@OnChainMonkey Town Hall: Building OCM on #Bitcoin and Ordinals

Recorded: March 10, 2023 Duration: 1:32:58



all right welcome everybody man already a packed house what an exciting
exciting time to be an on Che monkey we're gonna get Amanda up here looks
like we just got Amanda I see Danny coming up man oh my gosh so many
amazing monkeys in here love to see it love to see it Danny Amanda welcome to
the stage we'll let them the room just kind of warm up a little bit I see
people throwing emojis left and right let's fucking go everybody hit that hit
that lower right hand corner and let's let's see how many rises we can get in
the first five minutes I'm willing to bet I think I'm going to bet we can get
50 rises in the first five minutes I might get blown out of the water there
we'll see but yeah welcome everybody we're just gonna share the space a
little bit everyone retweet if you can we want to get as many folks in here as
we possibly can get an exciting action-packed evening tonight and yeah so
we'll just give us a few minutes and we'll get going here
okay I'm getting blown out of the water we're already it looks like at 48 rises
just judging but 55 Wow oh my gosh well I clearly underestimated the
enthusiasm of these monkeys incredible incredible to see you guys doing this
right now all right so Danny Amanda first off just want to say hello to you
guys how are you doing this evening GM GM doing great yeah super excited for
this town hall doing great awesome awesome all right so yeah let's let's go
ahead and let's hop into it so my name is Mike Chavez many of you know me I
work with Danny and Amanda on the meta good team started off as an engineer now
I'm the evangelist for our company and our community I'm super excited so just
to start off like you know I got to say everyone we're we are back and I got to
ask everybody in the audience right now how does it feel to be back I want to
see some emojis if you're feeling good about being back amazing so aunty monkey
is back at all-time highs it feels good to be back right and we're and we are
back to all-time highs in a bear market our team and community is like no other
so who knew in the bear market we would potentially be going into price
discovery it's absolutely incredible to see what's happening right now and I
couldn't be more excited for what we're about to discuss this evening so just a
quick note we are also doing a banana auction for a mocha verse NFT towards
the end of this this this spaces so definitely if you're if you want to
participate in that hop into the discord there's a there's a channel in there
called I believe it's called banana auction or sorry auctions for bananas
that is where the auction will take place so if you want it if you have
bananas for an OCM member and you want to be able to bid on a mocha verse NFT
which I don't know what the floor is that right now but I imagine it's it's
it's it's a healthy floor so this is a high-end item that we're auctioning off
for for OCM bananas definitely hop into the discord to be able to participate in
that really excited for that that to be going on and then you know Danny I just
want to say welcome to you again and I'd love to hear your thoughts in this
exciting moment for on chain monkey yeah yeah and and Mike yeah glad to be back
but you know we never left we're always here we've always had this you know
long-term vision and you know this is just the first you know few years of it
there's many more great years to come you know how it started you know back in
2021 was when we started and you know we had this vision or to build something
you know lasting innovative new and you know of value so the on chain monkey
Genesis that you know you see in my my PFP right like this is kind of the
original art and what's important so we have some new people too you know you
know what is special about this art well this is art created by code right it's
all on chain and it's the code that generated and it's very you know very
it's a very specific type of code which is kind of you know now that we fast
forward two years later we see that you know this is what enables us to do what
we were talked about more today about you know being on Bitcoin and you know
this is and part of you know our long-term vision to create you know value
for our community and to you know actually you know build keep keep
building you know for for basically you know the many years ahead yeah I'm
excited for you to dig in a little bit more Danny I mean I'm also just
personally so excited I mean I knew when Danny bill myself created Medigood that
you know our lives would change for sure and we would change the lives of
remember of our members but you know I guess you know we started May 2021 and I
look back and I'm just constantly surprised at our innovation and growth
and not just you know for Medigood but obviously for the community and what
we're all experiencing so I've built so many incredible relationships I think
you know I was hats off to women's day the other day but I was just going
through I was like wow like so many incredible like men and women I've met
through on chain monkey and I truly feel like we're building the wealthy
digital nation and you know a conglomerate of really the best minds in
web 3 we're super excited you know our investors and partners at animoca brands
just launched their new NFT collection called locaverse and we were able to
give a number of mocha verse NFT store members and as Mike mentioned we will
auction one-off using our banana tokens at the end of the spaces as well yeah as
men are saying you know we're we're happy with you know the all the great
people that joined us and you know we're about you know building even before we
start building our NFT onto monkey community right it was about building
great team members building collective like basically inviting you know very
good investors to join us like just it's about you know building a community of
people who support us to be able to go on and do great things and that great
thing really so we've made on chain monkey so on chain monkey right now you
know that is the password to this wealthy digital nation and that is the
thing we're building and it you know it's about empowering all of us to create
value together and you know we all have our strong you know core values rise
respect integrity sustainability and enrichment and now you know we're taking
that from the theorem where we started to Bitcoin and you know Bitcoin is a new
opportunity where we can you know bring our community great value and and you
know keep keep with kind of vision that we have for on chain monkey a hundred
percent and I want to I want to shout out to everybody in on chain monkey
family holy crap we're at 89 comments can I'm betting if I say we can get to
100 we might get to like 130 but let me anybody that hasn't already
rise in the lower right hand corner if you could now retweet the room I imagine
we can get that that bubble down to her up to a hundred like in the next few
seconds but I want to shout out to some of our members I see other not down
there other nots of brand-new ocm how are you sir we got nifty in the house
nifty joined just a few weeks ago man we got we got Polly and in the room we got
Wow we got Taylor TK Dino who we got Oprah win streak man so many amazing
monkeys we got ocm-mo ocm-mo is is one of my favorite ocm-s just someone who's
been such an amazing contributor throughout the past like just months and
months and months so really I just want to shout out to everybody who's been
helping us you know from the community side we couldn't do what we do as a team
without our amazing community that we have and I want to say like there is just
so much excitement right now around the ordinals protocol around entities on
Bitcoin and what on chain monkey has achieved both as a company and a
community Danny and our engineering team have been supporting the ordinals team
and tracking closely the implementation of this brand-new collections and
provenance feature that's going to be implemented soon as a part of the
ordinals protocol this is absolutely an historic and groundbreaking development
that Casey Rotemore and his team are working on as we speak Danny I'm sure
everyone in the audience and myself included would love to hear your
perspective on this certainly well I mean one thing going back to Bitcoin like
you know Bitcoin is a you know the kind of longest-running blockchain highest
value most secure and mostly tertiary but if you think back to it you know Bitcoin
is just code that someone wrote that we don't even know who wrote you know many
years ago right basically the code turned into money right and the code is
basically art it's and so actually that's how on chain monkey start to
actually on chain monkey is code and the code was to art and that's why the art
looks the way it is right it's actually a very simple iconic look that you when
you look at it actually then when you start like you might want to wonder you
know what why does it look like that and then what causes it to look like
that then you know when you dive in like oh it's actually code it's it's like
very compact code that was you know that was like you know a couple years ago on
the theorem and we took that and we had to change it for Bitcoin but actually
what Casey do with ordinals to ordinals is code is another protocol that rests
on top of the Bitcoin protocol and it's you know we're discovering kind of how
powerful valuable this this new code is with with ordinals is still being
developed but we basically took that in us and and basically worked our code on
chain monkey and created this this new basis new order that also was new in
this collection or we'll talk more about that how on chain monkey did something
new also with code to create this art on Bitcoin and and yeah I'm basically ordinal
2021 9 and also that number is significant because 2021 September or
2021-9 right that was when on chain monkey genesis was launched on a
theorem and now we actually launched it on Bitcoin with ordinal number 2021 9
amazing amazing I'm just looking through I'm just scrolling through all the
