OT | B _ E

Recorded: Jan. 21, 2024 Duration: 2:03:52



I'm gonna dance in your eyes, baby I'm the best in that mind, baby
I'm gonna dance in your eyes, baby Don't you know I'm gonna dance in your eyes, baby
I'm gonna dance in your eyes, baby Don't you know I'm gonna dance in your eyes, baby
Don't you know I'm gonna dance in your eyes, baby
Don't you know I'm gonna dance in your eyes, baby
You know I'm gonna dance in your eyes, baby I'm gonna dance in your eyes, baby
We're going to talk the time
I don't need to be a dean
I'm not a black guy
But that's not funny
You look good to be a man
I'm a baby
Let's do it.
We're going to do a little bit of a dance.
We're going to do a little bit of a dance.
We're going to do a little bit of a dance.
A classic, manual fade out dude.
I feel like I've nailed that.
There's only one thing I've nailed since joining Web 3.
It's that.
Dude, fuck yeah.
You know what I was thinking about I was like everyone plays music for five minutes
Dude, it's kind of a boring. It's like dude. I don't want to listen to music for like five ten minutes while you wait
For the room to fill up like you could just listen to music. Listen never on your own time for five minutes
Fucking sucks. It's like a really long elevator ride like after like two minutes
It just gets awkward and it's just like all right. I can only hit this hand clapping emoji so many fucking times
Shit I rather just talk shit and banter for five minutes and then talk about something relevant I
Well, you really are a sloppy
Got the VR glasses I got ranks 70 sloppy sealed so Sun those fucking things higher
Where the fuck did those come from bro? It came from a salon address. Are you still asking questions?
Do permission a pennant? True. Go minted. It's retarded. Well, you can't mint it but you can go buy my bags
No, I'm just asking you to pin your grab
I can't post any meteor right now because I keep getting appealed
I think it's cuz I called somebody a pussy last night and got fucking bought it
Yeah, it's really like the nicest thing you can call someone in web, you know, man, I was drunk
That's my bad guys, but uh, go figure that out. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. Fuck here. I
Can't tell oh, no, I'm not buying any of this shit. I'm
Don't buy it unless you minute it and uh, or do and it'll go higher
I don't fucking know but this is a fucking dude. It's an aftermarket sloppy seal that you're asking about. Yeah
Let's play some fucking hangman dude. All right. I got a word up there. Someone tossed out a fucking letter, dude
Go for it. Oh, that's what I want to L
Take wrong I'd like to buy an E
There's an E. All right. All right
There's no end
What and wrong if you get it wrong, this is actually lit by the way. I'm just like a diva at D your way. I
I'd D. Yes, Ling D that way
No, wrong
Come on guys. What let's go with an A
A is good. A is very good. Well, I gotta spell it out though. What do we win?
the title I
Don't know I'll give someone like 60 bucks
I'm tired
Well, no complaining just guess letters, come on quick T. No, I don't want people waiting that long. Oh
Whoa, whoa. Wait, hon. What was it? What did I see?
They know M
B B. Fuck you
Wait, there's no M. There is but I said
Wrong only shit coin I've gone in over the last like two weeks that has actually done something for me
So I just wanted to give a little shout out
To Harambe. I thought that was fun
You made us play a fucking yeah
That wasn't the fucking point
We were just trying to have a good fucking time, dude. I just wanted to let people know that
For the first time ever I've actually been shit coining and I'm into it
I've turned a new leaf. I don't know if you guys have used telegram the bonk bot
Actually genius this fucking bonk bot dude every fee
That you pay while using it bonk
Re-buys bonk back. So it's almost like they're making a deflationary asset out of your activity
I was like dude, I'm jealous at how well this fucking shit coin meme coin now
Like totally a meme coin has been able to build a product ecosystem in
Web 3 that people are actually using and can make profit off of hey, Jimmy
Yeah, remember that time I told you about ticker Bitcoin at four cents and told you to buy there
And then I pumped it to 18 cents
What what was that
No, I know financial advice you ignored it I know and I never faded her again
Damn, right. She hasn't ever sent me anything else after that
But I know why are you gonna dress back up in your sprotto blue I gotta pick another coin
I gotta mix it up can't keep it predictable, right you do dude
I'm telling you're destined for tick-tock with this. That's terrifying. I know that's why it's gonna work
That's why it's gonna work. All right, I don't have a mental capacity for tick-tock
Like I tried to I know to look over some shoulder once and I felt like I was having a seizure
Yeah, don't do viral dances karo
When I know I'm not gonna end up like Eddie
Beloved and hated all at the same time. That's fucked
That's true. He isn't his villain arc though. So let him live back in the villain arc
Okay, I mean not really gonna chime in here before we get too far away
Dude, I don't want to drop. All right, if I've ever seen a top signal
Hana shit coin it it's gonna be it's gonna have to be hangman in the in the in the space title
Thanks. I just cheated
Did you miss the whole intro
I don't want to know what you were doing, but I was just like I'm just gonna I never named because I make those space on a
Friday I said it
I'm like I'm not gonna name this thing yet because a lot could happen from now until then
So I'm more of an on-the-fly name to keep shit current and I was like, I'm just gonna write Harambe for fun
So I have something there and then we start I was like, you know what?
I want to play some fucking hangman. Well, it's like instead of just music playing
I want to group activity to get you know, the juice is flowing
Yes, I do bags are you pumped bro, I do okay, thank God man, I don't want to be one of those fucking
co-hosts, but like
Thank you
What is it
Sloppies pray, don't be mad. Don't be fucking mad. I'll send you something if you want. Oh my bad
I thought you were shuffling something new on me profits. My bad. I'll go like dojianals. Oh
Man that shit's sunny man. I was
20 of y'all this is gang in here, bro. I am
What the fuck is nobody cares? Nobody cares anymore
Gives a fuck King R. Nobody gives a fuck. Yes
That it's the network people fucking let's play next hangman fucking words pick another nobody ever cares profits
You know this they roll onto the next grift and then they knew people come
Oh magic Eden is our next liquidity pump ladies and gentlemen tag tag dojianals under under the magic Eden's twin
Oh my god, so we can get bro. Why are the creeps?
If you're talking about a project that's called dojianals no
I'm talking about like if they build a protocol I'm bullish forget about no
Dude be quiet bro. He called the coolest thing about you is your PFP bro. Just stay on mute
Get out of here. No get out of here
I got profits from fucking corona over here telling the shit
Yeah, all right
Are we about to launch coronavirus? Yeah, I'll drop corona on ruins road if you want that
You're gonna have to deal with it
Next we're gonna have to deal with it. Let's go to the street Amy Street. Hello. Um, it is on the street
Wait a second. Wait a second Amy Amy took me out the other night. Okay, she's straight took me out
Feel like a little bitch and everything. It was just a beauty. Come on Amy's and I'll put your card away
I was like damn Amy
Prophets is mommy to everyone else except for Amy Street, please write that down in the Bible of web 3
Documented for the historians to tell the tell the tale
Anywho the fact
But the fact that I've been in this space for about three and a half minutes and we haven't even talked about the new
B A Y C of Solana, which is solzukis with two K's
Is pretty and
Even heard of that. I don't know solzukis
I'm a proud owner of three of them. I
Shit dude, I jumped on their space. They threw a space fucking why who's that?
On a space bro, they said it was going to one soul and I said how like are you market
The penguins went to fucking three souls. So I'm like if they can run
We're less curving
You guys are making my head spin one second. So what is this solzuki thing garbage?
It's a guy that the guy copied the penguins
Okay, and he made a shitty fucking solzuki and then he did a space and he's like, don't worry
I'm not gonna work it
Okay, you will don't fucking get it just release that goddamn thing, bro. It'll do its thing
Why the fuck are you on space is talking about it?
You dumb idiot and someone was in my space last night and he goes if they rename the collection to autist
And y'all knew who was cooking these up you were fucking laugh second you heard the voice
We do know it's the same person cooking them off
They just have dumb ideas. Like why would you go live on a spaces? Let this shit cook? We don't give a fuck
That's the problem is that they don't they they think it's gonna actually go to one soul
Which like they're pretty dude that probably would have the same jump to space
I jumped up there start acting a dick because I'm tired. You fuck my bags, bro, bro
I will tell you any time any everyone in the space says
It's going to a specific number. I take 80% of that and I say that's where it's going zero
Literally 80% okay, so this solzuki thing if they didn't they just kept their mouth shut stayed anonymous
Traps it could have cooked anything that smells like a shit coin and like it that is an NFT
You know what? I mean? Like, you know, you look at it and after you're like fuck. This is fucking hideous
You know, I mean like and it's like a shit coin in in the form of an NFT
This was a shit coin in the form of an NFT the moment you try to legitimize a shit coin in the form of an NFT
We we lose all credibility. It's going straight to zero
100% rest rest in peace my 14 of these that I fucking swept because I thought this was a moon bag
And I'm just gonna be a proud community member of solzuki's for my life. Why don't you just floor like 13 of them?
I bought I bought most of them at point zero eight, so I'll be taking it out
Mean I spent like a solar over it, but like I'm gonna because they did a space
Doors, I'm as fuck, you know, it's
Fucking sloppy seals are still going up and that's because nobody did shit
The sloppy seals are running. I didn't buy them because the solzuki's didn't do well. Fuck my
Everything now, but we know who made we know who made the sloppy seals. I thought right? What's the same as the penguins?
It was died. Yeah, I did that. I would be rolling and fucking doe if our bigger piece of shit in this space
So dial showed me the art two months ago. I don't know what she's saying
Yeah, we should just print the project and retire I guess go
Again, I want to know what obviously I'm just kidding. Why is this recording there? I am it
I'm just kidding dial it. This is recorded. Oh my fuck dude. We don't fuck bot is not real
This is yeah, it's delete. This is in me. Thank you, bro. No dialogue. What what do you know about the sloppy seals?
I don't know anything. I had one. I actually sold and broke even
Yeah, I held it for a while and then I was like wait I bought this at point two
Seven I think I'm like I'm not gonna hold this until it goes to zero
Oh, I sold it at break even and I'm like I'll get in later
Once the euphoria has died down and we've um, we've decided to you know, get our fix somewhere else congrats on your
Purchase and your $24 flip, you know, I mean for four fours
It's bullish three times this week. So they're on a dip if you want to get back in
There's a pumpkin
You know, I don't know. No shit. Hold on. I was convincing. I
Don't know I have a pumpkin I did I have four grills you want to send these are six. Sorry. I want a little stupid
I think I'm gonna give this away for one soul. No, let's give it away
The fourth sense of point five
Soul you give one away. We're gummy hands is giving one away if you want to read
Let's give away $20 USD. I'll find the giveaway
No one wants anything stable somebody could go get a fucking like one of those phone plans for their Solana phone with the 20 bucks
They're not gonna do whatever that mobile phone real quick. I got to talk about this
Dude, I think I got to get the second one. I'm like having a feeling I'm having a feeling that the first
You can feel on mute so dude the first phone is definitely the genesis they're gonna get like the biggest airdrop so think
Azuki and then the second one is gonna be
Elementals because they fucked over beans, but now I'm just thinking like I think it makes sense to get this second phone I
Honestly, Amy, I know you know bangers too. I was like, did she really just put her grail original Solana phone in the
Microwave I feel like she's not thinking about like the future utility there
I got to hear from you because I know we both know her pretty well
So what the fuck I didn't want to be like, what are you doing?
