opBNB and Gaming: Exploring the Connection

Recorded: Jan. 18, 2024 Duration: 0:47:03



["I Can't Wait For You," plays in bright rhythm, then fades out.]
Hi, just four times, can you hear me?
All right, it's two more minutes to the starting time,
so we will wait for two more speakers.
Sure, just four times, can you hear me clearly?
Yes, we can hear you.
All right, that's great.
I think all the speakers are here.
So thank you, everybody.
Welcome, everyone, from all parts of the world.
Today, we're going to speak about OPBnB and gaming.
What is the connection, right?
So maybe I can start off with what is OPBnB at BNB chain.
So our BSC BNB Spark chain is the, I would say, the most well-known blockchain, the layer one at BNB chain.
So many people know that.
But since last year, BNB chain has started a new ecosystem.
Our layer two based on the optimistic roll-up OPBnB.
So with OPBnB, thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
So yeah, maybe I can kick off with letting them introduce themselves.
Let's start off with TopGo.
So TopGo, please.
Hi, guys.
Could you hear me?
Yes, we can hear you.
Hi, guys.
I am Alexa, co-founder and CMO of TopGo.
I have been with TopGo from the beginning.
And I have also been working with the team on football craft this year.
Let me introduce TopGo and football craft to all of you.
TopGo is a football metaverse platform combining officially licensed digital collectibles,
Web3, 3A sports games, and sports social fight.
Its vision is to bring sports into Web3 using advanced AI and blockchain technologies.
Offering new digital experiences for players, clubs, and fans.
Football craft, the flagship cross-platform app of TopGo, will launch in 2024.
It's a virtual autonomous football world powered by AI and Web3,
which simulates the real football world but runs 12 times faster.
It will make fans dream come true to celebrate their very nation's teams or clubs,
winning the championship in virtual World Cup and UEFA Champions League.
That's all. Thank you.
Thank you. That's very nice.
So we have a sports game here, and we have quite a lot of different genres here today.
So next up, Kat Spahoy.
Hello, hello, hello, everyone. Can you hear me now?
Yep, can you hear me loud and clear?
Okay, so glad to be here. Hello, everyone. I'm Zombie Baby, the Community Manager of Kat Spahoy.
I'm delighted to be part of this AMA.
Our cooperation with OBBMB has been ongoing for nearly half of a year,
and we're looking forward to continuing deeper cooperation in the future.
Kat Spahoy is actually the first Web3 second, third 60 seconds.
Kat Spahoy is the first release from the Web3 game platform.
Our team members come from well-known game companies such as Blizzard, Ubisoft,
Royd Games, and Tencent and NetEZ, bringing years of experience and expertise in the game industry.
So the core goal of Kat Spahoy is to create a simple, fun, and profitable Web3 mobile game for everyone.
Each game's vision lasts only 60 seconds, making it easy to pick up an ideal for players during spare moments.
And currently, Kat Spahoy is undergoing its third closed beta test,
with invitations extended to only 3,000 players.
And nearly 100 queues from countries like Japan, Korea, Europe, America, and Chinese-speaking regions has joined this test.
The game's popularity is soaring and reflects in the high trading price for the access in game items like Ice Key, the only access user game.
And the single-card transaction reached up to 800 USD,
with players spending 30 USD to unlock NFT cards worth hundreds of USD.
So it is truly exciting.
The pathcard, which is our Genesis NFT card, and we've remanded it,
starting from October, has reached 0.3, showing a strong upward trade.
It has actually reached 0.488, I saw that.
And our test coin trading pair has become the top on OPBNB's popularity chart
since the first day that we had the third closed beta test,
and which is confirming Kat Spahoy's strong trend of breaking through existing boundaries.
And currently, we plan to officially launch the open beta in quarter one of this day.
So stay tuned for our updates.
That is great. Thank you so much.
I think gamers all clearly understand the popularity of card games,
so it's great to have you guys on board.
