Ociswap X Space with Zombie from Hug Zone 🤗

Recorded: Jan. 18, 2024 Duration: 0:56:39



Do you damage
One more there was just something in the hard zone played once
To go back and and and pump the jam a little bit
Anticipating this email already and yeah
So happy to have you
Thank you. Thank you for having me. Thanks for inviting me on and just you know, I mean being like a
Key part of this this community really I really appreciate just everything that you do. Yeah. Okay. Thank you so much
that's what I'm Lucas co-founder of us a swap and
One more of our weekly mace. So
Keep keep this going big by week. I'm so glad it's it's it's working like expected
I'm happy for many many more to come and this time around I can happily introduce you
Zombie he's the creator of hacks own or just hug
This kind of started the the whole meme coin craze and in the radix ecosystem. And yeah
Might you do you want to introduce yourself? Maybe?
Yeah, I'm zombie I'm sure people have you know if you're in the radix telegram
You've definitely seen me around I have a lot of opinions to share and most of them are just don't sell radix
But yeah, so I've been around and been really a big part of of the radix community for
starting in 2023 is whenever I really started to to get into get into radix and
You know started posting in telegram and really keeping up with things and that was after I saw the the rad 5 video
And yeah, so once I once I saw rad 5 and I was just like
very excited about radix and I kind of slowly just started, you know
Getting more and more into into radix and ecosystem and falling along with with what they were doing
but then outside of you know me and in my involvement and and radix I
marketing firm and
So that's just kind of what I do
you know personally for for a living and and then and now that's probably not going to be
Also kind of related to marketing
So it's not really like something completely different, right?
So especially this types of projects are really driven by community sentiment and pushing awareness and stuff like that
So I think it's kind of related to your daily day by day
So interesting so you got a way of radix initially of direct five and so
So was some someone sharing this post or was the initial?
Yeah, so I had a small bag of radix before
Before that that I had bought and I want to stay like
21 maybe early 22
And so, you know, I kind of watched it do its you know initial, you know that pump to 60 cents or whatever and
Held through that and held held everything that I had through the bull and bear market
and yeah, so that last cycle was my first cycle to really get in to get involved into crypto and
And held everything and I've learned a lot of lessons since then but but then you know in 23 early 23
Whenever I felt like things had started bottoming I was like, okay
I'm gonna start really doing a lot of research and and figure out how I want to be positioned and come up with a real plan
for myself for this for this coming cycle and
And I think I pretty much nailed when the overall bottom was going to be for the for the market as a whole
One of I started doing that research. And so I
Started digging in I was like, okay
I want to find out a lot more about radix because it was one of the ones that I was felt was most interesting
in the in the previous cycle and
And so jumped into the telegram was chatting with people and found that found the radify video there just through telegram
Not through anybody sending me anything
Yeah, interesting so also a longer journey already for you so but let's say red fire was like the
the next step so the next
Big event for you personally to to get even more involved into the radix ecosystem, I guess
yeah, so and
Especially since you found it hug or what's what's what's the right hug zone?
How do you want to call it actually?
Yeah, the project itself is is just hug our our telegram channel is
We've named that in the hug zone
So what was the the project itself is just yeah, just hug
How what was the initial year to get to this?
Hacking theme in general. So
In the in the trader channel, and this was this was you know, shortly after
Constantine got involved and and was trying to help foster a you know more positive
and I even I went back and screenshot this recently, but
Somebody in the telegram channel, you know did made a joke and said stop the stop the fucker and
Then right after that I I responded
You know to stop has this like negative kind of connotation where it's like, you know
What you're doing is like wrong like don't you know and and so then I responded back and said
hug the fuckers and
And and and people just just started hammering it and
You know just that one sentence alone kind of you know in our very small community
Took on a little bit of a viral nature
And then I started just throwing the term around like here and there, you know using it in different ways
You know hug this person and hug the world what you know, whatever it was
Just as we're trying to you know breed this culture of positivity just like, you know, you know
Instead of meeting negativity with counter negativity of stop what you're doing is wrong
It was like hey, man, I think you could I think you could just use a hug, you know
So super easy to me miss her so I can use the short simple term hug for so many things, right?