monkeys I just want to give a few more shots out I see no I see I dream
pictures it's a heavy D we got staccato hailing from Austin hopefully I'll see
you there I'll be there through Sunday I see linear who has contributed so much
toward Dow polymath is in the house NFT guru wow it's like just it's incredible
yeah J brush what's up yeah just seen so many axel rod you always seem to be
the first on replying to my tweets Sofia what's up spirit zero mo oh my gosh me
believe I could just keep going miss Kenai anyways I will stop a p-bar NYC
we'll be here we'll be here all night Amanda there's too many amazing yeah
there's too many amazing together cuz normally normally you know you tweet and
then someone just like likes it and it's always like some of the same people so
it's kind of fun to like get them live but a hundred percent real quick before
we go on Danny I would be remiss if I didn't ask you kind of I think a
question that's on everybody's mind what has happened could you explain the part
of the ordinals protocol right now it's being developed the collections and
provenance feature why is that important for OCM members certainly yeah that has
been a so so ordinals protocol is still being developed so when it came out
actually you know late last year you know actually you know I think I guess
what you'd say the soft launch just it was just like a test right people are
using it and describing a few things and no one cared actually too much about it
until suddenly about a month ago right it suddenly started taking off but
it was this is just the first version still of the protocol which lets you
just create individual ordinals which are kind of individual inscriptions of
something like you could say the Bitcoin equivalent of an NFT but you know kind
of what I guess with our background where you know we're very technical and
kind of about the code we we saw that you can do more with it and it's and that
thing will probably be coming and which is kind of we heard basically I guess
this week when the Ordinals team said okay we're launching collections soon
this feature but that's actually what we did a month ago so we said we're gonna
do this collection ordinal that actually is all 10,000 of our ancient monkey
Genesis and and put it on Bitcoin and so the advantage of this is that you have
very clear provenance of the whole collection all 10,000 of our ancient
monkey are on Bitcoin they're all there clearly they're in one collection and
and this and also we did I mentioned on that particular ordinal number 2021 9
which has significance for us too and that that's something that when you dig
into it it's actually not easy to do take some some special magic to do that
and so we made this first collection order and actually many people didn't
understand what the heck we did because no one else was doing this right it was
before people were actually thinking about this right everyone's rushing to
write individual ordinals at the time and we said no we're gonna do things
kind of the proper Bitcoin way where so the other so one is more provenance is
clear right for all of us everyone knows you're on shame monkey is on there and
it's this one right or no 20.19 the other thing is it's very respectful of the
Bitcoin network because Bitcoin is a shared public utility right everyone uses
it for Bitcoin transactions and now they're using it for inscriptions and
ordinals too and the whole space the whole block space per year there's only
about 200 gigabytes of data for everyone in the whole world to use right this
includes all Bitcoin transactions which is the main thing that Bitcoin is used
for right it's for Bitcoin transactions for Bitcoin so if you fill it up with a
bunch of you know JPEGs you know those JPEGs better have a reason to be there
right you want to be putting basically you know high value you know assets on
there right Bitcoin is a very high value asset it is like the highest value you
know fungible token so if you're gonna be putting other like NFTs and other
digital assets on there that you have a reason to be there and so we said well
you know we have this way not like we have a reason to put our stuff there
because on chain monkey is very you know it's a very like you know we've been
doing this for a long time and there's a lot of value in it and we did it in a
way where actually it doesn't disrupt the network right we put all 10,000 on
Bitcoin and it only took you know a few kilobytes actually 20,000 bytes it's
like two bytes per per image that's like actually when I tell people that they
think that we just put like a pointer or something like a marker that wasn't the
actual image but actually every single on-chain monkey image and melody that
is on Bitcoin and we only spent two bytes per image overall to do that
because of the way we did it in this collection of R&L so it's like we
basically did two things that are very like improvements over the way that
everyone else is doing at the time which is we didn't weigh that's better
provenance and better better scalability so so that's kind of the thing that we
did ahead of others and and people didn't understand at the time and they're
just starting to understand so I think today is when you know we kind of have
validation because the Oronos protocol is saying well in the next week or it's
pretty soon we're actually gonna properly support what we did you know a
month ago so so this is something you know for us to to you know kind of
appreciate it and then it worked for basically take like like basically we're
advancing technology and making it you know better for everyone on Bitcoin and
better for everyone using Oronos protocol man it's just I love hearing I
feel like every time I hear Danny talk about ordinals I learned something new
and it's just it's I mean I'm just so thrilled that we're obviously able to
achieve this first and you know we're just excited for the value this
historic milestone is accruing to our members I mean we truly believe in
building value for our members our holders above all else so it's always
been core to our philosophy as company as founders as our values as a global
community around our rise principles and you know I think you know ordinals
is new I mean everyone is still learning about it and a lot of people don't fully
understand it yet today but you know what I think Danny is talking about is
really in the future it will be known and that we inscribed our entire 10k
Genesis collection and oral number 20219 and you know as I think a lot of our
community knows but you know we want other communities to know and understood
that that number is super special it's more than just being you know the early
inscription number but you know it's unique and you know signifies the
creation of on chain monkey in the ninth month of 2021 which is why it's so
magical though you know Danny was able to get that inscription number so you
know Danny your team really executed flawlessly with precision that can
really only come from the expertise that our team and our network has at our
disposal so just you know I want to Danny's very humble I just want to give
props to Danny and the end team for making this happen truly historic
thanks and we can answer questions about or no I think it's still quite a like
unknown thing like what's the difference between like a theorem NFT and an order
I think we can answer some of those questions in Q&A later it's quite
interesting actually the technology that the protocol is quite interesting and
also you know how we're doing yeah there's basically lots of opportunities
it's a pretty exciting time to be working in this space you know NFTs and
crypto and it's pretty good this this new protocol or a protocol because when
you think about okay if we saw a theorem like the end of the rise of NFTs on
a theorem the last couple years and like I think it rose to total value NFT on
theorem back in 2022 like last year was about nine billion dollars that's pretty
decent for NFTs from basically like very little to nine billion but we're
gonna be seeing that on Bitcoin now so Bitcoin today like the total market cap
of all in it like ordinals on Bitcoin is probably like 50 million and like 15
million of that is as you guys recent drop of 12 fold what I'm off like just
it's like a drop in the bucket and like there's many like a galaxy digital and
some other folks have like you know done some analysis and they think that
you know within a year or so it'll be at least five billion or more right and
that makes sense because theorem was at nine billion you know last year so if
you have the biggest chain and most secure chain you know where people can
put their you know NFTs or ordinals it makes sense that there will also be you
know as big as or bigger as theorem so you know we're basically going from 50
million to 5 billion plus right that's like a hundred X in market cap in this
new space that we're in so so they have lots of opportunity very exciting time
to be working in this space Wow yeah super exciting to be a monk I mean
Danny just talk about what does that mean all of that potential unlocking of
value creation what does that actually mean for our holders yeah oh so we we
are busy building for ordinals right now both contributing to the protocol and
also doing some basically some some new techniques for for ordinals that we're
launching for for our community and yeah we'll talk more about that Wow
truly an exciting time to be an on chain monkey and an exciting time to be
hosting the spaces because we're at 138 comments I'm truly eating my words my
my under estimates earlier I think we can get to 150 I'm guessing that's that's
easy to do so if you haven't already throw a rise down there retweet the room
but oh my man oh my gosh like this this is incredible so from what what I know
and what I've been hearing around the space like everyone in this market right
now is trying to get an ordinal they're trying to figure out how to describe an
ordinal collections or you know communities out there individuals are
trying to figure out how to do it with provenance and create a proper collection