Next up, we have Metamuch. Metamuch, introduce yourself, please.
Hi, and over here, I'm from Audibear's.
Metamuch is one of our ecosystem projects,
so that's why today I represent the team.
So over here, I'm participating in the M.A. session at R.A. B&B Chien Space.
And I would like to introduce Audibear's.
We are crafting an expensive gaming world deeply integrated with AI
and to redefine digital interaction.
And we are also backed by Binance Labs and Sequoia.
Our vision is both grand and precise.
We aim to empower users to conceive and populate ray arms as immersive
and engaging as those in iconic movies like Ready Player One,
Free Guy, and Westworld, those movies that people are familiar with.
And we would like to enrich with the added dimension
of blockchain technology.
So through leveraging AI, on-chain games, and the apps,
and the comprehensive media metrics,
we are not just building a game,
but we are cultivating a digital society
when users can play, create, and connect in immediately different ways.
So well, so far, we have now exceeded over 1.5 million users,
spending empty holders, media audience, and passionate gamers.
We also introduced the first AI gaming protocol
rotating large-language models, leveraging AI to enhance product design.
And well, we would like to expedite the creation
of a self-sustaining gaming world on the blockchain 3x3
and we're enabling the seamless transition of creating
in the world into tangible asset value.
And talking about meta-merge, it's a very cute 3x3 game
that players could use their NFTs and play in the game
and we have launched on OPPnB and Parsely in this campaign since last year,
since when OPPnB was still on the tasknet
where they deployed the meta-merge game onto the ecosystem
and now all the way to the mainnet also to our holiday season
as well as new year separation.
And we're looking forward to more integration and more collaborations this year.
Thank you. I think the cool thing about web3 gaming
is that there's always a very nice social aspect to it.
So welcome meta-merge and all of us.
Last but not least, we have Celula, so please introduce yourself.
Hi, everyone. Glad to be here.
This is Celula and this is Iroki from Celula.
I think Celula is quite unique
and a different experience from other ancient gaming.
We are the first for the ancient game of OPPnB
and it's about simulation and strategy game.
You play like the god to craft life from Celus
and then you read the life and involve them
using different strategies to compete and survive in the dark forest.
So that sounds interesting.
And I think the fully ancient gaming is quite important
for the future of ancient gaming.
So we will keep exploring the boundaries of the ancient gaming.
And we also have been selected as the BNS Incubator program
and we have launched the compete PVE and PVP gaming experience on OPPnB.
So you can play it now.
And currently, with the cooperation of Autolayer,
we have achieved more than 1 million transactions
and nearly 300,000 address.
Yes, that's Celula. Thanks. Glad to be here.
Thank you so much.
I think we all love strategy games
and it is great to have Celula building the fully on-chain concept onto OPPnB.
So once again, thank all four of you for coming over.
Let's start our discussions on OPPnB and how does it connect to games.
So the first question will be open to all.
So how does blockchain technology and gaming complement each other
and how does OPPnB enhance that?
So maybe Topgo can go first.
Blockchain technology helps to enable a new game business model
based on trading fee due to the asset ownership with on-chain transaction ability.
Previous football games like FIFA and Football Manager
mainly use copy sales and in-app purchases as its core game business model.
The major issue of this business model is that
users need to purchase new games every single year
once the game has a new year release.
For example, from FIFA 2022 to FIFA 2023,
therefore the time and money spent in the previous year's game
will be a total loss
and users need to start from zero again in the new year's game release.
On the other hand,
football craft is a lifelong football world
where users can trade their players and even clubs freely on-chain
while the game keeps updating.
Meanwhile, thanks to blockchain technology,
unlike FIFA, users can have millions of money in their squad.
There will be only one limited numbers.
For example, one of the unique real football players in football craft
where users can only buy from others to get.
Finally, the team is planning to develop a fully on-chain match engine
to make important games such as Virtual World Cup
details on-chain with verifiable results.
