Organic Community Growth and Engagement

Recorded: Sept. 11, 2022 Duration: 0:45:20



Hey everyone, we'll get started in just a minute.
Hey fellas.
Just checking if my mic is working.
Yep, I can hear you. Awesome.
[typing sounds]
All right, is Ray in here?
- Re's not in here yet. - Okay.
I'm not seeing Ray to elevate him to speak.
Yeah, try to leave and come back, Ring.
We've got Grant, Clean, we've got some community members and partners. I see June in here. Good to see you June.
Yeah, it's so weird. Apologies, everyone. We'll get started in just a minute. We're getting everybody in the room right now.
Yes, strange. We can't seem to get ready.
(keyboard clicking)
Yep, 2022 and we still can use spaces on desktop. So yeah, that's ridiculous. Somebody go kick to the end of nuts. Was the new owner now? Is it officially to the sale go true? I didn't see the news.
Is Twitter now? I've been busy with other things. Somebody in the audience hit us up if you know whether Twitter is now a subsidiary of Tesla, which I have no idea about. But if it is, you know, someone phone even must
can be like, can you put Twitter spaces on desktop? Because this is literally like the ninth month of 2022. We need Twitter spaces on desktop. Yeah, absolutely. I prefer to do that stuff on desktop. Hey, hey, Jim.
I think Ray is cool. If we start, yeah. Grant, are you on there ready to go?
Yeah, I'm all set. All right. Well, welcome, everybody. I just wanted to get, we want to start doing some more pretty informal spaces, but just we've been riffing on quite a few different topics lately as we get closer to launch with YFD and some of these are very pertinent to some of the stuff we're building.
I definitely wanted to get the communities feedback on some stuff, but some of the conversations I've been having just tend to evolve into maybe some armchair philosophy about crypto itself and the direction of where things are headed and thought it would be useful just to get some spaces going and have some public discourse about some of this stuff because I'm genuinely
really interested to hear what people have to say. So yeah, that's really the topic today's organic community growth and engagement, but very pertinent to what we're doing right now, being very close to launch on Territu, but yeah, I mean we can, the
conversation can go wherever the conversation wants to go is kind of the thought. So we're still waiting on rate to get in, but he'll be in in a little bit. So. Yes, sir. I think, you know, treating this as kind of a less formal space. And in fact, you know, what are two spaces kind of are meant to be like that?
in my view, joining D5 or crypto back in 2021, you see a lot of Twitter spaces that are just like very organic and it just literally kind of feels like a public space where people gather around and just talk about current events. Like I think very memorable for me was the day when I think
the open-sea incident with Nate and front-running NFTs on the front page. That whole thing blew up when someone was posting transactions and then there was a Twitter space that came up right after that and then people just started joining and then it was basically a circle of random folks
the web tree space gathering around the fire and talking transparently about what's happening. And I feel like that's kind of central to what web tree feels like for me. I'm not saying that's what web tree is, but that's what it feels like as a user, as someone who really wants web tree to succeed. It's because it feels a lot more like a community.
Yeah, I agree. I think the narrative may be a little bit more powerful than the reality in some cases, but I'm really hoping we're working towards that for sure with the stuff that we're building, but hoping that we are aligning with that narrative and getting closer and closer to bringing that to reality.
That's some great experiences with spaces as well. One of the things I missed most and I wish Twitter would bring this back is I used to have that little thing at the top where it would show you spaces that people that you're engaged with what spaces they were in. So I think it allowed for a much more
dynamic finding of spaces where I think now it's a little bit harder to get access to stuff. And I know that with that, when that feature was enabled, there were big spaces that grew out really organically. Like there was one that I think is very notable for me. There's this guy that does some kind of stock stuff.
They were in there in a space and stuff in Ukraine had just interactively started while they were in a space and so they started talking about it. And then people jumped in and said, "Hey, I'm here. I'm in a bunker." And there's a bomb that just hit my building or whatever. And these things were happening in real time and it was this incredibly powerful reporting thing
happen. So yeah, the spaces and the community aspects of being in spaces, I think is really powerful and I hope that Twitter continues to build this out because I think the whole idea of doing clubhouse/organic growth spaces for people to have discourse, it's a pretty powerful idea.