on Bitcoin and we've already secured the first collection on Bitcoin for our
members so if you own an OCM Genesis you already own a Bitcoin ordinal if you
own an OCM Genesis you own the crypto punks of Bitcoin of Bitcoin every
Genesis holder is now a holder of the first 10k collection on Bitcoin like this
is this is absolutely incredible what Danny and the engineering team have
managed to do for our Genesis members and I couldn't be more excited about
what we're working on right now and what we're building for all of our
members that means Genesis that means karma I mean set holders like it is such
an exciting time to be an on chain monkey so what I want to get into now is
really just a community part of the space like to bring some folks up I see
Kipper's been requested we're gonna bring him up and let's just do a little
bit of Q&A for maybe like 10 to 15 minutes with Danny Amanda and just yeah
I mean let's this is a party but we're also here to help educate and help you
know do what we can to enrich on the understanding side of what's happening
on Bitcoin and ordinals so I'm gonna bring some folks up we got some awesome
guests coming up we got Kipper we got B Tabs brand-new member welcome mr. yellow
we got drawing blanks alpha Andy let's go all right so so Kipper you were you
were you've been requested for a while I appreciate your patience welcome to the
stage with this magnificent naked monkey that you're rocking here oh he told me
but I want to just pop on one thing that Mike was saying because I think this is
a very commonly asked question and it's you know how do I get my ordinal right
how do I get my OCM ordinal and so how it works right now as Mike and what we're
all saying they're all knows is a very new protocol in fact that the child
ordinal is not even part of the protocol yet you know we knew that it was going
to be there and then there are multiple ways to actually implement it so we
implemented the parent ordinal and so that is already there right that's
ordinal twenty twenty one nine and the child ordinals will be how each of you
will own your specific OCM that's tied to ordinal twenty twenty one nine that
actually isn't in the protocol yet as the official version has not released
yet so we're waiting on that and we're at you know we're working with the
ordinal team to you know kind of debug and and kind of troubleshoot up but when
that comes then we'll be able to create the child world but what represents that
child right now is your ethereum on chain monkey genesis so basically all the
holders of the genesis now right they'll be able to swap that for the Bitcoin one
when when it's ready and also the tools that you can easily use to hold it in
your wallet and to trade it on Bitcoin right those are all still pretty
rudimentary now so we want to wait till it's quite safe for people to do it or
else the chance when you distribute 10,000 of these their chance of you
know there could be like dozens of them where so our holders just lose them by
accident because it's so easy to do and we don't want that to happen either 100%
everything that Danny and the team does truly is with the holders first in mind
and that is really what I think separates our team from a lot of you
know it puts us in the top tier of NFT companies and and NFT communities
because our holders understand that and you know we have the trust of our
holders in a way that like I haven't seen anywhere else in this industry and
so again I just want to shout out to everyone in the community so we have we
have a special guest up here I know I was gonna go to Kipper first but I want
to say hello to Mark Usko it's an honor to have you up here sir it was an honor
to meet you in November with Amanda and Sophia in Vegas for the first time how
are you doing Wow I'm humbled that is that is very nice and I am I'm honored
to be here with with y'all I I'm doing great I just got back from a little
lacrosse game and my my son's team actually won a game which is awesome and
I'm excited to spend a couple hours with the on-chain family here with the
Town Hall and then OCM after dark and again I'm I'm just grateful for this
community I'm grateful to be part of it I'm grateful for Bill kind of
introducing me to to the team and and for Amanda and and it can't can't let
Sophia who really chased me down and then Amanda and you and the rest of the
gang getting me to get really involved I I really do love the community I'm now
part of the hoodie gang and I'm or the hoodie club and I'm part of the BBC and
I'm just having a blast amazing yeah it's it's it was so much fun in Vegas
and I gotta say I'm gonna do my best to get to get a pair of those Bitcoin
orange pants now now that now that OCM is on Bitcoin absolutely I will have mine
on tomorrow every every Friday whether I need it or not let's go and and super
excited to hear that you're planning to join us on OCM after dark too I mean I
don't know another community that can get Marc Usko to say I'm excited to
spend a couple hours with the OCM family man that gets me really pumped I want to
say hello to Kipper I know you were up here kind of first I want to give you
the floor how's it going Kipper if you're there you got to unmute the mic if
not we can go ahead and go to the next person I think mr. yellow you came up
next how are you doing hey mate how are you doing and guys we caught some fud
today and luckily 9GAG CEO was on this space but you got any response to
what was quite hilarious the nifty alpha earlier it was really great I mean it
was good entertainment and I just wondered whether you guys have seen it
yeah I think Mike shared it I think it's just kind of fun fun fud that you
have in in NFTs right people you know not everyone knows everything's going
on right so I think in that in this case the host didn't know much about us
besides that what he's kind of what I mentioned earlier like he saw the unique
art of Genesis he's like oh I don't get it right he doesn't know that this is
code he doesn't know what we did on the theorem and now on Bitcoin right the
significance of these things so he's just basing off of you know the first
impression of seeing the simple artwork which actually is very iconic and deep
once you get into it but you know on first impression other people have a
misimpression and that's what he was reacting on and you know he actually
changed he changed his stance right after you know Ray of you know Memeland
9GAG basically told him a little bit more so actually that's
respectable of him to to kind of acknowledge kind of the new things he
learned so I think I think it was great actually yeah I think it was really good
I really do and you know what struck me the most out of all of it because
normally when they do those kind of segments and they upset a community they
get hate like real hate you know proper unbridled sort of dislike and the monkey
community just came back and went yeah cool man and come along to the town
hall tonight and ask ask what you want and yeah I thought he's really good now
yeah and I wanted a special shout out to mr. yellow he helped so I put out a
tweet earlier with that with that whole exchange with with mr. Ray Chan 9GAG CEO
and NFT Nick and Pio and the team at the NFT portal mr. yellow like I asked he
told me about it or I heard about it from several community members talk with
mr. yellow right away he was able to trim the clip for me I put it into a
tweet you know this is the power of our community right like mr. yellow is an
incredible OCM community member somebody who's helped me a lot in my in my
journey it's really like we're already operating as an in a decentralized
manner is you know kind of like a decentralized team or company already so
shout out to you mr. yellow yeah I think it was it was great to see see Ray on
there because that again talks about speaks to the power of our network right
you know values I think yes rise is really important and Ray also embodies
that right like rise respect integrity sustainability enrichment like these
like you know we say it every day and that actually it makes a big difference
absolutely so thanks so much for that mr. yellow I can't remember who was up
next I think it was B Tabs be tabs I think you're a brand new member I saw
you pick up a couple a genesis welcome to the stage hey thank you so much for
having me my effort today is to bring the vibes today is my birthday I'm a day
to OCM holder and I gotta say I'm really obsessed with the project and the
engagement of the community shout out to water bill DC and gin for onboarding me
there's so much intricacy involved with this ecosystem with karma and the
bananas and I think that you can really extend recognition by giving bananas and
and just the engagement overall seems quite unparalleled to date I feel like
the energy that is in discord and on Twitter is reminiscent to the bull
market sentiment that I felt when I first gotten to NFTs more than a year
ago so I wanted to get a fat out there my my question pertains to some of the
nuance with these tears now I know I'm not the only new member pep picked up a
genesis yesterday and trying to catch up can you explain a little bit basics
101 what a tier two brings I understand there's there's drops coming up can you
maybe give a little sneak peek about what we can anticipate what the benefit
is of of having different tiers and then if you could also follow that up with
the the potential vision of engaging and interacting with other communities and
cross-community collaboration that's something that I'm particularly
passionate about and would love to get your thoughts okay so I can talk about
the tiers so there are four tiers and maybe Microsoft can pin a tweet that we
have on them the the top tier is the celestial tier that's just a handful of
one-on-one NFTs so there are a total of 20 of those the second tier is what you
mentioned which is effectively that the top one which is having a genesis and
to karma but karma the two types of karma which is the the k1 and k2 are
incredible in a divine types of karma and so that that is the second tier third
year would be genus having a genesis and the fourth tier is having a karma so let
