Outer Edge Space - @Doodles 2 Stoodio Beta - Exclusive Interview

Recorded: May 1, 2023 Duration: 1:05:40



I'm a bop, who's a bop, I don't wanna make it If you didn't want to raise it, it's all your sick bad, it's all your sick bad, yeah, four weeks Long week to the day, yeah, I ain't cookin'
I do believe bodies, if you're back, push the number on body. I can trust nobody. I can't trust nobody. I don't know nobody. I just trust that there's no one. I can't trust nobody. I can't trust nobody. I can't trust nobody. I don't know nobody.
I was letting these know I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna#
I can't trust nobody
I'm a pop music artist, I don't wanna make it You didn't want to say shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my shit, but it's all my#
Alright, alright, alright, welcome everyone to another Twitter Space's edition by Otter Edge and How. Alongside me, I have course a place that's usual to be joined by the NFTs and Saksacre High Guys Zone.
I know a little. Hey there, doing great. What's going on? Oh, hey, there you go. I was wondering who was behind that account. There you go. How are you going, Josh?
Doing good doing good man. Oh good alright, and of course Let's just get down to it everyone is here to to listen to the guys that midst the legend behind doodles right so we have the pleasure of being joined by Austin and Jill how you guys doing
Hey, what's up guys, thanks for having us. Jim. Jim. Yes, yes. Great to have you guys on the show. Really excited about this special special exclusive Twitter spaces that we're hosting with you guys. It's been a minute since we've had a chance to
to do some pup pot at the doodles golf course. I think that was in Miami, right? Did you guys did that? - Doodle Pupp was in Miami. - Yeah, that was Miami. It was fantastic. Doodle Pupp was actually where I started my, I guess my hiring experience with doodles. I had a pretty great conversation with Boopita.
Very cool. Yeah, we had a blast there and it was such a well-executed demonstration of the IP that you guys have built and sort of the brand and the ethos and the after party was pretty epic too. So thanks for your hospitality and appreciate it for fifth column.
for bringing us all together for this special show with a lot of great information about where Doodles is going from here. To start off, I'm going to turn over to Ben, who will introduce our illustrious guest for the day. Yeah, I'm really excited to announce these two because they have some great
backgrounds in the space and I'm excited to see what they do with the doodle ecosystem but Joe's built and scaled products and product team for startups, growth stage and public companies and now serves as the head of product management for doodles and which if you're not familiar, get familiar.
The leading Web 3 Entertainment Company, and they're inspiring people with this expansive world which challenges the imagination. So a lot of what we're seeing out of the doodles community is just some amazing art activations and
community building and we're excited to see where that goes in the future. Joe is also the founder of Cole Avenue, which is a product and strategy consultancy and open measurement and industry standard for verifying digital advertising. So he's got a great background
He's led and bootstrapped finance media companies making them profitable scaling venture back Intelligence startups. He's contributed. I think what is it? 150 million and private equity exit. I don't know, dude. The more I read into your background
the more I'm just intimidated having you on the show. So you're going to have to dump things down for the scoop brains like me, but we're excited to have you, Joe. Thanks. And now you're two kinds. I've been really at the end of the day. I've been fortunate to work with a lot of really, really bright people that are incredibly accomplished in hard working and
they're really the ones that have made all of that possible. So yeah, excited to be here, excited to be working with the team at Doodles because honestly, this is this is by far the most talented team I've been part of and really excited what we're capable of. It's a unique position to be able to feel like anything is possible because we could literally dream up the
And we have a team that's capable of delivering a dense it. So super excited for what's to come. That is such a feel good thing to be able to say and have like that absurdist quality of week if we can dream it we can make it happen. Yeah, that that that gets me excited and going. I know we have a
Another stellar member of the team too Austin he's had a business development so we have had a product management and had a business development here You're going to know like doodle has like this iconic artist behind it burnt toast It's got to be really fun working with him as well Austin is responding
for the strategy and development of the partnerships. And right now we're seeing a lot of that playing out. Actually, we heard a lot about it behind the scenes. We know there's still more going, but those partnerships span art, film, fashion, animation, music, technology. So we can see where this IP can stretch into a billion different avenues.
but Austin has entertainment background was at Amazon Music and helped license the launch of Amazon Music Unlimited. So clearly has that know how in the music world and also worked at Venice Music where he did the product organization
in the development of their distribution software MVP. So a little bit of, you know, that technical background understanding how the music world works. I think all those things really help contribute to places you can take the project and we're going to get into that a little bit more. But Austin, thank you for joining us as well.
No, thank you. Thank you for having me and you know, it's a real pleasure to also be up here with Joe. I think we're both. We both love music. We both love building products and it's been an absolute treat getting to know him and build doodles together so love and
be up here with them. All right. Thanks Austin. Yeah, have have have the time we're just geeking out over music. Yeah. I mean, saying that's that's that's a good bonding exercise. It's just like music appreciation with the team.
Yeah, we spent this weekend, Joe was at something in the water, which I'm sure we'll dive into. Just getting the recap on who are the best musicians and sending me different video recaps of everything. So I had him to thank for feeling like I was there.