OPB&B can help top goal to convert more web 2 users
and football fans onboard web 3
at a much higher level.
More web 2 users and football fans onboard web 3
at a much lower cost with fast experience.
This is crucial to top goal
since we are targeting a large number of web 2 audiences
while user experience and potential costs
are one of the keys for us to achieve our goal.
That's all of this question. Thank you.
Guys, you're right.
In sports games, owning your assets and IP preservation
is a very important thing,
and I think web 3 can help that.
OPB&B splits things out with 10 times lower cost.
Thanks for sharing.
Next up, maybe Kaz Ahoy, do you have more points on this?
Actually, I think it is a very good question.
As we actually are a game fight project
which is a large DAU, which is a daily active user.
Everyone knows that large-scale web 3 applications
such as games like us and social networks
and the metaverse and high-frequency trading
face significant challenges when built directly on line 1 chains.
Large solutions are suitable for applications
where skill and user experience are crucial,
but OPB&B further extends these benefits
and offering a reliable and efficient environment for gaming.
And for Kaz Ahoy, the core goal is to become a game
that breaks through existing boundaries,
converting hundreds of millions of web 2 gamers
in the web 3 world,
so expected daily active users are very high.
It is essential to build on a highly scalable layer
to like OPB&B.
And with this vision in mind,
we have reached our consensus with the BNB chain team
to become the first web 3 game
to break through existing boundaries on chain
and paving the way for our new paradigm in web 3 gaming.
Thank you so much.
Indeed, the overall gaming space is actually huge,
the web 3 gaming is just growing,
and we need to keep up with the millions
and billions of gamers out there.
So a strong ecosystem that can scale to that
is very important.
Thank you so much.
Next up, Metaverse.
Yes, and thank you for asking me a question.
How do blockchain technology and gaming complement each other
and does OPB&B enhance that?
Well, surely the second question is for sure.
And also, I want to talk about the complementary
between blockchain technology
and gaming lies in their ability
to address key challenges in the gaming industry
and also enhancing user experience.
And at Audiovis, we're definitely really careful
with all these aspects.
So that's why we have a very strong team
in our gaming department,
and we actually have been working for about two years
to present a lot more web 3 games
and also enhance transparency, security, and distribution.
The blockchain technology to our gaming ecosystem.
And this also shows why the team decided
to devote all of our efforts in developing blockchain games.
And of course, OPB&B.
Last year, when we first heard that
the B&B ecosystem is helping OPB&B
to provide a lot more advantages.
It's like previously our host, Kay, mentioned
a much lower gas piece.
And also, a lot of people might now know
that high performance is also very, very important.
And because OPB&B is designed to achieve
an impressive capacity of 100 million gas per second.
So, yeah, and also,
least significant increase compared to existing
other layer one solutions,
facility and fast and efficient transaction processing.
And also scalability.
Currently, I could see that more and more players
are joining the OPB&B ecosystem,
also more and more games.
And they're deploying their projects to OPB&B ecosystem.
And I do foresee that at least here,
that this is an improvement of over layer one chance capabilities.
And also, yeah, OPB&B could accommodate high volume applications.
So, I believe that this year we could see
a lot more new project, new gaming project,
that they would choose OPB&B to deploy their games.
And there are a lot more great advantages
that I certainly believe that OPB&B
enhance the blockchain technology
and gaming common in each other.
Thank you for sharing.
Indeed, I think the 100 million gas block per once again
is a very important thing,
whereby we leverage on Web3 and blockchain
to enhance gaming, but we should not let that hinder
the overall gaming growth.
So, very great points for all of you.
Thanks for sharing.
So, maybe the next one is we can discuss more
on the traditional side of things.
So, our listeners might want to know,
how do you overcome the traditional game development obstacles
and how did the development on OPB&B help you overcome that?
So, maybe top goal again.
One thing we encountered was to educate Web2 users
to pay gas fees.
We ended up making a product decision
to make gas fee payments on behalf of our Web2 users instead
and charge an in-game currency to Web2 users.