me explain that those two tier two three and four so we are having some drops
coming up and we'll talk more about those pretty soon and so when you have
tier two which is genesis and karma you actually are also part of tier three and
four so it's an addition on top of being in tier three and four but those those
three tiers will have their own allocations for for the drops so
basically you know the tier two will have some chunk of drops of allocation
but then because you also have a genesis and karma then you also get the
allocation another allocation in the genesis part and then the karma also
like just having a karma which is a great entry point in the on chain monkey
you have allocation so that's how the tiering works and then yeah and I can I
can kind of speak to cross community collaboration so you know as someone who
has been in a space for for you know since September 2021 you know I became a
collector of many different different entities and and I understood the value
of like reaching out to other communities and learning what other folks
are doing and I think that's a big part of how we've been able to build such a
robust community because it's not only me doing that it's it's people like Andy
it's people like mr. yellow people like Emily jr. like all of us in this room do
this and so I think individually we're all doing that and I think like as a as
a company and as a team we'll continue to do you know whatever we can to ensure
that like we're teaming up and pairing up with the best folks in the space
ultimately our goal is not to be you know kind of like the best of the best
our goal is to make this industry as good as as good as it can be and to
build value for all of our members and so we will continue to do that and I see
Amanda it's unmuted go ahead Amanda oh yeah no I was just gonna say I mean just
like we provided allow lists for meme land and we are just doing the mocha
verse you know allow list I mean we love collaborations we're super fortunate to
have some incredible investors who happen to run some of the biggest web
free companies in the NFT space so we always want to give that value back to
our community I think you know another example that we just you know had a
spaces on Monday with you know NASCAR racer Julia Landauer who was the first
NASCAR racer ever jacket collab with her it's like a lightweight racing
jacket with house of first and RSOP and so it's you know kind of got our patches
of our logos on both sides and those are actually going to be sold in LA at
Fred Segal which is kind of a very exclusive retailer in the in the LA
area so that's just one example but you know we love to collab with other
collections when it brings value to our community really well said I appreciate
the insights and the answer and if it's one thing that I recognize it's the
strength of a diversified team and and that is one thing that OCM underscores
and embodies to have diversity of strength diversity of thought it's it's
a pleasure to be here and extending gratitude for having me up on stage all
I need to do now is collect a hundred bananas so I can buy that that cap
that's on the website look forward to further banter in the future thank you
all yeah thanks so much for coming up and just to ensure we have enough time
I'm gonna ask folks to kind of keep the question to you know 30 seconds to a
minute because we do need to get to our banana auction and then I think I think
we just might have some incredible alpha for everybody so I don't recall who is
next but I'm gonna go to Alpha Andy Andy how are you doing if you want to defer
to drawing sure sure yeah drawing blanks how are you doing yeah hey guys thank
you for having me you know I've been hearing a lot about the community
community is absolutely phenomenal from what I've been hearing and just
talking to other OCMs as well too Andy being one of them had like a good one
hour conversation from the had a good one hour conversation with him the other
day so I've been eyeing an orangeback myself but I just wanted to understand a
little bit which is why I'm so happy Danny's up here I want to understand how
the child protocol is actually gonna work and if something like hosting it on
stacks or having it integrate with stacks would make more sense and like
what like do you have anything in mind like what's in the think tank right now
I know it's being developed but I would just be very curious to know like what's
in this thing tank sure so the beauty of ordinals protocol is that it's all on the
l1 Bitcoin blockchain so it's not on an l2 there have been other protocols that
kind of do something you know NFTs are other things that are on l2 and also
though they might have come too early the market wasn't ready for what we're
doing now so like when ordinals came came out you know this is kind of the
right time also the right product because it really is basically it's
really big it's Bitcoin is the Bitcoin protocol for using the same Bitcoin
ledger to do any digital asset so Bitcoin is a digital asset it's the only
digital asset that Bitcoin protocol recognizes I mean the Bitcoin program
is built around the Bitcoin asset that the fungible token but now you have this
ordinals protocol that that uses actually the hope the Bitcoin protocol
and it's completely on chain on Bitcoin but instead of just having Bitcoin as a
fungible token it says hey you know we can actually recognize any digital asset
that you dream of you could put it on on on chain on Bitcoin and it could any
way happen we used a ledger system that Bitcoin has to track who owns it and you
can trade it and sell it right so that's actually the beauty of ordinals protocol
basically it does two things you can basically own any digital asset on
Bitcoin and you can trade that you can sell to someone else and so so that's
what we have but there's even more to it right the digital asset actually can't
have relationships with each other that's this is kind of child parent or
hierarchy relationship that we're talking about so you know we made a
parent collection ordinal which represents 10,000 individual assets
right so we're writing assets onto the Bitcoin blockchain so this is I think
one of the key ideas that we're talking about digital assets that represent all
on chain and data so we wrote 10,000 digital assets it's like it's like we
have like you can think of the Bitcoin the whole Bitcoin system is like one
big ledger before you can only write in the ledger how much Bitcoin you have
so what we did with the parent ordinal is we wrote well here are 10,000 monkeys
or on team on chain monkey assets they're all on chain now right so the
ledger says okay they're there there's 10,000 of them we haven't written each
of you owns one of them yet right that's the next step that's what the child ordinal
will do right so there's 10,000 monkeys on Bitcoin on the chain right these are
the assets to do assets that are so before we only had Bitcoin right that's
the data you could write on on the ledger now we could write our on chain
monthly NFTs or digital assets on the budget so he wrote 10,000 of them on in
the parent collection ordinal the next step is when the order the protocol
allows us to write these child runners which says okay coined a ledger you know
you own on chain monkey number you know 1 5 3 4 right so that's next so so
that's what's happening and this is so this doesn't require stacks stacks is
kind of another solution and you know the token has been doing well right
because people want to do more things on top of Bitcoin but for owners protocol
for we're doing right now it's all L1 it's all on Bitcoin itself with no other
external dependencies yeah I just I just didn't know how you would do because you
can't have smart contracts on ordinal from my understanding so I didn't
understand how you would actually have the relationship between the parent
and the child in order for let's just say myself to have ownership of that OCM
that's the only thing that I didn't fully understand yeah that's part of the
ordinal protocol which is what is being released you know pretty soon perhaps
as early as next oh okay is that something you're developing or something
ordinal has been developing that you've had insight into yeah it's something
that ordinal team is working on and we've been helping them test it too so
and it's something that it was in Casey's original vision if you go back
into the github issues you see he had this issue idea for the the hierarchy
recursion it's called recursion actually so he had this recursion idea
right I think people maybe didn't think as deeply as you know we did like okay
what if you had this recursion idea then you can do this parent relation child
relationship with a collection and then Bitcoin is just a ledger right like like
even if you think about Bitcoin right there's no physical Bitcoin that you
know I give and I give it to mark say right he doesn't own the Bitcoin what he
sees is just there's a ledger right the letter says there's one Bitcoin that I
had that I gave to mark and mark has that one Bitcoin so with ordinals it's
actually the same thing it's just using the Bitcoin ledger and like these
inscriptions or let's say the on chain monkeys right that are on Bitcoin I'm
not physically taking in this data of launching monkey and giving it from one
person to another it's just a ledger that says okay you know right now I own you
know ocm 0003 and you know someday that maybe I move this another address so
this other person or this other address on Bitcoin owns it that's this is the
ledger system like the actual inscription or a data asset never moves
it's always where it was it's just what ordinals uses it uses these marks the
toshi but it's actually the same ledgers as as Bitcoin right Bitcoin uses you
know the kind of letter system that that yeah basically ordinals use the same
letters as Bitcoin I think there's a concept idea of of like ledgers and tied
to arbitrary digital assets it's pretty foreign for people for people so it's
kind of people just had to get around to thinking how this actually works and I
think as maybe as a protocol develops more they'll just be more natural and
