Official Crypto: The Game LIVE Reunion Show

Recorded: Feb. 9, 2024 Duration: 1:01:31



Hi everyone
Welcome to this Twitter spaces
I'll just wait a little longer see if more people join
Super excited to talk about crypto the game
Well, it looks like it's starting to fill up. So I think we can
start chatting
We've had a very very interesting week. I
Sort of randomly stumble upon crypto the game when I was on Twitter
I was just trying to search for something else and stumbled upon this seemed super interesting. I'm actually not even a TV person
I don't know anything about survivor, but I just knew this just seemed really fun
I saw a whole bunch of people that I respect who were
Saying that they were playing so I decided to follow along and even send a reporter in so we had sage young who
Wrote a number of articles about his experience and oh, sorry. I thought that I had approved a request
From Dylan. I'm not sure what happened here
Here we go, okay
Dylan you are the founder of
Crypto to the game. Why don't we just start with you filling us in on the latest?
And then I can ask you a little more questions. So yeah, tell us what happened today
yeah, thank you so much for
organizing this and and I know a bunch of
Players and fans and followers and and hopefully the winner
Are all super excited to join and take part in the library union show
Growing up my honestly my favorite part of survivor was was the live reunion show that took place right after the winner was announced
But but very excited to share that the winner of season one is MFL
I don't know too much about him, but I know that he lives in Japan
He was playing the entire season overnight
Speaks very little English and kind of just became the the fan favorite and and a favorite amongst his peers by
Wholesome memes and kind-hearted poems to his tribe mates for encouragement
using Google Translate and and basically just like won over the hearts of
hundreds and and the funds have been transferred to
to his wallet and
You know, I don't I don't know again too much about a situation, but he seems
Incredibly thrilled and and it seems like a life-changing outcome for him
And did you talk to him or is it like I'm giving conflicting
information on whether or not he's fixed English because I saw you tweeted he doesn't and then
Somebody a sage actually said oh, no, he speaks that he speaks English
So did you talk to him about a reaction or?
Yeah, I mean he told me in the DMS that he does not speak English
Which is why he was unable to join the space this morning to kind of plead his case
To the jury. I know that he has been
Predominantly tweeting in Japanese and using Google Translate to create his his telegram posts and tweets and things like that
I know Ren just requested to speak he's a fellow Japanese player. So so he might have more insight into
Who MFL is is than I do?
Great go ahead Ren
Approved you as a speaker. So if you would want to weigh in a little bit on
You know on MFLs
Experience with the game or or his ability to speak English, which is the mystery
Yeah, so I actually think MFL should join us in a little bit I've been messaging with him but
Yeah, he's he's from sort of Western Japan
I met him on the first day of the game when we realized you're both playing from Japan
Have just he's been super friendly since then to cheer me on though
I got knocked out on day eight
But I don't think he speaks any English that I that I know of I mean we've been going back and forth in Japanese so far
And we've talked about me translating for him on the space. Hopefully you should be able to hear from them in a bit
Oh my gosh. Okay, that is incredible because is there anybody else who played that does not speak English?
You know, I don't know I you know one of the nature of this game is that a lot of the strategizing and
colluding and alliance forming and gameplay kind of took place in
Telegram chats and Twitter DMS and discords and you know, all of the copy that we put out was in English and and it was a
you know American time zone specific live game show, but
Yeah, there could have been a handful of players that didn't speak English. But yeah, MFL was one of them, you know
No, go for it
Well, can you philosophize on the fact that the person who had maybe one of the lesser abilities to form alliances has won the game
Like I find this incredibly fascinating
Yeah, no same he he definitely became a bit of a fan favorite like every single day
he would kind of sent tweet a poem that was a recap of
Of the day and I don't know if it was because of Google Translate that what he wanted to communicate was inputted and
Translated and posted and and because of the way it was translated it read poetic or if he is a poet by nature
But his memes were always just the most wholesome and his posts were just you know
Like I said poetic in nature and I think he just won over the hearts of all of his tribe mates
Throughout the course of the entire game
I don't know if he ever received a vote cast against him and it was a pretty pretty clear victory from the start
He I think he had the lead for the entire four hours that voting was live today. So
Yeah, it kind of just goes to show you and I think something like this can only happen on on crypto Twitter and and in
This corner of the internet that we all inhabit but but an incredibly wholesome victory
Was it was one today? Well, so out of curiosity when you want to create the game
What did you expect would happen? Like what type of person do did you expect would win?
Yeah, the honest answer is I didn't know and that's that's why I was so excited about this because
If I know you mentioned you don't watch survivor
But you know is the person that's really good at challenges
Are they considered an asset that tribe mates should keep around to help them get further or they considered a threat?
Because any shrewd player would know that the tribes are eventually going to merge and it becomes an individual game
Is someone who's very loud in public all of a sudden have a target on their back?
