OCM Town Hall

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2023 Duration: 0:41:37



Hey, see, all right, look GM. Those are our list tests sounds good so far. Good, good, good. Always got to check whether it lets me mute and unmute. We're going to get this thing going here in a second. Everybody do us a favor.
I'm good to see a lot of friendly faces in the crowd out there. I see Mr. Heavy side out there Dave, heavy side, not the docks of name, but we just did it on the spaces. It was good meeting with you via zoom the other day. Sticks my guy, my airport friend who
and to people, good to see you out there, as always. And yeah, and I don't know if you're having issues, Mike, I am, even though I'm the co-host, I see the request, but I cannot bring Danny up, so trying to do that.
I'm going to play some intro music. We have new on-chain music that we kind of started to introduce in the last one. So I'm going to pop that. But in the meantime, I'm going to pop that.
Like I said, make a rise comments down there, like the space, if you're feeling generous, retweet it, but at least to like in a comment, caution nothing, it doesn't even show up on your timeline. Just get this all pumping up and helps with the Twitter algo so everyone can learn about the monkey verse. I'm really excited about this one. So I'll play about a minute or so music and then we'll get started here in a#
I keep on believing in you, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know#
Once again, playing the music just for a little bit here. I see you out there, Jay brush. I see all my good friends raxils out there. I see Mrs. NFT Bark in the house. All my good friends out there.
I'm a Tyler. Lots of good folks. All the community members out there kicking it in the monkey verse. Like I said, give us a rise down in the comment in the bottom right hand or the OBG I see you with the emojis Terry been good connecting with you the last few days, rose in my guy. Do as a favor, Polly, I see a comment again down there bottom right hand.
right hit us with the rise like and retreat the space will go with about 30 more seconds of music and kick this thing off. But let's get this room filled up because we're going to give the overview of the monkey burst today. We might get a little alpha. I'm always going to ask any young for some alpha, but teacher Katie see out there as well. My friend Brian, I see a hit us with a rise.
hit us with a like hit us with a retweet bottom right hand corner and we'll get this thing going in about 30 seconds or so.
I was too far from you, I'm not in me I was too far from you, I'm not in me
That song's an absolute banger. It just kind of hits on all the good things. Other season friends out there, shout out by the way, real quick shout out to Blockchain Ninja out there at Blockchain Ninja. I don't know if you're holding the no CM yet. Maybe you will be after this space, but great security person actually got a bug bounty through Metamask. So something I think Danny Yang,
I'm sure he blocked you know, he's doing a lot of great work trying to help keep everyone's asses safe out there, which I always like. But welcome everybody. Thanks for joining us. We'll go ahead and kick this thing off. We got a nice healthy room going of about 130 last time I'll ask before we start the space. Give us a like, give us a retweet in the
bottom right hand corner, hit us with a rise in that purple box, that purple circle, that's going to help people find this space because we're going to be talking monkey verse from basics to complicated, just get the whole download on everything here. Join today by Mike, good things, snobbucky, however you know, depending on your platform behind the ocean,
O.C.M. Channel, Mr. Danny Yang himself, the legend Danny, I'll start with you. How are you doing on this fine Thursday? Good morning. I'm doing great. Awesome. And Mike, you doing well back there? Yeah, absolutely. See, super excited for what we're going to talk about today.
Yeah, me as well. The big flex with the on chain monkey gold check square box. Shout out Twitter for help and get that and differentiate from my my poser blue check that I have that's just paying for Twitter blue. I am paying a bunch of money to be a fraud, but that's okay. It means also means I can't change
my profile picture, which is wonderful because I would love to have Ocm Genesis 330 as my PFP right now so I can fit right in because I don't know that Ocm Genesis goes hard. Let's start off. I'm really excited to have everybody here. Reminder of everybody, there is a
So here's the good news blockchain engine. I saw you send me a DM that you don't have a you don't have an OCR. I'm going to go ahead and pin something to the top here. You can see that there is a OCR karma giveaway coming up. So like retweet, tag some friends, given that away today in the spaces.
