OC Weekly Round-Up 🛰️

Recorded: March 30, 2023 Duration: 0:30:33



Yo, what's going on? What you doing? In the dark side. I was just in the light side and polygon and more.
Now just waiting on Rebel and MB, they both said this was a good time for them, but maybe it was not. It was a trick they played on me. Unbelievable. I'm sitting here, sitting here preparing for an interview that you know everything about and knowing
announce knows anything about. Oh man, yeah, I've been spilling information left and right today. But my lips are sealed with this, I will not tell us all. Yeah, it's without revealing
too much. I wonder what's the danger of... no, let's not go down that route. Yeah, we had an amazing Twitter space last week, like almost 1,000 listeners and
And we had the whole TFL squad there, but had to be deleted because of illegal reasons. So unfortunately, we can't say everything. Was that the one with Jared and all those people in it?
Yes. Was that deleted? Yes, at least from our account. It might exist in other places and then they have, uh, same in other places, but we had to delete it. Wow. Hi, I'm, I'm here
for my five o'clock polygon interview. I'm not sure if I give you my resume or if I just put it in the nest here, but yeah, look forward to getting some of that Disney money with you. The interesting that they deleted the dog is they didn't really say anything.
Well, I think there was a lot that was said. I know that they were very careful, but I think that what they wanted to focus on was, let's talk about the actual products that we're creating.
I think that a lot of people want to take it back to like, these are the news about what's going on with DK right now. And this is what's happening. What do you think it's going to happen about this? And so I think that conversation is all speculation. We have no idea. And I think that's where like, you know, they needed to like,
be careful with that dose topics.
I think in in lawyer world when just saying anything is saying too much after Your Lord finishes his last line of code and commits it before walking to the airport into the sunset knowing what
what fate belies him. I think that your lawyers just tell you to just shut the fuck up and not get on any spaces for at least a month. - It's not what he did. He just did a push commit and then just yoloed into the airport.
That's that's that's the lore currently until new lower surfaces or some other dokeys like come and tell us what actually happened that that's what I'm going to believe off into the sunset. Yeah, that's my head canon to from now on.
See, I'd win this is how rumors get started. I'm gonna get another email from fucking TFL's lawyers asking to take this one. I should have been recording it. I guess it's still too close to reckoning date.
Now we all good we're here to talk about the cosmos that includes I don't know if you guys caught it or not the astro port AMA that happened earlier I actually just got that one posted because
They did not record it. So that went up. I was a pretty good chat. And they had won a couple weeks ago, I think, more focused on Injective. And this one today was focused on
with SKIP protocol, but yeah, sounds like not financial advice, but you know, Astrotoken say you might want to, you know, take a look.
might want to do I or semester. Yeah well you know when I've been getting some financial advice from NB for over a year now and he has been one of the
biggest bulls for astroport. And so I've been DCAing astroport for a long time. And I mean for a long time also that's really the only app that we've had in in Terra that's been
where there's activity, right, and there's APRs, and I know that there's other speed builds, but I felt like that was the one that had the most action, right, like even Beluna, where were they telling us to go to?
to ask for a provide liquidity gets on the line. Yeah, it's either their or spectrum. But yeah, most of the liquidity seem to be focused over there on a stream. Yeah, what's going on, MB?
Yeah, yeah, hey guys. Well, running a bit late. Yeah, one of those calls the wife's car broke down. Had to rush out the safe day. So yeah, you know, how is everyone? Well, shout out for that triple eight.
Triple A Technician and Professional Financial Advisor, MB everyone. Welcome, welcome. Unfortunately, that means I don't have a car for the day. It's a condit mind. It's all financial advice today.
The MD's got the financial advisor buys with the PFP too.
Yeah, so Astroport, yeah totally. I mean that's that's been my biggest yeah my biggest holding for all this all this year and last year to just waiting but the the performance
The proposal is going up and I think most of them are passing. Some of them are not. The turnout is actually quite low to participate in these proposals. But it's really important that they get passed. Getting fees sent back to AstroStake is Excess to holders.
probably objective and some of the other chains that they have coming up is really important. I think that's going to really finally, finally, hopefully keep the price of a strip into a sort of upward motion.
So if I, if I need to get a prop past, I need to come talk to you and Edwin. It sounds like a couple of astral whales over here. I like it.
How did that, after a call go earlier? I missed it because it was like 2am my time. The whole thing to do with a med, something like that.
Yeah, it was with Skip Protocol. I got it posted just before we started this so you can go back and listen to it. But yeah, it was just they're talking about many of them different, different strategies.
that they like to do to prevent getting F'd in the A by bots that they shouldn't be and whatnot. I mean, they put it a lot more eloquently than that. I'm not a big uh...
MEV guy looks like we got 14 mil total liquidity on astroport currently. But yeah, you could tell like some of the some of the more juicier AP wise are maybe on
tokens you want to be a little more careful with things like falconry and TPPT. Not saying they're bad projects or any of this, you don't need to be a bad project to have a shitty token chart.
