OP Grants Season 5: What you need to know

Recorded: Feb. 8, 2024 Duration: 0:53:01



up work in the morning and up at the crack of dawns all my money worries wherever i go come along
worries a bully that just won't let me be trying to keep me busy tussling and snuggling
no home since the far me and the ash can settle down i'm sure of where i'm bound so i sink
another round let's see both the pain and there's no one for to blame i refuse to accept that my
work is all in vain worries a bully that just won't let me be trying to keep me busy
tussling and snuggling still always remembering when the going gets dark that the labor of our
love will be worn out soon enough still always remembering when the going gets dark that the
labor of our love will be worn out soon enough man is never alone is he in or out
always thinking of everyone else before himself worries a bully that just won't let me be
trying to keep me busy tussling and snuggling no home since the far me and the ash can settle
down i'm sure of where i'm bound so i sink another round let's see both the pain and there's no one for
to blame i refuse to accept that my work is all in vain worries a bully that just won't let me be
trying to keep me busy tussling and snuggling still always remembering when the going gets dark
that the labor of our love will be worn out soon enough still always remembering
when the going gets dark that the labor of our love will be worn out soon enough
So soon, wanting more time Could have held out but your clock was ticking
No easing in Staying there are lines alone with your thoughts
Cause your friends are still in night clubs and back rooms
Baggies in the back rooms Nothing's changed but you
Seeing nothing's missing But thoughts are drifting away from you
Morning sun fills the void Now you see there never was a part
Over and over and over again Until you can no longer pretend
You are safe, try but you couldn't Get any more sure in the ending
Still will never change Over and over and over again
Until you can no longer pretend You are safe, try but you couldn't
Get any more sure in the ending Still will never change
Tomorrow night I'll go on Without you going, without you there
Tomorrow night I'll go on Without you going and no one will care
Hey everyone, thanks for being here. Give me another minute. I saw Gonna trying to connect
but it wasn't working. Gonna, I just sent you an invite to be a co-host so see if you can
accept that. We'll listen to tunes a little longer and then we'll get started.
Is it teaching to lead you home on the left? Unclench your teeth, peel off the smiles
You know when you release your grip Night clubs and back rooms
Baggies in the back rooms Nothing's changed but you
Say you're nothing's missing Our hearts are drifting away from you
And the beast to the cliff One more step and a long way down
The morning sun fills the void Now you see there never was a war in your hand
Over again Till you can no longer pretend
You are safe, try but you couldn't Get any more sure in the ending
Still will never change Over and over again
Till you can no longer pretend You are safe, try but you couldn't
Get any more sure in the ending Still will never change
All right success hello hello everybody I'm Zandra the host for the space today
as well as the community manager for Charmverse and if you're not familiar with Charmverse
let me just give you a quick spiel before we jump into this space but trusted by Optimism,
Safe, Game 7 and Mantle, Charmverse is a web3 community operations platform for members to
build relationships, work together and vote. You can manage members, coordinate tasks,
facilitate structured discussions and decisions and hold each other accountable. So if you're
looking for a hub for your web3 community definitely check out Charmverse but not until
after the space today because I am joined by Gona who is operations lead of the Optimism Grants
Council and we are going to be diving in to season five that recently launched. Hey Gona thanks for
being here today. Hey can you guys hear me? Yes absolutely. Okay great. Yes sorry for the
technical difficulties I feel like people have been experiencing that a lot on Twitter lately.
Yeah luckily X enabled like Twitter spaces in the PC now. Yes yes is that how you're doing it
instead of the phone? Yeah yeah my phone it's I just turn it off you know. Well great I'm glad
we had an alternative I still can't host spaces I don't think that way but I'm glad you're here.
We chatted a while back I want to say it was September and Optimism Grants season four
cycle 15 had just closed or was just about to close and we had discussed having you back on
to promote the next season so here we are and here we are I'm really glad to have you back so
thanks again. Let's before we jump into season five in case our listeners are not familiar
why don't you just tell us a brief overview of the mission behind Optimism Grants.