people will kind of understand it more instinctively it's kind of like the
theorem right people don't really question erc 721 now but actually if you
do question and read the contract you know that a lot of NFTs on the theorem
are actually not very secure the owner of the contract and actually rug people
and often their pointers matching most of the time their pointers to some other
system that's not that secure what's exciting about Bitcoin and ordinals is
that actually the team behind orders they're actually very much Bitcoin maxis
they care about the digital asset that's on chain they actually don't want
ordinals to point to IPFS or off it off chain so and that's actually you know
how we think about it too we want it to be you know very secure and long-lasting
and not have these other dependencies I've got I've got ever such a quick
question for you Danny Danny you're super like Bitcoin OG you know your
Bitcoin maxi maybe someone could call you that how come you're not so toxic
as all the rest of them why you so normal so actually most Bitcoin maxis
are not toxic I think it's just that the couple of toxic people have the over
like everyone they're very visible right they kind of stand out that's actually
true of NFT communities too like many NFT communities are actually like doing
well and happy but it's like that one person that like you know kind of ruins
it for everyone for some some of the time yeah all right all right mate you
don't need to drive me out of the OCM community I am that bad apple that's
okay I love that question mr. yellow and I love that response from Danny
because I think he's totally right we've heard this from Udi as well anybody
who's been listening to Udi on stage I've been on stage with Udi a couple
times and that question always comes up and I think that's what's most exciting
about this for me is that I was never attracted to become in you know into any
community on Bitcoin I was there in 2017 and I lurked on Twitter for years
because I didn't want to take part in toxic discussions and now we're seeing
an amazing community of OCM members gonna be on Bitcoin talking with some of
the best builders in the world building out this ecosystem that like Danny said
earlier is projected currently by at least one group of folks to be worth
almost five billion dollars in the next year and a half truly truly an exciting
time to be an OCM I want to go now to crypto Z crypto Z as I understand it you
traded quite a few monkeys quite a few Genesis to get your PFP and that is an
absolute grill that is a naked midnight fur with a snout match I couldn't be
more excited for you to make this trade how are you doing and can you give us a
little insight into why you made that trade actually at least to my question
so uh thank you so I'll just give a little quick backstory on it and it was
about a year ago you know when I got to OCM was like a month after and you know
I started picking up floors and silly to my question I promise but since you
asked I reached out to I couldn't salt salt I forget it's self-honorous like
you know months ago about talking about this I'm like I want to trade for it but
he was diamond holder and then just the opportunity came I threw out a big time
trade for it like laser set eyes a four out naked and a color match he still
said no and I'm like okay and it just so happened he's like alright let's do
it meaning he added one more piece to it and I said you know what if you want
something and you really believe in it let's do it so made the trade so that
actually didn't lead into my question to be honest is there's a big debate and
always going on to the community of saying and then this is me also studying
trying to understand the ordinals protocol with the parent-child
relationship and I believe it's like a recursion function that can lead to a
tree that can just be based upon the parent at all times where you sign that
transaction so I'll ask is will the DNA of your genesis matter going forward
just like in karma this coming from the collector aspect in me is like saying
okay like will people trade up for a rare is it worth it so it's just like
it's one of those things and I love I love the stamps the stamps thread you
put out too because I do believe in that so I'll leave it at that yeah so one of
so some of our future things the drops on Bitcoin yeah we will use the DNA so
when you when you claim it you can basically kind of like basically like
like desserts right if you have a rare genesis you eat a dessert you have a
rare karma and we'll have more mechanism like that so that's one of
the benefits of having a rare being bomb thank you for that apparently there's
two people that can get alpha out of Danny job crypto I'll keep it short and
sweet Danny um what does since 9 11 2021 was my birthday and it that's it
has such a special meaning to me to be able to be a part of this collection
what what does 9 11 2021 mean to you I mean what there are many things that
happen that day right I mean I think for you know I've been an American for many
years so that was you know the the the big terrorist attack that kind of
changed the world but for us also I mean we're about building a you know
better future for your next generation and that's the creation of you know on
chain monkey Genesis so like the things that we've we've been able to do since
then and it started on 9 11 2021 so I mean that that's what it means for me
and that's also why it was so great that we were able to get ordinal 2021 9 to
reflect that date yeah I just it means so much to me so I just wanted to you
know ask you and and see if there was any connection there and yeah just super
just appreciate just your time and you know everyone being here there's so many
amazing monkeys here I followed a bunch of new people bunch of new monkeys just
seen ones I've never seen before so it's so awesome thanks for everyone showing
up and mark and I know you guys are gonna wrap up and if you guys do have
time join us on OCM after dark we'll be going into this more and hopefully we
can talk about the alpha you guys are gonna drop hey Andy I want to say props
thank you for running OCM alpha I want to pause I think we are gonna run a
little over because we still have the banana auction for mocha verse and then
Danny has not really dropped the big alpha yet so thank you I just want to
have you know say thank you that we may be running a little bit late into OCM
after dark but thank you Andy and also thank you for all the work you're doing
to get our community together in LA during Outer Edge you've been like you
know awesome and so excited to see you soon yeah I can't wait all right that's
it yeah thank you Andy so real quick before we go to our next speaker I just
want to I want to again shout out crypto Z like I cannot imagine owning a
naked midnight like that I know you had to make some incredible sort of like
decisions to be able to trade into that and I have to say like that DNA is like
it's unmatched like you have a naked midnight with the mint background
everybody knows my previous PFP was OCM Genesis 1005 which was basically similar
to yours but with with a blue hat on this is this is like such an incredible
trade you're able to make so again just hats off to you I want to go next to
let's see here we had we had Felix come up Felix how are you doing hello hello
good to be here hello OCM fam I have a question I think we've all seen the
interview the contest interview with Casey and I'm curious to hear maybe your
thoughts Danny on on his take because you know you've been working I assume
closely with him and yeah just like about the questions of you know setting
some kind of you know potential standard there and and also why they like why you
collapse didn't choose to you know use the all-in-one inscription you know a
type of deployment well I don't think you that has inscribed yet I haven't
followed that closely so you know we'll see what they do but if anyone knows or
they knows of window inscribed I think they're supposed to describe next week
because they said they had off in a week or so but you know I think that what we
did was actually very new so it's only basically yesterday when people said oh
they're working on it's gonna come out soon right and people are very excited by
it so it's very new I mean like it's basically people don't even know they
can do this it's just a confusion on how do you do a collection or no so I
think we'll see a lot more people doing it in the next few weeks as you know
people realize kind of the the power of it right for both as I said earlier for
provenance and for also scalability so so yeah I mean I think we'll see more
of that just people haven't known that they could do it this way yet and in
fact they can't do like the child or no upgrade hasn't come out yet so you know
you can't distribute those or no it's just yet until that comes out which
might be next week so it's it's pretty exciting times for kind of the growth of
a bornos on a Bitcoin and I think that's also why people are so excited about
this because it's bringing a lot of people to Bitcoin like you probably
heard that a lot more people are running Bitcoin nodes it's it's making Bitcoin
more secure because more people are running Bitcoin nodes more decentralized
and the fees are going up which actually is a good thing for miners because miners
can you know basically be more sustainable running and basically
backing Bitcoin so it's actually you know good overall for the Bitcoin ecosystem
yeah I think I the part I love there is that you know folks again like folks are
sort of scrambling to try and understand what's going on they're trying to figure
out how to do this Danny already did it I think it was on February 8th right that
that Danny and the team inscribed the Genesis collection so again absolutely
legendary move by our CEO to build value for our members to produce the first the
first 10k collection the first collection to help standardize create the
standard for NFTs on Bitcoin and again I'm just this is a third time but I have
to say it like crypto Z that naked midnight like you own that on Bitcoin