Let's get into today's topic because it's a really exciting one for, especially for those of us who get a lot of excitement out of when things get more interactive and allow everybody to be a creator. And that's the topic of today's episode, which is the unveiling of the
So the studio is going to serve as the headquarters for the doodles experience and collector journey and it's an entry point to a digital ecosystem. I'm just going to have some bad added benefits for the doodle holders. So yeah, let's get into the topic. I think Josh already
has a question you want to ask. Yeah guys, I'm really excited to dive into this and I feel like the music component of a web 3 is still relatively untapped and such a great source of a creator journey and creator
energy, how to chance to get to know Cooper over the last year or two as well as the song camp guys and man you know nothing more pure than the creator economy around music tell us a little bit more about the doodle studio what it is where
some of the features, some of the benefits to do those holders. We've heard about some of the elements like this character builder, wearables, profile management, break it down for us. Who wants to start? >> Yeah, I'm happy to start off on that one. Yeah, I mean, studio, it's the central hub for
It's like a member home base. It's the headquarters for the Deals experience. So, you know, everything that we ship in the future and what we've already shipped, we're going to be connecting into the studio in some way. So, I think it's like a central portal for both physical and digital experiences, collectibles, access to exclusive
and artists partnerships and so forth. And then obviously, you know, we talked about the character builder. We are treating that as basically the onboarding, like the first step for doodles to. So you have the ability to create your own customized character, your own customized doodle, everything the likeness of burntos, or in the
the art style of Grunt Toast and we have a ton of really incredible animated wearables that our team has been able to dream up and sometimes it's incredibly just like a joyful experience. The first time that we opened that up for our internal teams just to start playing around with.
I think that like nobody worked that day. It was just everybody was obsessed with just trying out all the possible combinations and just having fun with it. Yeah, I was gonna I was gonna ask that question actually like you know what kind of personal crafting of wardrobe and actually
attributes you guys have done for yourselves and how aspects of your own personalities and what you love in life is reflected in that. Can you give us a little bit more details on the character builder components?
Yeah, so I mean the components, it's pretty straightforward right now. You've got the ability to, on one side, customize the features of your doodle itself. So, you know, hairstyles, skin tones, facial expressions, and on the other side, it's, you know, wardrobe and accessories. So, you know, what kind of shoes you have?
on. Are you wearing sunglasses? You have a passenger like a butterfly or a worm coming with you right now or are you holding on to gadgets? There's endless possibilities of what we can include in the future and what our creative team can dream up and bring it to life.
life. So I mean, mine personally right now, the main one that I have is I think kind of like me in real life, I typically, you know, wear pretty pretty basic things like I'm not a fan of in general logos and all that stuff, but like so my guys, you know, basic white talk, basic white shoes.
I went with white hair to try and keep all clean, but then I've got pretty cool pair of touch grass trousers going, which for anybody that's seen them, we've got some pretty great social content that are creative and animation games been putting out. And one of them is pretty iconic, I think, is
It's our mascot laying down in the graph and he's got pants where essentially like the earth is growing through him and we've got one of those as a part of an outfit that we have in our dual-stew wearables. But that's my personality. What do you got going right now? Well, I was good.
Definitely makes sense, you know, with your name being clean dude. I just got that a stack. It's in the name It's in the name now. I had to keep the coffee the coffee vibes going so I've got like a coffee helmet and just some cool like wearables that I was
was able to trade for like a spotted like leopard, hoodie and some fun pants and I just pulled these pair of like rainbow, rainbow loafers which are pretty fire. So yeah, pretty, pretty happy with my poll. Yeah, check it to the value right by the way. Oh, what's that?
I was in a shout out to evaluate by the way and I often just said that you know who's able to trade for it they've they've built a pretty incredible trading experience it feels like magic, you know this really Complex technical things that happen behind the scenes to enable that smoother the UX and they've done a great job with it, so I'm pretty pretty nice there
Nice. Now, Austin, is that spotted a tire one of one? Because, you know, I know two gentlemen in the space, Cheetah Cowboy and Spotty Wi-Fi that may be vying for your wardrobe and trying to rip off your clothes at some point if so.
No, no one of ones. But definitely like the coffee is pretty rare and the rainbow jet packs. I got to work my way to some of these grails. We actually just had another one of one that went into the wild. I think either earlier
today or yesterday it's a pair of like spotted uh spotted leopard pants yeah they look they look incredible yeah that's awesome did was it light field yeah it was light field who got it
Yeah, that's how it was.
Yeah, the blockchain component here, so
It's interesting because I'm starting to think of these characters. We've moved from profile picture to action figure.
By the aesthetics that can layer on top of things, can you explain a bit about how the blockchain logic works into this, how you're custodializing things, and how you imagine it's going to play into a bigger ecosystem?
Yeah, absolutely. So I mean, I think that this is one of those moments where people started to realize like, oh, doodles, launch doodles to on flow for a reason. And it's because every time that you make changes to your character, whether it's features or wardrobe or really anything else that we end up incorporating the future,
you're not paying gas to do that. It's happening pretty seamlessly in terms of wallet signing and all that stuff. It's pretty minimal. We can only improve upon that. There are lots of things that our engineering team is currently working on in terms of open source libraries that we wanted to do in things that
we want to continue to help to advance the Flow ecosystem for all of this. But yeah, I mean, it's, it's almost like your, your doodle itself has ownership of the wearables that are equipped to it. And that opens up some pretty interesting at, you know, I guess use cases in the future and things that we can do with that. But like, yeah, the simplest level it's that it's a
You know when I have something equipped with my doodle everything that is associated with that deal was part of that doodle so. If you imagine this say in like a you know a gaming environment or a player environment or. Anything that you would theoretically take your doodle with you to whether it's digital or in real life you can start associating.
