll kind of like
It'll make a lot of sense. I saw somebody post about Humba, and I think they said it was a pork dish. And so it's kind of funny to see the speculation because I think once we Connect some dots for people, they'll be like, oh my god
She was kind of like right in front of us the whole time. You might have to dig a little bit to understand it. But if you've been riding with Kongs since the beginning, none of this will come as a surprise. And actually, I'm like really surprised I haven't just seen it.
blatantly in Wall Street congs because usually there's some of the fastest sleuths out there. So I kind of like it. You know, they were on the hunt thinking that this was land. I think Coco made that clear that this is not a land play. This is going to be something that will make a lot of sense for people as far as what the next
The world building part of it is obviously a huge piece of this because the next myth we do is a way that we want to be able to show a new way of viewing Kongs and content and things of that nature. So I think once it all ties together, it'll be really, really cool.
And so I feel like it might be a good time to at least get people maybe a little bit ready for what is to come. You want to comment a little bit? Yeah, let's, I hinted in multiple previous weeks about making this more immersive, along with the entire stage one campaign in the law. So I mean,
I mean, it's been a popular method among spaces, but we're actually going to drop a po up in this one, proof of attendance, pro-tical for people that don't know. So there will be a limited time frame that you can claim it, and it will have some utility and function for the next min. We can't say any more than that, but it'll hit 100% will.
And for the cons collectors, I know there's a few you might want to get your hands on it. There's only a hundred available, so I'm not sure it will completely sell out, but because there's only 120 people in the spaces, but to be able to get it, you need to go to the app store and your phone, type in "po app" "po ap"
and it's the first one that pops up on the app store. So you download that and then once you open the app, you set the Ethereum address you'd like to use and then we will explain more when the time comes in three minutes, 25 seconds. So if people want to prepare for that, go ahead.
not that enough to. Yeah, I love this idea by the way, too, because it kind of rewards, like let's be real, our Twitter spaces get kind of the most hardcore amongst our community. And so this was a way that we're like, okay, to people who have been
tuning into spaces to people who regularly tune into spaces and who are going to do so through the campaign. The whole idea of this is to is to be able to at least show some some gratitude for people that are showing up. So maybe just to reiterate, you need to have the Po app app
on your phone. This is going to be time constraint. So you have a few minutes now to exit the spaces because you don't want to do that unless you're listening on desktop. You're basically going to download the Po app app and then basically the little button on the bottom right if you don't already
you have your wallet connected, you need to connect a wallet, but you're going to go to Mint. And once this is live, there will be, we're going to give it, what do we got, ends of like two and a half minutes or so. And it'll be live for a very short amount of time. We, you know, maybe we underestimate how many people would actually come and get this, but
The reality is this will just be something you'll be happy to have when when mint time comes along with maybe the rest of the the campaign that we're going to be launching over the course of the next I mean realistically I see 11 weeks give or take until is it 11 weeks till mint give or give or take I think that's right maybe 12 with becon added in there
Yeah, there's people confused on how to min I'm seeing in the discord you need the pull up app so like you go on the app store type in pull up P O A P and then you won't have a link yet you just need to set that up and then
will give you the secret word that will allow you to be able to claim that part. So for the people in the discord asking that is how? Yeah, basically when I say nothing we can do on our end like we are not
going to give you like a, I say a claim code, there will be one of sorts, but it isn't something where we're whitelisting wallets. It's literally first come first serve. You'll only know it if you're here. And we'll
Let's see here. We got a request for somebody.
and cortex when you come up here.
We might interrupt you for a minute just when this goes live. But basically, yeah, go to your app store and download Po app. It's like literally the only one. You know what? You used to be able to do these from desktop, I'm pretty sure.
But I think all of that change. I think it's all app based now, which is a little bit of a bummer, I guess. But so it goes, we don't make the rules.
And you don't have to have the PoEp, by the way. You do not have to have the PoEp. But pretty soon Enzo is now the time to
Yeah, I mean I assume technical difficulties are going to arise, but basically starting from now, if you click on mint and then go to secret word and you put in
Humber all low okay so humba for the special word then you should be able to claim and you have 10 minutes to do so starting from like right now exactly
And it might ask you for like a verification of like numbers in the in the midst of it like you might have to do some funky verification with numbers.
but I don't know how many times you have to do that.