Absolutely, straight up there, Grand, I'm fully agreeing with you. I think one of the things that I kind of saw grow, at least like getting into like when Facebook became the default social media platform is that like with Facebook groups and the
kind of like interest alignment that they were doing and then you get everyone just kind of like in their silos right and I feel like to their space is kind of like the opposite of that is that you have an opportunity to randomly join a circle of strangers and you know maybe even diversify your viewpoint a little bit.
Yeah, absolutely. It's very interesting you said that grants about I think there's a lot of things where you put out a really useful utility and then
I'm sure that that whole, you know, the scenario, like it being used as kind of a real time reporting and being able to have people sink together for news real time. I mean, that wasn't something that was the primary intention or even
like thought about as far as you know where it would organically go. It's super interesting, you know, putting out some of these like core utilities and then seeing how how it adapts and the community takes it and runs with it.
Yeah, say crash, you know what I'm just kind of curious I guess like what was the due to remember what was the first Twitter space or like what was the subject matter that they were talking about when you first charned like or I was the experience like and I'm just curious like you remember?
I mean one of the first ones was with DeFi desk honestly some of the spaces that we ran around crypto and kind of the mental health aspects of it but I joined I found it just to find kind of just a
Um, you know, joining random spaces as I did when I started, but Super useful as a new a new person to crypto, especially Tara. Um, there's a lot of spaces at the time talking about new new things and proposals and strategies and all sorts of stuff.
That's nice. That's not, you know, bringing back DFI. That's those are good memories. And I'm just sending some invites here into the audience. I see some people I know who I also know as like phenomenal thinkers in the community space, you know, found a way definitely one of the first person that we've invited to speak in DFI.
and I think I watch back that session every time that I can on YouTube. One of the, and I'd love to see more of that content honestly. I'm sure he's doing something really, really cool now, but yeah, if you can make your way up, I guess, but you know, if you can, it's fine to, good to see you here though.
He will find the way. I mean, it's his name. And another person here as an audience, Curina, a good friend of mine. Also, you know, someone I've seen grow very, very quickly in this space, mostly championing, you know, sort of like
other thing autism and neurodivergent kind of causes and I think they have some very good insight as well. They are more hardcore than me I would say because when I was starting out, it's like yeah, 3 a.m. listening on a space or having lunch listening on a space but like now these
days I'm like straight out I feel old so I'm not even listening to most of the spaces but you know there's still on all the time tell me what's happening and I'm always really really interested to see like what's going on in the community and I feel like that's the thing about like people say crypto you know moves fast but it's not just because like
like, okay, there's 100,000 different products trying to launch at the same time. But it's also because the people there are so innovative and there's no rules. So everyone's really just creating their own kind of story. And that's why you have these really, really quickly evolving communities and storytelling. And I really love that.
Yeah, for sure. I'm interested in something I've been thinking about, especially as we grow our community, bring in different sorts of people. I've seen a lot of projects that will almost have the web-tube mentality
and just like pump a bunch of money or maybe into sort of advertising or maybe it's even just like engagement farming sort of stuff. It's like how do you balance that? Like what sort of those activities are actually conducive to building a real community and what
what sort of activities they bring in people that may not be the best fit for your community, like long-term thinking. Maybe they're just in it for a quick buck or just kind of like tourists, especially with YFD and we're building this community of builders and we're obviously going to have tons of people that will use the products too.
at this stage, you know, because we're good prepared to do some of this ourselves, so genuinely interested in, you know, how much of this was kind of flashed in the pan and maybe it's time to move on to the next phase of, you know, all the NFT projects, like invite five friends
then you get a specialized role and then with that specialized role you can do something else to get a token or a whitelist or something like that. Like, is there a place for some of that in which of those activities are valuable or is the time to just move on and focus on, you know, other things?
So yeah, go. I was just gonna say I think I have everybody I'm ready, but I think something that changes our perspective or the way that we're approaching a lot of this is that I think in traditional web 3 we can call it traditional web 3 now
right? Like the the retail is the customer, the retail is the customer you know and with what we're doing the builders are the customer. So I think that's something different from our aspect that doesn't really apply to a lot of other projects that are launching.
