Ociswap X Space with Libertant from Radix Wiki

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 0:55:30



just waiting for a second
for your attention to join
okay every second you need to switch to phone x-bases and desktop are not really
compatible but just waiting a second that's maybe it's able to join with
small by phone
hey Lucas
here we go
sorry I spent the whole afternoon charging my laptop in antistation I should have been charging my phone
this one is now like like close to empty
yeah it's it's I don't know why it's still still still a thing that they're not really solving desktop compatibility yeah it's good
I have such a good stuff phone mics and stuff for desktop and need to switch to phone it's like bare bones yeah so unnecessary okay
what can we do cool first of all was thanks so thank you very much for joining this x-base
just to introduce myself for a second so I'm a co-founder of also swap and on around now like 10 10 weeks already
every every week one one more guest and that's really pleasure to do this to this every week
and now also pleasure for me to have you on board the buttons if you want to introduce yourself a few seconds about you
yes sorry yeah assuming the mic is okay on on this phone is it yes perfect okay
yeah so I'm the founder of radix wiki I've been building that since I guess like 2022 prior to that I was into well I got into radix I think around 2017 I can't remember exactly
wow and yeah but I mean you know just sort of journey yeah but I'm a good researcher but I'm a terrible investor I didn't capitalise enough on it I'm so yeah I'm not GC unfortunately
yeah so now building building out the platform but I guess we'll dig into that during during the interview absolutely absolutely also I have a couple of questions already from the community prepared so you mentioned radix wiki that's maybe we can start with that so after you
discovered radix when did you start building or to come up with the idea to actually build a wiki all around it I suppose I was a bit frustrated not being a smart contract developer hmm
I mean I've built stuff in like little things in Python and whatever but I'm not a developer so I just wanted to build something and and so I I thought okay well there needs to be some kind of aggregation of valuable information in this in the community we had all of these we had telegram threads and tweets and articles and loads of disparate sources
and as I was trying to research radix for myself it was it was pretty difficult to jump between all of these different sources so I decided to build a wiki I mean actually I built a wiki before for another project completely unrelated which was to do with acupuncture strangely enough
so I kind of looked at all the platforms that you could build a wiki and they were all pretty terrible but then I started using notion and kind of put two and two together that I could use notion as a wiki platform so yeah that was kind of fortuitous and then
so my my kind of thesis was okay there's all of this disparate information if founders and investors and researchers are all kind of missing each other and are not co located then this the community the project is gonna fall behind so the idea was to try to increase the collision rate
between all of the kind of counterparties so if the the data the projects the founders the researchers are all in the same place then they can progress exponentially faster than if if the information is constantly getting lost or people are asking the same question multiple times
and like I love I'll mention it I talk about it all the time but exponential function is just so important if the the knowledge of the community increases by one percent per day then that's a 38 X in a year if it increases by two percent per day then it's one thousand three hundred and seventy seven X in a year so if you know just increase even if the exponent
stays the same you know if we can somehow increase the the set the daily percentage increase by a fraction it makes a massive difference so that's kind of the vision of the way it increased that growth rate
we already met each other like okay two years ago sounds a little bit a long time ago but it was like December 2022 right in London because remember in in Islington yeah when we had the pleasure to met also then in person in person
yeah also for the first time for me I guess I was about here already around since 2016 maybe you had already the opportunity to meet him no no I thought it was okay yeah yeah I was completely starstruck when I saw him yeah so I can't even remember what I said to him just some stupid fanboy comment I think yeah I was the very in the very same situation actually at the time
can we take a picture and stuff listen to him also on the part when he was talking about all the deep dive tech when he first researched blockchain technology like the year after Satoshi white paper or something so it's like wow yeah and such a deep dive for two days in a row so wow and I think this was also some of the moments for me personally to really make the click
to really stay here long term and really make a dent right with his his journey is just incredible I mean it it shows the truth of that that's saying that if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far then go together he went really really fast on his own and then reach the point of okay this is you know settling on the technology and now expand the team so
the way that he architected radix is was just perfect really so stay to stay to the your past basically so you talked about that you found radix around 2016 how long you've been around crypto in general or interested in the overall space around the same time or what's your journey I got into Bitcoin
in around 2015 I went to some kind of investment financial meetup I was reading I think I got a subscription to the economist around that time I was kind of getting interested in amateur economics so went to this meetup and a couple of guys were talking about Bitcoin and because of what I already knew about gold and scarcity and store of value