I'm failing miserably at trying to get this po-at by the way.
asking for ascending numbers and whatnot. It's hilarious. Yeah.
Anyway, you've got nine minutes left to try to claim this.
Let's see.
You're showing that any of them are claimed yet, Enzo?
I don't know. I think this is a relatively new thing on here and it is this
challenging me in a way I was actually not expecting. Yeah, the secret word is humbler, by the way, H-U-M-B-A. So the title of this episode, but it's all lowercase, so no capitals.
I wonder. Okay, so see people have claimed well, I've seen the chat. I haven't a request on the website.
It's kind of incredible how they make you go through all of these numbers.
Yeah, I know it's a weird method.
But you have to do it the entire time. That's what I wonder.
I mean, I've been...
I've been trying, but it just keeps putting more numbers out there for me.
So once you have the poep then there is a way for you to move it over to your wall afterwards and you can actually do that. Pretty sure through the desktop. Once you've done it from the app, you can
then from the desktop move it over to your wallet. I guess 65 minutes and so far so probably is going to sell out to be honest with you and you can do on multiple wallets not that that's encouraged so.
I really want this PoEB.
I think I got it. Boom. Okay. Sorry. I'm back guys. I'm back.
Cortex, I've been trying to bring you up here, bro. Not sure. It's keeps saying you can speak, but maybe it's um
And so not sure if you can bring them up or not. I think everything's getting worked again. DC here, try this. If you leave spaces, completely shut down Twitter.
Then you may oh you're up. Okay. Yo guys that that was amazing man that Poop was fun. Ah cool man cool 88 minted Yeah, this will be a cool. This will be a cool one to have
How do we move it to our wallet if you don't mind me asking? Yeah, so you should have your wallet connected already so it should show and then if you go to a Desktop which you might be able to do it from the app itself. It's been a little bit since I've done that
If you go to, I'm pretty sure it should scan your wallet and you should be able, let me see if it will let you do that.
I think I figured it out. So what I did was I
click the settings, the settings in the POAP and I click connect your wallet and then you connect it and then from MetaMass and it's going to actually assign a message to generate it.
Oh, yeah, maybe that's okay. So let's see here cuz I'm connected to my wallet. Maybe what we can do afterwards is post some instructions for people so yeah, I'll be dope. That was fun though guys. So whoever came with that pull-ups of I'm like shaking and sit like them. I need to hurry up to finish
Bro, you know what? It's like you don't always get that feel of dopamine of like I got to get something I got that phomo but shout out to Enzo for coming up with that concept and arranging all that that was that was him and that was Ant Brown shout out to Ant for all
of the amazing graphics. This piece of Humba that you see and this design on here, there's meaning behind it. How valuable is it if you don't mind me asking if you could give a little information? I mean I guess the best way for me to
say it is that I think that anything that comes from cybercongs, this is not like fake domestic. As you all know, I think the last time we came out with something that people could put in their wallet was August of 2021, unless I'm missing something.
So I think cybercongs are not ones that are just when I say diluting that are putting things out there. So I think it's fair to say that you will be happy to be able to collect the full set of these. Nice. Nice.
If that's going to make sense. So to the people who got these congrats, I don't know if they all meant it out or not, but I think as we continue the campaign, it'll be a cool piece of cons history because that's really what it is. And it's core. These are all collectibles. And a Poap is literally proof
of attendance protocol and it's all about like where where was I? Nobody else could ever get that unless I guess they they they bought it from you. But the reality is it's like that's your stamp. You were here for this space is when we got things rolling and and you know very real chance that we look back on whether it's you
years from now and we're like, man, we did it right. And we brought our world forth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'll just jump in. That sold out really quick. And I investigated how quickly it was sell out. So don't try and min through anything and probably don't try send right now.