The fast processing speed and low transaction cost
of OPB&B are vital to our decision.
Besides, for traditional games,
companies need to spend a lot of money
to do user acquisition,
and for Web3 games like gamifieds
and for our football craft game,
which is different from the traditional game,
we have joined the campaign,
launched by OPB&B,
and one of our task is to let the Web3 users
make an SBT on OPB&B.
We saw a lot of users have completed this task easily
because the fast processing speed
and low transaction cost of OPB&B,
and it is very easier for us to do user acquisition.
And I think with OPB&B,
our new product, football craft,
will gain a lot of new users in this year.
That's all for this question.
That's a very good point.
Like, Web3 be decentralized
shows that the community is very active,
so user acquisition, a good point on how different is Web3 gaming.
Maybe, Kazahoy, do you have more points on this?
Sure, sure, sure.
As I mentioned before,
because Kazahoy's goal is to become the first game on-chain
that has enough impact to attract both Web2 players and Web3 players,
our main focus in game development
is addressing how to lower the entry barriers for Web2 players
and effectively incentivize in-game asset trading
and circularization through to economics.
So in this regard,
building on OPB&B has provided significant assistance
And firstly, OPB&B supports EVM compatibility,
making our developers libraries entirely universal
and lowering the development cost
and providing users with a better experience.
And secondly, the high TPS,
which is a transaction per second,
reaching more than 4,000.
It is highly suitable for high concurrency operations,
like the Game5 Project like us.
For example,
we recently conducted an ICT permitting event on OPB&B
with a total of more than 70,000 players participating,
which is very large numbers, even compared to Web2.
And thirdly, it's a low gas fee
with a single transfer costing only 0.005.
And due to OPB&B use of fraud proofing,
the date and the sets on OPB&B are backed by BSC
ensuring trust for our project team and the community.
And all of these points have greatly helped us
improve game development efficiency
and ensuring our players' experience
sees the Karzai Hoi enforcer breaking through existing boundaries.
So I appreciate a lot for your efforts.
Great point on the gas fees on 0.05.
So I think that is the unique part about Web3 in general,
because moving assets at such cost
is actually much lower than the traditional financial side of things.
So thanks for sharing that point.
Next up, MetaMuch, do you have more points?
Yes, of course.
To address this question,
how does our team at Audiverse
overcome the traditional game domain obstacles
and how the other domain on OPB&B may help
is that, of course, our team at Audiverse
has many years of experiences in both Web2
and Web3 gaming spaces.
And to overcome traditional game domain obstacles,
Audiverse introduced AI-driven DMs
building on blockchain and also providing solutions
such as lack of transparency and centralized control.
So players have true ownership
to layer in-game assets and transactions
and are also recorded on an immutable ledger
reducing fraud possibilities.
And we're talking about building on OPB&B.
Well, we are one of the first developers
that builds Web3 games on the OPB&B ecosystem.
So this definitely specifically helps
by leveraging the whole Web3 ecosystem
to a more efficiency and faster transaction.
Also, conference times and lower transaction costs
contribute to a more seamless gaming experience.
So, of course, I believe those factors
can attract more users to blockchain gaming
and overcoming barriers
associated with slow transaction speeds and high fees.
And also sometimes that we could see on other networks, right?
And other than that, OPB&B also offer security
because this is definitely a key issue.
OPB&B to roll up, secure by settlement chain
and also benefiting from consequence and data
availability solutions of the BNB smart chain.
So ensuring definitely robust security.
Also flexibility and interoperability.
Also data availability.
I believe those are a lot of great advantages.
So overall, blockchain technology,
especially when built on efficient platform
like OPB&B address search and ops goals in gaming
by providing transparency, security and decentralization.
So it's true Web3 and it enhance user experience,
foster true ownership in game assets,
also overcome challenges associated with
search and game development.
And that is also our audience team
really, really dedicated to do.
I think using AI to help with obstacles
is a very interesting choice.
