All right, let's get started. So today we've got Sunny going to give some updates on everything that's been going on with the DevSide and then we've got Reverery joining us where where there's a lot of community questions that
want to be pushed their way so we'll give them a chance to speak about their work and people will get a chance to ask them any and all questions here. Sunny. Hey hey. So
So I'm still on, I lost my second phone still so I'm going to use my GOS mouse as a count for now. Yeah, things going pretty well. We just finished up the sort of one
FAQ on Osmosis: Updates from the Lab 🧪 | Twitter Space Recording
Who is giving updates on the devside?
Sunny is giving updates on the devside.
Who is joining the podcast later?
Reverery is joining the podcast later.
How many people are currently in the podcast?
There are around 25 people currently in the podcast.
What is Sunny using as a count for now?
Sunny is using a gos mouse as a count for now.
What will Reverery speak about on the podcast?
Reverery will speak about their work.
What can people do during the podcast?
People can ask Reverery any and all questions during the podcast.
How long will they give for more people to join the podcast?
They will give another two minutes or so for more people to join the podcast.
What is the podcast about?
The podcast is about giving updates on the devside and answering community questions.
Who is Emperor Osmo?
Emperor Osmo is someone who is present on the podcast but doesn't have to speak.
How many people are they waiting for to join the podcast?
They are waiting for about 10 more people to join the podcast.