Cuz she seemed really happy and I didn't want to ruin that happiness because it was just like so happy
I'm gonna find her a video of her microwaving her Solana phone
I'm actually Texas
Do I have to keep doing this? I'm on a desktop. It was fucking quiet
Amy what did you what do you think about
Right now this one I can talk about this one if I'm after this but so I think first of all bangers is is
truthfully next up like I think that she's been one of the most slept-on human beings in the ecosystem and like for making crazy content is
is a super smart way for her to make
like a like a
Just giant blast on the ecosystem. So people know who she is and what she's building
I just think it's genius think that she's a incredible marketer
But besides that I think she has a I think that was a developer phone
Like for those of you guys who don't know because you didn't care
When Solana announced the phone of originally
they allowed anybody who was developing daps on Solana to be able to buy it early and you like could apply and
but like those developer phones didn't have a Genesis token on it and I'm pretty sure that she got one of those so my
Thought is that it wasn't a real phone that had any value like the the ones that came out
Which kind of sucked for the people that were developers that bought this so I mean
I can't share everything that I know about the new device that Solana is putting out
Tear what you can
But I will share what I can sure sure let us know
Thanks prophets
The first time they rolled out the phone it was a thousand dollars and
They realized that that wasn't the right move
scaled it back and then it was like
$450 or whatever the fuck it was five hundred fifty dollars and
plus promo codes from people I
They haven't said what the supply is on these things
They haven't said like any information about the device at all to be honest
and you can get a pre-order for a certain amount of money and
I think that like if you got cashed at the row like and you're just like down to fucking clown like fuck around and find out
Like I would suggest doing it
But I think that when you don't have that much information on what you're getting and when you're getting it and all that kind of stuff
Like there's I don't know. I I do think that saga ones are gonna be the ones who really get the cake
I don't know any information about like
Anything that's coming with this the the second device
I know a little bit of thing
Feels like I knew it a little bit. She has a little bit of info. She's like, I don't know anything. I know a little
Take the coins out of her hair
No, this feels like clonax. I'm getting like I'm having like it goes fuck on
You need to take a walk on here's sounds like a prop signal
But like truthfully, I'm no longer getting as much information as I used to get because they broke up with all of the saga ambassadors via email
So, well, why don't you start dating on the inside go? No, it's not like when you start getting money
You know like you date this like person and then they like put you in the right rooms and stuff
And then all of a sudden one day you shoot them attack sessions
I can't be with you to but you're there hanging out with their best friends on a yacht
Same thing. All right. Well before I am you like comes his pants and anger. Let me go to him. Oh
No, I was gonna say I wanted to come up and say Zimmy it looks like you have a telephone
Pull on your chest. I don't know if you noticed it
That's all I came up here to say and thanks, bro. Yeah. Happy Sunday
Yeah, you know the boys are always the boys are always
You know just rooting me on with my six-pack dude. I got to appreciate it
Alright, so we don't know much about the salon a phone. I kind of want it
I feel like it's the first
Well, I not feel it truly is the first digital product that's actually or physical product that has the potential to give back
To their country pull the trigger now before it's too late because if you're good, you sound like
Who cares Nico, he's got the money
Dude by then I won't even remember the money
I think what nobody's talking about is I think that this is going to start a meta that is like soulbound tokens
two devices or like
protocols that like if you're early then you have like some sort of
Like you have some sort of soulbound token that allows you to get access to things and like they reward people for being early
And I think that that is a cool concept that I would like to see
reiterated rather than like
protocols launching NFTs because I think that it is
It it is. I don't know. I think that it's a cool interesting thing
I know that it's been iterated on in a couple of other
Protocols have done something where they've like given a badge or something like that to early
Early, but how would you go from device to device? I don't know. But has anybody dropped the bound token on soul yet. I
Like the idea of the soulbound meta even the whole so bound token
How would you go from device to device and we'll see like let's say you have the log in on your wall
You log your wallet with your wallet
It's on my thing like a think of like a data with iPhone and Apple you move your iCloud from one phone to another you move
Your wallet to the next phone
The Sims. Yeah, you only really need the phrase
Come like you claim that saga token on the seed phrase
So just fucking back up the seed phrase and then microwave the phone
Can we get frisky here or what?
Get them in here. I just want to say
First can we get frisky and frisky? Oh
All right, someone hit him someone hit him up. I think it's a good opportunity to mention
If you like the space, I actually don't care if you like and repost it. Yes, you could do whatever you want
I care like anybody
Wallet that holds all wallets and all my key phrases all in one spot. So I don't have to keep remembering a bundle
Yeah, I'm gonna start a business that holds all your seed phrases very safe
Is the server gonna be on the moon cuz that's very important no
I'm gonna you're gonna set you're gonna say it to me and I'm gonna write it down. I'm gonna put it under my mattress. I
Don't think that's a good idea. We found that out in the dust bowl. That's not a good idea. I
Think it's a good fucking idea. I wasn't there. Oh
What were you doing? So we'll have to fuck sketchy sketchy. Where were you?
Where were you on the night of the Dust Bowl? You got to try it and I wasn't there either
But I paid attention to school. I
Don't even know what the fuck the Dust Bowl is and I don't want to know
To be honest. All right, so so far we have the Solana phone. I'm gonna get it
We covered that they're releasing less and less information
But it sounds like you shall be rewarded with having both of these phones for sure
The things are tablet so even a phone why is it just big how big is it? How big is it, dude?
think it's like five point five or something the device is just
You just want the free airdrops the money the whitelist the money it's just about the money it's not the hardware
That I would do just use it as a fucking
Dude, I'm Solana computers, bro, man. I don't know shit. Why the fuck would you guys listen to me, bro?
I heard this from a Twitter space, bro. I don't know anything
Island, I got 25 balloons. I hear you curio
Yeah, I'm yeah, bro. I'm I'm farming right now go to my island. I got a rabbit in my house
What's your what's your island called? It's Bitcoin blooms. It's Lincoln Lincoln my bio
In my fucking bio. Oh, we don't need you to repeat what he said. Um, is this uh, is this nifty?
Is this what you're talking about? Yeah, I want to talk about that in a second cuz dial has been preaching it
But I want to go to Amy first
Let's do that. I was just changing
What if the island
Yeah, what happened to Amy
Elon keeps muting. It's okay
Um, I I have another topic that we can talk about often if the island but I want to talk about our island to be honest
Okay, let's talk about it. But not because we like the Charles fucking guy. Okay, let's talk about it aside from that
But go ahead proceed Kings and Queens. I
Dial I need you to step in here and tell me everything, you know about this nifty game because I know you're a nerd
Play with your kids. I know what do you mean? What do you mean? You don't know shit about it? Actually, so I downloaded it and
And I need a new laptop because mine is not a gaming laptop and it's horseshit. So I get like two frames per second
so it's like really not a fun experience for me, but
in in the very slow gameplay that I did do it's fun because it had like little missions
There's a shit fuck ton of seals already playing and if you don't see
Clips on your timeline of weird little seals just dancing on nifty islands. And I don't know what to tell you
You're not in the right part. Yes seals are number one. Actually. Yeah top
They're the they're the top user of nifty island, right?
Correct, which means they're the biggest farming community
Which also means that they are the biggest community on Twitter that is actually participating in things and we get the biggest airdrop
This is money. So the money part is the big part. Yeah
Tell me about the nifty part. Tell me about the nifty part of the game. What does that mean bro? What is what's the game tell me about?
I've been playing this like a long time if I could just explain it for ya
Yeah, so like no one else you get your island when you set it up, right?
And then it's this thing where you farm by getting things called blooms, which let you upgrade your island
You can build on this island. There's terraforming
So you whatever you want to build like however you want it to look and then there's multiple different themes, right?
So like winter this isn't that blah blah blah, then you could put mini games that are pre-made games
So like say you want to put a deathmatch game on like a little map you built that was like a fucking kitchen
Battle you build this kitchen you put all the spawn points you put all the items and then people can come to that island
They could play somebody else can join up you all play together
Whoever wins they get blooms
Which is like the in-game currency that you use to upgrade things buy things in game, etc
So like that's the base level game
Everybody has their own island. There's no like paying to play. There's none of that shit you connect your wallet
You don't have to have an NFT. That's like in the game with the 3d models
The seals are some other ones are obviously so if you log in and have those assets, you're good
If you need to use delegate dot XYZ obviously dyor on that
But like most people are doing that because they have multiple wallets with different assets that are eligible
So you want to get those all in the playable wallet delegated?
And then once you connect it sees all those so like that's kind of how you get these
rewards when it comes like stacking like the seals airdrop that we have a heavier weight on so like you want to do that before
You start playing so like you're actually gonna get all those
There's also like referral codes, right?
And there's an airdrop section actually that you could just like look on on the website right now
And then yeah, you load the game join other people's islands
You can like have quests each day which like give you blooms
So you want to knock those quests out and then there's like three and then there's like a time
burn where it's like ten hours here to get another quest and then every hour on the hour you can go to other islands and
collect blooms and
Basically like the way that it works is when I made my island I could put like five blooms on my island, right?
So I did that at spawn and the first thing I upgraded was that because like people are trying to get those
So now I upgraded that completely. So if you log into my island, there's 25 of them there
So like people can do that once an hour, right? So that's kind of like the farm
But other than that, it's a really fucking fun game that like you could just build on that
I think people would play not knowing shit about NFTs
Like I'm actually having a good time and I've been a gamer for fucking like 25 years, bro
so like I haven't played games in three years because I've been waiting for crypto gaming and
This is it like I think and you can upload your own 3d assets into the game as well
So like I found a guy who had a 3d asset on his map and like POV down there, bro
That fucking dudes crazy follow him but like he was in I was in that map with him karo
You were there and we were fucking playing or whatever, but he just sent me an NFT
That's a 3d model that I can now put into my island
Like so a lot of this can expand in a big way and I think that's the thing people are missing and they also have
An NFT marketplace and they shit on open C on the timeline yesterday
So I'm kind of bullish on that bro, but we'll see, you know, I definitely the ending
No, that's good I did I have I took every now and then for the match
Eden like aetherium fucking I just need to I just want to see what they're doing but okay, that's pretty interesting. So
Obviously the question is is there a way for or how do people or potentially could make money?
Playing this game because obviously that's a big piece of why people are bullish on web 3 gaming
So the farm first of all, right like they had 20 million injected into them as a company
Do I know how they're gonna distribute that obviously not but there's an airdrop section on the web page
You get referral points, right? I've reported LDC funded something like that
Yeah, but he took but Charles even said that they've spent very very little of that money and they know how to fucking suffer
Yeah, this is the extra part that I don't care about I'm gonna be honest
Like I don't care what they did with the money
I don't know and whatever they say doesn't matter like I just think that the money's gonna come and like right now if
You want to farm the money you get you put a link in your bio like I did
I have four referrals from that. So that's got me 40 points. I have 2.1
Player hours on my island which has gotten me like one point per hour there
The other bloom thing I think farming blooms is the most important part to play the game have hours played and farm the blooms
That seems like that's gonna be a big farm and then you can purchase things on their marketplace with blooms
Which also get you points. So those are the four things to farm and then also they have
These NFTs that are called palms which are like I don't I haven't seen any of them selling but like they get you
Bonuses and rewards on their tiers. So though that's the money shit and you can just go to
Nifty Island duck. Well, just fucking clink link in my bio
I'm not even fucking farming but I don't want to tell people click link click go get to the website
Okay, and then when you make your account, there's an airdrop tab
So that's the money part and that's the sauce and you guys like especially if you have a fucking big following bro
Like bring them to your fucking island and play games there, right?