So block chain engine if you don't have it give that a like give it a retweet follow on chain monkey follow Danny Yang the founder who's also on stage with us and we'll get this thing going so I want to kick this thing off as I mentioned you know on my tweet I said it I see the room starting to warm up we tease it at the being of this
This is going to be good for anybody whether you're deep in the monkey verse or you're just a first-time person who's checking it out like block my man blockchain ninja who's calling out and saying I don't have a monkey yet to talk about the value proposition of on chain monkey so Danny I want to actually start with you for those who don't know
What is on Shane Monkey?
Alright, well I will start with the Genesis then of the whole thing. So back in 2021, Anchei Monkey was a generative art collection. It was something I was trying to innovate with art and on-chain. And so it was one of the first
on-chain collections and it is the first on-chain PFB collection done in one transaction. So that's the genesis of on-chain monkey and that collection is called genesis as we, because then we had desserts that were air drop to our holders, also on on-chain collection and then last year in
2022, we created Karma, which was something that the genesis and desserts, or the genesis, can eat desserts to get the karma on this anti-mechanism. And so we use all the metadata, the DNA, from genesis to create.
Karma and this actually is a first two it was the first time that such a detailed campaign collection was all generated from on-chain data from from from a jazzing collection so Karma is this amazing journey to part also and it was done by you know the
top artist from animation. In fact, the lead artist for the Karmic collection was not only for the Kami Award for the best animated feature film for Ferdinand and the Karmic actually took over a year of work and so it's not going to be replicated by anyone. So that's kind of
Carma and Janice, that is what Ancei Maki, you know, Janice and Carma. And Carma also has two firsts. So I said it was this first hand painting collection that was all generated on chain. But that made the creation of the trace that collected the distribution. And also,
It's the first time that another collection was created from all the on-chain data basically from Genesis So you know both gents and karma are you're pretty unique in kind of history of NFTs Okay, I want to actually talk on that thread a little bit because you said something there at the end actually that I don't
I don't think I've heard before. You just said karma, the history of NFTs almost karma has historical. So that is new. I always talk about as Genesis is historical because I'm a big fan. I'm besides loving the art. I think the elegance of the art and tech is great. But what do you mean by that?
historical? Well it's so it uses a DNA of genesis so and it does it all on chain so it's not some off-chain creation that you know most things are so so that that process actually is quite involved and difficult to do so that's actually not really appreciated
Yeah, so far.
interesting. Mike, I'd be curious your take on that because I know like, you know, you're, I think sometimes I think Mike knows more about Onshane Monkey than even Danny who created the collection. I swear, he's like the deepest in this piece. So Mike, I want to kick it to you with that one and see if you have thoughts on that because this is new to me. Yeah. So I think
I think a lot of what we've done as a team on a technical level, it kind of sits beneath the surface and I think the most technical-minded people in the NFT space, they've paid attention to it. It's not something that we sort of tout about because we are building this very large
So, Genesis was the first on-chain PIP collection, 10K, created in a single transaction. That was history made. And we created Genesis as a free and an open mint for everyone, like anyone could have grabbed one of these Genesis.
And then as it gained adoption very quickly, like in the first day, we chose to adopt it as our flagship membership because we believe in creating value for holders. So there is this free mint meta that happened over the summer, as some people might remember.
But we were well ahead of that and we did this intentionally because we you know we don't want to Come into this industry and and try to grab cash We're all about building value with and for our community So today like Genesis is sitting close to one east and floor
and the holders of genesis prior to our dessert drop, they got a dessert for each genesis they held. And this enabled them to either hold the dessert or you can use it to mint a karma. And so the top genesis have sold for over 100k and the top desserts in karma
And that collection has sold for over 200 K. And so from going from a free 10 K mint to six bigger sales, there's only a handful of NFT collections that have done that. And the ones that can sustain a floor price for over a year, there's only one other that I can think of and that's crypto punks.
