Operator Stories Ep 4: Tommy Olofsson

Recorded: Aug. 5, 2022 Duration: 0:58:40
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Here, Tommy, how's it going? Just give you this speaker, right?
Hit on me, what's up?
Hey, no much you. Very good here. Very good here. Where do you live by the way?
if you don't mind, I'll speed it. Nice, awesome, awesome.
Is that a bow? Yeah, yeah, GMGM everyone. Yep, yep
Alright, okay. Yeah, so welcome everyone to this fourth episode of Operator Stories. Today we have with us Tommy from Polygon Dow.
which I'm very excited to have him and kind of walk us through the journey of Polygondale and this story as well. So yeah, Tommy, what's up man? How are you feeling?
Yeah, I'm all good. We can put a summer time that was gonna save it. The summer's ending and we have pretty cold weather appearance in the world in Sweden. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Cool. Let's start with
your story, your background, where you based out of, as you said, you're from Sweden. But what's your formative view? What do you do before crypto and how do you get into crypto and then eventually the DAW space?
Sure. So I have an MBA, I have a background in corporate finance, I used to do everything from accounting to being a CFO and a business controlling for public companies.
I started listening to the bank list podcast like two years ago, maybe one or half something and I had a colleague who also listened so we started mining some eat from our garage and
we just follow this space from there. And then when the uncle has started their their Dow, I had the great fortune of being on paternity leave. So I actually had some time and needed some brain stimulus.
So I jumped in, found Discord and got hooked on WebTree and that was the place working. I met Marco Grendo, who is the Dallead of Polygon in Bangladesh. We worked together for
six, seven months or so before before he asked me to take the leap full time into Web 3 and I joined polygon and the polygon down back in
in January for Pauli Gannon. I think we started the Dow back in October or September last year. It's almost one year.
awesome amazing and so you know we've been talking about Dows a lot lately since the past year or so and you know you you have been at the frontier of it you know I've also
happen to discuss with a lot of people what what do they exactly mean by a doubt right I mean everyone seems to have their own definition of it what's your definition of a doubt especially with regards to polygon
So for me a DAO is basically a decentralized entity which is of course but it's also a place where in general the contributors own a large piece of the say in what I
happens and what goes on. And I think we should differentiate maybe protocol doubts, there is more capital involved in running it, but for the social doubts and the doubts as an organizational forum, I think it's a great way to give bottom-up organizations.
And for the polygon, though, we believe that the best way to do things which are such established brand is to decentralize over time. So over time, we want to create a place where the ecosystem to get the weekend can take decisions on
on the direction of the polygon ecosystem, the project support, these kind of things. But we didn't want to and couldn't really launch a token to start governance from the get go. So what we did was gather
I think that's a great crew of Genesis members from polygon advocates from the general dial space and start figuring out how we would run this and start building it up before we can decentralize governance in some way.
where the current goal is to start decentralizing parts of the Dow as soon as we can implement polygon ID and the reputation layer on top of that. So we have one person on one world.
and moving to, I work, therefore I vote from, I have, therefore I can vote, which we think for ecosystems and for kind of social doubts makes a lot more sense than

FAQ on Operator Stories Ep 4: Tommy Olofsson | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the guest on the fourth episode of Operator Stories?
Tommy from Polygon Dow.
What is Tommy's background before getting into crypto?
He has an MBA and a background in corporate finance, having worked as CFO and business controlling for public companies.
When did Tommy start following the crypto space?
He started following the space about two years ago when he and a colleague began mining some ETH from their garage after listening to the Bank List podcast.
How did Tommy get involved with Polygon Dow?
He joined the Polygon Dow back in January for PolyGannon after meeting their Dallead, Marco Grendo, and working together for six to seven months.
What is Tommy's definition of a DAO?
For Tommy, a DAO is a decentralized entity where contributors own a large piece of say in what happens and what goes on. It's a great way to give bottom-up organizations power.
What makes Polygon Dow different from other DAOs?
The goal of Polygon Dow is to decentralize over time but they didn't start with a token to start governance from the get-go. Instead, they gathered a great crew of genesis members to start building it up before they can decentralize governance in some way.
What is the current goal of Polygon Dow?
To start decentralizing parts of the DAO as soon as they can implement Polygon ID and the reputation layer on top of that, moving to 'I work, therefore I vote' from 'I have, therefore I can vote'.
What is the difference between protocol DAOs and social DAOs?
Protocol DAOs have more capital involved in running it but for social DAOs and DAOs as an organizational forum, it's a great way to give bottom-up organizations power.
What did Tommy and his colleague do after listening to the Bank List podcast?
They started mining some ETH from their garage and followed the crypto space from there.
Who is Polygon Dow's Dallead according to Tommy?
Marco Grendo is Polygon Dow's Dallead according to Tommy.