That's kind of how I see this as to how to really
Level up your farm is to like, you know, you were on the fucking Twitter internet place, bro
I love for your thing be like, hey, I'm gonna grab here hanging out breath. So I just went to the airdrop
Tab it says sorry. None of your connected wallets are currently eligible for the upcoming airdrop
But you can become eligible by purchasing a legendary palm. Okay, don't have to do that
What is the legendary palm though? Why are they lying to me then? No, no, that's they're not you're just not reading
Um, so you can you have a seal that right?
So is your wallet like that's the seal is that connected or delegated to the wall that's connected to the site?
Oh, yeah, I used I used like a shit wallet. Okay, right. So that's the point you need to have
Connect your wallets with Vulcan. I don't I don't trust any like I like girls or whatever, but he's not paying me
So I don't trust him
Okay, that's the way that this shit works. If you guys want me to trust you just pay me
And just don't be a piece of shit when you pay me like pay me a lot
Yeah, I want me same
Are you guys are talking about it? I'm looking at everything you gotta do
Charles, bro
Maybe nobody hears me. Oh, I can hear you. They're just fucking rude. All you have to do is pay
The top 50 spaces hosts, right meaning the people that get the numbers you tell them to talk about your product
Okay, doesn't matter if it's done doesn't matter if it's done you heard Charles on web 3 exposed
They raised 20 million dollars two years ago
So you take a piece of that put a piece of that there put a piece of that there
And I'll give a fuck how good it is or a bad it is. They're gonna talk about it. That's all that you do
I'll be right back. I'm cooking up the best play of
2024 if you would like to get paid to talk about a product that I put out and the product is shit and you don't give a fuck
Hit me up
That's some good fucking PR strategy right there
You guys literally just got alpha from the HQ
Like nothing that's gonna work by the way
You're gonna make no million dollars during the bull market acting like that if you actually make four million dollars
You could you could make even more if you partnered with people
You mean the one guy
Lana did you get those you mean you mean that for a real before go doesn't I mean that for that forever?
Derivative that will always be known as a Solana
Crypto Punk and has zero future. Yeah that one. Let's go to Zentani. Oh Zentani is my pet owner. Hello. Oh
Yeah, I have something really important ad. I don't know what's going on or what you're talking about. I also want money
I also want people to send me money. I got you
My reputation or
No, no, no, I'm not gonna advertise your shit coin or whatever what I'm saying is like, you know
If you have a product and you raise money from fucking a bunch of VCS
You fucking pay the creators make sure you have like something like let us play a game or like I don't even know what I'm doing
Some eight-year-old is fucking whipping my ass right now with a sword
Drink anymore. I'm gonna take those drinks and pour them out on the ground. Yep, but you are buying me drink
You guys want that yeah, you guys want that you guys got me addicted to this fucking game
Motherfuckers, tell me one of those poems bro. Oh, wait before we go to Amy came off
So, how do you make money in the game this farming? What is the token? Yeah, bro. There's a dude. Listen to participate
I just gave you the four things and you go to the airdrop thing and you do all those fucking things and then the
More hours probably mean something. I always have this bitch on my third monitor every hour
I go farm the fucking balloons. I'm doing all the things that they said to do
So I'm gonna make money. Should I do I feel like I should just teach my eight-year-old nephew. Yeah
I am going to
Kid nith the island farm and I'm if I had a child, that's what he's doing
Yeah crazy
20 bucks a week or something
This is overtime not bad take bad take let's go like during the week
No, no nifty island is good cuz they didn't waste fucking money on advertising on fucking
Tick-tock they wasted it on advertising to us retards and now we're here playing this shit
It's the best thing to come out of web
It means your take was really mid and then the game is really fire
What was my take compared to my take was give me money
Anybody raise their hands here
I'm bored. Yeah, good call. So just real quick. Let me drop down my rule here. So
What is the profits doing? I see something all over the place
So I don't we don't real we don't need to do hands
But then once everyone starts talking over each other I get to mute and call you disrespectful morons
So if you guys can have any common curse being like, oh look Amy's waiting, let's maybe go to her
I'm giving you guys the autonomy to do that, but I realize that you guys can't handle self-governance
So I need to step in and be your dictator. Let's go to Amy
I'm just waiting for Elon to meet me. Hold on. No, he didn't meet he didn't meet me. Oh my god
I'm immune. I'm immune. I'm immune. Um
Think this is the thing that people aren't talking about and like nifty island worked, right?
but they also have a
solid marketing person on their team and I think that most of the people that have
Who is it?
Um, I can't remember their name, but it's fungible
Okay, yeah
We've got somebody on the inside like a good person like somebody that will actually tell you
You know, I don't go by this cuz it's gonna go up. He's not gonna fucking mince words
Yes, uh, okay
Just hit him yo, he you know the deal for crazy
Okay, I just can't wait to hear what Amy's gonna say like we have a really good situation going for everyone
That has been here and that has a platform that can be utilized by products
Okay, we understand that we hear everybody everybody wants money
Everyone wants their product to win. We can synergize those things together. Yay W. However, however, however
I think that if you do not have someone on your team or
You haven't hired a consultant that is going to help you funnel the
Storytelling and narrative that you want coming out of that UGC content, then you are going to waste your money on
Content creators and I think that content creators are gonna lose their
viability of
That that model working if they're shilling bullshit
Nobody cares about all the time because then they're not going to be able to get more money
From people because like things like Nifty Island work because the product is gas and it's pretty black and white
You know what I mean?
They've done a really good job of like you get into the game
They like the onboarding experience is not hard and you can pretty much figure it shit out for yourself
most of these products that people are trying to get relevance to
Don't have the infrastructure to onboard super easily to or like they just are underground and that's why they need the UGC content
UGC content will rule this bull market
However, if we do not funnel people and products good
Strategists that can do growth marketing for them and say hey
These are the UGC creators that you should be going for because they're gonna be the best funnel to your targeted audience
This is the kind of language you should be using. This is the kind of branding you should be using
These are the these are the buzzwords
We want your people to say and we're gonna gift that to these creators
Because I think that some of the biggest problem we have right now in this space is that nobody knows how to describe their product
And so when their secondary person goes to how to describe their product
It's garbage and nobody really ends up knowing what shit is and so I think that we need to my problem
Link arms a little bit
right and
Find the people that are gonna do the the dirty work
So the people that are the icing on the cake that UGC creators can run and we all win
So therefore my name is Amy Street
I am a growth marketer in the space
So if you have anybody has a product that needs strategy, please send them to me and then I'll send them to you
Thank you. I literally thought you were gonna like plug in a newsletter or something
I was waiting for the newsletter and I wanted to make a point
I'll also that we are very dirty here. We get real dirty. Yeah greasy greasy in the trenches
Not oily but greasy greasy in the trenches. Yes
You know when they say gas instead of gas that's gay
Space someone that someone that works at it. He's like the new thing is guys. That's not me. Oh, that's gross
Wait, so question. All right, let's just move on from that. Um, let's just forget
I know more than people about the game. I've actually been playing. Okay, we get it
Yeah, I know you've been nifty islanding with your pants are on your ankles. I'm not done
I was gonna ask me also mobile. Is it is it compatible on the Solana saga phone? It's not mobile
He's never gonna take off false. No, not true. How am I gonna have my eight-year-old nephew? What am I gonna buy him a PC?
Ladies well, then can you play as a milady? Yes
Fuck. Yes, dude. Welcome. Yeah, you can but no my ladies are actually playing the game
Okay, but you could
30% like I get it. It's a be the first milady. There's in-game purchases
On a saga break
Well, yeah, there you go
I know. Yeah, but that was
Niko, yeah, I know question. Niko. Do you smoke weed? I
Smoke the joint like when the space started. Well, that's what thought. Okay. Okay. Let me ask you a second question
Niko, okay is that is that like light depths or like Zaza? I
Don't even know what the fuck you just said
Brown or is it green?
I yield the mic to Zintani
Go back on you Oh
Niko you are not Zintani unfortunate
The thing about mobile, I don't know if you guys saw but Apple started doing their
Dictator Hitler pre-order
They're they're basically they're making everyone who goes on the app store
They're requiring audits of how much income they make and like how many people?
Join their platform and they're asking for 30 percent. I love this centralized fuck shit. I wish we had a solution for it
We're gonna see less and less things go mobile so I would disagree with the whole
If it goes because things can't go mobile now
Thanks Apple
That was really actually with crypto involved, right?
Like this thing has an airdrop do you really want that to go mobile and for them to get deal with all that fuck
We also it's to there's a lot going on in this game. So like mobile would be very on it, too
I know people playing with a trackpad get a mouse, bro
That's crazy. But like yeah on mobile this would make no sense right now
I think later down the road they could fucking fortnight was not mobile me and the homies were playing that before we could build and
Then fucking eventually it became this fucking huge global fucking game
So I don't think gonna not any of that matters right now
the funny thing is that Apple became a company because of the the
The pathway they got through windows overextending their monopoly and now they're doing the same fucking thing
They're doing the same thing
Companies are pieces of shit. It's a cycle
Thing ugliest thing fucking ever
Anything new anything cool, so they're just being like we're just gonna take everyone else's money
Yeah, that's crazy, they did replace the fucking head strap though
So like the bullshit in the marketing is wrong that head strap sucks. It looks good, but it sucks
So they have a new one looks good. That is the dorkiest thing I've ever seen. Okay, that's your opinion
But it looks good to most people so it doesn't matter what you think
So like I saw that and I thought to myself why would I pay three thousand dollars?
It's not about you. It's about everybody else
Don't like right now go
No, I don't need to
In how do you get back on track? All right, so we covered nifty
There's so you can it's scary that you have to connect a wallet that has an NFT that you care about
No, you don't have to bro. Just use Vulcan bro
Like what's Vulcan dude
He just started talking bro, dude, it's crazy no filter switch man. He's just like like that
There's the rule. Yeah, I can't interrupt the co-host dude. Yeah
He could have the co-host in his fucking death bed
That's the way he's getting it for me. I like I'm is that like a make-a-wish type of thing. Yeah
He's gonna be co-host for a day fucking, you know, he's probably go shave his head and shit microwave a phone
That's got talking. I don't know anyways. Yeah
It's like one of those
Fucking things where you just put the code inside of your your bio for your open sea and it like
confirms that you're the owner of that wallet or whatever that's how I that's how I added like
The clone and shit to Nifty Island. Otherwise, I wasn't I don't I'm not I'm not connecting the wallet directly to you
So how does this game?
