ONINO x CADAICO Live Session

Recorded: Feb. 2, 2024 Duration: 0:39:30





so welcome everybody
we are going to start in a couple minutes
we're still waiting for Pedro
and Daniel and Paula already here
so we're waiting for Pedro to join
Daniel, Paula, how are you doing?
pretty good, thank you
thank you
great having you
so I think Pedro should be joining any minute
yeah, waiting for him
I would say let's jump right into it
let's explain what we're doing today
so they made today
the goal is to showcase
to the Onino community and everyone that hasn't
heard of Kadaiko yet
or has heard of Kadaiko and wants to get some news
what's been up with Kadaiko?
so just to give you a little brief insight
how Onino and Kadaiko are working together
Onino, I think you all know what Onino is
so I don't think we'll need to jump
too deep into that
and one part of our service
which is to populate the Onino network
is the Onino
where we help companies like Kadaiko
start their web-free journey
and grow into web-free
and Kadaiko is a prime
example and the project that
is the furthest in this process so far
and this is why I've brought Pedro,
Daniel and Paul today
to talk about Kadaiko and
to explain to us
a little round up what Kadaiko is
and then later on what are the updates
what has been happening
and yeah, sharing the updates
there's going to be a couple things
so this is going to be interesting, tune in
and yeah, Pedro still
isn't there unfortunately
Daniel, Paul, if you know anything
or can help him, I don't know
He's not responding, Cody
yeah, I'm
texting him, he's trying
but it doesn't work, so
then maybe let's change the
schedule and start right in with
the development progress, Daniel
I think you have a couple things you can tell us about
where the product is
how the AI is performing and
any update, so let's put
that at the beginning because I think that's going to be interesting
to many listeners and maybe
you can give a little round up of what Kadaiko
is in your words
yeah, thank you very
much for the introduction and thank you very much
yeah, currently there's a lot of things
are going on, so we got
a lot of data from our
first potential customer
they gave us a lot
of CAD data and also a lot
of other data about construction
and currently I'm
looking at this data and
training the AI
that the AI can make use
of it, okay
but maybe first one step
step back, maybe
we should also explain a little bit
more about the overall concept
of Kadaiko, so at Kadaiko
basically we are developing
a chatbot that
helps the CAD
at a couple of
or at potentially many
companies for
their work, so the assistant
is integrated in the
CAD software that the developers are
familiar with, like
Solidworks for example, but we will
develop the assistant also for other CAD
programs, not only Solidworks
but we are starting with Solidworks now
and the assistant helps
the engineer during the whole process
so during each step of the process
the engineer
can ask the assistant for help
for documents, for
CAD models
or the model
can also have a look at the current CAD drawing
so he just has
an assistant that
helps him during
and supports him
in every stage
of the development
technical, I'm doing the
technical part at Kadaiko
so currently I'm
developing the AI, I'm
trying a lot of different
and we are currently investigating
what works best
given the
data that we have from our
we will have another meeting with our
customer where we will present the results
and they are already
really excited
to see our progress and we are also
excited to present our progress
so that we can then move to the
next steps
Perfect, thank you very much Daniel
and yeah, let's
jump right into the next step
Paul, I think you have met Pedro and
I'm not sure if you've met Daniel personally
but I've seen a pretty cool video where
the showcase of Kadaiko
can do in theory, which is
helping engineers create
3D models
and I think Pedro visited you
in your apartment where
there is 3D models everywhere
So it was pretty cool to see
the visit from the digital word
to the physical word. Now you can
do a little introduction of who you are, what
your background is and how you came to 3D
modeling. Yes, of course, thanks
for your introduction. Like you
said, I'm Paul, Paul Eichinger
in German, so
already 3D printing since
about 10 years
right now so I have
a bit of experience in this field
and I finished my
studies in
2020 and directly after
my study of mechanical engineering
at the University of Stuttgart
I jumped right
into my startup, Personomic
which was founded out of
so it's a spin-off from the University of Stuttgart
so we sold
3D printed
bicycle grip which was
yes it was
the material was silicone
which is a lot more durable than
normal materials and
I think the other
topics you are
talking about and my
topics 3D printing
have a lot similarities
if you use
AI in the combination
with additive
manufacturing it's a win-win
I think because in additive manufacturing
you have, so it's the
manufacturing technology
with the most
freedoms in construction
have the most freedoms and it's
the simplest way
to really
come to a complex
I'm really interested