gas is pretty high so you can get the power up in your wallet at a time when gas isn't as high. But yeah, I definitely underestimated how quick that would go. I think I told you that we underestimated it a bit. But that's okay. Hey, this isn't about who's right. This is about something really cool.
for the community. So kudos to you for doing this bro. Kudos to aunt out there. I don't know where you are. I hope you're listening, but really respect and appreciate how you guys have done this because it's been a lot of fun. So and actually by the way, if you have
the Po app at the bottom. It actually tells you how to migrate this from the NOSIS chain. If you scroll to the very bottom of where you see your Po app, your number, you can go and click on migrate Po app and it'll take you through those steps. So
Okay, and so bro, I feel like this was like normally something I'd say behind the scenes. I feel like this was um, I feel like this was good man. I feel really good to get this one under our belt. We're only gonna get better at this this particular style of what we're doing and I'm excited that we got to do this with our community because I see a ton of
Kong's faces out there. I think as time goes on, we will have faces from other communities here and it's just really cool to share these experiences with Kong PFPs if that makes sense. So yeah, man, really, really stoked. Stoke that we pulled this one off. I feel like it was this
success, but you know what, the community can judge that afterwards. If anybody else wants to come up here and say anything before we kill it for the day, because I think we've accomplished most of what we were setting out to accomplish today, before we kind of sum everything up. I think we call it as Mulkayle.
than we did enjoyment from that pull up. But just this like let me just go over the intention one more time. It's for people that constantly tune into the space is always there engaging and they're normally like very active on Twitter and supporting us. So we kind of wanted to just reward them and like yes there will be a utility function for the next min.
collecting all the pull ups in the upcoming weeks. So we will be doing this every week so I'm sorry if you missed out on this one but yeah I hope you enjoyed it we wanted we'd like this is only going to get better we wanted to create a immersive experience for this entire campaign so like the pull up isn't the only thing we'll be doing as you've been seeing from the tweaking
the website updates and everything. Okay, and Enzo to your point, just to anybody listening, guys, promise you this, if you did not get this Po app, it's okay. It's okay. Seriously, we would never set something up with a quantity of 100 that, like, if the greater
community wasn't able to get that you would just be absolutely screwed come next mint okay Captain Ronce I promise you bro it's okay I had to click the numbers to right along with you if 40 year old me could barely get it done I think I got number 84 maybe you know what I'll tell you what maybe somehow I will give mine away
because that'll be one more out there. So at the end of the day, listen, this mint, we will make sure that as this mint goes on, that our community is well informed as to how it's going to work and all of that good stuff. But if you got this, congratulations, if you didn't get this,
nice to have a little bit of FOMO. So with that being said, listen, I'm happy that we got to rebrand the spaces. I'm happy that we got to do this with our community and I'm happy that next week
We will be back here and we will be representing, then we'll be representing Kongs again. Okay. And if me gives permission, we'll get the, we'll get the full Kongs anthem V2 out there.
Anything else to add to this end so I know it was like a little bit of a different vibe to the spaces, but anything I'm missing. Now, bro, all good. I'm at for now and you're good. That's all. I did too, man. I was sweating the hell out of this, but nice job on the on the PoW app. I'm not messing with you. Walk. I promise you. I do. Listen, I#
promise you, if you didn't get this poap, you're okay. If you got this poap, mega-oo to you, but if you didn't get it, like it's all good, I promise you. So with that being said, we will be back, keep an eye out on Friday for our next bit of
something and we'll see you guys in discord and listen if you want to spread the word to people what we got going on feel free to do so we'll be here every Wednesday preaching the gospel of kongs and so bro always a pleasure really enjoy hosting these with you community thank you to all of our mods out there
Thank you for everything that you guys do to our calendar team out there. Huge thank you for everything you guys do to the Alpha Kong out there. Meo, thank you for tuning in bro. None of this would be happening if it wasn't for you man for real. And to anybody I miss council like
to work going on behind the scenes and to everybody on the team, Kale, Ant, Enzo, everybody that is helping Kongs right now for real. Thank you guys for everything that you're doing. So, final U-Men. We're out. Keep killing it guys. Love you guys, man. Keep driving.