Just pick up the NFT and be able to display it in the game. Oh
Yeah, yeah, so they're like they have like a rest API and it's like
Capturing all the NFTs metadata and then they're making like a mirror of it and whatnot
And then they're able to import the images and stuff
3d files are a little bit more complicated
Unless you go through their marketplace and you upload the 3d files yourself. I've seen somebody
Yeah, like I uploaded the VRM which is like the virtual reality file
For the avatar of my clone. Yeah, I uploaded that manually because Nike is not gonna
Allow them to put every single one in the collection just because of the right the licensing and IP rights stuff works
They got cotas in there, man. The cotas look so good. They're so cute. Like this fucking weird
I didn't like the cotas before yeah, when you see the three they make sense the flat things
Nightmare, are they thick dude? Are they thick? They're like hey, bro
They're not as thick as the seals but they're they got thickness
Like I just imagine you see a coda walking by you look back. You're like damn, dude
And then whatever you want to do in the metaverse after that with the coda is completely up to you I will turn
Is doing what you guys said they were gonna do before they collapse the entire NFT market with an overdrive
Yeah, that's crazy we can go to profits, but then I want to hear from King Arf I
Don't know if it matters anymore. I was gonna refer to the make a wish joke that
What's this guy's name I dated Kim Kardashian Pete Davidson, did you guys watch his new stand-up?
Joke out of a make-a-wish he did it. He did it. He did it. It was about a kid that wanted to see him
I don't know if this is a real story
But he said that he told the kid a lot of shit cuz the kid was gonna leave anyway
and then a few weeks later he got a message that
The kid made it and he's like what the fuck you guys guys lied to me and he said that he said a lot of stuff
That's funny. I'm not gonna lie. That's funny as fuck. Just figure it out
We don't want to make a wish kids to make it wants to die because he told him too many things
I can't I can't go down this dark
Anyway, I was gonna say dude is fuck everybody who that shit on seals cuz the seal in this in bro
I don't know what to tell you bro. This shit is ridiculous
For the last year everybody shit on seals and we all know it
But what I'm saying is is if you look at this game and you look at what the sappy seals NFT community is doing right now
It's actually absurd because they're all doing everything that you're supposed to do with this game
So like if you want to pay attention as a founder
You should probably look at what the fuck's happening right in front of your eyes, bro
Like everybody I know is in discords again. We're in fucking multiple community discourse
I'm in the loomie discord talking to them. They're fucking building their own island seals are building their own islands
Like and they're all working together. So everybody can suck my dick and seals are going higher
But I would say that probably involve yourself in these communities that are very active right now in this game
Because the earlier and the more you farm the money, okay, we keep talking about money
How do I get the money stop asking questions play the fucking game bro and follow the people are playing it
I'm playing it way too much. It's unhealthy
Okay, how long has it been out there might be a coin drop there might be another raise so they can do that so money
How long have I how long has it been out? Did I miss the boat? No get on there
That's the mid curve bullshit. We keep talking about what's the tech?
When you look at like the islands or I don't know what this means but i'm clicking on the website
It says 20 people on the island
This this boat is early
Right. Well, that is everybody has an island
So some are some are boring with no way they're gonna suck
Some are cool and people come hang out because they're pumping their bags on a space until everybody click the link in their bio
Like I am uh the metadata show my six pack
Uh, not yet, but eventually yeah, they'll all be there's like a set list
So if you have a fucking seal or a steak seal you can change to like one of ten different archetypes of seals
But eventually every fucking seal and like yeah, I need my fucking seal
But it's coming. Yeah
All these are doing customs of the seals and shit like that for like anywhere between 50 and 150
Is there a voice chat?
I'm like a
Yeah, there's a there's a there's text push to talk push to talk so i'd be going in and nobody knows this by the way
So I just go in and start arfing
It's awesome. I just go into islands. I start arfing and nobody even knows how to do it
So they all text chat, but i'll just art art for fucking
Every and they have to hear it because they don't know what the fuck's happening. So yeah, the seals can do that now
They could just as a group anonymous or just go to an island and just arf arf
Art until they fucking piss people off, which I think is bullish
Zentani you just got to figure it out. That's what king arth is saying just like
Make a burner wallet
Log in no questions go inside your first island and figure it out come back
So much fucking higher higher, okay, what's my opinion?
Come to my island. I have 25 balloons. That's maxed out
That means once an hour you can get 25 balloons at my island
Then you only have to stop to three more that have 25 because they've been grinding. So uh, bitcoin balloons link in my bio
During the course of the space i've already ordered a fucking saga 2 phone and a laptop. All right, everybody shut up
All right
Order a macbook and then you need to order another device and you need to split up your seals in a multiple
Wallet and you need to play nifty island on 13 laptops. You need to hire people
You need to have children if you have an eight-year-old like zimmy said put him on the fucking game
So you can keep farming out that lot. I don't get about this kid. Just
He's just a nephew ladies i'm single even better no baggage
Just want to put that up there send him right bro. This is the problem. You guys are always telling women no, no baggage
And then you I mean i'm a lot of baggage, bro
That's the red flag bro. They know they love me already. I love you
Any brother brother my baggage my baggage has to go on a fucking pallet, dude, I can't even travel
Uh with a check-in or yeah, anything. I have a pallet more
Women love women love a project
We can go to couples they want to fix they want to fix us dude
They want to fix you guys. I got nothing to fix
Hands or no hands. Hold on. Uh
No hands, but just don't be a moron but real quick. I want to go to prez
How do you feel about nifty island doing everything that yuga said they were gonna do?
You want the truth man, I want the food from president profits on this I honestly do not give a fuck about either of them
All I care about is perembe right now
Yeah, all right press got a big old dick right now pause. Okay, so this is what it is. This is the thing. I think um
And I don't know i'm not in these conversations with yuga, right? I'm not on salary
So I wouldn't know if I was on salary. I would be here illegally telling you all the alpha, right? So
No, but this is what i'm trying to say. Um, I think they're worried about quality. I think they're worried about quality before
Doing it all because it is such a big name
So they want to make sure like respectfully nifty island
I think has a cool team and have cool people working with them
But like to be real there there nobody well now maybe they're making their name
But like when they first entered right oh my nifty island
Like there's no like standard, right? Like there was no standard to live up to they're just like hey, we're here creating
So now everything that's happening
Uh, that's not necessarily the best
They have a chance to to fix it and no one's gonna like oh you suck we're never using you again
Whereas in my opinion if yuga would have just launched whatever it would have sucked and they would have like oh other side sucks
Never again, it's supposed to be the number one project. I could be way overthinking it
But that's why I think that's why it seems like this right now
I can't say I disagree. Honestly, I feel like people um hold yuga to
Sometimes an unfair standard and should the standard be high?
Yeah, absolutely, but I feel like they want to dislike what yuga does
One because it drums up engagement when you have some kind of hot taking you dislike something because you know negative new self
I think people just get bitter some people just hate the yuga system because they didn't get in at the same time
No, I didn't but am I gonna hate on people because they made a bag and they invested in something that went crazy
Absolutely not
um, I think as a space we need to mature before we can actually move forward and recognize when we see
A product and we see a team and project that actually wants to put out something with quality and instead of beating the shit out of
It say wow, this was good
But we should change this or we can evolve in this way and give some kind of constructive
Criticism and feedback so we can actually move forward instead of destroying ourselves from the inside out
That's my fault
I get fucking mad about it
No, that was fucking stupid. No, you got to get mad about it because like
We've been here
In this nft bullshit for like four years, man
And the only thing i've ever seen people do consistently is fucking
Take money from fucking their communities and fucking have bad takes and that was a very good take no glazing
Oh, you okay
Yeah, I was just coughing out the back out of me you're choking. Oh, shut up. I was choking on something
Hey, it's called you the purpose powerhouse of the self. Let's go to someone else
Well, i'm the ultimate co-host i'm co-hosting three spaces right now
Don't ever forget it. That's actually kind of sexy. Um, don't mention the other two. Let's go to zentani
Would never um speaking of having bad takes
The cringiest dms i've ever gotten in my life have been from board ape pfp's
Um, like the like cringe of such levels that that's my bad
And and on on that note, I just hate them
I'm like the derivatives are fine, but like the original board ape profile picture i've never seen such cringe
I just please get rid of it. Can you read the one that presents? Yeah, it won't happen again
They all know
Presses never damn me. It's not but it's like they'll send um, they'll send a picture of their house
Just their house. They won't even say
From board ape pfp's multiple times where they just send a picture of their house
That's insane
Just let someone ask us if we're okay
So zimmy, you know who that probably is, right?
He's in our chat
Nah, this is crazy. Nah, dude, not release
Who i've had many many they all do it and I don't know
You should totally do that
What the fucking names come on
Give us the name. So it's my attention. They also no, I can't it's against my ethics
I can't say names but but they also they'll send a cringy profile picture after too
They'll send their house then a picture of themselves and then they'll talk about their life and how miserable they are and it is
It is so frequent with board ape pfp's that I don't I feel like they're all
In on it or something. It is the cringiest thing i've ever seen does it ever start with? How's your web3 going?
No, it's always just a lot of money
Yeah, that's my favorite scam line. Hey, sir, how's your web3 going?
Do you need some kind of advertisement? Do you need videos created or shorts for you or some kind of reviews?
Please damn us and we are the best company to provide you engagement and kind of exposure. That's
Just use read protocol don't listen to him. I also gotta say he's only good at checking women's vaginas because he's an ob gyn
Although it's not my specialty but
It looks like nifty islands hiring for that in game. So you shouldn't you should head on. Yo, yo btc doctor
What's the what's the field that you got?
By the way, I have my first
You said brain doctor. I'm like this motherfucker thought a doctor man
Neurology you're gonna know it's called neurology and you're not gonna say brain doctor. Okay, I don't care
The room was I need to have my first fucking night shift in one hour in this hospital the first night shift ever
So, uh, yeah, just go to my fucking island do some shit there. I don't know if it even benefits me
But yeah, just do it. Are you and king arf neighbors?
Arf there is no neighbors bro. I love you. There's islands. I just expanded mine so I could build even more
Shit, I didn't know. I didn't know everyone had their own island. Like you don't get like your own spot
Instant 25, uh, there's nothing to do on my island, but you get 25 as soon as you drop down
So if you go to mine and then keros that's half of your farm for it
Can I move in or do I have to have my own island? Yeah, come on down. You uh, you yeah
You can move in. That's the thing. I want to I want to have like an island mate, dude
I'll just hang out with us. Fuck. Yeah, just come hang out with us
We'll go around with you to like ghouls paradise and then we'll just like
We'll just like beat the shit out of you in death match and then you'll want to rage quit
That's like kind of like what we were doing the other night
Are we playing right now or just don't money because I kept honing on i'm playing right now
But I had come to my island through a fucking fight
Lincoln bio, see how easy that bro. Your island is like
It's too terrible today morning. We were 20 people at the island
Today morning me and poi and the others were at my island, man. We had the best stuff
But that's because you guys are all in europe. I'm not gonna go and put myself at a disadvantage, bro
I'm already here with you guys seven days a week
Uh at least 16 hours a day, even though most of the time i'm just fucking engagement farming you guys
I want to hear for the safety of my patients. I only participate in like three spaces this one
Prophets and alficos at the moment like and then yeah, obviously so four
You know what? I mean?