Which which kind of seemed to be the case this season and the winning strategy
I mean it ultimately was to kind of like a win over the hearts of all the players
But it seemed like a lot of the finalists were those that kind of flew a bit under the radar weren't too loud
publicly and socially
Played a clean game didn't backstab too many people and didn't weren't too loud off platform
But yeah, the honest answer is I didn't know what type of person would win and it's just goes to show you that anyone can
win this game
Okay. Okay. I have to say that another reason I find this so fascinating is because I actually feel like
crypto Twitter
rewards different behavior and so I I actually find it super fascinating that crypto the game came up with a winner that did kind of
The exact opposite of what quote-unquote wins on crypto Twitter
I don't know if you have any further thoughts on that
Or yeah, I mean, I think okay, go ahead
Why I know blah has his hand up so I'll pass it over to him in a second
But I was just gonna say that you know crypto Twitter is so tribal in nature
So it just seemed so ripe for a survivor style game
And I'm I'm I was not expecting everyone to find genuine true friendships on this thing
I think you know
I spoke to a few people earlier in the week and they asked the most the thing that surprised me the most about this
game and the answer by far is just like how how
just kind of like rallied together and and there were a lot of
Tribes that didn't want to vote because they didn't want to eliminate each other and I guess I was surprised in a game
Where where the the highest level idea is that you vote each other out to win a lot of money
I was just very surprised at how like genuine
The friendships that were being formed on this thing work. Oh my god. I love it. Go ahead blow. Oh
I was just gonna give a shout out to logos on stage and why I voted for logos in the end
I was never in a team with the winner. So I didn't have a relationship with with them
Unfortunately, but logos spent some time I think on day three
He was in an active zoom where anyone in our tribe
Could go and learn how to get a higher score on pac-man and he was teaching everyone how to do it
And so that's why he he got my vote because he helped me improve my score. I just wanted to share that story
But yeah, no, I think I think in general I had so much fun doing this and there was a I mean
There's so much to talk about
My favorite was the anti-vc movement where like everyone just put it up to be seized as quickly as possible
That was pretty funny and then the guy that eliminated me ended up what's happening me today
We're actually in a group chat together that I've been in for like six years and he's like dude
I was the one who took you out because we were afraid that you'd have too much Twitter influence later in the game
You have joined you have joined the speaker circle, I just I just want to be the first to formally say congratulations
I'm sure Ren
Needs to translate this for you, and I love the the new crown that you've added to your PFP. It's amazing
Thank you, thank you
Love's crypto and was really just you know
He's happy that you know
The fact that he's a part of this community allowed him to be a part of this experience
And you know
He's gotten a lot of amazing messages from folks cheering him on since he's won and just super happy to be a part of this experience
and has been brought to tears today by everybody's support and
Can you ask him to philosophize on?
You know what I asked earlier about how in a way
He could have been considered to have one of the biggest handicaps about all the players if not the biggest
By you know in this hurdle of communication and like why he is why he thinks that despite that he won
So wait, okay, I'm not that big. I should kill candy. That's good. I'm not this little
Nihon kara kuresti. That's what I'm going to show him after that. They actually touched it many car. Oh my god
Cut it a cottola, ooh, this cat tongue is good. Oh
me coming like a
So, you know, I think for him, he was, you know, especially not having very many friends
from outside of the game, playing the game, you know, every day when he was voting, he
thought it was going to be his day from day three onwards, pretty much. And so, you know,
he never knew what was going to happen every day, but also realized sort of every time that
everybody was in the same boat and ultimately just had a great time playing the game.
I just want to I just want to quickly share it was confirmed by Brian and Ty on the team that
MFL did not receive one vote against him at any point throughout the competition and ultimately
won. And I'm pretty sure Logos might need to correct me as the fellow survivor fanatic, but
by definition, that is a perfect game in Survivor when you receive zero votes ever cast against you
and you win the whole thing. Yeah, that's that's I mean, that's super impressive. Like that is
that's that's going to go down in history. So I'm a fellow you played you played a great, great game
and like you can't you can't make that up going all the way no votes and against you and then going
to win in a clean sweep like that is the definition of a perfect game. So huge props to you, man.
Wow. All right. Well, this I mean, is yeah, just mind blowing to me. And also yet another reason why
I love crypto because always the unexpected happens. So I we can talk a little bit more about,
I guess, the events of the game itself. And there's also, I guess, the backstory. So maybe
why don't we start with Dylan, just you talking a little bit about like why you even decided to do
this? You know, how did you come up with this idea? Yeah, so I mean, I grew up in an obsessive
survivor and I played this CD ROM game, you know, back in 2002, every single day called Survivor
Ultimate, which was like the most rudimentary, you know, pixelated version of the game that you
see today on crypto, the game where you choose one of a few cast members and you play very basic
computer game challenges and you vote each other off and you play against the computer. It was a
very single player game, but I always wanted to be on Survivor as a kid. And this, you know,
playing this computer game was kind of the closest I could get. So it's always kind of been in the
back of my mind. But I worked at an app called HQ Trivia. I'm not sure if you played or if you
remember it. I know a bunch of people on the spaces were fans just in speaking to them over
the course of the last two weeks. But it was a live mobile game show that basically took a
traditional television game show format and made it live and mobile and interactive. So
millions of people could participate in the same game show. You know, gone were the days of you
tuning in to watch Jeopardy. You could actually join a game show live at the same time with
all of your friends. And I joined HQ kind of for the grand vision of a live interactive TV
network. So in the same way that you could take a game show and make it live and mobile and
interactive, the same could have and should have been said for a Shark Tank format, a reality
competition, talent show, dating show, et cetera. So being the Survivor fan that I am,
I've kind of always been obsessed with this idea of a massive digital Survivor game.
But after HQ, I kind of just bounced around a bunch of different tech startups.
The most recent one I was at, Party Round, which rebranded to Capital, was acquired by
a larger Neobank in the space and Ty and Brian, who I worked with over there and worked with on
this project, our fellow Survivor fans, and kind of just decided, like, now's the time to build
this thing. Like, if not now, when? If not us, who? And decided to kind of spend the last
two months really just grinding this out and bringing it to life.