So just played around with it as well like with atomic hug ability something like this
So so easy to use this word for something else or yesterday where some people also be a little bit crumpy about things, right?
And then just send him a hug or send him some tokens actually
So actually get people introduced into the radix ecosystem wallet download the wallet to receive some some hugs, right?
so it's also easy to play with and also to get crap crappy people into actually
Turn the tables and get it get them introduced into the radix ecosystem
and yeah, that's something I also already saw and
Really? Thank you so much for coming up with this idea and this project is so super powerful for that. Yeah
Of course. Yeah, and I'll just say too in that regard like some of the people that have been the most
active and have played the
Some really big roles and making hugs successful have also been some of the people who who were the angriest before
whenever whenever, you know sentiment was just it's very lowest and
And people were sharing just a lot of negative thoughts
Those people have completely flipped and and are now feeling really positive and really happy and are sharing and in all of this
Positivity that we're trying to spread. Yeah with with these
mean projects, but also
obviously concertina pushing things and also coin market can get fixed enough after
Felt like right eternity, right a couple of years
we waited for this moment and we are getting turns with which getting things finally
turned and into the into the right direction, right so and
Yeah, I think that's it's also really part of it that we are turning people that are really crumpy and also maybe losing faith
After such a long time. I really I can feel with those guys. It's it's really hard, right?
So stick to to project to token. It's maybe not not really
Delivering that how can I say it?
At least in terms of price and movements and stuff like that
It was not really performing like like other places, right? So right about now
We are finally at the spot to get things rolling
People launching projects steps can be play around with the race wallet getting better and better coin market cap is fixed now
We cannot wait to get one milestone reached after the hour, right?
Exactly. Yeah
Yeah, and I think that's I think that's kind of the important part of this of this
Cycle that that Radix is in right now is that you know, it's been it's been building
for such a long time and
Like absolutely that's been really frustrating for a lot of people to have to be very very patient and and you know
To watch other, you know coins have these massive pumps that we've seen and and I think just knowing
Exactly what Radix
Potential is also has made it more painful for people as they've as they've continued to build and everything
But I think that you know, I've I really trust the team the Radix team and what they've been doing and
And just knowing that you know
They're really trying to go for a very optimal timing and where everything can just build in it on off of each other in an optimal
Way and you know, we have all of our q1 announcements that were coming and we've seen a lot of those play out
You know being you know key rock with their
What they're liquid that they're bringing in and you know, we've got a lot of great
partnerships, you know, like Grove was just announced and
You know Radix is bringing in its own liquidity incentives that are gonna be really helpful
It all kind of happened naturally with whenever I you know launched hug, but
So this idea of hugging, you know happened and I've been thinking to myself like, you know Radix needs
Radix needs a meme coin that that it's is its own
Unique thing that has its own unique narrative. It's not you know, just built off of
the idea of
Something else and so I've been kind of thinking about what that could be and if I wanted to be the person
You know to do that if I could come up with an idea that would be worthy of being that
And so then whenever I thought of this idea for hug and I was like man q1 is like we're just starting it
if I could be positioned to be the
You know mean project on Radix as we enter q1 and as all of these things are building in this momentum starts building
Then then I think that that hug could could be
Huge it could be the thing
by being in position
Ironically early, you know
And so I think that that's a been a big part of what's led to our success now is that is that
I created something that had some had some virality to it
Before anyone was was really
Pushing that hard. So kind of being the first to it leading into this the beginning of this momentum
Shift that were that I believe that we're entering into. Yeah
Zombie you have prepared some announcement right for us
Do you want to share the alpha already yet now or at the end of our conversation?