And there's a reason for that is because everyone else
Wants to fucking pretend like they know what they're talking about instead of bringing people that can help educate them
Uh, you know, they're like talking about mass onboarding and that's um, bro. How about we mass educate people?
Farm, okay on nifty island and then they can help us make points and then
It's not hard. Okay, it's not hard at all. We're doing right now. I just bought a slot bar
I bought a slobby seal. I'm retarded. There's something i'm touched by your speech, man
Yeah, I just wanted to
Not have like any more dead air. I was tired of that shit. He did a good job
I bought a slobby seal. It's got a 69 shirt. You can see its skeleton and it's got the sappy mcdonald's hat
Uh more bullets on the pot
So real quick
You can't use any salona-based
Nft's in not yet, but they're gone. We talked to charles. This thing is on eth bro zero with chain
Oh, it's multi-chain. Wow multi-chain bro multi-chain, baby
Cardano here we come
I don't know. I don't know. I feel like I feel like the nifty team like they take like our scrutiny very well
Like some of it is unwarranted obviously because we have a bunch of bozos here that are armchair fucking founders
And they're gonna you know, they're gonna see sweet the fucking chat and all that bullshit that they say
But you know
We're still here
Uh, bro, there's too many names, bro. You know how we roll up here, dude
I'm talking about me
I don't make shit and I shit everyone. Why is everything always about you? It's not about you. Oh, oh
You have a human pfp. You know how I feel about that
I don't actually even ever told me. How do you feel about that? Listen, okay
All of my experiences with human pfbs have not ended well, okay
Like the last human pfp finessed me and I was like doc
What do you mean bro? What does that mean? How do they finesse you?
Oh man, they they told me sweet nothings about oh, this is going to be amazing. You should use this
Just take your right here. Guess what? There wasn't a freaking airdrop
It's been five months. Where's my airdrop?
I feel like nb now fucking i'm gonna have to go to the burn address and be the
Fucking second raccoon of uh web 3 just pulling nfts out of the fucking burn address
It's ridiculous. Wait, are you feeling nb?
I I get it
I just don't understand like the idea of not having my face as my profile picture is like retarded to me
Like I don't under like i'm talking why do you think boardettes are sending you animals right now?
We're adults right now. Let me be honest with you
Okay, if I had this beautiful face as a pfp people will be so distracted
Also what i'm saying and they would just look at the pfp. So that's my answer
Yeah, i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to agree with that like
I'm linking by what's happening with you
Bro, I don't know bitch and the motherfuckers are in the damn dm. Hello. We like the same thing
No, but that's what i'm saying
They hear a female voice and then they're like, oh, this is woman
Is this woman gonna let me send like some eats for some feet pics?
And it's like bro, not everybody wants to send you feet pics and take your eat
They might take your eat, but not send you some feet pics
Imagine talking about onboarding, but we're trying to onboard people to a sea full of gross simps. Imagine that dude
It's fucking crazy. Let him play a cute game instead. You fucking weirdos. It makes no sense
I was thinking like i've never all the dms i've gotten for feet pics are from the old men on twitter
And they have their face they are a face
There's a bunch of boys hard and like dialy dialy. They want to see your boobs not your feet
But i found the correlation between you know feet uh feet
How do you call it fetish interests by men and their age like the more you the older you are the more fit fetish
You might not too much about this bro
He has a foot fetish. I actually made it. No, not great. Maybe nine years
So I was I was very drunk after like the day after my friend's wedding and I have a scar on my foot
And I was like dude. I wonder if people have like a foot fetish with a scar
And I made an instagram
Because I named the scar scarlet and then I did scarlet joe footson
So that was the name scarlet joe's footson
And then I was like yeah scarlet joe footson
And I went and like commented on a few feet pics page
And then I literally went in the pool for 30 minutes and I come back and my instagram app has like 47 notifications
And then I click in and it's like sorry your account's been banned. I was like, dude, they couldn't handle this shit
So that's how I know I have potential
No, no, wait, you don't need good feet like those
Ugly as fucked up like i've had horses step on my toes. My toes are fucked up. I have flat feet
Oh, this is disturbing long toes, they're like tentacles they're disgusting and feet people love me
They love me. They love all feet. It is
Kinds of people ever i'll say that like you don't need nice arched
Pretty feet you're you can come in with wonkers
You're see they're the feet that like they work themselves up to they start with polished toes cute feet
And then they're like this is not a good like I need worse feet. I need weird feet, you know, you just degenerate. Yeah
The one where the all the toes are pointing to one direction and the others are pointing to the other direction
What are we doing here bro? Is this nifty foot fetish? Are we fucking trying to make money, dude?
Like one of the things I was gonna say like you can actually make money off of your feet like genuinely
I can't go through it
I found with these guys I tap out at a 600 dollar per toe
But that's one per toe
600 per toe
All right
Hold the fucking phone
Actually, because I hear
Let Zintani finish
I know to sent me a dm and said hey, I have a quick question for Zintani about her feet
So I'm gonna let him go next but let's just go in order
No, I'm being I'm being dead serious because I've never actually sent it
I've never sent it because it feels weird
But I have talked to these guys and been like no
Like what's your budget and I have like haggled and I've gotten down
Up to and I find that they they zone out at once you go 650 per toe
But if you literally if you haggle with these guys and you're like how much per toe
Because I did that as a meme
They'll literally be they'll literally engage with you like you can actually make money. I just wanted to say that
Don't gatekeep this
Would you do like a bundle where you like you get like the big toe and like the two others next to it for a specific price?
I was just fucking with him to see how much money I could get out of it. I didn't send a picture
I just wanted to know like how much because I i'll get the feet pick offers occasionally and I got curious
I mean, that's three grand worth of toes per foot. These guys they're old men with lots of fucking money, man
Man, these are like men's feet
I think so. Yeah
Why wouldn't you just use like a like an AI image generator and make a foot like no, no
You're gonna have like 18 toes on one foot with verbal description of your foot
You got to use a better
Tell them that your foot is on docs
Okay, they go nuts for 18 toes. Like she told you they're paying like 300 bucks for a toe, man
I have 100
I have a friend in the music industry who sells feet picks and she gets hit up all the time
because she's like a lead singer in a band and so she started selling them on the low and
These guys like request scenes and stuff like that of her
So it'll be like pretend you're stuck in the snow and you've got bare feet in the car and you're like revving the engine
And like you she like talks and shoots these videos and makes like ten thousand dollars
From making these like feet pick movies for these guys
Yo, is that the new meta feet pick movies
Want to create their fruits on my island wait
You don't post it for free
I actually did that because I realized like how much money I've got on the bottom of my legs
You know, I went through deleted anything where any toes are possibly peeking out
Keep that shit on lock
Women are blocking out their toes on pictures now, it's true
This is how you raise the value of the footpick, you know what I'm saying?
Like you don't want people to give fucking roses and on balance times you want them to give fucking feet picks
You know I'm saying like fuck diamonds. You want to get your bitch with a feet pick?
Yeah, this has been fucking amazing
But why don't we get focused on the hands and so the feet and talk to press for a second, bro
Yeah, I don't really have anything relevant to add. I just wanted to say
zimmy bro between
uh scarlet joe footson and the
And zim and zimmy and zimmy gamer island
Um, if you ever want to get into business together, bro, I am 100% down
Because here's our fire
What are you bringing to the table? You want some of your feet, dude
I put that fucking foot on the table. Not a prize. We'll have it. Oh, yeah
My feet picks and make money we could we could do that
I don't want to work at all but i'll give you them toes on the table girl
I'll send you guys a picture of my cock for pixel bro. Not about that
I'll do it. Is what i'm saying dm
I have an idea
My bags who wants to wiggle toes together like an intense game of footsies
Where people are just throwing down and we'll go like 10 rounds and have a judge like a foot orgy
I just got the most uncomfortable feeling in my really in your tummy. Oh, that's fine
That might be something else. No, I don't think so
My nails are sharp. That might be something else. My dm's are crazy
I thought queen arf was king arf like all until
About a second ago
Wob told her to change her name. She did but she made a new account
So she still has the old account which I don't understand but whatever. Well, let me explain it since you're gonna
Miss tell the story, sir
Wob told me to change my name and I was like not gonna do that
I kind of wish I had at this point. I basically am on my alt account all the time
But then I then I posted my lady seal and he said queen arf and then king arf posted his seal
And then we became e-married and the rules are unclear. But wob made it happen. Did you have baby arfas?
No, fuck you. Uh
Bob's also making me a lord and sealant. I don't even know if he's here. We need to get that done
Well, I don't know what this means, but i'm marrying so I don't know if i'm on the market off the market
But it's not the market. I got no fucking title from wob the hell. I call them. I don't know
You have to get a tattoo first wait, yeah, wait, I already got one
Oh, dude, I should go get one
We all got snappy seal sets and then uh, they went to the moon like everybody said they weren't going to because we all got tats
All right real quick though and on a serious note
Is there anything else that we should know?
About nifty island and don't be like nerdy about it like anything that most people
Would find interesting and valuable
Oh, you can import your own 3d models
like of like you could if you're an architect, right like
And this is just like the most normie like use case I could
Big big you could hear i'm playing I can't believe you think that people as smart as architects are on web 3
But keep going. No, there are uh chewy from uh atp is a uh architect bro
There are intelligence. Oh, he's a smart guy. Yeah. Yeah, he's here for the tech though
So like what if you hire an artist to make you something and like, you know, bro
You're gonna see signs this bull run you're gonna see that and when i'm max bidding on super rare, you're gonna fucking feel me
Okay, you're gonna fucking feel me
That's right. Wait, I just
I'm not done with the foot thing. I I just have one more comment. That sucks. If you have a longer
Middle toe than your big toe you will make bank. I didn't realize this. I don't have that
But if you have a apparently
This foot fetish time to get some plastic surgery girl when your second toe is longer than your big toe
That's the most beautiful foot on these foot fetish ranking where these dudes at what's the website and where can we put her toes?
I'm working bad read it reddit.com
If you if you start posting like uh
Pictures with your feet but like blur it out. Just start tweeting it. I guarantee you. Okay, i'm gonna
Blur out the toes
I think that that those are the money makers
And then send it 100
Right here are my feet so that people have something to search for here are my feet and then just
Just show just the tip of the toenail, but if you put pictures of your
Wait, I actually did do this. Let me go find it
Hold on 3d model your foot busy and have somebody put it in a 3d model
And then put it in your island
I do have a question though. Like so you can hire somebody to
Say I wanted to have an island and I wanted specific things on it
How would I just hire somebody to be able to help me dm chewy?