Okay so the grants council was envisioned to create a more streamlined and consistent process
for grant recommendations to the foundation. We define a clear scope and create accountability
via smaller grant sizes and milestone based distributions. So the main scope when it started
was to reduce the workload on delegates so that they have more time to wait in on high impact
votes and better positioning the grants process within the
or their responsibilities of the token house governance.
All right great so I'm not gonna lie as I look in and formulate these questions and look into
the Optimism Grants program there's a lot going on there and it could be a bit complex so forgive
me um you know if I have a lot of questions listeners if you have questions feel free to
raise your hand and come on up but we're gonna do our best to break it down for you and uh yeah
just all learn from this experience but if you have questions along the way don't hesitate to
raise your hand. So Ghana as I said you just recently launched season five congratulations
so where are you in the process currently? Okay so um let's see grants council started
working on January 4th actually uh we are like one month into the work uh there's a lot behind
the scenes that happens before a submission cycle is open but until the public opening if you
understand what needs to be done we have forms templates season structure the rubric scopes
design to score the the applications adapting the rules to the new governance policies
add and test new features into the chambers platform uh but right now we are we open
application submissions a few days ago and they will remain open until February 1st
that's where we are publicly in the process internally we are still defining scores for
different mission requests. Um so you bumped the deadline recently right?
Yes the deadline was February 15th uh but it was at the same time the token house
defined what mission requests were going to pass so we decided to extend one more week.
All right listeners take advantage of that if you're interested in getting involved
and submitting you have an extra week which you know is is definitely a bonus here so um
as Ghana was saying if you go on to the optimism charmverse site and you can get there through
the optimism grants twitter which is at optimism grants um you can go on there and they have
everything kind of outlined how the grants council works and the processes and the rubric
by which they score and all of this great information um you can see the templates
that they're working from and the information that they want for these applications so
be sure to go and check it out if you are interested. So Ghana I said you had 15
cycles in season four will it be about the same for season five?
Uh no it's a bit different because uh every round of submissions and final roundups
uh it's about three cycles this season so we will have two rounds of submissions during
season five mainly. The first round starts on February 8th to February 21st
and the second round it's from March 14th to March 17th.
So definitely some things changing and I'm sure with each season you do you learn and
try to streamline things and make it more efficient or just figure out what you need to do differently.
It seems that you've made a lot of changes from season four to season five. What are some of the
big changes that people can expect if they're you know if they were part of season four what can
they expect to be different in season five? So we run we run a small experiment in season four
called RFG where the grants council made a request for grants so reviewers were able to
ask what they wanted to see build and people could apply and get a grant for that. This was
incredibly successful on season four and in season five the foundation extended this idea to the top
hundred delegates so so while on season five grants council sorry so while on season four grants
council only manage grants for builders and experimental user growth this season we manage
all the mission requests from top 100 delegates that they want to see built so that was like a
huge leap with a lot of a lot of fun operational changes. Yeah so you mentioned delegates how does
one become a delegate and I guess what is their what is their role really? So to be a delegate
means that you have OP tokens delegated to you those could be yours or anyone that delegated
their OP tokens to you and that you agree with the collective rules posted in the governance forum
and that enables you to vote on grants council members protocol updates a lot more things
that happens in the optimism collective.
Okay yeah that makes sense so that's how you can become a delegate have people
give you their tokens and kind of nominate you. Yeah not give you sorry delegate it's a bit
different because they don't need to give you the token stages delegate the voting power to you.