about this talk today
I have to add that
Personomic is not
market anymore because
like the most
young startups we failed so
it's pretty sad that we didn't
make it so we couldn't
sell enough grips
to finance ourselves
and we had
a bit of team issues
at the end so we didn't
manage to find one solution
but right now I'm
working for, so actually
since yesterday I'm working for
3D printer company
called RapidShape next
to Stuttgart and
I'm the team
leader of the new
of the new
department in this
company so it's the
pre-development so it's not developing
the printers but it's
it's one step
further so you develop
3D printers
I am five years
Cool and congratulations
on your job and Peter
nice to finally have you
Thank you very much, hi everyone
sorry I had some technical issues
but at least
I managed it
Yeah no worries, better
late than never, so we already
talked about the platform
development update, we talked with Paul about
his background and what he does and how he came
through CAD, that was
planned for later, let's jump right back to
the beginning and Pedro maybe you could give us
a little overview in your words
what Kadaiko is. Yeah sure
I'd love to, so
yeah Kadaiko is
was an idea
we had, I think
it's almost one year ago
and it was all about
AI technology
together with
blockchain technology for the whole
CAD industry, so for computer
design industry
most of you know is a
tool that engineers use
to design
equipment, design products
laptop, on their computer
mostly for industry
use cases, also architects
for example use CAD
we realized a year
ago was that
there is AI
software but it's very limited
only generative
but what you don't have is
any other
AI applications
for example an AI
assistant that supports
you during the whole design
and so I think
the ones that
maybe used CAD before
they know
that all these design processes
they have a lot of issues
so in the beginning it was
only the idea about having
an AI assistant
that supports you
when we went
along with this idea
there was this
platform idea that grew
in CAD Aiko
and this idea
was bigger and
bigger and bigger and it's all
about we thought
why just bring out
one application
that's based on AI
and helps to solve
maybe a few issues
why don't we just create a platform
where we put
in the AI that we
train on CAD data
run it with blockchain
technology so we
have all this
modern technology
when it comes to
data verification, transparency
and so on
and then just enable developers
the technology we provide
develop new
apps for CAD
and solve several
issues and hopefully someday
any issue that is in the design
process. So that's the
idea behind
CAD Aiko. We want to bring
AI very easily
easy access for any
developer on a platform
and enable a whole
Perfect. That sounds good.
Thank you very much. You're welcome.
that's also great. Where do we
stand at the moment? We said
one year ago, we had the idea, we
went one year ago and
the story how we met is interesting as well but I think
we'll tear this out. What do you
stand? What has been happening since?
Yeah, you know,
in the beginning we were
of course thinking all about
the concept, how
can grow and
what business models
are we about and so on. So
the typical thing that you need
when you want to start with
a startup.
And then of course we had
first pre-seed
sale or only
pre-seed sale in October
last year. It was very successful
some partnerships with
a company I came from
Festo and
another company
Schneiderman that is also
from the mechanical
engineering industry. So we
have partnerships
joined and we're
collaborating with these companies to
develop our
first NDP
with a proof of concept
last year or two proof of concept actually.
Daniel joined as a
CTO. Very important
Yeah, and is now a
co-owner of CAD Aiko
Yeah, now we're
developing the product.
We're also
doing some
for our next token
sale. End of
on this year.
And yeah, so we have a lot
That sounds amazing, Pedro. Thank you very much.
So I heard that
there are, or
there were many applications
for the Ambassador program. Maybe you can tell us
what your goal is with the Ambassador program
and how many applications there were because when I heard
the number I was impressed.
Me too. So I
I was, I love to see
that people are
so involved and I
love to see every day that our
community is so involved and so supportive.
And I think
it's the support
of our community that
people heard of this Ambassador
program. So I think everyone talked
about it and I don't maybe
sent it to friends
and people they know. So
over 200 applicants
for this Ambassador program.
yeah, it's really amazing.
chose out of these 200
of course the choice was really
hard because
you can imagine we wanted to start
with a handful
and then by the
choose others also.
But a handful out of 200
was a really hard decision.
But, yeah,
I'm glad that we
the first Ambassadors and
started and started working.
So, yeah, I'm really looking forward
to work with these guys.
Well, congratulations.
I mean, 200 really shows how
many people are interested in GADICO.
That's really great. Yes, definitely.
So are you still looking for
more Ambassadors or is it close to the moment?