That's good and
So these announcements actually are gonna there so right now you you are early
Let me make this announcement and you'll see that really maybe not for very long
So up until now, you know, everyone has known hug just as being zombie
Like it's just it's just me and I keep talking about this team
But nobody knows who or what that means it could be my you know
Grandma and you know my aunt and you know, whatever like nobody knows
But actually in the background we've we've had some really tremendous people
working working on hug and coming up with ideas for hug and
So we have two people that I that I want to that I want to talk about that are officially jumping on board
with hug and
the first one is
team on from
astral ascent and defy Plaza and he is
diligently working on
Building all the things that hug is the most excited about right now
and man, what I love about him too is is he's just
He's a great guy
And he aligns very much with the vision of hug. So outside of outside of being, you know
an awesome like full stack developer
he just he believes in in what we're doing and he and
He believes in the fun of it. Like one thing we keep
Asking ourselves as we're building is will this be fun? Like is this gonna make people feel happy?
When they're when they're doing
What you know interacting with what we're building and
One other thing that I love about him too is we could have kind of had this saying between the two of us
And that's one plus one equals three
Which he kind of kind of started saying because you know just
His skill set in my skill set are two very different things
But as our ideas and and those skills have come together
We're realizing that like the two of us together are are more than
Just one and one together separately
So, yeah, I'm very excited to have to have team on on
Hug team and building and and he's doing some really awesome stuff
Congratulations. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah
Yeah with with the skills that he has and the the
the you know integrity and
The reputation that he has. Yeah, I feel very very lucky to have him have him on board
And then the other announcement is that in an advisory role
Constantine has officially come on board and
He's going to be helping helping hug
in terms of just providing direction and
Helping us make deals and find influencers and
You know, he's got a lot of connections that we're gonna benefit from heavily especially, you know
Also in terms of you know landing us on centralized exchanges and things like that
So so those will all be things that we are going to be working for
working forward towards and
And Constantine is going to play a really key and pivotal role in that
Good is and concrete. That's sounds really amazing. And yeah, also like hack 2.0 now
Reaching the next level now next chapter. Yeah
So let's let's switch to some community
Yeah, that's what was also one was related to listing on exchanges. You just
Talked about it. You want to push it now with with those
New people joining team your team and and so on right?
Exactly. Yeah, exactly
So we we are we are
looking into
You know what? It's gonna take to to get us on to some some centralized exchanges and obviously this is something that we can't
You know, we can't give like great alpha on
But it is on it is
Actively on our to-do list
In terms of timing and and things like that. I you know, there's not a lot I can say about it
You know makes sense
Exactly. Probably the biggest hurdle for us that we're gonna face is we're as we're doing this is just being able to
Fun, you know fund getting onto the exchanges, but I'm confident that we're gonna that that everything is going to
You know come together and and if especially if hug keeps doing what it's doing then then absolutely no problem
You know, we're gonna we're gonna make it happen. I think also this community question is related to your announcements kind of
Who's the way that really believes in hug?
Maybe it's it's constantly
Would say yes
Is the way all right that really believes in hug and I'll expand on that a little bit too and mention
And just mention some other people too, but um
So what's funny is I reached out to Constantine
Whenever I hug was it like a you know, twenty thousand dollar market cap and I was like, hey man
This is this is what I'm trying to do. Would you you know, I know you've got this whole, you know
Positivity thing going on that you're pushing it which I love
I'm not sure what how you feel about meme points, but would you be interested in and you know doing this and then he messaged me
back because he was very confused because
he had had a similar idea that he had you know been working on a while back and he's like
I'm he's like, are you talking to me about the thing that I
was doing before or is this something new and
And I was like, oh, yeah, I was like, no, this is this is something totally new
I didn't know you had something similar that you were that you were doing before and so it ended up just being this thing where
We both had very similar visions and ideas for what?