Okay great so if you're just joining us we're talking with Ghana who's operation lead of the
OP grants council and we are digging into season five so listen up learn what you can if you have
questions raise your hand and we can bring you up to ask some questions. So I saw you added a
security council this season is that right and and what is the role of that and why did you
decide if you needed that? There's a code of conduct council I'm not part of and there's
an anti-capture council the anti-capture council mainly it's a 10 million OP delegated to a group
just in case someone wants to capture the OP governance and that's the that's the main
structure for the anti-capture committee. Okay and what does your role entail as operations lead
what does that mean are you just kind of in charge of the grants council and setting up the operations
for how everything goes? So when the season started I was operations lead the last week then
the grants council lead left named me leader of grants council so I'm basically leading the whole
thing but to your point to your questions about the optimism operations you are basically the
human back end of everything that happens inside the grants council. All right all right so let's
talk about tracks or funding categories or I know you have missions and intents what funding tracks
are available and I like break down how it all works and how I would decide which funding track
I would go toward and like the steps toward that. Okay so the governance the grants governance
are are divided into four intents I don't know them for from memory but give me a second.
Yes you have the first intent is progress towards technical decentralization the second intent is to
grow the super chain the third intent is to improve consumer experience and the last one
is to improve governance accessibility so mainly what you need to know it's is where you want to
build you know if you want to go into something like protocol upgrades or you want to go into
I don't know sequence or decentralization or whatever that goes into intent one and you apply
for those type of grants. If you want to grow the super chain that means bring more builders
or bring more users into optimism mainnet then you go to intent two. If you want to improve the
consumer experience create great UI or UX all that stuff you can go to intent three and if you're more
into governance and you're a governance nerd and you have like good ideas on how to optimize the
governance issues that we have then you go to intent four. Each intent has a budget that is
defined by defined and bought by the token house governance and what the grants council does it's
basically review applications for each of those intents. And do you have like an allotted amount
that you're going to give to each intent or is it just kind of like it might all go to the
decentralization or just depending on really what the top projects are? No we have we have a budget
defined for each intent you have one million OP tokens for intent one four millions for intent
two and one million and one million for intent three and four each. So seven million total you're
giving away this cycle. Yeah it's about nine because it's not one million it's one million
three hundred and thirty thousand on each of the intents except intent two that it's four million
so it's about nine million. All right and then how much can an individual project get?
Well depends on how how involved you are with governance because you have some tiers
so if you're new to governance you are allowed to ask about 50k OP tokens and then depending
on the tier you you have you can ask for more by if I don't remember I think the second tier is
250k and then you go to 70 50k and then one million. Big stakes here I mean that's that's a
big deal. So listeners OP is an amazing grants program they've obviously been doing this for a
while they're on their fifth season. That's a lot of money to be able to be granted so definitely
not not something to pass up if you are in this world. Something I do want to talk about you are
using Charmverse and we're honored to have optimism grants running on Charmverse and I just want to
talk about some of the features that you use and some of the features that we actually built during
the last cycle because of your requests. So like the rubrics I think you the rubric scoring was that
a thing when you ran last time? No I asked that I asked that to Chris from Charmverse on season
four mid season four he came up with the with the with the upgrade tool for season four but we were
we were so into the cycle that was impossible to to kind of use and shift everything into Charmverse
but this season yes we are 100% using that tool and it's amazing each each proposal has his own
scoring form like embedded inside of it and it's beautifully done. Yeah shout out to Chris our head
of product he is amazing I know he's worked very closely with you on a lot of these feature
requests like I said and it's great because it is it's programs like you that are in the in the
platform working on it and doing all of this different work to figure out what what we really
need to implement. So your feedback's been integral to really just us having a really
strong program to be able to run grants on so thank you for that and listeners so the rubric
is like Gonna said each proposal comes with rubric criteria on the side that OP Crants built out
what criteria they wanted to score each proposal using so they can go through and rate it whether
it's one through five one through ten whatever they set that scale to be they can go through each