That's a big statement there. So I know first of all, I love that because I do think, you know, it's interesting. I think there's a lot of like humble sort of humility within the on-chain monkey team, right? Anytime that I've met with like Danny, Amanda, Bill, yourself, everybody's like very hungry.
but it is worth bragging about and you said crypto punks. The most famous PFP probably certainly the most legendary. I mean, that's an aspirational one for me. It's like, you know, board apes, crypto punks and a lot of other folks. So you said crypto punks. Can you can you dig a little deeper on that, Danny? Sure. Sure. Well, first time.
I want to say we're all early. The fact that you guys are here with us, we're early, right? And crypto punks, it's happens to be a little earlier. But we're building something different, and I think better. So what we're building with Anshay Maki, I think Anshay Maki is the alternate PFP.
And one that can involve, and I'll explain a little more about that later. But, you know, so Genesis and Karma, as I mentioned earlier, you know, Karma was created from Genesis by the metadata on chain DNA. And so that's what we have here, and that's what we're continuing to use to create value for
or Genesis and Karma. And that's what's so unique about us. I mean, I think OCR is the ultimate PFP and why also on-chain matters. For example, Ethereum is on-chain. The fact that it's the image going up in value over the years is because
People can build on-chain. They can build applications, D apps. Dify is on-chain. So N of T's, I think the ones that are on-chain will have more value in the long term. And so I think we're about innovating with N of T's and innovating on-chain with N of T's.
super interesting. I don't know if you have anything to expand on there, but that's a fascinating, you know, I like that thought.
Let's run down to the monkey versus a whole actually. Although, Mike, I said you come off mute and I didn't know if you were locked in there. Yeah, sorry. I forgot to unmute myself. So I mean, I think one thing to think about is scarcity, right? So since the beginning of time, people have always valued things that are scarce.
And there's 8 billion people in this world. There are only 21 million Bitcoin. So, you know, one of the strongest cases for Bitcoin is there's not enough Bitcoin for every person to hold one. And this makes it incredibly scarce. So, when you think about it, like quality, NFT,
The collections, quality non-fungible tokens are extremely scarce. OCR is extremely scarce. It has a very limited supply. There will only be 10,000 genesis and only 20,000 karma ever. So that's 30,000 total monkeys. Compared to 21 million big
So people can make more NFTs, but those are not Genesis and Karma. And as Danny said, Genesis and Karma are innovative on-chain digital assets that we're going to continue to build on. So we view OCR as like a digital property, like a clear type of
to a house or like a real estate property, it's a limited supply on-chain digital property. And because of the way that OCR was created, innovatively on-chain, others can use this digital property to create with OCR, and we're continuing as a team to build
with these assets and that will allow OCR to evolve. And so I think that's kind of one of the important points we want to drive home is that OCR on chain monkey, both karma and genesis can evolve on chain. Yeah, so karma is example of how the basically the on chain or
get to go to DNA. Because it's an on chain, when Genesis came out, it's an on chain that you owned. Because you had the private key to that in a T and it's all on chain, you owned a DNA and that DNA is what was used to create karma.
They got like the people with the gold genesis they got you know these dragon karmas which are pretty awesome and So we're we're gonna keep using this and because this is kind of the kind of your IP that you own that can be used to create more value So the election Andre drop right Lexi
is a great art block jar is the creator of friendship bracelet which is one of the kind of hottest art, you know, gender art pieces in recent time. And you know, he's going to use, you know, your OCM, you know, DNA to create, you know, the next big project that he has been working on with us.
us. And so, you know, that is value for your NFTs, your Ocm in particular, and it is the very cool on-chain nature of these things. So this is how, you know, Ocm can be monetized, your IP can be used, and that you can create more valuable assets from what you have already.