For what hug could be and you know, I mean nothing, you know, nothing is ever ever new right like
recycled ideas constantly are a thing but but yeah, so so Constantine is very
Passionate about hug and and one of the things that he is most excited about is just how we can use hug
to help other people and
You know have hug be charitable and and you know
Find ways that we can that we can give to others and give back to the to the community even
And then outside of Constantine, I mean we've got we've got you know, several several people who are who are really passionate and and
Who are you know committed people to the to the Radix community? I mean, you know, I like
Mean me Foxy and slammer had started this
Radix community
Advocates group and we've been talking with Adam and just trying to help build positivity and encourage
Adam and find ways that that we could you know strengthen the community and and that group has kind of turned into like the
Hugs inner circle and they've just been you know, giving me tons of advice and support
So those are those are two really big members of the community that have been on board
But I mean even on top of that I've had so many people who I who I know are are
Radix whales like messaging me giving support and believing in the project and what we're doing
So people curious joining a project asking how we still early
Really think I really think we are I know I know that
It may not seem that way because you know hug is number nine on on the on the charts for Radix
But I mean, yeah, let me let me refresh. Oh, she's supposed to just so I know okay, so right now
Yeah, which is incredible
man, I mean keep in mind the potential that is there keep in mind the potential for what Radix can be and
When you hear people who are you know, when people are posting on Twitter and asking for the next gym no one's asking
You know show me your
$20,000 market cap hidden gym. It's all where's your under 10 million dollar
Market cap gym because that's whenever a mean project has established itself enough that you know
That you know that it's not gonna be a rug
It's not gonna just totally flop and that you can actually get in early on something that is going to do very very well
In the coming bull market. So DJ DJ and stuff great
Like, you know throw everybody, you know play around throw money into all the brand new coins if you want to that are coming in
But if you're looking for like blue chip stuff that is gonna carry you through the bull market
Fantastic and I'll also just give a little shout out to relating to the question
What I've seen from early as well. I mean they've they've really been doing a lot
To to make their project work
Totally different vibe
But but they seem they seem to be doing what they what they need to do to at least be one of the one of the
More successful mean projects on on radix as well
Mm-hmm, and I think in terms of long-term
To drive so not just having initial hype but also
driving this
meme token
Can you hear me?
Sorry, can you hear me?
All right. Sorry, you're breaking up there for a sec. I'm back. Sorry. Maybe it was like some disconnection
Hello, hello, I cannot hear you. Sorry
Just as this can you hear me?
Test tester just can you hear me? Can you hear me? I
Lost you or you lost me. I don't know
One second we'll check if he comes back. Okay invite to speak
Need to accept you
We lost him again, okay bit unfortunate but we can't wait get this sorted no worries
Can hear me now, you're back
So I think it wasn't my what wasn't my issue on my side but great to have you back
Okay, so did did we catch all the all of that last answer?
Yes, yes, I think the next I just want to wanted to ask the next one about the
Long-term sustainability was also question from from the community
So after the initial hype what are the next value?
Driving value for for token holders, but also how to grow this this project general awareness and stuff like that
Yeah, of course. Okay. So so what's our what's our plan for sustainability as we're as we're moving forward
so as a meme project and
Where and where I feel like we're even really succeeding the most right now is in fostering a community
And that's that's gonna be that's gonna be our biggest driving factor
And we've got a lot that we're that we're doing outside of that
but right now even I mean even three
Not even three weeks in I want to say that that hug
the telegram channel is is one of the is one of the biggest in in the radix community already and
And you know, we're doing great on on Twitter as well getting a lot of engagement there and and that's gonna just
That's gonna just keep going and it's gonna just keep being something that we
Continue to try to foster and really find our voice and find our culture as a community
And just having a very unique
Having that very unique culture that is true to us
The you know, you're not going to be able to find
Maybe at all on other chains
But will be very different from from other projects on on on radix for sure
and then I guess
Sorry to interrupt you, but I guess you're already a little bit annoyed about
Parrisons with with other meme projects or other
let's say
Main meme projects on other layer one, right? So especially bonk on solana and stuff like that. Uh, so you really want to drive
a completely different style and also
Message you want to drive that right? Exactly. Yeah, we want our message to be different. I think we can take from other projects
Um, you know like something that we something that kind of keeps being said and even even that i'm saying is that
You know, we want to be the the bonk of of radix and whenever I say that I don't mean like
We want a cookie cutter, you know
Actually be bonk on radix. We don't want to do that. We don't you know, we don't want that same narrative
We don't want that same feel or community. We want it to be unique to us
but what bonk has done that that has made it sustainable and
And some of what we're going to try to emulate and that we're already emulating is we just we want to be everywhere
We want to integrate in in with all of the dapps
So any dapp builders any project builders that are that are listening to this right now
Um, if I have not reached out to you about getting in with your dapp know that I want to
And I want to you know
I want I want hug to be this thing that is just prolific that is everywhere
If we can be in every single radix wallet, even if that's you know
A fraction of a cent worth of hug that's in every wallet. That's what I want
And if you know i'm waiting for for peers to message me and say hey, we're we're launching the radix phone
Can we put some in the radix phone and i'm gonna be like dude. Yes. You want to see that
You want you want to see a saga right? Yeah, what to call it?