and they can rate them and and then have a database really to see everyone's proposals
and the sum of the grants council or the average numbers that everyone was rated and it's a game
changer to be able to do that because otherwise you're working in Charmverse for one thing and
then maybe a spreadsheet somewhere else and bouncing between tools so we found this to be
a really important feature to build to have a scoring matrix another thing that we didn't have
that I'm curious if you're using is oh are you attaching rewards to proposals we are not I mean
you are allowed to attach rewards to proposals the grants council won't use that tool I mean
we are using it but not as rewards we are using it to track milestones it's a bit different I mean
the the primary the primary tool was envisioned to track milestones and I remember talking to
to Chris like six months ago and saying hey why if what if we reward people for checking milestones
you know so so the whole the whole tool it's called rewards we actually use it for milestones
because this season we have uh subcommittee that it's going to track every milestones but
we are not giving rewards basically um so so listeners if you have the rewards
on your charmverse screen you can rename it to milestones and has gone to saying this can be a
great way to track people's milestones throughout the process throughout the grant process so um
gana another thing oh go ahead so another thing that it's new this season it's the
flow yeah the custom workflows yes yes tell us about your workflow and how how what you set it
up as hold on here I'll preface it first so we added all these new features and I love talking
about it because I do think it's a game changer so another thing is you used to just kind of go
in there and have a stepper review feedback whatever like probably six steps and then we
realize not every community or program wants that and they should be able to build out the steps that
they want for whatever process whether it's a community vote on an initiative or a grants
program reviewing all of these grant applications so you can set up different choices which is like
a binary choice which is like thumbs up thumbs down pass fail that could be a spam filter you
can have a feedback options where you're asking for comments and suggestions you can have a scoring
rubric which is what we were just talking about and then you can also have vote and you can mix
and match those steps however you want add as many as you'd like and set the permissions for who can
do what in each of those steps so it really gets pretty granular as far as how you can set up the
workflow that best suits your community so Ghana what is your yeah what did you decide on for a
workflow for going through all of these applications because I know there are hundreds of them that
you need to go through yeah so as you said it's very granular so we have a we have like a step
by step where you have the intake uh the intake filter it's the first step is where we analyze this
if the proposal is complete or not then we go into scoring a first scoring by two reviewers
then a third scoring by the third reviewer and after that we go into final vote and I was able
to do a step by step of that of the process inside each form and it was beautiful to be honest
uh you can set up who's going to what role is going to decide what and what role is going to
decide uh this course and who's going to approve the final proposal so it gives you pretty much
a very very granular uh design process of what you want to what you want to do and like I said
I mean this really came to fruition with all of the feedback from you um I would say optimism had
a huge part in that along with some other grants programs that are operating on charmverse but um
yeah it's really exciting so if you do apply for a grant you'll be in the charmverse platform
and experiencing this for yourself also really great for the grants council is there are um on
the evaluation side of things they can be making comments for their other grants council members
that are not seen by the rest of the people that have by the applicants by the authors of these
proposals so you really have a place where you can have public comments that are shared within
the community um and then you have a section really that's just private for the grants council to do
their work like behind closed doors which is also really beneficial um i'm curious gana do you keep
the proposals open so kind of all all members or all people in there can see each other's
yeah we treat the proposals publicly uh we don't publish the rubrics until the end
the the evaluations the scoring it's not public but the proposals are open and public for anyone
to comment uh another great feature that we're using is that you can put anything inside the
database and when i say anything it's anything like each answer uh on the form can be pulled into
the database each comment each uh score everything can be pulled into the database as you need
yeah so that allows you to really have a nice snapshot of everything in front of you in the
database that you could then filter based on certain statuses or if it's a pass fail if you
have that spam filter you know um which is also yeah for project management absolutely um i love
i'm such a geek about this now i've been working on this so much lately um doing videos and whatnot
so i love hearing how you're using it now you set up your space and your excitement after going
through one season with charmverse moving on to the second season and seeing all of these changes