characteristics from that with your actual doodle. And that could theoretically impact the value of that doodle. So imagine you had all these unclamed rewards or you got price scores on things or whatever else if you were able to then trade your doodle that has been with you on
those journeys in the future, you're also having the ability to trade all of those things with it. So it's pretty exciting what possibilities to be unlocked. Yeah, when do I get to play my doodle in a super smash brothers game? That's the question. Yeah, well, that's it's a great question. I mean, right now, right now, at the core level,
all of this stuff is possible. It comes down to start having our team build out the roads in between all of that stuff and right now obviously what you're seeing is 2D. So as we start thinking about what would this look like in 3D and how do we do that at scale and how do we ensure
that when you bridge it into all these other different environments, it could be possible that you do that at the level of quality that we expect. So those are all things that our team is thinking about right now. But I can't promise a specific timeline. We just need super smash doodle. Somebody get it. That would be awesome. That would be awesome. I would smash you down.
So I mean this sounds fun like I'm already into it I want to play around with it What I know it's like a beta version right now What can we do and thank you walk us through how we can like start doing it and what you what holders Get access to and what we would want to be holding to get all the fun features
Yeah, absolutely. So it's pretty straightforward right now. You need a beta pass to create one of the two characters. You can get a beta pass either on its own, your marketplace like Gaia, or you can get a beta pass from one of our packs. So either we've got the Genesis box that contains a couple of wearables in a
in a beta pass. Those packs will always have a beta pass in them. At least right now. I mean, like if I got out of it now, I wouldn't have to like hope that it would be there being all the fact. That's correct. Yeah. So every Genesis box contains one. I think that's probably the simplest way to get started would be to pick up Genesis box. That way
you've got some wearables that are already in there to get you started. You've got a chance at getting some rare ones. And honestly, I think that Burntos to Alfie and the rest of the team really outdid themselves with what we ended up packing in there. For anyone who was paying attention, we actually did
push the opening on the Genesis box is out I think a month and the main reason for that was because we were like you know we think we can do better and not to say that what we started with wasn't great but it was it was basically like you know we really wanted to wow people with what came out and I honestly kudos to Scott that
He's a creative machine and what he was able to put together along with the team is completely incredible. So yeah, Genesis boxes contain a couple of wearables and a beta pass. You can also get a beta pass by duplicating a doodle.
And then beyond that, if you just wanted to be a fast student, they went up on Gaia. I think the last I saw that are going to like 40 bucks. So I think we're on there. So once I have that, what do I do? Yeah, so once you have that, go to studio.doodle.app. You'll create a studio account and it'll ask you to connect your wallets.
So, if you have an ETH like an OG doodle, connect your Ethereum wallet, you have a beta pass or beta pass and some wearables with Genesis Box. You first started off with Genesis Box, but anything on Flow you connect basically your Dapper wallet and we did build in support for
multi wallet connect. So if you are, for instance, holding things across the hot and cold wallet or a couple of different wallets that you can connect to each of those, and it'll basically prompt you if you have a beta pass for you to go to prompt you to create your doodle. And at that point, it's basically an exchange that takes place where you're burning your beta pass.
in exchange for for burning your beta pass you receive a soul and you'll you'll have this this cool little this cool little sequence where you get to name your soul and once you give it a name it drops in a blank doodle and you start customizing yeah now I just needed to be doodle more
combat. So you're sold as mine. Yeah exactly. We'll play for keeps guys. What's the rarest things that what's the thing that's going to make me rich? No, no, what's the rarest
rails you got in fact so far. These fire pants. We've got some one of ones that are in here. I know that not all of them have been opened or revealed yet, so I don't know then I'm off the top of my head, but I think that there might be maybe four or five more that
haven't yet been revealed. At any point you can go, we've got a thing on our site called Doodle Decks, which you can go through and explore everything that exists in the ecosystem to date from a wearable perspective and filter through that. You can also go and check on Gaia, which is a preferred
flow marketplace right now. And they've got a pretty good looking catalog of it on there as well. Yeah, so what are the types of things, Joe, that folks can purchase on Gaia? Like, it sounds like there's some additional packs and wearables and, you know, those on the
those standard pricing at this point are all folks buying from each other now. Yeah, it's a great question. On Gaia right now, you basically have two collections that you're looking at. It's just the beta pass or it's the wearables. Within the wearables, we had a
a filter called set, and that set is going to have each of the different drops that we do. So right now it's basically OG wearables, which is coming from folks that duplicated a doodle to bring over the traits from that doodle into doodles too. And then the second is Genesis box. You'll start seeing additional ones, for instance,
Friday this week we're going to be doing an airdrop for folks that met kind of eligibility criteria for our for L pack and you'll see that show up as a new set once that those are revealed. But yeah when it comes to pack sales our current plan is to do the the drops for packs on Ethereum and when you open those packs
the contents of them will be basically transported to different places. For right now they're going to be transported mostly to flow. We do have the possibility of keeping some of those things on Ethereum, sending some of them to flow, and potentially other genes should grant make sense in the future. That's cool.