I I got it pretty quickly but I didn't really have much money to throw at it so yeah I kind of miss the boat was the store value narrative already a thing at the time when you first discovered Bitcoin just curious I mean certainly in gold and that's what gold gold bugs will always talk about the sure that makes sense on that perspective yeah yeah but it's the
transportation of value over over distance that's the problem yeah definitely I'm also really glad to have you personally on board our office for Q for also I don't know how long already like 20 years yeah quite a journey yes it's it's really a pleasure to have you also around writing great articles and yeah in general have great thoughts
sweetie nice to have you around yeah I I write some of the articles for us you swap and in that capacity I love us swap and I love the team but it means I have to be careful not to share any favoritism with the with the wiki
before the article before the interview I was like I think I might have gone too far in that respect like I should probably have a Aussie a bit more than we do because I'm kind of conscious of not you know shilling Aussie all the time much as I'd like to I think that's totally fine to have a biggie like yeah like a place for every every information so no favoritism like I said is really important for such a place right yeah
yeah and it will it will get easier when you know as the team gets bigger more more decentralization yes so how is it also plan with with the approaching general with with the Reddick's wiki for for the new term future what's what's what's what goes do you want to accomplish with that and I mean the kind of day-to-day is to keep growing the the number of articles the accuracy of the articles there's a lot that aren't well referenced
so I'm digging digging into primary sources to find the references that's very very time-consuming so we want to grow the team that's obviously on our roadmap in the the kind of medium term we're planning a hackathon so for the cycling back a little bit we we had a kind of party for the Babbel
on launch in September and that was just held in a pub in London but we had you know I think nearly a hundred people there so that was really successful and it kind of seeded the idea okay we can do more events and one that we're planning for the first weekend of April is a hackathon that we're calling the Radix global hackathon and
yeah so we're we're not we'll probably announce that formally in in a week or so but we're trying to get all of our ducks in a row first before we before we do that but yeah that's that's really exciting and again that ties into the the mission statement really to create more collisions and to bring more people on board also coordinated alongside the
yes not they're not going to be too involved okay because you know I kind of admire it really they want the community to you know to take the reins really and we're we're happy to do that and I think for the future it makes sense so they will contribute but the you know what exactly the form that that takes we're not too sure yeah so basically we're doing
we're doing most of the organization but date and stuff is already clear so something you can already announce to people listening yeah yeah some some more specific insights so already something to share on a little bit too early no so it'll be in collaboration with the London with a number of London blockchain societies and there's an umbrella organization
that sort of organizes those as well that we're talking to they're going to be several tracks so related to oracles or what's the other one that we just confirmed transaction manifest as well think shard space are going to be coordinating that one yeah so
as many tracks as possible and then they'll also be bounties so if specific projects want to solve certain problems related to their projects related to their applications then they can put they can put up a bounty and the the prize for that can be can be you know xrd or their own token or even nfts
I know that projects are bootstrapping a lot at the moment so but yeah I think harnessing the enthusiasm of you know computer science students and generally trying to bring more more eyes onto the into the space will be great I mean even if it starts off small it's just like one definitely one of the very common questions when when
more events and stuff like that yeah I really need to look if I can join as well since we you trade so it is like beginning of April but what six we've answered in the first weekend of April yeah first weekend of let's check could be my birthday oh yeah no okay it's like two days two days before okay but yes we could we could join there and then afterwards just celebrate yeah
I mean if you can be there in person but even if you can't make it in person then there'll be there'll be an online like track as well so yeah that's cool really nice wasn't the way of that that you're already planning way more than Vicky and I have more more a greater vision also for you so it was also part of a question what's the
greater vision of radix Vicky and also what does it strives for well depending on I suppose depending on how hyperbolic you want me to be but the vision I guess is is Wikipedia for radix somewhere that is you know a reliable trusted source of truth
for the radix ecosystem and that provides a ton of value the bigger vision is it's always something like Google for radix so if we can I mean we're the next so after the hackathon the next big event for us will be adding smart contract capability
so that's something that will perhaps announce probably the first or second week of February so we're going to be adding smart contract capability and that will not only be a knowledge base but also to be a data base so people could basically connect with the radix wallet and sign