actually in place and being able to use them yeah another thing that i like about chambers is that
i mean many people compares it to notion because it feels like the same but you can access the
chambers team you can have access to notion team so you can go there and say hey i would
love to see this future build and they probably get it we try we definitely try um we try very
hard and yes i appreciate that shout out our whole team is very um very responsive i'm often
the one responding to people if you're on discord like i said gana's been working with our head of
product chris a lot but if you're in the charmverse discord or you're experiencing any issues or just
a question you don't know how something works drop into our discord drop us a line you will have an
answer i'm going to say within 24 hours but most likely within an hour or so um we really want to
know how people are using our platform we don't want people you know struggling to figure it out
if it's not intuitive then we want to change that um so and i see definitely familiar names
on here today for people that i have spoken with um already so one thanks for using charmverse
two thanks for dropping into this space um but yeah i so i very much appreciate that we love
working with our users and we love getting feedback so keep it coming everyone um how about
attestations so i've been hearing a lot about attestations lately online credentials all of the
on-chain credentials all of this stuff are you implementing uh attestations at all with optimism
grants it's funny because i didn't think we would we would given the the amount of operational
problems it could bring but looks like charmverse is doing an attestation integration with the
milestones hub that we have so maybe we can give attestations for milestone completion and
finalists uh so we'll see i think it's a it's a great great option yeah um it is something
that we we just launched um where right now we're in the very early phases of it testing it out so
essentially the only credential listeners the only credential charmverse is currently issuing
if you are an admin of a space you can set this up um is for proposal creation or uh what is it or
like a past proposal an accepted proposal um and i think we want to do more so per se you make
an optimism grant if they had set up attestations just by simply submitting that if they had that
toggled on um you would get an attestation for that saying i applied for an op grant and then
if your grant or your grant application was then accepted at the end you would receive another
attestation saying i got an op grant um which is really cool obviously for programs that choose to
use this and people that have that accomplishment now this shows up on your member profile in
charmverse and you can kind of show that off so depending on the community you're in
if you're an admin and you want to mess around with this again don't hesitate to reach out
if you do have a charmverse space you're going to find it under settings and it's going to be
toward the bottom and you'll see it says credentials um so drop us a line and see
about that but yeah i was curious gona if that was something honestly it just came out like
i don't know a week ago maybe i think it was one of our latest the latest things so you're
in the middle of things you make it you make it look so easy that now i'm tempted to uh to be
honest you you guys need to start shipping things on my mid seasons please i'll i'll let the team
know i don't think it's gonna fly though so tell me what have i what have i missed what else do
people need to know about op grant season five well i think that right now what you need to know
it's the mission requests i mean what the top 100 delegates wants to see built is going to token
house vote so once the the token house approves these mission requests we we will be opening the
submission for for application of these missions we are already opening a few like three or four
every day but they are all uh kind of dependent on the token house vote
well so where does the mission request come in in relation to the intents
so um the mission requests are for the intents for example um there's a i made a mission request
for intent i think it was two that it was a clone the super chain it was a mission request about
a marketing uh support for grants right so mainly what i said is hey i would love to see a team
providing marketing uh help to grantees once they are elected that's the mission request i said that
hey i want this marketing team built and this is the budget and if that passes token house
marketing teams will be able to apply in chambers and say hey we want to pick up this
this mission request i think we are a great team and you apply to that mission request
and the grants council selects finalists and you're ready to go interesting so you're like
kind of guiding people and what you really want to see built and um yeah the top 100 delegates not
just me right right um but that's interesting so i mean you're you're giving them an idea obviously
you have these four intents kind of umbrella intents but then saying hey here's the specific
things that we think would be very beneficial to to the ecosystem yes exactly under intent
so there's also uh builders and growth grants they are basically the same as last seasons
where you can bring your idea you know it's not just i mean you have two paths there you can go
and complete a mission request or come to a builders or growth grant and say hey i want to
build this and i need this portion of open tokens interesting uh we just brought up pablo fm hey