You can give people permission to put stuff on and to build on your island and things exactly
Yeah, but like literally any 3d artist can like make you a model and you could then import it into the game
So say you want a custom version of your reel i'm so review that or whatever
Can I what can you raid islands like i'm down to start a mafia. Yeah
Yeah, we just show up people just show up
Oh, no, I meant like in a negative not like hey, we're raiding and having a good time
Like no, I want to like no we go in there
You wouldn't want to do that because that's why team despot exists
If you go to the island though, it gives them like points and stuff
So if you want to do it because you hate someone don't ever visit their island. So my island in which I want to be a
Trap house
Oh, yeah, that's yeah, you just name it trap house like that's kind of like the way that this works
Wait, I have more ideas. So can you like build galleries and stuff on your island? Oh my god. Yeah
It's like an ape museum, bro
It's just a fucking bunch of apes and he's like look at my fucking apes, dude
And you just go to his thing and it's an ape museum of all his fucking apes, bro
If you want to do that, sure
You should just go like do it and come back and tell us what you think just go figure it out
Just search ape museum, by the way, don't I'm asking questions like right just do it. She's right
It's not for me it's for morons in the audience like chris d who aren't gonna do it again. Oh, okay. My bad
Chris is about the game bro. You're getting the game though. Everybody get in the game
It's not it's it's fuck dude. There's like a hundred seals and then there's 150 now. There's like 260
We're still number one. Like the seals are getting a bigger airdrop. So dude, I don't know what to tell you
I'm going to tell you feels are the future of nithy island because they're there right now. There's no future
They're right now. We're the top community like it's it's right now
Feels are the present bro. So how do I do this Vulcan thing where I don't have to connect my ledger with the seal?
Okay, I don't know. I use delegate that whatever the fuck but yeah
That's what that's a dyor situation where you want to like come on bro items to another wallet using a platform
I don't fucking know bro. Talk to cure delegate that xyz
There you go. That's where I'm at. I'm not trusting any of you, but i'll look into that for sure
Don't trust anybody bro. Oh, yeah, chris d. What is your what are your thoughts on nifty island? I can stop dude
But it's weird nerd complicated to like make cool shit on your island
And I asked the the weird nerds about how to do it and they're like, oh, well, you know
I do live streams that show people how to do it
But dude, everybody sucks at social media, so they're not posting that anywhere
So if i'm not one of the eight people watching them live stream video games, I don't get to learn anything
Dog shit at uh their content. So that's good
I mean content creators can come in and teach people how to do cool shit
I could learn and then there's like money and king arp was talking about it
So i'm gonna help him do that like I don't know. I think it's all good
Yeah, it is good. Make some content show people how to use it show your communities how this shit works
And then just do the web3 thing like also you're early which means you could farm a token before a bunch of people are playing
This I don't know why people aren't bullish on that like it's it's a bunch of web3 mfers farming an obvious token drop
Uh later more people from other places. Maybe tell your friends to come over here
Can't you like use an email or something and like yeah, they have to get onboarded but still who cares supply
Oh supply of what I'm not getting into tokenomics bro
Build other mini games on top of it as well like inside of them
There's pre-built mini games that you set parameters to right so you don't have to build out crazy games
It's not that hard like you put deathmatch and like okay
So on my island I built like a medieval fucking spot up top
That was four different type of game fuckery in a medieval setting
Uh, I put down a fucking thing that said make the deathmatch game
I put all my spawn points where I wanted them
I put all of my like items where I wanted them and you choose what kind of items you want to put
You don't have to then so you make these custom little games. Did you guys ever play halo like that popped off?
Everybody played fucking custom games
I'm saying right now. I'm sorry. I did horribly i'm like yeah, dude, it's custom games, bro
It's like you make these custom games. They give you the platform. They give you a basic like here's the deathmatch
Here's all the stuff you could put and then you build it yourself
So every like there's some shitty fucking islands with shitty games
And then there's some with like very well built out maps that are actually enjoyable to play as a group and like yeah
We're talking about farming a token
I'm talking about other people having fun because that means like more people are using this shit and right now we're here so early
That we're way ahead of the game
So like let's fucking farm the shit out of this and I if this doesn't like bring in normies
I don't know what the fuck we expect to because I don't expect the other side to do that with
The content sucks though, so how are they gonna bring in normies if the content sucks?
What are you doing? The content the game bro. Fuck the content. This is mid curve. The game is lit as fuck
That's all you need to know like yeah, I get it
Better than bitch and drive it around from island to island
It's it's bullish. Just play the game, bro, and then make your own
Carve your own niche bro. Make your own shit
And guys like if you've ever played like any roblox games like usually a weekly they'll have a new like
Update on the game. So I would I would be really surprised if nifty island didn't have regular
Um added more features and improved shit and whatever curl was I speaking over you i'm sorry
No, I was just no i'm sorry, that was my bad
I meant to mute myself
But my hand is on the keyboard and my other hand is on the mouse and like i'm just getting far
What is this is the part where people don't farm kids and roblox is some of the best fun you can have
I don't want to play with kids. I want to play with like they're literally five years old. Their brains don't work
It's so funny. They get a seal on roblox. They're so upset
I do I just feel roblox
I want to I need to hear a dialogue grow a pair of nuts
Nude everyone and say what you have to say and then chop off the nuts when you're done
Are you done
All right. Anyway, yeah, I kick kids asses on roblox regularly. I fucked their shit up on bed wars
I have no remorse. I just smoke them daily and uh, this is how I feel good about myself
I'm gonna do this
I go into total drama island. That's my favorite and I just go in the chat and i'm like you're ugly
I'll just say you're ugly
I'm pretty and i'll get ganged up by these kids like five-year-olds. They're like say sorry
Say sorry right now
And do you
Do you say sorry or no, yeah, I always say sorry I always give in yeah, what has
What is gaming come to?
This has always been gaming dude look at us dude. No, I mean like
People say and say you're sorry
I've never dealt with that in gaming my entire life. Actually, you're right. They usually just come back at you
They come back harder and faster and stronger and with friends
No, these kids they're five years old, dude. They're five
That's good
It's hilarious. They're gonna grow up and they'll they'll switch once they're like 13. They'll start being like fuck your mom or whatever
Also, I pinned
I am sloppy seal because they made it and i'm just I had to share it. Yeah, you can share
I haven't looked at anything up here except oh dude, but you you guys covered my toes. What the fuck?
It's okay you can see
He means literally because these fucking toes i'm gonna nft them
And i'm gonna put it in nifty island and you're just gonna see my big fucking toe
Sitting on the dead center of this fucking island like a kim jong-un statue, but wow
You did a good job. You have just the tip of your toenail showing just like I said you follow directions. You make stone henge
Oh, what what you should make stone henge with your toes. Oh, dude, that's
Someone take over please someone do something and there's my contribution
World has anybody heard of the world shit how world probably king arf has arf. Have you heard of pow world?
No, i'm playing miss the island
Was that just recently released because i've heard a bunch of it today, I guess um, and i'm like, what the fuck is pow world?
But if nobody knows fuck it we're moving on
So you were just like what the fuck is pow. Well, then you just moved on with your life hoping someone else would know
Yeah, that's what I asked. That's what I came here for i'm not gonna do my own research
I agree work smart not hard. Just keep asking on pow world. I mean oh
Oh pow world's like pokemon with guns. It's like a it's like an rpg style pokemon
Like it is incredible. If you haven't seen the youtube video
Um mudahar if anyone knows mudahar on youtube some ordinary gamers. He made a really really phenomenal video about it
He's got 10 hours into the game already
And said it's going to be the next big thing in like streaming and competitive gaming
Can you saw that on the steam home page? It has a really really good reviews dude. It was 93% good reviews out of 30 000
Wait, it's on steam. So is it isn't not a web 3 game. They're gonna get sued for sure. They said it's like
But but you can kill them. So for everybody that wants to kill pokemon, there you go
Who wants wait, so the way you're on ass catch them with a gun
So you can start out with crossbows and bows and then like eventually like more towards end game you get guns and stuff
It's it looks phenomenal. Like i'm immediately buying it when I have the funds
Are you catching how much is it? Yeah, you catch them. You have like pow balls and shit
How much does it cost bro? I think it's gotta kill them all
I don't even care what the price is because it just looks so good. Wasn't it on sale. I just saw it yesterday
It's probably 60. Well, you said like when you get funds, like you're buying like like is it a 20 dollar game?
Like are you okay?
I'm like currently trying to sell my house like and uh move to a trailer get some bitcoin miners
But until then i'm like not
So are you selling your house to buy a trailer? No
Pin your listing if you want you can pin your house listing bro. I fucking love that dedication right there
That guy's gonna make it folks
That coin vibes
Back in the day the guy sold his house for a litecoin. He sold his entire house and everything for litecoin
So just don't is that you are you trying to get?
No, I have a second chance at life
My brother-in-law sold his bitcoin in his litecoin and bought a big ass house
Oh, you know what you should do is we should learn runes by the way of tomorrow, by the way
I'm getting with these bitcoin puppets. I've triggered something with these puppets, bro
And tomorrow we are starting garbage day, which is mondays is garbage day
We're gonna figure out how to do these runes and we're gonna drop a trash ass rune
Which means I have a bitcoin testnet node that's set up on my pc right now and a bunch of these fucking nerds
I've been talking about runes for two fucking months. You guys have been hearing me
Nobody fucking at all wants to do shit with this these puppets. They all a couple of them have nodes
We're gonna figure this bullshit out
So like no more questions
If you want to fucking test net
If you want to get on testnet and try these runes out and pay attention runes are gonna fucking print, bro
Go watch casey roto morris fucking so speak rogers fucking i'm telling you you're going crazy. What is that?
Can you pin something bitcoin runes?
Uh, can you pin it? You're going too quick. Like if you make a good suggestion, I just need pins
I'll try to pin dude, but there's no quick answer and there is no pin. There's an ordinals this watch the casey article
Yeah, but the long i've been seeing everything about runes
Are and like it it reminds me how like small of a bubble we're in when you talk about this and everyone's like
What is that and i'm like, bro? How have you not heard about like what's going on right now?
So yeah, give them the alpha. Yeah, let me fucking cook. There's a testnet right now bitcoin runes
Uh people like butoshi fucking all these motherfuckers have been putting out projects for the last year when everybody faded it like
Those guys are doing this right now and they're gonna fucking print
So like you need to look at the testnet on runes
Don't ask me how to get there go fucking figure it out. Get on the ordinals discord
Go talk to these fucking bitcoin people. The ordinals discord is where casey roto morris lives. It's where he builds ordinals, bro
Nobody's in there. Why like get in there
Follow the testnet because if you look at the testnet you'll see the people who've inscribed the runes first on testnet
That means that they know how to do it
So that means that when they come out on the halvening
It means you'll be able to get those ones and one of those is going to be the next order that fucking sent on brc20s
Why does this matter brc20s are dead. Those things are way too fucking big
They make no fucking sense and they suck there will be a market for it because consensus or whatever the fuck
I don't care runes are meant to be better than that and they will be so when these shits are on binance
Like don't be like I told you or I was too hard that type of shit
So like you don't have to test net these you don't have to do what i'm doing
But what you do have to do is go get in the fucking ordinals discord. It's a discord, dude
We've been doing this for fucking how long like fuck me, but uh, i'm gonna figure out this testnet shit
So like i'm gonna be etching runes, which means like i'll be on testnet on bitcoin etching actual runes
Which means when they come out I can do that myself bro, which means I know how to drop a shit coin on bitcoin
That's all and like when you get these they're gonna be
They're gonna be insane if they're the right ones. Like it's it's not it's not something to take lightly
Like everybody faded casey rodimore. I don't know why he's one of the most respected engineers in general ever
Especially in this space so like
Look into all this shit and get rich is how I look at it and like I don't give a fuck
Nobody wants to talk about money. This is what it is
Like these are gonna come out first you're gonna get all the pieces before the game starts. That's what this is
So yes, it's hard. It's confusing. What the fuck is a rune figure it out type shit
Where's the ordinal discord question i'm gonna ask the ordinals discord i'll try to find the link to it
It's called the order quarter. I think so
Wait, are you in the composers thing? I'm gonna drop the fucking discord link in there safe
I can I can find it and pin it because I just followed casey
Wrote a more fine. Yeah, if he has it on there
I don't know if he has it does like anywhere, but it's got to be somewhere. I think there's an ordinals
He's got a post that I clicked on. It's how I got to the discord recently
I will find it. Let's fucking go. Yeah, just start doing this. I'm interested in bitcoin, bro
It's bitcoin into more bitcoin like it's the most bullish thing we've seen in the space
Since fucking I don't even know bro
Like that's where it is. And like last year you watched these brc20s make people
Like rich as fuck and like we're just sitting here like well
I don't know man because like like fuck that we're doing the mid curve shit that we did
With fucking salon of shit coins most of us like I got over there and fucked it like at this point
Just fuck with it, right?