Like it is helping out throughout all industries
including blockchain gaming to provide better experiences.
And I think the point about ring secured is very important.
So this point is whereby you can see where BNB chain
has very good track record in terms of security
on the blockchain space, right?
Because your stuffs are transparent,
but yet secured is a very important aspect
of building your products on it.
So thank you for that.
And last but not least, Celula,
do you have more points to share on this?
Yeah, sure.
And I think for blockchain game,
our mission is to providing the experience that the user,
the gamers have never explained before.
I mean, the Y2 game or Y2.5 game.
So I think the permissionless game mechanism
is the key things.
So beyond that, we want to provide the users
with a transparent and trustless
and a sustainable new experience.
So I think in this way,
the on-chain experience is not only important for the gamers
but also for the developers, for example us.
So I think the OPPB have provided a low cost environment
that reduce transaction fees
and making continuous interactions and upgrades more flexible.
And also, you have provide an environment
where the developers can create,
interact and test their game ideas
of different kind of gameplay
and different kind of game mechanism
and deploy the smaller contracts
without encouraging high cost.
So they in this way,
accelerating the process from concept to market.
And the other important thing is that
by joining the whole business ecosystem,
I think the developers can gain technical support
and feedback very quickly from the community.
Not only from the official side
but also from the user side.
So I think that's also very important
for improving gaming experience and expand the user base.
So I think that's what I think about this question.
I think this question is very interesting for Celala
because in terms of blockchain gaming,
by building fully on-chain games,
you're actually creating the entire genre
based on blockchain gaming itself.
So very cool stuff that you guys have been doing
and it's great that you guys are able to
overcome the obstacles on BME chain.
So I think I will move on to more project specific questions
so that our audience can learn more about your game
and learn more about aspects of it.
So for top goal, I think it's very interesting
that you're putting in football, gaming and web3.
So could you share any useful tips and strategies
for project users or maybe sports game developers
on how to gather the attention of football, gaming
and web3 fans into this web3 application that you're building?
Sure, I'd love to.
From product perspective,
our design philosophy is to make web3
as transparent as possible for football and gaming fans.
In football craft, we have designed two different user
flows for web2 and web3 co-hosts.
For instance, we initiate the web3 onboarding process
only when web2 users receive positive in-game feedback
such as climbing NFT or token rewards.
But we may on-chain transfer transparent for web2 users
by paying gas fees for the users
and charge a certain amount of in-game currency
as transaction fee instead.
This is a way that web2 users can be easier to understand web3
and they can be converted to web3 users at the end.
From ecosystem perspective,
we are strategically collaborating with partners
from both football and web3 industry
like finance, cheetahs and etc.
Nowadays, lots of web3 institutions are working with football players,
clubs, associations to promote web3 to football fans.
However, other than purchasing fan token or NFTs,
they don't know what web3 can really bring to them.
We hope football craft will be the first killer app
that converts these football fans who learned about web3
into real web3 users and witness their favorite clubs
and national teams to finally win championships
in the virtual football world.
That's all for this question. Thank you.
Thank you. I think it's very interesting to connect
football and web3 via gamification.
I think it's a proven kind of technique
and we look forward to the progress of football craft and top goal.
Next up, CUTS Ahoy.
In the web3 gaming industry,
like I said, CUTS games are very popular
and it seems to be a great fit because CUTS can be tokenized
and you can keep it as some sort of a game asset that you own
as NFTs tokens on chain.
What does CUTS Ahoy do to shine
amongst the competition of the other web3 CUTS games out there?
Thank you. Thank you for the questions.
Yes, yes, firstly, yes, CUTS Ahoy,
CUTS games are highly suitable for the whole web stream market
and for CUTS Ahoy, our key goal is to create a simple, enjoyable
and profitable web streamer buy game for everyone.
Why we can achieve this goal?
Because there are three reasons.
The first is it's easy to pick up at anywhere, anytime.