like and I and I think like I imagine that went into the it went into the sort
of like you know mindset of when you were making that trade I know I picked
up a new Grail a lot of people have been picking up rails we've been seeing
naked spline so you know basically you own a rare Genesis on ETH right now you
own a rare Genesis on Bitcoin as the first 10k collection on Bitcoin the
crypto punks of Bitcoin you know soon we will say the on-chain monkey of
Bitcoin so it's it's absolutely amazing that crypto go ahead I'm just gonna say
that 100% was going into my throw-up processes I come from going from
baseball cards and football cards of like you know rare refractors and
everything so that can only be one of these in in a lifetime so I said screw
it and let's do it let's go I know I'm chasing my next
grail I tried to get one the other night they delisted on me I'm just
super stoked for everybody in the community so we had a couple other
speakers before we get to our you know it's gonna be an exciting auction we've
got Michelle up here we've got fast rabbit whoever wants to
unmute you know go ahead and I see spirit is requesting I'm gonna go ahead
and drop down Kipper I apologize if you're there if you need a request come
back up feel free I want to get spirit up here but yeah Michelle or fast rabbit
how are you guys doing oh doing great thank you guys and I just want to thank
you guys for having amazing core values I did want to ask a question to Danny and
Amanda well in the future because I was looking at the membership tier will it
matter if you own a set of d1 and d2 desserts or is it better to feed my
monkey the dessert that I have yeah good question the desserts the utility
is that you can eat them for the Karma so if you want to get the tier 2
utility you'd have to eat the desserts but you know desserts do trade over at a
premium over Karma so you know some people might choose to sell the dessert
and buy the Karma right that is slightly cheaper but it's up to you people also
like to have kind of matching set from the desserts so you know either play I
think they're all good options okay thank you so much yeah thanks so much
for coming up Michelle it's great to hear from you and I love absolutely love
that Genesis with that with that amazing orange clothes and that hat is a great
combo fast rabbit are you there if you're there and want to unmike go ahead
sure thanks yeah thank you you guys I've been since the beginning love this
project and I love what you're doing ordinals I just had a question about
ordinals so with aetherium we have provenance because the smart contract
no I own token XYZ for the OCM's actual contracts and no one can spoof me with
ordinals and the child parents how does that gonna work where do anyone to
inscribe a child to our point to our parents inscription or is there some
sort of mechanism to prevent that and make sure that the provenance goes both
ways only the parent can describe the children great question and yes the
answer is yes so that that's why we have this this way so it's it's the parent
that can only the parent the owner of the parent can create the child so then
you can see on the blockchain that this is a legit child I think that that's
why like right now right right anyone can write any any JPEG onto Bitcoin so
it's it's quite confusing what the problem this is and even if later on
someone said okay what these you know five are and those are not it's it's
confusing you know that that's like kind of opportunity or anyone can also write
that on change so exactly what you're worried about right is so that's why
this collection way of doing it is the cleanest way I wouldn't say it's the
only way there are other ways to do it and we'll have to be back compatible
for the people who've already basically you know inscribed a bunch of individual
or knows to collect them into a collection so you know I think those
also need to be supported because you know people have been trying to do it
before like the this way is out yet but this way definitely it's very clean and
clear that the parent and the child and only the parent can create the child and
people can see the child and know that that's a legit collection or legit you
know NFT from the collection or inscription from the collection great
thank you that's awesome great work yeah thanks so much for coming up fast rabbit
and feel free to hang out let's see oh my goodness we got spirit zero with that
incredible alien I still don't have an alien Genesis and every time I see your
PFP I am saddened by that fact but I'm also delighted just to see it it's an
amazing that's an amazing Bitcoin Grail now how are you doing I'm doing well
first I guess with that news you just shared I should share my extend my
condolences to you for not having an alien but my question hi everyone and
glad to be here always always great to have the team you know front and center
you know transparent and spending some time with us with their busy schedule
this this question is for super coder Danny and generative artists my
question is and I'm I'm you know I'm a layman I'm really been spending time
wrapping my head and learning new things in this space and you know trying to
keep up with all this new stuff and there's key words that you know keep
standing out to me you know DNA and obviously you know the parent-child
relationship and I'm getting a good picture and also scalability right and
and I know traits right the trait numbers the coding you know that DNA
you know gets passed on as n is influential in a new child now is is
there any relation to like let's say a trait count for example let's say a five
oh is there any relation is there any kind of connection related to a child
generated where let's say the more zeros maybe there's more creative
space to play with the child like like to create the child I'm not I don't know
if this is coming out right but if you're picking up what I'm putting down
I get you yeah you're trying to get five zero alpha right for your five zero
monkeys which are very rare five zeros I mean the we were some of the things
where we have for like some art some cool art we're doing on or no it uses
the DNA so the DNA will be reflected in in the new art so a rare monkey on
aetherium equals rare with that has rare DNA on aetherium will equal rare
stuff on Bitcoin that's safe I think that's a yes ask him the role well our
matching sets get matching DNA on ordinals it's what we want to know all
right I think we're gonna leave that for a later discussion Andy you tried
your best to squeeze the most alpha you could you absolutely have been doing a
fantastic job of that since September 2021 if anybody doesn't know alpha Andy
is is is an alpha squeezer out of Danny's got a track record a mile long
always gets Danny to put out a little extra but I want to I want to welcome
mr. Stephen Miller dear friend of mine to the stage how are you doing Stephen
doing good can you guys hear me yeah absolutely awesome I gotta be quick
because I'm in a cab but I'm curious if the goal is to be on Bitcoin ordinal
community in the future the goal is for ocm to be multi-chain community in the
future that's a great question we think the big market is on Bitcoin so we're
actually spending a lot of effort to build out infrastructure for us
launching monkey to be on Bitcoin I think there's a lot of opportunity there
especially a lot of growth for this next year all right I I just got done
talking about how Andy is able to squeeze the alpha but Stephen Miller I
think is the new champion of this evening that was that was an amazing
question and amazing answer from our CEO Danny Yang and I hope that your cab
ride is going smoothly Stephen I hope we can speak to you later on if you're
free and ocm after dark always a pleasure to have you up I want to go to
nifty now nifty is someone who joined just a short while ago I know there's a
lot of people in the room who probably don't know nifty don't know how he found
out about us if you want to just kind of introduce yourself real quick nifty and
tell a quick that story that would be amazing because I think it's a great
it's great onboarding story hey yeah thanks for bringing me up good things
so the way that I got on board is because I was going down the rabbit hole
of researching ordinals and satoshis and sats and watched every possible YouTube
video in the world until I stumbled upon mr. yellows video and I'm like this
looks interesting and I haven't watched it the only one I haven't watched and it
was mr. yellow interviewing Mike and I just fell in love with the community I
fell in love with Mike mr. yellow everything that you guys represented and
I got to learn about ordinals so I killed a bunch of birds with one stone
immediately jumped into the discord immediately jumped onto spaces alpha
Andy said bite by this Genesis and let's go and from this point from that
point forward I've just been in here every day never been more happy never
been happier to be a part of this community so I just want to give big
flowers and Danny I appreciate you answering some of my crazy messages
asking you know about the child about the about the parents and about
everything and I understand it now and I'm really I'm really pumped yeah so so
good to be able to welcome you into the community and just for everyone in the
room if I could just ask you what do you what do you do for a living if the
I'm actually a registered financial advisor and I'm doing a seminar tonight
too by the way I'm setting up I beat is that gonna be a Twitter spaces I think
I see your Bitcoin orange background on tonight's tonight's Social Security and
retirement income but normally I teach for the NBA students that are younger
students Bitcoin NFTs and blockchain and I use my I use my Genesis as my
profile picture to explain to people what the difference is in just a regular
IRL picture and web 3 picture and I use my on-chain monkey to at the beginning
of my presentation so it was pretty fun they were you know they were hanging on
to their seats I love it well that's a good-looking monkey I mean just a clean