pablo how are you hey you got a question for gona yes yes um yeah i find super interesting this
founding and how it works it's a little bit complicated sometimes to me to understand
everything and all the steps and i was wondering if is someone that could guide us if it's like
a group of persons that could guide us to make the best proposal we can
um we are doing a game to work better basically um gamified way of interacting on the metaverse
we think that um uh the way we work today it's uh has to do a lot with the second um the second
um uh revel yeah second revolutionary uh um um and yeah we we are basically focusing on how
people interact and and i was wondering how we could present uh the whole thing and into the
grants i was checking out optimist grants console i should be there right i think i'm here
so i i have i have a guidance for you and this is a very good question because we we get this many
many times uh and the first question you should ask yourself is do you need op tokens for your team
to to pay stipends or whatever or do you need op tokens for your users that's
like where you split the grants
okay so the op tokens are not expand on the on how you build a product or spend you can have op
tokens for your team or you can have op tokens for the users depends on what you need is where
you need to go okay so op tokens could be seen as an incentive for players on this game for
example like i have one season and it has eight adventures and once you get one adventures done
that then you can get some op tokens for example perfect i just paste the link in the
chambers chat what you need it's a growth grant basically the growth grant is a grant for op
distribution so what you do is you say hey we have this product and we want to grow our user base and
it would be great if we have some op tokens to distribute to you our users and generate some
traction okay okay i got it thank you very much that that solves my first question thank you very
much thanks thanks pablo um if anyone else has a question we are getting close to the end of the
space so if you have a question for gana now's the time oh i see someone hold on i can't multi
tasks so i'm bringing you up right now decentralized ceo you should have permission to speak
come on down what question do you have for gana um actually is question for uh both of you guys
actually both of you ladies and gentlemen both you individuals yeah what's up but um appreciate
the space and um i wanted to ask you this as a project manager like you said there was like
there's like tutorials of how to kind of set up your space a little bit tailored to what you need
you mentioned it earlier where would i find that um find some of those recordings that you recorded
oh um i'm actually going to be posting one from our office hours um i've been working on them
but i'm going to be posting one to twitter pretty soon and then one uh it'll be on discord as well
and it's actually me just walking you through the custom workflows our new oh gana we didn't talk
about form templates which i assume you're using um and also the attaching rewards um but
i will say if you go we have a user manual on our termverse community space as well but yeah keep an
eye out we're going to be doing more videos kind of on how all of these things work where you're
going to need to deal with me and my face um up there telling you how to make it happen but
just so you know if you want to look at the custom workflow um what you would do is go into
settings and at the bottom you'll it says proposals that little modal that pops up it'll say proposals
if you click into that it shows you um a custom workflow area so go on there and then check it
out i'm gonna have a kind of a rough video coming up maybe tomorrow perfect there's an easy way to
use termverse uh you can just create your space and organically start doing stuff
every time you open something there's a video with a tutorial yes yes we often have tutorials
i don't know that we've done one yet for this whole governance workflows yet but um yeah
definitely check it out um yeah great stuff and that does take me before we leave
the form proposals i assume you're using that this season too yes uh basically every mission
request that it's approved by the token house so every request delegate has that it's approved
we have to come up with a form for people to apply and the form it's very different because
each request is is different by itself you know so we have been using the forms for this and the
forms are great because every answer inside the form can be pulled up into database later
and that makes our lives easier uh also mentioned that if you have questions about the grants
council specific you can go to office hours we do it uh at 5 p.m utc and you can find uh that into
the home site in charmverse for the grants council that was going to be another question i have for
you is you know do you have office hours where you can provide guidance it is a complex process so
so they are there um and that's also on their charmverse site they'll list out that uh decentralized
ceo did you have another comment or question yes ma'am yes ma'am um i wanted to wait till i guess
that monday um uh monday meeting that op has but i think it's a little bit more intimate so i'm just
gonna shoot real quick um gonna um that growth um experiment um grant the restriction that's
that's there is it mentions something about not doing retroactive air drops would like a
if you're doing like a rp gf round for your community based on what they're attributing