you are sort of interoperable from the jump. What was that process like of sort of figuring out the way to finesse the relationship with flow and then Ethereum and what did you sort of do along the way? Like is how it's sort of working mechanically now? What you originally
planning or did you make some adjustments along the way? That's a great question. To be honest a lot of that predates me. I joined the doodles team in January and all the flow conversations were happening long before then. But I can't say that working within that ecosystem has been pretty great. We've got
some of the smartest minds in that ecosystem working with us. The gentleman named BRP for instance is on the company called .find that's a complete genius and if you're in the cloak community I'm sure that you already know. But yeah so we obviously continue to you know iterate and
in advance what we've already begun with is we encounter things as we come up with new ideas. And I mentioned that our team on the doodle side is already working on new packages and potential things that we want to open source to help foster a really great development in community around flow. And then when you look at the team itself,
from the Deedle side. We've got both Evan and Jordan, so two of them who would be that they'd come from the flow and dapper ecosystem as well. So they've got plenty of experience and deep relationships there that really positioned us well to be successful on that front. But yeah, I mean it's building out the teleporter
and everything that enabled duplication to work. I'm pretty sure that was the first time that that was ever done. This is revolutionary when you think about interoperability between flow and other chains from my vantage point. It's something that I don't even know if we would have anticipated six months
or a year ago. So I'm pretty exciting stuff guys. Thank you. Yeah, I honestly, I can't take credit for that one. That's, you know, folks like Jay and Noah and other teams that are complete wizards when it comes to that stuff. And yeah, I'm really excited to see where this can all go. I just
know that when it comes to enabling a user experience for the places that we want to go, Flow has been a pretty smart choice for us to be doing that because it makes a lot of these things like magic and it allows us to create experiences that don't require gas that
that require minimal signing of wallets that enable things to happen in the background. And that also enables us to take advantage of certain custodial type features. So like for instance, if we wanted to enable, I'm sure you guys know what parent
control look like on Netflix or HBO or anything like that and your typical streaming services where you've got your parents and it's like, "Oh, here's my child account." We can do a lot of that stuff in ways that enable what account to have custody over another account in a lot simpler way on flow than we would be able to another change at this point.
How do you guys think of brand partnerships? Do you think of ecosystem partners and like do they have to be native and flow? Are you hoping like on board people into flow? Like help me understand as somebody's like working in these partnerships like what's important?
to you guys at the stage. Yeah, so I can speak to this one and want to give a huge kudos to Brandon Rosenblatt who leads brand partnership for Doodles. He was instrumental. Really, it was his brainchild with putting the P-pack together. So getting these various brands between Adidas, Human Race, BBC,
and ice cream to all come together and build something innovative for holders. We view doodles too as a platform, really a safe platform for brands to be able to come into the space. Anyone who's been here long enough has plenty of horror stories that they can count on of these major brands that
They come in and they end up falling on their face because they don't understand the market dynamics or they're treating holders as consumers and not viewing NFTs as a new way of interacting with the community. We've been able through the credibility that we've built up in the space to be able to have a dialogue
with these major brands of ways to bring them in authentically and learn about how to interact with Web3, we'll also bring in value to holders. And so, doodles to, you know, the first drop of the in iteration of that is the P pack that will be more to come and really it's our way of bringing people in. And we're looking at
We're looking for brands, you know, we say no more than we say yes. We're looking for brands and a really strong fits with you know both our brand ethos and identity and and how we looked at build within the space. We're not necessarily looking to just do activations with the biggest brands just because we can't it needs to
feel very authentic and something that our holders will be proud of. So we're really excited about how Doodles 2 unlocks that ability for brands to come into this space. Let's talk more about this one. That's a pretty epic collaboration. You get a D S B. B. B. C. Ice Cream human race.
doodles and for real Williams. And he tells us like how how such a creative collaboration came to be. Yeah, so many people know even if they didn't believe it before this past weekend that for all is is not just someone who you know it's a celebrity
endorser. He's actually part of the company. He sits on the board, he's deeply intertwined with everything we are doing and where we are looking to go as a business. We had to keep a lot of this under wraps every time someone on socials was like, "What is for all doing? What is for all doing?" Hopefully this channel little bit
light on what's to come and how we are collaborating. He's been a phenomenal partner, opened doors for us, really allowed us to build these relationships. And then again with Brandon, who for those who don't know, he was responsible for building the Hidden New York account that has over a million followers on Instagram.
He's been at the forefront of street wearing culture for a decade. He just knows everyone. It's pretty, pretty amazing every time we like hang out and it's just like he's just very well, well established. And so he was just really instrumental in putting this together. And you know, this is a taste of what's to come.
Pretty pretty amazing. I mean you got this incredible legend here. I mean for all being a record producer, a rapper, a singer, songwriting, fashion designer, you know, he's just as creative, he's creativity pouring out
out of every aspect of his being, right? And it sounds like the Fraul pack is pretty dope. It includes some different aspects of what he loves. Could you elaborate on that a little bit more?
Yeah, so these are brands that either Pharrell has a relationship with like a dentist where he's built multiple, he's built multiple shoe lines within them. These sombas in particular are being released for his 50th birthday, so there are a limited
of different colorways, the green being the most rare, those are the friends and family. And when people actually see these in market, like they're not normal sambas, like they're really, really high-end and luxury. So we're excited to be able to partner with them on that. And then for those that are familiar with street, like streetwear,
culture, skateboard culture, and BBC and ice cream have been around for over a decade. And you know, for all of us been at the forefront of that. So, and then with human race, and skin care line, it's something that me personally, just as another African American in this space, when he dropped that, I was, I bought it like the
day. It came out before I was even at doodles. Just wondering how on the world is 50 year old man has such perfect skin must must be something that he's doing right. So as much as I can copy it. But we're excited for that too. You know, people need to be taken care of their skin. How does how about like other like NFT
projects. Are there any ecosystem collaborations that would lead you know into like a multi-metaverse within the flow? Are you guys like looking at anybody like NBA Top Shot or people that are already like flow-native to say hey we might want to do something with them down the line? Yeah.
