Operator Stories Ep 3: Drake Danner

Recorded: July 29, 2022 Duration: 1:06:19



I wish you guys, I'm invited you up.
Hello, how you doing? Hi, Jake. What's up? How are you doing? Well, how you guys doing? Not bad, not bad.
We're doing good man. Happy Friday. Friday evening for you guys, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. TZI. Absolutely.
We'll just wait for a couple of minutes and start. Drake, where are you based out of? I'm in New York City. No, awesome. How's the weather there? It's alright. Let me see. It's 80 Fahrenheit. It's quite warm, but not too hot. Okay.
80 Fahrenheit is how much incestions I don't know let me Google I know right so 80's fairly cool isn't it I think quite warm let me see it's maybe not you know everyone has their own
degree of warm. It's like 28 Celsius. Oh 28 is quite pleasant. Yes. Yes. Hi, Drake. Thanks for waiting for me. It looks like you're already jelling well with the boys here. Oh, yeah. Everything is going good. Glad to be hanging.
Awesome, awesome. So now I think you've crossed time. So I'll just get things started on the road. Yeah, I see a couple of listeners here also. So a quick welcome to everyone over here. We are just beginning our third episode of the operator stories.
from our team over here at Pasel. Essentially, at its heart, our platform wants to empower contributors and operators to be able to make the best possible payroll management so smooth that you are able to focus on the key decisions for your
community that matters. Paroles should be very simplified, but that's not the case with the crypto communities, with the no-safemaking sort of today, with the lack of notifications. So many ways in which a lack of solutions were just evident. And we've come in
there to solve that problem and the heart of which is operators for us. We want to make their life easy and considering that you know this series was started to kind of highlight the journey of key operators within this space who we find fascinating and
and do quite a bit of good work within this space. And joining us today is none other than Drake, Dana, here from Matrix, Dao and Flipseg crypto. He's been, what to say, someone that we find found really amazing to work with.
throughout our time here with Pazel. How have you been, Drek? How's everything going? Going well. Going well. Glad to be here. Excited to talk about metrics now and parcel and how you guys have made our lives easier. Oh, absolutely. I mean, it's a broader story of how, you know, your story

FAQ on Operator Stories Ep 3: Drake Danner | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the Operator Stories podcast?
To highlight the journey of key operators within the crypto space who do good work and make their lives easier through simplified payroll management.
What does Pazel aim to do?
Empower contributors and operators to make the best possible payroll management, keeping it so smooth that they can focus on making key decisions for their community.
What is the issue with payroll management in crypto communities?
Payroll management is not simplified, and there is a lack of solutions, which is evident in the lack of notifications and the no-safe-memo-making sort of today.
Who is the guest in this episode?
Drake Dana from Matrix DAO and Flipsi Crypto.
What is Drake Dana's role in Matrix DAO and Flipsi Crypto?
His role is not specified in the podcast recording.
Where is Drake Dana based out of?
New York City.
What is the temperature in New York City according to Drake Dana?
80 Fahrenheit or 28 Celsius.
What does Pazel want to do for operators?
Make their lives easier through simplified payroll management.
What is the focus of the Operator Stories podcast?
Highlighting the journeys of key operators within the crypto space.
What does Pazel want contributors and operators to focus on?
Making key decisions for their community.