Oh, my gosh. It has been so fun to follow. Let's start with day one, which was, in my opinion,
a little bit controversial. That was the in real life scavenger hunt. And I was curious
kind of like how you came up with that idea and whether or not you realized people were
going to object to the notion that it's sort of, you know, advantaged people who were located in
New York and specifically in Williamsburg. Yeah, for sure. I can kind of give you the
the full story behind that one. But the truth is we were supposed to launch Pac-Man as the first
challenge. And we were, you know, testing it and, you know, huge shout out to Brian and Ty for this
like insane feat that they were able to basically build between the two of them over the course of
the last few months. But the truth is we just weren't ready to launch with Pac-Man. You know,
the game had started. Tribes were assigned. We did the first voting period on the first night. And
we basically just needed something that was very light on the product engineer inside to slot in
while that gave them basically an extra day to finish Pac-Man. So we kind of just like came up
with the idea that something super light on the product side of a clue in a text inbox,
like an input field would be very easy. So, yeah, we, you know, luckily the bookstore that we worked
with for the IRL scavenger hunt was like in on it. And they were willing to give the clue to anyone
that called them. So it wasn't just for those that lived in Williamsburg. But we thought of it the
night before. And the reason was because it was light a light lift on the product side of things.
And like, did you get complaints about it? Or how did you address those?
No, no complaints. I think, you know, overall, the overwhelming feedback that I've received
was that this was a blast. This was like always supposed to be the one and the first season of
this idea that we had to basically have, you know, a seasonal game show with, you know,
increasingly more on chain features every season. But, you know, I was kind of expecting a few
dozen like friends and former co-workers and HQ fans to play this thing. I definitely wasn't
expecting an international viral hit. So, but like I said, luckily, and we thought about this at the
time, but we had the bookstore on board to provide the answer over the phone if you figured out the
last stop, but couldn't actually go there physically. And then another notable moment was
the tribal shuffle where people, for instance, our reporter Sage Young started off in silver and
then got moved to white, I believe. So how did you come up with that? And, you know, what happened
on that day? Yeah, so that was actually another kind of impromptu decision that, you know, Ty and
Brian, they've probably pulled an all light all nighter to ship, but a guy named Josh, who I think
was on Sage's early tribe, you know, we worked together at Party Round and he is also building
a crypto game. And he called me during the game and was just way too confident. And he thought his
tribe was the best and he was sitting pretty and, you know, had a bunch of alliances formed and saw
a clear path to victory. And I know you mentioned you don't watch Survivor, but if something like
that ever happens on the show, Jeff Probst always kind of takes it upon himself to tell the tribe
members or the cast members to drop their buffs and mix things up. So anytime someone felt too
cocky or confident, we wanted to always make sure that we like reserve the right to pull the lever
and like completely turn the game on its head. So we decided the night before the shuffle to mix
things up and to shuffle the tribe. So you guys can thank Josh for that one. Oh, my God. I wonder
if he's in here. If he's in here, please raise your hand. We'd love to hear your reaction to knowing
the reason for that. And actually, before we continue on in the kind of chronology of the week,
are there other people who are listening who would want to just weigh in a little bit on,
you know, either the in real life scavenger hunt or the tribal shuffle or any anything else from
those first few days? I don't know. I saw I got pulled up as a speaker so magically. And I have
to I have to just say congratulations to Dylan. You know, you mentioned you were working on this
thing and had you on the Novo show talking about it. But this just exceeded all expectations. This
is the hottest, craziest, most amazing thing ever. And we're in love with it. You've created
a phenomenon that's absolutely insane. Like we're obsessed. I have PTSD. I see Quita Deejans,
who's here. We were suffering from PTSD in the best of ways. Just to, you know, what do we do
next? We were jonesing for more challenges after we were eliminated and but so following this whole
thing and congrats to the winner. This is like a feat of feats. I can't believe like, you don't
even speak English and you just rock this whole thing. But that's a web three. That's a web three
D gen move right there. So amazing. I was a little bummed, you know, Dylan and I, he was mentioning
we worked together on some branded HQ trivia stuff back in the day. We did a lot of I brought the
some big brands to him and we had the most fun. Scott Rogalski trivia appearance. Yeah, I don't
know if that'd be the my dream of dreams to see that come through. So great. Yeah, we're so ready,
even though it's going to be even harder. Congrats. That's all. Thanks. Thanks so much.
And is there anyone else you'd want to just comment on either of those events or those first few days
before we move on? I just I just saw Josh request to speak. I don't know if he was on. But Josh,
I was telling everyone that you were the impetus behind the tribe shuffle because you had called
me one night feeling way too confident in your silver tribe. And we decided anyone that's that
cocky and confident with the state of the game means that it's time to mix things up. So we
shuffle the next morning. Silver was you're talking to me, right? Sorry, it was it was like lagging
for the first part of that. Yeah, so it was really good. We got we got like four or five people the
final to the final like voting round we couldn't pull together at the end, which is sad. But we
had like five of us that made it not me, but we had five of us that made it through the final stage.
So I was definitely I was definitely hoping for some silver victory, but props props to the squad.
You guys did it. I'm a sore loser, but he deserved it. So NFL take the dub.
Can I go? Sorry. Yeah, so just want to do like a quick shout out to the winner. Obviously,
that was that was amazing. I was working with Ren from Japan here as well from the second tribe.
