Open Mic Session

Recorded: June 21, 2023 Duration: 1:18:09



Thank you,
I think, you know, how my life is better than Web3 is better than Web3 just that, I
don't know if Web3 can catch up to Web3 adoption in next five years.
So, what do you guys think about it?
Do you think Web3 can catch up to Web 3 adoption in the next five years, or it's not
What do you guys think about it?
despite the you know uh first vote on adoption all over the world the regulation the
eyes the you know uh the transition from web to companies to what do you guys think in the
next five years can we have you guys or it's not going to be possible in the next 10 years
so what do you guys think because to be honest uh every day i still wonder if i'm the only one
within my environment that that knows because whenever i tell someone i'm working remotely
i'm working with a project it's all about it they'll be like yeah i don't understand this
thing they tell me then i try to use analogies to explain and they'll be like
just leave it all these things that does boost up in this book or boost up it doesn't really make
sense so in the things like that i believe there are a lot of constraints to why things like that
has normally which is because uh the influencer they really believe they uh see as the idolo most of
them they don't really understand how different stuff they don't know the difference between
so that's why most of these guys don't really know the trend imagine uh some of these
things like that beginning to push out about web2 you see uh more people get to understand how it
works they want to be trained they want to see how it works but it's different because those guys
they all stick to the web2 ecosystem the stream media we use the uh technology we use the application
we use it's all web2 dominated so if you check most people from even to the web2 guys
using the web2 to do whatever it is the space we are hosting currently is uh a web2 application and
most users are even already like we have several dApps social dApps
for most of us because of the lack of users and and this is a very very big push for us if we are pushing
the technology we are ourselves we are not making the video and i was impressed recently not recently
today i saw a space that was sold in the metaverse uh a space uh between some of the blockchain
as you know as you know all about the world in nigeria u.s and several countries i think about
they had a space in the metaverse with everyone having their own skin having their own identity which is
really amazing you see those guys they are trying to portray to people okay this is how we host our
amazing this is how the space is like this is how the people is like i think i was trying to uh
isn't it like that so instead of having a space on twitter let's have a space in the metaverse whereby
i have my own skin i can talk to you explore it share ideas that you know using illustration videos
you know and that's really interesting you know the more people not just you know i finish the more
we interact with this thing make use of it uh efficiently you know the more it brings value into
it at the end of the day it's almost that we use a make use of this application and at the end of the day
the most people are usually like this guy's trying to do those ids to do this no it's beyond that it's
trying to you know uh you provide to people about to the people and you know uh show people their
better ways that we should produce things and i'm relying on this information several times
they have two those months after those buying you taking out those buying you it's really frustrating
you know restricting from this uncertainty it's an enormous thing it takes like a month before you can
explain it because you have to wait but when it comes to the tweet none of that is even possible
nobody can ban your account or you have to start writing me to the uh supporting that
if that should please help me let me have access to my own accounts my own accounts that i haven't paid
for in premium you know uh things like this it doesn't really make sense having restriction having
policies that doesn't comply with our own stuff but we don't have a show we just have to access
because what to make it a platform well you see when it comes to the tweet these are totally different
you don't have to you know comply with anybody's policies or whatever it is you are a free man
so i think we just need you know a much more better understand of how to use some of this d-app and
no force to start using it so now the question is do you think
web3 can meet up to the next five years is not possible please guys
hello good evening guys can you hear me
okay so for the question can web3 actually meet up with web2 adoption in the next five years
to me i will say that this adoption won't happen simultaneously across
the globe actually because looking at the whole trend and everything technology itself is lacking
behind basically in africa and here in nigeria some other countries have started talking about passing
views on artificial intelligence why nigeria is even gambling and we have not even started web3
talking about going over to ai so for the adoption it will definitely happen it might catch up with web2
adoption in some countries whereas in some countries i don't think five years we'll be able to give that
result reason being in the lack of technology and technological advancement most of this western world
are very dynamic they can easily adopt to things but here in africa too too i don't know how to put
it poverty and all of that to even adopt to these things is very very hard for us because you can be
telling someone now okay uh what are you doing you say you're doing blockchain you're not saying that you
are connecting chain and block normal blood they used to mold us and then change they used to use and do
something so for them to even learn about web3 understand what web3 is and then start interacting
with applications dabs and some other things it should actually take time for we africans it should
take more than five years for which be able to like get use of that thing first and basically most of this
technology are not available here you before you even be able to buy a smartphone that will be able to
work for you not to talk of laptop is a very hard issue and then after you after you have renewed like