Redder redder phone. Yeah
Anything that beautiful redheaded man does I want to be a part of it?
Yeah, but even even better uh
When you can set up your radix wallet without a seed phrase, right?
Even when you're buying your salana phone, you still have to write down a seed
Into mainstream but we're looking forward to maybe some some
Some really mainstream a capable phone. It would be nice. Exactly
I'm sure that that if radix were to do a phone that it would be
That it would be incredible and would not require a seed phrase of course, right?
Would be more apple like them than android esk, right?
For sure. Is it very easy to use?
Yeah, I mean whenever you know, whenever dan becomes the richest man in the world he'll buy apple and and then
You know, the the iphone will just be the radix phone. So it's all gonna be good
Cassie phone
Also, so even next steps are like virtual reality not normal phone stuff. Yeah, right. Yeah, so
Dan is looking for the next
Yeah, so also looking into the future there's some some questions related to that so from the community asking
Um about stuff like hugbot website
Uh, what was else? Faucet? Faucet? I'm not sure how to
Faucet what's pronounced it? Thank you
Uh, when will be it released? Uh, so a lot of stuff people are waiting for and excited about sure. Yeah
Um, okay. So just hitting a little bit on hugbot
Um right now timon is he's you know, that's that's one of the key things that he's working on
um to be launched and
I don't I don't want to give away a lot about how it's actually going to function
And we've kind of gone back and forth just a little bit on on
On how the hugbot is going to function and how it's you know
How it's going to be incorporated into what we what we do, but just know to that right now
Is going to be launching as part of a bigger overall overall package that is being built
And it's not going to just be tipping
um and the
I would say just the goal behind
First and foremost the goal behind hugbot
That we've been asking ourselves and this is going back to what I was saying earlier is is this fun?
Does this make people feel good?
And with what we're doing the direction that we're going right now and like
Timon has been like pivotal and and shape and helping to shape the form of this
I think it has some real potential for
for for viral
Um action at least in the radix
Um in the radix telegram
100 yeah, I think it's going to be I think it's going to be really fun to interact with
And and it's going to just make people feel good
Um, so as we've been you know, trying to make these decisions and figure out, you know, what are that?
You know, what are the how do people interact with it? And what are they going to be the economics behind it?
We don't want it to feel super transactional like just giving tips back and forth
That's something that we want to be in there
We want people to be able to use the hugbot
To send actual, you know allocations of of hug back and forth that they that they know but even beyond that
We've got some bigger ideas and how we're going to incorporate that into
Our overarching plan
It's also also related to the idea that actually to onboard
Let's say x amount of people use us into the radix ecosystem, right?