No, it's not close. I think
it's an ongoing process. So
whenever we
nice and interesting
applications, we will
definitely take a look and see
if there's a person we can
work with
a new way
or a new platform.
So I think
it will be an open
so you can just
apply whatever you like.
Perfect. All right.
So everyone knows if you are interested
in being an Ambassador for GADICO,
you can still sign up. Definitely.
Perfect. So
another thing on the horizon is the
new upcoming white paper. Maybe
you could know us what has changed,
why it shows to do in white paper update
and what the people can expect. Yeah.
Maybe spoil it a little bit. Okay.
I'll try.
updated the white paper because
I told you a few minutes ago
first began with
this idea of AI
and CAE in a form
one specific
that supports
during the design process.
we had this idea about the platform
now we realized
in the last weeks and months
that the platform
even bigger idea.
It's some kind of
a vision. So even bigger
and the assistant we started with.
that's why we said
we need to
develop this idea
of the platform
even more and think
about the functions the platform has
think about
the whole technology behind
the platform and
I mentioned
in one of the
posts two weeks ago
that we have a new advisor
on board, Andre.
And Andre is
really expert in the
whole blockchain and
the recruiter world. So
we used this momentum
that the platform was
growing even more
important for GADICO and
Andre joined as an advisor
and so that's why
we updated the white paper to
tell everyone that the platform
is now in the focus
Cool, perfect.
Thank you very much for this little dive.
that there is something coming
visually showcasing the platform.
Maybe you can tell us a little more about that.
Yeah, I don't want to spoil it that much
but I just say
there's a
video coming, a simulation
where you can see
the first or the
main function of the platform
where you can
see the marketplace.
But I don't want to tell
That's totally fine.
But I think the next point
is something where you could tell us a little
more and I think this is really cool.
There is an exclusive announcement
that I think showcasing
the partnership between Onino and GADICO
and showcasing how we already work together
so we're really happy that you
use this platform to announce it.
So I would let you, I would give
you the stage for the exclusive
Yeah, yeah.
We have this
in the last
weeks, we
also that
there are a lot of communities interested
collaborating with GADICO
are checking all of these communities
and seeing if there are possibilities
how we can collaborate and so on
and one of these
was very interested in us
very supportive as I think
and that's why
we started collaborating
with them and they are also interested
in buying
our tokens
arranged, or we will arrange
next week
a very private
save run for them
it's really fantastic and they are
quite a cool community
supporting us
and another thing is that
just recently
another investor
is very interested in GADICO
he likes to
invest into our project
and he's someone
that comes from
CAD background
so he's an
entrepreneur, having his own
company in the CAD environment
definitely understood what we are
aiming for and he loves the
project and that's why
I'm very very happy that
he joined us
That's great news
Congratulations! Thank you very much
I think it's going to come
in written form so everyone that
has already forgotten or wasn't able to
listen to this will have it in written form
there will be an announcement very soon but those are
two great announcements
so thank you very much for that
the next step would be a
discussion about 3D
printing tools with Paul
you already touched a little on that
in the beginning when you were at their
Patreon but still I think it would be
a cool history or a cool story
to hear how you met Paul
and how the 3D
world brought Paul and you and GADICO
It was in one of the
I think Paul
should remember it
Paul when was it? September or August
or something I think?
Yes about
And he met in an
event, the startup event
which was called
Team Upbreaking
So it was from one of
his famous accelerators
accelerators and they had this
event where you could pitch your
search for partners
so at that time I was
searching for a CTO
and for someone
with CAD background
and so I was there
and I pitched my idea about
Paul was interested so we
talked afterwards and
we immediately
knew that we were on the same
wave and on the same level
that's how
Paul and he met
and afterwards
when Daniel joined
and I said
let's call Paul because
he's really
experienced in 3D printing
and I was really curious
about how 3D printing
could come along
with GADICO's ideas of the platform
and so on
and yeah, called Paul and he
he lives in the
device, so he invited us
with Daniel and me and we
went there and we
were in Paul's
and it was really nice
so thank you Paul again
for inviting us
we saw an apartment
full of 3D
printed gadgets
yeah, we had a great
time so that's how we met
thank you very much
that's, yeah, it's nice
seeing how the online
world brings together people in real life and I think
that's also what Web3 is about
bringing together like-minded
people with same interests, working on things
together, so great having
all of you here, Daniel,
Pedram and Paul today
so yeah, that's pretty cool
do you have any more topics to share
because we could start with the
Q&A session if not
yeah, I mean
I don't have any updates left
but I just wanted to
give Paul
also a little bit of platform to talk
about this
3D printing process
I think that could be interesting
for some guys
so yeah, if you don't mind
I would ask Paul to tell us a little bit
about the issues of the 3D printing
yes, there are a lot of issues
or, yeah, so
they are issues
so in the 3D printing process
they are issues if you're not really
experienced, so the most
people in CAD design are not
really experienced yet with
3D printing
and an assistant could
assist, for example
to use less
support, so if you have 3D
print you sometimes have
3D printed part
which needs
support because it
has overhangs
the CAD designers
sometimes make
so a lot of mistakes
for example
teaching at the University of
Arlen also through 3D printing
and I see it
if the students are learning it
they do a lot of mistakes and the AI
could really assist
to, for example, handle
or give tips for the biggest
Cool, thank you very much
and how much
do you think would such an
AI assistant improve the experience
if you can somehow
quantify that?