I love that. I mean, that's and that's a really good. I mean, again, you talk about adding value. Personally, I love art and tech. So I mean, NFTs obviously are right at my alley, but the idea of going to the hottest new artist on art blocks right now, which is sort of the generative art collection. The fact of the matter
is like going to that and having them work with your community is just, I don't know, that's a really good value add that's sort of unique and unique to the monkey bird. I think that's a great piece, Danny. I love that. I'm looking to have these great people working with us. And we have great network. And Alexi worked with us actually back in 2021 to
But also, besides our great community, our team, we are also developing more for the OCR. And that's also why I say OCR, I'm holding OCR for her because, and I think it's OCR because we're going to keep evolving it. So you saw from Gen.
you got karma. We're going to keep evolving. It's not going to mean the supply is going to increase. Actually, the supply is already fixed. We might describe that as 30,000. But it'll keep getting better. And you'll -- I mean, you'll have basically, you know, this evolving, you know, better PFP over the over the years. I think
This is the simplest design, which everything sprouts from. The coolest karma or the next version of it will be something that people are very proud of to hold as their PFP.
is also over. Talk more about how this open of pfp is then kind of your your your access or passport. Love that. Yeah. Underrated so many things underrated. I think about about even what you said there with you know I agree the look of O.C.M. is timeless and I love the Genesis look but then I'm looking
a J Brush's Clean Superman, which looks really great, but then I see sticks, you know, magic monk down there, which is like a great looking PFP. So it's just, it's a great way to kind of have both going on and almost have your cake you needed to and definitely underrated how you generated traits over as you were talking about the historical karma piece.
But I'd love to hear more about the monkey verse in general. So what are you building? So we have this greatest historical piece. We've talked about sort of the scarcity and how cool that is. But what are you building in the monkey verse? Yeah. So first, you know, we want OCR to be the ultimate PFV. That's how I described earlier. But also the
Altarpathy is also your passport. So that's the passport into this monkeyverse. And when I say monkeyverse, I mean, we're creating this ideal and wealthy digital nation. Like, like, we are all citizens with this password in this, you know, wealthy digital nation that is kind of the best world possible that we can build.
Yeah, absolutely. Imagine the wealthiest nation today. What we're creating as Danny is a digital nation. Some of you know, I talk about network states. There's a bunch of different ways we can think about it. But I think nation is kind of the clearest
analogy. And so the monkey verse, this is our digital nation. And in this digital nation, as Danny saying, your OCR is your passport. So imagine like America, you know, people all over the world for since the beginning of America's constitution, you know, like they've come
to America because that's where opportunity is. And so the monkey versus going to be like that kind of nation in the digital world, everyone will want to come and work and play and be in our nation. So, Eugenicis and Karma will be like oil or gold. It's a commodity of value.
that is a natural resource of the nation. And this is where bananas come in because they are the currency of the nation. They are the currency of the monkeyverse. And so, Discord and Twitter are part of the monkeyverse. Obviously, you can socialize, get rewarded, and you can get business opportunities in the monkeyverse. We've seen that through the doubt. And we've created jobs
in the monkeyverse. Several people from our team are members like I'm one of those people. We just brought in Julian who is our DAW coordinator, first DAW coordinator for Anchei Monkey. So business has definitely already been created in the monkeyverse and all kinds of opportunities will be created in the future.
Yeah, actually Mike was a great addition to our team from our team working community. And in fact, I think most of the people on our team now came from our community. So it's actually been an awesome source of opportunity.
And it goes back to bananas. You know bananas are the currency, you know, for our Anchei Monkey world, the monkey verse in our digital nation. And one of the things where, so the thing that we're going to launch also there this year is you've
the hint of the bots. So the bots are going to be an upgrade to the bananas too and they'll add utility to everyone who is a holder of our ultimate PFPR passport. They'll see them. So we'll share more of that coming up. So look out for that.