Right, so set up your radix wallet and receive your first, uh parks
Something like that as well. So really looking forward to something like that. You have a mass onboarding event or something
And um, and so that that's another thing that is that is on our um, it's on our our
is is the faucet
It's it's not a
I'm going to say it's not a high priority item meaning that it's not going to be in the next few weeks
Is ready and launches
Um, but that is going to that is something that's going to be
One of one of our next items that we start working on really I want us to get through this initial phase
Of of what we're launching because I think it's going to be
Uh, very critical for helping hug
build the support that it needs
both from a
Community perspective and then also just from an asset perspective
What we're launching it's it's it's going to strengthen both of those things
Um now with that said I I just want to be very clear
Hug is not going to become this like super serious project that you know is like
an in-depth dap everything that we do is going to be about about fun and about
Giving hugs and sharing love
Don't think of hug as the as this like
Technologically like amazing thing even though what we were building technologically, I think is it's going to be impressive and very cool
Everything is focused around
Hug and fun and love
I'm completely with you with the fan themed aspect as well. You're talking to a guy wearing a cat's mask
So are you fully dressed in this
It's way too hot even on those days well, it's just snowy outside so
Yeah, so keep keep it keep it not too serious and also have fun with a few community
Exactly playing around so it's it's so so so important as well
And I missed my next part
I wanted to pitch something as well from from our side. So we also close to finish line with our
OC catbot
So it will be you will be able to set up your own
Price alerts and also I get an alert when you listings arrive on our exchange
on our decks, so
Yeah, so this really close really really close now. I think the next couple of days we will announce this and
You'll be able to get your xed or usd based price alerts also for hug
Nice very so we're looking forward to that because it's already working really really good
And yeah, just need to do the last last few few steps to make it perfect
Very cool
Hopefully that's something too that we would would be able to incorporate like into the into the hug telegram channel i'm assuming
Yes, yes, yes, yes, awesome. Also to get our shots back
Yes, a lot of things that's still missing from the times before
Babylon, yeah get all right fun stuff back again. Yeah, that's so important. Exactly. Yeah, exactly
It's been a bit of a reopening phase
Right in in in certain ways. So also staying close to taxes
Next question is related to liquidity
Keeping liquidity high. Is there any any incentives planned or what's your what's your take on it?
on that point
Yes, that's uh, that's
A big part of of what I was talking about before in terms of what we're building
Um, I don't I don't want to give too much away right now
Um in terms of the actual logistics of it. I kind of want to just
Drop it let people see it and be excited
but know that we are
very close
At least testing how how this is is going to work and whenever I say that I mean, I mean like in the next
Week, we will at least be testing
um, and then
so yes, liquidity incentives are are coming very soon and and
They're going to be a key
Part of of what allows hug to be successful, but we need better liquidity
Um for people to be able to make larger trades, you know
We want whales to be able to come in and buy fairly substantial amounts
Without pumping the price up too much so that they then just get dumped on and we want people to be able to sell substantial amounts
Especially yeah being prepared for some push like from
Ivan or other people
Getting aware and mess on boring and stuff like that. So at the time, uh, yeah need to be prepared
But we're getting out of our tiny bubble and getting relics closer to the top top one minimum
Exactly, and i'm kind of still waiting for that call from key rock too, you know for the yes
Hey, so the 10 million is coming to hug. So
Just just to just to what?
Just for your talk that would be amazing
I just I feel like hug is a really big thing and they're gonna want to be a big part of it. So
10 million let's go
I'll make sure they send some to oc too, but you know, okay. Oh, so kind thank you so much
No, I am I genuinely am curious, um, you know what that what their allocations are going to be and
And and you know, it's it's nice for you know for projects like like hug and oc, you know that we
We are one of you know, we're the kind of the top
You know some of the top projects on on radix. So i'm I am assuming
I I could be wrong on this and I don't know if any information has come out. Um
I'm assuming that some of that liquidity will be coming into alts. Do you know anything about that?