I love the pink crystal fur and you're awesome obviously super rare Bitcoin
background is awesome so thank you Amanda there's a whole story behind that
with for another day I do have one question though and I heard this on the
ordinal show I think it was yesterday so someone was talking about if the
parent which would be 2021 9 right if the parent inscribed the child then the
child would have the stamp of the parent as the ordinal for life can that
child have descendants whereby they could conceivably inscribe on their on
themselves that's my question yes the short answer is yes that's kind of like
fractionalizing your own NFT but that's for your NFT right so you would own
yours right there but it is I wouldn't recommend doing that just yet because
you're also kind of doing something that for now is kind of irreversible as
in you know like like when you think of factorization you think well if you
break it in a 10 eventually if you collect the 10 again you can go back to
the original but that's not clear yet how to do that so it's like you're
breaking the 10 but then it's broken the 10 and you can't like move it back but
yeah but for what we're doing with the 10,000 assets right it's fine because we
do it one time that's it we're not we're gonna you know bring it back so
you would conceivably lock the parent so the parent or after they're all given
out well yeah it would be locked or burned however you want to say it but
basically it won't the parent will not be able to issue any more than the 10,000
fantastic well thank you so much let's go rise everybody let's rise let's go
man nifty so good to have you up and so good to have you join us in the way you
did finding us through a YouTube stream that me and mr. yellow put together the
last minute on a Sunday a couple weeks back again shout out to mr. yellow he
made that that absolutely effortless for me all I had to do was hop on on a video
call and all of a sudden we were streaming to five different platforms we
streamed a twitch we streamed a Facebook Twitter LinkedIn and YouTube and that's
how that's how nifty found us so absolutely incredible and amazing to
have an educator like yourself a registered financial advisor who
educates MBA students leading the way and onboarding the next generation of
NFT you know users and participants absolutely stellar to have you in the
in the community and I want to welcome another another just amazing community
member mr. NFT guru who also is reminding me that I don't have an alien
grail Genesis now on Bitcoin that thing is fantastic how are you doing sir I am
absolutely fantastic my thanks to Danny and Amanda I'm very public with how
grateful and how insanely just they just give all of their their time and
information but what I want to thank is I want to thank all of the people who
are not officially with the team I want to thank all of the people who just go
on discord and have created all of these sub DMS with hoodies and nips and all
these different things that if you don't know the lexicon and you don't know the
language of all the different meta traits it's really infinite rabbit holes
you can go down so yeah this is a fantastic win for the team and it's
fantastic win for all the people like me who had nothing but conviction with
the people process and product of Unchained Monkey but the unsung the
hero is the is the masses who just relentlessly just beat the bushes so I
just want to say thank you everyone and I want to know about the auction I'll
stop talking yeah thank you thank you for being here with us for I mean pretty
much since the beginning you've you've managed to accumulate I think some of
the best genesis in the collection I remember when you were leading the
charge on sort of like valuing the color match monkeys so that's where the
clothes match the hat I was late to that I'll be honest again just you know I'm
gonna be very honest about some bad decisions I made early on I do have one
reverse match that's an absolute grail so I'm gonna throw that down but yeah
you've you've accumulated such an amazing collection have been such an
amazing community member yourself I remember giving you bananas in the very
early stage and we didn't really know each other and that's how we were able
to develop a relationship early on just giving bananas in the in the auction
bananas channel so absolutely stoked to have you here and thank you for for
echoing what we all on the team feel and express every day when we're talking as
internally as a team and I will continue to sound this off you know scream it
from the mountain top so to speak we couldn't do this without our amazing
community we have the best community in NFTs I will just say that on record our
community builds they build to create impact they build to generate you know
returns you know value for our community and they build just to just to have like
a social connectivity layer on the blockchain that's never existed before
it's truly amazing we are seeing in real time sort of the value of this
network accrue and I think you know we're absolutely seeing things things
according to Reed's Law right things that Bill Tye spoke about for years
before he teamed up with Danny and Amanda to create this incredible company
and it's incredible NFT community Reed's Law if you haven't seen it go Google it
that's what on Jay monkey is doing in real time so I think now I think we I
think we're just about good things good things don't don't forget the shadows law
which is the fourth derivative which is you know Reed's great man special but
the width of the connections the diameter of the pipes matters and the
pipes in OCM are the widest out there and so the fourth derivative the shadows
law is is what rules OCM absolutely absolutely thank you for reminding me
about that so what Mark is referring to is when we met in Vegas with Amanda
myself and Sophia Vischedo who's an amazing community member someone who's
been a massive contributor to both meta good and to on Jay monkey for a very
long time we were talking with Mark and we were talking about this this concept
that he was just basically expounding upon which is that the edges between
nodes and a network it's not just you know there there is values to that edge
there's a width or or some sort of magnitude and what we've done throughout
this community through giving bananas together through gathering IRL through
gathering in spaces like what Andy's about to have us do after this we've
been able to develop very very strong connections these are not just simple
connections they're very complex and they have an immense value so shout out
to Sophia Vischedo Vischedo's law I love it thank you mark for for reinforcing
that we got mr. mr. polymath PC and I don't know if he just came up here to
flex on me with this Bitcoin background naked monkey but I mean yeah is that
what's going on I came to flex not only do I have Bitcoin background it's a 4.0
it's unfed so make sure you introduce okay but I want to take this time to like
yo we we we we hear the stories about Danny and Bill being early and I just
want to tell the whole community like I'm very grateful and excited to be a
part of like this moment because everybody here on this call on this
space we're actually early to Bitcoin Ordinals like we're actually a part of
the first Bitcoin innovation in a way that's never been done before and Danny
and the team did something that we could have never guessed when we all bought
our first OCM or whatever time we never thought it would be on Bitcoin so like
I'm definitely flexing I got my Bitcoin background full plain old by the code
again people were recognizing the future that the on-chain monkey was done by code
Danny's a genius the team was a genius so yes I definitely came up I'm so
happy we back to like the all-time high in the bear market we're about to go
into price discovery like and what we're really building what we're doing here
is not really understood by most but Danny and the team know what they're
doing and so like I just want to tell everybody on this space we all are a
part of something great and we about it together and then we're gonna be the
people in five or ten years like Danny and Bill saying we bought on a chain
monkey early and we knew what we were buying and so it's gonna give us our
story so I just want to add that super excited super happy grateful for the
community I'm a part of it's we like got so many great people from different talk
different walks of life but we all want to make the world a better place and
yo it's like what a time to be a monkey let's go let's go mr. yellow what a
time to be a monkey and you know what Patrick I'm gonna give you Patrick flexes
on me daily he has an amazing collection of braille monkeys also I think he's got
like three aliens I've got zero he never lets me forget that but you you know
what I'm gonna give you the I'm gonna give you the the past today you can
flex on me with that four zero Bitcoin background naked that's gonna be a
grail on Bitcoin amazing amazing that's right I'll get through it mr. yellow
we'll get through it together I think we have time now to get to this auction I
am super excited I can't remember how many we've had I don't remember if this
is the fourth auction that we've ever done using bananas but I think that's
the right number but this is a super exciting moment our banana token was
created very quickly after Danny and the team launched the Genesis collection
anybody that knows our community knows how important this token is I first saw
mark use go talking about on Che monkey on his podcast and he was he was talking
about the banana and I want to shout out to Emily jr. because I think he might
have been whispering into his ear about how how powerful this token was this is
an off-chain token we have a bot in discord and we are and we enable people
on Twitter to mine the token through a mechanism we call give to earn it's
essentially give for banana to get a banana and this creates amazing results
in the in the forms of these networks that we were talking about so let's
without further ado I think our team is is ready to go if you want to take a if