We're those conversations are active and ongoing and we've had conversations with projects on Ethereum that are on Flow. Definitely something that we're interested in and I will hand it over to Joe in terms of how the product has been built in terms of interoperability but we definitely see Web 3 as
know one big community in ways that we can experiment and grow in each other's ecosystem is something that will always be interested in. Listen, I need to use my crypto kitties for something. They just been collecting dust if they can walk around a doodle verse I'll be happy. That's awesome. Yeah, I mean I'll second Austin on this one.
It's, we built this in a way where all of these things are possible. And we are certainly having conversations both on the east side and the flow side. And I think it comes down to you, you know, when it makes the most sense for both brands and when it makes the most sense from a roadmap perspective, but we have a number of ways that we could do that.
You guys are teasing me. I'm the NFTs here. All right. I'm only alpha plays here. I'm still focused on this skin care line. I'm like browsing human race and looking at all these interesting products and and
Yeah, I'm actually trying to upgrade my skincare as well. So this is some cool stuff. I highly recommend it. And everything is sustainable. It comes in like reusable packaging, just like very much aligned with the ethos of for all overall.
of you guys, right? Is there a brand as well? You chose a great partner there that shares your ethos. Often maybe you can break down what these packs look like, man. What's in them? What can you do with them? Is there a physical component?
Yeah, so every pack is going to come with three digital wearables and a redeemable. That redeemable will be burned for a physical item. Every single individual that gets a pack is going to get a Samba, which is super exciting.
are like a very, very limited release. Some of those 12 of which will be the actual green, some of those the friends and family, but all of them are going to be incredibly unique. And then yeah, that in terms of the actual mechanics of like when it comes out, would hand that over to Joe of how you qualify and everything. Yeah, sure.
I mean the qualifications are pretty straightforward. Click open it up. So our goal in this was to make sure that we were rewarding kind of like the core members of our ecosystem for our first big drop. So it's, you know, things like, you know, you hold the no-g-doodle.
created a doodles to you create your studio profile you've opened a Genesis box and you duplicated at least once so. Hey, these are the people that have participated. They've been here with us. They've been supportive and we want to give something back to them as the way that we first started to bring this to market.
back with the people that have been loyal and we want to feel that we appreciate that. So beginning with that, we'll obviously have different things that we do moving forward, but for this one we wanted to be pretty selective. It is a limited drop. There are only 300 packs. So it's a good starting point for us on that.
and then in terms of overall mechanics of it, people who have met that criteria by, I think, by Thursday night midnight on Friday will do a kind of a random check against that and basically, you know, out of that pool, 300 of those people will end up receiving one of the
So the air dropped on Ethereum and I think June 6, I believe, is the date that we're going to enable you to open those packs. So that opening experience will live within the studio. It'll basically transport any of the digital wearables.
that are included in those packs to your flow wallet. So you'll be able to access those obviously in the studio because you can see them in your dapper or flow wallet. And then for the redeemables that end up existing in there, we'll have a burn mechanism in place so there'll be a page where you can go and essentially exchange
that's golden certificate for the redeemable. So you basically go through that. It'll provide you with a form to put in your fifth address. And then I will basically send that out to you. The one tentacle thing about this as well is that we've introduced an ethos at home.
a general product principle that we're trying to follow, which is no use for FNFTs. So we want to make sure that everything that we introduce has some type of future utility or current utility. And as part of that, we wanted to make sure that, you know, for instance, we don't have a ton of unredeemed certificate, just lay
around. So we've set a auto burn mechanism, which is kind of cool. So after a certain period of time, if those certificates haven't been redeemed for the physical items, they're automatically going to burn from your wallets. So incentive to redeem, incentive to try and take advantage of it.
And hopefully that only makes sense to have to answer any questions. You're even getting rid of digital landfills based. I love that. Yeah, I mean, we want to make sure that everything is usable and has a purpose. And by setting that as an internal role that we try and follow, it forces us to be
You know to be pretty pragmatic about what we're putting out. Is that take does that take you away from the collectors market a little like it's kind of to me It's like the unopened pack is like meant in the box right and there is a culture like collecting action figures or card packs that have never been open and
But like do you feel like there's too much of that right now because I kind of feel that way I feel like people will hoard up packs and we won't see everything and then I'm kind of disappointed that I don't get to see the full collection. I just want to understand that logic a little bit more. Yeah, I mean to a degree this should help to combat that because people
want to open the box so that they can actually take advantage of the physical item they get in there. But I mean, there's also a risk in keeping stuff on shelf forever. When people are redeeming for a physical item, we want to make sure that it's not 10 years from now that somebody goes and probably get the last one. There's obviously risks in that of like
boxes, but it's an interesting dynamic. Because for a long time, it was just like reveal on mint, right? There wasn't even like this opening. So, and it's not like, and with real life collectibles, like the whole thing is preserving the asset. Like it won't get exposed to the elements.