after you've been able to get some of those equipments to even buy internet access another
another wahala so before you be able to navigate around all this wahala and get to a point whereby people
will start making use of technologies people will start being grounded in web2 first before migrating to web3
in the next five years basically for africans and nigeria in particular i don't think i'm seeing that
adoption but talking to talking about western world like us uh russia some of these european countries
taiwan brazil and some other countries yes that adoption may happen but coming over to africa i don't
think we can be able to adopt web3 not to talk of web3 privacy in the next five years
yeah thank you very much for your contribution well um allax uh what do you think about this
okay while we wait for all likes to respond uh but to be honest when it comes to technology we have
technologies in africa in nigeria but you know uh the cost of supporting this technology the tools we need
uh because uh because uh you know getting a good system now a good uh very very good system of course
to probably nothing less than in nigeria or probably you know uh the funds you know by
uh trying to buy this on should i say uh paying to learn the skill because a lot of people
don't still feel free to learn the speed they don't really point anything to learn the skill and
everyone can listen to support most people prepare to pray a method to teach them because they believe
that way they could probably give more money to interact with someone and give feedback which is
really good to them to be honest that our funding is done a lot of them you know to get a good smartphone
and i'm guessing it's smart for now so we have to work where we have to spend it above maybe
100 000 and we all know 100 000 at this moment is a big one or should i say it's kind of big because
compared to the sound of living room for most people they're funding source for the
speed especially if you are the type that you are working with and you are mostly not to uh maybe
scamming or any for the reason let's try to know the beginning maybe you might be able to respond
as well as i've seen several uh non-profit organizations that are raising funds to buy gadgets for
uh tech guys like these guys uh this national agency of technology in negeria they have been
in nine percent based in power use with laptop and some tools you guys need so uh
and we have uh guys in the agency who have been pushing these and really open and i think some
blockchain uh polygon uh polygon i think cello and suelana i think they have been doing something
like this in africa to be honest i've seen them uh do squid network is yet to do anything like this in
africa and i'll show you guys uh very soon in the future we will release of ladies it might not be big
but uh we will be starting from some ways to be honest we would love to you know give back to the
community of africa has really supported the goods of secret so the wider scale has created a great
recognition for secrets around the world from our uh from our agents our coordinators and the leader
as well which is you know in parts in the ecosystem so definitely in the future i believe secrets will
also give back to the community of africa and make some good and valuable in parts of the um
continuity and to the countries so now let's move to the next ipd ecosystem so which is the bxc20 the
encryption the encryption that has been going all around uh this page i've seen a lot of tweets
see a lot of discussion bx20 htm and encryption you know uh a new dimension of digital assets nfc which is
kind of different from the no my nfc we know because uh this is also one of the uh discussion of this
space so uh i'm not really knowledgeable about this trend so if you are knowledgeable about this trend
uh please can let us can let me meet yourself and tell us you know how do you think this trending uh
this trending should i call it budget or trending take can you know help
create more awareness about secret about secret cancelizing of this
trend to you know foster the tools and adoption of the network or quit my awareness so probably you know
pull up with the trend to keep things up yeah so yeah thank you
all right thank you let me let me start first since i i obviously found it difficult to live
and first of all there are protocols right um and ordinals there are there are protocols
and they are they are non-smart chain and non-smart contract protocols okay i don't of course
everybody here is on crypto twitter so there's absolutely no way you've not read you know some
threads about the the technicalities and what it actually means and how the open works so if you have
been seen them and you've not actually read it that probably means you are not interested and
there's nothing by me explaining it again that will make any difference so you can easily go and read
it up but i just want to share let me call it alpha um so to say because um according to your question
you are curious to know how um these these new narratives can be um applied you know for the benefit
of um secret network ecosystem and the utility that we are providing which is which is actually
now that you say it i can see that that's a very very smart question and there will be so much relevant
so i'm an ideas person let me let me let me think of one now i'm not i'm just you know brainstorming
here this whole thing is happening in real time so uh i am not going to be sure about issues related to
maybe the copyrights intricacies and all of that but i think it would certainly require for that for
that research but there are parameters and then different kind of agencies within secret network
there are different kind of working groups teams there's so much that is that is happening there
all right and it's not going to cost so much to try and because the way ideas work it's really a
matter of finding ways to implement um what you are doing into new trends and narratives you see so
many people have rigid brands rigid core their content the way they the way their style of doing
things on twitter and all of that is so feast people have that expectation already of them so when
something new comes for instance if you come to my hand and you see me start um um tweeting about