you want to participate in this auction you want to start bidding on on it or
you just want to watch the fun head over to the on Che monkey discord there's a
channel it's it's kind of down towards the bottom it's called auctions for
bananas and we're gonna we're gonna start bids pretty soon here there's
people already trying to bid but we haven't officially started this is for a
mocha verse NFT so yeah without further ado I think people are in there I see
people throwing words out so let's let's get it started so the bidding is gonna
start at a hundred bananas and so let's go so let me see what we got here fast
rabbit with a hundred bananas heavy D right behind him let's see 110 b-tabs
right now at a thousand okay top bid is a thousand bananas from right now waxle
I don't think point zero zero zero one bananas is gonna do it nice try one
waxle I don't know what that is so the current high bid oh my goodness is 1500
bananas we got a tie from hippo art and melon con who's gonna talk 1501 for nice
kind of beetle do P bar over the top with 1800 bananas hippo art coming in
strong 2000 bananas this is this is wild Alfred Alfred just says exclamation
mark melon con comes back with 2100 bananas 22 22 22 from 22 22 from P bar
hippo art returns right away with 2500 I don't even have this many right now
metadata it's got the popcorn out B tab says world banana wealth these people
have been collecting banana P bar comes back with 2800 I'm told by Amanda it's
1.3 East floor for this this mocha verse NFT 28 53,000 from hippo art dichotomy
how are people having 3000 yeah melon on the 3050 so it is not sold yet nifty
says oh my god Alfred Alfred is he's kidding to give me the worried emoji we
got fire emojis poker is a game changers fat guru says hippo art at 3075 I don't
know where she got all these she must have been doing misfits and earning them
either that marathons or something like what is going on Wow 3076 nice guy
people choose coming over the top just barely 3085 from melon con this might be
the highest one of the highest bidding auctions we've ever had with these with
these bananas hippo art comes back with 3090 guy out of tea throws a banana emoji
simple on chain with 3100 Wow I just met simple on chain over the weekend
3120 from P bar to rise points count right now says not currently this is
only bananas nifty says this is legendary I agree
melon con with 3150 bananas 3150 bananas we got we got emojis we got fire emojis
going on this bid cypher folks got 4,000 peanuts I don't know if we're gonna be
able to accept that I think it's only for bananas spack who is chiving in neck
fitness with the hearts current bid is 3150 3150 do we have anybody that's
gonna go over the top and and and bid against legendary melon con with 3150
bananas the hawk wants to know can I bid 4,000 sats in honor of PT's ordinals I
don't think we have the technology set up just for that yet maybe in the future
right now it's just for bananas we got so our top bid is 3150 3100 from maple
leaf 3200 bananas holy moly a fall away says legend sultry comes to 3201 nice
guy right behind in 3202 nice guy's got the lead 3202 bananas
grandpa comes in 3333 bananas holy smokes cypher funk says boom
metal con not to be defeated 3335 is the high bid right now this is incredible
this is absolutely incredible P bar says he's tapped we got Sophia with the
skull drop the jaw dropping Jeff we might have it oh my gosh that maple leaf
4,000 bananas 4,000 bananas for this mocha verse NFT it's a 1.3 each floor
I'm not even gonna try to do the math on that but essentially bananas are worth a
lot of yeast that's what I'm getting here 4,000 bananas for a 1.3 each mocha
verse NFT let's go cypher funk says 4,000 bananas are nuts I agree Merkel
says she's yep let's see is hippo a poker shark that's what Sophia is
asking I think we're all wondering that same question right now so we're at 4,000
I don't know if anyone's gonna come over the top I'm gonna give this like a few
seconds we got 4,000 going once going twice going twice and 4,000 is about to
be it all right I'm gonna call it sold to maple leaf for 4,000 bananas
congratulations maple wow incredible I got to meet maple leaf simple on chain
and the entire celestial 6 and Orlando this weekend amazing folks to have in
the space and the family I couldn't be more excited for this auction to go down
like that so we'll we'll work that out in the back channels and make sure that
maple gets taken care of this that was just that was super excited my first time
calling out the auction we had mr. NFT bark calling out the last several
absolutely a legend he couldn't make it tonight but we'll try to get him back in
the future so yeah let's uh let's let's kind of pivot over and close this thing
out so I'm gonna play alpha Andy for a minute and I'm gonna say hey Danny would
you care to drop any alpha into the weekend I know we're all super excited
about reaching all-time highs again we're excited about what's coming on
Bitcoin we're excited about your answer to Stephen Miller earlier about the
value that our team and our company and our community sees about building on
Bitcoin any uh any alpha you got in your back pocket there sure so this will be
related to the question about your your DNA of your on chain monkey so we've
been working on an art NFT for Bitcoin and it is pretty cool also some new text
basically you know how we like to invent new things and we have something cool
that we're gonna show soon so an art collection on Bitcoin for our holders
and it'll follow our tiers so we talked about the tiers right the four tiers so
we're gonna have a very unique cool like new art Bitcoin thing that we'll share
in the next really soon and it'll follow the tiers and we'll explain how that
works too amazing so if I understand this correctly we've got a 3d animated
collection on Bitcoin designed and engineered by the team that built ocm
Genesis the team that built ocm desserts the team that built ocm karma I can't
wait I honestly like I cannot wait for this you know Danny drops the mic with
groundbreaking alpha again we've got an incredible lineup of things that we're
building and and this is the next big thing and it's gonna be on Bitcoin and
all ocm members are gonna have a chance to access it I you know as I've said
recently I've never been more convicted as a holder of on chain monkey you know
I like the one thing I'll say and and this is the thing I'm gonna say you know
from here until eternity because our great our great whale you know monkey
Kong he said verbatim the monkeys will not be stopped I'll say it again the
monkeys will not be stopped Amanda any closing remarks yeah well I mean first
of all I just want to throw it back to Danny for one second because he just
dropped this 3d animated Danny can you say anything more about this for all the
people are down all who are wondering what what does this mean I mean this
sounds very innovative and historic yet again can you say anything else about it
we'll be showing some something soon about this yeah it's on Bitcoin we're
doing this thing on Bitcoin because it's showing off kinds of new art of how we
do things with code to amazing amazing all right well we'll let everyone at
some point go to bed and dream about what could that be how what how could
that look like using ocm DNA how could that work and yeah Michael I know we've
gone over by half an hour so thank you again alpha Andy for letting us kind of
bleed into your after dark spaces but just just want to again thank you know
the community who's on here all the communities is part of the team all the
people that have set up all the like subgroups I just feel like we've
attracted such an incredible community people who obviously want to accrue
wealth but you know people also want to use that wealth to make the world a
better place and we are just so thrilled to have this amazing community all of
you on here so fortunate to be here where we are now all being a part of
history together and it's just such an exciting time to be a monkey I mean our
floor is thin and our community is diamond-handed and it's just a great
time to join ocm so I just want to continue to you know encourage everyone
to keep spreading the word on Twitter and other platforms about us let's let
our friend and family know that now is the perfect time to join as we're only
going to continue to create more value for our members in the wealthy digital
nation thank you everyone tonight for coming for those who want to hop on to
the next thing ocm after dark will be getting going and yeah be on the lookout
we'll be announcing more soon but thank you everyone for your time yeah I want
to go faces to the top you can just go ahead and follow that link NFT only is
gonna be starting that up right now so yeah thank you so much guys thank you
can I can I put some closing music out because I think it's appropriate and
I've got one lined up actually mr. yellow I apologize I've actually got a
song specifically play to play us out here just give me one second but thank
you everybody for coming this has been an amazing amazing celebration on chain
monkey is back it's never been a better time to be an on chain monkey if you own
an ocm Genesis you already own that Genesis on Bitcoin the first 10k
collection on on on Bitcoin the crypto punks of Bitcoin let's go give me one
second I'm gonna play us out
common with the product but but but it got dropped to every single
volume and chicken yet until we ate up to the start so we're stacking up our worst put a monkey
in my wrist don't need a tatting that's for sure
take a TFP on one transaction
prime-exaction yeah listen I gotta talk real quick
Bitcoin and Ethereum most secure collection are here and I'm hitting them with a rise of surprise
and it's evident holding Genesis and holding relevance to find art put my monkeys in the
med like a wine cart better with age got no regrets to 100k for jpegs welcome
nature the digital make it intact as visual shout out to Elijah for that
amazing ocm rap that's the second version I'm looking forward to the third
thank you everybody for joining us this is on chain monkey and we'll talk to you very soon