Yeah, monster down lonely.
I think that's what I've gathered in my last two years of experience in crypto.
I'm looking at the terror weekly from
Mr. Deves, my favorite so far, the news that I like was the capitol bounties from
and the winners. And I think it's really cool to see that the Galactic Punks are taking on that role of
bigger and not a way to create more educational material for the terro ecosystem and also rewarding their holders. And it looks like
was five winners and a special mention to a Rebel D5. So even Egotta mentioned, even the Vita didn't want any cash.
Did he put that in himself? He's the one that writes that he was like an honorable mention to me. Probably.
Did you guys read some of those papers that the guy that went as road? They're actually really high quality. Definitely worth checking
out, it's Table Punk which is Barra I think and a bunch of other guys yeah which we all know. Good stuff I think what they're doing is great.
Yeah, I think that's something that we never lacked in Terra that there was always a lot of content creators.
And even now, we're still seeing that just with a little incentives, people are willing to spend time doing research and then just helping the projects as well because that's something that the projects need, just some more marketing
for their project.
Yeah, we should do that with, um, orbital and one, I'm ready to be incentivized too. I think orbital should team up with tegrity.news and will be the bastion of journalistic tegrity.
for the D Gen, the daily D Gen. I'm here for it. I've actually been looking at who's winning those bounties and I've got a list of writers I'm gonna poach as soon as I figure out if I'm gonna still be here or not. So that'll be cool.
So Terri Terriety, I don't... haven't seen them
much recently, it looks like the last post was very, very, very 20th. But they have a cool app, right? You get to see the top collections and they have good analytics.
on TFM. No, on their own platform.
Who? You were talking about ter-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-#
No, no, Tegrity, like integrity, but like, Tegrity, like, Tegrity, weed. Come on man, Tegrity, Tegrity news.
>> It's a website I haven't finished building yet. We just need writers. Oh, yeah, and a budget.
We're halfway there.
that we're still on the tarot topic.
I see be bands laughing down there because
She's into the lifestyle as well. She understood you. Yeah, she's she's one of the tegrity.news hopefuls young up in cummer. She's got her own show. She's running about five communities right now. She's she's a real good
go get her between her and the corporation. And I know you guys probably heard of all in bits. There's a new company called All in Butts, which has really taken
Twitter by storm. So if you're in Web 3 and you hold on to those weird like Web 1, Web 2 kind of ideals, fuck around and find out because all in butts will be all in you ass.
and on Twitter.
So it's very exciting times. We're cutting it. Is this another initiative from
do you know like the their bowdow initiatives?
It's basically me going off my bucket list and seeing what kind of memes I can inject into like actual like legitimate professional day-to-day life. So we got the SEC filings, we got Joe's fucking PFP in there, and now we're
in a lawsuit, well, not we hashed, excuse me, the corporation was named in a lawsuit filing. Yeah, if you look at look up the all-in bits stuff and you'll see the
like some dumb shit, shit happening. Rack FM had an exclusive on it, but it wasn't recorded because obviously lawsuits and whatnot. But yeah, this all in bits sued
And they named the corporation as like this allusion to all in bits when it was like not at all that. And so whoever's behind that, bought the domain all in butts and has just been
mercilessly trolling them along with like everybody else But yeah, there's day I'm sure I put you that but it's it's been a long day. This is basically K-Quan going going crazy again. Is all right? Maybe I shouldn't say that I Can either confirm nor deny the same
of any of the quans at this point in time. I'm sure the B-Bans can can fill us in. Well, you know, it's a sensitive version if she wants to come up and then give us a summary. She is certainly a lot more articulate than I am right now. I guarantee that. Yeah.
There is some wild stuff going on in the cosmos. I think that's one thing that keeps people here.
Definitely there's a lot of creativity to go along with that. Cannot be nice.
Yeah, it's just a matter of like being able to harness it and like pointed at something other than yourself and like have it have it be a source of good and progress.
I like the the coin haul rewards page like there's a lot of campaigns going on over here. I didn't even realize they've been busy with the cap pull one
in the whale and be Luna. It's good shit. A lot of building happening despite everything else happening. Is this...
Yeah, if you hit coinhall.org/rewards, you can see all the campaigns that have active right now. And if you're eligible for them, you just got to connect you all. I see.
Yeah, this is actually pretty cool because
I have not seen one like this in...
other places either.
Like what we see is, or what I've seen so far is Gleam, right? And there's a web to version of it where you can have a non-chain action to it.
So you can have like follow Twitter join discord swap on this text or Buy this NFT and it can track that on chain actions
which is pretty good. But this is a bit different. There's more parameters that you can mess with on chain 4 coin health.