or yeah write their own articles or hold it yeah exactly well they can be I mean they can own in a sense own their own articles and they'll be able to contribute to them to be rewarded with a wiki batch basically with a NFT yeah something like that or easy moon or
early late just in time everything yeah exactly but it opens up a whole new world for us so yeah that's that's pretty big but there will be more details to follow is this something similar already available on other layer one of our ecosystems so I'm not really aware of this on some ethereum Vicky or something like that but ethereum is really good at this kind of thing okay
they have a number of them but yeah I don't know if you follow Matt from Solana yes I do yeah he's very vocal he's very very cool I mean he's I really admire him he's carrying absolutely crazy he is he is one thing he tweeted out recently is that Solana suffers from an information asymmetry
he's trying to bootstrap something similar to the wiki for Solana
um yeah so I can't remember what your initial question was now where are they going with that
if there's some some other places also with wikis so like I said ethereum is already very advanced and
Solana is also looking into it now yeah but I've we've tweeted this a couple of times but radix
is quite unique in the sense that it's the community are tend to be very well educated
I mean I've been educated about the technology like it's very it's acceptable to to ask questions and
for complete amateurs to to dive in to developer spaces and to ask questions that I haven't really
seen in any other um community quite as much as radix and I think that's what's led to projects
like Trove who you know are kind of the ultimate product of of that kind of environment which is
that yeah you can be a complete amateur yeah but you can build you know one the the most significant
projects in in the whole space yeah we're even possible other other ecosystems yeah at all or
with much more yeah funding or people involved yeah yeah I think that's a real contrast to
other projects like Solana which are much more paternalistic you know they they tend to sort of
say well we'll be the node runners and we'll take care of all of the technology and you guys
just you know enjoy bonk so we have we have hug now so yeah I mean it's not really
yeah it was I was also not really aware that also Solana has uh kind of similar problems with UX
devex like like ethereum I thought they are already way more advanced in their architecture
so a little bit deeper also in their reddit I'm a little bit more reddit at the moment just
because I think the radix community in general is a little bit lacking that place and also following
all the some of the debates on the Solana ecosystems and there are also a lot of
yeah posts around I lost my funds or I clicked this and I got trained or it wasn't really
clear what I'm signing here and stuff like that so I thought this is less a problem on Solana
yeah they're really not much virtual machines or let's say the full stack like like radix is doing
it at the moment yeah in a way that they don't see these types of postings yeah that's that's
also really good because yeah it's really horrible to see so many so many people getting
getting wrecked and also losing funds and yeah getting trained just because a misclick or
something like that is happening oh it's crazy yeah there's such a cognitive dissonance I think
between the builders in that they think that this will be acceptable you know they persist with
the same account model and the you know just somehow imagining that this is going to meet
you know mass adoption um yeah but yeah anyone who's built a startup will know that there's
there's no way that customers are going to put up with that yeah that's that's also
leading to the way that most people are simply buy and hold so or are more risk aware with
with defy protocols for products in general that's kind of unfortunate right so um yeah
where where's the reason to do it uh in the first place with all smart contracts and all
the capabilities we have if in the end people will just stick to okay I won't touch this just
I just buy this once revoke all my access and then don't don't touch it basically or do some some
some weird stuff like two free wallets hot wallets and hardware wallets and stuff
yeah it's it's way too complicated also for for for mainstream um yeah I suppose it persisted
because there was there was no alternative um but that's starting to change now so
yeah we're looking forward to that uh change also be part of it sitting on this relationship
show people alternatives it's also be fun um also just tweeted today about ex post sorry
about the upcoming dance upcoming uh tps milestone or world record attempt right
also try to to put all the information down to a post because I get I think there's a lot of
cluttered information everywhere so there can if you want to you can find all these bits and
pieces of information about for instance this one million tps tests but it's kind of hard to find
to find everything at one place so I try I try to find all these all these sources and and put
it down to to one post so uh because I think that's that's a really massive thing uh what
we could push push next uh also yeah a really really big way right so we could there could be
a lot of attention a lot of eyes uh watching us and looking at first or even experience
at first hand with your own note um that's all those claims are true truly um yeah the reality
right hmm I'll um I'll add that to my top of the list for the next wiki page then absolutely
absolutely you can also check check out my last my last post about it um I also wanted to share
it now on on multiple places like like also read it because I think it's uh where we are now uh
staged to to push these narratives because a lot a lot of people are talking about scalability