Amen to that.
Yeah, I just wanted to say, this is not a new problem that we're tackling, trying to balance incentives that get people to the door and actually building a community of people who are not just there for the incentive. And my brain is kind of bringing me back to
to college where you remember club night or whatever where everyone is trying to pitch their own different club trying to get you to come to their events. They're going to be like, "Oh, this food, there's drinks, this whatever, they're giving out vouchers, the goodie bags, whatever." And yeah, there's going to be a ton of people who just go there
for the benefit and then never see you again. But yeah, in a sense, that's also kind of the way that you get someone to be there and sometimes being there is all you need to get someone to discover that, oh hey, you know, this is a thing that they are interested in. So it's kind of, it really is a mix of both
I have to say definitely I'm not anywhere close to being an expert on this and I would love to hear from someone with any kind of experience doing this full-time but yeah as far as I can tell it's it really you really need both sides of things
So, you know, you want to get eyeballs on your project. You have to cast kind of a broader net. It's can't be as surgical to specific sort of people in most cases.
You know you're working with algorithms of some of these systems and you've got to do things to get you know just Get it out there, you know, so I mean I understand why Projects will just dump money into ads and there's just a percentage of those actually convert to
to the sort of people that you actually want. But I think it can be really dangerous, especially for crypto projects, because you've got the tokenomics aspect of it, you've got like kind of hyperinflation initially that can just be dumbed
Don, your core community ends up suffering way more for some of those if it's artificially inflated up front as opposed to maybe a more slow grind of bringing in people that you actually, you know, are going to be there for the long haul.
But yeah, definitely any thoughts from anyone who's joined this space because as a, I know my thoughts as a user of some of these products and, you know, after seeing it play over quite a few times.
I mean, it's almost a branding sort of thing too. When you see a project, a new project, use some of these tactics. It's like, "Oh, here we go again."
No, absolutely. I think Ray can very very much of me tell you all the kind of dodgy shit that we've seen with you know incentives and things like that Personally, I think Just stay away from anything that that reminds you of a casino that's kind of what
my, my rule of thumb is, it looks too much like a casino, I'm like I'm just like state way. But in terms of like comedy engagement, I also remember a period of time, maybe some OG Terrence, Terra people remember as well, like when
And it was literally, I think, seven to 14 days of just non-stop every day. There's a new project. Every day there's a new white list. Everyone's farming the white list. There's a new discord. I literally have friends who are just like sharing the link.
back and forth like the ref rowlings like 24/7 they did not sleep and they just like minted everything and I mean they made a bunch of money sure well for me after a first two or three I'm just like you know what this this is killing me I can't just keep doing this and like
trying to game all the incentives and I just went to sleep and I felt way better and some days it'd be like that. Yeah me too. I was in the same position. I did it a little bit, got involved with some projects, the white list and all that but I was just like I can't keep up with all this stuff.
It's like how much of that is also like activity for activity's sake like is that actually like is that actually helping anything you know, I mean yeah, would bring in a few new people to your project um
especially when you move out of NFTs where it's very focused on a collection launch and you're moving more to something that should have some longevity, right? So we'd like to do, you know, bounties and a lot of those
will be builder focused of course, you know, what's useful things to build. But I think there's a place for some of those that there's other activities that could help the protocol in a real way. What do those look like? What are those designed like? Something I'm thinking about.
Do we even know what the longevity of an NFT project is at this point?
I mean, I think it's hard to tell because we're like what is the benchmark, right? Because they literally started like last year or a few years ago. It's like, I remember when we were in Ethereum, there was like what, 10 out of the products, 15.
I was trying to say, "Oh, I should be an NFT." I hate all of these. I'm sorry, but I don't like all of these. That's all. It's just one page on OpenSea. We definitely have a lot more choice now. But again, it's much harder.
to tell what is the longevity. And actually, that's a good thought line of thought, which is that I think in the fact that we are doing this web tree and in fact, I keep coming up in web tree, we are actually basically using this opportunity as, I guess, as a society or whatever
want to call us to figure out and redefine what incentives should be, what the language of a business owner or a project owner or even just a person with an idea, what is the language of one of the terms of them trying to get people on board onto
that idea, we're really kind of experimenting with all these different kind of token incentives and wireless thing and whatever stuff that people are doing. It's a great experiment. I just hope someone's taking notes and doing some proper research, I think that's needed to.