Yeah, no, that's, that's super interesting. Here you say we're going to create a digital, a wealthy digital nation for holders. I'll definitely be looking for more details on that. Can't wait to hear more details on that. So just kind of a recap because I know it's a lot, especially if someone's a new person in here and I keep looking at my man, blockchain, engine, not to call you out, but he's a#
great one. So give me a follow if you haven't. Block chain ninja. So if you're keeping up here, I'd say we have OCR Genesis generated fully unchained and one transaction. We got karma, which is historical in its own right now. Obviously the art is fire if you look in the crowd. You're creating a nation, which by the way, I have I always credit Danny, but that is like probably
my favorite analogy is when you talk about this sort of like decentralized nation that's based on the community that you want to be in. So I love that you said that. I love that you're calling it a wealthy digital nation because you're actually pointing out the fact that you want to create value for the holders, which is cool. And then the bananas, which I will say to them blue in the face that bananas have more utility than
And then to me, any sort of fungible token basically that I've seen in the universe, or at least 99.9% of them. So I can't wait to hear more details. Look, I know the other thing I want to talk about is there's another feature here, which is the Dow. Season one, again, I've said it as really
or resource of our digital nation. It's part of our wealth. This Dow that has 2008. Also, our OCR tokens, those are our value in our nation. Season 1 is great. Season 2 focuses on further developing the banana economy because the wealth of
is how strong the economy is. And so that's what we're developing. One change actually, I think it makes sense to present this context is that the Dow is for the monkey versus on-chain monkey.
For a season two, all doubt proposals need to be a holder of OCR to receive funding from the Dow. And the focus is going to be the banana economy, creating more utility and more value for OCR holders.
for the monkeyverse. Also, excited to introduce Julian again. He's our Dao coordinator and we'll be sharing some proposals to start off season 2 and some other proposals. In fact, there's also going to be one ready to are expanding in Japan. So when Tokyo
is a Japanese metaverse hotel being developed and we'll share news about that shortly too. And also we'll have more missions. So currently we have the lab missions where we're going to be introducing more missions over the next few months.
And then I mentioned earlier the bots are part of the missions and then Alexi Andre, you know, that's the cool drop, the art drop that we'll be getting soon and we'll have more details on that. And yeah, let's see.
No, it's it sounds like a lot's coming down the pike, which I think is great. Um, you know, the Alexi Andre thing I'm excited about for sure. Uh, like I said, I mean, friendship bracelets, I absolutely, um, took the friendship bracelet drop. I got from our blocks. I gave one to a friend. I have one. So super looking forward to that one. You know, definitely the spirit.
of it. Although it's funny, when you do that, now I'm like, well, now I can't sell as they run off because I feel like a jerk of myself because I don't have a friendship race with my friend. So super excited about that. That's one that I'm pumped about. And the missions, I think, are a really cool concept as well because, again, for a lot of people out there, if you're in the Moon#
So you get things from that. So like that's really exciting. I have 12 monkeys for Genesis and eight karma running on my missions as they're going. But you know, you talk about a lot of things coming up and you've already mentioned a lot. But let's talk about 2023. What's coming up in 2023 for OCR? It feels like a big year.
real quick Steve, I want to go back to just the Dow and highlight the importance of it. Not everybody, like again, just like some of the other things that we mentioned that we are unique in, not that many Dow's exist, not that many PFP collections have Dow's with the amount of Ethereum that we have in our Dow. Not many
Dallas have a team that's helping the community steer the Dow and not many dows have a actual employee that's 100% full-time focused on helping to build the Dow. So our Dow is incredibly powerful and the goal of the Dow is to build with our team the wealth of this nation.
So it's an incredible benefit to be able to hold a token and have access to a pool of money to a team of people and to a full-time person dedicated. I can't tell you how many times I've been in conversations with people about Dows, about organizing communities, and it's one of the hardest things about decentralization. It's why people
We have our doubts and we had season one, it was already a success. We learned some lessons as we do and we've adjusted it now so that it's solely focused on better
benefiting the OCR community and I'm really excited for what we're going to be able to build in this next season. That's awesome. That's awesome. Danny, I'd love to hear from you on the 2020 through move because I think the system sounds, you know, that you're establishing sounds awesome. Everything that's coming down the pike sounds awesome. So I'll kick it or Mike.
all like you can do. Yeah, we also we've also recently published these these tier the tier system to kind of describe how the specific gents and karma can can have a certain tier inside in particular for this will apply for the Alexi collection launch coming up
Yeah, Mike, you want to describe those?
Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, we've got four tiers. Tier one is the highest here. So that's the celestial karma or the celestial cake, the D3 dessert. Holders of that tier, you know, holders of those assets, they get the most benefits from these drops. So it's
in the Alexiondri drop, they're going to get air dropped tokens for each one of those celestial carmas or D3s that they hold. And then tier 2 is the set. And so this is a genesis and any karma one and any karma two, which is really cool.
because basically you can go grab and create your own set from both the Karma and the Genesis collections. Tier 3 is any Genesis and Tier 4 is any Karma. And so each one of these tiers has a ton of benefits. And so we're really excited
to kind of announce that and allow people to kind of add on to their collections or come into the collections for the first time knowing that they're going to get a lot of benefits from holding these. I love the tier system and I know that was a highly discussed item that a lot of people were excited about.
myself included because I went from, "Hey, not sure, I have some matching sets, I have some," because I bought what I loved. And so, you know, Danny, I love that you made that decision because it let me be able to buy what I like and still have complete sets or not try to chase down matching sets, which I think matching sets are beautiful, but I think it was a really smart decision. Yeah, totally. And it works out#
for all the people who minted karma because they have their unique. So there's one set of karma that comes from the DNA of Genesis and there's actually one set of karma that is its own DNA and so those won't have this matching of Genesis but they have their own valuable DNA and those
So if you own any karma, whether or not you have a set, when a lexidrop comes, you can use your DNA in that karma to get, you know, your special Alexi. So, so yeah, I think that is what we intended.
And Danny, I have to ask, not just Alexi doing some special art. There's somebody else who I have a lot of respect for who's doing some special art for that collection, right? Yeah, so I'm working on
on chain collection, and also ties in with the DNA of Genesis that's coming out. And then, yeah, I'll share more in the future. I'm not ready to share just right now.
I had to try to tease that one out, always exciting with that. Because like I said, for me, big fan of the OCM Genesis, so knowing that you're working on something gets me really excited. Let's go to the giveaway. Let's pick a winner of the giveaway, Danny. I'll let you all
And then just a clean clean head on that karma with the smooth background so I'm digging it so let me know when we got right so I just ran Twitter figure on the tweet and so I'm gonna read off the names and see if they're in the spaces right so big win came up first is big one in the space
Looking down, looking for big win. Big win. If you're in the space, get tag me right now in the comments. Tag Danny, Tag Ocm, looking down, trying to find big win if we can. Not seeing big win currently. Okay. Okay. Let's go into the next person. Res one, big ball.
Res1 going once again. If you're down there tag us in the space in the comments down there. I'll try to reload them and look for my ads. If you tag me in the app, we'll know. So you tag NFT bark tag Danny tag OCR. We'll look for it. Res1 you out there.
Okay, okay number three red double 1878
Red Devil 1878. I'm now looking to see who's live in the, uh, who's live in the, in the comments. Doesn't look like it looks like a Manchester United fan looks like maybe a bot potentially zero followers, zero following. Well, I recognize number four. I don't know if he's in the audience, but man over Mars. Are you around?
Oh, gotta be gotta be if not that is a you know that is somebody that I know we're we're definitely always there don't seem in the crowd of the moment but I know we're going down number five Javier TDBC dot e's
No. How do you spell cows?
See Alfred in the space. See the retweet, but don't know if they're alive in the space. Again, hit us with the tag if you are in the space and check out my ads right there. Oh, wait. Red double red double just popped up. Yeah. All right. Beautiful. All right. Congratulations. Oh no, Alfred. Oh no, but I think red devil was first.