and also tps is like a headline story or a lot of test net tps tests and stuff and
now it's a time that we are also part of these conversations um also checked a lot of um places
where people comparing different architectures also different uh tps tests and quite often
radix or cassandra is not even mentioned at all to get to to these places to get into these
conversations to just say hey guys where we exist look into it please join with your own note
and there's a lot of call to action a lot of um deep diving or a lot of work needed from our
side to make us more better placed let's say let's like let's say it like that yeah
yeah it's a key narrative um but I I do kind of sympathize with Justin Bond's argument which is
okay the test nets don't count so yeah why Cassandra is perhaps not getting as much attention
that deserves but it's definitely a key narrative I get I get this point but I think at the other
hand uh all these big claims about uh big tps numbers are all based out of test net
results most of the time even uh without participating notes of community members or
something like that so you even have to trust uh those claims from from a closed test net
environment um and those tps numbers are shared everywhere I have seen it with I'm not um there
was several like psi um cassava solana so a lot of um or agorant and every time I check those
numbers I've or most of the time I see it's simply a closed test net environment um results
basically also with ton it was also one of the big 100k tps uh articles right uh but also Justin
both bonds is sometimes referring to those uh results so you need to pick your poison right yeah
true true there's a comparison page on the wiki and yeah five of the I don't know 20 odd
are test nets so um but yeah as soon as you disregard test nets the only one
uh with any kind of significant tps is cadena at 480 um which is pretty impressive
but uh can you repeat the number for some reason 480 000 480 000 okay yeah lately I checked up
an article it was from also from the agorant community um they compared these swaps per second
numbers of different chains because in general I find these uh stats way more interesting because
most transactions are basically more complex and simple token transactions right so
I think um also agorant was in this test leading um quite a mile but then there was like I'm not
sure solana psi someone was following behind way behind it also uh multiverse x so everyone was
mentioned and I thought okay Cassandra is missing because uh agorant was leading like with two
three thousand uh swaps per second and then just uh mentioned nine thousand like in 16 chart groups
so oh wow that's what I was saying so we really need to get inside these conversations because
we are just missing out uh yeah we are not just just don't talking about us maybe in this case
it doesn't make sense so um because in the agorant community you want to be the leader
of such stats but so I should try we should try this the last I heard was 1100
swaps per second right it's now nine thousand is it uh within 16 chart groups right let me check again
so it was just out of my mind so it was like
I'm sorry before I say something wrong it's okay it was even 18 000 swaps per seconds
with 16 chart groups and 3.5 second finality and this and that so um and then I just checked you
let's let's let's do a quick quick check agorant community
because they were also very visible with their claims
one second so this was about
2881 swaps per seconds right and this was like the the heart limit right in the in the Cassandra and
the radix environment you can simply add even more chart groups with more notes and there's no
upper upper limit basically yeah and and those architectures are also already having this
hard hard hard limit basically it was like 2800 for algo and then multiverse like 500
h bar very permission but it's the 350 yeah that's what's the state model for agorant
agorant i'm not so familiar with their design i'm just aware of their
they have some some relay notes and they are kind of permissioned so when people are talking
about it they're saying okay guys you really need to get rid of those permissioned relay notes
before that those results are not really that strong because it's not fully permissionless
in that sense that everyone can run these relay notes right but i'm not so familiar with their
overall design to be honest all right well let's wait for Dan's uh for the Cassandra test then
and uh we kind of wait yes looking forward to your article i'm really excited about it because
yeah it's i think um yeah it's end of January i think in February we are ready to to start
this public test and making some noise cool all right let's collaborate on that then absolutely
kind of wait yeah um let's check the questions again so just a little bit of track here uh
what was missing do you do you run other projects beside it um or what's your overall background
also um for people curious to know um yeah uh so a separate project is um so i mentioned earlier that
i started a wiki for an acupuncture project um that has been going for years and years um
but it's i've since kind of teamed up with an acupuncturist in Japan
so we're going to build another like we're going to build build out the original idea
um but also integrate it into radix so that's kind of um that's a kind of skunkworks project um blue
sky project um another thing is i'm building a dow platform so used to work for arrogant
who are a dow platform on ethereum like one of the og projects uh so learned a lot there and
um also encountered the problems that they had with the cost of voting that kind of thing which
is obviously much less of a problem on radix uh so yeah that's another um project that i'm working
on in the background which i guess that's going to be a few months before there's any news on that um
that i can share uh apart from that writing for ossie writing for you guys um i still my background