He was very supportive in terms of like, you know, mentioning his friend, they're playing in their
different time zones. But that was very impressive. I want to do a shout out to Christian as well for
me. For sure, one of the best players this season, especially in the first immediate challenge,
we were all part of the orange team tribe where like it was probably one of the best time I had on
this school just collaborating across the board. I personally called the store as well. I think like
maybe four or five people in the group in the tribe call the store and Christian was the one
who was like they were a bit says about this whole story. I couldn't believe them. So he personally
just went there and he actually actually got the immediate idol. So which was amazing. So yeah,
I'm looking forward for season two. Thanks Dylan for like this amazing experience for sure.
And yeah, I'm waiting for what's next for sure. So thank you guys. Amazing. Thank you so much for
playing. Alright, so we have we had the in real life scavenger hunt, we had the tribal shuffle,
there was the Pac-Man in there as well. And then Dylan, you told me that another notable
moment you thought was the hidden immunity idols. So what happened there? Yeah, so actually,
I think her silence who was up here as a speaker, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was your
idea on on one of Deez's spaces. Deez was hosting kind of like nightly spaces throughout the course
of the game to recap the episode. So shout out to him and everyone that was a huge part of getting
the word out. But a very iconic survivor moment every season is when some cast member happens to
stumble upon a tree that has a clue with another, you know, that kind of leads leads that individual
on a little bit of a scavenger hunt to find a hidden immunity idol. So, you know, again,
huge shout out to Brian and Ty for their amazing work on this. But we heard that
and decided that night to basically hide immunity idols on the site. So three people ended up
finding it. You know, we sprinkled a few clues on Twitter to let them know that that something was
hidden. But basically, the day of the merge, if you happen to enter the Konami code of, you know,
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start, you would actually earn individual
immunity. And three people did that and were safe from the boat that night. It ended up putting a
huge target on their back because all three were eliminated the next night, but it got them through
to the final voting period. Well, that's hilarious. So then, you know, it was getting
down to the wire. And I remember that Sage wrote a piece about how he was, I forget, it was like
some spreadsheet that he saw. And it had all the members of his tribe marked, including himself.
But then something like other people in the group said, no, no, no, we think this is interference
from another group because, you know, we don't know who created this. So like, we'll talk a
little bit about some of these, quote unquote, psyops that were that seem to be going on.
Yeah, honestly, I can't I have I had zero visibility into the telegrams and discords
and Google Sheets and and docs that were kind of floating around. And that's the beauty of this
thing. It's like we kind of like built the high level infrastructure for it. But once tribes were
assigned and everyone figured out who was in their tribe and who wasn't, it was kind of like
up to them to go form alliances off platform and kind of strategize on how they were best going
to advance and survive in this thing. So I personally never saw any of the telegrams or
or sheets or hit lists, I think it was called in the piece. Like I never saw any of those
floating around. So that is kind of like up to Yeah, that was all at the players discretion in
terms of how they were going to strategize who to vote out each night. So if you're on this call,
and you were one of the people engaging in those psyops, can you raise your hand? Because we'd love
to hear from you. Go ahead, her silence, you're a speaker. So and what you guys can both start with
her silence, I guess. Sure, sure. So almost everybody on this stage participated in some
degree, I can just kind of tell you about what happened on my side. But also for the record,
these, I believe brought up the idol. I could be wrong. I know I started the conversation,
but I'm not going to take credit for it. Because I know somebody's gonna be trolling me in an hour
or two like, Oh, you claim credit. So yeah, going into this, right? So going into a game of
crypto, the game, okay, going into this game, I'm like, okay, yeah, you can't trust anybody.
These guys are drugging us left and right on tokens. They don't care. They're trying to, you
know, I'm in this, this is PvP, right? I got my four friends that I trust, like they're I have
like four or five friends. Now I have a fifth Ren, I was introduced to him through some friends,
great guy, introduced from poof and also love you guys, right? So I got my core group and I'm like,
we're gonna play together, but I don't trust anybody, right? And so, you know, and so I'm
like, yeah, I got to sign up these people because they're going to sign up me. It's, you know,
whatever, right? So I go into this and right off the bat, there's, there's botting. And the first,
the second challenge is cheating. I'm like par for the course, right? Like, then what's the next
challenge going to be somebody click the wallet drainer and drain the most days, right? And so
I don't trust anybody. So I'll go into this with my group. And then the purple group. And these
guys are all trying to be like, Jack from purple group, he's trying to be all organized. I'm like,
I don't trust this guy. He just wants to be valuable. Okay. And then Josh Harris, he's
organized his group. And I'm like, I don't trust this guy. He's just trying to be valuable. So he
didn't get voted off, right? So I'm going into this, like, okay, I'm going to pretend to be nice
or whatever, right? And so it turns out my group ends up being like, very like, stick to the plan.
These, these said, plan followers or something is what he calls them. Like we were following a plan,
which is unheard of in crypto. And I'm like, well, we're actually sticking together and being honest,
right? But um, third round, this is where my side ups comes in. I had to knock out this guy named
Booga. And I felt bad because like these, like my team had proven to me that they were like,
honest people and nice. And I'm like, Oh, God, I got a lot of these people. And I really,
actually, I really like them. Right. So Booga, I don't know exactly what he he like nuke schlums
in a previous round and like this for schlums. Yeah. And I'll let all see tell you about this.
Right. But all I know is like, people think like I knew Booga for schlums. I like the guy. He's nice.
I did it for all see, right? Like, honestly, and she wanted to do it for him. But so we go into
this challenge and in this vote. And so we've had this precedent of doing these no votes. Right.