If it's digital, you don't really worry about that. Yeah, 100%. Yeah, when it's digital, you don't have to deal with any of those headaches. But once you start having physical items in there, shelf space becomes something that you have to be concerned about. And yeah, I think more so, we want to ensure that people
are actually able to trade and to get the ones they want and that we're trying to make sure that people are actually enjoying it for something that when it's a physical item. Yeah, if you thought about that, how do you incentivize the, what we call passive NFT holder versus the active community member?
is there some kind of levers you like to pull on to get people more participatory in the environment because that certainly helps, right? Yeah, it's a great question. I mean, to be honest, you know, we want to ensure that both of those personas, like those of those groups of people are able to
to have a place in our ecosystem. We don't expect everybody to engage every day. But at the same time, for the people that are, we want to show them that we're grateful and try and make sure that the experience they have is a really positive one. So even just the entire methodology that we have for how the
the forl pack is distributed is hopefully a glimpsed into that. The people that are eligible are the people that are participating, the people that are actually eager to be part of the community and are trying to be part of it both in this case specifically by on chain action.
and creating profiles, but in the future we certainly have lots of options there. I mean, when you look at the approaches that other collections have taken for this sort of thing, there's both carrots and sticks that you see. And I think in this case, we begin with just carrots. So hopefully that's helpful.
Yeah, I think it's important for people to understand that psychology of keeping the community from stagnating and even like product release, like everybody, you have to consider like the attrition of attention and all these things to make sure that like you're not just delivering something that's cold sitting there. And I think you
been pretty good, I can judge by scrolling down and seeing all the doodle PFPs that there are still quite a few doodle participants. So kudos and hopefully you have continued luck with that because I know it's not an easy task. We're so lucky on that. We have the best community in the world in my opinion.
And Austin has been like instrumental in shaping a lot of, you know, how we engage with them and how we help to make sure that they feel like, you know, they're part of this as well. I don't know, Austin, do you want to touch on anything that we're doing with, you know, the revamp of the dual bank community council? Yeah, sure. So we've got
be inaugural community council being announced later today. That has been the culmination of gosh like 18 months to get us to this point of finding ways to really lean in with the community and use these funds as an accelerator for ideas within the community, whether it be
events or grants or rewards. It's been really remarkable to see what strong applicants we've had throughout this entire process had the unfortunate chances of interviewing almost everyone over the span of the last week and the main thing I was taken away by
just being filled with gratitude that we have so many ambitious individuals who want to lean in and build this brand with us. So I'm really excited about the next step of this bank. We have roughly $5 million in treasury to start building out whatever the wildest dreams of our community are that align with our
with our vision and so a lot more to come will announce who those individuals are later today and we actually have a kickoff call at them. So for tomorrow start going through like our 30, 60, 90 day milestones but it's a new new era in the doodle banks. Can't wait for it to get started.
Big ups man for the the doodle community reignite is here Random question actually I'm gonna I'm gonna take us in a different direction real quick unless Josh you have something you want to judge
fan with. Go for fan. Which character is your favorite? Like, all right, yours excluded. Like, what doodles do you think has, like, who has the best doodle?
Austin I'm going with you first. It's tough. I mean I'm gonna cause a war right now. I have a few. I can't give you one. I have a few. One is 8270 has
a rainbow stripe sweater doodle that's just like a it's not rare um or at least it's like a mid-tier rare and just like a tan face it holds like a lot of sentiment all value for me it used to be owned by
I think one of my friends drew as he was like coming up in the community and then 827O bought it off of him and has been ballty at ever since. And I think one of the most iconic ones that we have is J.Felves with his Skelly King.
It's definitely have to put that at the top of the list, but there are so many good ones that I honestly like scroll the marketplaces every day. And no matter if you have a rare or a clean dude, you can find something that fits your aesthetic.
This is such a hard con question. Yeah, I personally am a fan of a lot of the cleans. I personally have one, but I think in Cox is pretty iconic. Also, we do actually have somebody that's going by iconic in our community right now.
actually see him on here. This is pretty great. Yeah, we've got a con quad that the flame head like that's fantastic. They're so many of these. I was looking at con quads. I really like the flame head. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah, there are so many that are so good.
I mean, even like the poopy cat, they're so many that are pretty much everything in our collection you could see as a character on something. And it's really cool to see how that's developing right now internally of, you know, we're trying to figure out, you know, how do we want to take the lore, how do we craft that
into experiences, how do we think about, say we do end up having long form content in some way, like who are the main characters in that, and how do we bring others into it, and it's really cool to think about that plus Doodles 2 because like, yeah, bigger picture Doodles 2 and Studio and all that.