The game mode is in much casual way,
so it is easy to pick up anywhere, anytime it's accessible.
And we've known that you make a game easy picking up,
important among all the needs.
So we've spent more than one and a half years
to make CUTS Ahoy better
and even in comparison with web2 games.
So it is still in a strong competitiveness.
All the feedback from the real players
come out that CUTS Ahoy is really attractive,
even for pro esports players.
The answer stays the same.
And we will put more energy in making it better than now.
The second reason is that explore gameplay innovative
enough to break through existing boundaries is our goal.
Explore gameplay that breaks the mode,
the previous mode after multiple runs of game testing.
We have announced that the development of arena
and guild gameplay, which serve as a core entry point
to attract mastery web2 players.
About the arena gameplay,
we have incorporated the proven arena mode
from the hostel to enhance the game's gambling fun.
Which is also simple for web3 players.
This has the potential to attract a large group of web2 players
who enjoy taking a small risk for a big reward.
And we add PVP gameplay as a crucial feature
not only make it easier for players to join in the game
but also provide different ways for players
with different taste to enjoy the game.
It is like living up the playing field
and giving everyone a chance to experience the game
based on their preference.
And guild playway is our crucial part
in this third closed beta test.
Guild Wars provides a space for hosting last year web2 users as well
and serving as a link between web2 and web3 players.
And guild leaders will become keynotes in this progress.
So every lot of it is our crucial part.
And the third reason is that continuous content
and the game output is our pathway.
The Karzai Hui team possess rich experience
in card game design for almost 10 years.
So in Karzai Hui, we have always prioritized gameplay
and deck design because we firmly believe
that only good gameplay copied
with continuous interactive updates
can keep players investing time and money.
So ultimately bringing in a stable inflow of new players.
And these ensure that blockchain game game 5 project
can break free from the going of the desk browser.
But by maintaining stable content output
like different decks and different backgrounds,
we aim at continually enhance the value of income season cards
ensuring a relatively stable demand for players
to consume our token CAC.
This helps prevent the economic system
from gossip due to insufficient game content.
And we diversified card output channels
enrich the player's ecosystem
and promote active in-game transactions.
So different types of cards possess unique functions.
Based on that, we distribute different types of cards
into three different seasons.
The regular mystery books draw and season mystery books
and card alchemy.
Players can freely chose to participate
in one or two or three or more of this system
to determine their position
within the cards or economic system.
In conclusion, they can trade or they can collect
or they can do everything that they want
because we have a lot of in-game items
to help them to get profit.
And we have relatively limited CAC output.
The daily output of CAC is relatively fixed.
However, they are adjustment paramount
based on the paid daily active users
which is DAU and output formula.
So it is ensured that the player CAC production
does not continuously decrease
when the numbers of players rapidly increase.
And with the rise in player DAU,
the demand for both CAC and NFT cards
will continuously delay,
and leading to a more positive overall economic system.
And currently, we plan to officially launch
the open beta in Q1 of this year.
So everyone stay tuned and follow the Twitter of Casa Holly
and turn the notification on.
You will have more news.
That is very extensive roadmap on building
a very fun game for our community users out there.
I think I like the concept about
those successful games have to be easy to pick up
and difficult to master.
So great points.
Thank you for that.
Next up, MetaMerch.
Maybe you can share on.
I can see the game is quite a unique mix
of various gaming elements like
raising paths, evolving and even PvP.
So could you highlight which features
do you think are the best use cases
with blockchain or OPMB in specific?
Yes, of course.
And for people who might not know about MetaMerch,
it's actually a distinctive gaming meta-merch
incubated by Audible Steam
and which delivers groundbreaking gameplay
and charming paths,
enriching multiple blockchain ecosystem.
And just like the host mentioned that
we mix a meta-merch over a mix of gaming elements,
including players who raise their paths
and also evolving them.
You could merge several paths together
and then to make it stronger,
make them powerful.