It depends on the level of
experience of the CAD designer
for learners
it's huge
the benefit, I think
but for the experienced
designers it's getting less
because they need less
but I think
there are other topics
so I jumped into
my new company
yesterday, so my new job
of a big problem
the company is dealing with the
aligning of the parts
and the identifying of the
it could also be a use of
AI in 3D printing
for example
that could be a very interesting
question for Daniel
or for you
if you know if it's
possible to identify parts
Daniel would say yes
but I think you may have a much better explanation
than I do
I would also say yes
of course I need
a deeper look at it but it sounds
a really interesting topic
for our AI
do you mean also identifying
parts that are already existing in a database
somewhere and nobody finds it?
Yes, so for example this problem
I was confronted
with, so it's
I think a very good use of AI because
so it's the 3D
printers of rapid shape
about more than a thousand
parts per day on some machines
you can classify in eight classes
and they look totally different
everybody who is seeing the
parts is able to classify the
parts so I have
the imagination that the
this part to classify
for every part there are
thousands of parts they have to
do a click and
sum is very
a lot of time which
some companies are losing
you mean you want to classify the parts
in order to find them, right?
to classify
the first manual
process is the classification
which you can or could
or at least I'm
thinking about this step
and the second step would be the
identification and the
aligning process to turn
the part in the perfect
direction of printing
so every part
has one direction which
is the best printing
direction and
the AI could choose this
direction and it's also like the
I think a very
not a very complex step
yeah it's actually
pretty cool because manually
it's always a hard task
I've used CAD
as well but I think if the AI
can do it easily that would be great
sounds like a little thing but can be big
alright, perfect
so I think that will close today's
topics part
and I would say let's jump right
into the questions. If you have any questions
feel free to ask them in the
Unino community on Telegram or in the
Cadaico community on Telegram or in
the comments or just raise your
hand if you want to talk
many options
we'll try our best to monitor everything
problem is I think we talked about
so many things that people may not
have any questions anymore
but if they do that's fine as well
so let's give it one or two minutes
and let's see if anyone has any
the problem is that our communities are too well
managed, anyone that has questions
ask them right away and they get the answer right away
why us now?
I mean it's a good thing
definitely big shout out to
all the moderators on Unino's and Cadaico's
side and every moderator
all right
as I do not
see or hear any questions
Pedram, Paul, Daniel
do you have any more remarks
or I think we could close it here
half an hour is a great time for an AMA
yes I think
shared it probably
we wanted to share it
yeah I think
it was a very nice AMA
thank you Alex for hosting us
you're welcome
thanks for being here
always great to have you here
talk about the current project
and what's been happening
so I would say that's ended here
Pedram, Daniel, Paul
thank you very much for joining and
yeah if you have any questions regarding Cadaico
feel free to join their telegram
those have been the updates
if you are interested in
next week's AMA
or in any update
essentially everything is going to be posted
in the Cadaico telegram
so feel free to visit that
or cadai.co the website
there is everything in the blog
as well so
plenty of information, sources
feel free to just join any or all of them
and you won't miss any information
and of course if you have any Unino questions
I think you know where it's in telegram
it's on Twitter, it's on the blog as well
so we try to
use any channel
that makes sense
so Pedram, Daniel, Paul
thank you very much for joining and that's going to be it for today
thank you too, bye bye
thank you very much