is before radix is creative production so i still do some stuff there as well um
um but uh yeah mostly the wiki takes up most of my time yeah also happy to share the next few
articles articles are already prepared or in preparation for our next our next bigger
announcements obviously concentrated proofs with oracles we cannot wait for that any longer
and uh what else are we also talking about the next um announcement so that we can already
share the first part of our audit about avl trees this is also soon to be uh live for everyone to
to look into it so so we're getting uh more content pieces now rolling week by week
also with you together really happy about it yeah i think lily uh lily's a lot of that
absolute she's she's great yeah so without her always would be helpless for me
yeah and some the use panel gives you the gives the impression radix wiki looks
outside radix too what things but what are you thinking oh that's a long question um
what you mentioned about the news the news page i think so new span i guess the impression it
could be targeting something outside radix too what's your opinion about it okay okay um
yeah the the news page pulls in anything that mentions radix or xrd but yeah that could
also include for example podcasts or videos um that cover other projects as well so
that might be the that might be the reason um if the podcast is has lots of other projects in the
title but it also has xrd then the algorithm will pull that in as well so um that probably
answers that what's the next question so take a little bit already what do you think about
good strategy to get radix outside or bubble uh outside the bubble um
and crypto is is financial um if financializes everything um even i'm writing an article
about meme coins and meme coins are the financialization of culture um so i guess price
is is the thing is the main thing to pull people into the um you know into radix right but um
yeah i i think the price doesn't definitely doesn't reflect the underlying technology
i'm right um and i suppose that's hindering people investigating you need to do you're going to spend
time and energy to investigate a project then you do it in expectation of a return so
um i'm you know undeniably that's a factor uh but yeah we kind of we've been digging into actually
what you know what happened after babylon because the um the price tanked after babylon
and we're thinking this makes no sense uh and i know some people are blaming the foundation but
also that makes no sense like why would they fud the project immediately after babylon why
why is price a bit compressed hanging right after the etf announcement it's something people waited
for like six seven years and sell the news but then the market went up like talking about um
september divergence um so that was weird and i i think we've kind of worked out what's going on
and there are clues in the wiki if you want to dive in and i won't say anymore but there are clues
as to what's going on um that people can do their own research oh that was a good call to action
where do we need to check it what's the name of the article yeah i want to know it no comment
unfortunately okay okay we'll have a check but yeah like um i remember uh reading the
biography of um of an oil speculator and in oil prospecting people that sink their money
into the ground are called wild catters so they would you know kind of pick a pick a place pick
a spot in california and sink sink a borehole and hopefully hit some oil um and crypto i think
is no different um so hug is one of those uh it's one of those speculative wins it's a gusher
and then it brings more capital more attention more innovation and awareness to um you know
to the bigger movement to radix in general that's that's basically also what our current
token competition is all about so right that people play around uh just getting used to
our radix tooling how easy it is basically to create a token yeah just fill out one form
and you're already good to go um it's not really that easy on most chains and just have this for
first initial impression wow this is this is different and obviously afterwards when people are
engaging creating projects building a community around it also on chain attraction is very
important volume tvl all this all this stuff is really important to get it rolling also outside
our bubble is very important yeah to get integrated to exchanges into many many more conversations
they look into those stats actually and if they see uh crow rapid crow that's really helpful
and that's also the reason we're doing these these types of campaigns um to make this happen
yeah um it's um i guess it's the unspoken secret i guess of
of this of any kind of speculative market um any new industry actually requires this kind
of spec you know at the beginning absolutely sure that's that drives innovation that drives
people into something just to dig deeper to them yeah yeah and then even if even if it's just
speculative first maybe some long-term members are are we're just speculators in the beginning
but in the end they're they're enjoying it they're loving it they're even building it
or something yeah i mean all possible bonk is funding like five six projects yeah absolutely
it's not just a meme it's like generally something that really uh has created a lot of
great ideas in the end and also it helped it even helped full solana ecosystem get out of this
mess after after um ftx and stuff but all this stuff that happened after afterwards
like bonk was one of the initial spark to get out of this mess on yeah just just maybe in
the beginning just because of of speculators but they in the end managed to yeah build a lot
yeah out of it i suppose yeah the beginning of of any industry the the upside is asymmetric
because you're starting from zero so yes you have to be you have to be careful but the
the losses are minimized in a sense if you're starting from from a very low level