And so everybody's been on the same page. Our team is reliable. Right. And we're like,
we're not going to vote. That was a strategy. Don't vote. Go into it and just watch. And if somebody
votes in the last 15 minutes or whatever, we'll just defend. And we'll try and like voting up
people out to protect the people or whatever. Right. And I was like, man, I think the best way
to pause chaos in this and not get it pointed on me is if like in the first second of voting,
I vote for the Booga guy. Right. It's right off the bat. I vote for him. And I'm like,
it's going to be chaos. They're not going to be able to organize. They're not going to,
they're not going to find out it's me. Right. Oh, my God. These guys are so on top of it.
Like right off the bat, they're like, who's in the chat? But yeah, get your names together. Like,
we have like accountability pods and stuff like that where like four people would be accountable
for each other. And they just are going down the list. Post your proof of vote. Post your proof of
vote. Post your proof of vote. Prove that you did not do the voting. Right. So I'm sitting there,
like trying, first of all, I have COVID. Right. Like I have COVID, like pretty bad. Right. And
I'm pretty sick. I'm high as hell on Robitussin. Right. And Michelob Ultra. I'm trying to play
this game. I'm in the space. And they're like proof of vote, proof of vote. And so I'm having
to Photoshop all of these proofs of votes. Like over and over, I had to Photoshop like three
different proofs of votes to get through. And one of them, I even, like I screenshotted it and had
like screenshot in one of my tabs. I'm like, Oh my God, they're going to find me. They didn't.
But I caused so much chaos from it unintentionally. I nuked the guy, but then like we all started nuking
each other and blaming each other. And yeah, I got sniped in the last like minute or whatever,
but that was my PSYOP. And it was, you know, that it was just, it was a blast. I felt that for
mind everybody. Oh, and we also purple original purple team also was in almost every other tribes
discord with like a fake, like we would impersonate somebody. Um, Jack, Jack would impersonate
somebody who was inactive or on a different time zone and he would make a fake discord and go into
their discord. And then, uh, and I think it was orange gold tribe. They had the guy that was like
the security researcher guy that made all the tweets. Right. And so they had like the, they're
like OPSEC was like, they had like, they had to like do a hash or whatever and like send it into
ether scanning or send something back, get a hash back. They're like really complex OPSEC.
Jack just goes and imitate somebody and then pay post their hash and they let him in and he just
calls him, he calls him havoc going through all the different discords and everything. And like,
I just remember like from the first chat, the second challenge, uh, gold team, I hate to make
fun of you guys, but you were choosing who to vote off with like one of those random spinny
wheels with the color charts. It was the dorkiest thing I've ever seen in my life. And like, thank
God, I didn't get voted off by like random spinny wheel. Right. But our science is on point. Um,
shout out to Terp purple team. Shout out to NFL. Love you guys. And hey, honestly, this game,
like y'all proved to me that it was like good things are in crypto. I love it. It was great.
So I'm going to shut up now. Oh my God. That was amazing. I love dying right now.
Her silence is the best chaos agent, literally like so fucking fantastic. I love you, man.
I know that was hilarious. Okay. By the way, you guys, I see that Christian is in this spaces and
he's another person that kind of became a notable character. So Christian,
I have a couple of questions for you. So first of all, you got to talk a little,
I know you tweeted about it, but you have to talk a little bit about how you figured out
the scavenger hunt. But then the other thing I have to ask you about is when people were
suggesting that they band together and share the pot, you became a main character of that moment
too. So can you talk a little bit about both of those moments?
Yeah, thank you for having me up. I know Dylan called me up, but I guess he's not here anymore.
But before I go into those two things, I'd love to just advocate for NFL as somebody who randomly
was assigned to his team throughout the game. I think he was being a little bit humble in terms
of saying he didn't make any enemies. I think he went further. And as a player, I think he won the
hearts of everybody else throughout the game, both his tribe mates who all loved him, like in
each orange, or in both orange and in the newer green group, we were all celebrating for him as
if we won. And throughout the time, like I think he was the only one I saw who were as people were
being eliminated, was going and messaging them and saying, hey, you know, you were a great teammate
or hey, you played the game well. So Christian, Christian, one quick sec, Laura, Dylan got
booted and is texting me to get... Yeah, you know what's weird? I just approved him as a co-host.
It says he just has to accept the invite, I think. Dylan, maybe crash your Twitter and rejoin.
That might, that usually works if you just exit out of Twitter. Sorry, Christian. Sorry, Christian.
Yeah, no worries. No, no, that's important. But yeah, so I think, you know, props to NFL,
I think, you know, he's being humble about, you know, I don't think it was random. I think
the vote count showed that and props as well to Logos. I think Logos to me stood out as somebody
who was both very skilled and also not afraid to be bold in terms of he was an active voice
throughout the game, advocating for, you know, like whether or not it was the sort of pot
splitting debate that went on and helping his teammates. So both of those players really
impressed me. And I think it showed I hope that it sets a meta kind of going into further seasons
that it's not about the secret groups that you form, or coming up with a new mechanism to split
the winnings. It's more so about helping your teammates playing the game skillfully and making
friends along the way. So I think it sets a great precedent. It's an amazing narrative for crypto,
the game going forward. I can't imagine a more boring situation if we were all splitting,
you know, small sums of money together equally. I think it keeps that sort of spirit of survivor
alive. Yeah, I think NFL is probably, I don't think there's a player that comes close in terms
of how he won people over. And it showed in the final vote. And now that we know that, you know,
30 or 40 people can make the final round. I think it's a strategy that people are going to employ in
next season. But yeah, and then in terms of the things you asked, I think we went down the same
rabbit holes as everybody else in terms of the the Chris Dixon bookstore saga. I think, you know,
we did call the store and we got the wrong employee. And I guess that's part of the game.