And like you should be fucking with runes because it's it's on bitcoin and it's going to be shit coins
And that's like that at the end of the day. That's it and like you really need to watch like casey rata more is a video
It's memento mori. Okay, it's it was at sora summit
2023 he explains everything i'm talking about and he is way smarter than me, bro
And uh, it's going to print so like i'm gonna be focused in on that and nifty island until runes
That's it. So like today nifty island farm tomorrow
Garbage day in the puppets discord in the shed. There's like six of us who have nodes. So we're gonna be like
All etching rooms on a test net, bro
Just like garbage ass runes trying to figure it out
And then like ideally the most hilarious outcome is that pups?
Drop your rune within like the first top 10 one of us idiots and it fucking sends
But like there's going to be other ones that'll actually be from teams that know what the fuck they're doing and are building crazy
Shit, right? So or it's just a fucking ponzi and you make a bunch of money
But uh, that's what runes is bro. So fucking safe. Uh, casey. Yeah, it's up there. I'm interested
I'm very interested get in the discord fucking senate if anybody wants to help by the way
I've been saying this for two months for that reason
So like go learn as well and i'll be cooking with the puppets
You guys cook with each other and then we all come together and make a fuckload of money
So I need to pop in in order to to cook with the puppets. No don't you I mean you should have one
But whatever like you don't need one
Yeah, you don't need one
But like I look they had uh, the puppets actually that ecosystem put out the first
Airdropped meme coin, which was a brc20. So I don't know maybe have a puppet. You know what i'm saying?
Dude, your puppet shirt says ketamine. Correct. That's fucking l dude. Yeah
I know that's why I got it on the floor at 0.018 when some fucking dumbass decided that it was going to be
Not worth it
Oh, even though it has a game boy. It says ketamine
Bro the game boy the game boy the ketamine the orange background because bitcoin fuck off one btc next year
What a bitch one btc next year or something like balls
My favorite is a little grin and then like the cigarette hanging out the side of the mouth
Like I just it's just it doesn't for me
Kind of for me. I'm not gonna say it reminds me up in person because that's just fucked up
Stay with your chest i'll tie in the dns
Holy shit. All right, that sounds pretty dope. I have one quick question
Because i've been using bonk bot will bitcoin be able to support something similar to that in telegram
Uh, so here's the thing bro
Like the one of the things that I heard that got me really fucking bullish is a lightning network
Which these will be compatible with that because they will I don't know the
I don't know the big thing about that
But lightning network seems like it's going to be a bullish thing for runes
So I would say yes, there's going to be some it's not going to be the same as you think it is
It's going to be weird and fucky and you're gonna be on a weird website. That looks like it's from fucking 1995, bro
Eventually sure because now we have swaps where you can swap like if you go to liquidium
You could do shit. You couldn't do you could put loans you could do blur blend shit
Okay, but on bitcoin pretty much and all this bullshit like you could use saturn now and like whatever
So there's all these different like things that get built out. So yeah, I think with runes that'll come
For sure because why wouldn't it?
Now is runes spelled like ruins like rui
Are you nes? Are you nes runes? Okay, and it's not inscribing. It's etching
So you'd be like etching a rune which would be etching a shit coin and you'd have to figure out the supply and all
That bullshit like the jay, you know what it is, bro
It's fucking code and garbage or whatever
And he said that word for word, um, so I would go ahead and pay attention to the guy who's smarter than all of us
No, yeah, like i'm extra bullish if someone says they want to fuck every blockchain in the ass like
Who does because they can all die because we're going to the mother chain is the thing. That's the whole thing. So
Dude, I mean bitcoin shit coins would be a whole new fucking level
But would would it be the the gas fee would probably be similar to?
The situation with bitcoin in general though, right I imagine like I don't think so
I think it's going to be it's like smooth and fine and we're not going to have many issues
But like it's I don't know, you know what i'm saying? I don't know exactly times take forever
Yeah, but I don't know how this is going to be and yes, correct
But you could always turn up gas like I I know how to mint on bitcoin
It's just a little different bro
Like when I get in these projects I get them and then a bunch of people bitch that they didn't get them
But I turned up the fucking fees like I you know did these different things that you have to do, right?
Um with runes though, I don't I don't really think it's going to be as big of a deal as the rest of the shit
I think he's going to have that nice and smooth and like it's still going to be a nightmare and the people who are early
Are going to have to like bust their ass to like learn
But uh, eventually yeah, there'll be platforms and shit, right that you could just fucking swap in and out of there's a brc20
Like alex.co
DeFi ash has been fucking with that for a year or whatever the fuck
I have and a couple other people have that's going to have an airdrop
That was a brc20 platform where you had like a trading view of like brc20s
And you could like jeet in and out of them and trade them like fucking like it was bird eye or some shit, right?
So like you'll get something like that with runes. They'll probably be an airdrop
It might be alex.co who brings them on like all of these things will happen
But it'll just take like time, right?
So you want to get there first when it's weird and get the tokens, right? That's what i'm saying
King I I feel like I so when I watched that casey's video today
He said something about what was cool about runes is there's like a commit and reveal function
And tell me if i'm like not saying this correctly, but like they're saying you could do
Eliminates front running. So like when you do something on the chain, even if someone sees it
They can't just like up the fee or whatever like it kind of removes
In theory, doesn't that kind of remove like bots front running like mints and stuff?
So i'm not going to get on this and try to think about it because i'm not going to understand it as much as I should
But there are things he's building into it to hopefully prevent different things like that
But I don't know it to the full extent or what the possibilities are. So I don't want to say anything really
That's what it's okay
Well, that's fair and that's what it sounded like to me in my not super nerdy brain
So that would be super cool if that's true. It'll be more feature rich than brc20
I definitely will say that which means like yeah, it'll be better and you could probably do more with drops, right?
Well, let's bring in the expert who we happen to have here, uh, I want to welcome Zintani
Yeah, uh, thank you so much for having me. I'm
Really happy to speak on this topic. Um
I've been reading more about feet this whole time
I actually have completely zoned out have no idea what you guys are talking about, but i'm curious
Because I don't really i've never really cared that I have flat feet
Uh, it doesn't really you know, and so i've been looking into it like what's the deal with flat feet?
You can't go to war. So it's bullish
Sorry, I got an alarm so it cut me off
But I was looking into flat feet and apparently like it's a big problem
I'm gonna get arthritis when i'm older and all this stuff
And so i'm curious has anyone in here fixed flat feet. Does anyone in here have flat feet?
Yeah, I fixed it very special insoles
Well that give the arch they give the arch
Because i've always had shoes like that i've been reading these people they're all saying that it's the arch that gives you flat feet
They're saying that uh people like out in countries that don't have shoes that don't like tribes. None of them have flat feet
It's the arch support that kills the arch. Am I the only one here with flat feet? I think so
Yeah, I think so. Hold on. Yeah, just you
You guys I don't think anybody in this in this space have any arches or um any muscle tone whatsoever
Um, or probably any melanin in their skin because they're parked in further computers all day
Um, this is our species and this is how we live and we're proud of it
Agreed. Wait, I want to go to I want to go to it. Wait, wait, wait, zimmy. Do you have arch really quick?
All right
Go ahead. Is it me? No, I have flat. I have flat feet you do i'll let you know. Yeah
Yeah, but i'm also a pigeon toad. So i'm good at soccer. Let's go to let's go to ip. He came up during king arf's runes chat
He or she should not assume who is first to king arf's. Um point there
About a month ago. I watched the video. Um
Casey was talking about the his motivation for creating runes
Was the brc 20s?
There's something called and i'm not a dev but there's something called
UTxos those are unspent transactions on uh bitcoin and he says
Those unspent transactions pollute the network and slow down the network
All right. So there is a
I'll tell you what I watched it then I went to a couple of the sites that he referenced
The video was a seminar that he was doing in problem
Probably in front of like a hundred devs that you could see and it was in type. I believe
but um the
The explorer it's like, uh, you know like etherscan like, you know the bitcoin part of ethan, you know, like
The version of etherscan it's signet dot ordinals dot com
Forward slash runes i'll say that again
Signet s-i-g-n-e-t
dot ordinals
forward slash runes
That's just about all I know about it. I really didn't go down the ramp at all
But that 23 minute video on youtube is really worth watching
Yeah, there's a github by the way
Like all the runes is just code and it's on github the only reason that I started talking about this like the second
So like i've been looking at the ordinals github for a year
I don't know everything that gets put on there
But when something gets put on there
I'm like what the fuck is this and then you can kind of see what it is
And then you can ask people in the discord
You could watch the coding videos and you can kind of decipher what's like coming
So like runes got committed to github two and a half months ago or some shit
And then what he's saying is like yeah, you go to ordinals dot com, but it's the it's the test net now
Okay, so which is where they test these things out. So it's signet dot ordinals dot com
There's a rune section there if you go slash runes
You can see all these runes because the second it got put on github
I saw it and i'm talking about it and people like well, where do I find it?
The github the like it's coders. It's code. It's the back end. You're talking about like
Code all of it
So like if you see what's happening in the background
I can make a rune from my computer and I don't have to use a platform
I i'm using a bitcoin node and I know what the code is
So I just make it and nobody can tell me not to nobody can tell me what the fuck i'm doing
If i'm the first one to throw enough fees at this shit when runes come out
I can put out the first rune if i'm smart enough, but there's gonna be a bunch of people trying to do that
That's not what i'm trying to do. I'm trying to get them first, right?
But um bullish on signet go look at the signet because there's runes there he's right
He's right and then go look at the github because every time they commit something it's public
So the people who knew about runes and did them immediately were watching the github like butoshi who put one out top 10
Uh, i've paid a lot of attention to him and been like getting really close to him because he put one out
Top 10 and knows what he's doing. So like the alpha is the people
Obviously, so like in like we just need to talk to them
That's like the biggest thing like the people who are on github casey
Uh raff all the guys who are working on the protocol
Them follow them talk to them figure it out. That's uh, that's it. And if they're right in front of you trying to help you
Um casey got a printed fucking so much money when he made runes. He didn't he just kept making it
He just just keeping on building it. You know what i'm saying?