so there are two more questions from our community um one is about um which kinds of contents
uh can we find on radix wiki so um basically two kinds there's articles
or there are databases okay there are articles about uh about radix radix history technology
core concepts core protocols um we have a few databases that is a
database of ecosystem projects uh of jobs as well and that links back to the ecosystem projects so
um you know uh ossie are advertising for a smart contract developer then it will
link the two together um and there's a talent pool as well that's as soon as we're alive with hooks
you're looking for deaths yeah yeah yeah yeah to be announced and it's all completely
permissionless so you can add yourself into the talent pool or add your project um edit your
project edit other people's projects this is an important part of the um accountability of
the whole platform so we keep you yes like there are some some authors and some admins
checking all these articles before they're going live right or if if someone wants to edit something
how do you so you're saying permissionless so everyone can add edits um is there some some way
of cross checking those edits or uh no it relies on crowd wisdom okay okay interesting if you want
to edit a page on wikipedia then you can do it from any ip address
you just log in anonymously and you can start editing i mean some pages are locked and we can
do that as well um but fundamentally it relies on uh i suppose similar to kind of Byzantine fault
tolerance in a way is but where's where's the sibyl mechanism to check sibyl isn't so much of a
problem um is it built on notion they can um yeah you have to create an account i suppose that's
some kind of civil resistance um but uh but the account is free and yeah we we just rely on
like i'm sure there are going to be vandals who will vandalize pages but um
the calculation that works for wikipedia is that there are enough good actors uh to to act as a
kind of immune system against the bad actors so more general question so what you're most looking
forward to for the whole radix ecosystem well that's a big question um
uh i mean i'm really enjoying the interoperability at the moment i've been playing with um
transaction manifests and building trying to build my own
transaction manifest so that you know once that gets productized so somebody comes up with a
you know a really nice front end to build your own um transactions then interesting out
that's huge that's like the the square space of of web3 it's like a no-code solution to yeah
and you can you know there'll be arbitrage but you know arbitrage strategies that people can
build for themselves that's a great idea yeah the square square space yeah the the capital
efficiency of of the whole ecosystem would it just be incredible um yeah i mean i won't name
in like specific projects but we've we have we have our favorites i guess um which we love but um
generally we're seeing in everywhere we look we're seeing innovation um and only such a short time
after babylon so um yeah the pace of innovation is unreal and every day we see new projects popping
up out of nowhere with small teams with maybe also for small funding and they are all always
capable of delivering something great uh so so great to be around here so it makes so much fun
yeah i mean i'm not a smart contract developer but i've managed to get three projects going so
yeah that's crazy right what else he's doing yeah something else you want to share or
with the audience i think we are out of questions already uh i think we probably covered everything
but i don't know if anybody else if anybody has any other questions like in the audience or anything
but um there's just everything reply button there's um nothing at the moment
i can't wait if you want to let's look very cool something regarding oc store
yeah how's the token competition going uh so we announced it this week last week last week
already right so we have when i checked it this morning five projects already signed up
in our google forms um this is really cool to see already um because it's uh yeah it's just
the beginning so we um we end this uh in in february second week third week uh so there's
plenty of time for people to join uh and if those five projects are really uh committed
now to to push uh i could already make big dent so really looking forward to them
are you particularly excited about a new token so also question to me maybe you have also some
some favorite one with it since my favorite token yeah i'm particularly excited about
oh yeah as i said the hug is doing god you're also hugger yeah
just like a little bit split uh so the early people the hug people many people
so you're more tending to the camp of hug what's not to like really absolutely yeah also
yeah they're now also working together with the many but we're also doing so if you want to
sign up and there are some quests now for hug as well so it's also super interesting
and obviously easy moon is is the i mean there are still still weekly events with easy moon
i haven't really followed lately the airdrops have stopped no okay yeah but um but this is your
this is your big big hidden gem well this is we adopted easy moon as um
as our treasury asset because it's okay wasn't aware of this sorry yeah fully diluted um
it's got a fixed supply anonymous founder um yeah so we we bought like 10 percent of it and um
interesting okay yeah good good yeah let's let's wrap it up i think
covered all the pressing questions for this week cool well i've i've really enjoyed it thank you
thank you very much liberton also for joining um yeah i think for next week
there's nothing to announce yet or uh i i'm i'm aware there's this one maybe joining but it's not
not yet to announce um but really looking forward to that the next birthday um thank you everyone
for listening for joining this x space and see you next week bye-bye thanks Lucas bye-bye