Orbital x Persistence, liquid staking & Dexter AMM

Recorded: April 20, 2023 Duration: 1:01:18



This is Rebel DeFi on the Orbital command account, just bringing some people up from persistence and from Dexter, the AMM on persistence, bringing out my colleague who's going to help me co-host this event.
Okay, so we've got two of
the persistence team.
Thanks so far.
And we are going to come and help me co-host this thing. We've got quite a few guests tonight.
Well, tonight, my time.
Obviously it could be morning where you are in the world and be hit that button. Come on up
Okay, I'm with God.
Jerome, I'm saying that right, Jerome. Jerome.
Yeah, that's okay. That was. How are you? I am very well. Thank you. Just to be clear, you are part of the core team at Persistence 1. Is that right? Correct. Correct. I lead the Persistence 1 or Persistence Core 1, Chain Team and everything ecosystem development.
Okay awesome, we're great to have you here tonight and we also got Man, I'm struggling with the names tonight Pratia Pratjax. Yes, absolutely from from the Dexter team. Yeah
And you guys, if I'm assuming you guys were very closely with the persistence, I mean, are you part of the persistence team that's kind of spun off or were you a different team? So you can say we are a part of the persistence team. So a couple of members in thevexity are sort of the part of the core persistence team.
Great, I've got you. And do we have anyone else coming up tonight?
Yes, Rajesh, get him up.
So it's the the re of your tending from your side is that right?
Yes, I do. Awesome.
Is there anyone on the persistence account? I don't know. Brought them up anyway.
and we can get the debt stricken top as well just for a bit of visibility as well.
If you want to request extra camp we can bring them up as well. We've got Terra Spaces doing the recording. Terra Spaces does loads of recordings for Orbital Command, for TFN, for Galactic.
for lots of projects on Terra, but all of those recordings for different L1s throughout the Cosmos. I don't know if this Terra space is too much recording for the persistence crew.
I'm actually not sure. I'm not sure what it is on as well. I do believe I've seen a few before, but probably not the ones hosted by us. I don't know. I do know. I do know. It's better. Okay. Not so well. I mean, yeah, we're a big
of terror spaces for their quality recordings. So thank you very much, sir, for doing your thing. And hopefully we'll be a nice recording of this call with persistence and dexter this evening. My co-host from
orbital command. Oh, I'll just introduce my cohost is MB our MBA gear and with the lunar lion or poly lion PFP. And how are you doing this evening sir? Yeah, hi Rebel, great to be here.

FAQ on Orbital x Persistence, liquid staking & Dexter AMM | Twitter Space Recording

Who is speaking on the Orbital Command account?
Rebel Defi is speaking on the Orbital Command account.
Who did Rebel Defi bring up to co-host the event?
Two members of the Persistence team joined Rebel Defi as co-hosts.
Who is leading the Persistence Core 1 team?
Jerome is leading the Persistence Core 1 team.
Who is from the Dexter team?
Pratia Pratjax is from the Dexter team.
Is Pratia Pratjax a member of the Persistence team?
Pratia Pratjax is a part of the Persistence team as well.
Who else joined the discussion?
Rajesh, from the listener's side, also joined the discussion.
Who is doing the recording for the call?
Terra Spaces is doing the recording for the call.
What is Terra Spaces known for?
Terra Spaces is known for doing quality recordings for projects on Terra and different L1s throughout the Cosmos.
Who is Rebel Defi's co-host from Orbital Command?
MBA Gear, with the Lunar Lion or Poly Lion PFP, is Rebel Defi's co-host from Orbital Command.
What is the main topic of discussion during the podcast recording?
The text does not mention the main topic of discussion during the podcast recording