um setups and technical analysis i mean that would that would seem so strange but you would at some
point you're not saying is that professor that guy here did skip that's the thing about me i have
managed i mean that would be totally that's like one of the worst things of brands things that i can do but
so many people that know me would accept it after a while because they understand that i am just so
flexible and my approach is not really a matter of commitment to something but more about commitment to a
process that leads to a particular outcome that i'm interested in and that outcome is monetizing
new technologies you see so my narrative is very simple because i'm always up and running on what's
trending and it's not like chasing the new high or trying to i'm looking at the development aspect
the concept aspect the applications aspect how can these new things be applied and i want to give
an instance for example since you asked a question on how you know things like if you understand
inscriptions and right now inscriptions is now the the hot thing and it's really hot because not because
it's more important than inscriptions but because it's it was launched more recently and you have the
opportunity of capturing i think i just asked um right now to know how many inscriptions that have
already been done and i got feedback from um and one of the developers of the inscription ecosystem so
let me let me let me let me i think he said 158 000 inscriptions that have been done now on bitcoin
last i checked which was like days ago they already had you know certainly over 20 million 20 million
inscriptions right inscriptions is happening on ethereum and inscriptions is happening on on bitcoin and
you see that offset anybody that has uh a sub in 188 um 158 mk right on ethereum anybody that has
position 158 k on bitcoin ordinance that's that guy is a big guy now because it's really early even if
it sounds like a lot because you can see that the possibilities of higher numbers is in millions
and understand that on bitcoin satoshis because that's really what i was describing on satoshis are
hundred thousand to each bitcoin and we have millions of bitcoins and one bitcoin has about
hundred thousands of satoshis so you can see that that's a lot of billions so even if you have the
satoshi that is like one million under one million for something that has that can potentially get to
billions you can see that that's still really early so now imagine the same thing for ethereum right now
that is under two hundred thousand so you see that regardless of what you think about the whole
thing i don't wait to get to validation especially when something is time sensitive i don't wait to get
the validation of um and continuity before i open especially if it's easy i don't have to spend so
much money and i can just plug into the narrative right so i think that's something i i probably recommend
then how do you plug into the narrative in a way that would have um future viability especially
if you do not have the luxury of getting in extremely early because for some of you that
have probably never made any inscription right now i had to go and buy a sub 250k
bitcoin ordinary because by the time i got in on the whole thing they were already like 10 million
and the the inscription numbers was already over 10 million so i had to go and look for one to buy
because i was buying it as a brand asset for a project that i'm building on the bitcoin because
now the whole thing has evolved to a point where there's now the possibility of a decentralized
metaverse being built on bitcoin blocks which is really what big bitmaps are all about so when you
buy a bitmap which is you are technically buying or inscribing a block owning a block a bitcoin block
all right and um bitcoin blocks can be visualized in 3d formats which means those blocks can potentially be
seen as lands since things can be built on them and they can be visualized in 3d so i think that is
the narrative and you see this whole thing that they that is coming up all this information about
these things it makes so much sense and it's way way way simpler than uh smart contracts it's more
native it's more integrated to the the concept of bitcoin itself from the beginning okay so i before before
i skip the whole alpha thing right if you are not early and you want to try and make a mark make a
difference because being early is is um subjective really because now i'm telling you that on the
scale of where this whole thing is going based on the possible numbers ahead this is early but on the
scale of where we are now looking at the whole thing and the people that are ahead of you before
you come in especially seeing that you've been in this space and you've probably heard of it close to
day one and you ignored it then this is late that's just what it is but better late than never right
so how do you now take advantage of a later system now there are so many because this whole
ordinary inscriptions and inscriptions looking like its own ecosystem and it is it's an ecosystem that is
separate from the ecosystem that are derived from smart contracts it doesn't work that way that's why
there's so much process towards the um and how you can potentially sell these things because
you can't just sell them they are not things that you can you can sell on open sea and all of that
because they're not smart contract based they are different different um technologies to a large
extent right so that's why some simple tools are coming that people can it's like potential when you
see any inscription for example on on open sea it's because it was wrapped by an album vault so you see that
again i'm still skipping watching the alpha it's so crazy so you guys that are major masses for for
secret network and you know so much about it so many people within the ecosystem you know so much of
the projects that are building how about you take your time and start doing something that counts like
um inscribing all of the logos of all of the projects that on secret network something like that
you see so you could be doing things that have relevance at that point it's no longer going to
matter because it's going to be the first of that one because even if someone comes to yeah someone
can come and inscribe another logo the same thing it doesn't matter but your inscription number will