No, uh, especially from uh, the last announcement key rock, right? Uh, they are very
Very silent, okay. We'll see so they're not really, um talking a lot publicly
what what the next book will be so just
Yeah, looking forward to it. Uh, there will be but there will be more, uh,
liquidity campaign incentive campaigns as well. So not related to the last announcement
And yes, so that's like just the first steps to to get this
also to 100
And more million tvl dollar million
million dollar tvl
So yeah, I think it has to be our goal as well to be
competitive to the
other non-evm layer ones
To be behind solana very quickly. So that's very definitely one of my goal goals for this year
so that people will
cannot really ignore us anymore, especially now
That we are able to get to page one on coin market cap finally when we I know
When people decide to to get to to buy this token to six cents, so we are on page one
So also can't wait for that
Yeah, we need more visibility, uh get get more noisy and uh annoying to other people
We're now in this we're in the stage now to get it to get it to get it out. Yeah
Yeah, I agree. Okay. I want to say one more thing about liquidity just before we move on
um, okay, sure and that's related to to oc swap into into splash 2.0 and I just want to say that um
That i'm really excited to just to see
Your vision in that regard. Um, I love that it's gonna that you know
That liquidity rewards on oc swap are going to take on this sort of decentralized
Voting mechanism where people are going to be able to choose
Um the pools that that they best feel uh benefit the community
um, so I you know, I that's a that's a thing that I think that hug will benefit from and and from that, um
Really any project that's providing value to this ecosystem is going is going to benefit heavily from
And so i'm excited
On the oc swap perspective just to be to be here be part of of what you're building
And i'm excited to use the tools that that you've made available and by the way
deployed using oc swaps token wizard
So we have a we have a uh also a share in this uh,
Whole new coin craze. It's super cool to know
Exactly. Exactly makes me really proud. It's brought to you. Thank you so much for using our wizard
And also yeah, I cannot wait for splash 2.0 to launch as well
Um, especially the part of pry being for votes
I guess with your community size and uh
Yeah, it will be very massive to pry as well. And
Just need to we just need to ship it, right?
Exactly. Yeah, also
Yeah win 2.0. Yeah
Yeah, it's it's yeah, that's also a thing. Uh, so we're really still early in the early
In the ecosystem they've taken that word from
That's also good good for memes here, uh, so like for four months into smart contracts and we unfortunately also saw
With gavel that we really need to be careful right before deploying and launching
We really need a lot of
Testing internally, um plus audits, of course
Uh to be sure that that's that's fine when we're launching stuff, right?
And so, uh, we we're really taking more the careful measured approach in that regard
Um, but also see it's it's good if you're shipping quicker
At the other hand, you never know if that's maybe also
You oversee a certain thing that could also
Destroy everything. So
uh, yeah, it's it's like if you already
Were in a place like two three years into the ecosystem with a much better tooling much more stuff out there
We could also launch quicker, but uh at this stage three makes sense to
Give it a little bit more time also
I I agree, you know, I agree with that with that approach, you know
Just the um, the downfalls that can happen
If if you try to push a little bit a little bit too fast
Just that negative impact, you know
people people can get hurt and and sentiment and sentiment can can you know?