Yeah, I mean, you hear so much about NFTs with utility and then it's just like, okay, well, is that getting away from the value of the art for art sake? That's an argument that I've heard, but I mean, I think NFTs as a concept are much bigger than what they're being used for now, right? I mean, of course, and we're
exploring one side of that with what we're using then for with YFD. But I mean it's almost like saying that a web page is a digital flyer. You know, like a web page ended up evolving. Yeah, it's like sure. Yeah, when I first started it was pretty much just your company would have like a digital flyer and their information on there.
but now think of what a web page is. I mean, there are apps that can do anything. So, like NFTs are kind of the same concept. And even more so than that, we can try to extrapolate the future, especially when you're thinking of like the composable nature of it, but there's no telling where they'll evolve to.
what the last we used to work. Well, I think to that point, we should say that the web page hasn't really changed. It's the backend technology that the web page can interconnect with. It's actually changed. And the NFTs may be the same way with the standard. It's just going to be a token with a JPEG attached to it.
about the utility that that represents on other platforms like connecting it to Discord for roles and permissions and other services is where the advancement comes but the but in terms of a webpage I mean it's it's almost the same thing it's technology that has connected to it that's really changed.
- Yep, spoken like the true CTO there. You take my light front end perspective, like as a user and-- - Actually, well actually, you were incorrect, but that's good. - Yeah, I mean, you're correct, but it's more nuanced than that. - Yeah.
Absolutely. I'm trying to speak to the layman here, but I thank you. It's good to be correct. I hope you guys know why and I got I saw a request to speak. I've got a deep Steve I up here. Why don't you tell us a little bit more about yourself, deeps.
Hey, yeah, thanks for inviting me up. So yeah, I guess a little bit of background. I was just going to ask some questions, but I can do a little background. So I was a user on Terra Classic, been in the crypto ecosystem for
for a while, obviously suffered through the crash, some dark days back then putting those behind us. But it was kind of an opportunity for me. So I saw a lot of people exiting the space. I saw a lot of influencers exiting the space.
I took it as an opportunity to be like, "Hey, like there's a lot of people out here, like myself, that want information about what's happening with TerraV2, what's happening on other projects around Cosmos, and so I kind of entered the space then and decided to make educational content."
And I do a Terra Weekly update. I just featured you guys on the most recent one, the Weekly Update number nine. And yeah, I saw the space. So I was like, I'm gonna jump in and ask some questions, kind of engage with you guys here.
Oh yeah, sweet. Yeah, I think I remember you talking to us and that. Thanks, man. Good to have you here.
Yeah, no thanks. Really cool what you guys are doing and I guess to keep it on the topic of like organic community growth and engagement. It was funny because I went to go see the article and it got taken down so I'm thinking maybe I spoke a little bit too much of my tweet about it.
I was reading about the YFD tokenomics and there was something in there about essentially, I'm trying to remember exactly what it was, but you would get something similar to what it reminded me of with prism protocol like amps for if you were essentially staking your YFD token.
And it made me think about something that I feel like people really undersell or don't think about enough is like that user interface and user experience. So I remember back and I remember my friends were talking about this all the time too. People would always go to prison.
like every day go on that website and it was just to click that little button either to refract or to restake your amps because it was really cool and it would like you know drop some confetti or you see the really cool refraction animation splitting you into your yield and um
It's a great way to get people to come back to your website, to have a really great interface, and have some sort of experience there.
or even if it's like a click of a button, it kind of generates that excitement. So when I saw that you guys were doing something with vaults and I read about that in the tokenomics paper, I was kind of like, "Oh, this is cool. They may be doing something similar to prison." So that was just one of the things, one of the thoughts I had in my head.