bridge in and out of the due diverse. And we like to get to a place where as a collector, your due to journey happens alongside these fictional characters, but also real world characters, real world people that are brought into that world that we're building. So it's really cool to think about that. I think in the
on a spaces that we did last week was liking it to you know when you when you wash the Simpsons you know we get out of the OG doodle basically being like you know your Margin Homer and Barton Lisa and and so forth and then you've got all of these other characters that exist in there with theoretically to have those be you know dual Suethic
And when you see the smashing pumpkins or various people that were brought, I think Taylor Swift was one, you see all these real world people that are brought in and they're essentially like symptom of I, like we just started doing that with for all. So it's only just being
getting to open the doors for what we can craft in terms of our world. But yeah, overall, what we see in terms of the OG collection, like there's some really cool things that exist there, and I don't know, I'm tempted on a regular basis to go and scoop things up, and usually,
That's I'm looking like right now. I was like, "It's not bad, you know? Good entry." I'm not here to see all guys. I've always been a fan of the art style and understanding of where the IP could go. I think we probably have been in the space too long that I think about
that like well this look good on clothing is there some kind of TV option here would it fit in a game world and like doodles kind of checks the box on all of that and makes it incredibly approachable there's so much IP out there that is single fit where it's like
You know, we can work within this theme, but it's a very restrictive set. And if it doesn't succeed there, you're kind of, you're kind of done. Doodles feels like, I don't, I can see it all over the place. So, for sure. And Ben, we'll give you a break from, from
fanboying for a second because it has been a great conversation. We want to give our audience a chance to ask some questions. If someone does want to come up and has something to ask often or are Joe who have been so gracious with their time and sharing all this cool alpha with us, we'll
love to have you come up. As a precursor, this is not an opportunity to chill or soft chill your project. This is a chance to get to know Joe and Austin better and learn more about doodles. But please do raise your hand if you want to come up and have some questions for these guys. I want to ask a question.
while people raise their hands here. And it sort of piggyback on the discussion that Ben was just having with you, but like, oh, you guys have been playing around, you know, designing the look of your doodles. If there's out of everything that's not currently available, if you could design it and make it as a possible.
additional addition to your look. What would you, if you could just snap your fingers in it was on your due to what would you make it look like? Oh, I, I mean, it's a, it's a trait that we already have, but I really want a sky puffer and I saw someone was looking to trade those the other day. So I'm
looking to reach out, but that is probably my favorite wearable in the entire collection. And I really want us to make physicals of it. This is not alpha, but I'm definitely pushing for us to make a physical sky puffer because it looks so clean. Yeah, that's the one I need to have in my collection. You'd have to wear that all the time then.
100% I would. No matter it like it could be 80 degrees here in Miami. I just don't worry.
It's never 80 degrees in L anymore. It's always cold here. I feel like I'm constantly wearing my hoodie and experiencing warmer weather wherever else I go. So a little bit jealous there. The under a thaw if I put
pronounced your handle correctly. I'm getting the thumbs up. Yes. What is your question, fine sir? Yeah dude, thanks for having me. I was just going to ask, has there been anything
unexpected from the doodle to drop for you all on the team side like anything you guys noticed or something that's kind of stood out that maybe none of you thought of in particular
I mean, from my end, I'll say that we've got over 200 future requests that have come in already. And we still have to go through all of those. That's something that, uh, uh, Squinch and I are working on this week. So really huge, thank you to everybody that's been, you know, sharing your ideas.
and suggestions with Super Helpful for us. Our team has been really just busting through all of the bug reports and things like that that have been highlighted. So I'm really proud of the fact that in the space that we did to announce it last Thursday or last Friday,
We were like hey, you know what you see today is gonna be you know not gonna not gonna be the same experience that you have you know a week from now or a month from now and That was literally the case within a day so it's continuing to move a breakneck feed where we're really smoothing out the experience and it's great to see that so I would say that for the rest of this week
the focus is going to be completely on making sure that we address the immediate bug fixes and UX things that we should do to make sure that the experience is a smooth one. And next week we'll begin going into, all right, well, what are the most critical features that we want to start addressing? What are the things
that we're hearing from the community that are getting, you know, the most responses, but also our ones that are aligned with what we think makes the most sense and so forth. So far, I think that there have been a lot of really great ideas that have come in from what we've been able to come through. I don't think that most of them have been
and really outlandish or, "Oh wow, we didn't expect that one completely," but it's really cool to see that people are thinking about it in a very similar way to how we have them. And I'm sure that we'll end up with things that are completely left-field. We're like, "Wow, we actually need to do this and this is something that we hadn't even considered."
That's there's there's so much to be done right now in terms of just like Ways to expand the metaverse in utility and function like I never get bored sitting in this space and listening to other people Talk about like their inspired ideas. It's crazy
that you got 200 requests and I'm sure a lot of it's noise but I'm sure there's like some real frickin gems in there too. So absolutely and I'll even know like I went to something in the water over the weekend and we put the character builder up on a touchscreen and we had thousands of people that have never
heard of doodles and for many of them. Coming in and playing around with it and experiencing it for the first time was their first experience with the doodles brand. And it was the widest range of people that you could expect. All ages, all backgrounds, all ethnicities.
The amount of feedback that we got from that alone, just seeing people test it out hearing what they're thinking, "Oh, I wish that we had these additional skin turns," or "I wish that we had these additional types of hair because I wanted to look like me and I don't see myself." These are all things that we want to make fit that we are draft.
Yeah, I mean our grants like gonna be a part like you guys host like hackathons and do great You did say grants at some point and I was just like what's What's a vetting like how do people vet themselves first like before coming you to you with an idea? I think that's probably cool
thing to address so people know that if they're flooding you with noise versus like, all right, let's say I come up with something really cool but it might take a while to build. Is there a place for that? Yes, we're in the process of developing the guidelines in conjunction with announcing
the inaugural community council. So we're going to be looking to develop that entirety. You can think through, there's kind of a few different verticals of grants that can be won like an RFP process, which will be looking to introduce. So these are things that, you know, request for proposals.
We're looking to take on as a team. We know that we would do them if we had the resources that could prioritize at the moment and find it as an opportunity to get the community involved. Another will be developing an actual like, think of it as like a light accelerator, not to the extent of like a cohort and everything, but
Okay, what are generally like the sandbox, which the types of ideas that we want to support, the resources that we want to put around them, the type of funding that we do, and ultimately the business model around it? That's all going to be developed in terms of the time hiding over the next 30 to 60 days.