So I would just pay attention to those guys, man. That's that's where i'm moving 2024 like bitcoin
I'm all this other shit, but this is new
Right. So new is bullish
That's where i'm at. I don't know. All right, so I I did some quick research for dummies
So correct me if anything i'm here I say is wrong. So
runes new type of token on the bitcoin blockchain better than brc 20 brc 20 dead runes coming in
unique feature of runes
It's aimed to also reduce clutter by avoiding unnecessary data
Uh, you can attach unique data to individual satoshis. So pretty much similar to
What people are doing with rare sats is that right?
No, yes, I mean yeah, you got a good list going, you know, okay
Big differences. It's obviously still permanent data on the blockchain. So you cannot
You cannot change any sort of the
Of the metadata. However, it could lean to a bloated blockchain more data bigger size
Not really sure
What that like affects at all?
Offers more features like variable supply. What is the difference between an orc?
It's an orc 20 token. What is the difference between orc 20?
And brc 20 i'm reading that right now orc 20 token
It's giving me a yeah, I just want to let you know
I watched a video that king arf gave me a casey
It gives like a little presentation and I pinned I pinned it just now and I tagged you in it
It's like 20 minutes and I I watched it and honestly felt like I learned a lot
Um, so I just wanted to throw that out. I watched that one someday by the way, I will watch it
Thanks for pinning that i'm gonna and i'm not like super smart either or anything
So if I could understand it, it's like pretty you know
Good. I just I just bookmarked it
There was something in that video that he said he didn't want a feeding frenzy. So what he did is obviously the short
Um string characters would be worth more money
so he started with a 28 length string character and
Every four months it's going to be reduced. So at the end of the you know at the end of this
I'm going to use the word fiasco for lack of a better word
You know, let's say 10 years from now seven years from now whenever it gets down to a two string, you know
Our length of characters those will be real valuable
He could have started the other way in reverse, but he didn't because he didn't want a feeding frenzy
Like he's referring to like the idea of like naming it like it's individual names and you want like shorter names and stuff
I that's a really good point too because he said you can do it as short as 13 and then it'll start to decrease
So that I don't know it sounded like
He would basically like just because you're early you don't get to like have them all and then make a bunch of money
Which is ironic because now i'm early enough to do that and he's made it so you can't
But now he's saying everyone gets a fair chance, which I guess is fine. So
You have to think that everyone by the way, like keep this in mind, right?
Everyone one percent of people are going to listen to what i'm saying right now and I know that and like dude like people
I'm telling you people tell me all the time that i'm wasting my time sometimes and I I fucking get it
Because I am kind of but not really because like we're a network of fucking people who are fucking friends, bro
So like i'm gonna tell you guys about this alpha because it's real, bro
Uh, so yeah, but one percent of people
Maybe will act on this shit, dude
But I want that to be the people I fuck with and to be doing it together in a discord call in private and printing
Which that's where we'll be dude by the time this shit happens
Like that's where i'ma be like I these salana prints like the money i'm making right now
I'm not on the fucking timeline, dude
If i'm coming on the timeline, it's because I just printed and everything's fucking listed and i'm coming on the timeline being like
Can you believe this shit happened? I can't either fucking send it higher and we all know what it is
Right, like it's the same thing with these ruins bro. So when it does happen, like we're gonna be gone, bro
Um, so I want to know everything now. I want to learn it with my friends
And yeah, i'm gonna try to i'm gonna do my own like I said tomorrow on testnet and fucking put something there
And yeah, we can talk about it figure the fuck out. Uh
But like start talking to projects if you got clout here
Okay, start talking about like go to ordinals motherfuckers and go learn or these projects that are doing really well on ordinals like
Go pay attention and get involved in the ecosystems because they're the ones
Putting them out like then that you can't just sit here and then be like, well, what's the alpha?
What's the alpha? What's the alpha which is what everybody does, but then they don't bother
Talking to people like english talking to people like good things, dude
Good thing's my fucking mentor dog. Like that guy's been around for so fucking long, dude
And he knows so fucking much and has so many connections
Like thank god for good things, bro
He will hook me up with anybody I need to talk to you and all you gotta do is message him
So like we need to start learning and like actually communicating with the people who are doing this shit instead of being like hey
What's the fucking alpha? Like there is none go learn. Uh, we can do that together, right? I like that
So yeah, the alpha is learn
That's true. Um real quick before we I want to hear from metagen as well
So would you say the core benefit of this is like that meme coin shit coin?
ecosystem within bitcoin or is there
Is there more to it and it's okay at the end of the day? That's it
It's it's it's fucking bringing shitty shit coins to the mother chain. That's it. That's pretty sick, dude
Who doesn't want to stack btc like everyone, you know, that's pretty dope. All right. Let's go to metagit
Yo, what's good? Uh, I just wanted to check to make sure everyone's dicks were still out
I'm from rhombi, dude
Hell yeah. Oh
Right now
Uh, i'm not sure but i'm assuming it is but like if you don't have your dick out, it's most likely not so
That's true. Like we'll know
We will fucking know it'll be signed out
King arf i'm fucking highly interested, uh in this I will mention
From the ninjas if you go look at that collection
They've done stuff that I didn't even know was fucking possible, dude. You go to one of his
Uh, like just any of their collection i'm just going to go to it right now just to read off what you can do
One it takes a second to load, which is kind of crazy
Um, but you click in into the nft and there's a drop down menu and then you can resize it directly within there
So you type the amount of pixels you want it to be there's an animation where you can start it
Or you can do custom animation and go directly into
Code and build out your own animation
Uh, there's stickers so you can just do a click down menu and there's like gm stickers like all this other shit
That connects to the ninja just for you to save you can play. Uh
like a classic, uh
SNES and then you can read the ip rights like you it's crazy what you can
What you can do in this like there's fucking games and all this shit like
It's kind of crazy bro
So like the thing about ordinals is that it's an internal internet and you can code whatever you want there
And you could just fucking make shit. That's really cool
You can put a whole website on as an ordinal like people were doing this a year ago, dude
There was a bitcoin miners. I don't even know how they're doing bro
But like I remember when they came out the whitelist process was literally an ordinal
And like you would check the whitelist checker was an ordinal and you'd go in there and you'd fucking copy paste your wallet
And it was a functioning site that fucking you would check your if you were eligible
Like there's there's there's devs and shit cooking they have been for a year and it's very confusing and shit, right?
But like that's dope
So like pay attention to people who are doing dope shit
I would say like innovation is real if you put enough minds at something and develop something cool and then that number go up
right, so
I'm with you, dude. I'm a hundred percent with you
Yeah, that the more the more I learn about ordinals just the more I continuously get more bullish on it
It's really crazy how they've carved out this niche
During what already I consider like an early adopters phase like somehow
There wasn't it wasn't math adoption. It was actually funneling
It almost went backwards for a second possibly to just like catapult and move forward
on btc, but it seemed like for the first time during the bear market there was a
There was some sort of quote unquote like trend or innovation that a lot of people just simply didn't understand and still don't understand
To this day a renaissance. Yeah a renaissance. Ooh
Hell yeah. No, dude, it's actually so crazy because like
For people who don't know like there's this
another ordinal project called hashlings
And the art is like really fire. It's a pfp collection
But if you bought if you minted the art then you have an opportunity
to like mine bitcoin so you can like
Purchase a discounted minor rig from like through them and then they'll set up for you and like run it for you
and you can like make you can earn like passive income through that and it's like there's this whole like
Like they created like this whole entire like map of like how after bitcoin happening
You should be like giga profitable and all this other shit. You can sell your rig
Dude, you know, what's happening on bitcoin? It's fucking epic
That's pretty sick
So they'll host the whole farm and essentially as long as you own
The nft you own the rights to that specific
Like rig or part of the rig or whatever it may be
I think so i'm not actually like i'm not 100. They're actually going to have like a more in-depth
Uh discussion about it because there's actually not a lot of writing on it
But i was just speaking to the mod this morning about it and
Yeah, like if you minted one of the nfts you can purchase a rig through them
I don't think it's directly tied to the nft
But uh, you purchase that rig separately and then they host it for you and they take care of it etc
and like they
Like they created like this excel sheet with all these projections to show like, you know
how profitable bitcoin money should be like over the next year and then what's going to look like after the happening and like
The projections are that like this this kind of rig we're about to get for like a thousand something dollars is going to be worth like
Like nine thousand dollars or something like that at some point plus like all the fees you'll be making from the rig
so like, you know you buy the rig you'll be able to flip that as well if you
In case that like, you know, you're not you're not fine with the profits you're making off passive
I don't really I don't even fucking know but it's epic and I want to mine some bitcoin. So fuck it
Why not? Why not get the rig yourself?
Because they're getting it through like they're getting it through like
Like a whole whole they're getting they're getting like
Yeah wholesale
And then they're the ones that are like literally operating in everything like they have like their own setup and everything
They're somewhere like really cold. I don't know where they are. Maybe like a michigan or something, but that's where they're hosted right now
Definitely russia
Does the like does the weather have anything to like I imagine you almost want somewhere really warm, right?
No, no, because the heat you you want you want your computer's cold. Yo
Oh, I got the other way where you could use like fucking solar energy to to power the thing
Well, you could still use solar energy, you know in the moon snows out in the cold
You right i'm no solar expert
All right, definitely. It's not it's in tony. Is it about feet?
Hell, yes
The reason that foot fetishes are so common is because the part of your brain that processes feet
Is adjacent to the part of your brain that processes arousal and there's a lot of adjacency screw-ups that happen in brains
Foot fetishes are very very common
Very common. There's probably some some dwelling among us
The least the least common demographic to get foot fetishes is heterosexual women
But it is very very common in men
I mean, can we just change the title to foot fetishes bro already?
I wish dude
I've just never you know, i've never been interested in feet for some reason
I'm i'm going on a deep dive and there's some interesting stuff here put foot with hat hundreds just retire
I want to I want to go to unoriginal
Yeah, um back in the day like 2012 when I got kind of introduced into bitcoin, uh
This guy bought an old grocery store in the local area and he used the refrigerator section and the freezer sections
Like he is cooler for his mind farm
And that dude's doing well. He's actually still in the area
He holds a crypto tuesday every every week at the brewery. Uh, that's wow. It's pretty sick
Yeah, that is dope dude. So dude's a bitcoin millionaire. He's still like hanging with you know, everybody onboarding people with the north
Yeah, that's sick. That's sick. All right. I want to quickly go around king arf guess the letter
Look at the top
All right, chris guess the letter
Coward purple, okay metajig guess the letter dicks
Okay, maca valley guess the letter
Okay, i mean e
Hey, all right
We got one press guess the letter
Look at it. You can you can see it update
unoriginal guess the letter
queen arf guess the letter
Um s no, I mean
Curl, no, you don't get to uh curl guess the guess the letter
No dialogue guess the letter
What's after t is it in an eye or is that like a slash or what's going to be
There's a b. All right
I don't get it. Wait
All right, can you see it did it update? No
No, it didn't
Is it update now? Yeah. All right, someone guess the letter anyone. Hey, why?