Yes, sir. So yeah, thank you for the great question with I think that's a great day to start to start and yeah, so first off, I think that's great. That's it. That's fucking brilliant. Excuse my French and I would love to have you
to kind of in our community discord, we're doing kind of like community front end development as well, we kind of like have a UIU Exclusible, so I think you'd be perfect to kind of share that idea there. And of course, like, you know, I was sure there if you could make it.
I can't avoid the articles. I guess you stumbled onto the alpha, which we're trying to... Hey, sorry, can anyone hear me? Is my audio okay? Yeah. Yeah, cut out for a minute there, but it seems to be good.
So yeah, with the articles, actually, I think you stumbled on to some alpha, which is that we're trying to get our pre-launch announcement up. And because we're updating some of the stuff, so we want to remove the old stuff. And then we're just kind of waiting on one guide to give us a read.
on this thing like one last look before we publish but we're gonna shout out to A to get your fucking ass out of bed man but yeah we have you know a bunch of features sets and stuff like rare exciting stuff including some
I can say this is the most exciting thing I have been doing this year. I think it can be said for Ray and Crush and Grant as well.
and you're last, we are very excited for you guys to know more about this and article come up real soon. I'm hoping in the next few days. And yeah, yeah, great question. Definitely to jump on the excitement level. I mean, bringing an NFP
project out into the world that's beyond just image. There's anything wrong with art based NFTs. It's certainly an exciting space to be in with Provenants and all kinds of stuff that people are starting to skate into with really interesting use cases around art and
our NFT projects, but to bring something that is NFT utility that's beyond ticketing. This is pretty novel. I've heard people talk about it, but we're on the cost of bringing this into the world and having everybody had a chance to really try NFTs
that go well beyond anything I think a lot of other projects have envisioned for it. They may have envisioned it that they're not as close as we are to sort of getting it out the doors. It's pretty exciting to have that be launching. Oh I'm sorry am I missing anything? I didn't really know anything about the NFT side to this so I would love to hear more.
it's all super alpha man we can't release it we're gonna have to take grant to the back room now totally joking we can talk a little bit about it if people want to
I love leaks.
Okay, Ray, you want to talk about or was kind of yeah, so essentially like what if you what have your participation in something that rewarded you? For your contribution to the community equated to some sort of
measure of the compensation you would receive. And you were free to use that representation of your effort to either profit for yourself or create derivatives that other people could utilize. How's that for very
I was wondering if there was going to be something like a power when sqk based because we all heard the leaks of like evolutionary NFTs but I'm starting to wonder if some of this stuff was also stuff that I ran
in that paper. It was not. So some of that was just old stuff. Yeah. But I think, I mean, we're, we're our pre-launch announcement will kind of set the stage for when we're going to
Deploy this technology on main net Terra 2. We've already been testing it on on test net Terra. So if you scull around you may see crumbs of what's what's we've been working on and what's going on.
All right, sounds great. I'll do some more scouring. Yeah, no, I'm excited for that. I know we're kind of speaking in cryptic terms, but again, like I think anything that that brings you back to a website or a page and that can make an interactive experience for the user is like huge because
I like I said with the prison button it can be something as little in silly as as a quick animation but then if you if you pair it with also being you know beneficial financially which is you know something that prison did I think it's huge and it always made me go back to websites so I'm excited to hear about it
Yeah, I deserve it. Do you want to add anything clean in terms of what excites you about it from a non-technical perspective? So I have I have just lovely little nugget. It's kind of like it's a bit of YFD trivia if you if you remember
We have this thing about skateboards, which is one time when it starts, goes we just watch that and we looked at their website and there was nothing that
except the image of a skateboard. And we were like, "Okay, what's going on here?" And then we were all just puzzled, "Is it about skateboarding?" And then one of us clicked on the skateboard and realized that it does a kickflip.
And then we just went wild because we thought the website didn't do anything. And then it was just like this kick flipping skateboard. And ever since then, you know, we've been pastoring Ray to code us a skateboard for our website. So that's definitely on the development roadmap V V5.