And we'll have we'll have more to share at that point Yeah, go ahead me under so you know it's funny. I'm gonna call you keen and dirtle what I read it but me under so what's up? It yeah, it took me a moment, but I got there no he had a question But you're still up on sage man if you
have something else to ask go for.
was a mention that there was possibly an opportunity for individuals to purchase it. I know a lot of our members didn't weren't able to go and then fortunately we had cool members like Pickle Ball who were able to pick some up for holders but well is there any left you know what I mean can can I still get a
A trucker hack and a can I pick up a skateboard P you know skateboard and I'm just trying to see what I could do out here, so For sure we'll have more to come on that what I can share Today is that the skate deck is a token gated e-con
exclusive. So you will have an opportunity to purchase that. In terms of the remaining inventory, we're touching base on what was sold at something in the water this week. We're going to have a pretty quick turnaround on that for people to be able to purchase. And then we've got one or two tricks up of our up our sleeves as well. So be on the lookout.
That's right. Let's go. Thank you. Thank you guys. Appreciate it. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for your questions, man. Let's do one more question before we wrap. Does anyone have a burning question that they have for these gentlemen?
Nothing? Sean? Or I'm sorry, Danny, and anyone from the audience raised their hands right now?
Nope, nobody raised their hands. I mean, I can ask one that I think no one's like mentioned and that's, I know there's like a physical sore coming. Is there anything that you guys can mention about that that looks, I'm guessing it's something similar to the experiences that you've had at
something in the water. Like, is there any awful we can get on that? Like maybe where the alpha? The alpha you can get is that it does not look like any of the experiences that we've done before. So there you go. We'll be very excited to share more in due time, but
It's definitely a place that I anticipate a lot of people will want to travel to and experience for the whole family Awesome guys, this has been fantastic We really appreciate you all coming on the show and being part of
the edge of NFT and other edge family. We learned a lot today and just excited about everything in store for for you all with Farrell and other partnerships to come. Would love to let people know if you enjoyed this conversation.
Check us out at Edge of NFT on Twitter and subscribe to our show on your favorite platform whether it's Google Podcasts, Spotify, Apple, we're on all of them and Actually we've done 251 shows before this. We have another show coming up actually
We're recording in an hour on our normal format with Jane Silva. Incredible. Human. We're excited to chat with. So I don't know if this will be two episodes, episode 252 or episode 253, but either way, it's one for the for the record. So thanks guys.
and excited to stay in touch and who knows, maybe there could be some kind of fun experience that you guys could do at Outer Edge in the future. - Love it. Thank you so much for the opportunity to chat with you guys. - Yeah, thank you, really appreciate it.
all right we got it.
of the thought leaders and builders in this space were there. You can go and watch the recordings of all of those talks for free at watch.outoredge.live. If I'm more than 60, I have really great conversations up there.
Awesome reminder with that we will close out the space Danny sent us away with some trust nobody my boy young I Can't close see got the million by the shebron
I can trust nobody, I can trust nobody I can trust nobody, I can trust nobody I can trust nobody, I can trust nobody I can trust nobody, I can trust nobody I can trust nobody, I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust#
I'm about to step back and sit down I don't want to make it You don't want to fight me That's all I'm sick of That's all I'm sick of Yeah, four weeks Long week to the day, yeah, I hate cuck She got so many bodies, she bad
I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room, I've been stuck in the room,#
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪#
I can trust nobody I can trust nobody I can trust nobody
I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy,#
♪ I think I'm gonna have to do that ♪ ♪ I think I'm gonna have to do that ♪ ♪ I think I'm gonna have to do that ♪ ♪ I think I'm gonna have to do that ♪ ♪ I think I'm gonna have to do that ♪ ♪ I think I'm gonna have to do that ♪ ♪ I think I'm gonna have to do that ♪ ♪ I think I'm gonna have to do that ♪ ♪ I think I'm gonna have to#
(audience applauding)

FAQ on Outer Edge Space - @Doodles 2 Stoodio Beta - Exclusive Interview | Twitter Space Recording

Who are the guests in the podcast?
The guests in the podcast are Austin and Jill, who are part of the Doodles team.
What is Doodles?
Doodles is a leading web3 entertainment company that inspires people with an expansive world which challenges the imagination.
What is the role of Joe in the Doodles team?
Joe is the head of product management for Doodles.
What is the role of Austin in the Doodles team?
Austin is responsible for the strategy and development of partnerships for Doodles.
What was the previous project of Joe?
Joe is also the founder of Cole Avenue, a product and strategy consultancy which created an open measurement industry standard for verifying digital advertising.
Who is the iconic artist behind Doodles?
The iconic artist behind Doodles is Burnt Toast.
What is the topic of today's episode?
The topic of today's episode is the unveiling of the Doodle Studio.
What are the benefits of Doodle holders in the Doodle Studio?
The Doodle Studio will serve as the headquarters for the Doodles experience and the collector journey, and it will serve as an entry point to the digital ecosystem. It will also have added benefits for Doodle holders, such as a character builder, wearables, and profile management.
What is the untapped source of creator energy according to Josh?
According to Josh, the music component of web3 is still relatively untapped and such a great source of creator journey and creator energy.
What is Song Camp?
Song Camp is a platform for the creator economy around music.