And also we will have PvP versus player interactions
that could benefit significantly from the feature
and over by OPMB.
Also, I wanted to highlight that
just like previously I mentioned about
that there are several use cases
that when we do our game to the OPMB ecosystem
versus that we know that transaction efficiency
and also could deliver seamless PvP interactions
and plus asset ownership trading
and decentralized governance cause efficient evolution.
So that's why we plan to keep deploying more games
from our audience ecosystem
to the OPMB ecosystem
because OPMB enhance our gaming elements
by providing all those benefits to the players
and also contribute to improve and engaging gaming experience
within our meta-merch and audience ecosystem.
Thanks a lot.
So many features in game development
and playing of games can be supported well on OPMB.
Thank you for sharing.
And last but not least, Celula.
I think it's very impressive that you guys
built a fully on-chain game
and you guys built it on OPMB.
So I think it's quite inspiring for,
let's say, other game developers
that wants to do a fully on-chain game as well.
Do we have any tips and guidance to share,
especially on building on OPMB?
Yeah, sure.
For other developers who are interested in fully on-chain game,
we hope that you join this very interesting adventure.
For Celula, we think the only mission for Celula
is push the boundaries of on-chain gaming.
And we keep thinking about
how can we create something creative
and never see game mechanism that push the boundaries.
Just like the mirroring the emergence
from MakerDoll and Uniswipe in DeFi
free from the traditional game type's consistency.
So for Celula, the ideal situation is that
the game logic and the game asset,
the whole thing is fully on-chain.
But the users didn't need to know that.
They experience the game just like the Web2.4.5 game
or even just like the Web2.5 game.
So how to achieve that?
I think the enhanced UI experience,
UI design and the streamline game interactions
is the key things.
So you don't need to try to learn from the traditional game.
I think we need to look back from the Bitcoin
and from the crypto kitties.
So I think that's the lessons we can learn
from the pair near the so-called fully on-chain game.
I think maybe Bitcoin is the first fully on-chain game,
in my opinion.
So we're interested in exploring the boundaries
and if other developers who you are interested in
improve the boundaries of our on-chain game,
we will welcome you to try the OPBNB SEO playground.
So it will give you the low gas fees
and high transparent speed.
And the most important is that there is very activity
and emerging community members
that they will give the continuous feedback
to accelerate your game's gameplay and your game logic.
And together, we think we can craft something
emerging from the dark forest and improve the boundaries.
Yes, thanks.
Thank you so much.
I like the way you say that OPBNB is like a playground
because we are all in this very new industry
and innovative is the key word there, right?
So yeah, I think expand your boundaries
and the important thing that I learned is that
so UIUX is still very important,
like don't get distracted of being fully on-chain game.
Your UIUX still needs to be good to attract gamers to play.
So covering this point,
maybe I can also highlight a little bit
whereby just announced, I think yesterday,
sorry, BNB chain itself,
we have a hackathon going on for the entire year of 2024.
And there are many tracks there.
So DP and AI, many, many more.
And if you look into the gaming track,
there is a part on fully on-chain game as well.
So developers do check out our Twitter
for information on the hackathon.
And yeah, I would love to share
a little bit more about OPBNB as well.
So we all know about the high speeds,
low PPS, low gas fees, 10 times cheaper than right now.
But looking at the forums at BNB chain,
if you look into OPBNB's roadmap proposal,
our engineers are actually looking
to also improve this even further.
The performance is going to be pushed even further.
It's going to be a lot more cheaper targeting 10K TPS.
And I guess like sharing all the different pointers
from our speakers today,
these were just pushed right through gaming
to even newer and higher heights.
So yeah, OPBNB has been gaining large traction
and we hope to continue pushing with developers
and listeners and gamers, users,
all of you guys out there.
So yeah, with this, we thank everyone.
Thank TopGo, Cutsohoy, MetaMerch, Celula,
and all of you here.
We wish you guys a very nice day
and do look out for more things happening for OPBNB.
Thank you, everyone.