We're going to get a community grant for that to put up an animated skateboard. It's got to do other tricks too. That should be like seasonal skins and things like that. Let's push it. Let's say YFD had a skateboard
shop, right? That was like a Kickstarter where people could design their skateboards together. And let's say you put in some money to design that skateboard, right? And everybody that paid, uh, putting some funds to design that skateboard got, uh, skateboard when it was done. And let's say eventually
you decided that maybe you kind of got tired of that skateboard, you thought you could do better or you wanted to change it up and you could take that skateboard and put that skateboard on a market for somebody else to decide they'd like to buy further grandkids or whatever else.
Are we too vague now? We're actually talking skateboards here. We're actually talking Alpha now. Yeah, absolutely. I think the skateboards shop, the skate shop, when you said Kickstart and skateboard, I deal with it.
Because you know kick foot, but yes, so we've skateboards and I mean with 5d sorry With 5d, you know, we are helping people make their ideas into reality in the sense that you know there before before what we've been building
the only way, conceivably, is that you have to do around the, I don't know, you want to get people involved, you need to get developers, you get fundraising, whatever, on your own. And a lot of the times it's just not possible because you don't have the connections, you don't have to energy to effort the knowledge even
already experienced and it can be how intimidating I can tell you. So, you know, we did that and then we basically like realized, oh, hey, you know, we can build something that solves this problem and not just they solve this problem, but I make the whole thing, you know, something that an individual can do. And yeah,
So I'm not going to come right out and say it, but I'll just say like, yeah, having, let's say, an great idea for a skateboard or a design for a skateboard and then working with other people to get that like skateboard brand built up usually is a daunting task and you know, you usually have to be kind of like in physical proximity of these people.
well to come and meet them, determine if you can trust them and so on. But hopefully the stuff that we're building is going to help ease that into something that can be done with anyone across the world. And you don't need any kind of trust. You don't need any middle man third party to do the transaction for you.
It'll all be true smart contracts. That's kind of the future that we're envisioning here. So yeah, I'll open up your own sketch out with 5v. And I think we should be clear. Instead of saying what we're building, we should just say what we've built. It exists now. The contracts work. We're in the process of releasing it. So this isn't like
2024, 2023, this is now. So we're coming out of hiding to start to have these engagements with everyone, because we're confident in what we've created. And it's past tense created. It's not that we're building. So it's here and now.
I would think of it like, one more time about skate shops. I would think of it like if Tony Hawk came to YFT and said I'm going to build this skateboard. And I'm Tony Hawk. I know what a skateboard needs to do. I know how to make it work. Who wants to crowdsource this skateboard with me? Right. And part of that is you're going to get contributions to the brand. You're going to get residuals from
the development of it. I mean, that's really what YFD has done. It's allowed, I think, people who know what they're doing to be able to step up and say, "Hey, I can do this. I don't have to build my own platform to do it." And I can use the support of the community to return residuals to the community as well as
promote the ecosystem and the chain that the vault is being launched on. Or the skateboard is being sold in. Sorry. Did I slip up? Oh, you're right. No. I want the skateboard thing. Somebody go and add Tony Hawk on Twitter. I'm pretty sure you'll see this. I know.
what he's doing right now, but he needs to hear that we want to make Skate Wars with him. And all his friends are here. Yeah, we'll work with him. I mean, the code's going to be open source. He can fork it, have the Tony Hawk app chain and make Skate Wars. Hell yeah.
So maybe this is really cool, but maybe I'm pushing a little bit too far. I know you guys are going to be a pre-launch announcement. But are there plans to kind of like bootstrap, you know, users liquidity? Is it more going to be just like, hey, we're throwing our project out here? Like come see how cool it is.
I can use it. Right. Would you would you mind if I said a little something about this? Because I this one's so near and dear to something I care a lot. I'll try to be cryptic. Yeah, yeah, whatever. So I care a lot about like how things progress over time. You know, like I think in the DeFi space,
A lot of emphasis have put on sort of token generation event, and then that gets labeled as tokenomics, and sort of the economics get lost in the token generation part. So the thing that I love about where DeFi and the entire blockchain space is kind of going,
And what I would say is the next, you know, probably year starting with why I think is thinking more broadly about like how your protocol, how you're chained and how the project that you're creating moves forward in time and putting a lot of emphasis and thought around gaining that all out in a way that
That's fairly rigorous. So bringing modeling into economics and into blockchain is something that we're planning on doing. So as far as how does this thing evolve in time and how does the token work and how does all the stuff that's involved with YFD sort of play out.