Yeah, I think I think red devil is our I think red devil was our was our one of our top winners there so red devil good look on there you you won this Thank you very much guys Excited beer. Thanks appreciate it. Love what now do you have an O.C. I'm no I just have a karma
Well, now you just have two carmas because you're you're you're rocking with one of the cleanest carmas I've ever seen and actually in the in the red devil in the red devil or in the red red jersey. I've actually got one of those two so now we're matching. Beautiful. Thank you very much guys. No, that's awesome.
Congratulations on that definitely definitely exciting excited to have everybody in this space right now So again, let's quick recap and then Danny I'm gonna go to you because I'm gonna have one final question because I'm always trying to get Danny Yang Alpha But before again, let's hit on a recap right here. So as a recap
On Chain Monkey, first PFP that we know of, fully on chain and one transaction, historical, amazing art, great technology, super elegant. Then we go down, we've got karma, also historical in its nature, something we hadn't heard before today, designed
by Academy Award nominated artists worked on some great great great films great kids films awesome art again you look in the crowd you'll see those I always love Jay brushes down there like I said it's great looking karma versus again the sticks sticks Genesis right so we've got that going for us we talked about the Dow season one what's coming in season two
the ultimate PFP creating a wealthy digital nation that's all connected in one piece with this currency of bananas and we got the teaser of an Alexi Andre drop coming down with our new our new sort of levels which I'm really excited about of membership love the way that those things are clarified now and I and I can see
about that because now now I know when I go and buy my next car my like I'm gonna end up buying a K1 also I'm gonna end up buying another Genesis because I'm gonna want that set. And then of course Danny Yang teasing a his own drop eating which is pretty exciting for us as well. So Danny gotta ask I always have
have to ask because you've been known to drop alpha from time to time these spaces. Any other last minute alpha or final thoughts on anything we have we discussed today or haven't discussed today. Well, I want to give one shout out to the awesome engine product team. So we wrote out multi wallet support on our website and you know our website is
integrate with Discord and Twitter. So now if you have a code wallet or if you have multiple addresses, you can set them all up easily on our website. So multiple support. It's actually pretty like a back-and-sprey complicated because of the many different Twitter Discord website.
If you're in all the different connections, the logic is really complex, but they got this rolling out. So check it out. I'm busy doing a collection for Anchei Maki. There's a lot more coming down the line. It's really about, you know, also
I said before, I think it's ultimate PFT and also it is kind of the past, this past work to the monkey verse, our digination. And my goal is that everyone who has this past work, they're empowered and they have a big positive impact on their life, having our OCR path.
It's an awesome line. It's an awesome line. You wanted to have a strong impact on your life. Anybody who holds one and I like that because it's value space. So I think that's as good as anything to end on. It's not necessarily about, you know, anything else except for having a great impact on their life.
Appreciate you saying that. I think it's as good as as any to end on so you know appreciate everyone coming by today. Good overview. Really excited. Really excited for everybody to do to come by today and have that. You know leave it any any last words again any last words kind of Danny or Mike on this one before we roll.
Yeah, I mean, I'll just say like, you know, this team is not going anywhere and we're going to continue to build like we have in the past. So you can see the track record of our team. You know the track record of our community. And this is our year. We're going to grow, I think exponentially in the next 12 months.
Awesome. I guess with that said, I will I will play us out here. I'll let us go. But thanks everybody for coming by. As usual, again, we need we used to end on the old on the old OCR rap coming on through with the OCR surf song again. Love that commentary, Danny of really
wanting to have that period of time where anybody who owns a monkey could have changed their life. That's just awesome to me. Love hearing that. You know, I can say for me, I bought a monkey. It changed my life. I bought a monkey live on air and I had a job at Onchie monkey and I work with y'all now. So really has fully changed my life. So appreciate y'all.
all here, bringing that and Danny, I can say at least, at least a sample size of one has changed my life. So I'll play us out. Thanks for joining us everybody. We'll go with an OCR surf rock to finish us out.
♪ ♪ ♪
You can't but you can't You can't but you can't You can't but you can't You can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do, you can't do,#
Have a wonderful night everybody.