But I will say that that challenge happened pretty early on when there was like 40 team members
per. And most teams had, I think, you know, like, maybe a third of their population in New York. So
you know, I think it was still a fun challenge. It felt super relevant, because obviously,
everybody is taking aesthetic photos of the read, write on book. And but yeah, it was a team
effort. I think NFL was in there, contributing, you know, using Google Translate. And we had a lot
of good good team members, you know, who were, you know, kind of helping piece everything together.
And then, yeah, I guess on the the pot splitting debate, I think for me, it just comes down to like,
is this game about NFL story? Right? Is it about somebody, anybody can come in,
spend point one to get in the pot, make friends and win, you know, either a life changing amount
or a significant amount of money based off of their skill. And I'm so happy that somebody like
him was able to do that, not being quiet and sort of, you know, playing a sheep and hoping to slide
by, not by sort of being brazen and threatening other players, but just by being skillful and,
and making relationships. So that's my take on all those things. But happy. Yeah, it's so it's so
funny, Christian, that you mentioned that about NFL, because I just scrolled all the way back to
the first time he tweeted at me or the game account. And he said something to the effect of,
like, I'm worried about this investment, because point one equals a lot of money. And I said
something to the effect of like, this is definitely not an investment, like only, you know, play this
game if you're comfortable with the buy in amount. And he, I don't know, I guess he decided to do it
and boy did it pay off for him. But yeah, I mean, it's really just such a wholesome outcome for sure.
All right, so when we open it up to any other fun stories of like events that happen from the
players, and then I'll ask Dylan a few additional questions before we close out. So who wants to
tell a story? And you can so people are holding up their hands. But maybe just since why don't we
start with I'll see? Yeah, I so I was gonna say kind of based on like what Dylan was saying, and
I'll go into the fun story to use it, like, it really goes to show that so many of these types
of games, right, like Survivor or Big Brother, any of these, they are really so much of a social
game, almost more so than a skill game. Because there is that point where when you start playing
and showing off that you're a really skilled player, there's like a sweet spot where you
want this person on your team, because they'll help you go farther, but then you also want to
take them out because they're actively now your competition. And so even if you're not good at
games, if you're unskilled at those things, being able to orchestrate like a perfect social game
is kind of one of the most valuable skills in something like this. And that like kind of goes
to so in, I was in the infamous red team, the first round of red team, where I think we got
kind of a reputation for being so insane. Because we were like voting off more people than we needed
to rest in peace songs. But there was like, definitely a little, a little orchestration
going on in red team that I don't know if people were ever aware of based on like flipping the
entire team and then having everyone freak out and then having them kind of come back to a more
neutral place and then, you know, getting rid of all of them. But I think it's really interesting
to see like, people on the internet, they obviously lie all the time. That's what we're
kind of used to. But it's so different to try and figure out if someone is lying in this game,
because you can't see them, right? You can't see their face. And so it makes it both easier to lie,
but also harder because you're just going to naturally assume everyone is lying, which means
it's even harder to trust people when they're actually telling the truth. So it kind of works
your advantage. But it's also a little bit of a, I don't know, it's a disadvantage if you're trying
to just genuinely play for sure. Yeah, I mean, I got a comment on completely agree. I'll see as a
survivor fan myself, big brother fan. It was interesting how you didn't have to, you didn't
have a face to go on. And so you really had to earn trust some other ways. It depends who you
come in with. For me, I came in with no one. And so, Laura, just based off of Sage's article on
Unchained, it was quite funny, because I was in Sage's tribe when he said that there was a spreadsheet
going around with targets on it. And this was a prime example of how do you actually earn friends
online when they don't know who you are? No one really trusted me, and maybe for the right reasons.
But like, there was people such as OX Joshua, and Poof, who people said that I should partner with,
I wanted to, but they weren't warming up to me. And so the only way that I could go about doing it
is to make sure that we're both targets. And if we're all targets together, then maybe we'll
band together. And so I've got my spreadsheet going where I said, let's mark Sage as a target,
all silver team, all blue team, which I was part of, and all of white team, which Josh, Poof and
Sage were on altogether. And with that, they came right to me or they warmed up to me immediately
after that, we bonded together. So from there, ironically, Josh was my number one ally along with
their old, which was Zach. We wrote it to the end. I mentioned that you have to play with when you
don't have people face to face. But well, it's funny, kudos to Christian for putting the blockade
on the spot. I think it easily could have gone that way. If, if he didn't really fall in the knife.
I appreciate that. And for the record, I listened to the boys club podcast and Dylan is also anti
split. So hopefully we can keep that. Yeah, I mean, the game, the tagline of the game is many
will play one will win. So I definitely always envisioned similar to survivor one winner. So
it's, you know, it's very hard as the, you know, as one of the founders of this thing to not publicly
have favorites or opinions, because the game really needs to kind of like play out for itself.
But the whole point of this game is for one person to win the pop. Which is which is funny,
because I spent so much time thinking about if I could make it to the end, number one,
I feel like everyone would have like think it was super sus, because Dylan and I go back to middle
school. And I hadn't, you know, I moved to across the country, and we hadn't spoken for a long time,
but Dylan and I were really good friends in middle school. And here we are on crypto Twitter,
reconnected on crypto Twitter 20 years later. Yeah, which is so crazy. I felt like I felt like
if I I almost had zero shot of winning because of my previous relationship with Dylan. But I was I
was also deeply thinking about how to engineer the ending of the pot and what best way to split it
among the final folks could be pulling liquidity for a meme coin being one of them and like
putting up the money myself in advance. Like I tried to come up with lots of different ideas.