It's cool that they're building a lot of stuff that the last bull run would have made shit so much easier on everybody involved. It'll be cool to have all of this stuff in place for the next cycle because this is a lot of the stuff that we were like, "Man, I wish we had like
Some sort of easy way to like track some of this stuff and reward and incentivize and all that shit cuz there's there's a lot of energy in those run-ups You know, and if you can't like focus it on something it just kind of dissipates but like having these tools and these platforms and shit I think it's definitely a game change for the for the next cycle coming out
in eight years. (laughs) - Well, that we're already heading up there 'cause of,
the next Bitcoin cyclist and like a year or two or something. You see those charts where they show you the
the rainbow or the vertical lines timing every four years. I thought we were already heading out, man.
This is you are here. You want to be up here.
It just takes a while to get there. But we're almost there. We'll get there.
So, you know, one thing that I had seen recently that, I don't know if you guys saw this, but it was a multiplayer to the shooter Grand Proposal. Did you guys see that?
It was Saantera. Yeah, I did see that. I really didn't get a good handle of what it was about. Did you have a little bit of anyone? Yeah, they basically just wanted...
money from the community so that they can build out their to the game. And in the proposal they included a link to a YouTube channel where you can see the demo of
the game. And the game looks simple but pretty cool. I just wasn't sure how that would help
the blockchain in general, especially like we don't know who the team is. I think for like that sort of stuff, you pretty much have to have a playable demo improved
that people are actually gonna play it before you can even think about getting community funds for it. I don't know, should community funds go towards funding people's video game projects? Probably not. But.
Will it increase the transactions on chain? Maybe not a favor, but I didn't play it though. So I think you're still before even hook a wall enough to you got to just come out with a game people want to play. You can only suck up a wall to it later.
Yeah, I mean, it does sound a little bit like what was that proposal recently from Fiko and your deep pagination? They wanted some kind of funding for similar stuff. I think it was discord based gaming
Yeah, and I mean what I liked about that is that these were team members that we know, right, like they had been in terror for a long time. They had already a working product on this court.
and they were contributing to on-chain activity through their dust token. And so, yeah, it was definitely, they came from a different angle and that didn't go through.
Yeah, it's uh, it's yeah, who knows how we're going to start to get more users in Terra, right?
We really just need to create some core projects. I want to see NSTs come back to life in Terra.
Yeah, 100% NFD has always been a driving sort of part of the terror community. And the communities, I mean the different NFD protests
obviously still, you know, turning pretty strong, but yeah, I mean, yeah, certainly need more to happen in general.
Stargaze is going to have some kind of bridge to E, I saw.
curious about how that is going to look like.
the party with the wreck gang for that.
If they're partnering with wreck ganks gonna look like a copy pasta mint dad with the axel our bridge, right? Which I mean it works if you want to pay to like bring your NFT from a chain with life
like low liquidity to higher liquidity and hopes that you're selling it, then cool other than that, I don't really see a purpose of it. It's just like wasting money to move it around, like I don't know, unless you're moving it with a purpose to sell it, then
Yeah, it doesn't really make sense. It is equal like you know like a proof of concept of being able to move shit around but I RL like I'm not paying 30 bucks to move a fucking picture you know sorry Yeah, so they're having their Twitter space
March 30th at 9pm UTC. It's gonna be Stargaze, Rekgang, Sunnissai, Reapers and Synchronetic to talk about the Stargaze ETH bridge. So yeah, that
I lost you there, Edwin. Anybody else? Did I just get? Yeah, no, I'm. I'm. Okay. I'm gonna go to write. That's all good. Well, I will say the talk into system on the last rack FM with Omni Flix and what they're doing with game.
of NFTs and them working with Stargaze and all of the different interchain connections that you'll be able to send your NFTs to. I think that's pretty cool. That's kind of something like we'd like to see for a project like REC Clips where they're clips from all the chains.
just one or two. So it would be cool to have a spot. You could have a mint and be like, do you want this on Tara, Juno, Stargaze, Eath, like polygon, where do you want it? You know, and then just mint. Minute and it goes there. But yeah, it'll be interesting. Like we said, at the beginning last year, like we don't know
what this tech really does. Yeah, you know, like us as all just people trying to figure out what its best use cases and make up things that you can use it for and all that. Yeah, I don't know like too much about what Omni Fix does. Apart from, yeah, that kind of stuff. Yeah, did you, is there a TLDR of sort of what those guys do?
Do we have that? Yeah, the TLDR is they kick ass and take names and they ship fucking product. But they build a lot of infrastructure. They came from like a web to media infrastructure kind of background. So they're building a lot of that stuff.
They've got a whole functioning marketplace, a lot of cool badges and proof of attendance stuff that you watch a Twitter space, or you listen to a Twitter space, and then you go to omniflix.network or alpha.omniflix.network, wherever the address is.
and you watch a video and halfway through the video, like you connect your wallet and it'll give you the proof of like that you answered the question right or whatever, which means that you probably listened to the space. So a lot of cool stuff like that. But yeah, music stuff, TV, they're gonna be one to keep an eye on, I think.
Cool, cool. So it's definitely sort of media, media content focused in a way.
Yeah, definitely. They put out like three spaces in shows a week. You can find all their stuff on Terra Spaces, but one of the dude songs of Eden, he does music NFTs and he got a dev to build out a little app that lets him play his NFT.