Kind of kind of take a nosedive. So I yeah, I firmly support
The route that you're taking of of building it and trying to make sure that it's done well and right. So
Yeah, but still still in these negative events we see the power of our community. So
What was happening with uh with gable and also uh den helping out
Was just insane. Uh, so really shout out kudos
To that what has happened in the community? So people were helpful helping out
Uh to get it get this resolved right in in the way. I haven't seen anywhere else, right? So not just
Yeah, give up and and or hating on on on on the founder or stuff like that
It hasn't happened at all. It was like no guys
We are early in this. Uh, so uh shit can definitely happen especially in that in that stage
and instead of yeah
Hating yeah
We were hugging and helping and that was really great. We create the scene
it was yeah, and you know, it's
sad to see you know
What's happening with with gable right now and you know use I mean he's he's
a great guy and
And you can tell that he cares a lot about what about what he's building and so
You know when you see something like this happening to someone who who obviously has really good intentions
Yeah, you know, yeah, it's sad to see but at the same time
Man has the community gathered around and and and proven its strength and I think that in this sense
Radix does have have a unique
Have a unique culture that you might not find other places
And a couple people too that I think you know deserve some shout outs in this, you know, austin
Yes, 400 percent. I mean he you know
He saw quickly what was going on in the chat and and made a you know quick move to start a private group
Which I was lucky enough to be included in to be able to see how things were going to unfold
But man, I mean we just have had some brilliant minds jump in there
Austin and some community members like you know octopus and talifern
Have had incredible input into this
I want to say that that jazzer has played a large role and and you know coming up with some ideas
Uh dan obviously, I mean just you know being willing and ready to to throw money at this and
And do what he needs to do as a founder
Um to solve something that that wasn't his fault
But he's making it his problem
And like that absolutely that's it. Yeah, I mean that's insane, right? Yeah
Incredible integrity from a from a founder. That's that's what I would say about that
How how this whole thing was handled was much much bigger actually for me personally and like the kind market cap
Yes, right. So this is really
That shows that people caring and the community really want to solve problems and not
Hating on people or something like that. So what is really really powerful moment for me as well
Yeah agreed
Did I miss some questions
So, okay, we were kind of talking about the coin market cap and you know, I see here on my sheet you've said, you know
What is the coin market cap?
That's my opinion on it. Of course, go for it
Yeah, so i'll just i'll you know, i'll keep it brief but but um, you know
I think it's huge and I think that it's also indicative of of the direction that we're headed in
And that's and that's that that radix is about to about to really
Start to be taken seriously
And we're about to have a lot of eyes on us and this correction is a big a big part of that
As much as I would love to just push everyone to only use, you know coin gecko or whatever like as a you know
um as a method of
Um, you can't force users
Uh to and into different, you know
People are going to use what they're going to use and so we need to go where the eyeballs are
And so the fact that this is corrected means that people will see us and that's incredible and that's going to be pivotal for radix's growth
100 and just checking the comment section
Also radix account itself
wrote something down for us
It was about your statement with whatever that beautiful red-headed man does I want to be part of it
I will write this down or print it out as well
So they're they just that's a good sentence to get away early in the morning
Well, hopefully I go down in radix history with that statement that's red-headed man, yeah, love you pierce
Yeah, other questions are also related to centralized exchange listings already covered that
I think we have covered the most pressing questions for this
um, but yeah, I think also with your big announcement that you're now building a
A real team around you which already shows that you are serious, but not too serious. We also need some fun
Yeah, and and really have a long long-term mindset for that as well
Yeah, that's really cool to see and I'm so happy to have you for this for this email
Yeah, thank you so much. Lucas. I really appreciate it
Do you want to say something in the end? So wrap it up
Yeah, I think one one thing that we didn't really touch on at all
That I just want to make sure that everyone is is is clear on is that?
You know in terms of in terms of our token allocations that we have left
We are waiting on radlock to to finish building their product
and so as soon as
possible and is safe
Hugs allocations will be will be locked and they will be vested
so we are all about fun and keeping things light
In the last thing that I want is for anyone to be stressed out about
the safety of of
You know their their investment, you know
An amine project, but but I do not want people feeling stressed
about about what could happen to them
And um and as soon as possible we are going to make that an objective so that so that uh
People can just have nothing but confidence and hug and the community and what we're building
When when looking when looking
I also have some some more teaser to share with you uh related to osis work. Uh, so we will start
Also some some events
Campaigns very soon. So tomorrow we will announce that so
Please join our telegram as well osis walk. Also, we have an announcement channel
Um on x as well, of course, I will share this
Competition tomorrow, so let's let's let's say it like that
Good perfect. Yeah. Thank you
Yeah, hug community
Support this competition
On it guys
We'll see that
We're looking forward to that this way. Yeah
Thank you zombie. Uh, have a great great week and thank you so much
All the listeners as well. Thank you so much
For listening and see you the next time