always be ahead which means that is the original one so if you can do things like this you don't know
where the narrative will come where those projects it's like going to go and buy the domain got good
domain of because this whole thing is decentralized nobody's going to come and tell you that
you stole our logo you didn't steal it you inscribed it is there so they can own it if they want to own
it right if you see a business today that has a name and they have not secured their website domain
for that you can go you can claim it and sell it to them so this these are some narratives that people
are not thinking about you can you can you can potentially start if because now for some of you
they and you may not have so much money to just be inscribing in bulk and all of that so you can be very
strategic about it i'm just using that as an instance right that is one you can say okay for
for issues related to you know certain limited um and gifts not gifts like like rewards that are
limited because of course you cannot give out one thousand inscriptions and that's going to be very
expensive to inscribe them but even one thousand is like a lot but you cannot give out ten thousand so if
let's say you have all of this you have so many inscriptions that are based on key and details key
brand data points of projects major projects that are building on that's why i said this ecosystem is
its own thing i want to say web3 but the whole thing it sounds like web3 covers this whole thing but
we want to choose it that we bought that different so here you can let's assume the current crypto and
web3 that we know if you keep ordinals and inscriptions all of those things aside what
we already know now let's call it web3 then let's call ordinals and inscriptions and bitmaps and
inscriptions and all of that web4 for the sake of differentiating them right you can potentially start
migrating brand assets from web3 to web4 on behalf of those web3 brands and you can potentially sell
those things back to them when the web4 is now evolved to a point where it's now a thing in
itself you see so i think that is that is one one potential then for those of you that understand how
to go about tracking resets or uh what's this other interesting one that you can do you know there's
there's so much narratives around the bitmaps themselves you don't just go and randomly start
getting them because there are blocks bitmaps are blocks bitcoin blocks don't forget that as
at today as at right now the total number of blocks since bitcoin was launched on the 3rd of january 2009
we have about 795 000 795 000 blocks already done as at yesterday when i checked
right so it's under 1 million the total supply of bitcoin the total supply of bitcoin is 21 million
plus right 21 million is the supply and you know that this the way price action works is really
tightly associated with the uh the supply of a token give or take of course you guys know what i'm saying
now i don't have to be going to all these explanations so if bitcoin with 21 million in supply
just hit 30 000 now and bitcoin blocks which is the basis of bitcoin since the beginning of bitcoin
is still under 1 million that gives it a markup of at 20x of the price of bitcoin if you want to look
at it from that perspective which means if bitcoin is 30 000 now when the supply is 20 million
bitcoin blocks that the supply is let's say 1 million that's an exaggeration that means it has
the capacity of going 30 000 times 20 which is the supply in terms of the ratio of the supply so you see
that that's a lot i'm telling you of the potential financial capability of these new technologies
simply based on the supply and understand that bitcoin blocks are the verification of proof of
work there's so much that is associated with it and apart from that bitcoin blocks are representative
of time because each block was mining a particular time and it is registered and secured with that so
that means if you mine if you if you inscribe on the bitmap of the last block that was made now that's just
made now you are practically inscribing on now this moment so that block is always going to be
representative of this moment that it was um um added to the chain right so you see that all of these
narratives that i'm putting up so many of you because you may think it's just a matter of inscribing
there's so much then when you will come into the issues of the traits and the rarity you start hearing
things like um satoshi blocks the ones that was mined by bitcoin by satoshi himself you start hearing
of things like resat palindromes and angel blocks and cost ordinals all of these things it's not just
fancy names it's there's a reason for that take for instance there are times that extremely negative
things happened take the day that um fts collapsed or the day that luna collapsed there was a block that was
being obviously generated when luna collapsed whoever owns that block that can potentially be the basis
of a negative kind of block not that is a baton or anything but that block is now representative of
the fall of luna now imagine what you can potentially build on that kind of narrative if you go about
looking for which blocks correspond to which time in history and don't forget these blocks you can
build on them they are the building blocks of the bitcoin metaverse so if you have 10 20 25 blocks of
very negative periods in in crypto history and you are then that owns the land think of how you can
aggregate the whole thing to build a product that is based on a narrative around ford around negativity
about you know just like that you can simply get these blocks and own them and just wait you don't
need to build it you don't need to do anything on it um potentially start reaching out when the hype is
there you can start reaching out to builders developers and telling that okay you were able to
um get 10 i don't know if cost um blocks i think right now because that is the thing it's just so early
it's people like you and i that comes up with the names i can decide to go and post that i'm now
introducing cost blocks cost blocks are the costs in terms of c-u-r-o-s-e right that's how it's so
cost blocks i'm not and you know that's what is so ambiguous or or or or what's another name for bad
whatever so but you guys get to the point right so all these interesting narratives are independent