There wasn't really a good one that I felt could actually be executed properly. But even still,
I kind of wanted to take a second to just say, wow, this is the most fun I've had in crypto in
a really long time. This and Farcaster really incredible work to you and the team and a small
team at that, like to be able to pull this off with with I guess your three people doing at this
point. Yep. Yeah, it's me and Brian Tygo. I think are both listening and are welcome to come up and
speak whenever. But yes, it's it's just been just the three of us, which is wild for the scale of
this thing. Yeah, I mean, that that's I mean, just incredible work. And for those who played the game,
like to be able to pull this off with as little bugs as they had is unbelievable. So props to you.
And then I think I know we only have a little bit of time left. And I know there's lots of
stories that we can all tell. But I actually wanted to like really ask Dylan, you know,
what what he thinks about what what the future looks like, right? Like there's infinite potential
from here. What do you see the future for crypto the game looks like for future seasons? And like,
what are the things that excite you and things you learn from this time that you think you'll
implement in the next in the next many rounds? Yeah, it's a great question. And apologies for
the background noise. And I'm having some friends over to celebrate the finale. But I yeah, I mean,
the goal for this has always been to get progressively more on chain for each season.
And so I know the extent of the crypto nature for season one was essentially just buying in and
sending 90% of the pot from the multisig to the one winner's address. And the mechanic that I'm
most excited about for season two is basically minting an NFT, which is your slot in the game,
that either burns when you get voted out or the metadata turns to, you know, from player to jury
when you get voted out. But similar to hedging a parlay, you could you could imagine hypothetically
like selling your NFT at any point throughout the game, it gets increasingly more valuable as you
get closer to the pot if you feel you're on the chopping block and want to cash out. Or if you
make it to the end and want to buy up someone's jury NFTs. I think once you once you, you know,
have the game slots be NFTs themselves, it opens us up to so many more interesting game dynamics. So
we're tentatively calling it a non island. But yeah, more to come on season two, I think the
three of us probably just need to sleep for a few nights. And then we'll be right back at it on
Monday. And how long do you expect it will take before season two, like just a month or like three
months or a few weeks or what? I would say definitely not a few weeks and definitely not
a few months, but somewhere in between for sure. Okay. Um, well, I so my last question was what
Blau asked. So I don't know if there's anything that was no, no, there's no, there's no need to
apologize. When you asked it, I was like, perfect. He would make a great interviewer.
So is there anything that was not covered that you would want to mention?
Well, I think first and foremost, just thank you to everyone for playing this thing. I think I
always envisioned it being super fun. You know, we built this thing because I kind of always wanted
to play survivor online with my friends. But I don't think I was fully expecting it to be a 24
seven nonstop game show. You know, I kind of imagine people would come on at 12 Eastern,
play around the Pac-Man, register their score, go back to work, come back on at eight to cast
their vote. But the fact that this really turned into a full blown 24 seven 10 day reality show
online just completely exceeded my expectations. And I think I speak for Brian and Ty and myself
when I say we're just like overwhelmingly grateful with with the support and participation and
enthusiasm for future seasons. And yeah, I think this just really bodes well for the entire space
and we're so jazzed. But I did I did see fungi request to speak and I know he's up here and
on mute. So I didn't know if he had something he wanted to share as well. But but yeah,
the TLDR is thank you. And I'm so excited to go to sleep after this.
Thanks, man. Yeah, I mostly just wanted to say thanks to you, Tyler or Ty and Brian. Yeah,
in like one of the most incredible on and off chain experiences I've had in crypto,
I feel like I've witnessed so many versions of the spectrum of psychopathy, of heartfelt
tribesmanship, of friendship, of just speculation. It's been an absolute ride. You guys have done
something incredible. And I think the way that you built this is remarkable. And I hope is like
quite a beacon for, I don't know, good ethics, when it comes to releasing products and games in
the space. It just makes me think of all of the people that have charged so much money or raised
so much goddamn capital and not done anything worthwhile with it and never created any great
experiences for others to enjoy. I didn't expect to make a bunch of friends during this kind of
thought it would just be full board anxiety the entire time. And it was in all truth, but it was
also really, really fun. And yeah, just grateful to have had the chance to almost go insane this past
week, while making some really good friends and having some new ideas and perspectives over what
social gaming and social experiences empowered by some degree of on chainness might look like
in the future. So yeah, just stoked to have you three building in this space. Very, very stoked
for the winner. I know Logos was coming up close was also a fantastic teammate, kept the vibes up,
did not feel like a social engineer. And yeah, just yeah, just a big shout out to everyone.
And stoked for season two. And worth mentioning to the room that the three folks that built this
thing, definitely did it for the love of the game, because they only took home with all of this work
for Ethereum. So I think vulnerable, you you, you, you make a really good point that this is there's
so many people that raised so much money, make so many promises without delivering. And for for
Ethereum, 500 people had the most fun, I think we would all say we'd ever have in crypto. So I cannot
wait to see what's next. And also, Tyler, shout out to Tyler for incredible design work, seriously.
Yeah, I just invited Ty up here to speak as well. But just just on that board. Yeah, I think we
yeah, we didn't do this to get rich. I think I've said this on a few spaces. But like, I am a firm
believer of like, adding crypto to something, because it will make the idea better, not the
other way around. So this is an idea that we had, and wanted to build and adding the crypto layer
and doing it for crypto Twitter just made it that much better versus, you know, raising a hot round
and and forcing something on chain just for the sake of it being on chain. So between server costs
and and live chat, you know, costs and the domain and all that fun stuff, it's we might have lost
a little bit of money on season one. But we will see you again for our season two.