what they're like bringing what kind of value they're bringing to the community to in the sense
of like to incentivize them to help grow the project which vicariously will grow op would
that still be considered like a retro air drop or i'm looking at that language air drop
well that's still considered air drop or not uh that's a tough one um so first of all uh the
growth all the growth grants go to five reviewers and they are all inside the the office hours
that we have on monday and they will have a better answer for you because uh they they have
been reviewing proposals for the last year and basically i think that they will say hey
change the language you know you don't need to maybe you don't need to change how how you're
going to proceed but the language needs to be changed i mean air drop it's a very uncomfortable
word uh when you go to legals basically right now perfect thank you that's a lot of that brings
a lot of clarity because more rewards but i just wouldn't want to make sure it wasn't exactly
thank you thank you thank you so much thank you guys thanks for coming up and asking questions
that's why we're doing this um gana you are a wealth of knowledge about all of this like i said
people of course it's a complicated process people want to make sure they're doing it correctly
there's a lot at stake here so um thank you for being here to share your wealth of knowledge with
us can you give us any additional tips on what could help people in writing a winning grant proposal
hello did i lose you guys
gana did i lose you i can't hear you
oh no oh no well listeners um we'll see if he comes back
hold on one second we have someone else wanting to speak i know this is a bummer hold on one
second someone else is going to come up and speak um in best program i don't know that i will be
able to answer your question but i will bring you up in hopes gana might come back hey invest
what's happening hi how are you i'm well how are you i'm great thank you i wanted to ask a question
and i think well since we lost gana it's gonna kind of a like a recap the question was actually
for you uh like for someone new was like the place they should go to stay tuned to everything
that's going on over here and to well maybe look at other applications and try to figure out the
best way to write their own application and what's the time frame for the apps and the
reviewals yep kind of like a recap so a recap so i will say um gana i just sent you another
invite to co-host so hopefully you can hop on up um yeah so i would go to the op grants twitter
space or twitter um x whatever account and you'll be able to get into the charmverse account from
there their charmverse space i said from there and they have everything outlined there from dates
submission dates all of that kind of stuff they did just extend the submission deadline
from the an extra week past the 15th so i don't know what day that is but um pretty much two
weeks i'd want to say from this thursday um so gana it's coming back all right hey can you hear me
yes so yeah someone was just asking question yes go for it take over you'll be much better at it
than me uh when you when you apply to uh to any of the mission requests or the grants uh you will see
the rubrics next to your application and you can check what scores more you know that's the easiest
way to make a great proposal you just look at the rubric and see oh they they want this to be
in here you know and it's easy to to score higher uh and i was here the whole time i don't know what
happened to the microphone but i was here to the last questions that you got i'll say go to the
home site the the grants council home site and start there you'll find all all that you need
also join the optimism discord and there's a channel called grants where we answer any
questions that you have amazing yes go they just have so many resources um on the charm
burst space alone but of course their discord all of that um make sure you're hitting up those office
hours um again another wealth of knowledge there so gana so much information but i want to
congratulate you on season five and i'm super excited to see the projects that come out of this
and yeah it's you guys are crushing it thank you it's a collective effort not just me but
uh happy to receive the congratulations yes pass it to the team pass it to the team and i'm sure
we'll be in touch um any final words alfa you want to drop anything like that before i let you
go for the day oh wow well yes there's a lot of uh mission requests that are going to be
approved so go apply for something uh there's many things that delegates wants to see built
and there's nine million op tokens ready to go out there all right you heard it here the mission
requests are out there they're telling you what they want you to build um so go check that out
see what they want and get to building there's a lot of money out there people so um good luck i
wish everyone luck if you're applying to these grants uh gana i wish you luck i know it is a lot
of work what you and the grants council and all the delegates are doing so um i wish you luck as
well but thanks again for being here today best of luck for season five uh listeners make sure you
click on ganas pfp give a follow and absolutely go follow at optimism grants and all the other
great optimism accounts out there as well so thanks for being here today gana lovely to chat
with you and listeners thank you to all of you for showing up asking questions i hope it helped
and we will see you next time have a great day everybody