narratives that can have for that okay how about unsuccessful projects projects that launched and like
not sheet coins obviously because but let's project that and and failed you can decide that you want
to be inscribing their logos on cost blocks you see so all of these things could bring a narrative
because the this ecosystem is a collector's ecosystem people want to own things this whole thing is really
about ownership people want to own things and it's not really a matter of owning good things there's
no good or bad right now the what counts is owning it how is any single one of you you don't have to
say oh you are ditching secret network because you are now inscribing on blocks no you can be inscribing
things related to secret network or the value provided by secret network is fat you can inscribe the
secret network website i mean i don't know how you are going to do that obviously but you can
inscribe an entire website find interesting ways to do it learn it and you will get the attention of
the ecosystem that's this ordinals whatever ecosystem because it's so new look at me now i'm getting
followers that's honestly i would never have got them as followers whatsoever if i was not
interested in this whole these people are big names because i'm just actually and this time
it's not a matter of expertise that's the point it's developing everybody's figuring things out there's
no expert this is a period for just opinions you are just saying what your experience how you feel
what you think about the whole thing that's just it and it can get you the visibility of great people
so there's so much advantages to to to to all of this and i really encourage because it's not just like
some new shitcoin narrative that is popping up these things are legitimately based on legitimate stuff
that have been happening for bitcoin blocks on bitcoin has always been there from the beginning
they are always going to be there coming up so it's not like it's just now people are deciding to
figure out that you can you want to use it for something else right so it's not a new technology
these are peripherals of something that we have already known there is no way bitcoin will exist
and bitcoin blocks in the context of what is being done with bitmaps now we no longer is it it will
always be there for good or for bad even if it fails even if it's a thing that doesn't work anymore
mind you it's always going to be working from from the technical standpoint but if it's a narrative
that people no longer feel interested in pursuing you are always still going to own it so you see i think
that is a thing that i find very interesting and this is technology and innovation like this that i
believe that secret network should find ways to implement this elitist mentality where people feel
so committed to their own ecosystem that they feel like it's betrayal if they are trying to look at
innovation from the outside and finding ways to bring that energy that innovation if secret network
announces right now that they are deploying something on on the bitcoin um chain right to
people within the bitcoin ecosystem would come and look at what secret network is because they might
not have heard they might not know these are all marketing strategies and it's going to be a cheap
marketing strategy obviously cheaper than so many other strategies i think um for black you should you
should pass this across to the team this particular part that i said it does not mean that secret
network is no longer interested in privacy if they describe to decide to inscribe something on some
important satoshis on bitcoin as a way of indemnifying the presence of secret network on the wider
ecosystem bringing visibility where because everybody now is looking at this whole ordinal thing so if
secret network puts something up do some kind of marketing publicity around it do some kind of
contest and or a hunt on bitcoin all those bitcoin ordinance guys all those people that are looking
to make money they will all say oh wow what is this secret network what you see and that can
bring more interest to the ecosystem because i've not heard that any major um ecosystem that
is his own blockchain that has their own blockchain is doing anything i have not i've not
heard so if secret network does it now they will get the support of these guys and you don't know
how much innovation that that can bring to to the network so i think that is that is that is something
that i have to say about that so thank you all guys i'll be stepping off for for well let me just
hear from poop now before before i take my leave cheers guys yeah thank you very much uh professor that's
really good i believe one way of the other um provide their service to coordinators uh bitmap or
so i'm turning to the protocol uh and you know we offer privacy as a service and one way of the other
there are definitely some sort of because most of what is possible is that they are looking for
which to improve upon their initial service to provide much more better experience for their users
and i pick a lot of points from what you said and definitely i will speak to some of our leaders
some of the team from the foundation on what we can do to you know fully train and not just fully
train also uh be of uh significance to the uh protocols thank you very much for sharing uh and
thanks so much for being in our space so guys uh thank you very much everyone for joining tonight
it's all from the mic discussion it's been awesome having guys around that and your
consistency and for the ecosystem and as you guys know we are always working on providing
based on you know uh doing what's useful for these things and of course improving on everything
uh from experience of africa to the global scale as well to the security of official content so
yeah thank you very much for joining us and uh this open my section will be all six months in a month
so everyone could bring up their ideas shades and also discuss the debate debate as well and of course we
are going to our phone and we'll be uh incentivizing some of these uh open speakers as well so you know
we're all the guys for your time so thank you very much guys for joining us for a wonderful night
and thanks to our three speakers and professor chairman and our likes so cheers guys bye