Yeah, I just want to close because I noticed this is recorded space. If you're a VC, that's dope,
or a great angel or sponsor, and you aren't just smashing the DM button on this team's inbox
to throw money at them. You're absolutely fucking up. And I hope that you have a change of thought.
There is so much potential here. I appreciate that. Yeah, we definitely have our fair share
of conversations lined up for this week. Oh, that sounds interesting.
Yeah, but I didn't I didn't want to interrupt Ty, a key member of the team and every animation,
every design, every front end experience that you saw every anxiety inducing moment on the front end
was all was all was all his hard work and from his imagination. So I think is the best in the
world at what he does, but I'll pass it over to him. No, well, thank you so much. First, I just
want to personally thank everyone for participating this like, from all of us, this blew us away.
The reaction and just the excitement and the emotion that you guys all brought to this was just
Oh, did something happen to him? I don't hear him any. Hey, Ty, I don't know. We lost you.
We may have to bring him back up. Twitter spaces, man.
It's brutal. Well, he is a speaker and he's not and he's not muted at the moment.
Tyler, can you say something?
Hi, Ty. You may need to boot him and bring him back up. It happens all the time. Super annoying.
Oh, like so I should remove him. Yeah, you remove him and then add him back. It should work.
Okay, just hit remove his speaker and not from space. Otherwise, he'll never be able to join.
Yeah, I removed him as a speaker. So once he rejoins, I'll bring him back up here.
But logos, I see have your hand raised. I don't know if there's something you want to share in
the meantime. Oh, yeah, man. I don't want to take too much time up. But I just want to say like,
what really amazed about this game was how it totally nailed like the social environment here.
And that was and that was it was like, it was super crazy. I see Tyler's back. So we can see
if he goes and I can go after him. But hey, guys, there we go. Sorry about that. In my back.
Yeah, you're good. Awesome. Well, yeah, anyway, just again, so many thanks for everyone playing.
Thank you to just, yeah, participating, having so much fun, making friends, like it was something
we were all hopeful that this would happen. But the fact that it did and seeing just how kind of
generous you guys were with the the pod in the end. And it was just so cool. And it's funny,
I think Dylan mentioned this, but the fact that we're just all watching from the outside,
we didn't really know what was going on behind the scenes. And so we just get little snippets
from from friends and people who we knew that were playing. But yeah, anyway, to kind of just
capital at this point is just incredible. I also just want to give a huge shout out to Dylan,
he's been giving Brian and I props. And Dylan just really took this to the next level.
Obviously, it's just he's such a talented guy. With this with all of his previous endeavors,
and I'm just excited for us to kind of continue building this out. And I hope everyone plays for
season two. Locos, you can go. We just literally have a minute because I do have to hop around
530. So go ahead. Okay, cool. Yeah, no, just wrap it up real quick. I just want to say like,
you know, this was such a cool experience that totally nailed, you know, that social vibe that
was was so great. Like, you know, I came in second place and but I couldn't be happier with
the whole experience. And, you know, the reaction and the friends and the connections that I've
gotten from this, like, I'm sure will last, you know, a long time. And I've had so many
great DM people reaching out. I shared a little bit about my story and kind of opened up a little
about who I am. And I've already had like multiple like investors and angels reach out wanting to
invest. I've had friends reach out wanting to sit, you know, link up IRL. I've had, you know,
a great community come around me. And I just couldn't be more thankful to you guys for
creating such an awesome experience that I've literally been thinking about dreaming about
playing something like this since I've been a kid. So this has been awesome. I'm so here for it. And
I'll be back for season two, man. Yeah, and logos, just to echo that it's on my list for next week,
but I have had a bunch of VCs not only reach out to see what we're thinking for the future of
crypto the game, but that saw your your building and stealth and followed along at how well you
play this game and are asking for intros to back whatever you build. So I mean, that it could be a
huge win win. But on that note, I read this in the earlier space, but I just wanted to reiterate what
Jay Hins from Privy tweeted about logos run, but he was the center of the White Tribe Alliance that
lasted the entire game. He hopped on a zoom to teach the entire tribe Pac-Man and played over
800 times himself. He met up with a teammate IRL and gave him a ride to the airport or vice versa,
made Alliance merch for the tribe mates, played Flappy Bird while at work and got a high score,
solved an insane riddle in under 90 minutes, kept his threat level low to avoid kill lists
and build genuine friendships and provided value so that no one ever wanted him out. So
if not for NFL signing up, you 100% would have won this thing. So I don't want that to go unnoticed.
Paul, well, thank you, Dylan, man. I really appreciate that. Yeah, dude, I had such a
great experience and you guys made this so fun. So I can't wait to run it back, man. Can't wait
to run it back, but really appreciate it. All right. Well, this has been a super fun
conversation. I loved this week. Thanks so much, Dylan. You know, for those of you who noticed,
check out those articles and we will release those spaces tomorrow on our podcast in case
you want to share it with your friends so they can learn more about what happened.
And we will be tuning in to season two. Thanks so much, everyone. This is super fun.
Stay tuned. And last thing I'll say is if you're in New York, which unfortunately I am not,
I believe the boys club is hosting an unofficial finale party for all the players to meet up IRL.
Dylan, is there going to be an East Denver reunion? What's the word on that?
I guess so. I have to book a flight. I'll keep you all posted. Okay.
All right. Thanks, everyone. Bye, y'all. Bye.