Onboarding new users & earning Bitcoin with $STX

Recorded: April 5, 2023 Duration: 1:13:10



All right, all right. Good morning, good evening, good day, everybody around the world. Welcome to this week's crypto-internet show. We've got a ton. I mean, a ton to speak about. Some exciting updates just came in this morning.
I hear April 5th to date today's episode. We've got a lot to cover. So a quick introduction and then as our speakers get on to stage, we'll get kicked off as well, but a lot. So let's first and foremost,
Welcome to everybody to this week's crypto internet show. This is our weekly series talking about everything. Stacks the broader ecosystems and building on Bitcoin layers. That said quick promo we've got an outstanding event coming
up on April 19th. If you haven't already heard it, building on Bitcoin, you can check it out at BitcoinUnleash.org. We've got all kinds of speakers talking about what we're going to cover today and then some on all the layers of Bitcoin. So it's a ton to be covered and
looking at the building side of that world. That said today we're going to be talking about that in particular building on Bitcoin onboarding new users and what's changing and improving around earning Bitcoin with stacks and what it means
in the stacks layer, again, when building on Bitcoin. So a ton to talk about, we've got the team from Alex today, we've got regular guests, the name Patrick as well, and we've got surprise guests from the Xverse team to kick us off.
With that being said, a few quick shout outs around the ecosystem. A big, big congratulations to the X-verse team for getting first place at the Paris Blockchain Week's Startup Competition
last week. Huge news. If you didn't see it around the ecosystem, big shout out to Elizabeth to Ken and to the entire X-FIRS team. For that, also to the Alex team who just announced a raise of 2.5 million, including Gossamer Capital, Trust Machines, and many other ecosystem investors.
as well. So, big congratulations to the Alex team in addition to the announcement of something we're going to be talking about today. And that is the Alex Bridge and the incentive test net that was just announced as well. So, a lot to cover today.
And one thing I want to cover real quick as we are going to dive in that today is blockchain bridges. What is a bridge and why is that important to kind of set our stage today? So those who may not be familiar with what a blockchain
bridge is the very short and sweet version for you high level is bridges allow for the transfer of assets between blockchain networks and since networks have different standards whether that be around tokens like ERC20
and CYP10 or otherwise bridges work to create synthetic versions that represent those assets from one network to another. So that's a little bit of a stage setting for today. With that said again, welcome everybody. Let's jump right in
Elizabeth, I want to kick it off with you first and foremost. You're coming off this victory, this first place win at Paris Blockchain Week. Talk just a little bit about what happened, what's going on, what's new in the experts universe.
Hey everyone. Thanks. Thanks for having me today. Thanks for having our team and sorry in advance. I'm in transit. So you might hear a little back noise. But yeah, it's it's been a super, super exciting time for X versus. We, we, we, we applied to
be part of this start and block competition at the Paris Blockchain Week and out of 700 startups, we eventually were able to be selected as top 10, then top five, and then finally won the first prize at the competition. So it's really been such an exciting
really thrilling and especially shout out to our head of business development, Yon, who's been really spearheading that for the team there in Paris and presented the winning pitch to Tim Draper was on the panel. And I believe this is a
The pitch was recorded from my understanding the pitch was recorded and is going to be shared eventually to over 20 million viewers on the Tim Dreypers show. So yeah, it's very been a very wild ride very exciting and Excited to also see the the opportunities
that are coming out for the -- which are still rolling out to our team. But at the moment, we're going to be working closely with the coin telegraph and potentially others. >> Is there anything you can tease out about what new features or new things that you

FAQ on Onboarding new users & earning Bitcoin with $STX | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the weekly Crypto Internet Show?
The purpose of the weekly Crypto Internet Show is to talk about everything related to Stacks, the broader ecosystem, and building on Bitcoin layers.
What is the main focus of the upcoming event on April 19th?
The main focus of the upcoming event on April 19th is building on Bitcoin, and speakers will talk about all the layers of Bitcoin.
What is a blockchain bridge?
A blockchain bridge allows for the transfer of assets between blockchain networks with different standards, creating synthetic versions that represent those assets from one network to another.
What is the X-Verse team and what was their recent accomplishment?
The X-Verse team is a startup and they recently won first place at the Paris Blockchain Week's startup competition.
What is the recent announcement from the Alex team that will be discussed in the podcast?
The recent announcement from the Alex team that will be discussed in the podcast is the Alex bridge and the incentive test net.
What is the purpose of the Alex bridge?
The Alex bridge is designed to connect Bitcoin and Stacks, allowing users to earn Bitcoin using Stacks.
Who are some investors involved in the recent $2.5 million funding round for the Alex team?
Some investors involved in the recent $2.5 million funding round for the Alex team are Gossamer Capital and Trust Machines.
Who was on the panel during the Paris Blockchain Week startup competition?
Tim Draper was on the panel during the Paris Blockchain Week startup competition.
How many startups applied to be part of the startup competition at the Paris Blockchain Week?
700 startups applied to be part of the startup competition at the Paris Blockchain Week.
What is the upcoming collaboration for the X-Verse team?
The X-Verse team will be working closely with Coin Telegraph and potentially others.