We're doing a lot of effort right now to even make sure that that all works correctly and goes how we'd anticipated by writing a bunch of code that's not smart contract code but rather modeling code. So this is stuff that happens very traditionally in finance where you do risk modeling or you do economic modeling.
And then based on that, you can predict how things might go and then based on what your findings are, you can make adjustments to either how you're planning on doing it, or you can make adjustments on the fly based on certain types of events that occur. And if this type of modeling had been intensively done for Terra, I would assert that we
could have not blown up the way that we did, I think that there wasn't enough risk modeling done. So sort of that's something that we're really excited to be bringing to the project and having be a part of how we're planning on having it launched and also helping it to evolve as things move forward
Yeah, I mean it's doing things properly for longevity and the healthy kind of functioning of the community as opposed to the quick buck honestly. That's how I think about it. Maybe that's not quite that fair to all projects. I mean there's something that maybe just don't do their due diligence.
and then there's the tag vectors they don't think of and you can't accommodate every situation but I think the modeling thing is definitely important as well as bringing in the builders bringing in those that could do more of that. I don't know if we want to talk about any of the sort of auditing stuff if that gets to alpha you
to you, but we can talk about that. Yeah, we can. Just before getting on just want to say that thing and be like, yeah, we'll basically measure twice cut ones. Right? Yeah, and to that point, I want to say that I think we're doing something that every other quote unquote, "dow" or "dino"
name only should do is they should give their community a roadmap. You have all these founders and visionaries and culture personality that are just like seated their pants this thing, you know. And really there should be something laid out for the longevity for the community to take it over. And one of our big progressions here is that, you know, we want
We want to give our community an economic roadmap and we also want to give them a technical roadmap. This is where we think the technical side of it should go and this is where we think the economic side of it may go. So that people aren't just left to vote on their impulses like a casino.
the token is beneficial for projects and I also don't always think that air drops are the best thing to do. So yeah, I'm looking forward to hearing more about this. I know I'm kind of like pushing the envelope here to get more information out of you guys.
That's great. I mean, we have to give appreciation for everybody who's come before us and totally wrecked stuff because it just gives us that much more data to process and go, "Well, this can happen if this happens." We've seen so much damage in two years.

FAQ on Organic Community Growth and Engagement | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of today's podcast?
The topic is organic community growth and engagement in the context of crypto and the launch of yfd on Territu.
What is the speaker's goal for this podcast?
The speaker hopes to facilitate public discourse and hear the community's feedback on various topics related to crypto.
What is the speaker's opinion on Twitter Spaces?
The speaker thinks Twitter Spaces are a powerful idea for people to have discourse and hopes Twitter continues to build them out.
What was the feature on Twitter that the speaker misses?
The speaker misses the feature where it would show you what spaces people you are engaged with were in at the top of the app.
What was the memorable Twitter Space conversation the speaker mentioned?
The memorable conversation was a circle of random people gathering around a fire to talk transparently about the open-sea incident, which ended up becoming an incredibly powerful reporting thing in real time.
Who was one of the first people the speaker invited to speak in dfi?
The speaker invited Found a Way, who was one of the first people to speak in dfi, and whose session the speaker watches back every time on YouTube.
What does the speaker think about the adaptation of Twitter Spaces and community involvement?
The speaker believes that putting out core utilities and seeing how the community adapts and takes it is super interesting.
Who is one of the people the speaker invited to the audience because they have good insight on the topic?
The speaker invited Curina to the audience because they have good insight on the topic of championing autism and neurodivergent causes.
What does the speaker think about the speed of crypto?
The speaker thinks that crypto moves fast not just because there are many products trying to launch at the same time, but also because there is always something new happening in the community.
What is the speaker's opinion on the shift from Facebook groups to Twitter Spaces?
The speaker thinks that the shift from Facebook groups to Twitter Spaces offers an opportunity to randomly join a circle of strangers and diversify one's viewpoint.